60-安妮 應該 帶 把 傘
Annie|should|bring|measure word for tools|umbrella
60 - Annie should bring an umbrella.
故事 六十 :安妮 應該 帶 把 傘
story|sixty|Annie|should|bring|measure word for objects|umbrella
Story Sixty: Annie should bring an umbrella.
我 覺得 今天 可能 會 下雨 ,因為 天上 有 烏雲 。
I|think|today|might|will|rain|because|in the sky|has|dark clouds
I think it might rain today because there are dark clouds in the sky.
即使 不 下雨 ,我 最好 也 把 雨傘 帶著 ,因為 我 昨天 被 淋濕 了 。
even if|not|rain|I|should|also|(particle indicating disposal)|umbrella|bring|because|I|yesterday|(passive marker)|soaked|past tense marker
Even if it doesn't rain, I should still bring the umbrella because I got wet yesterday.
有的時候 我 決定 不 帶 傘 。
Sometimes I decide not to bring an umbrella.
有的時候 我 只是 忘了 帶 。
sometimes|I|just|forgot|to bring
Sometimes I just forget to bring it.
我 常常 猶豫 應不應該 帶 傘 。
I|often|hesitate|whether or not|bring|umbrella
I often hesitate whether I should bring an umbrella.
這 是 因為 我 知道 我 帶 傘 的 時候 常常 把 我 的 雨傘 落 在 哪裡 忘 了 拿 了 。
this|is|because|I|know|I|carry|umbrella|possessive particle|when|often|(indicates disposal)|my|possessive particle|umbrella|left|at|where|forget|past tense marker|take|past tense marker
This is because I know that when I bring an umbrella, I often forget where I left it.
不論 怎樣 看起來 我 一 不 帶 傘 我 就 被 淋濕 。
no matter|how|it seems|I|at all|not|bring|umbrella|I|then|be|soaked
No matter how it looks, I didn't bring an umbrella and I got soaked.
比如 昨天 ,我 覺得 可能 不會 下雨 ,就 連 天氣 預報 都 說 只有 20% 的 降雨 率 。
for example|yesterday|I|thought|probably|will not|rain|then|even|weather|forecast|all|said|only|possessive particle|rain|rate
For example, yesterday, I thought it probably wouldn't rain, and even the weather forecast said there was only a 20% chance of rain.
我 出門 的 時候 沒 帶 傘 ,希望 別 下 雨 。
I|go out|possessive particle|when|not|bring|umbrella|hope|not|fall|rain
When I went out, I didn't bring an umbrella, hoping it wouldn't rain.
但是 你 怎麼 會 知道 呢 ,下雨 了 我 也 被 淋濕 了 。
but|you|how|would|know|question particle|rain|past tense marker|I|also|passive marker|get wet|past tense marker
But how could you know? It rained and I got soaked.
我 想 我 只 能 再 小心 一點 。
I|think|I|only|can|again|careful|a little
I think I can only be a little more careful.
我 需要 對 帶 傘 這 件 事 更加 小心 ,而且 要 記得 把 它 帶回 家 。
I|need|regarding|carrying|umbrella|this|measure word|matter|more|careful|and|must|remember|particle indicating disposal|it|bring back|home
I need to be more careful about bringing the umbrella, and I must remember to take it back home.
生活 真是 充滿 了 困難 的 決定 。
life|really|full of|past tense marker|difficulties|possessive particle|decision
Life is truly full of difficult decisions.
用 不同 的 方式 講述 同 一 個 故事 。
use|different|possessive particle|way|narrate|same|one|measure word|story
Telling the same story in different ways.
安妮 上 個 星期 覺得 星期一 會 下雨 ,因為 天 上 有 烏雲 。
Annie|last|measure word|week|thought|Monday|would|rain|because|sky|on|has|dark clouds
Annie thought it would rain on Monday last week because there were dark clouds in the sky.
即使 不 下雨 ,她 最 好 也 把 雨傘 帶著 ,因為 她 前 一天 被 淋濕 了 。
even if|not|rain|she|most|better|also|(a particle indicating the disposal of an object)|umbrella|carry|because|she|previous|day|(a passive marker)|soaked|past tense marker
Even if it doesn't rain, she should at least bring an umbrella because she got wet the day before.
有 的 時候 她 決定 不 帶 傘 。
there is|possessive particle|time|she|decided|not|bring|umbrella
Sometimes she decides not to bring an umbrella.
有的時候 她 只是 忘了 帶 。
sometimes|she|just|forgot|to bring
Sometimes she just forgets to bring one.
而且 ,她 常常 猶豫 應不應該 帶 傘 。
and|she|often|hesitates|whether should|bring|umbrella
Moreover, she often hesitates whether she should take an umbrella.
這 是 因為 她 知道 她 帶 傘 的 時候 常常 把 她 的 雨傘 落 在 哪裡 忘 了 拿 了 。
this|is|because|she|knows|she|carries|umbrella|possessive particle|when|often|(indicates disposal)|her|possessive particle|umbrella|left|at|where|forget|past tense marker|take|past tense marker
This is because she knows that when she takes an umbrella, she often forgets where she left it.
不論 怎樣 看起來 安妮 一 不 帶 傘 她 就 被 淋濕 。
no matter|how|looks like|Annie|at all|not|carry|umbrella|she|then|by|soaked
No matter how it looks, Annie gets wet when she doesn't take an umbrella.
比如 那 天 ,她 覺得 可能 不會 下雨 ,就 連 天氣 預報 都 說 只有 20% 的 降雨 率 。
for example|that|day|she|thought|probably|will not|rain|then|even|weather|forecast|all|said|only|(possessive particle)|rain|rate
For example, that day, she thought it probably wouldn't rain, as even the weather forecast said there was only a 20% chance of rain.
她 出門 的 時候 沒 帶 傘 ,希望 別 下 雨 。
She|go out|possessive particle|when|did not|bring|umbrella|hope|not|rain|rain
She didn't take an umbrella when she went out, hoping it wouldn't rain.
但是 你 怎麼 會 知道 呢 ,下雨 了 她 也 被 淋濕 了 。
but|you|how|would|know|question particle|rain|past tense marker|she|also|passive marker|soaked|past tense marker
But how could you know? It rained and she got wet.
她 想 她 只 能 再 小心 一點 。
She|thinks|she|only|can|again|careful|a little
She thought she could only be a little more careful.
她 需要 對 帶 傘 這 件 事 更加 小心 ,而且 要 記得 把 它 帶回 家 。
She|needs|regarding|carrying|umbrella|this|measure word|matter|more|careful|and|must|remember|particle indicating disposal|it|bring back|home
She needs to be more careful about bringing an umbrella and also remember to take it back home.
生活 真是 充滿 了 困難 的 決定 。
life|really|full of|past tense marker|difficulties|possessive particle|decision
Life is truly filled with difficult decisions.
問題 :
一 : 我 覺得 今天 可能 會 下雨 , 因為 天 上 有 烏雲 。
1: I think it might rain today because there are dark clouds in the sky.
為什麼 我 覺得 今天 會 下雨 ?
Why do I think it will rain today?
你 覺得 今天 可能 會 下雨 因為 天 上 有 烏雲 。
you|think|today|possibly|will|rain|because|sky|on|has|dark clouds
You think it might rain today because there are dark clouds in the sky.
二 :我 最好 把 雨傘 帶著 ,因為 我 昨天 被 淋濕 了 。
2|I|should|(particle indicating disposal)|umbrella|bring|because|I|yesterday|(passive marker)|soaked|past tense marker
I should probably bring an umbrella because I got wet yesterday.
為什麼 我 最 好 把 雨傘 帶著 ?
why|I|most|should|(a particle indicating disposal)|umbrella|bring
Why should I bring an umbrella?
你 應該 把 雨傘 帶著 因為 你 昨天 被 淋濕 了 。
you|should|(particle indicating disposal)|umbrella|bring|because|you|yesterday|(passive marker)|soaked|past tense marker
You should bring an umbrella because you got wet yesterday.
三 : 我 常常 猶豫 應不應該 帶 傘 。
Three: I often hesitate whether I should bring an umbrella.
我 是 不 是 常常 很 確定 要 帶 傘 ?
Am I often very sure that I should bring an umbrella?
不 ,有 的 時候 你 常常 猶豫 應不應該 帶 傘 。
no|have|(possessive particle)|time|you|often|hesitate|should or should not|bring|umbrella
No, sometimes you often hesitate whether you should bring an umbrella.
四 :這 是 因為 我 知道 我 帶 傘 的 時候 常常 把 我 的 雨傘 落 在 哪裡 忘 了 拿 了 。
four|this|is|because|I|know|I|carry|umbrella|possessive particle|when|often|(indicates action of putting)|my|possessive particle|umbrella|left|at|where|forget|past tense marker|take|past tense marker
Four: This is because I know that when I bring an umbrella, I often forget where I left it.
我 帶 傘 的 時候 常常 會 做 什麼 ?
I|carry|umbrella|possessive particle|when|often|will|do|what
What do I often do when I carry an umbrella?
你 帶 傘 的 時候 常常 把 雨傘 落 在 哪裡 忘 了 拿 了 。
you|carry|umbrella|possessive particle|when|often|particle indicating disposal|umbrella|left|at|where|forget|past tense marker|take|past tense marker
Where do you often forget to take your umbrella?
五 :不論 怎樣 看起來 安妮 一 不 帶 傘 她 就 被 淋濕 。
five|no matter|how|looks like|Annie|at all|not|carry|umbrella|she|then|by|soaked
No matter how it looks, Annie gets wet if she doesn't carry an umbrella.
一 下雨 安妮 會 怎麼樣 ?
when|rains|Annie|will|be affected
What will Annie do when it rains?
一 下雨 她 就 會 被 淋濕 。
when|it rains|she|then|will|be|soaked
As soon as it rains, she will get wet.
六 :比如 那 天 ,她 覺得 可能 不會 下雨 ,就 連 天氣 預報 都 說 只有 20% 的 降雨 率 。
six|for example|that|day|she|thought|probably|will not|rain|then|even|weather|forecast|all|said|only|possessive particle|rain|rate
For example, that day, she thought it probably wouldn't rain, and even the weather forecast said there was only a 20% chance of rain.
天氣 預報 說 有 多少 降雨 率 ?
weather|forecast|says|has|how much|rain|rate
What does the weather forecast say about the chance of rain?
天氣 預報 說 只 有 20% 的 降雨 率 。
weather|forecast|says|only|has|possessive particle|rain|rate
The weather forecast says there is only a 20% chance of rain.
七 :她 想 她 只 能 再 小心 一點 。
7|she|thinks|she|only|can|again|careful|a little
Seven: She thinks she can only be a little more careful.
安妮 要 怎麼 做 ?
Annie|wants|how|to do
What should Annie do?
她 要 再 小心 一點 。
She|needs to|even more|careful|a little
She needs to be a little more careful.
八 :她 需要 對 帶 傘 這 件 事 更加 小心 。
eight|she|needs|regarding|carrying|umbrella|this|measure word|matter|more|careful
Eight: She needs to be more careful about carrying an umbrella.
安妮 要 對 什麼 更加 小心 ?
What does Annie need to be more careful about?
她 需要 對 帶 傘 這 件 事 更加 小心 。
She|needs|regarding|carrying|umbrella|this|measure word|matter|more|careful
She needs to be more careful about bringing an umbrella.
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