The Discovery of New Worlds
21. The Days of Chivalry
The Discovery of New Worlds
22. Queen of the Adriatic
The Discovery of New Worlds
23. The Story of Marco Polo
The Discovery of New Worlds
24. Dante's Great Poem
The Discovery of New Worlds
25. The Maid of Orleans
The Discovery of New Worlds
26. The Sea of Darkness
The Discovery of New Worlds
27. Prince Henry, the Sailor
The Discovery of New Worlds
28. A Famous Voyage
The Discovery of New Worlds
29. The Invention of Printing
The Discovery of New Worlds
30. The Stormy Cape
The Discovery of New Worlds
31. Vasco da Gama's Great Voyage
The Discovery of New Worlds
32. India at Last
The Discovery of New Worlds
33. The New Trade-Route
The Discovery of New Worlds
34. Golden Goa
The Discovery of New Worlds
35. Christopher Columbus
The Discovery of New Worlds
36. The Last of the Moors
The Discovery of New Worlds
37. Discovery of the New World
The Discovery of New Worlds
38. The West Indies
The Discovery of New Worlds
39. Columbus in Chains
The Discovery of New Worlds
40. A Great Mistake