Alice in Wonderland : Ch 12 .( Little Fox Chinese )
Alice im Wunderland: Kapitel 12 (Kleiner Fuchs auf Chinesisch)
Alicia en el País de las Maravillas: Cap. 12. (Pequeño Zorro Chino)
Alice au pays des merveilles : Ch 12 (Little Fox Chinese)
不思議の国のアリス: 第 12 章 (リトル フォックス 中国語)
Alice in Wonderland: Ch 12. (Little Fox Chinese)
愛麗絲 夢遊 仙境 12 :柴郡 貓 說話 了
Alice|Wonderland|in Wonderland|Cheshire|Cat|spoke|past tense marker
Alice in Wonderland Chapter 12: The Cheshire Cat Speaks
小寶寶 不停 地 扭動 ,愛麗絲 很 難 抱 穩 他 。
baby|continuously|adverbial particle|wriggling|Alice|very|difficult|hold|securely|him
The baby kept squirming, and it was hard for Alice to hold him steady.
她 只有 九 英寸 高 。
She was only nine inches tall.
愛麗絲 迅速 地 把 小寶寶 抱 出 公爵夫人 的 家 。
Alice|quickly|(adverbial particle)|(particle indicating the disposal of an object)|baby|hug|out|Duchess|possessive particle|home
Alice quickly took the baby out of the Duchess's house.
小寶寶 發出 哼哼 聲 。
The baby made a grunting sound.
愛麗絲 仔細 地 看 了 看 他 。
Alice|carefully|adverbial particle|look|past tense marker|looked|him
Alice looked at him carefully.
他 變得 越來越 像 一隻 豬 了 。
he|became|more and more|like|a|pig|past tense marker
He was becoming more and more like a pig.
“我 回到 家 以後 ,該 如何 對待 這個 小 生命 呢 ?
I|return to|home|after|should|how|treat|this|small|life|question particle
"After I return home, how should I treat this little life?"
“愛麗絲 說 。
"Alice said."
小寶寶 發出 了 更 大 的 哼哼 聲 。
the baby|emitted|past tense marker|more|loud|possessive particle|grunt|sound
The baby let out a louder grunt.
這次 肯定 不會 錯 !
this time|definitely|will not|be wrong
This time it must be right!
“這 就是 一隻 豬 !
"This is a pig!"
“愛麗絲 說 。
Alice said.
她 把 豬 放在 地上 ,豬 跑 進 了 樹林 裡 。
She|(a particle indicating the disposal of an object)|pig|put on|the ground|pig|ran|into|past tense marker|forest|inside
She put the pig on the ground, and the pig ran into the woods.
愛麗絲 覺得 輕鬆 多 了 。
Alice|feels|relaxed|much|past tense marker
Alice felt much more relaxed.
她 開始 在 樹林 裡 走 。
She started walking in the woods.
很快 , 她 就 被 柴 郡 貓 嚇了一跳 。
Soon, she was startled by the Cheshire Cat.
她 看到 他 正 坐在 樹 上 ,咧嘴 笑著 。
She|saw|he|currently|sitting on|tree|on|grinning|smiling
She saw him sitting in a tree, grinning.
愛麗絲 決定 問 他 一個 問題 。
Alice|decided|to ask|him|one|question
Alice decided to ask him a question.
“柴郡 貓 。
"Cheshire Cat."
“愛麗絲 說 。
"Alice said."
貓 的 嘴 咧 得 更 大 了 。
cat|possessive particle|mouth|to open|adverbial particle|even|big|past tense marker
The cat's mouth widened even more.
“請問 我 應該 走 哪一條 路 呢 ?
may I ask|I|should|walk|which|road|question particle
"Which way should I go?"
”“看 你 要 去 哪裡 。
"Look, where do you want to go?"
」柴郡 貓 回答 。
The Cheshire Cat replied.
愛麗絲 想 了 想 。
Alice|thought|past tense marker|thought
Alice thought for a moment.
“只要 是 個 地方 ,去 哪裡 無所謂 。
as long as|is|a|place|go|wherever|doesn't matter
"As long as it's a place, it doesn't matter where."
”“那 你 往 哪裡 走 就 不 重要 了 。
then|you|towards|where|walk|then|not|important|past tense marker
"Then it doesn't matter where you go."
“柴郡 貓 說 ,”只要 你 不停地 走 ,就 一定 可以 走到 一個 地方 。
Cheshire|Cat|said|as long as|you|continuously|walk|then|definitely|can|reach|a|place
"The Cheshire Cat said, 'As long as you keep walking, you will definitely reach a place.'
”雖然 這個 回答 是 對 的 ,但是 愛麗絲 覺得 對 自己 沒有 什麼 説 明 。
although|this|answer|is|correct|(particle indicating possession)|but|Alice|feels|to|herself|has no|any||
"Although this answer is correct, Alice felt it didn't explain much to her.
她 試 著 提 了 另外 一個 問題 。
She|tried|(continuing action particle)|to raise|past tense marker|another|one|question
She tried to ask another question.
“這 附近 住 著 哪些 人 ?
this|nearby|live|particle indicating continuous action|which|people
"Who lives around here?"
”柴郡 貓 揮 了 揮 自己 的 右 爪 說 :“瘋 帽子 住 在 那邊 。
Cheshire|Cat|waved|past tense marker|waved|itself|possessive particle|right|paw|said|Mad|Hatter|lives|in|that direction
The Cheshire Cat waved its right paw and said: "The Mad Hatter lives over there."
“然後 ,他 用 自己 的 左 爪 指 了 指 說 :”三月 兔 住 在 那邊 。
then|he|used|his own|possessive particle|left|paw|pointed|past tense marker|to indicate|said|March|Hare|lives|in|that direction
Then, it pointed with its left paw and said: "The March Hare lives over there."
你 喜歡 去 哪裡 都 行 ,他們 都 瘋 了 。
you|like|go|wherever|all|fine|they|all|crazy|past tense marker
You can go anywhere you like, they are all mad.
”“瘋 了 ?
crazy|past tense marker
”“是的 。
他們 都 瘋 了 。
They are all crazy.
不過 ,這裡 的 每個 人 都 瘋 了 ,包括 你 。
however|here|possessive particle|every|person|all|crazy|past tense marker|including|you
However, everyone here is crazy, including you.
”愛麗絲 非常 好奇 。
Alice is very curious.
“你 怎麼 知道 我 瘋 了 呢 ?
you|how|know|I|crazy|past tense marker|question particle
How did you know I was crazy?
”“你 一定 是 瘋 了 ,要不然 你 不會 在 這裡 。
you|must|are|crazy|past tense marker|otherwise|you|wouldn't|at|here
You must be crazy, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
對了 ,你 今天 會 和 王后 一起 打槌球 嗎 ?
right|you|today|will|with|Queen|together|play polo|question particle
By the way, are you going to play croquet with the Queen today?
”愛麗絲 高興 地 鼓 了 鼓掌 。
Alice|happily|adverbial particle|drum|past tense marker|clapped
Alice clapped her hands happily.
“我 很 想 去 ,但是 我 還 沒有 被 邀請 。
I|very|want|to go|but|I|still|not|passive marker|invited
"I really want to go, but I haven't been invited yet.
”“如果 你 去 ,你 就 會 在 那裡 看到 我 。
"If you go, you will see me there.
」柴郡 貓 說 。
" said the Cheshire Cat.
接著 ,他 就 消失 了 。
then|he|just|disappeared|past tense marker
Then, he disappeared.
愛麗絲 一點兒 也 不 驚訝 。
Alice|a little|also|not|surprised
Alice was not surprised at all.
因為 她 已經 習慣 了 這些 奇怪 的 事情 。
because|she|already|is used to|past tense marker|these|strange|possessive particle|things
Because she was already used to these strange things.
正當 她 盯 著 貓 消失 的 地方 看 的 時候 ,柴郡 貓 突然 又 出現 了 。
just when|she|stared|at|cat|disappeared|possessive particle|place|looking|past action particle|time|Cheshire|cat|suddenly|again|appeared|past action particle
Just as she was staring at the place where the cat had disappeared, the Cheshire Cat suddenly reappeared.
“我 忘記 問 你 那個 小寶寶 怎麼樣 了 。
I|forgot|to ask|you|that|baby|how|past tense marker
"I forgot to ask you how that little baby is doing."
“他 說 。
"He said."
“他 變成 了 豬 。
he|became|past tense marker|pig
"He has turned into a pig."
“愛麗絲 平靜 地 說 。
Alice|calmly|adverbial particle|said
"Alice said calmly."
“我 就 覺得 他 會 變成 豬 。
"I just think he will turn into a pig.
」柴郡 貓 說 。
" said the Cheshire Cat.
然後 ,他 又 消失 了 。
then|he|again|disappeared|past tense marker
Then, he disappeared again.
“我 最好 等等 ,確定 他 不再 回來 了 。
I|had better|wait a moment|make sure|he|no longer|come back|past tense marker
"I better wait and make sure he won't come back."
“愛麗絲 自言自語 地 說 。
Alice|to herself|adverbial particle|said
"Alice said to herself.
但是 ,柴郡 貓 並 沒有 再次 出現 。
but|Cheshire|Cat|and|did not|again|appear
However, the Cheshire Cat did not appear again.
過了 幾分鐘 ,愛麗絲 走向 三月兔 的 家 。
after|a few minutes|Alice|walked towards|March Hare|possessive particle|home
After a few minutes, Alice walked towards the March Hare's house.
“我 見過 瘋 帽子 ,但 我 從來沒 見過 三月 兔 。
I|have seen|crazy|hat|but|I|never|have seen|March|rabbit
"I have seen the Mad Hatter, but I have never seen the March Hare.
“愛麗絲 邊 說 邊 往 上 看 。
"Alice looked up as she spoke.
柴郡 貓 正 坐在 一棵樹 上 。
Cheshire|cat|currently|sitting on|a tree|on
The Cheshire Cat was sitting in a tree.
“你 剛才 說 '豬 '還是 '竹 '?
you|just now|said|pig|or|bamboo
"Did you just say 'pig' or 'bamboo'?"
」柴郡 貓 問 。
the Cheshire Cat asked.
“我 說 的 是 '豬 '。
I|said|possessive particle|am|pig
"What I meant was 'pig'."},{
你 突然 出現 又 突然 消失 ,弄得 我 頭 都 暈 了 !
you|suddenly|appeared|again|suddenly|disappeared|made|me|head|all|dizzy|past tense marker
”“好吧 !
這次 ,柴郡 貓 慢慢 地 消失 了 。
this time|Cheshire|cat|slowly|(adverbial particle)|disappeared|past tense marker
先是 他 的 尾巴 ,最後 是 他 的 嘴 。
first|he|possessive particle|tail|last|is|he|possessive particle|mouth
First his tail, then his mouth.
當 他 的 身體 全部 消失 后 ,他 咧 著 嘴 的 笑容 還 停留 了 很 久 。
when|he|possessive particle|body|completely|disappeared|after|he|indicating a smile|continuous aspect particle|mouth|possessive particle|smile|still|remained|past tense marker|very|long
After his body completely disappeared, his grinning smile lingered for a long time.
“我 見過 沒有 笑臉 的 貓 ,但 還 沒 見過 沒有 貓 的 笑臉 呢 !
I|have seen|no|smile|possessive particle|cat|but|still|not|have seen|no|cat|possessive particle|smile|question particle
"I have seen cats without smiles, but I have never seen a smile without a cat!"
“愛麗絲 不敢相信 地 搖搖頭 。
Alice|couldn't believe|adverbial particle|shook her head
"Alice shook her head in disbelief.
“ 這 是 我 見 過 的 最 奇怪 的 事情 了 !
"This is the strangest thing I have ever seen!"
”很快 ,愛麗絲 就 來到 了 一幢 房子 前 。
Soon|Alice|then|arrived|past tense marker|a|house|in front of
Soon, Alice arrived in front of a house.
房子 的 煙囪 像 耳朵 ,屋頂 是 毛 做 的 。
house|possessive particle|chimney|like|ear|roof|is|fur|made|particle indicating past action
The chimney of the house looked like ears, and the roof was made of fur.
“這 一定 是 三月 兔 的 家 。
this|must|is|March|Rabbit|possessive particle|home
"This must be the March Hare's home."
“愛麗絲 說 。
"Alice said.
因為 房子 比 愛麗絲 大 ,所以 愛麗絲 想要 變 大 。
because|house|than|Alice|big|so|Alice|wants|to become|big
Because the house is bigger than Alice, she wants to grow larger.
她 吃 著 蘑菇 ,直到 長 到 兩 英尺 高 。
She|eats|(continuing action particle)|mushrooms|until|grows|to|two|feet|tall
She eats the mushroom until she grows to two feet tall.
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