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English in 10 Minutes, Episode 21: Living Languages

Episode 21: Living Languages

Nick: Today I'm talking to my colleague and, in fact, my boss, Zsuzsa, uhh, who is the head of the English department of the school where I teach. And so today we're talking about of all the languages, Zsuzsa, that you speak, which is very impressive. So let's begin with English. This is actually not your native language.

Zsuzsa: No it's not.

Nick: But it's almost a native language for you, so why do you speak it so well?

Zsuzsa: Well, I started to learn … I'm Hungarian, that's my native language. I started to learn English at school when I was eight, I think, and it was my first language probably, my first foreign language, sorry. Umm, I went to a school where languages were really important, it was a special class for languages. So we had, I think, five lessons a week from the very beginning. And then I continued in secondary school, where I was, again, in a special language class. Uhh, I think, well, we had criteria to be accepted to this school, so I think when we started at the age of 14, we had around something like FCE (First Certificate in English) level.

And then, umm, we just continued and then I went on to study English at university, umm, I'm not sure if I took any … yeah, I think I did the advanced exam before going to university, and then basically I did, uhh, five years. The system in Hungary is that you, at that time, you couldn't do a Bachelor's straight away, but you did five years, which was accepted immediately as a Master's degree. And a year and a half or almost two years were devoted to language teaching. So my official degree says secondary school teacher of English literature and linguistics. Not sure if I'll ever teach literature, but I could.

And I spent four months in the UK, in Birmingham, as an exchange student - well, Erasmus. And I worked, which is where I learnt most of my English - not at university. It was a strange experience at university. The foreign students were better than everybody else, but it real life it was difficult to understand the Brummie accent (the accent from Birmingham). So that's where I … I worked in a pub in a football stadium, so that's where I learnt natural English, so to say. And also, one more thing, I worked for about 10 years, I think, in total, for a language school in Hungary where we taught Hungarian, uhh, Hungarian, yeah, as a foreign language. So there I met all kinds of people from all over the world, so I still have friends from Canada, the US, the UK, so that's where it comes from. And, yeah, and then I did a PhD in English, too.

Nick: Wow, so you've been working in and studying English your whole life.

Zsuzsa: Yeah!

Nick: So did your parents specifically want you to be good at foreign languages?

Zsuzsa: Well my parents both, uhh, graduated, umm … well, they are language teachers, they both graduated in Russian and Hungarian as a foreign language. My Mum still teaches Hungarian actively. Uhh, my Dad … both of them, they're course book writers, basically, so they've been working their whole lives in this context, but they don't speak English. My Mum speaks a bit of English but they … it doesn't come from the family.

Nick: OK but your path as a language student was laid out for you.

Zsuzsa: Yeah, yeah. I had, uhh … I listened to kids' songs when I was three in Russian and Finnish and whatnot. But, uhh, so, yeah, it was kind of there in the family, yeah.

Nick: OK, so turning to Hungarian, as you said, which is your native language. So if I understand correctly, this is a Turkic language…?

Zsuzsa: It's not.

Nick: It's not a Turkic language?

Zsuzsa: It's not, it's not. It's a Finno-Ugric language, which comes from Siberia, actually.

Nick: OK, I knew it wasn't a Slavic language but I thought it was a Turkic language.

Zsuzsa: Yeah, no no no, no. It's called Finno-Ugric and, umm, basically, it's a big other language family just like the Indo-European. OK, it's not at all related to any other language in any, let's say, language that is an official language in Europe, because it's related to about twenty other languages, but they're minor, except for Finnish and Estonian which are spoken in, obviously, Finland and Estonia. But the other languages are minor, local languages still spoken in the north of Russia.Some of them have only a few hundred speakers left so they're disappearing, but the three major languages are Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian.

Nick: Wow, that's really interesting. And so is it close at a ll to those languages? Zsuzsa: No, not at all. I can confirm that because I went to school in Finland for a while, and I used English at the beginning because I had no idea whatsoever. I always say it's something like, I guess, as close as English to Russian. It comes from the same root , linguists can prove that they're related but they're not at all similar, not at all.

Nick: OK, and are people in Hungary proud of their language?

Zsuzsa: I think they are. I think they're proud of the fact that it's so difficult to learn, and it's so different from everything else. So, you know, there's always these, umm, urban legends, so to say, yeah, it's the second most difficult language after, whichever, Chinese, I don't know, which is, yeah, obviously has no linguistic foundation whatsoever. But it's said to be a difficult language to learn and I'm also, umm, a teacher of Hungarian as a foreign language so I can prove that it's, if you want to start learning Hungarian as a foreign language, your learning curve will be much, much slower than any Indo-European language, basically.

Nick: And why do people typically learn Hungarian as a foreign language?

Zsuzsa: Well, mostly … it's changed quite a lot. There's a generation whose parents left Hungary in the fifties (1950s), so immigrants, typically Canadians, people from the US, Germans - so it's second or now even third generation Hungarians who didn't learn it or learnt it a little bit when they were kids - that's one group. Umm, the second group is Hungarians living in, or people who have Hungarian origins, living in countries around Hungary, where there are still some Hungarian settlements. And thirdly, now that's the newest, the latest group, maybe, people who work in Hungary, so businessmen. Budapest is quite a trendy city today for expats. Some of them want to learn Hungarian. And also some … I've taught some translators and interpreters from Brussels, so people who work for the EU, they need an exotic language, apart from the million other languages that they speak. Nick: OK, and so you have also a German-sounding last name. So that's another one of your languages, and so how did you learn German?

Zsuzsa: Yeah but it' s got nothing to do with my name. So my name is Hoffman. In Hungary there are quite a lot of families that have Hungar … err, German names, sorry. It goes back to, I don't know, the 16th, 17th century, I'm not even sure. It's got nothing to do with my language knowledge. No, just wanted to learn another language at school and German is still quite popular because it's close to Austria. So in Hungary it's definitely the second most popular foreign language after English now. Umm, and so just picked that (up) at school and learnt it, and went to Germany first and then Austria and then Zurich, and became a German teacher too.

Nick: And then you married a Spanish speaker, and so then you had to learn Spanish.

Zsuzsa: Yes, I … yeah, no no, it was before. No, I'm not sure I'd be married to a Spanish speaker if I hadn't spoken Spanish already. No, I … at university I decided that I wanted to learn another language and, umm, uhh, I was … I didn't like French, which is strange because now I speak it because I have to.

Nick: I also didn't like French for what it's worth, but…

Zsuzsa: Now I got to like it but anyway, so I didn't want to choose French. I was a bit hesitant between Italian and Spanish. And I had some Spanish friends, so that made me decide. I just started to learn for fun. And after English I found it relatively easy to learn, so I, yeah, I learnt it just partly on my own, partly with a teacher, so in a group. And then, now it's become the family language at home.

Nick: OK, and then you had to learn French because you moved to learn French because you moved to Geneva.

Zsuzsa: I had to learn French, yeah, but there's one that we forgot. I learnt Russian at school because it was compulsory at that time. I learnt Russian for eight or nine years or something. Umm, I used to speak really well. I even have an exam that proves that I was a B2 speaker (on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) at some point but I just totally lost touch with the language so I don't speak it anymore. I understand a little bit but I'd rather say it's passive for the moment being. And French, I learnt it because I live in Geneva and I thought, “It's not very nice to live in a place where you don't speak the language,” so I learnt it.

Nick: Of course. But, apart from Russian, the other five you really use every day.

Zsuzsa: Yes, I do, I do, I do.

Nick: So that's great. You've sort of created this life where you are able to use all these languages day by day, it's great.

Zsuzsa: I do, I do use them, yeah, partly, some of them more at work, some of them more in my private life but I use all of them on a daily basis, yes.

Nick: Alright, well thank you very much.

Zsuzsa: Well thank you Nick.

Episode 21: Living Languages Folge 21: Lebendige Sprachen Επεισόδιο 21: Ζωντανές γλώσσες Episode 21: Living Languages Episodio 21: Lenguas vivas Épisode 21 : Langues vivantes Episodio 21: Le lingue vive 第21回:生きた言語 에피소드 21: 생활 언어 21 epizodas: Gyvosios kalbos Odcinek 21: Żywe języki Episódio 21: Línguas vivas Эпизод 21: Живые языки Avsnitt 21: Levande språk Bölüm 21: Yaşayan Diller Епізод 21: Живі мови 第21集:生活语言 第 21 集:生活语言

Nick: Today I'm talking to my colleague and, in fact, my boss, Zsuzsa, uhh, who is the head of the English department of the school where I teach. Nick: Heute spreche ich mit meinem Kollegen und meinem Chef, Zsuzsa, der Leiter der Englischabteilung der Schule, an der ich unterrichte. Nick: Oggi sto parlando con la mia collega e, infatti, la mia capa, Zsuzsa, che è il capo del dipartimento di inglese della scuola dove insegno. Nick: 今日、私は同僚と話しているのですが、実は上司の Zsuzsa と話しています。 Нік: Сьогодні я розмовляю з моїм колегою і, по суті, моїм босом, Zsuzsa, е-ех, який є керівником відділу англійської мови в школі, де я викладаю. And so today we're talking about of all the languages, Zsuzsa, that you speak, which is very impressive. Und so sprechen wir heute über alle Sprachen, Zsuzsa, die Sie sprechen, was sehr beeindruckend ist. And so today we're talking about of all the languages, Zsuzsa, that you speak, which is very impressive. E quindi oggi stiamo parlando di tutte le lingue, Zsuzsa, che parli, il che è molto impressionante. So let's begin with English. So let's begin with English. Quindi iniziamo con l'inglese. This is actually not your native language.

Zsuzsa: No it's not. Zsuzsa: Nein, ist es nicht.

Nick: But it's almost a native language for you, so why do you speak it so well? Nick: Aber es ist fast eine Muttersprache für dich. Warum sprichst du es so gut? Nick: But it's almost a native language for you, so why do you speak it so well? Ник: Но для тебя это почти родной язык, так почему ты так хорошо говоришь на нем?

Zsuzsa: Well, I started to learn … I'm Hungarian, that's my native language. Zsuzsa: Beh, ho iniziato a imparare ... Sono ungherese, quella è la mia lingua madre. Zsuzsa: Bem, comecei a aprender... Sou húngara, é a minha língua materna. I started to learn English at school when I was eight, I think, and it was my first language probably, my first foreign language, sorry. Ho iniziato a imparare l'inglese a scuola quando avevo otto anni, penso, ed è stata probabilmente la mia prima lingua, la mia prima lingua straniera, scusa. Umm, I went to a school where languages were really important, it was a special class for languages. Ähm, ich bin in eine Schule gegangen, in der Sprachen wirklich wichtig waren. Es war eine spezielle Klasse für Sprachen. Ehm, andavo in una scuola dove le lingue erano davvero importanti, era una classe speciale per le lingue. So we had, I think, five lessons a week from the very beginning. Quindi avevamo, penso, cinque lezioni a settimana fin dall'inizio. And then I continued in secondary school, where I was, again, in a special language class. Und dann ging ich weiter in die Sekundarschule, wo ich wieder in einem speziellen Sprachkurs war. E poi ho proseguito nella scuola secondaria, dove ero di nuovo in una classe linguistica speciale. Uhh, I think, well, we had criteria to be accepted to this school, so I think when we started at the age of 14, we had around something like FCE (First Certificate in English) level. |||beh|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||kryteria przyjęcia||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ähh, ich denke, wir hatten Kriterien, um in diese Schule aufgenommen zu werden. Als wir mit 14 Jahren anfingen, hatten wir ungefähr so etwas wie das FCE-Niveau (First Certificate in English). Ehm, penso, beh, c'erano criteri per essere ammessi a questa scuola, quindi penso che quando abbiamo iniziato all'età di 14 anni, avevamo all'incirca un livello simile al FCE (First Certificate in English). そうですね、この学校に入学するための基準があったので、14 歳で入学したときは、FCE (First Certificate in English) レベルくらいだったと思います。 이 학교에 입학할 수 있는 기준이 있었기 때문에 14살에 입학했을 때 FCE(First Certificate in English) 정도 수준이었던 것 같아요. 呃,我想,好吧,我们有被这所学校录取的标准,所以我想当我们从 14 岁开始时,我们大约有 FCE(英语第一证书)水平。

And then, umm, we just continued and then I went on to study English at university, umm, I'm not sure if I took any … yeah, I think I did the advanced exam before going to university, and then basically I did, uhh, five years. ||||po prostu||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und dann, ähm, machten wir einfach weiter und dann studierte ich Englisch an der Universität. Ähm, ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich welche abgelegt habe Fünf Jahre. E poi, ehm, abbiamo proseguito e poi ho continuato a studiare inglese all'università, ehm, non sono sicuro se ho fatto ... sì, penso di aver sostenuto l'esame avanzato prima di andare all'università, e poi fondamentalmente ho fatto, ehm, cinque anni. それから、うーん、私たちはそのまま続けて、大学で英語を勉強しに行きました。うーん、何か取ったかどうかはわかりません…ええ、大学に行く前に上級試験を受けたと思います。 、ええと、5年。 그리고 나서, 음, 우리는 그냥 계속했고 대학에서 영어 공부를 계속했습니다. 음, 제가 시험을 봤는지 잘 모르겠습니다. 예, 대학에 가기 전에 고급 시험을 본 것 같고 기본적으로 5년 동안 한 것 같습니다. A potem, umm, po prostu kontynuowaliśmy, a potem poszedłem studiować angielski na uniwersytecie, umm, nie jestem pewien, czy zdałem jakiś... tak, myślę, że zdałem zaawansowany egzamin przed pójściem na uniwersytet, a potem w zasadzie zrobiłem, uhh, pięć lat. E depois, umm, continuámos e depois fui estudar inglês para a universidade, umm, não tenho a certeza se fiz algum ... sim, acho que fiz o exame avançado antes de ir para a universidade, e depois basicamente fiz, uhh, cinco anos. А потім, ммм, ми просто продовжили, а потім я продовжив вивчати англійську мову в університеті, ммм, я не впевнений, чи здавав я щось… так, я думаю, що я склав іспит поглибленого рівня перед тим, як вступити до університету, а потім, по суті, я зробив ну, п'ять років. The system in Hungary is that you, at that time, you couldn't do a Bachelor's straight away, but you did five years, which was accepted immediately as a Master's degree. |||||||||||||||doğrudan olarak|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||Licencjat|bezpośrednio|||||||||uznawane||||| Das System in Ungarn ist, dass Sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht sofort einen Bachelor machen konnten, sondern fünf Jahre, was sofort als Master-Abschluss anerkannt wurde. Il sistema ungherese prevedeva che, all'epoca, non si potesse conseguire subito una laurea di primo livello, ma che si facesse un corso di cinque anni, che veniva accettato immediatamente come laurea specialistica. ハンガリーのシステムでは、当時はすぐに学士号を取得することはできませんでしたが、5 年間取得すると、すぐに修士号を取得できました。 헝가리의 시스템은 당시에는 학사 학위를 바로 취득할 수 없었지만, 5년을 이수하면 바로 석사 학위로 인정받을 수 있었습니다. Система в Венгрии такова, что в то время вы не могли сразу получить степень бакалавра, но вы учились пять лет, что сразу же было принято как степень магистра. And a year and a half or almost two years were devoted to language teaching. |||||||||||ayrıldı||| E un anno e mezzo o quasi due anni sono stati dedicati all'insegnamento della lingua. そして、語学教育には1年半から2年近くが費やされました。 И полтора или почти два года были посвящены преподаванию языков. А півтора чи майже два роки приділялося викладанню мови. So my official degree says secondary school teacher of English literature and linguistics. Mein offizieller Abschluss lautet also Sekundarschullehrer für englische Literatur und Linguistik. Quindi il mio titolo ufficiale dice insegnante di scuola secondaria di letteratura e linguistica inglese. つまり、私の正式な学位は、中等学校の英文学と言語学の教師です。 그래서 제 공식 학위는 중등학교 영문학 및 언어학 교사입니다. Not sure if I'll ever teach literature, but I could. |pewna|||||||| Non sono sicuro se insegnerò mai letteratura, ma potrei farlo. 文学を教えられるかどうかはわかりませんが、できます。

And I spent four months in the UK, in Birmingham, as an exchange student - well, Erasmus. E ho trascorso quattro mesi nel Regno Unito, a Birmingham, come studente Erasmus. І я провів чотири місяці у Великій Британії, у Бірмінгемі, як студент по обміну – ну, Еразмус. And I worked, which is where I learnt most of my English - not at university. |||||||||||I worked||| Und ich habe gearbeitet, wo ich den größten Teil meines Englisch gelernt habe - nicht an der Universität. E ho lavorato, ed è qui che ho imparato la maggior parte del mio inglese, non all'università. そして、私は大学でではなく、英語のほとんどを学んだ場所で働いていました。 E trabalhei, que foi onde aprendi a maior parte do meu inglês - não na universidade. И я работал, и именно там я выучил большую часть своего английского, а не в университете. It was a strange experience at university. |było||||| È stata un'esperienza strana all'università. 大学での不思議な体験でした。 Это был странный опыт в университете. The foreign students were better than everybody else, but it real life it was difficult to understand the Brummie accent (the accent from Birmingham). Gli studenti stranieri erano migliori di tutti gli altri, ma nella vita reale era difficile capire l'accento brummie (l'accento di Birmingham). 留学生は誰よりも上手でしたが、実際にはブルミー訛り(バーミンガムの訛り)を理解するのが難しかったです。 De buitenlandse studenten waren beter dan alle anderen, maar in het echte leven was het moeilijk om het Brummie-accent (het accent uit Birmingham) te begrijpen. Иностранные студенты были лучше всех, но в реальной жизни было трудно понять акцент Брамми (акцент из Бирмингема). So that's where I … I worked in a pub in a football stadium, so that's where I learnt natural English, so to say. And also, one more thing, I worked for about 10 years, I think, in total, for a language school in Hungary where we taught Hungarian, uhh, Hungarian, yeah, as a foreign language. Dort habe ich… in einer Kneipe in einem Fußballstadion gearbeitet, also habe ich sozusagen natürliches Englisch gelernt. Und noch etwas: Ich habe ungefähr 10 Jahre lang für eine Sprachschule in Ungarn gearbeitet, in der wir Ungarisch, ähm, Ungarisch, ja, als Fremdsprache unterrichtet haben. Quindi è lì che... Ho lavorato in un pub in uno stadio di calcio, quindi è lì che ho imparato l'inglese naturale, per così dire. E inoltre, un'altra cosa, ho lavorato per circa 10 anni, credo, in totale, in una scuola di lingua in Ungheria dove insegnavamo l'ungherese, ehm, ungherese, sì, come lingua straniera. サッカースタジアムのパブで働いていたので、そこで自然な英語を学びました。もう1つ、私は約10年間働いていたと思います。合計すると、ハンガリーの語学学校でハンガリー語を教えていました。 Вот где я… я работал в пабе на футбольном стадионе, так что там я выучил естественный английский, так сказать. И еще кое-что: в общей сложности я проработал около 10 лет в языковой школе в Венгрии, где мы преподавали венгерский, э-э, венгерский, да, как иностранный. So there I met all kinds of people from all over the world, so I still have friends from Canada, the US, the UK, so that's where it comes from. Quindi lì ho incontrato persone di ogni genere da tutto il mondo, quindi ho ancora amici dal Canada, dagli Stati Uniti, dal Regno Unito, ecco da dove viene tutto ciò. そこで、世界中のあらゆる種類の人々に会いました。今でもカナダ、アメリカ、イギリスからの友達がいます。 그래서 그곳에서 전 세계에서 온 다양한 사람들을 만났고, 지금도 캐나다, 미국, 영국에서 온 친구들이 있습니다. And, yeah, and then I did a PhD in English, too. E sì, poi ho fatto anche un dottorato in inglese. それから、英語で博士号も取りました。

Nick: Wow, so you've been working in and studying English your whole life. Nick: Wow, quindi hai lavorato e studiato inglese per tutta la tua vita. ニック:うわー、あなたは一生英語で働き、英語を勉強してきましたね。 Nick: Uau, então tens trabalhado e estudado inglês toda a tua vida. Ник: Вау, значит, ты всю жизнь занимался и изучал английский язык.

Zsuzsa: Yeah! Zsuzsa: Sì!

Nick: So did your parents specifically want you to be good at foreign languages? Nick: Quindi i tuoi genitori volevano specificamente che fossi bravo nelle lingue straniere? Nick: Czy twoi rodzice specjalnie chcieli, byś był dobry w językach obcych? Ник: Так твои родители специально хотели, чтобы ты хорошо владел иностранными языками?

Zsuzsa: Well my parents both, uhh, graduated, umm … well, they are language teachers, they both graduated in Russian and Hungarian as a foreign language. Zsuzsa: Beh, i miei genitori entrambi, uhh, si sono laureati, umm ... beh, sono insegnanti di lingue, entrambi si sono laureati in russo e ungherese come lingua straniera. Zsuzsa: ええと、私の両親は両方とも、うーん、卒業しました、うーん…ええと、彼らは語学教師であり、彼らは両方ともロシア語とハンガリー語を外国語として卒業しました。 My Mum still teaches Hungarian actively. Meine Mutter unterrichtet immer noch aktiv Ungarisch. Mia madre insegna ancora attivamente ungherese. Uhh, my Dad … both of them, they're course book writers, basically, so they've been working their whole lives in this context, but they don't speak English. Ähh, mein Vater ... beide sind im Grunde genommen Kursbuchautoren, also haben sie ihr ganzes Leben in diesem Zusammenhang gearbeitet, aber sie sprechen kein Englisch. Uhh, mi papá... los dos, son escritores de libros de texto, básicamente, así que han trabajado toda su vida en este contexto, pero no hablan inglés. Euh, mon père ... tous les deux, ils sont rédacteurs de livres de cours, en gros, ils ont donc travaillé toute leur vie dans ce contexte, mais ils ne parlent pas anglais. Ehm, mio papà... entrambi, sono degli autori di libri di testo, fondamentalmente, quindi hanno lavorato per tutta la vita in questo contesto, ma non parlano inglese. ええと、お父さん… 二人とも、基本的にコースブックの作家なので、この文脈で一生を過ごしてきましたが、英語は話せません。 My Mum speaks a bit of English but they … it doesn't come from the family. Mia mamma parla un po' di inglese ma … non viene dalla famiglia. 私の母は英語が少し話せますが、家族の出身ではありません。 엄마가 영어를 조금 하시긴 하지만... 가족에게서 물려받은 건 아니에요.

Nick: OK but your path as a language student was laid out for you. ||||||||||tracciata||| |||||||język|||||| Nick: De acuerdo, pero tu camino como estudiante de idiomas estaba trazado. Nick : D'accord, mais votre parcours d'étudiant en langues était tout tracé. Nick: OK, ma il tuo percorso come studente di lingue era già tracciato per te. Nick: わかりました。でも、語学学生としての道はあなたのために用意されていました。 Nick: 네, 하지만 어학연수생으로서의 길은 이미 정해져 있었습니다. Nikas: Gerai, bet tavo, kaip kalbų studento, kelias buvo nulemtas. Nick: OK, ale twoja ścieżka jako studenta językowego była dla ciebie wytyczona. Nick: OK, mas o teu percurso como estudante de línguas estava traçado para ti. 尼克:好的,但是你作为一名语言学生的道路已经为你安排好了。

Zsuzsa: Yeah, yeah. Zsuzsa: Sì, sì. I had, uhh … I listened to kids' songs when I was three in Russian and Finnish and whatnot. |||||||||||||||||vesaire |||||||||||||||||eccetera e altro |||||||||||||po rosyjsku||||i tym podobne Ich hatte, ähm ... ich habe mir Kinderlieder angehört, als ich drei Jahre alt war, auf Russisch und Finnisch und so weiter. Avevo, uhh ... ascoltavo canzoni per bambini quando avevo tre anni in russo, finlandese e quant'altro. … 3 歳のとき、ロシア語やフィンランド語などで子供向けの歌を聴いていました。 저는 세 살 때 러시아어와 핀란드어 등으로 된 동요를 들었어요. Kai man buvo treji metai, klausiausi vaikiškų dainelių rusų ir suomių kalbomis ir panašiai. Kiedy miałem trzy lata, słuchałem piosenek dla dzieci po rosyjsku, fińsku i tak dalej. У меня было, эээ… Я слушал детские песни, когда мне было три года, на русском и финском языках и еще много чего. У мене було, е-е-е... Я в три роки слухав дитячі пісні російською, фінською і ще чим. But, uhh, so, yeah, it was kind of there in the family, yeah. Ma, uhh, quindi, sì, era una specie di famiglia, sì. でも、ええ、ええ、それは家族のようなものでした、ええ。

Nick: OK, so turning to Hungarian, as you said, which is your native language. Nick: Ok, allora passiamo all'ungherese, come ha detto lei, che è la sua lingua madre. So if I understand correctly, this is a Turkic language…? Quindi, se ho capito bene, questa è una lingua turca...? 私の理解が正しければ、これはテュルク系の言語なのですか? 제가 정확히 이해했다면 투르크어라고요...?

Zsuzsa: It's not. Zsuzsa: Non lo è.

Nick: It's not a Turkic language? Nick: Non è una lingua turca?

Zsuzsa: It's not, it's not. It's a Finno-Ugric language, which comes from Siberia, actually. |||Ugrik|||||| |||||||||właściwie It's a Finno-Ugric language, which comes from Siberia, actually. È una lingua finno-ugrica, che proviene dalla Siberia, in realtà. 実際には、シベリアから来たフィン・ウゴル語です。 Het is een Fins-Oegrische taal, die eigenlijk uit Siberië komt. É uma língua fino-úgrica, que vem da Sibéria, de facto.

Nick: OK, I knew it wasn't a Slavic language but I thought it was a Turkic language. Nick: OK, sapevo che non era una lingua slava, ma pensavo fosse una lingua turca.

Zsuzsa: Yeah, no no no, no. Zsuzsa: Sì, no no no, no. It's called Finno-Ugric and, umm, basically, it's a big other language family just like the Indo-European. Si chiama finno-ugrico e, ehm, fondamentalmente è un'altra grande famiglia linguistica proprio come l'indo-europeo. それは Finno-Ugric と呼ばれ、うーん、基本的には、インドヨーロッパ語のような大きな言語ファミリーです。 OK, it's not at all related to any other language in any, let's say, language that is an official language in Europe, because it's related to about twenty other languages, but they're minor, except for Finnish and Estonian which are spoken in, obviously, Finland and Estonia. OK, non è affatto relazionato con nessun'altra lingua in alcuna, diciamo, lingua che è ufficialmente una lingua in Europa, perché è correlato a circa altre venti lingue, ma sono minori, tranne per il finlandese ed l'estone che sono parlate, ovviamente, in Finlandia ed Estonia. OK、ヨーロッパの公用語である他の言語とはまったく関係がありません。他の約20の言語と関連しているためです。しかし、フィンランド語とエストニア語は話されています、明らかに、フィンランドとエストニアです。 Хорошо, это совсем не связано с каким-либо другим языком на любом, скажем, языке, который является официальным языком в Европе, потому что он связан примерно с двадцатью другими языками, но они второстепенные, за исключением финского и эстонского, на которых говорят. , очевидно, Финляндия и Эстония. Tamam, diyelim ki Avrupa'da resmi dil olan herhangi bir dildeki başka bir dille hiç ilgisi yok, çünkü yaklaşık yirmi başka dille ilgisi var, ancak bunlar küçük diller, tabii ki Finlandiya ve Estonya'da konuşulan Fince ve Estonca hariç. But the other languages are minor, local languages still spoken in the north of Russia.Some of them have only a few hundred speakers left so they're disappearing, but the three major languages are Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian. Ma le altre lingue sono minori, lingue locali ancora parlate nel nord della Russia. Alcune di esse hanno solo poche centinaia di parlanti rimasti quindi stanno scomparendo, ma le tre lingue principali sono ungherese, finlandese ed estone. Kitos kalbos yra mažos, vietinės kalbos, kuriomis vis dar kalbama Rusijos šiaurėje.Kai kuriomis iš jų kalba vos keli šimtai žmonių, todėl jos nyksta, tačiau trys pagrindinės kalbos yra vengrų, suomių ir estų. Algumas delas têm apenas algumas centenas de falantes e estão a desaparecer, mas as três principais línguas são o húngaro, o finlandês e o estónio. Но другие языки второстепенные, на местных языках все еще говорят на севере России. На некоторых из них осталось всего несколько сотен носителей, поэтому они исчезают, но тремя основными языками являются венгерский, финский и эстонский. Ancak diğer diller küçük, hala Rusya'nın kuzeyinde konuşulan yerel diller. Bazılarının sadece birkaç yüz konuşanı kaldı, bu yüzden yok oluyorlar, ancak üç büyük dil Macarca, Fince ve Estonca.

Nick: Wow, that's really interesting. Nick: Wow, è davvero interessante. And so is it close at a ll to those languages? E quindi è vicino a quelle lingue? 그렇다면 해당 언어와 거의 비슷할까요? Так близко ли он к этим языкам? Zsuzsa: No, not at all. I can confirm that because I went to school in Finland for a while, and I used English at the beginning because I had no idea whatsoever. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||уопште ништа ||||||||||||||||||||||||||hiçbir şekilde ||||||||||||||||||||||||||nessuna idea ||potwierdzić||||||||||||||||||||||||żadnego pojęcia Posso confermarlo perché ho frequentato per un po' la scuola in Finlandia e all'inizio ho usato l'inglese perché non ne avevo la minima idea. 私はフィンランドでしばらく学校に通っていたので、それを確認することができます. Galiu tai patvirtinti, nes kurį laiką mokiausi Suomijoje ir iš pradžių mokiausi angliškai, nes neturėjau jokio supratimo. Я могу подтвердить это, потому что какое-то время я ходил в школу в Финляндии и вначале использовал английский, потому что понятия не имел. Я можу це підтвердити, тому що я деякий час ходив у школу у Фінляндії, і спочатку я використовував англійську мову, тому що я взагалі не мав уявлення. I always say it's something like, I guess, as close as English to Russian. Dico sempre che è qualcosa di simile, credo, a quanto l'inglese si avvicina al russo. 私はいつも、それは英語とロシア語に近いものだと言っています。 저는 항상 영어와 러시아어가 비슷하다고 말하곤 합니다. Visada sakau, kad tai yra kažkas panašaus į anglų ir rusų kalbas. Я всегда говорю, что это что-то вроде, как мне кажется, как бы от английского к русскому. Her zaman söylerim, sanırım İngilizce'nin Rusça'ya yakın olması gibi bir şey. It comes from the same root , linguists can prove that they're related but they're not at all similar, not at all. |||||radice||||||||||||||| Proviene dalla stessa radice, i linguisti possono dimostrare che sono correlati ma non sono affatto simili, per niente. Jie kilę iš tos pačios šaknies , kalbininkai gali įrodyti, kad jie giminingi, bet jie visai nepanašūs, visai ne. Оно происходит от одного корня, лингвисты могут доказать, что они связаны, но они совсем не похожи, совсем нет.

Nick: OK, and are people in Hungary proud of their language? Nick: OK, e le persone in Ungheria sono orgogliose della loro lingua? Nikas: Gerai, o ar Vengrijoje žmonės didžiuojasi savo kalba?

Zsuzsa: I think they are. Zsuzsa: Credo di sì. Zsuzsa: Manau, kad taip. I think they're proud of the fact that it's so difficult to learn, and it's so different from everything else. Manau, kad jie didžiuojasi tuo, kad ją taip sunku išmokti ir ji taip skiriasi nuo kitų. Penso que se orgulham do facto de ser tão difícil de aprender e de ser tão diferente de tudo o resto. So, you know, there's always these, umm, urban legends, so to say, yeah, it's the second most difficult language after, whichever, Chinese, I don't know, which is, yeah, obviously has no linguistic foundation whatsoever. ||||||||||||||||||||qualsiasi|||||||||||||nessuna |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||żadnych podstaw językowych Quindi, sai, ci sono sempre queste... leggende metropolitane, per cui dire, sì, è la seconda lingua più difficile dopo, che so, il cinese, che è, sì, ovviamente non ha alcun fondamento linguistico. だから、都市伝説のように、中国語に次いで2番目に難しい言語というのは、明らかに言語学的な根拠がない。 Taigi, žinote, visuomet sklando miesto legendos, todėl sakyti, kad tai antroji pagal sunkumą kalba po kinų kalbos, nežinau, kuri, žinoma, neturi jokio lingvistinio pagrindo. Итак, вы знаете, всегда есть эти, ммм, городские легенды, так сказать, да, это второй по сложности язык после китайского, я не знаю, который, да, очевидно, не имеет никакой лингвистической основы. Отже, ви знаєте, завжди є ці, хм, міські легенди, так би мовити, так, це друга найскладніша мова після, незалежно від того, китайської, я не знаю, яка, так, очевидно, не має жодної лінгвістичної основи. But it's said to be a difficult language to learn and I'm also, umm, a teacher of Hungarian as a foreign language so I can prove that it's, if you want to start learning Hungarian as a foreign language, your learning curve will be much, much slower than any Indo-European language, basically. Ma si dice che sia una lingua difficile da imparare e io sono anche, umm, un insegnante di ungherese come lingua straniera, quindi posso provare che è, se si vuole iniziare a imparare l'ungherese come lingua straniera, la curva di apprendimento sarà molto, molto più lenta di qualsiasi lingua indoeuropea, fondamentalmente. Tačiau sakoma, kad vengrų kalbą išmokti sunku, o aš taip pat esu vengrų kalbos mokytojas, todėl galiu įrodyti, kad, jei norite pradėti mokytis vengrų kalbos, jūsų mokymosi kreivė bus daug, daug lėtesnė nei bet kurios kitos indoeuropiečių kalbos. Ale mówi się, że jest to trudny język do nauki, a ja jestem również nauczycielem węgierskiego jako języka obcego, więc mogę udowodnić, że jeśli chcesz zacząć uczyć się węgierskiego jako języka obcego, twoja krzywa uczenia się będzie znacznie, znacznie wolniejsza niż w przypadku jakiegokolwiek języka indoeuropejskiego.

Nick: And why do people typically learn Hungarian as a foreign language? Nikas: O kodėl žmonės paprastai mokosi vengrų kalbos kaip užsienio kalbos?

Zsuzsa: Well, mostly … it's changed quite a lot. Zsuzsa: Beh, soprattutto ... è cambiato abbastanza. Zsuzsa: Daugiausia... jis labai pasikeitė. Zsuzsa: Bem, principalmente ... mudou bastante. There's a generation whose parents left Hungary in the fifties (1950s), so immigrants, typically Canadians, people from the US, Germans - so it's second or now even third generation Hungarians who didn't learn it or learnt it a little bit when they were kids - that's one group. C'è una generazione i cui genitori lasciarono l'Ungheria negli anni '50, quindi immigrati, tipicamente canadesi, persone dagli Stati Uniti, tedeschi - quindi sono ungheresi di seconda o addirittura terza generazione che non l'hanno imparato o l'hanno imparato un po' quando erano bambini - questo è un gruppo. Yra karta, kurios tėvai išvyko iš Vengrijos šeštajame dešimtmetyje (1950-aisiais), taigi imigrantai, paprastai kanadiečiai, žmonės iš JAV, vokiečiai - taigi tai antros ar net trečios kartos vengrai, kurie vaikystėje neišmoko vengrų kalbos arba išmoko tik šiek tiek - tai viena grupė. Umm, the second group is Hungarians living in, or people who have Hungarian origins, living in countries around Hungary, where there are still some Hungarian settlements. |||||||||||||||||||||||||insediamenti ungheresi Le deuxième groupe est celui des Hongrois qui vivent, ou des personnes d'origine hongroise, dans les pays voisins de la Hongrie, où il y a encore des colonies hongroises. Ehm, il secondo gruppo è composto da ungheresi che vivono in, o persone di origine ungherese, che vivono in paesi intorno all'Ungheria, dove ci sono ancora alcune comunità ungheresi. Antroji grupė yra vengrai, gyvenantys arba vengrų kilmės žmonės, gyvenantys šalyse aplink Vengriją, kur vis dar yra vengrų gyvenviečių. And thirdly, now that's the newest, the latest group, maybe, people who work in Hungary, so businessmen. |terzo||||||||||||||| E in terzo luogo, ora questo è il più recente, il gruppo più recente, forse, sono le persone che lavorano in Ungheria, quindi uomini d'affari. Ir trečia, dabar tai naujausia, galbūt naujausia grupė, žmonės, kurie dirba Vengrijoje, taigi verslininkai. Budapest is quite a trendy city today for expats. ||||||||исељеници Budapeşte||||||||yabancılar için ||||alla moda||||espatriati Budapest è una città piuttosto alla moda oggi per gli expat. ブダペストは今日、外国人にとってかなりトレンディな都市だ。 부다페스트는 오늘날 외국인들에게 꽤 트렌디한 도시입니다. Šiandien Budapeštas yra gana madingas miestas emigrantams. Some of them want to learn Hungarian. Alcuni di loro vogliono imparare l'ungherese. Kai kurie iš jų nori mokytis vengrų kalbos. And also some … I've taught some translators and interpreters from Brussels, so people who work for the EU, they need an exotic language, apart from the million other languages that they speak. E anche alcuni... Ho insegnato a dei traduttori e interpreti di Bruxelles, quindi persone che lavorano per l'UE, hanno bisogno di una lingua esotica, oltre al milione di altre lingue che parlano. EUで働く人たちは、彼らが話す他の100万言語とは別に、エキゾチックな言語が必要なんだ。 Taip pat mokiau keletą Briuselio vertėjų raštu ir žodžiu, nes ES dirbantiems žmonėms, be milijono kitų kalbų, kurias jie moka, reikia ir egzotiškos kalbos. A także niektórzy... Uczyłem kilku tłumaczy z Brukseli, więc ludzie, którzy pracują dla UE, potrzebują egzotycznego języka, oprócz miliona innych języków, którymi się posługują. E também alguns... Ensinei alguns tradutores e intérpretes de Bruxelas, por isso as pessoas que trabalham para a UE precisam de uma língua exótica, para além do milhão de outras línguas que falam. Nick: OK, and so you have also a German-sounding last name. Nick: OK, e quindi hai anche un cognome che suona tedesco. So that's another one of your languages, and so how did you learn German? Quindi è un'altra delle tue lingue, e come hai imparato il tedesco? Tai dar viena iš jūsų kalbų, tad kaip išmokote vokiečių kalbą?

Zsuzsa: Yeah but it' s got nothing to do with my name. Zsuzsa: Sì, ma non ha niente a che fare con il mio nome. Zsuzsa: 네, 하지만 제 이름과는 아무 상관이 없습니다. Zsuzsa: Taip, bet tai nesusiję su mano vardu. So my name is Hoffman. In Hungary there are quite a lot of families that have Hungar … err, German names, sorry. In Ungarn gibt es ziemlich viele Familien, die Ungarn haben… ähm, deutsche Namen, sorry. In Ungheria ci sono molte famiglie che hanno nomi ungheresi... eh, tedeschi, scusa. Vengrijoje yra nemažai šeimų, turinčių vengriškus... atsiprašau, vokiškus vardus. In Hongarije zijn er nogal wat gezinnen met Hungar… eh, Duitse namen, sorry. It goes back to, I don't know, the 16th, 17th century, I'm not even sure. |va||||||||||||| Risale al, non so, al sedicesimo, diciassettesimo secolo, neanche sono sicuro. Geçmişi 16. ya da 17. yüzyıla kadar gidiyor, emin değilim. It's got nothing to do with my language knowledge. Non ha nulla a che fare con la mia conoscenza linguistica. 제 언어 지식과는 아무 상관이 없습니다. No, just wanted to learn another language at school and German is still quite popular because it's close to Austria. No, ho solo voluto imparare un'altra lingua a scuola e il tedesco è ancora abbastanza popolare perché è vicino all'Austria. Não, só queria aprender outra língua na escola e o alemão continua a ser bastante popular por estar perto da Áustria. So in Hungary it's definitely the second most popular foreign language after English now. Quindi in Ungheria è sicuramente la seconda lingua straniera più popolare dopo l'inglese adesso. Umm, and so just picked that (up) at school and learnt it, and went to Germany first and then Austria and then Zurich, and became a German teacher too. Umm, und so nahm ich das in der Schule auf und lernte es und ging zuerst nach Deutschland und dann nach Österreich und dann nach Zürich und wurde auch Deutschlehrer. Ehm, così ho scelto quella a scuola e l'ho imparata, sono andato in Germania prima e poi in Austria e poi a Zurigo, e sono diventato anche insegnante di tedesco. Umm, taigi, tiesiog mokykloje tai išmokau ir išvykau į Vokietiją, paskui į Austriją ir Ciurichą, taip pat tapau vokiečių kalbos mokytoju. Okulda bunu öğrendim ve önce Almanya'ya, sonra Avusturya'ya, sonra da Zürih'e gittim ve Almanca öğretmeni oldum.

Nick: And then you married a Spanish speaker, and so then you had to learn Spanish. Nikas: Tu ištekėjai už ispaniškai kalbančio vyro, todėl turėjai išmokti ispanų kalbą.

Zsuzsa: Yes, I … yeah, no no, it was before. No, I'm not sure I'd be married to a Spanish speaker if I hadn't spoken Spanish already. No, non sono sicuro se sarei sposato con una persona che parla spagnolo se non avessi già parlato spagnolo. Нет, я не уверена, что вышла бы замуж за испаноговорящего, если бы еще не говорила по-испански. No, I … at university I decided that I wanted to learn another language and, umm, uhh, I was … I didn't like French, which is strange because now I speak it because I have to. No, io... all'università ho deciso che volevo imparare un'altra lingua e, ehm, eh, non mi piaceva il francese, cosa strana perché ora lo parlo perché devo. Ne, aš... universitete nusprendžiau, kad noriu išmokti dar vieną kalbą, ir man... nepatiko prancūzų kalba, o tai keista, nes dabar ja kalbu, nes privalau. Não, eu... na universidade decidi que queria aprender outra língua e, umm, uhh, eu era... não gostava de francês, o que é estranho porque agora falo-o porque tenho de o fazer.

Nick: I also didn't like French for what it's worth, but… ||||||za to|||| Nick: A mí tampoco me gustó el francés, por si sirve de algo, pero... Nick : Je n'ai pas non plus aimé le français pour ce qu'il vaut, mais... Nick: Anche a me non piaceva il francese per quello che vale, ma... ニック:僕もフランス語は好きじゃなかったんだけど...。 Nick: 저도 프랑스어를 별로 좋아하지 않았지만... Nick: Ja również nie lubiłem francuskiego, ale... Ник: Я тоже не любил французский, хотя он того стоит, но ...

Zsuzsa: Now I got to like it but anyway, so I didn't want to choose French. Zsuzsa: Adesso mi piace, ma comunque non volevo scegliere il francese. Zsuzsa: Teraz muszę to polubić, ale i tak nie chciałam wybierać francuskiego. I was a bit hesitant between Italian and Spanish. ||||Tereddütlüydüm|||| Ero un po' indecisa tra italiano e spagnolo. Šiek tiek dvejojau tarp italų ir ispanų kalbų. Я трохи вагався між італійською та іспанською. And I had some Spanish friends, so that made me decide. E avevo alcuni amici spagnoli, quindi questo mi ha fatto decidere. I just started to learn for fun. And after English I found it relatively easy to learn, so I, yeah, I learnt it just partly on my own, partly with a teacher, so in a group. E dopo l'inglese ho trovato relativamente facile imparare, quindi sì, l'ho imparato in parte da solo, in parte con un insegnante, quindi in gruppo. 英語の後は、比較的簡単に学べることがわかったので、自分ひとりで学んだり、先生と一緒にグループで学んだりした。 영어는 비교적 배우기 쉬웠기 때문에 일부는 혼자서, 일부는 선생님과 함께 그룹으로 배웠습니다. And then, now it's become the family language at home. E poi, ora è diventata la lingua familiare a casa. Dabar tai tapo šeimos kalba namuose.

Nick: OK, and then you had to learn French because you moved to learn French because you moved to Geneva. Nick: OK, e poi hai dovuto imparare il francese perché ti sei trasferito a Ginevra. Nikas: Gerai, o tada turėjai išmokti prancūzų kalbą, nes persikėlei į Ženevą. Nick: OK, a potem musiałeś nauczyć się francuskiego, ponieważ przeprowadziłeś się do Genewy.

Zsuzsa: I had to learn French, yeah, but there's one that we forgot. Zsuzsa: Dovevo imparare il francese, sì, ma ce n'è uno che abbiamo dimenticato. Zsuzsa: Man teko mokytis prancūzų kalbos, taip, bet vieną pamiršome. Zsuzsa: Tive de aprender francês, sim, mas há uma que nos esquecemos. I learnt Russian at school because it was compulsory at that time. ||||||||obavezno||| ||||||||zorunlu||| ||||||||compulsory||| ||||||||obowiązkowe||| Ho imparato il russo a scuola perché era obbligatorio a quel tempo. Mokykloje mokiausi rusų kalbos, nes tuo metu ji buvo privaloma. I learnt Russian for eight or nine years or something. Ho imparato il russo per otto o nove anni o qualcosa del genere. Umm, I used to speak really well. Umm, ho usato parlare molto bene. I even have an exam that proves that I was a B2 speaker (on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) at some point but I just totally lost touch with the language so I don't speak it anymore. |||||||||||||||||Europejski System Opisu|||||||||||||||||||||| A un certo punto ho persino fatto un esame che dimostra che ero un parlante di livello B2 (sul Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue) ma ho completamente perso il contatto con la lingua quindi non la parlo più. Turiu net egzaminą, kuris įrodo, kad kažkada kalbėjau B2 lygiu (pagal Bendruosius Europos kalbų metmenis), bet tiesiog visiškai praradau ryšį su šia kalba, todėl daugiau ja nekalbu. Mam nawet egzamin, który potwierdza, że w pewnym momencie byłem na poziomie B2 (według Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego), ale całkowicie straciłem kontakt z językiem, więc już nim nie mówię. I understand a little bit but I'd rather say it's passive for the moment being. Capisco un po' ma direi che per il momento è più passivo. Šiek tiek suprantu, bet kol kas verčiau sakyčiau, kad tai pasyvu. Trochę rozumiem, ale wolałbym powiedzieć, że na razie jest pasywny. And French, I learnt it because I live in Geneva and I thought, “It's not very nice to live in a place where you don't speak the language,” so I learnt it. E il francese, l'ho imparato perché vivo a Ginevra e pensavo: "Non è bello vivere in un posto dove non si parla la lingua", così l'ho imparato. Prancūzų kalbos išmokau, nes gyvenau Ženevoje ir pagalvojau: "Nėra labai malonu gyventi ten, kur nemoki kalbos", todėl ją išmokau.

Nick: Of course. Nick: Certamente. But, apart from Russian, the other five you really use every day. |||Rusça|||||||| Ma, a parte il russo, le altre cinque le usi davvero tutti i giorni. Tačiau, be rusų kalbos, kitus penkis tikrai naudojate kasdien. Mas, para além do russo, os outros cinco são realmente utilizados todos os dias.

Zsuzsa: Yes, I do, I do, I do.

Nick: So that's great. You've sort of created this life where you are able to use all these languages day by day, it's great. Hai in un certo senso creato questa vita in cui puoi usare tutte queste lingue giorno dopo giorno, è fantastico. Jūs tarsi susikūrėte tokį gyvenimą, kuriame galite kasdien vartoti visas šias kalbas, tai puiku. Tüm bu dilleri her gün kullanabildiğiniz bir hayat yaratmışsınız, bu harika.

Zsuzsa: I do, I do use them, yeah, partly, some of them more at work, some of them more in my private life but I use all of them on a daily basis, yes. Zsuzsa: I do, I do use them, yeah, partly, some of them more at work, some of them more in my private life but I use all of them on a daily basis, yes. Zsuzsa: Sì, sì, le uso, sì, in parte, alcune di più al lavoro, alcune di più nella mia vita privata, ma le uso tutte su base quotidiana, sì. Zsuzsa: Taip, aš juos naudoju, taip, iš dalies, kai kuriuos labiau darbe, kai kuriuos labiau asmeniniame gyvenime, bet visus juos naudoju kasdien, taip.

Nick: Alright, well thank you very much. Nick: Va bene, ti ringrazio molto. Nikas: Gerai, labai ačiū.

Zsuzsa: Well thank you Nick.