The Little Prince 8 & 9
Маленький принц 8 и 9
The Little Prince 8 & 9
The Little Prince 8 & 9
小王子 8 &9
The Little Prince
The Little Prince 8 & 9
很快 我 就 進一步 瞭解 了 這朵 花兒 。
soon|I|then|further|understood|past tense marker|this (classifier for flowers)|flower
Soon, I further understood this flower.
在 小王子 的 星球 上 ,過去 一直 都 生長 著 一些 只有 一層 花瓣 的 很 簡單 的 花 。
on|the Little Prince|possessive particle|planet|in|in the past|always|all|grew|continuous aspect particle|some|only|one layer|petal|possessive particle|very|simple|possessive particle|flower
On the Little Prince's planet, there had always been some very simple flowers with only one layer of petals.
這些 花 非常 小 ,一點 也 不 佔 地方 ,從來 也 不會 去 打攪 任何人 。
these|flowers|very|small|a little|also|not|take up|space|never|also|will not|go|disturb|anyone
These flowers are very small, they don't take up any space at all, and they never disturb anyone.
她們 早晨 在 草叢 中 開放 ,晚上 就 凋謝 了 。
They|morning|in|grass|among|bloom|evening|then|wither|past tense marker
They bloom in the morning among the grass and wither away in the evening.
不知 從 哪裡 來 了 一顆 種子 ,忽然 一天 這種 子 發了 芽 。
not knowing|from|where|came|past tense marker|one|seed|suddenly|one day|this seed|seed|sprouted|bud
A seed came from somewhere, and suddenly one day this seed sprouted.
小王子 特別 仔細 地 監視 著 這棵 與眾 不同 的 小 苗 :這 玩藝 說不定 是 一種 新 的 猴 麵包樹 。
the little prince|especially|carefully|adverbial particle|observed|continuous aspect particle|this|from the crowd|different|possessive particle|small|seedling|this|thing|perhaps|is|a kind of|new|possessive particle|monkey|baobab tree
The little prince carefully monitored this unique little sprout: it might be a new kind of baobab tree.
但是 ,這 小 苗 不久 就 不再 長 了 ,而且 開始 孕育 著 一個 花朵 。
but|this|small|seedling|soon|then|no longer|grow|past tense marker|and|began|nurturing|continuous aspect marker|a|flower
However, this little seedling soon stopped growing and began to nurture a flower.
看到 在 這棵 苗 上 長出 了 一個 很大 很大 的 花蕾 ,小王子 感覺到 從 這個 花苞 中 一定 會 出現 一個 奇跡 。
saw|on|this|seedling|on|grew|past tense marker|one|very big|very big|possessive particle|flower bud|the little prince|felt|from|this|flower bud|in|definitely|will|appear|one|miracle
Seeing a very large bud growing on this seedling, the little prince felt that a miracle would surely emerge from this flower bud.
然而 這朵 花 藏 在 它 那 綠茵茵 的 房間 中 用 了 很長 的 時間 來 打扮 自己 。
however|this|flower|hid|in|it|that|green|possessive particle|room|inside|used|past tense marker|a long|possessive particle|time|to|dress up|itself
However, this flower took a long time to adorn itself in its green room.
她 精心 選擇 著 她 將來 的 顏色 ,慢慢騰騰 地 妝飾 著 ,一片片 地 搭配 著 她 的 花瓣 ,她 不願 象 虞美人 那樣 一 出世 就 滿臉 皺紋 。
she|meticulously|chooses|continuous aspect marker|she|future|possessive particle|color|slowly|adverbial particle|adorns|continuous aspect marker|piece by piece|adverbial particle|matching|continuous aspect marker|she|possessive particle|petals|she|unwilling|like|poppy|that|one|born|then|full face|wrinkles
She carefully chose her future colors, slowly and meticulously decorating herself, matching her petals piece by piece, unwilling to be like a poppy that comes into the world with a face full of wrinkles.
她 要 讓 自己 帶著 光豔 奪目 的 麗姿 來到 世間 。
She|wants|to let|herself|bring|radiant|dazzling|(possessive particle)|beauty|come to|the world
She wants to bring her dazzling and beautiful appearance into the world.
是 的 , 她 是 非常 愛俏 的 。
Yes, she is very fond of being charming.
她 用 好些 好些 日子 天仙 般地 梳妝打扮 。
She spent many days dressing up like a fairy.
然後 ,在 一天 的 早晨 ,恰好 在 太陽 升起 的 時候 ,她 開放 了 。
then|at|one day|possessive particle|morning|just|at|sun|rising|possessive particle|time|she|opened|past tense marker
Then, one morning, just as the sun was rising, she blossomed.
她 已經 精細 地 做 了 那麼 長 的 準備 工作 ,卻 打著 哈欠 說道 :“我 剛剛 睡醒 ,真 對不起 ,瞧 我 的 頭髮 還是 亂蓬蓬 的 ...... ”小王子 這時 再也 控制 不住 自己 的 愛慕 心情 :“你 是 多麼 美麗 啊 !
She|already|meticulously|adverbial particle|did|past tense marker|so|long|possessive particle|preparation|work|but|yawning|yawn|said|I|just|woke up|really|sorry|look|my|possessive particle|hair|still|messy|adverbial particle|the little prince|at this moment|no longer|control|unable to|his own|possessive particle|admiration|feelings|you|are|how|beautiful|ah
She had already done such meticulous preparation for so long, yet she yawned and said, "I just woke up, I'm so sorry, look at my hair, it's still messy..." At that moment, the Little Prince could no longer control his feelings of admiration: "How beautiful you are!"
花兒 悠然自得 地 說 :“是 吧 ,我 是 與 太陽 同時 出生 的 ...... ”她 隨後 又 說道 :“現在 該 是 吃 早點 的 時候 了 吧 ,請 你 也 想著 給 我 準備 一點 ...... ”小王子 很 有些 不好意思 ,於是 就 拿著 噴壺 ,打 來 了 一壺 清清的 涼水 ,澆灌 著 花兒 。
flower|carefree|adverbial particle|said|yes|question particle|I|am|with|sun|at the same time|born|possessive particle|she|afterwards|again|said|now|should|be|eat|breakfast|possessive particle|time|past action particle|question particle|please|you|also|thinking about|giving|me|preparing|a little|Little Prince|very|somewhat|embarrassed|so|then|holding|spray bottle|bringing|here|past action particle|a pot|clear|cool water|watering|continuous aspect particle|flower
The flower said leisurely, "Yes, I was born at the same time as the sun..." She then added, "It should be time for breakfast now, please think about preparing a little for me..." The Little Prince felt a bit embarrassed, so he took the spray bottle and brought a pot of clear cool water to water the flower.
於是 ,就 這樣 ,這朵 花兒 就 以 她 那 有點 敏感 多疑 的 虛榮心 折磨 著 小王子 。
then|just|like this|this|flower|just|with|she|that|a little|sensitive|suspicious|possessive particle|vanity|tormented|continuous aspect particle|the little prince
Thus, this flower tormented the Little Prince with her somewhat sensitive and suspicious vanity.
例如 ,有 一天 ,她 向 小王子 講起 她 身上 長 的 四根 刺 :“老虎 ,讓 它 張著 爪子 來 吧 !
for example|there is|one day|she|to|the Little Prince|talked about|she|on her body|grew|possessive particle|four|thorns|tiger|let|it|extend|claws|come|suggestion particle
For example, one day, she told the Little Prince about the four thorns on her body: "Tiger, let it show its claws!"
“ 小王子 頂 了 她 一句 :” 在 我 這個 星球 上 沒有 老虎 , 而且 , 老虎 是 不會 吃 草 的 “。
The Little Prince replied to her: "On my planet, there are no tigers, and besides, tigers do not eat grass."
花兒 輕聲 說道 :“我 並 不是 草 。
flower|softly|said|I|not|am not|grass
The flower softly said: "I am not grass."
“真 對不起 。
"I am really sorry."
“我 並 不怕 什麼 老虎 ,可 我 討厭 穿堂風 。
I|not|afraid of|any|tiger|but|I|hate|draft
"I am not afraid of any tigers, but I hate drafts."
您 沒有 屏風 ?
you|do not have|screen
You don't have a screen?
“ 小王子 思忖 著 :” 討厭 穿堂風 ...... 這 對 一株 植物 來說 , 真 不 走運 , 這朵 花兒 真 不大好 伺候 ......” “ 晚上 您 得 把 我 保護 好 。
||||drafty wind|||a plant|plant||||||||not very good||||||||
"The Little Prince thought: "I hate drafts... This is really unfortunate for a plant; this flower is really not easy to take care of..." "You have to protect me well at night.
您 這 地方 太 冷 。
This place is too cold.
在 這裡 住 得 不好 ,我 原來 住 的 那個 地方 ......”但 她 沒有 說 下去 。
at|here|live|adverbial marker|not well|I|originally|lived|past tense marker|that|place|but|she|did not|say|continue
It's not good to live here; the place I used to live in..." But she didn't continue.
她 來 的 時候 是 粒 種子 。
she|arrived|possessive particle|when|was|a|seed
When she came, she was a seed.
她 哪裡 見過 什麼 別的 世界 。
she|where|has seen|anything|other|world
Where has she seen any other world?
她 叫 人 發現 她 是 在 湊 一個 如此 不太高明 的 謊話 ,她 有點 羞怒 ,咳嗽 了 兩三聲 。
she|called|people|discovered|she|was|in|making|a|such|not very clever|possessive particle|lie|she|a little|embarrassed and angry|coughed|past tense marker|two or three times
She made people realize that she was concocting such a not-so-clever lie, and she felt a bit embarrassed and coughed two or three times.
她 的 這 一招 是 要 小王子 處於 有過 失 的 地位 ,她 說道 :“屏風 呢 ?
she|possessive particle|this|move|is|wants|Little Prince|to be in|having|loss|possessive particle|position|she|said|screen|question particle
This move of hers was to put the Little Prince in a position of having made a mistake, and she said: 'What about the screen?'
“我 這 就 去 拿 。
"I will go get it right now."
可 你 剛才 說 的 是 ...... ”於是 花兒 放開 嗓門 咳嗽 了 幾聲 ,依然 要 使 小王子 後悔 自己 的 過失 。
but|you|just now|said|past tense marker|is|so|the flower|let out|voice|cough|past tense marker|a few times|still|wanted|to make|the little prince|regret|himself|possessive particle|mistake
But what you just said was..." So the flower cleared her throat a few times, still wanting to make the little prince regret his mistake.
儘管 小王子 本來 誠心誠意 地 喜歡 這 朵花 ,可是 ,這一來 ,卻 使 他 馬上 對 她 產生 了 懷疑 。
although|the little prince|originally|sincerely|adverbial particle|liked|this|flower|but|this situation|however|made|he|immediately|towards|her|produced|past tense marker|doubt
Although the little prince originally sincerely liked this flower, this made him immediately doubt her.
小 王子 對 一些 無關緊要 的 話 看 得 太 認真 ,結果 使 自己 很 苦惱 。
little|prince|to|some|trivial|possessive particle|words|read|adverbial particle|too|seriously|as a result|made|himself|very|troubled
The little prince took some trivial words too seriously, which ended up making him very distressed.
有 一天 他 告訴 我 說 :“我 不該 聽信 她 的 話 ,絕不 該 聽信 那些 花兒 的 話 ,看看 花 ,聞聞 它 就 得 了 。
there is|one day|he|told|me|said|I|should not|believe|she|possessive particle|words|absolutely not|should|believe|those|flowers|possessive particle|words|look at|flower|smell|it|then|got|past tense particle
One day he told me: "I shouldn't have trusted her words, I absolutely shouldn't have trusted the words of those flowers, just look at the flowers, smell them, and that's enough."
我 的 那 朵花 使 我 的 星球 芳香 四溢 ,可 我 不會 享受 它 。
I|possessive particle|that|flower|makes|my|possessive particle|planet|fragrance|overflowing|but|I|will not|enjoy|it
My flower makes my planet fragrant, but I won't enjoy it.
關於 老虎 爪子 的 事 ,本 應該 使 我 產生 同情 ,卻 反而 使 我 惱火 ......”他 還 告訴 我 說 :“我 那時 什麼 也 不 懂 !
about|tiger|paw|possessive particle|matter|this|should|make|I|feel|sympathy|but|instead|make|I|angry|he|also|told|me|said|I|at that time|anything|also|not|understood
The matter of the tiger's claws should have made me feel sympathy, but instead it made me angry..." He also told me: "At that time, I understood nothing!
我 應該 根據 她 的 行為 ,而 不是 根據 她 的話 來 判斷 她 。
I|should|based on|her|possessive particle|behavior|and|not|based on|her|words|to|judge|her
I should have judged her based on her actions, not her words.
她 使 我 的 生活 芬芳 多彩 ,我 真 不該 離開 她 跑 出來 。
She|makes|my|possessive particle|life|fragrant|colorful|I|really|shouldn't|leave|her|run|out
She made my life fragrant and colorful, I really shouldn't have left her and run away.
我本 應該 猜出 在 她 那 令人 愛憐 的 花招 後面 所 隱藏 的 溫情 。
I originally|should|have guessed|in|her|that|making people|pity|possessive particle|trick|behind|particle indicating action|hidden|possessive particle|warmth
I should have guessed the warmth hidden behind her adorable tricks.
花 是 多麼 自相矛盾 !
How contradictory flowers are!
我 當時 太 年青 ,還 不 懂得 愛 她 。
I|at that time|too|young|still|not|understood|love|her
I was too young at the time, I didn't understand how to love her.
“第 9 章 我 想 小王子 大概 是 利用 一群 候鳥 遷徙 的 機會 跑 出來 的 。
Chapter||I|think|Little Prince|probably|is|taking advantage of|a group of|migratory birds|migration|possessive particle|opportunity|ran|out|past action particle
Chapter 9 I think the Little Prince probably took the opportunity of a flock of migratory birds to escape.
在 他 出發 的 那天 早上 ,他 把 他 的 星球 收拾 得 整整齊齊 ,把 它 上頭 的 活火山 打掃 得 幹幹淨淨 。
on|he|departure|possessive particle|that day|morning|he|(indicates the following verb is applied to the object)|he|possessive particle|planet|tidied up|degree particle|very neatly|(indicates the following verb is applied to the object)|it|on|possessive particle|volcano|cleaned|degree particle|very clean
On the morning of his departure, he tidied up his planet and cleaned his active volcanoes thoroughly.
──他 有 兩個 活火山 ,早上 熱 早點 很 方便 。
He|has|two|volcanoes|in the morning|hot|breakfast|very|convenient
He has two active volcanoes, which are very convenient for breakfast in the morning.
他 還有 一座 死火山 ,他 也 把 它 打掃 乾淨 。
he|also has|a|dormant volcano|he|also|(particle indicating disposal action)|it|cleaned|clean
He also has a dormant volcano, which he cleaned as well.
他 想 ,說不定 它 還 會 活動 呢 !
he|thinks|maybe|it|still|will|move|question particle
He thought, maybe it will still move!
打掃 乾淨 了 ,它們 就 可以 慢慢 地 有 規律 地 燃燒 ,而 不會 突然 爆發 。
clean|clean|past tense marker|they|then|can|slowly|adverbial particle|have|regularity|adverbial particle|burn|and|will not|suddenly|explode
Once cleaned up, they can burn slowly and regularly, without suddenly erupting.
火山爆發 就象 煙囪 里 的 火焰 一樣 。
volcanic eruption|just like|chimney|inside|possessive particle|flame|same
A volcanic eruption is just like the flames in a chimney.
當然 ,在 我們 地球 上 我們 人 太 小 ,不能 打掃 火山 ,所以 火山 給 我們 帶來 很多很多 麻煩 。
of course|on|we|Earth|on|we|people|too|small|cannot|clean|volcano|so|volcano|gives|us|brings|a lot of|trouble
Of course, on our Earth, we humans are too small to clean up volcanoes, so volcanoes bring us a lot of trouble.
小王子 還 把 剩下 的 最後 幾顆 猴 麵包樹 苗 全 拔 了 。
The Little Prince|still|(particle indicating disposal)|remaining|possessive particle|last|few|monkey|baobab tree|seedlings|all|pulled|past tense marker
The Little Prince also pulled out the last few baobab seedlings.
他 有點 憂傷 。
he|a little|sad
He felt a bit sad.
他 以為 他 再也不會 回來 了 。
he|thought|he|would never|return|past tense marker
He thought he would never come back.
這天 ,這些 家常 活 使 他 感到 特別 親切 。
this day|these|everyday|chores|made|he|feel|especially|warm
That day, these household chores made him feel particularly close.
當 他 最後 一次 澆花 時 ,準備 把 她 好好 珍藏 起來 。
when|he|last|time|watered the flowers|at|prepared|to|her|well|cherish|up
When he watered the flowers for the last time, he prepared to cherish her well.
他 發覺 自己 要 哭出來 。
he|realized|himself|wants to|cry out
He realized he was about to cry.
“再見 了 。
goodbye|past tense marker
「他 」對 花兒 說道 。
He said to the flowers.
可是 花兒 沒有 回答 他 。
but|the flower|did not|answer|he
But the flower did not answer him.
“再見 了 。
goodbye|past tense marker
“他 又 說 了 一遍 。
he|again|said|past tense marker|once
"He said it again."
花兒 咳嗽 了 一陣 。
flower|cough|past tense marker|a fit
The flower coughed for a while.
但 並不是 由於 感冒 。
but|is not|due to|cold
But it is not due to a cold.
她 終於 對 他 說道 :“我 方才 真蠢 。
She|finally|to|him|said|I|just now|really stupid
She finally said to him: "I was really foolish just now.
請 您 原諒 我 。
Please forgive me.
希望 你 能 幸福 。
I hope you can be happy.
花兒 對 他 毫不 抱怨 ,他 感到 很 驚訝 。
The flower|towards|he|not at all|complained|he|felt|very|surprised
The flowers do not complain to him, and he feels very surprised.
他 舉著 罩子 ,不知所措 地 佇立 在 那裡 。
he|holding|umbrella|at a loss|adverbial particle|standing|at|there
He held up the cover, standing there at a loss.
他 不 明白 她 為 什麼 會 這樣 溫柔 恬靜 。
He does not understand why she is so gentle and serene.
“的確 ,我 愛 你 。
"Indeed, I love you."
“花兒 對 他 說道 :”但 由於 我 的 過錯 ,你 一點 也 沒有 理會 。
flower|to|he|said|but|due to|I|possessive particle|mistake|you|a little|also|did not|pay attention
The flower said to him: "But due to my mistake, you didn't pay any attention at all."
這 絲毫 不 重要 。
This is of no importance at all.
不過 ,你 也 和 我 一樣 的 蠢 。
however|you|also|with|I|same|possessive particle|stupid
However, you are just as foolish as I am.
希望 你 今後 能 幸福 。
hope|you|in the future|can|happiness
I hope you can be happy in the future.
把 罩子 放在 一邊 吧 ,我 用不著 它 了 。
put|cover|place on|one side|suggestion particle|I|don't need|it|past action marker
Put the cover aside, I don't need it anymore.
“要是 風 來 了 怎麼辦 ?
if|wind|comes|past tense marker|what to do
"What if the wind comes?"
“”我 的 感冒 並 不 那麼 重 ......夜晚 的 涼風 對 我 倒 有 好處 。
I|possessive particle|cold|not|very|so|severe|night|possessive particle|cool breeze|towards|me|instead|has|benefits
"My cold isn't that serious... The cool night breeze is actually good for me."
我 是 一朵花 。
I|am|a flower
I am a flower.
“要是 有 蟲子 野獸 呢 ?
what if|has|insects|wild animals|question particle
"What if there are bugs and wild beasts?"
......”“我 要是 想 認識 蝴蝶 ,經不起 兩三隻 尺蠖 是 不行 的 。
I|if|want|to know|butterfly|cannot withstand|two or three|inchworm|is|not okay|particle indicating past action
..."If I want to get to know butterflies, I can't just handle two or three caterpillars."
據說 這 是 很 美的 。
it is said|this|is|very|beautiful
It is said to be very beautiful.
不然 還有 誰 來看 我 呢 ?
otherwise|still have|who|come to see|me|question particle
Otherwise, who else would come to see me?
你 就要 到 遠處 去 了 。
you|are about to|arrive|far place|go|past tense marker
You are about to go far away.
至於 說 大 動物 ,我 並 不怕 ,我 有 爪子 。
as for|saying|big|animal|I|not|afraid|I|have|claws
As for big animals, I'm not afraid, I have claws.
“於是 ,她 天真 地 顯露出 她 那 四根 刺 ,隨後 又 說道 :”別 這麼 磨蹭 了 。
then|she|innocently|adverbial particle|revealed|her|those|four|spikes|afterwards|again|said|don't|so|procrastinate|past tense particle
"So, she innocently revealed her four spikes, and then said: "Don't dawdle like that.
真 煩人 !
So annoying!
你 既然 決定 離開 這兒 ,那麼 ,快 走 吧 !
you|since|decided|to leave|here|then|quickly|go|particle
Since you have decided to leave here, then go quickly!
“她 是 怕 小王子 看見 她 在 哭 。
She|is|afraid|Little Prince|to see|her|in|crying
"She was afraid the Little Prince would see her crying.
她 是 一朵 非常 驕傲 的 花 ......
She|is|a|very|proud|possessive particle|flower
She was a very proud flower..."
SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=8.12 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=3.33
ai_request(all=114 err=0.00%) translation(all=91 err=0.00%) cwt(all=1040 err=4.90%)