Alice in Wonderland : Ch 10 .( Little Fox Chinese )
Alice im Wunderland: 10. Kapitel (Kleiner Fuchs, Chinesisch)
Alicia en el País de las Maravillas: Cap. 10. (Pequeño Zorro Chino)
Alice no País das Maravilhas: Capítulo 10. (Little Fox Chinese)
Alice in Wonderland: Ch 10. (Little Fox Chinese)
愛麗絲 夢遊 仙境 10:吃 蘑菇
Alice|Wonderland|in Wonderland|Eat|Mushroom
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 10: Eating Mushrooms
毛毛蟲 說 蘑菇 的 一邊 會 讓 愛麗絲 變 大 ,另外 一邊 會 讓 她 變 小 。
caterpillar|said|mushroom|possessive particle|one side|will|make|Alice|become|big|other|side|will|make|her|become|small
The caterpillar said that one side of the mushroom would make Alice grow larger, while the other side would make her smaller.
說完 ,他 就 消失 了 。
finished speaking|he|then|disappeared|past tense marker
After saying this, he disappeared.
愛麗絲 仔細 地 看 了 一下 那個 蘑菇 。
Alice|carefully|adverbial particle|looked|past tense marker|a moment|that|mushroom
Alice looked carefully at the mushroom.
“我 怎麼 知道 哪 一邊 讓 我 變 大 ,哪 一邊 讓 我 變 小 呢 ?
I|how|know|which|side|makes|me|become|big|which|side|makes|me|become|small|question particle
"How do I know which side makes me grow larger and which side makes me shrink?"
蘑菇 蓋 是 圓 的 ,所以 沒有 左邊 和 右邊 。
mushroom|cap|is|round|(possessive particle)|so|has no|left side|and|right side
The mushroom cap is round, so there is no left side and right side.
”只有 一種 方法 了 。
only|one|method|past tense marker
"There is only one way to find out."
愛麗絲 張開 雙臂 ,兩隻手 分別 取下 一塊 。
Alice|opened|arms|both hands|respectively|took down|a piece
Alice opened her arms and took a piece with each hand.
“但是 ,哪一塊 可以 讓 我 變大 呢 ?
but|which piece|can|make|I|grow bigger|question particle
"But which piece can make me grow?"
“愛麗絲 看 了 看 手上 的 蘑菇 。
Alice|looked|past tense marker|looked|in her hand|possessive particle|mushroom
Alice looked at the mushroom in her hand.
最後 ,她 決定 先 吃 右手 的 蘑菇 。
finally|she|decided|first|eat|right hand|possessive particle|mushroom
In the end, she decided to eat the mushroom in her right hand first.
她 的 下巴 馬上 就 碰到 一個 硬硬 的 東西 ,是 她 的 腳 !
she|possessive particle|chin|immediately|then|bumped into|a|hard|adjectival particle|thing|is|she|possessive particle|foot
Her chin immediately hit something hard, it was her foot!
愛麗絲 嚇壞 了 ,但 她 還是 吃到 了 左手 的 蘑菇 。
Alice|scared|past tense marker|but|she|still|ate|past tense marker|left hand|possessive particle|mushroom
Alice was scared, but she still ate the mushroom in her left hand.
“現在 好多 了 !
now|much better|past tense marker
"Now it's much better!"
“愛麗絲 開始 變大 時 開心 地 說 。
Alice|began|to grow larger|when|happily|adverbial particle|said
"Alice happily said as she began to grow."
她 的 脖子 變 長 了 ,她 卻 又 害怕 了 起來 。
she|possessive particle|neck|became|long|past tense marker|she|but|again|scared|past tense marker|started to
Her neck has grown longer, but she has become afraid again.
愛麗絲 看不到 自己 的 肩膀 了 。
Alice|cannot see|herself|possessive particle|shoulder|past tense marker
Alice can no longer see her shoulders.
她 往 下 看 ,只能 看到 自己 的 長 脖子 和 一些 葉子 。
She|towards|down|looked|could only|see|herself|possessive particle|long|neck|and|some|leaves
She looked down and could only see her long neck and some leaves.
她 並 沒有 發現 那些 葉子 是 樹頂 。
She|not|did not|notice|those|leaves|are|the top of the tree
She did not realize that those leaves were at the top of the tree.
“我 的 手 去 了 哪裡 ?
I|possessive particle|hand|go|past tense marker|where
"Where has my hand gone?"
“愛麗絲 問 。
Alice asked.
她 看不到 葉子 的 下面 ,所以 她 把 脖子 彎 了 下來 。
She|cannot see|leaf|possessive particle|below|so|she|particle indicating disposal|neck|bent|past tense marker|down
She couldn't see under the leaves, so she bent her neck down.
“我 的 脖子 真 靈活 !
I|possessive particle|neck|really|flexible
"My neck is really flexible!"
我 好像 變成 了 一條 蛇 。
I|seem|turned into|past tense marker|a (measure word for long thin objects)|snake
I seem to have turned into a snake.
“一隻 鳥 撞到 了 愛麗絲 的 臉 ,她 嚇了一跳 。
a|bird|flew into|past tense marker|Alice|possessive particle|face|she|was startled
"A bird flew into Alice's face, and she was startled.
“蛇 !
」鴿子 尖叫 道 。
The pigeon|screamed|said
"The pigeon screamed."},{
“我 不是 蛇 !
I|am not|snake
“愛麗絲 生氣 地 說 ,”別煩 我 !
Alice|angrily|adverbial particle|said|don't bother|me
”“不管 我 在 哪裡 築巢 ,蛇 都 會 來 找麻煩 !
no matter|I|at|where|build a nest|snake|all|will|come|cause trouble
“鴿子 生氣 地 說 ,”不管 是 白天 還是 晚上 ,我 都 得 提防 著 蛇 。
pigeon|angrily|adverbial particle|said|no matter|is|daytime|or|nighttime|I|all|must|be on guard against|continuous aspect particle|snake
The pigeon said angrily, "No matter if it's day or night, I have to be on guard against snakes.
我 已經 三個 星期 沒有 睡覺 了 !
I|already|three|weeks|have not|sleep|past tense marker
I haven't slept for three weeks!
”“真對不起 ,讓 你 生氣 了 !
I'm really sorry|to make|you|angry|past tense marker
"I'm really sorry for making you angry!"
“愛麗絲 說 ,”但是 ......““我 把 巢 建 在 最高 的 樹 上 ,覺得 這樣 就 沒有 蛇 了 。
Alice|said|but|I|(particle indicating the disposal of an object)|nest|built|at|highest|(possessive particle)|tree|on|thought|this way|then|no|snakes|past tense marker
Alice said, "But... I built my nest at the top of the tallest tree, thinking that would keep the snakes away.
“鴿子 說 ,「但是 ,你 還是 從 天 上 爬 了 下來 !
pigeon|said|but|you|still|from|sky|on|climb|past tense marker|down
The pigeon said, "But you still crawled down from the sky!"
走開 ,蛇 !
go away|snake
Go away, snake!
”“我 不是 蛇 。
I|am not|snake
"I am not a snake."
“ 愛麗絲 說 ,” 我 是 ...... 我 是 ......““ 你 是 什麼 ?
Alice said, "I am... I am..." "What are you?"
“鴿子 追問 ,”你 想 說 什麼 ?
pigeon|asked again|you|want|to say|what
"The pigeon asked, 'What do you want to say?'"},{
”“ 我 ...... 我 是 一個 小 女孩兒 。
“愛麗絲 最後 說 。
她 已經 經歷 了 太 多 的 變化 ,她 自己 也 不 確定 自己 是 誰 了 。
she|already|experienced|past tense marker|too|many|possessive particle|changes|she|herself|also|not|sure|herself|is|who|past tense marker
“我 見過 許多 小女孩兒 ,但是 從來 沒有 看到過 有 這麼 長 脖子 的 。
I|have seen|many|little girls|but|ever|never|have seen|have|so|long|neck|(possessive particle)
"I have seen many little girls, but I have never seen one with such a long neck."
“鴿子 懷疑 地 看著 她 ,”不 ,你 是 蛇 !
pigeon|suspiciously|adverbial particle|looked at|her|no|you|are|snake
"The pigeon looked at her suspiciously, 'No, you are a snake!"
你 就是 蛇 !
"You are definitely a snake!"
你 肯定 還會 跟 我 說 你 從來 都 沒 吃過 蛋 吧 ?
you|definitely|still will|with|me|say|you|ever|at all|not|eaten|egg|question particle
"You must also tell me that you have never eaten an egg, right?"
”“ 我 吃 過 蛋 。
"I have eaten eggs."
“愛麗絲 坦白 地 說 ,”小 女孩兒 和 蛇 一樣 經常 吃 蛋 。
Alice|frankly|adverbial particle|said|little|girl|and|snake|the same|often|eats|eggs
"Alice said frankly, "The little girl often eats eggs just like a snake."
”“我 不 相信 。
I|do not|believe
"I don't believe it."
“鴿子 堅定 地 說 ,”不管 你 是 小 女孩兒 還是 蛇 ,你 在 找 蛋 。
The pigeon|firmly|adverbial particle|said|no matter|you|are|little|girl|or|snake|you|are|looking for|egg
"The pigeon said firmly, "Whether you are a little girl or a snake, you are looking for eggs."
”“我 沒有 在 找 蛋 。
I|do not|in the process of|looking for|egg
"I am not looking for eggs."
就算 我 在 找 蛋 ,我 也 不 想要 你 的 。
even if|I|am|looking for|egg|I|also|not|want|your|possessive particle
Even if I were looking for eggs, I wouldn't want yours.
“愛麗絲 跺 了 跺腳 ,大地 都 震動 了 。
Alice|stomp|past tense marker|stomped|the earth|all|shook|past tense marker
"Alice stomped her foot, and the earth shook.
“我 不 喜歡 生 的 蛋 !
I|do not|like|raw|possessive particle|egg
"I don't like raw eggs!"
”“那 就 走開 !
then|just|go away
"Then just go away!"
」鴿子 還是 很 生氣 。
The pigeon|still|very|angry
The pigeon was still very angry.
她 回到 了 自己 的 巢裡 。
She|returned|past tense marker|her own|possessive particle|nest
She returned to her own nest.
愛麗絲 想要 蹲 在 樹 中間 ,但是 她 的 脖子 總是 纏到 樹枝 上 。
Alice|wants|squat|in|tree|middle|but|she|possessive particle|neck|always|gets tangled on|branch|on
Alice wanted to squat in the middle of the tree, but her neck always got tangled in the branches.
“我 需要 變成 原來 的 大小 。
I|need|become|original|possessive particle|size
"I need to return to my original size."
“愛麗絲 自言自語 地 說 。
Alice|to herself|adverbial particle|said
"Alice said to herself."
她 小心翼翼 地 吃 了 一塊 蘑菇 ,然後 又 吃 了 另 一塊 蘑菇 。
She|cautiously|adverbial particle|ate|past tense marker|a piece of|mushroom|then|again|ate|past tense marker|another|piece of|mushroom
She carefully ate a piece of mushroom, and then ate another piece of mushroom.
最後 ,她 變成 了 原來 的 樣子 。
finally|she|became|past tense marker|original|possessive particle|appearance
In the end, she returned to her original form.
“這樣 好多 了 !
like this|much better|past tense marker
"This is much better!"
“愛麗絲 說 。
"Alice said.
她 開始 在 樹林 裡 行走 。
She began to walk in the woods.
突然 ,她 來到 了 一個 大概 四 英尺 高 的 房子 前面 。
suddenly|she|arrived|past tense marker|a|approximately|four|feet|high|possessive particle|house|in front of
Suddenly, she came to a house about four feet high.
“不 知道 誰 住 在 這裡 。
"I don't know who lives here."
“愛麗絲 說 ,”但是 ,他們 一定 比 我 小 。
"Alice said, 'But they must be smaller than me.'
我 這麼 大 ,會 嚇到 他們 。
I'm this big, I would scare them.
”於是 ,愛麗絲 又 吃 了 一點 蘑菇 ,直到 自己 只有 九 英寸 高 。
then|Alice|again|ate|past tense marker|a little|mushroom|until|herself|was only|nine|inches|tall
"So, Alice ate a little more mushroom until she was only nine inches tall.
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