Alice in Wonderland ; Ch. 19 .(little fox chinese )
Alice im Wunderland; Kap. 19. (kleiner Fuchs chinesisch)
不思議の国のアリス 第 19 章 (小さなキツネの中国語)
Alice no País das Maravilhas; cap. 19 (little fox chinese)
Alice i Underlandet; Kap 19. (liten räv kinesisk)
Alice in Wonderland; Ch. 19. (little fox chinese)
Alice in Wonderland; Ch. 19. (little fox chinese)
素 甲魚 深深地 嘆 了 口氣 ,擦 了 擦 眼淚 。
plain|soft-shelled turtle|deeply|sighed|past tense marker|breath|wiped|past tense marker|wiped|tears
The soft turtle sighed deeply and wiped away its tears.
他 看 了 看 愛麗絲 ,想要 說話 ,但是 又 哭 了 起來 。
he|read|past tense marker|looked|Alice|wanted to|talk|but|again|cried|past tense marker|started
It looked at Alice, wanting to speak, but then started crying again.
別 擔心 。
Don't worry.
“鷹頭獅 對 愛麗絲 說 ,”他 一直 就是 這個 樣子 的 。
Griffin|to|Alice|said|he|always|has been|this|way|particle
"The griffin said to Alice, 'He has always been like this.'
甲魚 很快 就 平靜下來 了 。
soft-shelled turtle|very quickly|then|calmed down|past tense marker
The turtle quickly calmed down.
他 開始 描述 龍蝦 舞 。
He began to describe the lobster dance.
“你 可能 沒有 在 海底 生活 過 。
you|might|have not|in|underwater|life|experienced
"You may not have lived in the seabed."
“是的 。
“愛麗絲 說 。
"Alice said."
“那 你 可能 也 沒有 認識 過 龍蝦 。
then|you|probably|also|have not|recognized|past tense marker|lobster
"Then you probably haven't met a lobster before."},{
愛麗絲 本來 想 說 自己 吃過 龍蝦 ,但是 她 忍住 了 。
Alice|originally|wanted|to say|herself|had eaten|lobster|but|she|held back|past tense marker
“那 你 知不知道 跳 龍蝦 舞 是 多麼 開心 的 一件 事 ?
then|you|do you know|dancing|lobster|dance|is|how|happy|possessive particle|one|thing
“素 甲魚 說 。
vegetarian|soft-shelled turtle|said
"The plain turtle said.
愛麗絲 搖搖頭 。
Alice|shook her head
Alice shook her head.
“不 知道 。
"I don't know.
鷹頭獅 加入 了 談話 。
Griffin|joined|past tense marker|conversation
The griffin joined the conversation.
“首先 ,你們 要 在 岸邊 站成 一排 。
first|you (plural)|must|at|the shore|stand in|a line
"First, you all need to line up on the shore.
“是 兩排 。
is|two rows
"It's two lines.
“素 甲魚 說 ,”然後 ,要 把 所有 的 水母 都 清除 掉 。
vegetarian|turtle|said|then|must|(indicates action)|all|possessive particle|jellyfish|all|clear|away
"The soft-shelled turtle said," and then, all the jellyfish must be cleared away.
”一般 需要 很 長時間 。
usually|takes|very|long time
"It usually takes a long time.
“鷹頭獅 說 。
"The griffin said.
“往前走 兩步 。
walk forward|two steps
"Take two steps forward.
”和 你 的 龍蝦 舞伴 一起 。
and|you|possessive particle|lobster|dance partner|together
"And dance with your lobster partner.
“鷹頭獅 說 。
" said the griffin.
“當然 了 。
of course|past tense marker
"Of course."
“ 素 甲魚 說 ,” 往前走 兩步 , 面對 你 的 舞伴 , 然後 ......“
"The soft-shelled turtle said, 'Take two steps forward, face your dance partner, and then..."
”換 一個 舞伴 。
change|one|dance partner
"Change to a different dance partner."
“鷹頭獅 說 ,「然後 你 把 龍蝦 扔 到 ......”
Eagle-headed Lion|said|then|you|(verb particle)|lobster|throw|to
"The griffin said, 'Then you throw the lobster to..."
」很遠 的 地方 。
very far|possessive particle|place
"A very far place."
“素 甲魚 說 。
vegetarian|soft-shelled turtle|said
"The soft-shelled turtle said.
“接著 ,你 跟著 他們 游泳 。
"Then, you swim along with them."
“鷹頭獅 說 。
"The griffin said."
“再 在 海裡 翻個 大 跟頭 !
again|in|the sea|do a|big|somersault
"Then do a big somersault in the sea!"
“素 甲魚 興奮 地 跳 著舞 。
vegetarian|turtle|excited|adverbial particle|jumps|dancing
"The soft-shelled turtle excitedly danced."
“然後 再 換 一個 舞伴 !
then|again|change|one|dance partner
"Then change to another dance partner!"
“鷹頭獅 高聲 大喊 。
Eagle-headed Lion|loudly|shouted
"The griffin shouted loudly."
“再 回到 陸地 上 。
again|return to|land|on
"Back on land.
“素 甲魚 說 ,”第一 部分 的 舞蹈 就 結束 了 。
vegetarian|soft-shelled turtle|said|first|part|possessive particle|dance|then|ended|past tense marker
"The soft-shelled turtle said, "the first part of the dance has ended.
甲魚 和 鷹 頭獅 在 描述 的 時候 跳來跳去 。
soft-shelled turtle|and|eagle|lion-headed|at|description|possessive particle|time|jump around
The soft-shelled turtle and the eagle-headed lion jumped around while describing.
現在 ,他們 都 坐 下來 ,看著 愛麗絲 。
now|they|all|sit|down|looking at|Alice
Now, they all sat down and looked at Alice.
愛麗絲 不 知道 應該 怎麼 反應 。
Alice didn't know how to react.
最後 她 說 :「那 一定 是 非常 美麗 的 舞蹈 。
finally|she|said|that|must|is|very|beautiful|possessive particle|dance
Finally, she said: "That must be a very beautiful dance.
”你 想 看 一下 嗎 ?
you|want|see|a little|question particle
"Do you want to take a look?"
“素 甲魚 問 。
vegetarian|soft-shelled turtle|ask
"The soft-shelled turtle asked.
“好啊 !
”第一 部分 沒有 龍蝦 也 能 跳 。
"Part One: You can jump even without lobsters."},{
“素 甲魚 對 鷹 頭獅 說 ,「你 想 唱歌 嗎 ?
vegetarian|soft-shelled turtle|to|eagle|lion|said|you|want|to sing|question particle
”你 來 唱 吧 !
you|come|sing|suggestion particle
我 已經 不 記得 歌詞 了 。
I|already|not|remember|lyrics|past tense marker
I no longer remember the lyrics.
“鷹頭獅 回答 。
"The griffin replied.
於是 ,素 甲魚 唱 了 一首 關於 蝸牛 跳 龍蝦 舞 的 歌 。
then|plain|turtle|sang|past tense marker|a|about|snail|jumping|lobster|dance|possessive particle|song
So, the soft-shelled turtle sang a song about a snail dancing the lobster dance.
兩隻 動物 開始 跳舞 ,有時候 還 不 小心 踩到 她 的 腳 。
two|animals|started|dancing|sometimes|also|not|careful|stepped on|she|possessive particle|foot
The two animals started to dance, sometimes accidentally stepping on her feet.
他們 跳 完 以後 ,愛麗絲 鼓 了 鼓掌 。
They|jump|finish|after|Alice|beat|past tense marker|clapped
After they finished jumping, Alice clapped her hands.
現在 我們 想 聽聽 你 的 故事 。
now|we|want|to hear|you|possessive particle|story
Now we want to hear your story.
“鷹頭獅 說 。
Eagle-headed Lion|said
The griffin said.
他 和 素 甲魚 分別 坐在 了 愛麗絲 的 兩邊 。
He|and|vegetarian|turtle|respectively|sat at|past tense marker|Alice|possessive particle|both sides
He and the turtle sat on either side of Alice.
“如果 你們 真的 想 聽 的話 ......一 開始 ,我 跟 著 一隻 白兔 掉 進 了 兔子 洞 。
if|you (plural)|really|want|to listen|(conditional particle)|one|started|I|to follow|past action marker|one (measure word for animals)|white rabbit|fell|into|past tense marker|rabbit|hole
"If you really want to hear it... At the beginning, I followed a white rabbit and fell into a rabbit hole.
她 開始 講 自己 的 故事 。
She|started|telling|her own|possessive particle|story
She started telling her own story.
當 她 講到 毛毛蟲 的 時候 ,鷹頭獅 和 素甲魚 已經 聽煩 了 。
when|she|talked about|caterpillar|possessive particle|time|eagle-headed lion|and|soft-shelled turtle|already|tired of listening|past tense marker
By the time she got to the caterpillar, the griffin and the turtle had already gotten tired of listening.
“我 聽夠 了 。
I|have heard enough|past tense marker
"I've had enough.
“鷹頭獅 說 。
"The griffin said."},{
“但 故事 還沒 講完 呢 !
but|story|not yet|finished|question particle
“愛麗絲 說 。
她 又 一次 覺得 每個 人 都 很 沒 禮貌 。
“我們 再來 跳 龍蝦 舞 吧 !
we|again|dance|lobster|dance|suggestion particle
"Let's dance the lobster dance again!"
“鷹頭獅 說 。
The griffin said.
他 看 著 愛麗絲 。
He looked at Alice.
“或者 你 想 讓 素 甲魚 再 唱 一首歌 ?
or|you|want|let|vegetarian|soft-shelled turtle|again|sing|a song
"Or do you want the mock turtle to sing another song?"
“請 再 唱 一首歌 。
please|again|sing|a song
"Please sing another song.
“愛麗絲 迅速 回答 。
"Alice quickly replied.
鷹頭 獅 皺 了 皺眉 。
eagle head|lion|frown|past tense marker|furrowed brow
The griffin frowned.
“哼 。
“ 他 生氣 地說 ,” 如果 是 我 , 我 就 不會 這麼 決定 , 但 如果 你 一定 要 的話 ......” 鷹頭 獅看 著素 甲魚 。
"He said angrily, 'If it were me, I wouldn't make this decision, but if you insist on it..." The eagle-headed lion looked at the plain turtle.
“唱 '甲 魚湯 '給 她 聽 吧 !
sing|a name|fish soup|to|her|listen|suggestion particle
"Sing 'Turtle Soup' to her!"
素 甲魚 嘆 了 口氣 ,哽咽 著 唱起 歌 來 。
plain|soft-shelled turtle|sighed|past tense marker|breath|choked with emotion|continuous aspect marker|started to sing|song|indicating action towards the speaker
The soft turtle sighed and began to sing with a choked voice.
突然 ,他 被 一個 聲音 打斷 :「審判 就 要 開始 了 !
suddenly|he|(passive marker)|a|voice|interrupted|trial|just|about to|start|past tense marker
Suddenly, he was interrupted by a voice: "The trial is about to begin!"
”快 走 !
"Hurry up and go!
“鷹頭獅 大 喊 。
Eagle-headed Lion|big|shout
"The griffin shouted.
他 沒有 等 素 甲魚 ,拉著 愛麗絲 的 手 跑 了 。
He|did not|wait for|vegetarian|soft-shelled turtle|holding|Alice|possessive particle|hand|ran|past tense marker
He didn't wait for the turtle, but grabbed Alice's hand and ran.
“審判 誰 ?
"Who is being judged?
“愛麗絲 問 。
"Alice asked.
鷹頭獅 只是 重複 說 了 一句 :「快 走 !
Eagle-headed Lion|just|repeated|said|past tense marker|one sentence|quickly|go
The griffin just repeated a sentence: "Hurry up!"
“他 跑 得 更 快 了 。
he|runs|adverbial particle|even|fast|past tense marker
"He ran even faster."
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