Hvad er NFT?
Was ist NFT?
Co to jest NFT?
Що таке NFT?
What is an NFT?
Den her video er ret vild.
This video is quite wild.
Det er ikke det, at et print af Banksy til 600.000 bliver brændt af.
It's not that a print of Banksy worth 600,000 is being burned.
Mere, at filmen af afbrændingen blev solgt for 2,3 mio. kr.
More|that|the film|of|the burning|was|sold|for|million|kroner
More that the film of the burning was sold for 2.3 million DKK.
Først hadede jeg det. Nu synes jeg, at det er ret fascinerende.
At first|hated|I|it|Now|think|I|that|it|is|quite|fascinating
At first, I hated it. Now I think it's quite fascinating.
Det kan lade sig gøre på grund af NFT.
It is possible because of NFT.
En teknologi, som truer med at vende op og ned på kunstverdenen.
A|technology|that|threatens|with|to|turn|up|and|down|on|the art world
A technology that threatens to turn the art world upside down.
Endda den måde, vi opfatter internettet på.
Even the way we perceive the internet.
Det har gjort ham her til den tredje mest værdifulde kunstner.
It has made this person the third most valuable artist.
NFT står for "non-fungible token" og er et digitalt certifikat på -
NFT stands for "non-fungible token" and is a digital certificate of -
- at man ejer noget.
- that one owns something.
Når noget er fungibelt, betyder det -
When something is fungible, it means -
- at det kan ombyttes til en tilsvarende enhed af samme art.
that|it|can|be exchanged|for|a|corresponding|unit|of|same|type
- that it can be exchanged for a corresponding unit of the same kind.
Penge er en fungibel genstand.
Money is a fungible object.
Værdien af en 100-kroneseddel er den samme -
The value|of|a|100-kroner bill|is|it|same
The value of a 100-kroner bill is the same -
- selv om du erstatter den med en anden eller to halvtredsere.
even|though|you|replace|it|with|another|one|or|two|fifty notes
- even if you replace it with another or two fifties.
Når noget er "non-fungible", er det uerstatteligt.
When something is "non-fungible", it is irreplaceable.
Det kan være et maleri, der kun findes én original version af.
It can be a painting that only has one original version.
Selv om du kan købe en plakat af da Vincis maleri af Mona Lisa -
Even if you can buy a poster of da Vinci's painting of the Mona Lisa -
- vil kopien aldrig være lige så meget værd som originalen -
will|the copy|never|be|as|so|much|valuable|as|the original
- the copy will never be worth as much as the original -
- der hænger på Louvre i Paris.
that|hangs|in|the Louvre|in|Paris
- it hangs in the Louvre in Paris.
Digital kunst er fungible, da det kan kopieres i en uendelighed -
Digital|art|is|fungible|since|it|can|be copied|in|an|infinity
|||замінний|||||||в нескінченності
Digital art is fungible, as it can be copied infinitely -
- og derfor hverken er unikt eller sjældent.
- and therefore is neither unique nor rare.
Det er ikke virkelig kunst, men det er heller ikke direkte frækt.
It is not really art, but it is also not directly offensive.
Her kommer NFT ind i billedet.
Here|comes|NFT|into|in|the picture
This is where NFT comes into the picture.
NTF er en unik ikke-kopierbar kode, der består af tal og bogstaver -
NFT is a unique non-copyable code that consists of numbers and letters -
- som fungerer som et ejerskabsbevis.
that|functions|as|a|proof of ownership
||||свідоцтво про власність
- which serves as a proof of ownership.
Ligesom bitcoins bliver NFT'erne opbevaret i en blockchain -
Just like|bitcoins|are|the NFTs|stored|in|a|blockchain
Just like bitcoins, NFTs are stored in a blockchain -
- som er en offentlig database over transaktioner mellem mennesker.
|||публічна|база даних||||
- which is a public database of transactions between people.
Da transaktionerne er låst af i krypterede blokke -
As the transactions are locked in encrypted blocks -
- der er kædet sammen af et decentralt netværk -
- they are linked together by a decentralized network -
- er det umuligt at fuske, uden at systemet opdager det.
- it is impossible to cheat without the system detecting it.
NFT gør det muligt at bevise -
NFT makes it possible to prove -
- at man ejer originalen af et digitalt kunstværk.
that|one|owns|the original|of|a|digital|artwork
- that you own the original of a digital artwork.
NFT-teknologien startede med nogle nuttede katte.
NFT technology started with some cute cats.
Nærmere bestemt CryptoKitties -
More specifically CryptoKitties -
- som siden 2017 er blevet solgt som unikke samlerobjekter.
that|since|has|become|sold|as|unique|collector's items
|||||||колекційні предмети
- which have been sold as unique collectibles since 2017.
Det seneste år er markedet for kryptokunst eksploderet.
The|latest|year|is|market|for|crypto art|exploded
In the past year, the market for crypto art has exploded.
I 2020 blev markedsværdien vurderet til 338 mio. dollars.
In|was|market value|assessed|at|million|dollars
||ринкова вартість|оцінена|||
In 2020, the market value was estimated at 338 million dollars.
NFT's popularitet blev understreget -
The popularity of NFTs was emphasized -
- da kryptokunstværket "Everydays: The First 5000 Days" -
when|crypto artwork|Everydays|The|First|Days
- as the crypto artwork "Everydays: The First 5000 Days" -
- i marts blev solgt for 430 mio. kr.
- was sold for 430 million DKK in March.
Et værk, hvor Beeple havde lavet et billede om dagen siden 2007 -
A piece where Beeple had created an image every day since 2007 -
- og sat det sammen til et samlet værk, som kun eksisterer digitalt.
- and compiled it into a single work that only exists digitally.
Beeple er gået fra at være en forholdsvis ukendt grafisk designer -
Beeple has gone from being a relatively unknown graphic designer -
- til at være den tredje mest værdifulde nulevende kunstner -
- to be the third most valuable living artist -
- hvis man skal tro på auktionshuset Christie's.
- if one is to believe the auction house Christie's.
Men det er ikke kun kunst, som bliver solgt som NFT.
But it is not only art that is being sold as NFTs.
Bandet Kings of Leon har tjent 12 mio. kr. -
The band|Kings|of|Leon|has|earned|million|kroner
The band Kings of Leon has earned 12 million DKK -
- på en udgave deres album "When You See Yourself" som NTF.
- on a version of their album "When You See Yourself" as an NFT.
For nylig solgte Twitter-grundlægger Jack Dorsey -
Recently, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey sold -
- koden bag det første tweet for 18 mio. kr.
the code|behind|the|first|tweet|for|million|kroner
- the code behind the first tweet for 18 million DKK.
Og det her billede af en ostemad fra den kuldsejlede Fyre Festival -
And|this|here|picture|of|a|cheese sandwich|from|the|failed|Fyre|Festival
||||||сирна бутерброд|||кульсейдленої||
And this picture of a cheese sandwich from the failed Fyre Festival -
- er solgt for 660.000 kr.
- has been sold for 660,000 DKK.
NFT gør nettets historiske memes eller digital video og billedkunst -
NFT|makes|the internet's|historical|memes|or|digital|video|and|visual art
NFTs make the internet's historical memes or digital video and visual art -
- til investeringsobjekter på lige fod med malerier.
for|investment objects|on|equal|footing|with|paintings
- for investment objects on par with paintings.
Ifølge professor Merav Ozair, der er ekspert i blockchain -
According to|professor|Merav|Ozair|who|is|expert|in|blockchain
According to Professor Merav Ozair, who is an expert in blockchain -
- kan NFT ændre kunstverdenen og opfattelsen af nettet.
can|NFT|change|art world|and|perception|of|the internet
- NFTs can change the art world and the perception of the internet.
Internettet er seriøs udveksling af information.
The internet|is|serious|exchange|of|information
The internet is a serious exchange of information.
Idéen bag internettet er, at alt indhold skal kunne deles -
The idea|behind|the internet|is|that|all|content|should|be able to|be shared
The idea behind the internet is that all content should be shareable -
- på det samme verdensomspændende netværk.
- on the same global network.
Den browser ved lige nøjagtigt, hvad den skal gøre.
The browser knows exactly what to do.
Den idé udfordrer NTF-teknologien -
That idea challenges NTF technology -
- fordi man kan købe ejerskab af et stykke af nettet.
because|one|can|buy|ownership|of|a|piece|of|the internet
- because you can buy ownership of a piece of the web.
- Jeg skal se på en hjemmedatamat. - Hvad skal du bruge den til?
I|will|look|at|a|home computer|What|will|you|use|it|for
- I need to look at a home data mat. - What do you need it for?
Det ved jeg ikke, men ungerne presser på.
That|know|I|not|but|the kids|are pushing|for
I don't know, but the kids are pushing for it.
At en rigmand har købt en NFT af den her gif -
That|a|rich man|has|bought|an|NFT|of|this|here|gif
That a rich man has bought an NFT of this gif -
- af en kat-hindbærsnitte med en regnbue efter sig for 3,7 mio. kr. -
- of a cat-raspberry slice with a rainbow behind it for 3.7 million DKK -
- er ikke det samme som, at den er fjernet fra nettet.
is|not|it|same|as|that|it|is|removed|from|the internet
- is not the same as it being removed from the internet.
Alle kan stadig downloade giffen eller se den på YouTube.
Everyone can still download the gif or watch it on YouTube.
At eje en NTF er ikke det samme som at eje rettighederne til værket.
To|own|an|NFT|is|not|it|the same|as|to|own|the rights|to|the work
Owning an NFT is not the same as owning the rights to the work.
Det er ikke selve billedet, man køber -
It|is|not|the actual|picture|one|buys
It is not the image itself that you are buying -
- men et certifikat på, at man ejer den oprindelige version.
- but a certificate that you own the original version.
Så hvorfor vil folk millioner for værker, der kun eksisterer online?
So why do people want millions for works that only exist online?
Eksperter peger på, at de voldsomme salg skal ses -
Experts|point|to|that|the|violent|sales|should|be seen
Experts point out that the massive sales should be viewed -
- som markedsføring af kryptovaluta og blockchain.
- as marketing for cryptocurrency and blockchain.
Sundaresan her, som købte Beeples kunstværk -
Sundaresan here, who bought Beeple's artwork -
- er selv blevet millionær på blockchain.
- has himself become a millionaire on blockchain.
Eksperter mener, at hypen omkring NFT blot er en boble -
Experts believe that the hype around NFTs is just a bubble -
- som kan springe hvert øjeblik, fordi priserne er presset i vejret.
- that could burst at any moment, because prices are inflated.
Selv om NFT gør det muligt for digitale kunstnere at tjene penge -
Even though NFTs allow digital artists to make money -
- rummer teknologien også faldgruber.
- the technology also has pitfalls.
Banksy tjente ingen penge på -
Banksy made no money from -
- at hans værk blev solgt som NFT, efter at det var blevet brændt af.
- his work being sold as an NFT after it was burned.
Man ved ikke altid, om den person, der har lavet et værk -
One does not always know if the person who created a work -
- også ejer originalen.
also|owns|the original
- also owns the original.
Og så er blockchainteknologien ekstremt energikrævende.
And|then|is|the blockchain technology|extremely|energy-consuming
And then the blockchain technology is extremely energy-consuming.
Fremstillingen af en NFT har samme CO2-aftryk -
The production|of|an|NFT|has|the same||
The production of an NFT has the same CO2 footprint -
- som den gennemsnitlige europæers energiforbrug i en hel måned.
as|the|average|European|energy consumption|in|a|whole|month
||||споживання енергії||||
- as the average European's energy consumption in a whole month.
Selv om der er uenighed om, hvorvidt beregningen er korrekte -
Even though there is disagreement about whether the calculation is correct -
- kommer man ikke uden om, at blockchain bruger meget strøm.
comes|one|not|without|around|that|blockchain|uses|a lot|electricity
- one cannot avoid the fact that blockchain uses a lot of energy.
Nogle eksperter mener dog, at NFT og blockchain -
Some experts believe, however, that NFTs and blockchain -
- rummer et stort potentiale også uden for kunstverdenen.
contains|a|large|potential|also|outside|for|the art world
- hold great potential also outside the art world.
I Utah har man brugt blockchain til at afholde mindre valg.
In Utah, blockchain has been used to conduct smaller elections.
Ligesom forsikringsselskaber har brugt teknologien til at sikre -
Just like|insurance companies|have|used|the technology|to|to|secure
Just as insurance companies have used the technology to secure -
- at personfølsomme data ikke kan hackes.
that|personally sensitive|data|not|can|be hacked
|персонально чутливі||||
- that personal data cannot be hacked.
Om NTF er kommet for at blive, er svært at spå om endnu.
Whether NTF is here to stay is still hard to predict.
Så det er interessant, at netop det her Banksy blev brændt af.
So it is interesting that this particular Banksy was burned.
Værket er en kritisk kommentar til kunstverdenen og viser teksten:
The work|is|a|critical|comment|to|the art world|and|shows|the text
The work is a critical comment on the art world and shows the text:
SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=4.17 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=5.01
ai_request(all=119 err=0.00%) translation(all=99 err=0.00%) cwt(all=863 err=2.67%)