Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
01. 查理 出場 - Charlie appears
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
02. 威利·旺卡 先生 的 工廠 - Mr. Willie Wonka's factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
03. 旺卡 先生 和 印度 王子 - Mr. Wonka and the Prince of India
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
04. 神秘 的 工人 - Mysterious worker
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
05. 金 參觀券 - Gold ticket
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
06. 前 兩個 發現者 - The first two discoverers
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
07.查理 的 生日 -Charlie'sbirthday
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
08.又 發現 了 兩張 金 參觀券 -Twomoregoldenticketswerefound
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
09. 喬爺爺的一次賭博 - Grandpa Joe's gamble
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
10. 一家人開始挨餓 - The family is starving
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
11. 奇蹟 - Miracle
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
12. 金參觀券上寫著什麼 - What is written on the golden ticket
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
13. 重大的一天到了 - The big day has arrived
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
14. 威利·旺卡先生 - Mr. Willie Wonka
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
15. 巧克力房 - Chocolate Room
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
16. 奧姆帕—洛姆帕人 - Ompa-Lompa
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
17. 奧古斯塔斯·格盧普進了管子 - Augustus Gloop got into the tube
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
18. 順巧克力河而下 - Down the Chocolate River
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
19. 發明房——永久棒棒糖和髮絲太妃糖 - Invention Room-Permanent Lollipop and Hair Toffee
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
20. 巨大的口香糖機器 - Huge gum machine