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Friends S02, Friends S02E15 5d

Friends S02E15 5d

Stop sending food to our apartment! Why are you dressed up? You're not the only one with a date. - What? You have a date? Who with? - No one. Come on, what's his name? Nothing. Come on, tell me. All right, but I'm very excited about this, okay? So promise you won't get big-brothery and judgmental. I promise. What? - It's Richard Burke. - Who's Richard Burke? Dr. Burke? You have a date with Dr. Burke? Why? Why? Why... ...should that bother me? I love that man. He's like a... ...a brother to Dad. - Here we go. - I know, I think it's great that he looks like 50. It's inspiration to a man almost retired all over the world. He is the brightest, most sophisticated, sexiest man I've ever been with. Dr. Burke is sexy? Oh, God! Absolutely! Damn! It's the museum again. Can I? - Dr. Burke kissed me once. - When? When I was 7, I crashed my bike right out in front of his house... ...and to stop me from crying, he kissed me right here. - Oh, you are so lucky! - I know. Australopithecus isn't supposed to be in that display. No, Homo habilis was erect. Australopithecus was never fully erect. Well, maybe he was nervous. Oh, look! I can't believe this! Homo habilis can't use tools yet, and they've got him with clay pots? Why don't they just give him a microwave? Clearly, they don't have a place to plug in. I'm sorry this is taking so long. It's longer than I expected. We will have dinner. That's okay. Karl! Oh, God. - Wow! Is that Michelle? - Yep. I've not seen her since high-school graduation. Oh, my God, that night she got so dru Emotional. You know, she's having another baby. - I thought she just had one. - No, no. Henry's almost 2. And he's talking and everything. Here. The other day he told me he liked me better than his other grandpa. In all fairness, his other grandpa's a drunk, but still... You're a grandpa. Are we nuts here? I don't know. Maybe. I mean, I'm dating a man whose pool I once peed in. I didn't need to know that. I guess 21 years is a lot. I mean, hell, I'm a whole person who can drink older than you.

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Friends S02E15 5d Amigos||| Freunde S02E15 5d Friends S02E15 5d Friends S02E15 5d Friends S02E15 5d Amici S02E15 5d フレンズ S02E15 5d Friends S02E15 5d Друзья S02E15 5d Friends S02E15 5d

Stop sending food to our apartment! Why are you dressed up? Чому ти так вбрана? You're not the only one with a date. Ви не єдиний, у кого є побачення. - What? You have a date? Who with? - No one. Come on, what's his name? Nothing. Come on, tell me. All right, but I'm very excited about this, okay? So promise you won't get big-brothery and judgmental. ||||||abi gibi|| ||||||sobreprotector y crítico||crítico ||||||protetor|| I promise. What? - It's Richard Burke. - Who's Richard Burke? Dr. Burke? You have a date with Dr. Burke? Why? Why? Why... ...should that bother me? Чому... ...це має мене турбувати? I love that man. He's like a... ...a brother to Dad. - Here we go. - Поїхали. - I know, I think it's great that he looks like 50. It's inspiration to a man almost retired all over the world. Це натхнення для людини, яка майже вийшла на пенсію, по всьому світу. He is the brightest, most sophisticated, sexiest man I've ever been with. |||más brillante|||||||| Він найяскравіший, найвитонченіший, найсексуальніший чоловік, з яким я коли-небудь була. Dr. Burke is sexy? Oh, God! Absolutely! Damn! It's the museum again. Can I? |ben - Dr. Burke kissed me once. |доктор Бёр||| - When? When I was 7, I crashed my bike right out in front of his house... ...and to stop me from crying, he kissed me right here. - Oh, you are so lucky! - I know. Australopithecus isn't supposed to be in that display. early human ancestor||||||| Australopithecus|||||||sergide Australopithecus no debería||||||| No, Homo habilis was erect. ||handy or skillful||upright in posture ||||dikey ||habilis||erguido Australopithecus was never fully erect. Well, maybe he was nervous. Oh, look! Oh| I can't believe this! Homo habilis can't use tools yet, and they've got him with clay pots? |||||||||||kil kaplar|toprak kaplar Homo habilis ще не вміє користуватися знаряддями праці, а вони вже дають йому глиняні горщики? Why don't they just give him a microwave? Clearly, they don't have a place to plug in. I'm sorry this is taking so long. It's longer than I expected. We will have dinner. Ми повечеряємо. That's okay. Karl! Oh, God. - Wow! Is that Michelle? - Yep. I've not seen her since high-school graduation. Oh, my God, that night she got so dru Emotional. ||||||||çok duygusal| ||||||||Oh, Dios mío, esa noche se puso tan **emocional**.| You know, she's having another baby. - I thought she just had one. - Я думав, у неї тільки один. - No, no. Henry's almost 2. And he's talking and everything. Here. The other day he told me he liked me better than his other grandpa. Нещодавно він сказав мені, що я йому подобаюся більше, ніж інший його дідусь. In all fairness, his other grandpa's a drunk, but still... You're a grandpa. ||dürüstlük açısından|||||||||| ||Justicia|||||||||| Справедливості заради, інший його дідусь - п'яниця, але все одно... Ти дідусь. Are we nuts here? ||delirmiş| Ми що, з глузду з'їхали? I don't know. Maybe. I mean, I'm dating a man whose pool I once peed in. |||встречаюсь|||||||| ||||||||||oriné en| |||||||piscina|||fiz xixi|em I didn't need to know that. I guess 21 years is a lot. I mean, hell, I'm a whole person who can drink older than you. |||||bütün|||||||