校園 裡的 多動症 患者
Pazienti con ADHD nel campus
ADHD patients in the campus
校園 裡的 多動症 患者
ADHD patients in the campus
ADHD 是 注意力 缺陷 多動 障礙
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder|is|attention|deficit|hyperactivity|disorder
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
的 縮寫
possessive particle|abbreviation
通常 被 描述 為 一種 精神障礙
usually|by|described|as|a type of|mental disorder
Typically described as a mental disorder
患有 ADHD 的 兒童 難以 集中 注意力
has|ADHD|(possessive particle)|children|difficult to|concentrate|attention
Children with ADHD have difficulty concentrating
經常 過於 活躍
Often overly active
難以 控制 自己 的 行為
difficult to|control|oneself|possessive particle|behavior
Struggle to control their behavior
據估計 ,全球 3 至 17 歲 兒童 中
it is estimated|globally|to|years old|children|among
It is estimated that among children aged 3 to 17 worldwide,
約 有 5% 受其 影響
approximately|has|affected by it|influence
about 5% are affected.
其中 男孩 患病 的 概率 是 女孩 的 三倍
among|boy|getting sick|possessive particle|probability|is|girl|possessive particle|three times
Boys are three times more likely to be affected than girls.
為了 理解 它 對 學校 裡 孩子們 的 影響
in order to|understand|it|on|school|in|children|possessive particle|impact
To understand its impact on children in schools.
讓 我們 以 利奧 的 故事 為 例
let|us|take|Leo|possessive particle|story|as|example
Let's take Leo's story as an example.
這個 12 歲 的 男孩 懷著 憧憬 去 學校 上學
this|year old|possessive particle|boy|with|aspiration|to|school|attend school
This 12-year-old boy goes to school with aspirations.
但 卻 屢屢 受挫
But he faces repeated setbacks.
注意力 不足 是 他 最大 的 問題
attention|deficit|is|he|biggest|possessive particle|problem
Attention deficit is his biggest problem.
利奧 很 容易 分心
Leo is easily distracted.
即使 他 已 竭盡全力 集中 注意力
even if|he|already|exhausted all his efforts|concentrate|attention
Even when he tries his best to concentrate.
這種 情況 也 會 發生
this kind of|situation|also|will|happen
This situation can still occur.
他 經常 發現 自己 突然 就 走神 了
he|often|realizes|himself|suddenly|just|distracted|past tense marker
He often finds himself suddenly zoning out.
在 過去 的 15 分鐘 裡
in|past|possessive particle|minutes|during
In the past 15 minutes
想 一些 與 眼前 的 事物 完全 無關 的 東西
think|some|with|current|possessive particle|things|completely|unrelated|possessive particle|things
Think of something completely unrelated to what is in front of you
一點點 小事 都 能 讓 他 思緒 遊離
a little bit|small matter|all|can|make|he|thoughts|distracted
Even a small thing can make his thoughts wander
他 感覺 自己 的 大腦 就 像 出 了 故障 一樣 ,難以 控制
he|feels|himself|possessive particle|brain|just|like|having|past action marker|malfunction|as if|hard to|control
He feels like his brain is malfunctioning, hard to control
他 還 很 健忘
He is also very forgetful.
經常 把 書 和 家庭作業 忘 在 家 裡
often|(particle indicating the disposal of an object)|book|and|homework|forget|at|home|inside
He often leaves his books and homework at home.
常常 是 他 雖然 完成 了 作業
often|is|he|although|completed|past tense marker|homework
Often, even though he has completed his homework,
但 又 把 作業 落 在 某地 或 忘記 提交
but|again|(indicates the action of taking)|homework|left|at|some place|or|forget|submit
he leaves it somewhere or forgets to submit it.
他 的 成績 很 差
he|possessive particle|grades|very|poor
His grades are very poor.
一些 老師 覺得 他 已經 無可救藥 了
some|teachers|feel|he|already|beyond help|past tense marker
Some teachers think he is beyond help.
除此之外 還有 過度 活躍
besides this|there is also|excessive|activity
In addition, he is also overly active.
當做 小組 作業 時
When doing group assignments.
他 會 表現 得 焦躁 不安
he|will|perform|adverbial particle|anxious|restless
He will appear anxious and restless.
難以 集中 注意力
difficult to|concentrate|attention
It is difficult to concentrate.
在 別人 說話 時 保持 冷靜 和 傾聽
To remain calm and listen when others are speaking.
會 讓 他 精疲力盡
It will exhaust him.
這 使得 任何 正常 的 談話 對 他 來說
this|makes|any|normal|possessive particle|conversation|to|him|for
This makes any normal conversation a huge challenge for him.
都 是 一個 巨大 的 挑戰
all|is|a|huge|possessive particle|challenge
It is a huge challenge.
對 他 來說
to|him|from the perspective of
For him,
他 感覺 自己 的 大腦
he|feels|himself|possessive particle|brain
he feels his brain.
沒有 能力 處理 所有 需要 處理 的 信息
do not have|ability|process|all|need|process|possessive particle|information
Unable to handle all the information that needs to be processed.
然後 他 又 為 自己 沒 能 聽懂 別人 說 的 話 ,而 感到 生氣
then|he|again|for|himself|not|able|to understand|others|speaking|possessive particle|words|and|felt|angry
Then he felt angry for not being able to understand what others were saying.
為了 應對 過度 活躍
in order to|cope with|excessive|activity
In order to cope with hyperactivity.
他 喜歡 總是 讓 手忙個 不停
He likes to keep his hands busy all the time.
最後 是 衝動 行為
In the end, it is impulsive behavior.
他 常常 情不自禁 地 將 想到 的 事情 說 出來
He|often|unable to control his feelings|adverbial particle|will|thought|possessive particle|things|say|out
He often can't help but say what comes to his mind.
有時 他 努力 控制 自己
sometimes|he|tries to|control|himself
Sometimes he tries to control himself.
但 卻 忍不住 脫口而出
but|yet|can't help but|blurted out
But he can't help but blurt it out.
打斷 別人
Interrupting others
這 讓 同學們 覺得 他 很 煩人
This makes his classmates feel that he is very annoying
他 事後 常常 後悔 自己 魯莽 的 行為
he|after the fact|often|regrets|himself|reckless|possessive particle|behavior
He often regrets his reckless behavior afterwards
但 不幸 的 是
but|unfortunately|possessive particle|is
But unfortunately,
他 會 一而再 、再而三 的 犯錯
he|will|repeatedly|again and again|(possessive particle)|make mistakes
He keeps making mistakes over and over again.
他 似乎 不能 從 錯誤 中 吸取 教訓
He seems unable to learn from his mistakes.
試圖 讓 他 變 規矩 些 的 努力
attempt|to make|he|become|disciplined|a little|possessive particle|effort
Attempts to make him more disciplined.
總讓 老師 鎩羽而歸
always lets|teacher|return in defeat
Always leave the teacher feeling defeated.
其他人 在 和 他 相處 時
other people|when|with|he|interact|time
Others become impatient when interacting with him.
也 會 慢慢 變得 不耐煩 ,放棄 或 疏遠 他
also|will|slowly|become|impatient|give up|or|distance|him
They may gradually give up or distance themselves from him.
在 利奧 確診 並 得到 有 具體步驟 的 支持 後
at|Leo|diagnosis|and|received|has|specific steps|possessive particle|support|after
After Leo was diagnosed and received support with specific steps,
情況 開始 好轉
the situation began to improve.
在 學校 裡 ,他 坐在 第一排
at|school|inside|he|sits in|the first row
In school, he sits in the front row.
同桌 樂於助人
His deskmate is helpful.
他 有 一個 筆記本
He has a notebook.
上面 列出 了 所有 的 作業
above|listed|past tense marker|all|possessive particle|homework
It lists all the assignments.
以 幫助 利奧 記憶 作業 的 內容
in order to|help|Leo|remember|homework|possessive particle|content
To help Leo remember the content of his homework.
為了 便於 他 完成 作業
in order to|facilitate|he|complete|homework
In order to facilitate his completion of homework.
所有 科目 的 作業 每週 都 會 一次性 給全
all|subjects|possessive particle|homework|every week|all|will|in one go|give to all
Homework for all subjects will be given to everyone at once every week.
為了 讓 他 放鬆 ,利奧 可以 在 課堂 上 盤弄 小 物體
in order to|let|him|relax|Leo|can|in|classroom|on|fidget with|small|objects
To allow him to relax, Leo can fiddle with small objects in class.
並在 需要 時 ,休息 一下
and at|need|time|rest|for a moment
And take a break when needed.
放學 後
school ends|after
After school.
他 會 和 一位 專科醫生 一起 練習 口語 和 聽力
He|will|with|a|specialist doctor|together|practice|speaking|and|listening
He will practice speaking and listening with a specialist doctor.
in addition
In addition.
他 的 爸爸 每天 早上 都 會 騎 自行車 陪 他 上學
he|possessive particle|father|every day|morning|all|will|ride|bicycle|accompany|him|to school
His dad rides a bicycle with him to school every morning.
下午 他 可以 玩球
afternoon|he|can|play ball
In the afternoon, he can play ball.
玩 多久 都 可以
play|how long|all|can
He can play for as long as he wants.
對於 嚴重 的 ADHD 患者
for|severe|possessive particle|ADHD|patient
For patients with severe ADHD.
通常 會 開出 處方藥
usually|will|prescribe|prescription medication
Usually, prescription medication will be prescribed.
在此之前 ,像 利奧 這樣 的 孩子
before this|like|Leo|this|possessive particle|child
Before this, children like Leo
需要 兒童 心理學家
need a child psychologist.
做出 適齡 的 專業 診斷
make|age-appropriate|possessive particle|professional|diagnosis
To make an age-appropriate professional diagnosis.
他們 會 試圖 透過 表象 看 問題
They|will|try|through|appearance|to see|problem
They will try to look at the problem through appearances.
多動症 可能 只是 浮現 於 表面 的 冰山一角
ADHD|may|just|appearing|on|surface|possessive particle|tip of the iceberg
ADHD may just be the tip of the iceberg that appears on the surface.
根本原因 可能 是 家庭 糾紛 、學校 欺凌
root cause|may|be|family|dispute|school|bullying
The root causes may be family disputes or school bullying.
睡眠 不好 或 飲食 不當
sleep|not good|or|diet|improper
Poor sleep or improper diet.
肯·羅賓遜 爵士 講述 了 吉莉安·琳恩 的 故事
||Sir|told|past tense marker|||possessive particle|story
Sir Ken Robinson told the story of Gillian Lynne.
一個 八歲 的 女孩 據說 有 學習 障礙
a|eight-year-old|possessive particle|girl|it is said|has|learning|disability
An eight-year-old girl was said to have a learning disability.
她 無法 集中 精神
She could not concentrate.
從來 沒有 一動不動 的 安靜 坐著過
never|has|completely still|possessive particle|quietly|sat down
She had never sat still and quiet.
當 她 被 帶 到 專科醫生 那裡 時
when|she|passive marker|taken|to|specialist|there|time
When she was taken to the specialist.
專科醫生 沒有 進行 任何 治療
specialist doctor|did not|perform|any|treatment
The specialist did not provide any treatment.
而是 用 廣播 播放 音樂
Instead, he played music through the radio.
女孩 聽著 音樂 就 開始 跳舞
The girl|listening to|music|then|started|dancing
The girl started dancing while listening to the music.
然後 醫生 告訴 她 的 母親
then|doctor|told|her|possessive particle|mother
Then the doctor told her mother.
“吉莉安 沒有 病 ;她 是 一個 舞者
Jillian|does not have|illness|she|is|a|dancer
"Jillian is not sick; she is a dancer.
帶 她 去 舞蹈 學校 吧 。
take|her|to|dance|school|suggestion particle
Take her to dance school."
吉莉安 · 林恩 後來 成為 一名 著名 的 舞蹈家
Jillian|Lynn|later|became|a|famous|possessive particle|dancer
Gillian Lynne later became a famous dancer.
參演 了 一些
participated in|past tense marker|some
She participated in some.
百老匯 歷史 上 最 成功 的 音樂劇
Broadway|history|in|most|successful|possessive particle|musical
of the most successful musicals in Broadway history.
請 在 下面 的 評論 中 分享 你 的 想法
please|in|below|possessive particle|comments|in|share|your|possessive particle|thoughts
Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
如果 您 是 多動症 患者
If you are a patient with ADHD
請 告訴 我們 您 的 應對 機制
please|tell|us|you|possessive particle|response|mechanism
please tell us about your coping mechanisms
這樣 我們 可以 通過 閱讀 您 的 見解 來 學到 更 多
this way|we|can|through|reading|you|possessive particle|insights|to|learn|more|much
so that we can learn more by reading your insights
如果 您 想 支持 我們 的 頻道
if|you|want|support|our|possessive particle|channel
If you want to support our channel
讓 我們 可以 製作 更 多 這樣 的 視頻
let|us|can|create|more|many|such|possessive particle|videos
Let us create more videos like this.
有關 詳情請 訪問
regarding|for details please|visit
For more details, please visit.
看看 我們 都 在 做些 什麼
let's see|we|all|are|doing something|what
See what we are all doing.
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