最 簡單 檢測 出 「阿茲海默症 」的 方式 :血液 檢測 A Simple Blood Test to Detect Alzheimer's |洪 姮 娥 Herng Er Horng | TEDxTaipei
most|simple|test|to detect|Alzheimer's disease|possessive particle|method|blood|test|A|simple|blood|test|to|detect|Alzheimer's|Horng|Er|Horng|Herng|Er|Horng|TEDxTaipei
Um exame de sangue simples para detectar Alzheimer | Herng Er Horng | TEDxTaipei
A Simple Blood Test to Detect Alzheimer's | Herng Er Horng | TEDxTaipei
大家 好
Hello everyone
其實 我 不太好
actually|I|am not very well
Actually, I'm not doing very well
(笑聲 )
因為 我 今天 要 介紹 一個 非常 傷腦筋 的 問題
because|I|today|want to|introduce|a|very|troublesome|(possessive particle)|question
Because today I want to introduce a very troublesome issue.
就是 阿茲海默症 (AD)
that is|Alzheimer's disease|(AD)
That is Alzheimer's disease (AD).
這個 問題 呢
this|question|question particle
This issue is very serious,
非常 嚴重 ,因為 全世界 的 發病率 很 高
very|serious|because|the whole world|possessive particle|incidence rate|very|high
because the incidence rate is very high worldwide.
65 歲 以上 的 人 ,20 個 人 裡面 是 有 一 個 會 是 患者
years|above|possessive particle|people|measure word|people|among|is|have|one|measure word|will|be|patient
Among people aged 65 and older, 1 in 20 will be a patient.
然後 呢 ,85 歲 以上 的 甚至於 4 個 裡面 就 有 一個
then|question particle|years|above|possessive particle|even|measure word|inside|already|has|one
And for those aged 85 and older, it's even 1 in 4.
所以 在 老年化 的 社會 裡面 當然 是 我們 非常 嚴重 的 問題
so|in|aging|possessive particle|society|inside|of course|is|we|very|serious|possessive particle|problem
So in an aging society, this is certainly a very serious issue for us.
每個 家庭 都 面臨 到 AD 的 威脅
every|family|all|faces|to|Alzheimer's disease|possessive particle|threat
Every family is facing the threat of Alzheimer's disease.
因為 我 跟 很多 朋友 談過
because|I|with|many|friends|have talked
Because I have talked to many friends.
他們 或多或少 都 有 一些 長輩 都 ...... 目前 還是 長輩
They all have some elders, more or less... and they are still elders.
但是 有 年齡層 往 下降 的 趨勢
but|has|age group|towards|decline|possessive particle|trend
However, there is a trend of the age group declining.
長輩 都 或多或少 會 有 這個 問題
elders|all|more or less|will|have|this|problem
Elders will more or less have this problem.
那 我們 要 探究 它 的 原因
then|we|will|investigate|it|possessive particle|reason
Then we need to explore its causes.
因為 你 知道 它 的 原因 以後 大約 對 這個 病 的 了解 會 比較 知道
because|you|know|it|possessive particle|reason|in the future|approximately|regarding|this|illness|possessive particle|understanding|will|relatively|know
Because once you know its causes, you will have a better understanding of this disease.
也 知道 怎麼 來 處理
You will also know how to deal with it.
然後 呢 ,基本上 它 是 腦神經 細胞 受到 傷害
then|question particle|basically|it|is|brain nerve|cell|received|damage
Basically, it is the brain nerve cells that are damaged.
那 我們 腦神經 細胞 ,一般來講 我們 頭腦 裡面 有 腦神經 細胞
then|we|brain nerve|cells|generally speaking|we|brain|inside|have|brain nerve|cells
So we have brain nerve cells, generally speaking, we have brain nerve cells in our heads.
腦神經 細胞 我們 有 神經纖維 來 做 傳導 的 作用
brain nerve|cells|we|have|nerve fibers|to|perform|conduction|possessive particle|function
Brain nerve cells have nerve fibers that serve the function of conduction.
那 神經纖維 呢 ,它 的 ......
that|nerve fiber|question particle|it|possessive particle
As for the nerve fibers, they...
每條 神經纖維 為 什麼 不 打結
each|nerve fiber|for|what|not|knotting
Why doesn't each nerve fiber get tangled?
是 因為 它 有 一個 叫 Tau 蛋白 大家 看到 一個 Tau , Tau 蛋白
It is because it has a protein called Tau. Everyone sees a Tau, Tau protein.
是 讓 它 不要 打結
It prevents it from tangling.
如果 發病 的話 那 Tau 蛋白 會 脫落
if|onset of disease|then|then|Tau|protein|will|detach
If it gets sick, then the Tau protein will fall off.
那 神經纖維 就 會 打結
that|nerve fibers|then|will|tangle
Then the nerve fibers will tangle.
另外 有 一個 原因 就是說 你 有 發病 的 時候
additionally|has|one|reason|that is|you|have|illness|possessive particle|time
Additionally, there is another reason that when you are ill,
頭腦 裡面 身體 的 酵素
brain|inside|body|possessive particle|enzyme
the enzymes in your body,
會 把 有 一個 叫做 Aβ 的 蛋白質
will|particle indicating action|have|a|called|Aβ|possessive particle|protein
will chop a protein called Aβ,
把 它 砍成 細片
to cut|it|into|small pieces
into small pieces.
那 砍成 細段 了 以後 呢
that|cut into|small pieces|past tense marker|after|question particle
After being cut into small pieces,
它會 沉積 , 沉積 在 腦神經 上面
it will accumulate, accumulating on the brain nerves.
這 兩個 原因
These two reasons,
一個 是 Tau 蛋白 脫落
one is the detachment of Tau protein.
一個 是 Aβ 被 砍成 細段 以後 沉積 變成 斑塊
one|is|Aβ|by|cut into|small segments|after|deposition|becomes|plaques
One is that Aβ is cut into small segments and then accumulates to form plaques.
那 這樣的話 都 會 造成 腦細胞 死亡
then|in that case|all|will|cause|brain cells|death
In this case, it will cause the death of brain cells.
那 我們 看一看 腦細胞 死亡 的 一個 過程
then|we|take a look at|brain cells|death|possessive particle|one|process
Now let's take a look at the process of brain cell death.
第一個 ,它 會 從 海馬 迴 開始 hippocampus
First, it starts from the hippocampus.
海馬 迴 開始 的 時候 它 會 造成 什麼樣 ?
hippocampus|circuit|start|possessive particle|when|it|will|cause|what kind
What happens when the hippocampus starts?
因為 海馬 迴 是 在 主掌 我們
Because the hippocampus is in charge of our
一個 人 的 記憶 跟 認知
a|person|possessive particle|memory|and|cognition
memory and cognition.
所以 你 會 開始 就 覺得
So you will start to feel.
好像 記憶 會 常常 忘東 忘西
seems|memory|will|often|forget things|forget other things
It seems that memory often forgets things here and there.
但是 忘東 忘西 不要 緊張
but|forget east|forget west|don't|nervous
But forgetting things here and there is nothing to worry about.
忘東 忘西 不 一定 就是 阿茲海默症
forgetting east|forgetting west|not|necessarily|just|Alzheimer's disease
Forgetting things here and there does not necessarily mean Alzheimer's disease.
(笑聲 )
然後 呢 ,還有 就是說
then|question particle|also|that is to say
Then, there is also the saying
它 的 認知 會 有 異常
it|possessive particle|cognition|will|have|abnormalities
Its cognition will have abnormalities
會 有 異常 人際 的 溝通
will|have|abnormal|interpersonal|possessive particle|communication
There will be abnormal interpersonal communication
但是 ,從 海馬 迴 它 會 慢慢 發展 到 全腦
but|from|hippocampus|circuit|it|will|slowly|develop|to|whole brain
However, from the hippocampus, it will slowly develop to the whole brain
嚴重 的 時候
serious|possessive particle|time
In severe cases.
而且 ,這 一個 發展 的 早期 中晚期 ,到 嚴重 期
moreover|this|one|development|possessive particle|early|mid-late stage|to|severe|period
Moreover, during the early to late stages of this development, it reaches a severe stage.
這個 基本上 是 不 能夠 回頭 的
this|basically|is|not|able to|turn back|(particle indicating past action)
This basically cannot be reversed.
為 什麼 呢 ?
why|what|question particle
Why is that?
因為 腦細胞 死亡 ,沒有 那麼 容易
because|brain cells|die|not|that|easy
Because brain cells die, it's not that easy.
甚至 有人 說 不能 治
Some even say it cannot be cured.
有人 說會 增生 ,但是 portion 也 就是 部分 不會 太 大
someone|said will|increase|but|portion|also|is|part|will not|too|large
Some say there will be regeneration, but the portion will not be too large.
那 如果 是 嚴重 期 呢 ,會 怎麼樣 呢 ?
then|if|is|severe|period|question particle|will|how|question particle
So what happens if it is a severe stage?
你 可以 看到 腦死
you|can|see|brain death
You can see brain death.
因為 腦細胞 死亡 會 使得 腦 非常 嚴重 萎縮
because|brain cells|death|will|cause|brain|very|severe|atrophy
Because the death of brain cells will cause the brain to shrink severely.
這個 健康 腦 跟 嚴重 的 腦的 區別 大家 可以 看得 非常 清楚
this|healthy|brain|and|serious|possessive particle|brain's|distinction|everyone|can|see|very|clearly
The difference between a healthy brain and a severely damaged brain is very clear to everyone.
然後 呢 ,是不是 那麼 可怕 ?
then|question particle|is it not|that|scary
So, is it really that scary?
從今 天 我 健康 明天 我 就 變 阿茲海默症 了 ?
from now|day|I|healthy|tomorrow|I|then|become|Alzheimer's disease|past tense marker
From today I am healthy, tomorrow will I have Alzheimer's disease?
我 想 ,幸運 的 是 沒有 那麼 嚴重
I|think|lucky|possessive particle|is|not have|that|serious
I think, fortunately, it is not that serious.
大家 可以 看到 它 中間 還有 一個
everyone|can|see|it|in the middle|still has|one
Everyone can see that there is still a stage in the middle.
叫做 「輕度 認知障礙 」的 那個 階段
called|mild|cognitive impairment|possessive particle|that|stage
It's called 'mild cognitive impairment'.
這個 障礙 呢 ,你 如果 開始 有 辦法 把 它 診斷 出來
this|obstacle|question particle|you|if|start|have|method|particle indicating disposal|it|diagnose|out
This obstacle, if you start to find a way to diagnose it,
它 其實 有 差不多 6 年 的 時間
it|actually|has|about|years|possessive particle|time
it actually has been around for almost 6 years.
如果 不 處理 ,它 有 80% 的 人
if|not|handled|it|has|possessive particle|people
If not addressed, 80% of people
會 走向 阿茲海默症 的 一個 途徑
will|lead to|Alzheimer's disease|possessive particle|one|pathway
will head towards a path of Alzheimer's disease.
那 所以 呢 ,在 這個 階段 是 非常 重要 的 ,特別 要 講
then|so|question particle|at|this|stage|is|very|important|possessive particle|especially|must|speak
So, at this stage, it is very important, especially to mention.
因為 這個 階段 呢 ,很 長
because|this|stage|question particle|very|long
Because this stage is quite long.
而且 這個 階段 呢 是 基本上 醫生 還 可以 處理
and|this|stage|question particle|is|basically|doctor|still|can|handle
And at this stage, basically, doctors can still handle it.
那個 就是 我們 把 它 叫做 早期 MCI 的 階段
that|is|we|(a preposition indicating the action of taking)|it|called|early|MCI|(possessive particle)|stage
We call this the early MCI stage.
M 就是 輕度 的
is|just|mild|particle indicating possession or description
M is mild.
C 就是 認知 的
is|just|cognition|possessive particle
C is cognitive.
I 就是 障礙
I is impairment.
所以 MCI 的 階段 呢 如果 能夠 提早 檢驗 出來
so|MCI|possessive particle|stage|question particle|if|can|early|testing|out
So if the stage of MCI can be detected early.
其實 可以 藉由 在 醫生 的 指導 之下
actually|can|by|in|doctor|possessive particle|guidance|under
In fact, it can be done under the guidance of a doctor.
可以 藉由 運動 、營養 認知 訓練 、藥物
It can be achieved through exercise, nutritional cognitive training, and medication.
那 藥物 呢 ,現成 已經 有 藥物 了
that|medicine|question particle|ready|already|has|medicine|past action marker
As for the medication, there are already available drugs.
那 我們 知道 嘛 醫藥 的 發展 ,藥 的 發展
then|we|know|question particle|medicine|possessive particle|development|drug|possessive particle|development
We know that the development of medicine and drugs is ongoing.
基本上 是 從 開始 可能 有 的 藥效 不是 那麼 好
basically|is|from|the beginning|may|have|(possessive particle)|efficacy|not|that|good
Basically, the initial effects of the medication may not be that good.
慢慢 慢慢 大家 又 研發 更好 的 藥 出來
slowly|slowly|everyone|again|develop|better|possessive particle|medicine|out
Slowly, everyone has developed better medications.
所以 事實上 現在 是 有藥 的 來治 那個 MCI 的 這個 階段
so|in fact|now|is|there is medication|possessive particle|to treat|that|MCI|possessive particle|this|stage
So in fact, there are now medications available to treat the MCI stage.
但是 問題 是 :在 醫學 上 有沒有 辦法 去 把 MCI 檢驗 出來 ?
but|question|is|in|medicine|field|is there|method|to|(particle indicating action on an object)|MCI|test|out
But the question is: is there a way in medicine to detect MCI?
很多 人 到 醫院 去 的 時候 其實 都 是 回天乏力 了
many|people|arrive|hospital|go|past action particle|when|actually|all|are|exhausted|past tense marker
Many people actually go to the hospital when they are already exhausted.
因為 都 已經 受到 損害 了
because|all|already|received|damage|past tense marker
Because they have already been harmed.
那 如果 我們 能夠
then|if|we|are able to
If we can,
在 還沒 有 受到 損害 的 時候 能夠 把 它 檢驗 出來
at|not yet|have|received|damage|possessive particle|time|able to|particle indicating disposal|it|test|out
detect it before any harm has been done.
這是 非常 重要 的 問題
this is|very|important|possessive particle|question
This is a very important question.
它 診斷 的 方法 基本上 現在 我們 可以 把 它 分為
it|diagnosis|possessive particle|method|basically|now|we|can|particle indicating disposal|it|divide into
The methods of diagnosis can basically be divided into.
問卷 ——這個 傳統 方法 到 現在 還在 用
Questionnaires - this traditional method is still in use today.
醫學影像 ——比較 進步 了 以後 是 醫學影像
medical imaging|compared to|progress|past tense marker|in the future|is|medical imaging
Medical imaging - has progressed significantly and is now medical imaging.
但是 ,目前 在 全世界 大家 都 在衝 這個 分子 檢驗 這 一塊
but|currently|in|the whole world|everyone|all|is rushing|this|molecular|testing|this|area
However, currently everyone around the world is rushing into this molecular testing area.
這 一塊 呢 ,是 比較 科學 的
this|piece|question particle|is|relatively|scientific|particle indicating possession or modification
This area is more scientific.
更 科學 的 、更 客觀 的
more|scientific|(possessive particle)|more|objective|(possessive particle)
More scientific, more objective.
然後 呢 ,你 可以 看 ,問卷 3 小時
then|question particle|you|can|read|questionnaire|hours
And then, you can see, the questionnaire takes 3 hours.
然後 正子 造影 ,就是 影像 ,3 小時
then|positron|imaging|that is|image|hours
Then the positron emission tomography, which is the imaging, takes 3 hours.
然後 ,分子 檢驗 目前 大家 是 在 抽 脊髓 液
Next, the molecular testing is currently being done by drawing spinal fluid.
脊髓 液 的話 要 6 小時
spinal cord|fluid|if|takes|hours
For spinal fluid, it takes 6 hours.
所以 我們 一個個 來看
so|we|one by one|will look at
So let's look at them one by one.
問卷 是 非常 主觀 的
questionnaire|is|very|subjective|possessive particle
The questionnaire is very subjective.
當 你家 人 有 一些 徵象 的 時候
when|your family|people|have|some|symptoms|possessive particle|time
When your family members have some symptoms,
是 會 帶到 醫生 那邊 去 用 的 是 臨床 失智 評量 表
is|will|take|doctor|over there|to|used|possessive particle|is|clinical|dementia|assessment|scale
it will be taken to the doctor using the clinical dementia assessment scale.
那 這個 跟 患者 被問 的 時候 他 的 情緒 有關
that|this|with|patient|being asked|possessive particle|when|he|possessive particle|emotion|related to
This is related to the patient's emotions when they are being asked.
然後 跟 醫生 的 主觀 判斷 也 有關
then|with|doctor|possessive particle|subjective|judgment|also|related
Then it also relates to the subjective judgment of the doctor.
所以 它 只能 診斷出 正常 跟 中度 以上 的 失智 患者
so|it|can only|diagnose|normal|and|moderate|above|(possessive particle)|dementia|patients
So it can only diagnose normal and moderate to severe dementia patients.
中度 以上 ,那 要 記住 那個 已經 是 回天乏術 了
moderate|above|that|should|remember|that|already|is|beyond help|past tense marker
Moderate to severe, which means that it is already beyond help.
那 在 這個 的 時候 呢 ,可疑
then|at|this|possessive particle|time|question particle|suspicious
At this time, it is suspicious.
就是說 在 很 輕度 ,我們 剛剛 提 的 MCI 階段 ,要 怎麼辦 ?
that is to say|in|very|mild|we|just now|mentioned|possessive particle|MCI|stage|should|what to do
That is to say, in very mild cases, what should we do at the MCI stage we just mentioned?
它 檢驗 不 出來 ,用 問卷 檢驗 不 出來
it|test|not|come out|using|questionnaire|test|not|come out
It cannot be detected; it cannot be detected using questionnaires.
然後 呢 ,我們 說 ,難道 這個 只能 用 主觀 的方法 嗎 ?
then|question particle|we|said|could it be that|this|can only|use|subjective|method|question particle
Then, we ask, can this only be assessed using subjective methods?
那 這樣 對 大家 的 健康
then|this way|for|everyone|possessive particle|health
So, what does this mean for everyone's health?
是 非常悲哀 的 一件 事
is|very sad|possessive particle|one|thing
It is a very sad thing.
那 醫學影像 呢 ,這 大 儀器 ,很 貴
that|medical imaging|question particle|this|large|instrument|very|expensive
As for the medical imaging, this large instrument is very expensive.
那 它 得到 的 是 什麼 ?
that|it|received|possessive particle|is|what
So what does it obtain?
斑塊 影像 還有 腦部 萎縮 的 情況
plaque|imaging|and also|brain|atrophy|possessive particle|condition
Plaque images and the condition of brain atrophy.
這個 階段 ,剛剛 我們 有 介紹 過 那個 阿茲海默症 發病 的 原因
this|stage|just|we|have|introduced|past tense marker|that|Alzheimer's disease|onset|possessive particle|cause
At this stage, we just introduced the causes of Alzheimer's disease.
大家 知道 這 已經 來不及 了
everyone|knows|this|already|too late|past tense marker
Everyone knows it's already too late.
所以 我們 期盼 的 早期 診斷
so|we|hope|possessive particle|early|diagnosis
So the early diagnosis we hope for.
也 是 沒有 辦法
Is also not possible.
到 這個 階段 用 這個 昂貴 的 醫學影像
to|this|stage|use|this|expensive|possessive particle|medical imaging
At this stage, using this expensive medical imaging
不 一定 貴 的 就 好
not|necessarily|expensive|(possessive particle)|then|good
Not everything expensive is good
人家 說 藥 不 一定 貴 的 是 好
others|say|medicine|not|necessarily|expensive|(possessive particle)|is|good
People say that not everything expensive medicine is good
儀器 也 是 一樣 ,不 一定 貴 的 就是 好
instrument|also|is|the same|not|necessarily|expensive|(possessive particle)|just|good
The same goes for instruments, not everything expensive is good
那 我們 分子 檢測 是 大家 努力 的 一個 方向
then|we|molecular|testing|is|everyone|effort|possessive particle|one|direction
So our molecular testing is a direction that everyone is working hard on.
它 用 的 是 脊髓 液
it|uses|possessive particle|is|spinal|fluid
It uses cerebrospinal fluid.
大家 認為 因為腦 跟 脊髓 是 相通 的
Everyone believes that because the brain and spinal cord are connected,
所以 脊髓 液 應該 可以 檢驗 得 出來
so|spinal|fluid|should|be able to|test|obtain|result
the cerebrospinal fluid should be able to be tested.
結果 呢 ,不然
result|question particle|otherwise
So, what happened is, otherwise.
因為 我們 脊髓 液 的 這些 不 正常 蛋白 含量 非常 高
because|we|spinal|fluid|possessive particle|these|not|normal|protein|levels|very|high
Because the levels of these abnormal proteins in our cerebrospinal fluid are very high.
那 有 病 沒 病 ,它 的 差異 不 大
that|has|illness|no|illness|it|possessive particle|difference|not|big
Whether there is a disease or not, the difference is not significant.
所以 會 使得 它 檢驗 沒有 辦法 來 區分 正常 或 罹病 的 期數
so|will|cause|it|examination|no|method|to|distinguish|normal|or|diseased|possessive particle|period
Therefore, it makes it impossible to distinguish between normal or diseased stages in the examination.
然後 呢 ,它 的 危險度 也 高
then|question particle|it|possessive particle|danger level|also|high
Then, its level of danger is also high.
它 要 專業 醫師 ,然後 有 危險度
it|needs|professional|doctor|then|has|level of danger
It requires a professional doctor, and it has a level of danger.
然後 醫生 的 快樂 天堂
then|doctor|possessive particle|happiness|paradise
Then, the happy paradise of doctors.
醫生 他們 心目 中 的 快樂 天堂
doctor|they|in their mind|in|possessive particle|happiness|paradise
The happy paradise in the minds of doctors.
你 看 ,那個 笑得 很 可愛
Look, that one is smiling very cutely.
它 的 快樂 天堂 要 抽血 檢查
it|possessive particle|happy|paradise|needs to|blood draw|test
Its happy paradise requires a blood test.
抽血 檢查 是 方便 又 輕鬆 有利於 預防 疾病 的 監控
blood draw|test|is|convenient|and|easy|beneficial for|prevention|disease|possessive particle|monitoring
Blood tests are convenient and easy, beneficial for monitoring disease prevention.
但是 呢 ,問題 來 了
but|question particle|problem|come|past tense marker
However, the problem arises.
我們 血液 中 不 正常 蛋白 的 含量 非常 低
we|blood|in|not|normal|protein|possessive particle|level|very|low
The content of abnormal proteins in our blood is very low.
它 差不多 是 脊髓 液 的 千分之一
it|almost|is|spinal|fluid|possessive particle|one thousandth
It is almost one thousandth of the spinal fluid.
在 這個 階段 呢 它 是 沒有 儀器 可以 量 出來 的
at|this|stage|question particle|it|is|no|instrument|can|measure|out|particle
At this stage, there are no instruments that can measure it.
全世界 沒有 儀器 可以 量 出來
the whole world|does not have|instrument|can|measure|out
There are no instruments in the world that can measure it.
雖然 是 大家 都 在 做 分子 檢測 研究
Although everyone is conducting molecular testing research.
但是 全世界 是 沒有 儀器 的
However, there are no instruments in the world.
所以 我們 在 做 這個 研究 的 時候
so|we|at|doing|this|research|possessive particle|time
So when we are doing this research,
我們 必須 執行 下面 兩個 任務
we|must|execute|the following|two|tasks
we must carry out the following two tasks.
第一個 就是 方法 還有 儀器
the first|is|method|and|instrument
The first one is the method and the instruments.
第二個 任務 呢 ,就是 說
second|task|question particle|that is to say|to say
The second task is to say.
好啊 ,你量 出來 以後 ,這些 跟 病 之間 的 關係 有 什麼 關係 ?
okay|you measure|out|after|these|with|illness|between|possessive particle|relationship|has|what|relationship
Okay, after you measure it, what is the relationship between these and the disease?
這 兩個 都 是 非常 大 的 一個 問題
this|two|both|are|very|big|possessive particle|one|question
Both of these are very big questions.
都 需要 花掉 我們 非常 多 的 精力 去 做 的
all|need|spend|we|very|much|(possessive particle)|energy|to|do|(past action particle)
All of this requires us to spend a lot of energy to do.
所以 我們 跟 台大 醫院 合作 以後
so|we|with|National Taiwan University|hospital|cooperate|in the future
So after we collaborated with National Taiwan University Hospital,
我們 就 接受 這 兩個 任務 開始 方法 跟 儀器
we accepted these two tasks to start methods and instruments.
我 是 利用 磁性 奈米 的 一個 磁珠
I|am|using|magnetic|nanometer|possessive particle|a|magnetic bead
I am using a magnetic nanoparticle.
然後 去 做 試劑
Then go make the reagent.
磁珠 掛上 抗體 就 變成 我們 的 試劑
magnetic bead|attaching|antibody|then|becomes|our|possessive particle|reagent
The magnetic beads coated with antibodies become our reagent.
我 用 這個 磁性 的 奈米 粒子 去 做 檢驗
I|use|this|magnetic|possessive particle|nano|particle|to|do|test
I use these magnetic nanoparticles for testing.
那 磁性 納奈米 粒子 呢 它 在 磁場 轉動
that|magnetic|nanometer|particle|question particle|it|in|magnetic field|rotates
The magnetic nanoparticles rotate in a magnetic field.
磁場 可以 交流 磁場
magnetic field|can|interact|magnetic field
Magnetic fields can interact with magnetic fields.
會 不會 太 學術 ?我 不知道 不過 交流 磁場 ──
will|won't|too|academic|I|don't know|but|communication|magnetic field
Isn't that a bit too academic? I don't know, but the interaction of magnetic fields ──
(笑聲 )
──是 可 以 來 轉動 奈米 磁性 粒子
── can rotate nano magnetic particles.
因為 你 知道 嘛 ,磁場 轉
because|you|know|question particle|magnetic field|rotates
Because you know, the magnetic field rotates.
那個 磁矩 ,一個 一個 磁矩 就 跟著 轉 ,可以 轉動 它
that|magnetic moment|each|one|magnetic moment|then|following|rotating|can|rotate|it
That magnetic moment, each magnetic moment rotates along with it, and it can be rotated.
轉動 了 以後 就 有 磁 訊號
rotation|past tense marker|after|then|has|magnetic|signal
After it rotates, there will be a magnetic signal.
我們 就量 這個 磁 訊號
we|will measure|this|magnetic|signal
We measure this magnetic signal.
我們 心目中 就要 量 這個 磁訊號
we|in our mind|should|measure|this|magnetic signal
We need to measure this magnetic signal in our minds.
然後 我們 如果 把 一些 我們 剛剛 的 不 正常 蛋白質 掛上去 以後
then|we|if|to put|some|we|just now|possessive particle|not|normal|protein|put on|after
Then, if we attach some of the abnormal proteins we just mentioned.
橘色 的 那個 就 掛上去 以後
orange|possessive particle|that|then|hang up|after
The orange one will attach after that.
然後 有 的 就 會 變成 一團 ,然後 變大
then|have|possessive particle|then|will|become|a mass|then|grow larger
Then some will turn into a clump and grow larger.
不管 變大 或者 一團 ,大家 可以 看到 它 轉動 的 情形 是 變成 這個 樣子
no matter|get bigger|or|a ball|everyone|can|see|it|rotating|possessive particle|situation|is|becoming|this|shape
No matter if it gets bigger or becomes a mass, everyone can see that its rotation changes to this state.
變大 的 轉慢 了
became larger|possessive particle|turned slower|past tense marker
The larger one rotates more slowly.
然後 呢 ,一團 的 不動 了
then|question particle|a group|possessive particle|not moving|past tense marker
And then, the mass becomes stationary.
所以 整個 磁 訊號 會 降低
So the overall magnetic signal will decrease.
我們 的 實驗 證明 它 是 可以 降低
we|possessive particle|experiment|prove|it|is|can|reduce
Our experiment proves that it can be reduced.
降低 了 以後 ,我 用 它 降低 的 量 來 換算 我們 待 測物
lower|past tense marker|afterwards|I|use|it|lowering|possessive particle|amount|to|convert|we|to be|measured object
After reducing, I used the amount I reduced to convert the concentration of the substance we are testing.
that is the concentration of abnormal protein
That is, the concentration of abnormal proteins.
用 這個 方法 呢 因為 是 看 減量 ,不是 增量
use|this|method|question particle|because|is|looking at|reduction|not|increase
Using this method, because it looks at the reduction, not the increase.
我們 說 越多越好
we|speak|the more the better
The more we say, the better.
訊號 越大越 多 ,我們 剛好 相反
signal|the bigger it is the more|more|we|just|opposite
The stronger the signal, the more we are just the opposite.
我們 減量 越 多 ,那個 濃度 越高
we|reduce the amount|the more|much|that|concentration|the higher
The more we reduce, the higher the concentration.
所以 我們 把 它 命名 這個 命名 是 我們 命名 的
so|we|particle indicating action|it|named|this|naming|is|we|naming|possessive particle
So we named it, this naming is what we named.
叫做 「免疫 磁 減量 」的方法 就 簡稱 IMR
called|immune|magnetic|reduction|method|then|abbreviated as|IMR
The method called "Immune Magnetic Reduction" is abbreviated as IMR.
就像 MRI 一樣 ,我們 叫 它 IMR
just like|MRI|same|we|call|it|IMR
Just like MRI, we call it IMR.
IMR 現在 全世界 的 阿茲海默 論壇
IMR|now|worldwide|possessive particle|Alzheimer's|forum
IMR is now a topic in Alzheimer's forums around the world.
在 網路上 ,阿茲海默 論壇
on|the internet|Alzheimer's|forum
On the internet, Alzheimer's forums.
已經 把 我們 的 方法 放進去 了 ,做 比較
already|(particle indicating disposal)|we|possessive particle|method|put in|past tense marker|do|comparison
We have already incorporated our methods and made comparisons.
而且 有 非常 高 的 一個 確診 的 效率
and|has|very|high|possessive particle|one|diagnosis|possessive particle|efficiency
Moreover, there is a very high confirmation efficiency.
所以 全世界 已經 看到 這個 問題 了
so|the whole world|already|has seen|this|problem|past tense marker
So the whole world has already seen this issue.
那 第二個 任務 是 病症 相關性
The second task is the correlation of symptoms.
我們 介紹 一下 病症 相關性
Let us introduce the correlation of the disease.
也就是說 它 的 這些
that is to say|it|possessive particle|these
In other words, what are these.
不 正常 蛋白質 的 濃度 跟 病症 有 什麼 關係
not|normal|protein|possessive particle|concentration|with|disease|has|what|relationship
What is the relationship between the concentration of these abnormal proteins and the disease?
我量 出 濃度 了 ,可以 量 因為 我們 儀器 夠 好
I measured|out|concentration|past tense marker|can|measure|because|we|instrument|sufficiently|good
I have measured the concentration, and I can measure it because our instruments are good enough.
然後 量 出 濃度 了 ,怎麼辦 ?
then|measure|out|concentration|past tense marker|what to do
Then, after measuring the concentration, what should we do?
大家 看 一下 這個 醫學 臨床 的 一個 數據
everyone|look|briefly|this|medical|clinical|possessive particle|a|data
Everyone, take a look at this clinical medical data.
我 如果 把 這 兩個 Aβ 的 42 跟 40
I|if|(particle indicating disposal)|this|two|Aβ|(possessive particle)|and
If I take these two Aβ, 42 and 40,
把 它 做 一個 比值
to make|it|do|a|ratio
and create a ratio of them.
你 就 可以 區別 出 健康 跟 不 健康 的 群組
you|then|can|distinguish|out|healthy|and|not|healthy|possessive particle|groups
You can distinguish between healthy and unhealthy groups.
那 群組 精確度 到 85% ,但 還 不夠
that|group|accuracy|reached|but|still|not enough
The accuracy of that group is 85%, but it's still not enough.
因為 我 目標 要 去 診斷 出 MCI
Because my goal is to diagnose MCI.
如果 MCI 沒有 辦法 診斷 ,也 是 枉然
if|MCI|has no|method|diagnosis|also|is|in vain
If MCI cannot be diagnosed, it is also in vain.
所以 我們 針對 這個 我們 其實 不要 再 做 檢驗 了
so|we|regarding|this|we|actually|should not|again|do|testing|past tense marker
So we actually don't need to do the tests for this anymore.
它 只要 檢 一次 就 好 了
it|only needs|check|once|then||
It only needs to be tested once.
我們 就 把 它 做 不同 的 演算法
we|then|(particle indicating action)|it|use|different|(possessive particle)|algorithm
We will apply different algorithms to it.
這 不同 的 演算法 ,你 就 可以 發現
this|different|possessive particle|algorithm|you|then|can|discover
With these different algorithms, you will be able to discover.
我 用 Aβ 跟 Tau 蛋白 的 濃度
I|use|Aβ|and|Tau|protein|possessive particle|concentration
I use the concentrations of Aβ and Tau proteins.
你 就 可以 看到 ,我們 很 容易 把 MCI 跟 那個 阿茲海默症 分開
you|then|can|see|we|very|easily|separate|MCI|with|that|Alzheimer's disease|distinguish
You can see that we can easily distinguish MCI from Alzheimer's disease.
早期 的 都 可以 分開
early|possessive particle|all|can|separate
Early cases can also be separated.
那 在 這個 時候 ,它 準確度 到 80%
at that|in|this|moment|it|accuracy|reached
At this point, its accuracy is 80%.
其實 我們 的 數據 是 85%
actually|we|possessive particle|data|is
Actually, our data is 85%.
只是 用 大於 80% 比較 安全 一點
just|using|greater than|relatively|safe|a little bit
It's just a bit safer to use greater than 80%.
所以 到 目前 為止 我們 實行 了 兩個 任務
so|until|present|up to|we|have implemented|past tense marker|two|tasks
So far, we have carried out two tasks.
完成 了 兩個 任務
complete|past tense marker|two|tasks
We have completed two tasks.
這 兩個 任務 完 了 以後
this|two|tasks|finished|past tense marker|after
After these two tasks are completed
我們 可以 宣稱 : 我們 研究 團隊 已經 成功 地 開發 了 世界 上 唯一 ……
we can declare: our research team has successfully developed the only one in the world...
這 研究 團隊 包括 廠商 因為 你 沒有 弄出去 就 沒有 應用 嘛
this|research|team|includes|manufacturer|because|you|did not|get it out|then|did not|application|particle indicating obviousness
This research team includes manufacturers because if you don't get it out, there won't be any application.
大家 也 享受 不到 那個 好處 啊
everyone|also|enjoy|unable to enjoy|that|benefit|ah
Everyone won't be able to enjoy that benefit.
所以 我們 研究 團隊 已經 成功 開發 出
So our research team has successfully developed
世界 上 唯一 能夠 用 抽血 來 鑑定 MCI 的 方法
world|on|only|able to|use|blood draw|to|diagnose|MCI|possessive particle|method
the world's only method that can diagnose MCI through blood tests.
這個 在 全世界 其實 掀起 很大 的 一個 浪濤
this|in|the whole world|actually|stirred up|very big|a|one|wave
This has actually caused a huge wave around the world.
所以 每 一次 減量 呢
so|every|time|reduction|question particle
So every time we reduce the amount,
它 的 特性 是 抽血 檢驗 ,非常 重要
it|possessive particle|characteristic|is|blood draw|test|very|important
Its characteristic is blood testing, which is very important.
因為 抽血 檢驗 非常 重要 因為 可以 放在 健檢裡
because|blood draw|test|very|important|because|can|be included in|health checkup
Because blood testing is very important as it can be included in health check-ups.
然後 抽 一點 血 我們 就 可以 知道 了
then|draw|a little|blood|we|then|can|know|past tense marker
Then, by drawing a little blood, we can know.
然後 單一 步驟
Then a single step.
然後 干擾 度 非常 低 因為 我們 用 的 是 磁珠
then|interference|level|very|low|because|we|use|possessive particle|is|magnetic beads
Then the interference level is very low because we use magnetic beads.
磁性 的 東西 拿來 做 免疫檢測
magnetic|possessive particle|thing|brought|do|immunoassay
Magnetic materials are used for immunoassays.
是 它 對 很多 其他 雜質 的 干擾 性 非常 少
is|it|to|many|other|impurities|possessive particle|interference|nature|very|little
It has very little interference from many other impurities.
這 跟 光學 的 檢驗 不太 一樣
this|with|optical|possessive particle|inspection|not very|the same
This is quite different from optical testing.
我 是 光電 的
I|am|optoelectronics|possessive particle
I am in optoelectronics.
他 剛剛 介紹 我 是 光電 專家
He just introduced me as an optoelectronics expert.
(笑聲 )
我 是 光電 的 ,但是 你 不用 磁 不行
I|am|optoelectronics|possessive particle|but|you|don't need|magnet|not okay
I am in optoelectronics, but you can't do without magnets.
因為 光電 在 檢驗 上 它 的 靈敏度 會 受到 干擾 很大
Because the sensitivity of photoelectric testing can be greatly interfered with.
但 磁 的 干擾 度 非常 低 ,這是 特性
but|magnetic|possessive particle|interference|degree|very|low|this is|characteristic
However, the degree of magnetic interference is very low, which is a characteristic.
還有 它 的 靈敏度 很 高 ,它 可 以 來 操作 簡單 可 適用於 健康檢查
also|it|possessive particle|sensitivity|very|high|it|can|be|used for|operation|simple|can|be applied to|health check
Also, its sensitivity is very high, making it easy to operate and suitable for health checks.
全民 健檢 其實 是 非常 好 的
Universal health checks are actually very good.
不過 這裡 我 要 特別 聲明 一下
however|here|I|want|especially|clarify|a little
However, I want to make a special statement here.
因為 我 怕 去 觸犯 到 衛福部 的 法律
because|I|afraid|to|violate|to|Ministry of Health and Welfare|possessive particle|law
Because I am afraid of violating the laws of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
我們 這個 只能 做 健檢 之用 ,目前
we|this|can only|do|health checkup|for use|currently
We can only use this for health checks, currently.
因為 還 沒有 通過 FDA 、 TFDA 還在 進行 當中
because|still|not|approved|FDA|TFDA|still|ongoing|in progress
Because it has not yet passed FDA, TFDA is still in progress.
所以 目前 只能 做 健檢
so|currently|can only|do|health checkup
So for now, I can only do health checks.
已經 可以 做 健檢 在 台灣 已經 可以 做 健檢 了
Health checks can already be done in Taiwan.
但是 不 能夠 那個
but|not|able to|that
But I can't do that.
我 這樣的話 就 很 安全 了 因為 他們 不會 找 我 了
I|in that case|then|very|safe|past tense marker|because|they|will not|find|me|past tense marker
In this case, I will be very safe because they won't look for me.
(笑聲 )
好 ,最後 ,我要 做 結論 了
okay|finally|I want to|make|conclusion|past tense marker
Okay, finally, I want to make a conclusion.
我們 早期 檢驗 是 杜絕 阿茲海默症 的 不二法門
we|early|testing|is|eliminating|Alzheimer's disease|possessive particle|only way
Our early examination is the only way to eliminate Alzheimer's disease.
所以 大家 聽 了 我 今天 演講
so|everyone|listened|past tense marker|I|today|speech
So everyone, after listening to my speech today.
其實 ,只要 有 疑問 ,就 趕快 去 做 健檢
actually|as long as|have|questions|then|quickly|go|do|health checkup
In fact, as long as you have doubts, you should quickly go for a health check.
花 一點 小錢 當然 現在 比較 貴 一點 了
spend|a little|money|of course|now|relatively|expensive|a little|past tense marker
Spending a little money is of course a bit more expensive now.
但是 等到 全民 健檢量 大 的 時候 自然 會 低 下來
but|when|whole population|health check-up rate|high|possessive particle|time|naturally|will|lower|down
But when the volume of national health checks increases, the cost will naturally go down.
所以 這 不用 擔心
so|this|doesn't need to|worry
So there's no need to worry about this.
所以 早期 檢驗 是 杜絕 阿茲海默症 危害 的 不二法門
so|early|testing|is|eliminating|Alzheimer's disease|harm|possessive particle|only way
So early testing is the only way to eliminate the harm of Alzheimer's disease.
磁 減量 免疫檢測 方法 也 就是 我們 的 IMR
magnetic|reduction|immunoassay|method|also|is|our|possessive particle|IMR
The magnetic reduction immunoassay method is our IMR.
堪稱 是 阿茲海默症 的 防火牆
can be called|is|Alzheimer's disease|possessive particle|firewall
It can be called the firewall against Alzheimer's disease.
所以 有 這 一個 好消息
so|there is|this|one|good news
So there is this good news.
我 想 對於 我們 全民 健康 是 一個 正面 的
I|want|regarding|us|whole population|health|is|a|positive|particle
I want to say that our national health is a positive thing.
那 我 要 搖旗吶喊 ,搖鈴 ,搖鈴吶喊
then|I|want|wave the flag and shout|ring the bell|ring the bell and shout
So I want to wave the flag, ring the bell, and shout.
呼籲 政府 為了 全民 的 健康 跟 節省 社會 資源
call on|government|for|all people|possessive particle|health|and|saving|social|resources
I urge the government to prioritize the health of all citizens and save social resources.
不要 只 改長 照長 照
do not|only|change length|according to length|according to
Do not just focus on long-term care.
我 不 知道 政府 有 多少 錢 可以 長照
I|not|know|government|has|how much|money|can|long-term care
I don't know how much money the government has for long-term care.
不過 ,在 推動 長 照 政策 時
However, when promoting long-term care policies,
我 希望 政府 能夠 正視 阿茲海默症 的 健檢 的 必要性
I|hope|government|can|take seriously|Alzheimer's disease|possessive particle|health checkup|possessive particle|necessity
I hope the government can recognize the necessity of health checks for Alzheimer's disease.
因為 據我所知
because|as far as I know
Because, as far as I know,
失智症 目前 所 需要 花掉 政府 長照 的 錢 是 相當 龐大 的
dementia|currently|all|needs|spent|government|long-term care|possessive particle|money|is|quite|large|possessive particle
The amount of money that the government currently needs to spend on long-term care for dementia is quite substantial.
所以 如果 能夠 防火牆 都 把 它 擋住 的話
so|if|can|firewall|all|(particle indicating action)|it|block|(conditional particle)
So if we can block it all with a firewall,
就是 可以 減少 相當 大 一部分 的 社會 資源
that is|can|reduce|quite|large|a portion|possessive particle|social|resources
we can significantly reduce a large portion of social resources.
所以 我 在 最後 祝福 大家
So in the end, I wish everyone well.
活 得 老 、 活 得 健康 、 活 得 有 尊嚴
Live long, live healthily, live with dignity.
然後 ,謝謝 各位 的 聆聽 !
then|thank you|everyone|possessive particle|listening
Then, thank you all for listening!
(掌聲 )
SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=20.85 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=5.26
ai_request(all=349 err=0.00%) translation(all=279 err=0.00%) cwt(all=2152 err=4.04%)