44. Huahua & Wolf – Drinking Tea
44. Huahua & Wolf – Drinking Tea
44. Huahua & Wolf – Drinking Tea
Wolf , 我 想 問 你 , 你 有 沒 有 喝茶 的 習慣 ?
Wolf, I want to ask you, do you have the habit of drinking tea?
你 喜歡 喝 什麼 茶 ?
What kind of tea do you like to drink?
我 當然 有 喝茶 的 習慣 ,你 現在 可以 看到 我 的 桌子 上 就 擺 著 一瓶 綠茶 。
I|of course|have|drinking tea|possessive particle|habit|you|now|can|see|my|possessive particle|table|on|just|placed|continuous aspect particle|a bottle|green tea
Of course I have the habit of drinking tea, you can see that there is a bottle of green tea on my table right now.
我 覺得 ,喝完 茶 ,可以 給 人 一種 安靜 的 感覺 。
I|feel|after drinking|tea|can|give|people|a kind of|quietness|possessive particle|feeling
I think that after drinking tea, it can give people a sense of tranquility.
不 知道 你 有 沒 有 這樣 的 感受 ?
not|know|you|have|not|have|such|possessive particle|feeling
I wonder if you have this feeling?
我們 本身 ……按照 中國 古典 的 對 茶 的 這種 飲用 方法 來說 ,就是 (覺得) 茶 能夠 明目 ,提神 ,能夠 清心 ,甚至 是 可以 有助於 消化 。
we|in itself|according to|China|classical|possessive particle|regarding|tea|possessive particle|this kind of|drinking|method|speaking|is|(feeling)|tea|can|improve vision|invigorate|can|clear the mind|even|is|can|help with|digestion
According to the traditional Chinese method of drinking tea, it is believed that tea can improve eyesight, refresh the mind, clear the heart, and even aid digestion.
按照 西方 的 說法 來說 呢 , 就是 , 茶 是 可以 … … 尤其 是 綠茶 , 是 有 抗癌 作用 的 。
||||||||||||green tea|||anti-cancer||
According to Western claims, tea, especially green tea, has anti-cancer properties.
那 我 想 ,直接 飲用 的 時候 第一個 感覺 就是 ,你 會 覺得 很 舒服 ,因為 ,熱 熱的 水 喝下去 ,帶有 茶 的 清香 。
then|I|think|directly|drinking|possessive particle|when|first|feeling|is|you|will|feel|very|comfortable|because|hot|hot|water|drinking|carrying|tea|possessive particle|fragrance
Well, I think that when you drink it directly, the first feeling is that you will feel very comfortable because the hot water goes down with the refreshing aroma of tea.
它 有 調理 內部 器官 , 比如說 , 像 你 的 胃 啊 , 脾 啊 , 有 清理 的 作用 , 會 把 你 多餘 的 油脂 帶走 。
||regulating||organs|||||stomach||spleen|||cleansing||||||excess||fat|take away
It has the effect of regulating internal organs, for example, it can clean your stomach and spleen, helping to remove excess grease from your body.
我 想 應該 會 像 你 說 的 那樣 ,有 清爽 的 感覺 。
I|think|should|will|like|you|said|(possessive particle)|that way|have|refreshing|(adjective particle)|feeling
I think it should feel refreshing as you said.
是啊 ,喝茶 的確 對 人 的 健康 是 很 有 好處 的 。
yes|drinking tea|indeed|for|people|possessive particle|health|is|very|has|benefits|particle indicating adjective
Yes, drinking tea is indeed very beneficial for a person's health.
花花 你 知道 中國 有 哪 幾 大 名茶 嗎 ?
Hua Hua|you|know|China|has|which|several|major|famous teas|question particle
Hua Hua, do you know which are the major famous teas in China?
如果 按 茶 的 種類 來 分 的 話 ,會 分成 很多 種 。
if|according to|tea|possessive particle|type|to|classify|particle indicating action|statement|will|be divided into|many|varieties
If we categorize them by type, there would be many kinds.
比如說 ,像 我們 常 喝 的 綠茶 、紅茶 ,以及 花茶 和 其它 種類 的 茶 。
for example|like|we|often|drink|possessive particle|green tea|black tea|as well as|flower tea|and|other|types|possessive particle|tea
For example, the green tea and black tea that we often drink, as well as flower tea and other types of tea.
但是 如果 你 要是 說 很 著名 的 幾種 的 話 ,那 我 想 應該 是 ,碧螺春 ,大紅袍 ,還有 我們 常 喝 的 … …西湖 龍井 ,還有 鐵 觀音 。
but|if|you|were to|say|very|famous|possessive particle|several kinds|possessive particle|tea|then|I|think|should|is|Biluochun|Dahongpao|and also|we|often|drink|possessive particle|West Lake|Longjing|and also|Iron|Guanyin
But if you are talking about a few very famous ones, then I think they should be Bi Luo Chun, Da Hong Pao, and also the West Lake Longjing that we often drink, as well as Tie Guanyin.
對 ,是 這樣 。
right|is|like this
Yes, that's right.
這些 都 應該 是 中國 的 名茶 。
these|all|should|are|China|possessive particle|famous teas
These should all be famous teas from China.
我 覺得 ,在 現在 的 社會 裡 ,尤其 在 中國 ,茶 已經 成為 一種 必不可少 的 招待 客人 的 一樣 東西 了 。
I|think|in|current|possessive particle|society|inside|especially|in|China|tea|already|has become|a|indispensable|possessive particle|entertaining|guests|possessive particle|the same|thing|past tense marker
I think that in today's society, especially in China, tea has become an essential item for entertaining guests.
比如說 , 家 裡面 有 客人 來 , 可能 先 請 他 坐下 , 然後 給 他 倒 一杯 茶 ; 比如說 , 在 外出 吃飯 的 時候 , 在 吃飯 之前 , 可能 要 先 泡 一壺 茶 , 大家 一起 喝 一 喝 。
||||||||||||||pour|||||out||||||||||brew|a pot of||||||
For example, when guests come to the house, you might first invite them to sit down and then pour them a cup of tea; or, when dining out, before the meal, you might first brew a pot of tea for everyone to enjoy together.
我 覺得 ,茶 已經 成為 了 一種 固有 的 習慣 和 文化 了 吧 。
I|think|tea|already|has become|past tense marker|a|inherent|possessive particle|habit|and|culture|past tense marker|suggestion particle
I think tea has already become an inherent habit and culture.
或者 說 ,茶文化 已經 在 中國 本土 成為 了 一種 老少皆宜 的 事情 。
or|to say|tea culture|already|in|China|local|has become|past tense marker|a|suitable for all ages|possessive particle|thing
Or rather, tea culture has become something suitable for all ages in China.
就是說 , 哪怕 家裡 沒有 客人 來 , 那 可能 每個 家庭 每天 都 會 泡 上 一壺 茶 , 可能 就算 是 幾歲 的 孩子 都 會 飲茶 。
||||||||||||||||||||a few years|||||drink tea
That is to say, even if there are no guests at home, every family might brew a pot of tea every day, and even children of a few years old might drink tea.
也就是說 , 下 到 幾歲 的 孩童 , 上 到 幾十歲 的 老人 , 都 會 對 茶 有 我們 故土 的 一種 文化 , 還有 我們 對 它 的 這種 割 不斷 的 情懷 。
|||||children|||several decades old|||||||||hometown||||||||||割|continuously||sentiment
In other words, from young children to elderly people in their sixties, everyone has a cultural connection to tea from our homeland, as well as an unbreakable affection for it.
應該 說 ,絕大多數 的 人 都 有 飲茶 的 習慣 。
should|say|the vast majority|possessive particle|people|all|have|drinking tea|possessive particle|habit
It should be said that the vast majority of people have the habit of drinking tea.
尤其 是 在 吃完 飯 之後 ,很多 人 會 沏 一壺 茶 ,然後 在 那 喝 。
especially|is|at|finishing|meal|after|many|people|will|brew|a pot of|tea|then|at|that|drink
Especially after a meal, many people will brew a pot of tea and drink it.
或者 是 兩 人 在 一起 聊天 ,然後 沏 一壺 茶 ,在 那裡 一邊 喝 ,一邊 談 一些 事情 。
or|is|two|people|at|together|chatting|then|brew|a pot of|tea|at|there|while|drinking|while|talking|some|things
Or when two people are chatting together, they will brew a pot of tea and drink it while talking about various things.
或者 是 一個 人 靜靜的 想 事情 的 時候 ,比如說 ,有些 人 可能 會 抽煙 ,我 想 大多數 的 人 可能 還是 泡 一杯 茶 --彷彿 這樣 給 人 一 種 寧靜 的 感覺 。
or|is|a|person|quietly|thinking|things|possessive particle|time|for example|some|people|might|will|smoke|I|think|most|possessive particle|people|might|still|brew|a cup|tea|as if|this way|gives|people|one|kind|tranquility|possessive particle|feeling
Or when a person is quietly thinking about something, for example, some people might smoke, but I think most people would still prefer to brew a cup of tea - it seems to give a sense of tranquility.
就像 你 說 的 ,我們 吃 晚飯 之後 ,可能 會 飲茶 。
just like|you|say|particle indicating past action|we|eat|dinner|after|possibly|will|drink tea
Just like you said, after we have dinner, we might drink tea.
這 也 讓 我 想到 ,其實 真正 喝茶 最 適宜 的 時機 是 在 餐 後 。
this|also|makes|me|think of|actually|truly|drinking tea|most|suitable|possessive particle|time|is|at|meal|after
This also makes me think that the best time to drink tea is actually after a meal.
因為 , 在 餐 後 這種 狀態 下 , 你 需要 去 … … 怎麼 說 呢 , 你 需要 去 促進 一下 你 的 消化 , 然後 要 給 自己 身體 補充 一些 水分 。
Because, in the state after a meal, you need to... how should I put it, you need to promote your digestion a bit, and then you need to replenish some moisture for your body.
如果 是 在 餐前 大量 的 飲 濃茶 的話 ,其實 對 身體 也 沒有 好處 。
if|is|at|before meal|large amounts|possessive particle|drinking|strong tea|then|actually|to|body|also|not have|benefits
If you drink a lot of strong tea before a meal, it actually isn't good for your body.
也就是說 ,所有 的 事情 都 應該 適宜 適度 。
that is to say|all|possessive particle|things|all|should|appropriate|moderate
That is to say, everything should be appropriate and moderate.
我們 喝茶 其實 也 有 很多 的 講究 。
we|drink tea|actually|also|have|many|possessive particle|particularities
There are actually many considerations when we drink tea.
就 比如說 ,喝 不同 的 茶 ,對 身體 會 有 不同 的 功效 。
then|for example|drinking|different|possessive particle|tea|to|body|will|have|different|possessive particle|effects
For example, drinking different types of tea will have different effects on the body.
物極必反 嘛 。
when things reach their extreme they will reverse|a particle indicating a question or emphasis
Extremes will lead to opposites.
茶 雖然 是 一個 好 東西 ,可以 助消化 ,還有 給 身體 補充 各種各樣 的 微量元素 ,對 內臟 系統 也 有 很大 的 好處 ;但 如果 你 喝 特別 濃的 茶 ,可能 就 不一定 能 達到 你 理想 的 那種 狀態 。
tea|although|is|a|good|thing|can|aid digestion|also|give|body|replenish|various|(possessive particle)|trace elements|to|internal organs|system|also|have|very great|(possessive particle)|benefits|but|if|you|drink|especially|strong|tea|possibly|then|not necessarily|able to|achieve|your|ideal|(possessive particle)|that kind of|state
Tea, although it is a good thing, can aid digestion and provide the body with various trace elements, and it has great benefits for the internal organ system; however, if you drink particularly strong tea, it may not necessarily achieve the ideal state you desire.
還有 一些 說法 ,就是說 ,比如 在 吃藥 的 時候 ,醫生 是 不 建議 你 喝茶 的 ,就是 不 建議 你 用 茶水 來 吃藥 的 ,因為 ,茶 會 和 藥 起 一些 反應 ,從而 抵消 你 吃 的 藥 的 作用 。
there are|some|sayings|that is to say|for example|when|taking medicine|possessive particle|time|doctor|is|not|recommend|you|drink tea|possessive particle|that is|not|recommend|you|use|tea|to|take medicine|possessive particle|because|tea|will|and|medicine|have|some|reactions|thereby|counteract|you|taking|possessive particle|medicine|possessive particle|effect
There are also some sayings that, for example, when taking medicine, doctors do not recommend drinking tea, meaning they do not suggest using tea to take medicine, because tea can react with the medicine, thereby negating the effects of the medicine you are taking.
還有 ,比如說 ,喝 綠茶 和 喝 紅茶 的 講究 。
also|for example|drinking|green tea|and|drinking|black tea|possessive particle|distinctions
Additionally, there are distinctions between drinking green tea and drinking black tea.
我 聽說 的 是 , 綠茶 是 可以 降火 的 , 一般 在 夏天 都 喝 綠茶 , 這樣 可以 清火 。
|||||||reduce heat||||summer||||||clear heat
What I have heard is that green tea can reduce heat, and generally, people drink green tea in the summer to clear heat.
當然 在 冬天 ,可能 有 一些 人 就 需要 喝 紅茶 ,因為 紅茶 是 上火 的 ,是 一種 暖 茶 ,所以 在 冬天 喝 紅茶 的 人 就 會 多 一些 。
of course|in|winter|possibly|there are|some|people|then|need|drink|black tea|because|black tea|is|heaty|possessive particle|is|a type of|warm|tea|so|in|winter|drinking|black tea|possessive particle|people|then|will|more|some
Of course, in winter, some people may need to drink black tea, because black tea is warming and a type of hot tea, so more people tend to drink black tea in winter.
我 想 這些 都 是 喝茶 的 講究 吧 。
I|think|these|all|are|drinking tea|possessive particle|particularities|suggestion particle
I think these are all the nuances of drinking tea.
其實 還有 很多 非常 細緻 的 講究 ,但 我 想 那些 只 屬於 品茶 愛好者 的 講究 ,比如說 ,用 什麼樣 的 杯子 ,專門 準備 紫砂 的 茶壺 和 茶杯 去 品茶 。
actually|there are still|many|very|detailed|(possessive particle)|nuances|but|I|think|those|only|belong to|tea tasting|enthusiasts|(possessive particle)|nuances|for example|using|what kind of|(possessive particle)|cup|specifically|preparing|zisha (purple clay)|(possessive particle)|teapot|and|teacup|to|taste tea
In fact, there are many very detailed nuances, but I think those belong to the tea connoisseurs, such as what kind of cup to use, specifically preparing Yixing teapots and teacups for tasting tea.
但是 我 想 ,普通人 喝茶 ,就是 泡 一點 茶葉 ,然後 倒 一杯 開水 ,就 這樣 喝 了 。
but|I|think|ordinary people|drink tea|just|steep|a little|tea leaves|then|pour|a cup|boiling water|just|like this|drink|past tense marker
But I think for ordinary people, drinking tea is just about steeping some tea leaves and then pouring a cup of hot water, and that's it.
應該 沒有 那麼 大 的 講究 。
should|not have|that much|big|possessive particle|fuss
There shouldn't be that much fuss.
你 說到 ,喝 不同 的 茶 會 有 這些 不同 的 說法 的 時候 ,我 突然 會 想到 ,其實 ,我們 最 常 說 的 ,喝 最好 的 茶 ,應該 還是 喝 綠茶 。
you|mentioned|drinking|different|possessive particle|tea|will|have|these|different|possessive particle|ways of saying|possessive particle|time|I|suddenly|will|think of|actually|we|most|often|say|possessive particle|drinking|best|possessive particle|tea|should|still|drinking|green tea
When you mention that drinking different teas has these different sayings, I suddenly think that, actually, the tea we most often say is the best to drink should still be green tea.
為 什麼 ?
首先 ,綠茶 採用 的 是 茶葉 的 最 嫩 的 那個 嫩芽 ,就是 茶葉 剛 長 出 小 芽 的 時候 ,就 把 那 小 芽 取 下來 ,然後 拿 它 來 做 我們 的 茶葉 。
first|green tea|uses|possessive particle|is|tea leaves|possessive particle|most|tender|possessive particle|that|tender bud|that is|tea leaves|just|grow|out|small|bud|possessive particle|time|then|(indicates the following verb is a disposal action)|that|small|bud|take|down|then|take|it|to|make|our|possessive particle|tea leaves
Firstly, green tea uses the youngest buds of the tea leaves, which means that when the tea leaves just start to sprout, those small buds are picked and then used to make our tea.
那 它 受到 的 污染 是 最小 的 。
that|it|received|possessive particle|pollution|is|smallest|particle indicating a descriptive clause
Then the pollution it receives is minimal.
就是 這麼 說 吧 ,你 不管 是 種 什麼樣 的 植物 ,你 都 會 需要 多多少少 的 用上 一些 農藥 。
just|like this|say|particle|you|no matter|are|plant|what kind of|possessive particle|plant|you|all|will|need|more or less|possessive particle|use|some|pesticides
That being said, no matter what kind of plants you grow, you will need to use some pesticides to some extent.
那麼 這些 嫩芽 可能 是 受 污染 最小 的 ,它 對 身體 最 有 好處 。
then|these|tender sprouts|may|be|affected|pollution|least|(possessive particle)|it|to|body|most|have|benefits
Therefore, these tender shoots may be the least contaminated and are the most beneficial to the body.
但是 我們 比較 不 倡導 的 是 喝 花茶 。
but|we|relatively|not|advocate|possessive particle|is|drinking|flower tea
However, we do not particularly advocate drinking flower tea.
並 不是 說 它 對 身體 有害 啊 , 而是 說 它 的 營養價值 可能 沒有 綠茶 那麼 高 。
||||||harmful||||||nutritional value|||||
It's not that it's harmful to the body, but rather that its nutritional value may not be as high as that of green tea.
因為 ,我們 說 花茶 ,它 是 用 花朵 來 熏制 比較 老 的 那些 茶葉 ,而 不是 說 小 嫩芽 那些 茶葉 。
because|we|say|flower tea|it|is|using|flowers|to|scent|relatively|old|possessive particle|those|tea leaves|but|not|saying|small|tender buds|those|tea leaves
Because, when we talk about flower tea, it is made by infusing older tea leaves with flowers, rather than using young tender buds.
用 花朵 來 熏 。
Infused with flowers.
首先 ,花朵 呢 ,它 畢竟 有 花 的 成份 ,那麼 就會 有 蟲 ,也 會 有 一些 發甜 的 東西 ,是 對 牙齒 有 一些 … …比如說 ,容易 長 蛀牙 啊 等等 ,是 會 有 一些 不好 。
first|flower|question particle|it|after all|has|flower|possessive particle|components|then|will|have|insects|also|will|have|some|sweetening|possessive particle|things|is|to|teeth|have|some|for example|easy|to grow|cavities|ah|etc|is|will|have|some|bad
Firstly, flowers do contain floral components, which can attract insects and may have some sweet substances that are not good for teeth... For example, they can easily lead to cavities, etc., which can be problematic.
然後 花茶 它 採用 的 那些 枝葉 ,也 不是 最 新鮮 最 健康 ,最 沒有 污染 的 那些 枝葉 。
then|flower tea|it|uses|possessive particle|those|leaves|also|not|most|fresh|most|healthy|most|no|pollution|possessive particle|those|leaves
Then, the leaves used for flower tea are not the freshest, healthiest, and least polluted leaves.
相對 來講 ,可能 它 的 那些 保健 的 功能 ,它 的 好處 就 會 降低 了 一些 。
relatively|speaking|possibly|it|possessive particle|those|health care|possessive particle|functions|it|possessive particle|benefits|then|will|lower|past tense marker|some
Relatively speaking, its health benefits may be somewhat reduced.
所以 我們 也 說 , 盡量 的 飲用 綠茶 , 而且 是 比較 好 的 那些 綠茶 , 對 身體 肯定 是 有百利而無一害 的 。
||||as much as possible||drinking|||||||||||definitely||is of great benefit and has no harm|
Therefore, we also say that it is best to drink green tea, especially good quality green tea, which is definitely beneficial to the body.
當然 ,也 有 一些 相關 的 資料 上面 會 說 ,首先 是 不宜 多 喝茶 。
of course|also|there are|some|related|possessive particle|information|above|will|say|first|is|not advisable|too much|drinking tea
Of course, there are also some related materials that say it is not advisable to drink too much tea.
為 什麼 不宜 多 喝 呢 ?
why|what|should not|much|drink|question particle
Why is it not advisable to drink too much?
就 比如說 , 你 是 一個 不 常 喝茶 的 人 , 你 突然 喝 大量 的 茶 之後 , 反而 會 讓 你 的 身體 不 適應 。
For example, if you are someone who doesn't often drink tea, suddenly drinking a large amount of tea may cause your body to be unaccustomed to it.
我們 說 的 ,要 有 一個 循序漸進 的 過程 ,就是 你 慢慢 慢慢 一點一點 的 來 。
we|say|past tense marker|need to|have|a|gradual|possessive particle|process|that is|you|slowly|slowly|little by little|past tense marker|come
What we are saying is that there should be a gradual process, meaning you should take it slowly, little by little.
還有 就是 不要 喝 太 濃 ,因為 什麼 東西 都 是 物極必反 。
also|just|don't|drink|too|strong|because|anything|thing|all|is|extreme things will turn into their opposites
Also, do not drink it too strong, because everything has its limits.
你 喝 太 濃 了 之後 ,肯定 你 的 身體 也 會 不 適應 。
you|drink|too|strong|past tense marker|after|definitely|your|possessive particle|body|also|will|not|adapt
If you drink it too strong, your body will definitely not adapt.
然後 ,還有 一個 就是 ,我們 在 喝茶 的 時候 不宜 喝 隔夜 茶 。
then|also|one|that is|we|at|drinking tea|possessive particle|time|should not|drink|overnight|tea
Also, when we drink tea, we should not drink tea that has been left overnight.
也就是說 ,你 放 了 很久 很久 的 茶 就 不應該 再 喝 了 ,因為 那個 對 身體 是 沒有 好處 的 。
that is to say|you|left|past tense marker|a long time|a long time|possessive particle|tea|then|should not|again|drink|past tense marker|because|that|to|body|is|no|benefit|particle indicating possession
In other words, tea that has been left for a very long time should not be consumed, as it is not good for the body.
對 ,我 想 ,可能 不僅 是 隔夜 茶 ,就是 隔夜 的 白開水 也 不 應該 喝 了 。
right|I|think|probably|not only|is|overnight|tea|even|overnight|possessive particle|boiled water|also|not|should|drink|past tense particle
Right, I think it might not just be overnight tea; even overnight boiled water should not be drunk.
因為 水 可能 已經 發生 了 變質 。
because|water|possibly|already|occurred|past tense marker|deterioration
Because the water may have already deteriorated.
當然 ,花花 你 剛才 提到 的 花茶 ,我 想 這 也 是 和 茶 本身 的 品質 是 有 關係 的 吧 。
of course|Huahua|you|just now|mentioned|possessive particle|flower tea|I|think|this|also|is|with|tea|itself|possessive particle|quality|is|have|relationship|possessive particle|question particle
Of course, Huahua, the flower tea you just mentioned, I think this is also related to the quality of the tea itself.
比如說 ,可能 花茶 它 本身 也 有 優劣 之 分 ,可能 非常 好 的 花茶 它 的 製作 過程 要 更加 精細 (一些 )。
for example|possibly|flower tea|it|itself|also|has|advantages and disadvantages|possessive particle|distinction|possibly|very|good|possessive particle|flower tea|it|possessive particle|production|process|needs to|more|meticulous|some
For example, flower tea itself may also have distinctions in quality; very good flower tea may require a more meticulous production process.
就是說 ,不 能 一概而論 吧 ,我 覺得 。
that is to say|not|can|generalize|right|I|think
In other words, it can't be generalized, I think.
我 之前 還 看到 一個 很 有意思 的 ……就是 發現 花茶 的 英文 翻譯 叫 Chinese Tea ,就是 "中國 茶 "的 意思 。
I|before|also|saw|a|very|interesting|(possessive particle)|that is|discovery|flower tea|(possessive particle)|English|translation|called|Chinese|Tea|that is|China|tea|(possessive particle)|meaning
I previously saw something very interesting... that the English translation of flower tea is called Chinese Tea, which means "Chinese tea."
我 不 知道 花茶 是不是 中國 獨有 的 茶 。
I|not|know|flower tea|whether or not|China|unique|possessive particle|tea
I don't know if flower tea is unique to China.
我 是 比較 喜歡 喝 花茶 的 ,因為 覺得 有 一種 清香 。
I|am|relatively|like|drinking|flower tea|particle indicating possession or description|because|feel|has|a kind of|fragrance
I prefer drinking flower tea because I find it has a kind of refreshing fragrance.
其實 是 這樣 說 ,我 是 聽過 一個 對 茶葉 很 有 研究 的 一個 忘年交 他 跟 我 說過 ,他 說 ,其實 喝 花茶 的 人 ,對 品茶 這 一塊 可能 相對 來講 要求 沒有 那麼 高 ,因為 真正 的 好 茶 是 要 喝 原汁原味 的 茶葉 本身 帶有 的 清香 ,而 不是 像 花茶 那樣 ……它 比如說 是 茉莉花 ,比如說 是 其它 的 花類 ,把 這種 味道 熏到 茶葉 里面 去 ,而 並 不是 茶葉 原本 的 原汁原味 的 那種 清香 。
actually|is|like this|said|I|am|have heard|a|about|tea leaves|very|has|research|possessive particle|a|lifelong friend|he|with|me|has said|he|said|actually|drinking|flower tea|possessive particle|people|about|tea tasting|this|aspect|possibly|relatively|speaking|requirements|not|that|high|because|truly|possessive particle|good|tea|is|to|drink|original flavor|possessive particle|tea leaves|itself|carrying|possessive particle|fragrance|but|not|like|flower tea|that|it|for example|is|jasmine|for example|is|other|possessive particle|flowers|to|this kind of|flavor|infused into|tea leaves|inside|particle indicating action|but|not|not|tea leaves|originally|possessive particle|original flavor|possessive particle|that kind of|fragrance
Actually, I heard from an old friend who has done a lot of research on tea that people who drink flower tea may have relatively lower standards for tea tasting, because truly good tea should be enjoyed in its original flavor and fragrance, rather than like flower tea... for example, jasmine or other flowers infusing their scent into the tea leaves, rather than the original pure fragrance of the tea leaves themselves.
就 比如 我們 現在 說 碧螺春 這 一類 的 綠茶 , 那 它 其實 只是 那個 茶葉 它 原身 就 自帶 的 那種 味道 , 那種 清香 的 泥土 味 也好 , 清香 的 那種 小草 苗 的 味道 也好 , 它 是 那種 原汁原味 的 , 原生態 的 東西 。
|||||Biluochun||||||||||||original state||inherent|||||||soil|flavor|||||grass|seedling|||||||||original ecology||
For example, when we talk about Bi Luo Chun and similar types of green tea, it actually has the flavor that the tea leaves naturally possess, whether it's that fresh, earthy aroma or the scent of tender grass shoots. It is something that is pure and original, a natural essence.
那 花茶 呢 ,就是 人工 處理 的 ,人工 加制 的 味道 。
that|flower tea|question particle|is|artificial|processing|possessive particle|artificial|added|possessive particle|flavor
On the other hand, flower tea is artificially processed, with added flavors.
它 相對 來講 ,可能 確實 是 ……我們 在 沏 好 的 花茶 的 時候 ,會 覺得 清香 撲鼻 ,就 像是 剛剛 採 下來 的 一朵 茉莉花 ,在 你 身邊 圍繞 著 你 的 那種 感覺 。
it|relatively|speaking|possibly|indeed|is|we|at|brewing|good|possessive particle|flower tea|possessive particle|time|will|feel|fragrance|overwhelming|just|like|just now|picked|down|possessive particle|a|jasmine flower|around|you|side|surrounding|continuous aspect particle|you|possessive particle|that kind of|feeling
In comparison, it might indeed be... When we brew flower tea, we feel the refreshing fragrance wafting through the air, just like the feeling of a freshly picked jasmine flower surrounding you.
我 並 沒有 說 這種 茶 不 能 喝 。
I|not at all|did not|say|this kind of|tea|not|can|drink
I am not saying that this type of tea cannot be enjoyed.
只是 說 ,相對 來講 ,要 多 飲 綠茶 。
just|saying|relatively|speaking|should|more|drink|green tea
Just saying, relatively speaking, one should drink more green tea.
因為 綠茶 是 對 身體 最 有 好處 的 。
because|green tea|is|to|body|most|has|benefits|(possessive particle)
Because green tea is the most beneficial for the body.
這些 花茶 呢 ,只是 作為 消食 的 一種 飲品 ,並 不 一 定 有 多 好 的 功效 ,對 身體 多麼 多麼 有益 ,僅此而已 。
these|flower tea|question particle|just|as|digestion|possessive particle|a type of|beverage|and|not|one|necessarily|have|much|good|possessive particle|efficacy|towards|body|how much|how much|beneficial|that's all
These flower teas, on the other hand, are just a type of beverage for digestion, and do not necessarily have many good effects or be particularly beneficial for the body, that's all.
是啊 ,我 想 ,隨著 時間 的 推移 ,可能 人們 的 飲茶 習慣 也 (在) 多多少少 的 有些 改變 ,比如說 ,不像 以前 ,只 拘泥 於 用 茶壺 來 飲茶 ,可能 現在 更 多 的 就是 ,泡點 茶葉 ,倒 一杯 水 ,就 這樣 喝 了 就是 了 ,我 想 可能 更 符合 現代人 生活 的 方式 吧 。
|||||||||||||||||||||||||teapot|||||||||brewing|||||||||||||||suits|modern people||||
Yes, I think, over time, people's tea-drinking habits may have changed to some extent, for example, unlike before, when they were only accustomed to using a teapot to drink tea, now it might be more common to just steep some tea leaves, pour a cup of water, and drink it like that, which I think might be more in line with the modern lifestyle.
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