Verb Tenses
Verben är kända som handlingsord. De signalerar en handling, ett skeende eller ett tillstånd.
Engelska verb finns i tre tempus: förfluten tid, nutid och framtid. Här är hur man bildar de olika typerna av verbtider på engelska:
Enkel förfluten tid
Det enkla förflutna används för att tala om handlingar som utfördes före nu (i det förflutna).
Subjekt + verb i förfluten tid
I ate the banana you are looking for this morning.
We slept in the spare room last night.
The team played icebreaker games before the event started.
She hadn't thought about how many people would be coming to dinner.
Ritu hasn't eaten since breakfast.
They haven't taken the driving test yet.
Kontinuerligt förflutet
Kontinuerligt förflutet används för att tala om oavslutade eller ofullständiga handlingar i det förflutna. Detta tempus visar att den handling som påbörjades i det förflutna fortfarande pågår nu.
Subjekt + var/var inte/var/var inte + presens particip (verb + ing)
Henri was playing the guitar when I came over.
When we got there the girls were running around.
I was mad that Mari wasn't ready when I drove up to her house.
We weren't singing when she got to the concert hall.
Förfluten tid
Past perfect visar att en händelse inträffade före en annan händelse i det förflutna och gör det tydligt vilken händelse som inträffade först.
Subjekt + hade/hade inte + verb i presens particip
Angel had saved his work before the computer crashed.
We had prepared the buses by the time the tourists arrived.
I hadn't cooked anything when my friends turned up.
There was nothing to eat because he hadn't been shopping.
Perfekt Perfekt Kontinuerlig
Kontinuerligt perfekt i förfluten tid visar handlingar i det förflutna som avslutades före andra handlingar i det förflutna.
Subjekt + hade/hade inte/varit + presens particip (verb + ing)
By the time the restaurant opened we'd (we had) been waiting for an hour.
John had been swimming already by the time his friends go there.
She hadn't been doing her homework when her dad got home from work.
Enkel nutid
Enkel presens visar på upprepning, vana eller generalisering.
Subjekt + verb i presens
I go to work every day.
He loves to eat something sweet after dinner.
Americans eat lots of junk food.
The boxing class starts at 6 p.m. every week night.
It rains in Vancouver all the time.
Presens används för att beskriva pågående handlingar som äger rum i nuet.
Subjekt + am/is/are + presens particip (verb + ing)
She is cleaning out her car.
Megan's putting together the annual report.
We're living in Moscow right now.
They're having breakfast, let's join them.
Perfekt presens
Perfekt presens visar en händelse i det förflutna som har konsekvenser i nuet.
Subjekt + har/har inte/har/har inte + verb i presens particip
I have lived in this house since 1992.
She has worked at the same job for 22 years.
She hasn't studied Japanese for very long so she finds it tough to speak.
He hadn't seen her at all yet today.
Presens Perfekt Kontinuerlig
Kontinuerligt perfekt presens uttrycker handlingar som påbörjats i det förflutna och som fortsätter i nuet eller som just har avslutats.
Subjekt + har/har inte/har/har inte varit + presens particip (verb + ing)
It has been raining for five days straight.
She hasn't been eating breakfast because she's been sick.
The tourists have been feeding the birds in the park.
We just haven't been taking care of the yard this summer as it's been so hot.
Enkel framtid
Enkel framtid används för att tala om handlingar som kommer att ske efter nuet. Detta tempus uttrycker fakta och visshet.
Subjekt + ska/ska inte / kommer/kommer inte + basverb
I will go to the office tomorrow.
We won't leave until later this evening.
They shall eat at the table and not on the sofa.
He shall not run in the race if there is a thunderstorm.
Framtid Kontinuerlig
Futurum continuum uttrycker en fortsatt eller pågående handling i framtiden.
Subjekt + kommer / kommer inte att vara + presens particip verb (-ing-form)
Jake will be coming over later to watch a movie.
The team will be playing in the tournament on Wednesday of next week.
My brother won't be joining us at next week's practice.
I will not be drinking that milk, it's sour.
Framtid Perfekt
Perfekt futurum används för att visa en handling som kommer att ske i framtiden före en annan handling eller tid i framtiden.
Subjekt + kommer / kommer inte att ha + verb i presens particip
I will have lived in Barcelona for three years on the 20th of this month.
He won't have finished the essay by tomorrow's deadline.
Ami will have finished high school by the time her dad returns from working abroad.
Framtid Perfekt Kontinuerlig
Perfekt futurum används för att visa en handling som kommer att inträffa i framtiden före en annan handling eller tid i framtiden
Subjekt + ska/ska inte / kommer/kommer inte + har varit/varit + presens particip verb (-ing-form)
We will have been driving for 10 hours come 6 o'clock.
Next month I will have been coming here for lunch every day for a year.
They will have been sleeping for an hour by the time you get home from work.
Noll Villkorlig
Nollvillkoret används för att uttrycka allmänna sanningar.
Om + presens enkelt + presens enkelt
People bleed if you cut them.
Water boils if you heat it enough.
Första villkoret
Det första villkoret talar om möjligt tillstånd och dess sannolika resultat. Det säger i princip ”om den här saken händer, händer/kan den här saken också hända.”
Om + enkel presens + enkel framtid
If you fails the test, he will not graduate.
If he drops the glass, it will smash.
If she eats that meat, she might get sick.
If he climbs that tree, he may fall.
Andra villkoret
Det andra villkoret handlar om situationer eller handlingar i nutid eller framtid som är osannolika, hypotetiska, inbillade eller omöjliga.
Om + enkelt förflutet + presens villkorligt eller presens kontinuerligt villkorligt
If I were younger, I would go backpacking around the world.
If she were taller, she would have tried out for the basketball team.
If I won the lottery, I would buy a Ferrari.
Tredje villkoret
Det tredje villkoret uttrycker ett omöjligt tillstånd i det förflutna och resultatet av detta tillstånd i det förflutna.
Om + perfekt + förfluten tid + förflutet particip verb
If I had trained harder I would have run a faster time in the marathon.
If you had gone to law school, you would have been a great lawyer.
If you had invited them to, they would have played for longer.
Blandad villkorad
I blandade konditionalsatser skiljer sig tempus i huvudsatsen från tempus i konditionalsatsen eller om-satsen.
Om + perfektum + presens conditional
Om + enkel presens + perfekt konditionalis
If we had checked the directions before we left, we wouldn't be lost now.
We wouldn’t be lost now if we had checked the directions before we left.
Modala verb
Modala verb ger ytterligare information om funktionen hos det huvudverb som kommer efter iot i en mening. Dessa typer av verb används för att uttrycka tillstånd, skyldighet, avsaknad av nödvändighet, möjlighet, förmåga, förbud, råd och sannolikhet.
Några exempel på modala verb och meningar:
Tillstånd | |
Can | Can I please come to your party? |
May | May I take a cookie from the jar? |
Might | Might I suggest a different approach? |
Förpliktelse | |
Must | You must tell me what he said. |
Should | He should leave the room. |
Ought to | They ought to find a place to stay. |
Avsaknad av nödvändighet | |
Need not | You need not worry, I will take care of it. |
Möjlighet | |
Can | Eating more fruit can make you healthier. |
Could | Rewriting the paper could get you a higher grade |
May | It may be cheaper at the other store. |
Might | It might be better to try tomorrow. |
Förmåga | |
Can | I can run faster than Jim. |
Could (past ability) | I could swim for miles when I was a teenager. |
Förbud | |
Must not | You must not drink alcohol until you are at least 18 years old. |
Rådgivning | |
Had better | You had better go to bed now if you want to get up at 5 a.m. tomorrow. |
Should | You should call your grandmother, she would like that. |
Ought to | They ought to clear their driveway so we can park our car. |
Sannolikhet | |
May | It may rain this afternoon. |
Might | We might go play tennis tomorrow. |