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Easy Reading, 89. A Drunk Driver

89. A Drunk Driver

The policeman saw the car.

The car was speeding. Richard was driving the car. The speed limit was 35 mph. Richard's car was going 50 mph. The policeman turned on his siren and flashing lights. He caught up to Richard. But Richard didn't pull over. Richard was drunk. He was drinking a cold beer. He was listening to loud music. He was having a good time. Finally he noticed the siren and flashing lights behind him. Richard pulled over. He stopped the car and turned off the engine. He threw the can of beer out the window. The cop walked up to the car. He picked up the can of beer. "Is this yours?" he asked. "No, sir," Richard said. "It's cold," the cop said. "There's still some beer in this can. I bet your fingerprints are on this can." The cop told Richard to get out of the car. He told him to tilt his head back and close his eyes. He told him to touch his nose with his finger. Richard got dizzy. He lost his balance. He started to fall. The cop grabbed him. He put Richard into the back seat of his police car. He told Richard, "You shouldn't drink and drive." "I know that," Richard said. "Everybody knows that," said the cop. "But they still drink and drive.

89. A Drunk Driver 89. Un conductor ebrio 89. Um condutor embriagado 89. Пьяный водитель 89\. 酒后驾车

The policeman saw the car. 경찰이 차를 보았다. 警察看到了那辆车。

The car was speeding. 車はスピードを上げていました。 차가 과속하고있었습니다. 汽车在飞驰。 Richard was driving the car. Richard는 차를 운전하고있었습니다. 理查德正在开车。 The speed limit was 35 mph. 制限速度は時速35マイルでした。 제한 속도는 35mph였습니다. 限速为每小时 35 英里。 Richard’s car was going 50 mph. リチャードの車は時速50マイルで走っていました。 리차드의 차는 시속 50 마일을 달리고있었습니다. 理查德的车以每小时 50 英里的速度行驶。 The policeman turned on his siren and flashing lights. 警官はサイレンとライトを点滅させた。 경찰은 사이렌과 번쩍이는 불빛을 켰다. 警察打开了警笛和闪光灯。 He caught up to Richard. 彼はリチャードに追いついた。 A ajuns din urmă la Richard. 他追上了理查德。 But Richard didn’t pull over. しかし、リチャードは乗り越えなかった。 Dar Richard nu s-a oprit. 但理查德并没有靠边停车。 Richard was drunk. リチャードは酔っていた。 理查德喝醉了。 He was drinking a cold beer. 彼は冷たいビールを飲んでいた。 他正在喝冰镇啤酒。 He was listening to loud music. 彼は大音量の音楽を聴いていた。 Asculta muzică tare. 他正在听嘈杂的音乐。 He was having a good time. 彼は楽しい時間を過ごしていました。 Se distra bine. 他玩得很开心。 Finally he noticed the siren and flashing lights behind him. 最後に彼は彼の後ろのサイレンと点滅するライトに気づきました。 Richard pulled over. リチャードは乗り越えました。 Richard se opri. 理查德靠边停车。 He stopped the car and turned off the engine. A oprit mașina și a oprit motorul. He threw the can of beer out the window. 彼はビールの缶を窓から投げ出した。 The cop walked up to the car. 警官は車に近づきました。 警察走到车边。 He picked up the can of beer. 彼はビールの缶を拾った。 A luat cutia de bere. "Is this yours?" "これはあなたのものですか?" he asked. 彼は尋ねた。 "No, sir," Richard said. 「いいえ、先生」リチャードは言った。 "It’s cold," the cop said. 「寒い」と警官は言った。 "There’s still some beer in this can. 「この缶にはまだビールが残っています。 „În această cutie mai există niște bere. I bet your fingerprints are on this can." あなたの指紋はこの缶の上にあるに違いない。」 The cop told Richard to get out of the car. 警官はリチャードに車から降りるように言った。 He told him to tilt his head back and close his eyes. 彼は頭を後ろに傾けて目を閉じるように言った。 He told him to touch his nose with his finger. 彼は指で鼻に触れるように彼に言いました。 Richard got dizzy. リチャードはめまいがした。 He lost his balance. 彼はバランスを失った。 He started to fall. 彼は倒れ始めました。 The cop grabbed him. 警官は彼をつかみました。 He put Richard into the back seat of his police car. 彼はリチャードをパトカーの後部座席に置いた。 He told Richard, "You shouldn’t drink and drive." 彼はリチャードに言った、「飲酒運転してはいけない」。 "I know that," Richard said. 「私はそれを知っている」とリチャードは言った。 "Everybody knows that," said the cop. 「誰もがそれを知っている」と警官は言った。 "But they still drink and drive. 「しかし、彼らはまだ飲んで運転しています。