05. Four Popular Writers
05. Cuatro escritores populares
05. Four Popular Writers
四位 流行 作家 他們 可能 不是 最好 的 ,但 一定 是 最 有名 的 。
four|pop|writers|they|might|not|best|possessive particle|but|definitely|are|most|famous|possessive particle
Four popular writers, they may not be the best, but they are definitely the most famous.
第一位 上 中學 時 就 寫出 了 小說 《 三 重 門 》 , 少年 成名 , 無人不知 。
The first one wrote the novel "The Triple Door" while still in middle school, becoming famous as a teenager, known by everyone.
可是 自從 他 寫 小說 有 了 錢 開 上 了 賽車 ,就 總 說 自己 是 個 車手 。
but|since|he|wrote|novel|had|past tense marker|money|drives|on|past tense marker|race car|then|always|says|himself|is|a|driver
However, since he made money from writing novels and started racing cars, he always claims to be a racer.
不但如此 ,他 還 很 有些 看不起 作家 這一行 ,說 這個 不好 ,那個 不行 。
not only that|he|also|very|somewhat|looks down on|writer|this profession|says|this|good|that|not acceptable
Not only that, but he also looks down on writers quite a bit, saying this is not good, that is not okay.
要 我 說 ,當 作家 你 就 好好 寫 小說 ,當 車手 你 就 好好 開車 ,最好 不要 對 別人 說三道四 。
if|I|say|as|writer|you|then|well|write|novel|as|driver|you|then|well|drive|it is best|not to|to|others|gossip
In my opinion, if you are a writer, you should just focus on writing novels; if you are a driver, you should just focus on driving, and it's best not to criticize others.
第二 位 出名 在 第一位 之後 ,名氣 可 不比 第一位 小 。
second|position|famous|in|first position|after|fame|can|not be compared to|first position|small
The second person became famous after the first, and their fame is not any less than that of the first.
第一 本 小說 就 發行 了 一百 多 萬 ,從此 走紅 ,身價 上 百萬 。
first|measure word for books|novel|then|published|past tense marker|one hundred|more than|ten thousand|from then on|became popular|worth|over|million
The first novel was published with over a million copies, and from then on, it became a hit, with a worth of over a million.
這本 小說 十分 有 想像力 ,人物 好像 都 從 日本 漫畫 世界 裡 走來 ,又 有情 有意 ,所以 感動 了 無數 的 青少年 。
this|novel|very|has|imagination|characters|seem|all|from|Japan|manga|world|inside|come|again|emotional|meaningful|so|moved|past tense marker|countless|possessive particle|teenagers
This novel is very imaginative, and the characters seem to have come from the world of Japanese manga. They are also emotional and meaningful, which has touched countless teenagers.
但 我 個人 對 他 沒 多少 好感 ,因為 他 的 第二本 小說 裡 過多 使用 了 別人 的 作品 ,成 了 被告 。
but|I|personally|towards|him|not|much|good feeling|because|he|possessive particle|second|novel|in|too much|used|past tense marker|others|possessive particle|works|became|past tense marker|defendant
However, I personally don't have much fondness for him, because in his second novel, he excessively used other people's works and became a defendant.
第三位 是 個 美女 作家 。
the third one|is|a|beautiful|writer
The third one is a beautiful female writer.
人 長 得 美 不 美 不 重要 , 這 年頭 流行 女人 加 作家 等於 美女 作家 。
Whether a person is beautiful or not is not important; these days, it is popular to equate women writers with beautiful female writers.
她 的 小說 是 “用 身體 寫作 ”。
She|possessive particle|novel|is|using|body|writing
Her novel is 'Writing with the Body'.
她 還 比 同行 做 得 更 出位 :小說 人物 完全 來自 現實 生活 。
she|still|than|peers|perform|degree particle|more|outstanding|novel|characters|completely|come from|reality|life
She stands out more than her peers: the characters in her novel are entirely based on real life.
大家 可以 想像 一下 ,她 小說 裡 的 真實 人物 被 認出來 後 ,心裡 有 多少 氣 。
everyone|can|imagine|a little|she|novel|inside|possessive particle|real|character|passive marker|recognized|after|in her heart|has|how much|anger
One can imagine how much anger there would be when the real people in her novel are recognized.
第四位 比 前面 三位 成就 大 , 因為 他 已經 寫 了 十幾本 “ 文化 散文 ” , 而 這些 作品 並 不是 他 的 主要 和 全部 工作 。
The fourth person has greater achievements than the previous three, as he has already written over a dozen 'cultural essays', and these works are not his main or only focus.
這麼 有 學問 的 人 ,是不是 文化 大師 ?不是 。
so|has|knowledge|possessive particle|person|is not|culture|master|no
Is a person with such knowledge a cultural master? No.
平常人 出 了 校門 就 工作 ,對 幾百幾千 年 的 文化 知道 的 不多 ,所以 都 說 他 有 學問 。
ordinary people|leave|past tense marker|school gate|then|work|regarding|hundreds and thousands|years|possessive particle|culture|knowledge|particle indicating past action|not much|so|all|say|he|has|knowledge
Ordinary people start working right after leaving school, and they know little about the culture of hundreds or thousands of years, so they are all said to have knowledge.
但 在 高人 看來 , 不過 都 是 些 常識 , “ 文化 口紅 ” 而已 。
But from the perspective of the wise, it's just common sense, merely 'cultural lipstick'.
還有 人 說 ,為什麼 總 有人 說 他 這 不好 那 不好 ,就是 因為 他 總 把 自己 當成 了 大師 。
still have|people|say|why|always|someone|say|he|this|not good|that|not good|just|because|he|always|treat|himself|regarded as|past action marker|master
Some people also say, why do some people always criticize him for this and that? It's because he always considers himself a master.
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