買 M.2 SSD~ 送 散熱片 | 真的 太 划算 啦 ? 買 到 賺 到 啦 ? (2)
Buy M.2 SSD ~ Get a heatsink for free | Is it really a great deal? Did I profit from the purchase? (2)
哎呦 ~真的 服了 你 了 !
oh no|really|admire|you|past tense marker
Oh wow ~ I really admire you!
讀取 有 7093MB/s 寫入 有 6535MB/s
Read speed is 7093MB/s, write speed is 6535MB/s.
就算 達到 99% 滿盤 GM7000 也 是 有 高 水準 表現 不掉 速
even if|reaching|full table|GM7000|also|is|has|high|level|performance|not dropping|speed
Even when reaching 99% full, the GM7000 still performs at a high level without speed loss.
最後 是 在 ATTO Disk Benchmark 測試
Finally, it was tested in the ATTO Disk Benchmark.
在 16KB 以上 區塊 的 讀寫 表現 真的 有夠強
at|16KB|above|block|possessive particle|read and write|performance|really|is strong enough
The read and write performance for blocks above 16KB is really strong.
已經 馬上 達到 2~3GB/s 的 讀寫能力
already|immediately|reached|||possessive particle|read and write capability
It has already reached a read and write capability of 2 to 3GB/s.
而且 過了 256KB 以後 就是 整個 讀寫 速度 大 爆發
moreover|after|256KB|later|then|entire|read and write|speed|greatly|explosion
Moreover, after exceeding 256KB, the entire read and write speed experiences a huge explosion.
直接 衝 到 極限值 6~6.6GB/s 速度
directly|rush|to|limit value|||speed
Directly reached the limit value of 6 to 6.6GB/s speed.
測試 到 最後 也 是 一樣 沒有 出現 掉速 問題
test|until|last|also|is|the same|no|occurrence|drop in speed|problem
The tests at the end also showed no drop in speed issues.
最後 在 狂測 一輪 後
finally|at|crazy test|one round|after
Finally, after a round of intense testing,
我 再 用 Crystal Diskinfo 查看 GM7000 的 硬碟 健康 度
I|again|use|||check|GM7000|possessive particle|hard drive|health|status
I used Crystal Diskinfo to check the health of the GM7000 hard drive.
還是 能 維持 在 良好 100% 真是 好強 啊 !
Still being able to maintain a good 100% is really impressive!
那 以上 是 宏碁 「掠奪者 」
The above is Acer's 'Predator'.
GM7000 1TB PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSD 固態 硬碟 測試
GM7000|1TB|PCIe|M2|SSD|solid-state|hard drive|test
GM7000 1TB PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSD solid state drive test.
老 實說 測試 到 最後 結果 是 讓 人 很 滿意 的
To be honest, the final results of the test are very satisfying.
感覺 宏碁 是 有 用心 在 經營 GM7000 的 讀寫 性能
feels|Acer|is|has|effort|in|managing|GM7000|possessive particle|read and write|performance
It feels like Acer is putting effort into the read and write performance of the GM7000.
為 獨 就是 他 的 溫度保護 機制 在 PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSD
for|independent|is|its|possessive particle|temperature protection|mechanism|in|PCI Express|M2|SSD
The unique feature is its temperature protection mechanism in the PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSD.
真的 很 容易 在 60 度中 觸發 而 影響 到 他 寫入 速度
It really easily triggers at 60 degrees, which affects its writing speed.
我 個人 強烈建議 是 直接 改用 自行 購買 主動式 M.2 SSD 散熱器
I|personally|strongly suggest|to be|directly|switch to|self|purchase|active|M2|SSD|cooler
I personally strongly recommend switching to a separately purchased active M.2 SSD cooler.
不然 才 寫到 360GB 就 降速 真的 太 可惜 GM7000 的 實力 表現
otherwise|only|written to|360GB|then|throttling|really|too|unfortunate|GM7000|possessive particle|strength|performance
Otherwise, it's really a pity that the speed drops after reaching 360GB; the performance of the GM7000 is impressive.
那 也 建議 宏碁 掠奪者 GM7000 的 高速 讀寫 速度 表現
that|also|suggests|Acer|Predator|GM7000|possessive particle|high-speed|read and write|speed|performance
I also recommend that Acer Predator GM7000 maintain its high-speed read and write performance.
可以 一直 保持 下去 千萬別 再 賣 開 後
can|always|maintain|continue|never ever|again|sell|open|after
It should keep this up; please don't sell it off after this.
又 出現 大量 割 韭菜 偷偷 換料 降 速降 品質 啊 !
again|appeared|large amount|cut|chives|secretly|changing materials|lowering|rapid decline|quality|ah
Otherwise, there will be a lot of people cutting corners, secretly changing materials, and reducing speed and quality!
最後 搞 死 自己 的 明星 商品
finally|to mess with|to die|oneself|possessive particle|star|product
In the end, the star product that killed itself.
那 今天 的 影片 就 到 這裡
then|today|possessive particle|video|just|arrive|here
So today's video ends here.
如果 你 也 已經 收到 GM7000 M.2 SSD
If you have also received the GM7000 M.2 SSD,
都 歡迎 在 下面 留言 告訴 我 你 的 使用 心得 感想
all|welcome|at|below|leave a message|tell|me|your|possessive particle|use|insights|thoughts
feel free to leave a comment below to share your thoughts and experiences.
也 請 多多 幫忙 按 讚 和 訂閱
also|please|a lot|help|press|like|and|subscribe
Please also help by liking and subscribing.
讓 我 可以 更 快 一點 達到 十萬 訂閱 獎牌
let|I|can|more|quickly|a little|reach|100000|subscribers|medal
So that I can reach the hundred thousand subscriber award a bit faster.
我 是 香教仁
I|am|Xiang Jiao Ren
I am Xiang Jiao Ren.
那 我們 下集 影片 見 啦 !
then|we|next episode|video|see|particle indicating a suggestion or confirmation
See you in the next episode!
所以 影片 到 這裡
So the video ends here.
如果 你 喜歡 我 的 影片
if|you|like|my|possessive particle|video
If you like my video,
請 記得 訂閱 和 分享
please remember to subscribe and share.
也 記得 把 你 的 鈴鐺 打開 哦 !
also|remember|(particle to indicate action)|you|possessive particle|bell|turn on|oh
Also, don't forget to turn on your notification bell!
這樣 隨時 才 可 收到 我 上傳 最新 影片
this way|anytime|only then|can|receive|I|upload|latest|video
This way, you can receive my latest video uploads at any time.
Bye Bye!
Bye Bye!
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