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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Dec 11, 2017 - Attempted pipe-bomb attack sparks panic in New York subway

Dec 11, 2017 - Attempted pipe-bomb attack sparks panic in New York subway

Judy Woodruff:

Two weeks before Christmas, residents and workers in New York City experienced another frightening moment. An explosion occurred in a passageway in the subway near the Port Authority bus terminal. The would-be suicide bomber left at least three people with minor injuries.

William Brangham reports. Man:

At approximately 7.20 this morning, we had a terror-related incident. William Brangham:

Emergency crews swarmed the streets near Times Square this morning after a man detonated a homemade pipe bomb in the subway. Man:

It's the guy in the hoodie. William Brangham:

Here, cell phone video of a Port Authority surveillance monitor purports to show the moment the assailant set the bomb off. A finger points out the alleged assailant among the commuters, and then a blast and a burst of smoke.

Left behind, a single body sprawled on the ground. The attacker was taken to a local hospital with minor burns. Elsewhere in the packed station, the blast created a panic during rush hour. Alicja Wlodkowski:

Suddenly, I see a group of people, like sixty people, running like nuts. William Brangham:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city had avoided a major catastrophe. Mayor Bill De Blasio:

Let's be also clear this was an attempted terrorist attack. Thank God the perpetrator didn't achieve his ultimate goals. William Brangham:

Law enforcement officials identified the suspect as 27-year-old Akayed Ullah.

They say he is originally from Bangladesh and they say he was inspired by, but perhaps did not have direct contact with, the Islamic State group.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders today said Ullah was here on what's called an F-43 visa, one of many that's granted to foreign relatives of U.S. citizens, and part of a program President Trump wants to curtail. Sarah Sanders:

We know that the president's policy calls for an end to chain migration, which is what this individual came to the United States through. And if his policy had been in place, then that attacker wouldn't have been allowed to come in the country. William Brangham:

Authorities say the bomb was a low-tech explosive device strapped to the attacker's body with velcro and plastic ties. The New York Times reported the suspect apparently said he chose the subway because of its Christmas-themed posters. At Ullah's home in Brooklyn, police looked for clues into his background and motive. For the PBS NewsHour, I'm William Brangham in New York.

Dec 11, 2017 - Attempted pipe-bomb attack sparks panic in New York subway Dec 11, 2017 - Versuchter Rohrbombenanschlag löst Panik in New Yorker U-Bahn aus Dec 11, 2017 - Un intento de atentado con una bomba de tubo desata el pánico en el metro de Nueva York 11 décembre 2017 - Une tentative d'attentat à la bombe artisanale sème la panique dans le métro de New York 2017年12月11日 - パイプ爆弾テロ未遂事件でニューヨークの地下鉄がパニックに Dez 11, 2017 - Tentativa de ataque com bomba de cano provoca pânico no metro de Nova Iorque Dec 11, 2017 - Попытка взрыва бомбы с трубкой вызвала панику в нью-йоркском метро 11 Aralık 2017 - Boru Bombalı Saldırı Girişimi New York Metrosunda Paniğe Yol Açtı 2017 年 12 月 11 日 - 纽约地铁发生管道炸弹袭击,引发恐慌

Judy Woodruff:

Two weeks before Christmas, residents and workers in New York City experienced another frightening moment. An explosion occurred in a passageway in the subway near the Port Authority bus terminal. Une explosion s'est produite dans un passage du métro près de la gare routière de Port Authority. The would-be suicide bomber left at least three people with minor injuries.

William Brangham reports. Man:

At approximately 7.20 this morning, we had a terror-related incident. Vers 7 h 20 ce matin, nous avons eu un incident lié au terrorisme. 今朝7時20分頃、テロ関連事件が発生した。 William Brangham: ウィリアム・ブランガム

Emergency crews swarmed the streets near Times Square this morning after a man detonated a homemade pipe bomb in the subway. Les équipes d'urgence ont envahi les rues près de Times Square ce matin après qu'un homme a fait exploser une bombe artisanale dans le métro. 今朝、男が地下鉄内で手製のパイプ爆弾を爆発させ、救急隊がタイムズ・スクエア付近の通りに押し寄せた。 Man:

It's the guy in the hoodie. C'est le gars avec le sweat à capuche. パーカーの男だ。 William Brangham: ウィリアム・ブランガム

Here, cell phone video of a Port Authority surveillance monitor purports to show the moment the assailant set the bomb off. Ici, la vidéo d'un téléphone portable d'un moniteur de surveillance de l'autorité portuaire prétend montrer le moment où l'agresseur a déclenché la bombe. ここでは、港湾局の監視モニターに映った携帯電話の映像が、加害者が爆弾を仕掛けた瞬間を映し出しているとされている。 A finger points out the alleged assailant among the commuters, and then a blast and a burst of smoke. Un doigt désigne l'agresseur présumé parmi les navetteurs, puis un souffle et une bouffée de fumée. 通勤客の中から加害者と思われる人物を指で指し示すと、爆音と煙が上がった。

Left behind, a single body sprawled on the ground. Laissé derrière, un seul corps étendu sur le sol. 残されたのは、地面に倒れこんだ一体の死体だった。 The attacker was taken to a local hospital with minor burns. 犯人は軽いやけどで地元の病院に運ばれた。 Elsewhere in the packed station, the blast created a panic during rush hour. 満員の駅の別の場所では、爆発がラッシュアワー時のパニックを引き起こした。 Alicja Wlodkowski:

Suddenly, I see a group of people, like sixty people, running like nuts. William Brangham:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city had avoided a major catastrophe. Mayor Bill De Blasio:

Let's be also clear this was an attempted terrorist attack. Thank God the perpetrator didn't achieve his ultimate goals. William Brangham:

Law enforcement officials identified the suspect as 27-year-old Akayed Ullah. 警察当局は容疑者を27歳のアケイド・ウラーと特定した。

They say he is originally from Bangladesh and they say he was inspired by, but perhaps did not have direct contact with, the Islamic State group. 彼はバングラデシュ出身で、「イスラム国」の影響を受けたというが、おそらく直接の接触はなかっただろう。

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders today said Ullah was here on what's called an F-43 visa, one of many that's granted to foreign relatives of U.S. La porte-parole de la Maison Blanche, Sarah Sanders, a déclaré aujourd'hui qu'Ullah était ici avec ce qu'on appelle un visa F-43, l'un des nombreux accordés aux parents étrangers des États-Unis. ホワイトハウスのサラ・サンダース報道官によると、ウラはF-43ビザと呼ばれるビザで滞在していた。 citizens, and part of a program President Trump wants to curtail. トランプ大統領が縮小を望んでいるプログラムの一部である。 Sarah Sanders:

We know that the president's policy calls for an end to chain migration, which is what this individual came to the United States through. Nous savons que la politique du président appelle à mettre fin à la migration en chaîne, par laquelle cet individu est venu aux États-Unis. 大統領の政策では、チェーンマイグレーション(連鎖移民制度)の廃止が求められている。 And if his policy had been in place, then that attacker wouldn't have been allowed to come in the country. そして、もし彼の政策が実施されていれば、その攻撃者は入国を許されなかっただろう。 William Brangham:

Authorities say the bomb was a low-tech explosive device strapped to the attacker's body with velcro and plastic ties. Les autorités disent que la bombe était un engin explosif de basse technologie attaché au corps de l'attaquant avec du velcro et des attaches en plastique. 当局によれば、爆弾はベルクロとビニール紐で犯人の体に括り付けられたローテクな爆発物だったという。 The New York Times reported the suspect apparently said he chose the subway because of its Christmas-themed posters. Le New York Times a rapporté que le suspect aurait apparemment choisi le métro en raison de ses affiches sur le thème de Noël. ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙によると、容疑者は「地下鉄を選んだのは、クリスマスをテーマにしたポスターがあったからだ」と語っているらしい。 At Ullah's home in Brooklyn, police looked for clues into his background and motive. Au domicile d'Ullah à Brooklyn, la police a cherché des indices sur ses antécédents et ses motivations. ブルックリンにあるウラの自宅で、警察は彼の経歴と動機の手がかりを探した。 For the PBS NewsHour, I'm William Brangham in New York. PBSニュースアワー、ニューヨークのウィリアム・ブランガムです。