The Little Prince 22 & 23 & 34
The Little Prince 22 & 23 & 34
The Little Prince 22 & 23 & 34
小王子 22 ,23 ,&24
The Little Prince
The Little Prince 22, 23, & 24
“你好 。
“小王子 說道 。
The Little Prince|said
"The Little Prince said."
“你好 。
" Hello. "},{
“扳道 工 說道 。
switch track|worker|said
said the switchman.
您 在 這裡 做 什麼 ?
“小王子 問 。
the little prince|asked
“我 一包 包地 分選 旅客 ,按 每千人 一包 。
I|one pack|by pack|sort|passengers|according to|every thousand people|one pack
"I sort the passengers into packages, one package for every thousand people."
“扳道 工說 ,「我 打發 這些 運載 旅客 的 列車 ,一會兒 發 往 右方 ,一會兒 發 往 左方 。
switch|worker said|I|dispatch|these|carrying|passengers|possessive particle|trains|in a moment|depart|towards|right|in a moment|depart|towards|left
"The switchman said, 'I send off these trains carrying passengers, sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left.'
“這時 ,一列 燈火 明亮 的 快車 ,雷鳴般 地 響著 ,把 扳道房 震得 顫顫悠悠 。
at this moment|a train|lights|bright|possessive particle|express train|like thunder|adverbial particle|was sounding|particle indicating the following action|switch room|shaken|unsteadily
"At that moment, a brightly lit express train thundered by, shaking the switch room with a rumble.
“ 他們 真 匆忙 呀 ,” 小王子 說 ,“ 他們 要 尋找 什麼 ?
"They are really in a hurry," said the little prince, "What are they looking for?"
“開 機車 的 人 自己 也 不 知道 。
start|motorcycle|possessive particle|person|himself|also|not|know
"The person driving the motorcycle doesn't even know himself."},{
“扳道 工 說道 。
switch track|worker|said
said the switchman.
於是 ,第二列 燈火通明 的 快車 又 朝著 相反 的 方向 轟隆轟隆 地 開 過去 。
then|second train|brightly lit|possessive particle|express train|again|towards|opposite|possessive particle|direction|rumbling|adverbial particle|drive|past
And so the second brightly lit express train rumbled away in the opposite direction.
“他們 怎麼 又 回來 了 呢 ?
they|how|again|come back|past tense marker|question particle
"Why did they come back?
“小王子 問道 。
The Little Prince|asked
"The Little Prince asked."},{
“他們 不是 原來 那些 人 了 。
They|are not|originally|those|people|past tense marker
"They're not the same people they used to be.
“扳道 工說 ,「這是 一次 對開 列車 。
switch|worker said|this is|one time|opposing|train
’ said the switchman, ‘this is a two-way train.
“他們 不 滿意 他們 原來 所住 的 地方 嗎 ?
They|not|satisfied|they|originally|where they live|possessive particle|place|question particle
"Aren't they happy with where they used to live?
人們 是 從來 也 不會 滿意 自己 所在 的 地方 的 。
People are never satisfied with the place they are in.
“扳道 工說 。
switch track|worker said
The switchman said.
此時 ,第三 趟 燈火 明亮 的 快車 又 隆隆 而 過 。
at this time|third|trip|lights|bright|possessive particle|express train|again|rumbling|and|passed
At this moment, the third brightly lit express train rumbled by.
“他們 是 在 追隨 第一批 旅客 嗎 ?
They|are|in|following|the first batch of|travelers|question particle
Are they following the first batch of passengers?
“小王子 問道 。
The Little Prince|asked
"The Little Prince asked."},{
「他們 什麼 也 不 追隨 」。
"They follow nothing".
“扳道 工說 ,「他們 在 裡面 睡覺 ,或是 在 打哈欠 。
switch|the worker said|they|at|inside|sleeping|or|at|yawning
"The switchman said, "They are sleeping in there, or yawning.
只有 孩子 們 把 鼻子 貼 在 玻璃窗 上 往 外 看 。
only|children|plural marker|particle indicating action|nose|stick|at|window|on|towards|outside|look
“只有 孩子 知道 他們 自己 在 尋找 什麼 。
"Only children know what they are looking for."
“小王子 說 ,”他們 為 一個 布娃娃 花費 不少 時間 ,這 個 布娃娃 就 成 了 很 重要 的 東西 ,如果 有人 奪走 的 他們 的 布娃娃 ,他們 就 哭泣 ...... ”“他們 真 幸運 。
The Little Prince|said|they|for|a|doll|spent|quite a lot of|time|this|measure word|doll|then|became|past tense marker|very|important|possessive particle|thing|if|someone|took away|possessive particle|their|possessive particle|doll|they|then|cried|they|really|lucky
"The Little Prince said, 'They spend a lot of time on a doll, and this doll becomes something very important. If someone takes their doll away, they cry..." 'They are really lucky.'
“扳道 工說 。
switch track|worker said
"The switchman said."
“你好 。
小王子 說 。
The Little Prince|said
The Little Prince said.
“你好 。
「商人 」說道 。
The "merchant" said.
這是 一位 販賣 能夠 止渴 的 精製 藥丸 的 商人 。
this is|a|selling|able to|quench thirst|(possessive particle)|refined|pill|(possessive particle)|merchant
This is a merchant who sells refined pills that can quench thirst.
每周 吞服 一丸 就 不會 感覺 口渴 。
every week|swallow|one pill|then|will not|feel|thirsty
Taking one pill a week will prevent you from feeling thirsty.
“你 為什麼 賣 這 玩藝兒 ?
"Why are you selling this thing?"
小王子 說 。
The Little Prince|said
The little prince said.
“這 就 大大 地 節約 了 時間 。
this|then|greatly|adverbial particle|saved|past tense marker|time
"This saves a lot of time."
“商人 說 ,「專家 們 計算 過 ,這樣 ,每周 可以 節約 五十三分鐘 。
the merchant|said|experts|plural marker|calculated|past action marker|like this|every week|can|save|fifty-three minutes
"The merchant said, 'Experts have calculated that this way, we can save fifty-three minutes each week.'
“那麼 ,用 這 五十三分鐘 做 什麼 用 ?
then|use|this|fifty-three minutes|do|what|use
"So, what to do with these fifty-three minutes?"
“”隨便 怎麼 用 都行 ......”小王子 自言自語 地 說 :“我 如果 有 五十三 分鐘 可支配 ,我 就 悠哉遊哉 地 向 水泉 走去 ......”這 是 我 在 沙漠 上 出 了 事故 的 第八 天 。
casually|how|use|it's all good|the little prince|to himself|adverbial particle|said|I|if|have|fifty-three|minutes|disposable|I|then|leisurely|adverbial particle|towards|water spring|walk|this|is|I|in|desert|on|had|past tense marker|accident|possessive particle|eighth|day
"You can use it however you like..." the little prince said to himself: "If I had fifty-three minutes to spare, I would leisurely walk to the spring..." This was the eighth day since I had the accident in the desert.
我 聽 著 有關 這個 商人 的 故事 ,喝完 了 我 所 備用 的 最 後 一滴水 。
I|hear|continuous aspect marker|about|this|merchant|possessive particle|story|finish drinking|past tense marker|I|(a particle indicating the action of the verb)|spare|possessive particle|most|last|drop of water
I listened to the story about this merchant while drinking the last drop of water I had saved.
“啊 !
“我 對 小王子 說 ,「你 回憶 的 這些 故事 真 美 」。
I|to|the Little Prince|said|you|remembering|possessive particle|these|stories|really|beautiful
"I said to the Little Prince, 'The stories you remember are truly beautiful.'
可是 ,我 還 沒有 修好 我 的 飛機 。
but|I|still|have not|repaired|my|possessive particle|airplane
But I still haven't repaired my airplane.
我 沒有 喝 的 了 ,假如 我 能 悠哉遊哉 地 走 到 水泉 邊 去 ,我 一定 也 會 很 高興 的 !
I|do not|drink|past action particle|completed action particle|if|I|can|leisurely|adverbial particle|walk|to|spring|side|go|I|definitely|also|will|very|happy|past action particle
I can't drink anymore; if I could leisurely walk to the spring, I would definitely be very happy!"
“小王子 對 我 說 :”我 的 朋友 狐狸 ......”“我 的 小傢伙 ,現在 還 說 什麼 狐狸 !
the little prince|to|me|said|my|possessive particle|friend|fox|my|possessive particle|little guy|now|still|says|what|fox
"The Little Prince said to me: 'My friend the fox..." "My little guy, what are you still saying about the fox!"
“為什麼 ?
“因為 這 就要 渴死 人 了 。
because|this|will soon|die of thirst|people|past tense marker
"Because this is going to make people die of thirst."
“他 不 理解 我 的 思路 ,他 回答 我 道 :”即使 快要 死 了 ,有過 一 個 朋友 也 好 么 !
he|not|understands|I|possessive particle|train of thought|he|replied|I|said|even if|about to|die|past tense marker|had|one|measure word|friend|also|good|question particle
"He didn't understand my reasoning, and he replied to me: 'Even if you're about to die, having had a friend is still good!"
我 就 為 我 有 過 一個 狐狸 朋友 而 感到 很 高興 ......”「他 不顧 危險 」。
I|then|for|I|had|past tense marker|one|fox|friend|and|felt|very|happy|he|disregarding|danger
I am very happy that I once had a fox friend... "He disregards danger."
“我 自己 思量 著 ,”他 從來 不 知道 飢渴 。
I|myself|pondered|continuous aspect marker|he|ever|not|knows|hunger and thirst
"I pondered myself," he never knew hunger or thirst.
只要 有點 陽光 ,他 就 滿足 了 ......”他 看著 我 ,答覆 著 我 的 思想 :“我 也 渴 了 ......我們 去 找 一口 井 吧 ......”我 顯出 厭煩 的 樣子 :在 茫茫 的 大 沙漠 上 盲目 地 去 找 水井 ,真 荒唐 。
as long as|a little|sunlight|he|then|satisfied|past tense marker|he|looked at|me|answered|continuous aspect marker|my|possessive particle|thoughts|I|also|thirsty|past tense marker|we|go|find|a|well|suggestion particle|I|showed|annoyance|possessive particle|expression|in|vast|possessive particle|great|desert|on|blindly|adverbial particle|go|find|water well|really|ridiculous
As long as there is a bit of sunshine, he is satisfied..." He looked at me, responding to my thoughts: "I am thirsty too... Let's go find a well..." I showed a look of annoyance: blindly searching for a well in the vast desert is really absurd.
然而 我們 還是 開始 去 尋找 了 。
however|we|still|started|to|search|past tense marker
However, we still began to search.
當 我們 默默地 走 了 好幾個 小時 以後 ,天 黑 了 下來 ,星星 開始 發出 光亮 。
when|we|silently|walked|past tense marker|several|hours|after|sky|dark|past tense marker|down|stars|began|to emit|light
After we walked silently for several hours, it got dark, and the stars began to shine.
由於 渴 我 有點 發燒 ,我 看著 這些 星星 ,像是 在 做夢 一樣 。
due to|thirst|I|a little|fever|I|looking at|these|stars|as if|in|dreaming|like
Due to thirst, I felt a bit feverish, and I looked at these stars as if I were dreaming.
小王子 的 話 在 我 的 腦海中 跳來跳去 。
The Little Prince|possessive particle|words|in|I|possessive particle|mind|jump around
The words of the little prince were jumping around in my mind.
“你 也 渴 嗎 ?
you|also|thirsty|question particle
"Are you thirsty too?"
“我 問 他 。
"I asked him."},{
他 卻 不 回答 我 的 問題 ,只是 對 我 說 :“水 對 心 也 是 有 益處 的 ...... ”我 不 懂 他 的 話 是 什麼 意思 ,可 我 也 不 做聲 ...... 我 知道 不 應該 去 問 他 。
he|but|not|answer|I|possessive particle|question|only|to|I|said|water|to|mind|also|is|have|benefit|possessive particle|I|not|understand|he|possessive particle|words|is|what|meaning|but|I|also|not|speak|I|know|not|should|go|ask|him
He didn't answer my question, but just said to me: "Water is also good for the heart..." I didn't understand what he meant, but I didn't make a sound... I I know I shouldn't ask him.
他 累 了 , 他 坐下 來 。
我 在 他 身旁 坐下 。
I|at|he|beside|sit down
沉默 了 一會 ,他 又 說道 :“星星 是 很 美的 ,因為 有 一朵 人們 看不到 的 花 ......”我 回答 道 :“當然 。
silence|past tense marker|for a moment|he|again|said|stars|are|very|beautiful|because|there is|a|people|cannot see|possessive particle|flower|I|replied|said|of course
After a moment of silence, he said again: "The stars are very beautiful because there is a flower that people cannot see..." I replied: "Of course."
“而 我 默默地 看著 月光 下 沙漠 的 褶皺 。
and|I|silently|watched|moonlight|under|desert|possessive particle|wrinkles
"And I silently watched the folds of the desert under the moonlight."
“沙漠 是 美的 。
"The desert is beautiful."
「他 」又 說道 。
"He" said again.
確實 如此 。
indeed|like this
Indeed, it is so.
我 一直 很 喜歡 沙漠 。
I have always liked the desert.
坐在 一個 沙丘 上 ,什麼 也 看不見 、聽不見 。
sitting on|a|sand dune|on|anything|also|cannot see|cannot hear
Sitting on a sand dune, I can see and hear nothing.
但是 ,卻 有 一 種 說不出 的 東西 在 默默地 放著 光芒 ......“使 沙漠 更加 美麗 的 ,就是 在 某個 角落 裡 ,藏著 一口 井 ......”我 很 驚訝 ,突然 明白 了 為什麼 沙漠 放著 光芒 。
but|yet|there is|a|kind|indescribable|possessive particle|thing|at|silently|emitting|light|makes|desert|even more|beautiful|possessive particle|is precisely|in|a certain|corner|inside|hiding|a|well|I|very|surprised|suddenly|understood|past tense marker|why|desert|emitting|light
However, there is an indescribable something quietly shining... "What makes the desert more beautiful is that somewhere in it, there is a well hidden..." I was amazed and suddenly understood why the desert shines.
當 我 還是 一個 小孩子 的 時候 , 我 住 在 一座 古老 的 房子 裡 , 而且 傳說 , 這個 房子 裡 埋藏 著 一個 寶貝 。
When I was a child, I lived in an old house, and it was said that a treasure was buried in this house.
當然 ,從來 沒有 任何人 能 發現 這個 寶貝 ,可能 ,甚至 也 沒有 人 去 尋找 過 。
of course|ever|no|anyone|can|discover|this|treasure|possibly|even|also|no|person|to|search|past particle
Of course, no one has ever discovered this treasure; perhaps, no one even went looking for it.
但是 ,這個 寶貝 使 整個 房子 著 了 魔 似的 。
but|this|baby|made|entire|house|on fire|past tense marker|magic|like
However, this treasure made the entire house seem magical.
我家 的 房子 在 它 的 心靈深處 隱藏 著 一個 秘密 ......我 對 小王子 說道 :“是的 ,無論是 房子 ,星星 ,或是 沙漠 ,使 它們 美麗 的 東西 是 看不見 的 !
my home|possessive particle|house|at|it|possessive particle|depths of its mind|hidden|continuous aspect particle|a|secret|I|to|the Little Prince|said|yes|whether it is|house|stars|or|desert|make|them|beautiful|possessive particle|things|is|invisible|possessive particle
The house in my family hides a secret deep in its soul... I said to the little prince: "Yes, whether it is a house, a star, or a desert, what makes them beautiful is invisible!"
“”我 真 高興 ,你 和 我 的 狐狸 的 看法 一樣 。
I|really|happy|you|and|I|possessive particle|fox|possessive particle|opinion|the same
"I am really happy that your view of the fox is the same as mine."
小王子 說 。
The Little Prince|said
The Little Prince said.
小王子 睡覺 了 ,我 就 把 他 抱 在 懷裡 ,又 重新 上路 了 。
the little prince|sleep|past tense marker|I|then|(indicates the following verb is applied to the object)|him|hug|in|arms|again|again|set off|past tense marker
The Little Prince fell asleep, so I held him in my arms and set off again.
我 很 激動 。
I was very excited.
就 好象 抱著 一個 脆弱 的 寶貝 。
just|like|holding|a|fragile|possessive particle|baby
It's like holding a fragile treasure.
就 好象 在 地球 上 沒有 比 這 更 脆弱 的 了 。
just|as if|on|Earth|locative particle|there is not|than|this|more|fragile|particle indicating adjective|past action particle
It's as if there is nothing more fragile on Earth.
我 借著 月光 看著 這 慘白 的 面額 ,這 雙 緊閉 的 眼睛 ,這 隨風飄動 的 绺绺 頭髮 ,這時 我 對 自己 說道 :“我 所 看到 的 僅僅 是 外表 。
I|by|moonlight|looking at|this|pale|possessive particle|face|this|pair|tightly closed|possessive particle|eyes|this|blowing in the wind|possessive particle|flowing|hair|at that moment|I|to|myself|said|I|what|saw|possessive particle|only|is|appearance
I looked at this pale face in the moonlight, at these tightly closed eyes, at this hair fluttering in the wind, and at that moment I said to myself: 'What I see is merely the surface.
最 重要 的 是 看 不 見 的 ......” 由於 看到 他 稍稍 張開 的 嘴唇 露出 一絲 微笑 , 我 又 自言自語 地說 :“ 在 這個 熟睡 了 的 小王子 身上 , 使 我 非常 感動 的 , 是 他 對 他 那 朵花 的 忠誠 , 是 在 他 心中 閃爍 的 那朵 玫瑰花 的 形象 。
The most important things are invisible...' Because I saw his slightly parted lips revealing a faint smile, I again spoke to myself: 'What moves me deeply about this sleeping little prince is his loyalty to his flower, the image of that rose that sparkles in his heart.'
這 朵 玫瑰花 ,即使 在 小王子 睡著 了 的 時候 ,也 象 一盞燈 的 火焰 一樣 在 他 身上 閃耀 著 光輝 ...... ”這 時 ,我 就 感覺到 他 更加 脆弱 。
this|measure word for flowers|rose|even if|at|the Little Prince|asleep|past tense marker|possessive particle|time|also|like|a lamp|possessive particle|flame|like|on|he|on him|shining|continuous aspect marker|brilliance|this|time|I|then|felt|he|even more|fragile
This rose, even when the little prince is asleep, shines with brilliance like the flame of a lamp on him...... At that moment, I felt he was even more fragile.
應該 保護 燈焰 :一陣風 就 可能 把 它 吹滅 ......於是 ,就 這樣 走 著 ,我 在 黎明 時 發現 了 水井 。
should|protect|flame|a gust of wind|then|might|(particle indicating action)|it|extinguish|so|then|like this|walking|(continuing action particle)|I|at|dawn|time|discovered|past tense marker|well
The flame should be protected: a gust of wind could extinguish it...... So, as I walked, I discovered a well at dawn.
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