一些 我 希望 能夠 早點 知道 的 事情
some|I|hope|can|earlier|know|possessive particle|things
Some things I wish I could have known earlier.
Hello 歡迎 回到 思維 咖啡
Hello|welcome|back to|thinking|coffee
Hello, welcome back to Thinking Coffee.
今天 想要 和 大家 分享 幾個
today|want|with|everyone|share|a few
Today I want to share a few things with everyone.
來自 我 個人 的 生活 領悟
from|I|personal|possessive particle|life|realization
Insights from my personal life.
雖然 算不上 是 什麼 人生 大道理
although|cannot be considered|is|any|life|great truth
Although it cannot be considered a great life principle,
但 卻 為 我 的 生活 帶來 了 很大 的 幫助
but|however|for|my|possessive particle|life|brought|past tense marker|very big|possessive particle|help
it has brought a lot of help to my life.
也 希望 可以 為 大家
I also hope it can provide everyone
帶來 一點 小小的 啟發
bring|a little|tiny|inspiration
with a little bit of inspiration.
那 我 就 直接 開始
Then I will just start directly.
第一點 就是
the first point|is
The first point is.
不要 過度 在意 別人 的 眼光
do not|excessively|care about|others|possessive particle|judgment
Do not overly care about others' opinions.
相信 大家 在 生活中
I believe everyone in life.
都 曾經 有過 因為
There have been times because of
害怕 身邊 的 人 的 批評
afraid|around|possessive particle|people|possessive particle|criticism
the fear of criticism from people around me
而 不敢 做出 行動 的 情況
but|dare not|take|action|possessive particle|situation
that I didn't dare to take action
心裡面 有 一件 事情
in my heart|has|one|thing
There is something in my heart
明明 就 很 想 去 做 的
Mingming|just|very|wants|to go|do|past action particle
Clearly, I really want to do it.
但是 卻 一直 很 在意 別人
but|yet|always|very|cares about|others
But I keep being very concerned about what others think.
會 怎麼 看 自己
Or I worry that family and friends will laugh.
或是 擔心 家人 朋友 會 嘲笑
or|worry|family|friends|will|laugh at
然後 越想 就 越 害怕 ...
then|the more I think|just|the more|afraid
Then the more I think, the more afraid I become ...
於是 很多 計畫 就 這樣
so|many|plans|then|like this
So many plans just ended up like this
不了了之 ...
left unresolved
without any conclusion ...
生活 上面 還有 很多 例子
life|above|there are still|many|examples
There are many examples in life as well.
for example
For example,
一位 原本 想要 修讀 設計 的 學生
a|originally|wanted to|study|design|(possessive particle)|student
a student who originally wanted to study design
卻 因為 家人 跟 他 說
but was told by their family
讀 醫科 未來 會 比較 有 前途
that studying medicine would have a better future.
於是 就 選擇 了 一個
so|then|chose|past tense marker|one
So I chose a subject
根本 不 喜歡 的 學科
at all|not|like|possessive particle|subject
that I didn't like at all
或者 是 一位 上班族
or|is|a|office worker
or perhaps a white-collar worker
原本 打算 在 休假 的 時候 創業
originally|planned|during|vacation|possessive particle|time|start a business
who originally planned to start a business during vacation
打造 自己 的 個人 事業
build|oneself|possessive particle|personal|career
Build your own personal career.
可是 有天 同事 知道 了 他 的 計畫
but|one day|colleague|found out|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|plan
But one day a colleague found out about his plan.
就 向 他 潑冷水
then|towards|him|pour cold water
And poured cold water on him.
認為 他 做 的 事情 不切實際
think|he|doing|possessive particle|thing|unrealistic
Believing that what he was doing was unrealistic.
浪費 時間
Waste of time
根本 就 不 可能 成功
It's simply impossible to succeed
這位 上班族 把 這些 話 都 擺在 了 心上
this|office worker|(verb particle)|these|words|all|placed on|past tense marker|heart
This office worker took all these words to heart
原本 的 計畫 也 就 這樣 放棄 了
originally|possessive particle|plan|also|then|like this|abandoned|past tense marker
The original plan was abandoned like this
這種 害怕 被 批評 的 想法
this kind of|fear|passive marker|criticism|possessive particle|thought
This kind of fear of being criticized
通常 會 讓 人 犹豫不决 不敢 前进
usually|will|make|people|hesitant|dare not|move forward
usually makes people hesitant and afraid to move forward
就像是 在 內心 當中
just like|in|heart|within
It's like having
建立 了 一些 無形 的 鐵籠
establish|past tense marker|some|invisible|possessive particle|iron cages
built some invisible iron cage in the heart
困住 了 自己
trapped|past tense marker|oneself
Trapped myself
也 限制 了 自己 的 可能性
also|limited|past tense marker|oneself|possessive particle|potential
Also limited my own possibilities
我 自己 也 有過 類似 的 經驗
I|myself|also|have had|similar|possessive particle|experience
I have had similar experiences myself
記得 我 剛 畢業 出來 的 時候
remember|I|just|graduated|came out|past tense marker|time
I remember when I just graduated
有過 一段時間 我 都 很 害怕
had|a period of time|I|all|very|scared
There was a period of time when I was very afraid.
跟 別人 用 英文 交談
To communicate with others in English.
無論是 在 工作 還是 在 社交圈子
whether it is|at|work|or|at|social circle
Whether at work or in social circles.
每當 我 遇到 需要 用
Whenever I encountered a need to use.
英文 交談 的 場景 的 時候
English|conversation|possessive particle|scene|possessive particle|time
When it comes to scenes of conversation in English,
我 都 會 盡 可能 的 保持 沈默 的
I always try to keep silent as much as possible.
因為 我 很 害怕 別人 會
Because I am very afraid that others will
嘲笑 我 的 發音 不準
laugh at|me|possessive particle|pronunciation|inaccurate
laugh at my inaccurate pronunciation.
或是 用詞不當
or|improper wording
Or it could be improper wording.
而 我 越是 去 抵抗 這種 恐懼
but|I|the more|go|resist|this kind of|fear
The more I resist this kind of fear,
我 就 越是 不敢 和 別人 大方 地 講話
I|then|the more|don't dare|with|others|generously|adverbial particle|to speak
the less I dare to speak openly with others.
也 因為 如此
also|because|like this
It is also because of this.
我 的 自信心 也 就 更進一步 的 受到 打擊
I|possessive particle|self-confidence|also|then|further|adverbial particle|received|blow
My self-confidence was further impacted.
漸漸 的 陷入 一種 惡性循環 當中
gradually|possessive particle|fall into|a kind of|vicious cycle|in
Gradually, I fell into a vicious cycle.
後來 我 換 了 一份 工作
later|I|changed|past tense marker|a|job
Later, I changed jobs.
因為 這份 工作 的 需求
because|this|job|possessive particle|requirement
Because of the demands of this job.
我 必須 常常 和 不同 國籍 的 人 開會
I|must|often|with|different|nationalities|possessive particle|people|have meetings
I have to hold meetings with people of different nationalities often.
由於 真的 沒有 地方 讓 我 逃避 了
due to|really|no|place|let|me|escape|past tense marker
Because there really is no place for me to escape.
所以 我 只能 豁出去 了
so|I|can only|take the risk|past tense marker
So I can only go all out.
硬著 頭皮 的 開始 用 英語 交談
gritting|scalp|possessive particle|start|using|English|conversation
I started to talk in English with a stiff upper lip.
也 顧不得 自己 的 用語 是否 正確
also|not caring about|oneself|possessive particle|language|whether|correct
I don't even care whether my language is correct.
就 盡 可能 的 在 會議 上面
just|as much as possible|possible|particle|at|meeting|on
I just try my best to express what I want to say in the meeting.
表達 出 我 想 說 的 內容 就 好了
express|out|I|want|to say|possessive particle|content|then|good
As long as I can convey my message, that's good enough.
雖然 有時 還是 會 出現
Although sometimes it still happens.
一些 尷尬 的 場面
some|awkward|possessive particle|situations
Some awkward situations
但是 大部分 的 會議
but|most|possessive particle|meeting
But most meetings
其實 都 是 可以 的 順利完成 的
Actually can be completed smoothly
而且 很 神奇 的 是
moreover|very|magical|possessive particle|is
And what's amazing is
我 發現 當我 越是 能夠 放開 自己
I|discovered|when I|the more|able to|let go of|myself
I found that the more I can let go of myself
我 就 越 能夠 自信 的
I|then|the more|able to|confident|(adjective particle)
the more I can express myself confidently
表達 出 我 想 說 的話 了
express|out|I|want|say|words|past tense marker
and say what I want to say.
後來 隨著 這種 會議 開 得 越來越 多
later|with|this type of|meeting|held|(complement particle)|more and more|many
Later, as these meetings became more frequent.
用 英文 交談 這件 事情
Talking in English about this matter
也 漸漸 的 變得 沒 那麼 困難 了
also|gradually|(possessive particle)|became|not|that|difficult|past tense marker
has gradually become less difficult
我 想 說 的 是
I|want|to say|possessive particle|is
What I want to say is
很多 時候 困住 我們 的
many|times|trap|us|possessive particle
that many times what traps us
並不是 能力 上面 的 不足
not|ability|above|possessive particle|lack
It is not a lack of ability.
而是 因為 自己 太 過於
But rather because one is too concerned.
在乎 別人 的 眼光 了
care about|others|possessive particle|judgment|past tense marker
About the opinions of others.
而且 要 明白 一個 事實
And one must understand a fact.
就是 這個 世界 上 每 一個 人
it is|this|world|on|every|one|person
It is that every person in this world
都 有 不同 的 生活 背景 和 價值觀
all|have|different|possessive particle|life|background|and|values
has different life backgrounds and values.
也 因此
每個 人 都 會 有 不同 的 喜好
every|person|all|will|have|different|possessive particle|preferences
everyone will have different preferences.
對於 各種 事情
Regarding various matters
也 都 會 有 不同 的 解讀 和 看法 的
also|all|will|have|different|possessive particle|interpretations|and|viewpoints|possessive particle
there will also be different interpretations and opinions
所以 你 是 不 可能 讓 所有人 都 喜歡 你 的
so|you|are|not|possible|make|everyone|all|like|you|(particle indicating past action)
so it is impossible for you to make everyone like you
也 不 可能 每 一個 人
nor is it possible for every person
都 會 認同 你 所 做 的 事情 的
all|will|agree|you|what|do|possessive particle|things|particle indicating past action
Everyone will agree with what you are doing.
甚至 有些 人 還會 惡意 的 去 批評 你
even|some|people|will still|maliciously|(adverbial particle)|go|criticize|you
Some people may even maliciously criticize you.
或者 是 嘲笑 你
or|is|to mock|you
Or mock you.
這些 都 是 無可避免 的
these|all|are|inevitable|particle indicating possession or modification
These are all unavoidable.
而 可以 做 的
and|can|do|particle indicating possession or modification
What can be done
就是 學會 不要 把 這些 雜音 往 心裡 面 放
it means|learn|don't|to put|these|noises|towards|heart|inside|put
is to learn not to take these noises to heart
有些 意見 當然 是 值得 去 聽 的
some|opinions|of course|are|worth|to|listen|particle
Some opinions are certainly worth listening to
但 要 懂得 去 過濾 掉
but|need to|understand|to|filter|out
but one must know how to filter them out
那些 只是 純碎 想要 取笑
those|just|purely|want|to mock
Those are just pure fragments wanting to mock.
或是 批評 你 的 聲音
or|criticize|your|possessive particle|voice
Or to criticize your voice.
網上 有 一句 話 是 這麼 說 的
online|there is|one|saying|is|like this|said|particle indicating past action
There is a saying online that goes like this.
如果 你 只是 一味 的 在意
if|you|just|blindly|(possessive particle)|care about
If you only care about it blindly.
身邊 的 人 怎麼 想 的話
around me|possessive particle|people|how|think|if
What the people around you think
那 你 將 永遠 成為 他們 的 囚犯
then|you|will|forever|become|them|possessive particle|prisoner
Then you will forever become their prisoner
自從 明白 到 這件 事情 過後
Since I understood this matter
我 就 釋懷 了 很多 了
I|then|let go of|past tense marker|a lot|past tense marker
I have let go of a lot
不會 再花 那麼 多 的 時間 精力
will not|spend again|that much|more|possessive particle|time|energy
Will not spend so much time and energy
在意 別人 的 眼光 了
care about|others|possessive particle|judgment|past tense marker
caring about what others think anymore.
而且 也 會 變得 更 勇敢 的
and|also|will|become|more|brave|(possessive particle)
Moreover, I will also become braver.
去 做 自己 想要 做 的 事情
go|do|oneself|want|do|possessive particle|things
To do the things I want to do.
當然 偶爾 還是 會 有 犯錯 的 時候
of course|occasionally|still|will|have|make mistakes|possessive particle|time
Of course, there are still times when mistakes happen.
可能 當下 被 別人 嘲笑
may|at that moment|by|others|laughed at
At that moment, you might be laughed at by others.
會 感到 很 不好意思 很 丟臉
You may feel very embarrassed and ashamed.
但 過 了 一陣子
but|passed|past tense marker|a while
But after a while,
就 會 覺得 那 真的 沒什麼 大不了 的
You will feel that it really isn't a big deal.
而且 在 幾年 過後 回想
moreover|at|several years|later|reflection
Moreover, when you look back a few years later,
你 甚至 會 感謝
you might even be grateful
當初 的 自己 有 做出 行動 的
that your past self took action.
今天 的 影片 是 由 喜馬拉雅 國際版
Today|possessive particle|video|is|by|Himalaya|international version
Today's video is sponsored by the international version of Himalaya.
Himalaya 贊助 播出
Himalaya is a platform for audio learning.
Himalaya 是 一款 音頻 學習 平台
It has many Chinese and English books.
上面 有 許多 中英文 書籍 的
on top|there are|many|Chinese and English|books|possessive particle
完整版 有聲書
complete version|audiobook
Complete version of the audiobook
涵蓋 了 各種 領域 的 書籍
covers|past tense marker|various|fields|possessive particle|books
Covers books from various fields
像是 商業 財經
Such as business and finance
認知 思維
Cognitive thinking
歷史 文化
History and culture
以及 職場 發展 等等
as well as career development, etc.
而且 比起 實體書 還 便宜 很多
moreover|compared to|physical books|still|cheaper|a lot
And it's much cheaper than physical books.
換算 下來 的話
If you calculate it.
每天 也 只 需要 1 美分
every day|also|only|needs|cent
Every day, you only need 1 cent.
就 可以 獲得 他們 的 內容 了
then|can|obtain|their|possessive particle|content|past action particle
You can access their content.
除此之外 他們 也 製作 了 許多
besides this|they|also|produced|past tense marker|many
In addition, they have also produced many.
國外 名人 的 音頻 節目
foreign|celebrity|possessive particle|audio|program
Audio programs featuring foreign celebrities.
其中 包括 了 Elon Musk 的 個人 訪問
among|includes|past tense marker|||possessive particle|personal|interview
This includes a personal interview with Elon Musk.
還有 我 個人 非常 喜歡 的 知名 暢銷書 作家
also|I|personally|very|like|possessive particle|well-known|bestseller|author
Also, there is a well-known bestselling author that I personally really like.
Seth Godin 的 創業 分享
Seth|Godin|possessive particle|entrepreneurship|sharing
Seth Godin's entrepreneurial sharing.
我 最近 就是 在 收聽 他 的 節目
I|recently|just|in|listening to|him|possessive particle|program
Recently, I have been listening to his program.
The Nine Growth Principles
The Nine Growth Principles
他 介紹 了 9 個 關於 創業 增長 的 原則
he|introduced|past tense marker|measure word|about|entrepreneurship|growth|possessive particle|principles
He introduced 9 principles about entrepreneurial growth
幫助 我 提升 了 很多 關於 商業 方面 的 思維
help|I|improved|past tense marker|a lot|about|business|aspect|possessive particle|thinking
It helped me enhance my thinking in many aspects of business
Jeremy Burrows 的 節目
Jeremy Burrows' show
Reclaim Your Time and Energy
Reclaim Your Time and Energy
我 從 這個 節目 中 也 學到 了 很多
I|from|this|program|in|also|learned|past tense marker|a lot
I have learned a lot from this program
有效 管理 時間 和 精力 的 方法
effective|management|time|and|energy|possessive particle|method
Effective methods for managing time and energy
都 非常 的 實用
all|very|possessive particle|practical
are very practical
而且 這些 音頻 節目 都 是
Moreover, these audio programs are
附有 中 英文稿 的
attached|Chinese|English manuscript|possessive particle
accompanied by Chinese and English transcripts.
非常適合 想要 學習 英文 的 朋友 使用
very suitable|want|learning|English|possessive particle|friend|use
They are very suitable for friends who want to learn English.
有 興趣 的 朋友 可以 點開 下面 的 連結
have|interest|possessive particle|friend|can|click|below|possessive particle|link
Friends who are interested can click on the link below.
輸入 思維 咖啡 的 專屬 優惠 碼
enter|thinking|coffee|possessive particle|exclusive|discount|code
Enter the exclusive discount code for Thinking Coffee
就 可以 免費 體驗 30 天
and you can experience all the content for free for 30 days
平台 上面 的 所有 內容 了
platform|above|possessive particle|all|content|past tense marker
on the platform.
如果 不 喜歡 的話
If you don't like it,
也 可以 隨時 取消 方案
also|can|at any time|cancel|plan
You can also cancel the plan at any time.
不會 收取 任何 費用
will not|charge|any|fees
No fees will be charged.
建議 大家 可以 上去 尋寶 看看
suggest|everyone|can|go up|treasure hunting|take a look
It is recommended that everyone can go treasure hunting.
接著 第二點
next|second point
Next, the second point.
不要 害怕 提出 要求
do not|be afraid|raise|request
Don't be afraid to make demands.
談判 大師 Chester Karrass
Negotiation master Chester Karrass.
在 他 的 書 中 寫過 一句 話
in|he|possessive particle|book|inside|has written|one sentence|saying
He wrote a line in his book.
In life ,you don't get what you deserve
In|life|you|do not|get|what|you|deserve
In life, you don't get what you deserve.
you get what you negotiate .
you get what you negotiate.
生活 中 很多 事情
Many things in life
你 是 需要 通过 谈判 才 能夠 获得 的
you need to obtain through negotiation.
這個 想法 我 從
I got this idea from
I will teach you to be rich 那 本 書 的 作者
I|will|teach|you|to|be|rich|that|measure word for books|book|possessive particle|author
The author of the book 'I Will Teach You to Be Rich'
Ramit Sethi 身上 得到 了 更好 的 理解
||on him|gained|past tense marker|better|possessive particle|understanding
gained a better understanding from Ramit Sethi
他 說 許多 人 在 生活上
He said that many people in life
都 是 被動 的 在 接受 一些
are passively accepting some things.
已經 被 設置 好 的 規則
already|passive marker|set|well|possessive particle|rules
The rules have already been set.
認為 世界 就是 這樣 的 了
think|world|is just|like this|past action particle|completed action particle
They believe the world is just like this.
卻 從來 沒有 想過
but|always|never|thought about
But they have never thought about it.
其實 他們 是 可以 主動 的 去 做出 改變
actually|they|are|can|actively|(particle indicating adverbial action)|to|make|change
In fact, they can actively make changes.
或是 爭取 自己 想要 的 結果 的
Or strive for the results you want.
譬如說 當 你 得到 一份 新 的 工作
for example|when|you|receive|a|new|possessive particle|job
For example, when you get a new job,
但是 公司 給的 薪水 卻 低於 市場 的 價錢
but|company|offered|salary|yet|lower than|market|possessive particle|price
but the salary offered by the company is lower than the market price,
你 會 怎麼 做 呢 ?
you|will|how|do|question particle
what would you do?
這個 時候 有些 人 可能 會
At this time, some people may
選擇 默默 的 接受 ...
choose|silently|possessive particle|acceptance
choose to silently accept ...
認為 只要 在 接下來 的 一年
believe|as long as|in|next|possessive particle|year
believing that as long as they work hard in the coming year
努力 的 工作
hard work|possessive particle|job
they will succeed.
老闆 自然 就 會 看到 自己 的 付出
boss|naturally|then|will|see|himself|possessive particle|effort
The boss will naturally see their own contributions.
那 明年 就 能夠 得到 應有 的 薪水 了 吧
then|next year|then|will be able to|receive|rightful|possessive particle|salary|past action particle|suggestion particle
Then next year, they should be able to receive the salary they deserve.
但 有些 人 卻 會 有 不同 的 想法
but|some|people|however|will|have|different|(possessive particle)|ideas
But some people will have different thoughts.
他們 會 主動 的 去 談判
They|will|proactively|(adverbial particle)|go|negotiate
They will take the initiative to negotiate.
和 對方 分析 現在 市場 上面
and|the other party|analyze|current|market|on
Analyze the current market with the other party.
合理 的 薪水 範圍 是 多少
reasonable|possessive particle|salary|range|is|how much
What is a reasonable salary range?
還有 解釋 自己 可以 為 公司
Also explain what value you can bring to the company.
帶來 怎樣 的 價值
bring|what kind of|possessive particle|value
What kind of value can you bring?
他們 主動 的 去 爭取
they|actively|possessive particle|go|strive for
They take the initiative to strive.
而 不是 被動 的 等待 一年 後
but|not|passive|(possessive particle)|waiting|one year|later
Instead of passively waiting for a year.
期待 老闆 會 自然 的 調整 薪水
expect|boss|will|naturally|(possessive particle)|adjustment|salary
Hoping that the boss will naturally adjust the salary.
當然 呀 主動 談判 未必 可以 讓 你
of course|particle indicating affirmation|proactive|negotiation|not necessarily|can|let|you
Of course, taking the initiative to negotiate may not necessarily allow you to.
得到 滿意 的 結果
obtain|satisfactory|possessive particle|result
Achieve satisfactory results
但 如果 只是 默默 的 接受 別人 的 條件
but|if|only|silently|possessive particle|accept|others|possessive particle|conditions
But if you just silently accept others' conditions
然後 期望 未來 情況
and then expect the situation to improve naturally in the future
會 自然 得到 改善 的話
那 你 期待 的 結果
then|you|expect|possessive particle|result
So, the result you are expecting
很大 機會 是 不會 發生 的 ...
very big|opportunity|is|will not|happen|particle indicating past action
is very likely not going to happen...
而且 這裡 說 的 谈判
and|here|said|possessive particle|negotiation
Moreover, the negotiations mentioned here
並不是 我們 印象 中 那種 激烈 的 爭論
not|we|impression|in|that kind of|intense|possessive particle|argument
are not the kind of intense debates we have in mind.
有時候 你 可能 就 只是 簡單 的 開口 問問
sometimes|you|might|just|only|simple|(possessive particle)|open your mouth|ask
Sometimes, you might just simply ask a question.
你 就 會 得到 意想不到 的 結果 了
you|then|will|get|unexpected|possessive particle|result|past action marker
You will get unexpected results.
對此 Ramit 在 訪問 中 就 有 提到
regarding this|Ramit|at|interview|during|then|has|mentioned
In this regard, Ramit mentioned in an interview.
他 一次 有趣 的 經驗
he|one time|interesting|possessive particle|experience
He had an interesting experience once.
故事 是 這樣 的
story|is|like this|particle indicating past action
The story goes like this.
有 一次 他 和 他 的 老婆 到 泰國 旅遊
there is|one time|he|and|he|possessive particle|wife|to|Thailand|travel
Once, he and his wife traveled to Thailand.
他們 在 當地 的 一間 餐廳
They|at|local|possessive particle|a|restaurant
They had a very delicious Thai dish at a local restaurant.
吃 了 一道 非常 美味 的 泰國菜 式
eat|past tense marker|one|very|delicious|possessive particle|Thai dish|style
They enjoyed a very tasty Thai-style meal.
他們 從來 沒有 吃過 這麼 特別 的 味道
They|ever|have not|eaten|such|special|(possessive particle)|flavor
They have never tasted such a special flavor.
於是 就 抱 著 好奇 的 心態
so|then|hold|continuous aspect marker|curious|possessive particle|mindset
So they approached with a curious mindset.
去 問 了 餐廳 的 服務員
go|ask|past tense marker|restaurant|possessive particle|waiter
They asked the restaurant's waiter.
是否 可以 給 他们 這 道菜 的 食譜
whether|can|give|them|this|dish|possessive particle|recipe
If they could get the recipe for this dish.
接着 服务员 让 他们 稍等一下
then|the waiter|asked|them|to wait a moment
Then the waiter asked them to wait a moment.
然後 就 走進 廚房 了
then|just|walked into|kitchen|past tense marker
Then he walked into the kitchen.
他們 原以為 餐廳 的 人
they|originally thought|restaurant|possessive particle|people
They originally thought that the people in the restaurant.
百分之百 是 不會 答應 他們 的 要求 的
Would definitely not agree to their request.
因為 大部分 餐廳 的 獨家 食譜
because|most|restaurants|possessive particle|exclusive|recipes
Because most restaurants' exclusive recipes
都 是 不 公開 的
all|are|not|public|particle indicating possession or modification
are not made public.
但 他們 沒有 想到 的 是
but|they|did not|think|particle|is
But what they didn't think of is
隔 了 5 分钟 之後
after 5 minutes.
那 間 餐廳 的 廚師
that|measure word for buildings|restaurant|possessive particle|chef
The chef of that restaurant
居然 親自 走 了 出來 跟 他們 打招呼
unexpectedly|in person|walk|past tense marker|out|with|them|greet
actually came out in person to greet them.
而且 這位 廚師 不但 願意 分享 食譜 給 他們 甚至 還 邀請 他們 進 到 廚房 裡面 然後 親身 示範 如何 做 這 道菜 給 他們 看 整件 事情 讓 他們 感到 受寵若驚 也 讓 他們 的 旅程 多 了 一 個 很 美好 的 回憶
moreover|this|chef|not only|willing|to share|recipe|to|them|even|also|invited|them|to enter|into|kitchen|inside|then|personally|demonstrated|how|to make|this|dish|to|them|see|the whole|thing|made|them|feel|overwhelmed|also|made|them|possessive particle|journey|added|past tense marker|one|measure word|very|beautiful|possessive particle|memory
Moreover, this chef was not only willing to share the recipe with them, but also invited them into the kitchen and personally demonstrated how to make the dish for them. The whole experience left them feeling flattered and added a beautiful memory to their journey.
Ramit 說 這件 事情 讓 他 明白 到 有些 時候 你 就 只是 簡單 的 問問 而已 和 對方 說出 你 的 要求 就 會 有 驚喜 的 事情 發生 了 除此之外 他 也 提出 了 一些 簡單 的 談判 練習
Ramit|said|this|matter|made|him|understand|that|some|times|you|just|only|simple|(possessive particle)|asking|only|and|the other party|expressing|your|(possessive particle)|request|then|will|have|surprising|(adjective particle)|things|happen|past tense marker|aside from this|he|also|proposed|past tense marker|some|simple|(adjective particle)|negotiation|exercises
Ramit said that this incident made him realize that sometimes, you just need to simply ask and express your requests, and surprising things can happen. In addition, he also suggested some simple negotiation exercises.
他 說 如果 你 的 信用卡 有 年費 的話
He|said|if|you|possessive particle|credit card|has|annual fee|conditional particle
He said that if your credit card has an annual fee,
你 可以 嘗試 打電話 到 銀行 去 問問看 他們 可不可以 把 你 信用卡 的 年費 給 扣掉
you|can|try|call|to|bank|to|ask|they|whether or not|(indicates disposal)|your|credit card|(possessive particle)|annual fee|(indicates giving)|deduct
you can try calling the bank to ask if they can waive the annual fee for your credit card.
在 電話 中 你 可以 自信 的 說
During the call, you can confidently say,
自己 每個 月 都 會 定時 還清 信用卡
I|every|month|all|will|on time|pay off|credit card
that you pay off your credit card on time every month.
一直 都 是 保持良好 的 紀錄
always|all|is|maintaining good|possessive particle|record
Has always maintained a good record.
所以 請問 你們
so|may I ask|you (plural)
So may I ask you all,
是否 可以 帮 我 给 扣掉 年費 呢 ?
whether|can|help|me|to|deduct|annual fee|question particle
if you can help me waive the annual fee?
根據 Ramit 還有 他 的 一些 學生 的 經驗
according to|Ramit|and|he|possessive particle|some|students|possessive particle|experience
According to Ramit and some of his students' experiences.
他 說 80% 的 機會 銀行 那邊 都 是 會 幫 你 給 扣掉 的
He|said|possessive particle|chance|bank|over there|all|is|will|help|you|give|deduct|past action particle
He said there is an 80% chance that the bank will help you deduct it.
當然 這個 練習 不是 讓 你 去 說謊
of course|this|exercise|is not|to allow|you|to|lie
Of course, this practice is not meant for you to lie.
而是 大方 的 說出 事實
but|generously|(possessive particle)|to speak out|the truth
Rather, it is to generously state the facts.
讓 對方 明白 自己 的 情況
let|the other party|understand|oneself|possessive particle|situation
Let the other party understand your situation.
就算 最後 的 結果 不是 你 想要 的
even if|final|possessive particle|result|is not|you|want|possessive particle
Even if the final result is not what you wanted.
你 也 不會 失去 什麼 的
you|also|will not|lose|anything|particle
You won't lose anything.
這也 讓 我 想到 之前 Tim Ferriss
this also|makes|me|think of|before||
This also reminds me of something Tim Ferriss mentioned before.
提 過 類似 的 練習
raise|past|similar|possessive particle|exercise
He talked about a similar exercise.
就是 到 星巴克 或 任何 咖啡店
just|to|Starbucks|or|any|coffee shop
Just go to Starbucks or any coffee shop.
買 咖啡 的 時候
buy|coffee|possessive particle|time
When buying coffee,
問問 對方 可不可以 給 你 20% 的 折扣
ask|the other party|if (they) can|give|you|possessive particle|discount
ask the other person if they can give you a 20% discount.
這種 練習 可以 訓練 自己
this kind of|practice|can|train|oneself
This kind of practice can train yourself.
向 別人 提出 要求 的 能力
to|others|raise|request|possessive particle|ability
The ability to make requests to others
主動 去 爭取 你 想要 的 結果
take initiative|to|strive for|you|want|possessive particle|result
Taking the initiative to strive for the results you want
我 最近 也 看了 一個 很 有意思 的 TED 演講
I|recently|also|watched|a|very|interesting|(possessive particle)|TED|talk
I recently watched a very interesting TED talk
影片 的 標題 叫做
film|possessive particle|title|is called
The title of the video is
我 被 拒絕 100 天 之後 學到 了 什麼
I|passive marker|rejected|days|after|learned|past tense marker|what
What I learned after being rejected for 100 days
演講人 叫做 jia jiang
speaker|is called||
The speaker is named Jia Jiang
他 為了 克服 自己 害怕 被 拒絕 的 恐懼
he|in order to|overcome|himself|fear|passive marker|rejection|possessive particle|fear
He conducted this experiment to overcome his fear of rejection
於是 就 進行 了 一個 非常 有趣 的 實驗
so|then|conducted|past tense marker|a|very|interesting|possessive particle|experiment
So he carried out a very interesting experiment
就是 他 要 在 100 天裡面
that is|he|wants|in|days
He wants to be rejected by others deliberately every day for 100 days.
每天 都 刻意 的 讓 自己 被 別人 拒絕
every day|all|deliberately|(possessive particle)|let|oneself|(passive marker)|others|rejected
During these 100 days,
在 這 100 天裡面
he conducted many super interesting experiments.
他 做了 很多 超級 有趣 的 實驗
he|did|many|super|interesting|possessive particle|experiments
像是 跟 一個 陌生人 借 100 塊 美金
like|with|a|stranger|borrow|unit|US dollars
Like borrowing 100 US dollars from a stranger.
到 陌生人 的 家裡 種 一朵 花
to|stranger|possessive particle|home|plant|a flower|flower
Going to a stranger's house to plant a flower.
或是 在 漢堡 店裡面
or|at|hamburger|inside the store
Or asking the waiter in a hamburger shop.
詢問 服務員 可不可以 幫 他 的 漢堡 續杯 等等
ask|waiter|can|help|him|possessive particle|hamburger|refill|etc
If they can refill his hamburger, etc.
都 非常 的 好笑 :)
all|very|(possessive particle)|funny
It's all very funny :)
而 很 有意思 的 就是
and|very|interesting|possessive particle|is exactly
And what's very interesting is
他 也 通過 這個 實驗
He also achieved a childhood dream through this experiment
完成 了 自己 一個 小時候 的 夢想
completed|past tense marker|oneself|a|childhood|possessive particle|dream
He completed a dream he had as a child.
雖然 他 是 一位 企業家
Although he is an entrepreneur
但 他 從小 就 有 一個 夢想
but|he|from a young age|already|has|a|dream
he has had a dream since he was young
就是 想要 在 講台 上面 為 一群 學生 講課
just|want|at|podium|on|for|a group of|students|teach
which is to teach a group of students on a podium
所以 他 突然 有 了 一個 靈感
so|he|suddenly|had|past tense marker|a|inspiration
so he suddenly had an inspiration
就是 他 決定 直接 到 某間 大學 裡面
that is|he|decided|directly|to|a certain|university|inside
He decided to go directly to a certain university.
然後 詢問 他們 的 教授
then|ask|them|possessive particle|professor
Then he asked their professors.
可不可以 讓 他 在 大學 裡面 教 一堂課
can|let|he|at|university|inside|teach|a class
If he could teach a class at the university.
當然 事情 一 開始 並 沒有 那麼 順利
of course|things|one|started|and|not|that|smoothly
Of course, things did not go smoothly at the beginning.
那 間 大學 的 教授 拒絕 了 他 幾次
that|measure word for buildings|university|possessive particle|professor|rejected|past tense marker|he|several times
The professor of that university rejected him several times.
但 他 並 沒有 放棄 的 打算
but|he|also|not|give up|possessive particle|intention
But he had no intention of giving up.
他 繼續 的 嘗試
he|continued|possessive particle|attempt
He continued to try.
還 認真 的 準備 了
still|seriously|(possessive particle)|prepared|past tense marker
He also prepared seriously.
很多 課程 的 內容 和 Power Point
many|courses|possessive particle|content|and||
Many course contents and PowerPoint presentations
結果 就 在 第三次 詢問 的 時候
the result|just|at|third|inquiry|possessive particle|time
The result was during the third inquiry
那位 教授 就 真的 被 他 給 說服 了
that|professor|then|really|(passive marker)|he|(indicates the action is done to someone)|persuaded|past tense marker
That professor was really convinced by him
願意 讓 他 在 那個 學期
Willing to let him in that semester
為 學生 們 上 了 一堂課
for|students|plural marker|taught|past tense marker|a class
Taught a class for the students.
而 就是 這樣
and|just|like this
And that's how it is.
他 真的 就 實現 了 教課 的 夢想 !
he|really|then|realized|past tense marker|teaching|possessive particle|dream
He really achieved his dream of teaching!
而 實現 這個 夢想 的 方法
and|realizing|this|dream|possessive particle|method
And the way to achieve this dream.
就是 簡單 的 和 教授 提出 要求 而已
just|simple|possessive particle|and|professor|raised|request|that's all
It's just a simple request to the professor.
原本 他 還以為
originally|he|still thought
Originally, he thought that
他 需要 先 花 幾年 的 時間
He|needs|first|spend|several years|possessive particle|time
he needed to spend a few years first
拿到 一個 博士學位
obtain|a|doctoral degree
to obtain a doctoral degree.
或者 是 要 在 某個 機構 考 到 一些 證書
or|is|need|at|a certain|institution|take|obtain|some|certificates
Or it is necessary to obtain some certificates from a certain institution
才 能夠 在 大學 裡面 教課
only|can|in|university|inside|teach classes
in order to teach in a university
但 事實 證明
But the facts prove
這些 都 是 不 需要 的
that these are not needed
他 要 做 的 就 只是 開口 詢問 而已
he|wants|to do|grammatical particle|just|only|to speak|to ask|that's all
All he wants to do is just ask a question.
所以 有些 時候
So sometimes,
也許 不是 我們 不夠 努力
maybe|is not|we|not enough|effort
maybe it's not that we don't try hard enough,
而是 因為 沒有 提出 的 要求
but|because|did not|submit|possessive particle|request
but because there are no requests made.
當然 不是 說 每次 都 會 那麼 順利 的
of course|not|to say|every time|all|will|that|smoothly|particle
Of course, it doesn't mean that it will always go so smoothly.
甚至 很多 時候
In fact, many times,
你 可能 還是 會 遭到 拒絕 的
you|might|still|will|encounter|rejection|particle indicating past action
you might still face rejection.
但 就 像 Jia Jiang 在 演講 裡面 說 的
but|just|like|||at|speech|inside|said|particle indicating past action
But just like Jia Jiang said in his speech,
試著 不要 逃跑
try|don't|run away
Try not to run away.
主動 的 去 擁抱 它們
take the initiative|possessive particle|to|embrace|them
Take the initiative to embrace them.
也許 有天 就 會 變成 你 的 禮物 的
Maybe one day they will become your gifts.
而且 他 也 把 這 一百天 的 實驗
and|he|also|(a particle indicating the disposal of an object)|this|one hundred days|(possessive particle)|experiment
And he also conducted this experiment for a hundred days.
拍成 了 影片
filmed|past tense marker|movie
It has been made into a film.
上 傳到 了 YouTube
upload|uploaded to|past tense marker|YouTube
It has been uploaded to YouTube.
我會 把 影片 的 連結 放到 下方
I will|(particle indicating disposal)|video|possessive particle|link|put in|below
I will put the link to the video below.
有 興趣 的 朋友 也 可以 去 看看
have|interest|possessive particle|friend|also|can|go|take a look
Friends who are interested can also take a look.
接著 來到 了 第三點
then|arrived at|past tense marker|third point
Next, we come to the third point.
尊重 任何人 的 職業
respect|anyone|possessive particle|profession
Respect the profession of anyone.
一位 很 有名 的 企業家
a|very|famous|possessive particle|entrepreneur
A very famous entrepreneur.
Ron Shaich
Ron Shaich.
就 分享 過當 他 在 聘請 高管
When sharing about hiring senior executives
或者 是 合作 夥伴 的 時候
or|is|cooperation|partner|possessive particle|time
or when it comes to partners
通常 都 會 和 這個 人 一起 去
it is usually done together with this person
吃 一頓 午餐 或 晚餐
eat|a meal|lunch|or|dinner
over a lunch or dinner.
而 在 飯局 上面
and|at|dinner party|on top of
And at the dinner table
他 會 仔細 的 去 留意
he|will|carefully|(possessive particle)|go|pay attention
he will carefully pay attention
這個 人 是 如何 對待 餐廳 的 服務員 的
this|person|is|how|treat|restaurant|possessive particle|waiter|possessive particle
to how this person treats the restaurant staff.
因為 他 認為
Because he believes
通過 觀察 一個 人
By observing a person
對待 服務 人員 的 態度
attitude towards|service|staff|possessive particle|attitude
the attitude towards service personnel
就 可以 大概 的 知道
then|can|roughly|possessive particle|know
one can roughly know
這個 人 值不值得 合作 了
this|person|worth|cooperate|past tense marker
whether this person is worth cooperating with.
如果 這個 人 對 服務 人員 的 態度
if|this|person|towards|service|staff|possessive particle|attitude
If this person has an attitude towards the service staff
非常 的 粗魯
very|possessive particle|rude
that is very rude
或 總是 用 命令 的 口氣
or|always|using|commanding|possessive particle|tone
or always uses a commanding tone
來 使喚 服務 人員 的 話 ...
come|order around|service|staff|possessive particle|if
to order the service staff around...
那 這個 人 往往 就 不 適合 長期 合作 了
then|this|person|often|just|not|suitable|long-term|cooperation|past tense marker
Then this person is often not suitable for long-term cooperation.
因為 這種 人 通常 都 會 有 一種
because|this kind of|person|usually|all|will|have|a kind of
Because such people usually have a certain
自我 的 優越感
self|possessive particle|superiority complex
sense of self-superiority.
認為 自己 是 高人一等 的
They believe they are superior to others.
而 這種 個性 在 長期 合作 中
and|this kind of|personality|in|long-term|cooperation|during
And this kind of personality is very disadvantageous in long-term cooperation.
是 非常 不利 的
is|very|unfavorable|possessive particle
It is very unfavorable.
他們 會 傾向 於 只 關心 自己 的 利益
They|will|tend|to|only|care about|themselves|possessive particle|interests
They tend to only care about their own interests.
要 知道 從事 服務業 的 人
want|to know|engaged in|service industry|possessive particle|people
It is important to know about people engaged in the service industry.
一般 都 是 非常 辛苦 的
usually|all|is|very|hard|past action particle
Generally, it is very hard.
工作 時間 長
The working hours are long.
還要 應付 許多 突發狀況
still need to|deal with|many|unexpected situations
They also have to deal with many unexpected situations.
而且 他們 都 有 不同 的 故事 背景
and|they|all|have|different|possessive particle|story|background
Moreover, they all have different stories and backgrounds.
有些 人 可能 是 家裡 唯一 的 經濟 來源
some|people|may|are|at home|only|possessive particle|economic|source
Some people may be the only economic source in their family.
有些 人 可能 同時 在
some|people|may|at the same time|be at
Some people may be working at the same time.
打 兩份 工 來 付 大學 的 學費 等等
take|two jobs|work|in order to|pay|university|possessive particle|tuition|etc
Working two jobs to pay for college tuition, etc.
多站 在 別人 的 角度 去 想 的話
more stand|at|others|possessive particle|perspective|to|think|if
If you think from others' perspectives more often.
也許 就 可以 體諒 到 別人 的 難處 了
maybe|then|can|understand|to|others|possessive particle|difficulties|past tense marker
Maybe then we can understand the difficulties of others.
他 認為 這種 設身處地 的 尊重 別人
He|believes|this kind of|putting oneself in others' shoes|possessive particle|respect|others
He believes that this kind of empathy and respect for others
是 每個 人 都 應該 有 的 一種 品德
is|every|person|all|should|have|possessive particle|a kind of|virtue
is a virtue that everyone should possess.
歸根究底 就是 同理 心 了
in the final analysis|is|empathy|heart|past action marker
Ultimately, it comes down to empathy.
要 明白 擁有 高 收入 和 身分 地位
It is important to understand that having a high income and social status
不 代表 就 可以 惡意 的 對待 他人
not|mean|then|can|malicious|(possessive particle)|treat|others
does not mean one can treat others maliciously.
而且 自我 膨脹 或 過度 自負
Moreover, self-inflation or excessive arrogance
一般 的 結局 都 不會 太 好 的 ...
generally|possessive particle|ending|all|will not|too|good|particle indicating past action
usually does not lead to a good outcome...
就像 李小龍 的 那 句話
just like|Bruce Lee|possessive particle|that|quote
Just like Bruce Lee's saying
知識 可以 給你 帶來 成功 的 能力
knowledge|can|give you|bring|success|possessive particle|ability
Knowledge can give you the ability to succeed
但 你 的 人格 才 是 讓 你 得到 別人 尊重 的 關鍵
but|you|possessive particle|personality|only|is|allowing|you|to gain|others|respect|possessive particle|key
But your character is the key to earning others' respect
Knowledge gives you power ,
Knowledge gives you power,
but character, respect.
but character, respect.
這裡 也 想 推薦 大家
I would also like to recommend everyone here.
兩首 我 非常 喜歡 的 歌曲
two|I|very|like|possessive particle|songs
Two songs that I really like.
就是 5 月 天 的 《 乾杯 》 和 《 頑固 》
it is|month|day|possessive particle|Cheers|and|Stubborn
They are 'Cheers' and 'Stubborn' from May Day.
歌詞 寫 得 很 好
lyrics|write|particle indicating degree|very|good
The lyrics are written very well.
而 最 重要 的 是 MV 也 拍 得 非常 棒 !
but|most|important|possessive particle|is|music video|also|shoot|adverbial particle|very|great
And the most important thing is that the MV is also shot very well!
如果 最近 你 感到 有點 迷茫
if|recently|you|feel|a little|confused
If you have been feeling a bit lost lately,
或是 覺得 有點 累 的話
or|feel|a little|tired|if
or if you feel a bit tired,
可以 花 10 分鐘 的 時間
can|spend|minutes|possessive particle|time
You can take 10 minutes.
安靜 的 看看 這 兩首 歌 的 MV
quiet|possessive particle|take a look at|this|two|songs|possessive particle|music videos
Quietly watch the music videos of these two songs.
也許 可以 幫助 到 你 的
maybe|can|help|to|you|possessive particle
Maybe it can help you.
那 以上 就是 今天 想要 分享 的 東西 了
that|above|is|today|want to|share|possessive particle|things|past action marker
That's all I wanted to share today.
也 希望 今天 的 影片
also|hope|today|possessive particle|video
I also hope that today's video
能夠 為 你 的 生活 帶來 一些 的 幫助
able to|for|you|possessive particle|life|bring|some|possessive particle|help
can bring some help to your life
無論是 一個 方法 也好
whether it's|one|method|it's fine
whether it's a method or
一個 例子 也好
one|example|it's fine
an example.
甚至 只是 一句 話 也好
even|just|one sentence|word|is fine
Even just a word is fine.
覺得 有 共鳴 的話
If you feel a resonance with it,
就 嘗試 把 它 套用 到 生活 當中 吧
then|try|particle indicating disposal|it|apply|to|life|in|suggestion particle
then try to apply it to your life.
那 我們 下個 影片 見
See you in the next video.
Bye Bye
Bye Bye
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