07. Punning Cabbage
07. Punning Cabbage
07.퍼닝 양배추
07. Punning Cabbage
白菜 白菜 十分 常見 。
Cabbage, cabbage, very common.
可是 你 見 過 半 人 高 的 大白菜 麼 ?
||||||||napa cabbage|
But have you ever seen a cabbage that is half a person tall?
上個月 我 才 看到 的 。
last month|I|only|saw|past tense particle
I just saw one last month.
不過 ,它 只是 用 來看 的 ,因為 它 是 用 木頭 做 的 ,用 的 還是 上好 的 木頭 。
however|it|only|used|for viewing|past action particle|because|it|is|made|wood|made|past action particle|used|possessive particle|still|high-quality|possessive particle|wood
However, it is only for viewing, because it is made of wood, and it is made of high-quality wood.
不 看 它 的 色 ,只 看 它 的 形 ,它 就 和 真 的 白菜 一樣 ,十分 形象 。
not|to look|it|possessive particle|color|only|to look|it|possessive particle|shape|it|then|and|real|possessive particle|cabbage|alike|very|lifelike
If you don't look at its color, but only at its shape, it looks just like a real cabbage, very lifelike.
日常 生活 裡 ,白菜 可 不是 用 來 看 的 。
In daily life, cabbage is not something that is just for looking at.
再說 做 這麼 一件 東西 ,一定 要 用 不少 人工 和 時間 。
moreover|making|such|one|thing|definitely|will|use|quite a lot of|labor|and|time
Moreover, making such an item definitely requires a lot of labor and time.
是不是 有 什麼 說法 ?
is it true|have|any|explanation
Is there any saying?
不說 不 知道 ,一 說 你 馬上 就 知道 。
not say|not|know|once|say|you|immediately|then|know
If you don't say it, you won't know; once you say it, you'll know immediately.
你 看 ,白 和 百 ,菜 和 財 ,有 什麼 相通 之處 ?
Look, 'white' and 'hundred', 'vegetable' and 'wealth', what do they have in common?
對了 ,白菜 就是 百財 ,百財 就是 多多 發財 。
that's right|bok choy|is|hundred wealth|hundred wealth|is|more and more|prosperous
That's right, 'cabbage' is 'hundred wealth', and 'hundred wealth' means a lot of prosperity.
正是 這個 原因 ,本身 沒 幾個 錢 的 白菜 ,一下子 成 了 好 東西 。
exactly|this|reason|itself|not|a few|money|possessive particle|cabbage|all of a sudden|became|past tense marker|good|thing
It is precisely this reason that the cabbage, which originally had little money, suddenly became a good thing.
其實 用 點兒 心 不難 發現 ,這種 表現 手法 在 中國 的 日用品 上 很 常見 。
actually|using|a little|thought|not hard|to discover|this kind of|expression|technique|in|China|possessive particle|daily necessities|on|very|common
In fact, it is not difficult to notice that this kind of expression technique is very common in daily necessities in China.
一些 平常 的 、或者 不 相關 的 事物 ,只要 有 個 好 說法 ,就 會 被 用上 。
some|ordinary|possessive particle|or|not|relevant|possessive particle|things|as long as|have|a|good|explanation|then|will|be|used
Some ordinary or unrelated things, as long as there is a good way to say it, will be used.
這 不 是 什麼 大 學問 ,不過 如果 不 學 不問 ,還 真 是 不 知道 。
This is not a great knowledge, but if you don't learn or ask, you really won't know.
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