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Easy Reading, 96. A Tornado

96. A Tornado

It was a warm spring day.

It was sunny, but a storm was coming. The sky turned dark gray. Then a black funnel descended from the sky. The black funnel touched the ground. It was a tornado. A tornado is strong. A tornado picks up cars and trucks. They fly through the air like pieces of paper. The tornado siren blasted. It warned everyone in town to take cover. Everyone gathered their kids and pets. They went downstairs into their basements. A tornado can destroy a house, but the basement is safe. Sometimes a tornado hits a town without warning. A year ago, a man was sitting in his bathtub. He was enjoying his bath. He heard a loud sound. He thought a train was crashing into his house. But he did not live near the railroad tracks. It wasn't a train. A tornado struck his house without warning. The tornado destroyed the man's whole house. Suddenly he was taking his bath outside. The roof and walls of his house were gone. His wife came home. At first she cried because her house was gone. Then she laughed. Her husband looked so funny sitting in the tub. He couldn't leave the tub because he had no clothes. He didn't want his neighbors to see him without clothes. His wife had a towel in the trunk of her car. She gave him a towel, and he climbed out of the tub. They were both happy that he was alive.

96. A Tornado 96. Un Tornado 96. Um Tornado 96. Торнадо 96.龙卷风

It was a warm spring day. 那是一个温暖的春日。

It was sunny, but a storm was coming. 晴れていましたが、嵐が来ていました。 The sky turned dark gray. 空は濃い灰色になった。 Cerul a devenit gri închis. Then a black funnel descended from the sky. それから空から降りてきた黒い漏斗。 Apoi a coborât din cer o pâlnie neagră. 然后一个黑色的漏斗从天而降。 The black funnel touched the ground. 黒い漏斗が地面に触れました。 It was a tornado. 竜巻でした。 A tornado is strong. 竜巻が強いです。 A tornado picks up cars and trucks. 竜巻が車やトラックを拾う。 They fly through the air like pieces of paper. 彼らは紙片のように空中を飛ぶ。 The tornado siren blasted. 竜巻のサイレンが鳴り響いた。 Sirena tornadei a explodat. It warned everyone in town to take cover. それは町の誰もがカバーするように警告しました。 A avertizat pe toată lumea din oraș să se acopere. Everyone gathered their kids and pets. 誰もが子供やペットを集めました。 Toată lumea și-a adunat copiii și animalele de companie. They went downstairs into their basements. 彼らは地下に階下に行きました。 A tornado can destroy a house, but the basement is safe. 竜巻は家を破壊する可能性がありますが、地下室は安全です。 Sometimes a tornado hits a town without warning. 時には竜巻が警告なしに町を襲います。 A year ago, a man was sitting in his bathtub. 1年前、男性が浴槽に座っていました。 He was enjoying his bath. 彼はお風呂を楽しんでいた。 Se bucura de baie. He heard a loud sound. 彼は大きな音を聞いた。 He thought a train was crashing into his house. 彼は電車が家に衝突していると思った。 他以为火车撞到他家了。 But he did not live near the railroad tracks. しかし、彼は線路の近くに住んでいなかった。 Dar nu locuia în apropierea căilor ferate. It wasn’t a train. 電車ではなかった。 A tornado struck his house without warning. 竜巻が警告なしに彼の家を襲った。 The tornado destroyed the man’s whole house. 竜巻は男の家全体を破壊しました。 Suddenly he was taking his bath outside. 突然、彼は外で風呂に入っていました。 Deodată își lua baie afară. The roof and walls of his house were gone. 彼の家の屋根と壁はなくなりました。 His wife came home. 彼の妻が帰宅した。 At first she cried because her house was gone. 彼女の家がなくなったので、彼女は最初に泣きました。 Then she laughed. それから彼女は笑った。 Her husband looked so funny sitting in the tub. 彼女の夫は浴槽に座ってとてもおかしく見えました。 He couldn’t leave the tub because he had no clothes. 彼は服を持っていなかったので、浴槽を離れることができませんでした。 He didn’t want his neighbors to see him without clothes. 彼は近所の人に服なしで彼に会ってほしくない。 His wife had a towel in the trunk of her car. 彼の妻は彼女の車のトランクにタオルを持っていた。 She gave him a towel, and he climbed out of the tub. 彼女は彼にタオルを渡した、そして彼はたらいから登った。 Ea ia dat un prosop, iar el a ieșit din cadă. They were both happy that he was alive. 二人とも彼が生きていて幸せだった。