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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Dec 19, 2017 - News Wrap: Paralyzing cyberattack ‘WannaCry’ traced to North K..

Dec 19, 2017 - News Wrap: Paralyzing cyberattack ‘WannaCry’ traced to North K..

News Wrap: Paralyzing cyberattack ‘WannaCry' traced to North Korea, says U.S. Judy Woodruff:

In the day's other news- the United States charged North Korea was behind a cyber-attack that paralyzed hundreds of thousands of computers last May. The so-called WannaCry ransomware disabled crucial networks worldwide, including those of Britain's national health system. At the White House, Homeland Security Adviser Tom Bossert said Britain, Australia and Canada, plus Microsoft and others, all traced the attack to North Korea. Tom Bossert:

This was a careless and reckless attack. It affected individuals, industry, governments, and the consequences were beyond economic. The computers affected badly in the U.K. in their health care system put lives at risk, not just money. Judy Woodruff:

Bossert said the Trump administration is working with tech firms to strengthen cyber-security. But he acknowledged North Korea is already under so many sanctions, there is not much else the U.S. can do to pressure the regime.

Crews in Washington state worked today to clear Amtrak cars from a major interstate highway. The confirmed death toll from Monday's derailment stood at three, with scores more injured. Under an overcast sky, cranes and flatbed trucks hauled mangled cars away. The train was going 50 miles an hour above the speed limit when it jumped the tracks.

The Associated Press is reporting that investigators are asking whether a trainee in the cab might have distracted the engineer.

The winds stoking that huge fire in Southern California stayed mild for a second day. Crews used the break to do controlled burns along the fire's leading edge, before stronger winds fan the flames tomorrow. So far, the fire has spread across more than 420 square miles north of Los Angeles, making it the third largest in state history. It's still only 50 percent contained. Rebels in Yemen fired a ballistic missile at Saudi Arabia's capital today, and the Saudis say they intercepted it. The rebels said this video showed the launch from a desert site, while amateur video from Riyadh purported to show a smoke trail from the interception. The rebel leader declared the attack was meant to carry the fight to the Saudis, who lead a coalition fighting in Yemen. Abdul-malik Al-houthi (through Interpreter):

The people that the Saudis wanted to be bankrupt even of their freedom, now after 1,000 days of war, their ballistic missiles are reaching the heart of the strongholds to the center of Riyadh, to the palace of their rule, the symbol of their rule. Judy Woodruff:

The rebels are backed by Iran. The Saudis charged again today that Iran is smuggling the missiles into Yemen. Meanwhile, the U.N. human rights office said today that Saudi coalition airstrikes in Yemen have killed at least 136 civilians in less than the past two weeks.

China and Russia today rejected President Trump's depiction of them as competitors and threats in his new national security strategy. The Chinese Foreign Ministry urged the U.S. to — quote — “stop deliberately distorting China's strategic intentions and abandon a Cold War mentality.” The Russians complained that U.S. leaders — quote — “don't want to abandon the idea of a single-polar world.” And on Wall Street today, the Dow Jones industrial average lost 37 points to close at 24,754. The Nasdaq fell nearly 31 points, and the S&P; 500 slipped eight.

Dec 19, 2017 - News Wrap: Paralyzing cyberattack ‘WannaCry’ traced to North K.. ||||cyberattack|WannaCry ransomware|||| 19. Dezember 2017 - News Wrap: Lähmende Cyberattacke "WannaCry" geht auf Nordkorea zurück. Δεκ 19, 2017 - News Wrap: K.. Dec 19, 2017 - Noticias: El ciberataque paralizante "WannaCry" se atribuye a Corea del N.. Dec 19, 2017 - L'actualité en bref : La cyberattaque paralysante "WannaCry" attribuée à la Corée du Nord... 12月 19, 2017 - ニュース・ラップ:麻痺させるサイバー攻撃「WannaCry」、北K... 2017년 12월 19일 - 뉴스 랩 마비시키는 사이버 공격 '워너크라이', 북한으로 추적... Dec 19, 2017 - Naujienų apžvalga: WannaCry" paralyžiuojanti kibernetinė ataka atsekama iki Šiaurės K.. 19 grudnia 2017 - Aktualności: Paraliżujący cyberatak "WannaCry" powiązany z Koreą Północną... 19 de dezembro de 2017 - Notícias: O ciberataque paralisante 'WannaCry' é atribuído ao Reino do Norte... Dec 19, 2017 - Обертка новостей: Парализующая кибератака "WannaCry" связана с Северной К... 19 Aralık 2017 - Haber Özeti: Felç edici siber saldırı 'WannaCry' Kuzey Kore'ye kadar uzandı 2017 年 12 月 19 日 - 新闻报道:瘫痪网络攻击“WannaCry”追踪到 North K.. 2017 年 12 月 19 日 - 新聞報導:癱瘓網路攻擊「WannaCry」追蹤到 North K..

News Wrap: Paralyzing cyberattack ‘WannaCry' traced to North Korea, says U.S. ||Paralyzing|||identified|||||| News Wrap: Lähmende Cyberattacke "WannaCry" geht laut USA auf Nordkorea zurück. News Wrap: La cyberattaque paralysante "WannaCry" a été localisée en Corée du Nord, selon les États-Unis Judy Woodruff:

In the day's other news- the United States charged North Korea was behind a cyber-attack that paralyzed hundreds of thousands of computers last May. ||||||||||||responsible for|||||disabled|thousands|||||| The so-called WannaCry ransomware disabled crucial networks worldwide, including those of Britain's national health system. ||||ransomware||||||||||| Le soi-disant rançongiciel WannaCry a désactivé des réseaux cruciaux dans le monde entier, y compris ceux du système de santé national britannique. At the White House, Homeland Security Adviser Tom Bossert said Britain, Australia and Canada, plus Microsoft and others, all traced the attack to North Korea. À la Maison Blanche, le conseiller à la sécurité intérieure, Tom Bossert, a déclaré que la Grande-Bretagne, l'Australie et le Canada, ainsi que Microsoft et d'autres, avaient tous retracé l'attaque en Corée du Nord. Tom Bossert:

This was a careless and reckless attack. |||||reckless| C'était une attaque imprudente et imprudente. It affected individuals, industry, governments, and the consequences were beyond economic. |||||||outcomes effects repercussions||| Elle a touché les individus, l'industrie, les gouvernements, et les conséquences ont été au-delà de l'économie. The computers affected badly in the U.K. in their health care system put lives at risk, not just money. dans leur système de santé mettent des vies en danger, pas seulement de l'argent. Judy Woodruff:

Bossert said the Trump administration is working with tech firms to strengthen cyber-security. |||||||||||enhance|| Bossert a déclaré que l'administration Trump travaillait avec des entreprises technologiques pour renforcer la cybersécurité. But he acknowledged North Korea is already under so many sanctions, there is not much else the U.S. can do to pressure the regime.

Crews in Washington state worked today to clear Amtrak cars from a major interstate highway. |||||today||||||||highway system| Des équipes de l'État de Washington ont travaillé aujourd'hui pour dégager les voitures Amtrak d'une grande autoroute inter-États. The confirmed death toll from Monday's derailment stood at three, with scores more injured. ||||||train accident||||||| Under an overcast sky, cranes and flatbed trucks hauled mangled cars away. Sous un ciel couvert, des grues et des camions à plateau ont transporté des voitures mutilées. The train was going 50 miles an hour above the speed limit when it jumped the tracks. Le train roulait à 50 milles à l'heure au-dessus de la limite de vitesse lorsqu'il a dérapé.

The Associated Press is reporting that investigators are asking whether a trainee in the cab might have distracted the engineer. |||||||||||trainee in cab|||||||| L'Associated Press rapporte que les enquêteurs demandent si un stagiaire dans la cabine aurait pu distraire l'ingénieur.

The winds stoking that huge fire in Southern California stayed mild for a second day. ||fueling intensifying|||||||||||| Les vents qui ont attisé cet énorme incendie dans le sud de la Californie sont restés doux pendant une deuxième journée. Crews used the break to do controlled burns along the fire's leading edge, before stronger winds fan the flames tomorrow. Les équipages ont profité de la pause pour effectuer des brûlages contrôlés le long du bord d'attaque du feu, avant que des vents plus forts n'attisent les flammes demain. So far, the fire has spread across more than 420 square miles north of Los Angeles, making it the third largest in state history. It's still only 50 percent contained. Rebels in Yemen fired a ballistic missile at Saudi Arabia's capital today, and the Saudis say they intercepted it. |||||||||||today||||||stopped blocked caught| The rebels said this video showed the launch from a desert site, while amateur video from Riyadh purported to show a smoke trail from the interception. Les rebelles ont déclaré que cette vidéo montrait le lancement depuis un site désertique, tandis qu'une vidéo amateur de Riyad prétendait montrer une traînée de fumée provenant de l'interception. The rebel leader declared the attack was meant to carry the fight to the Saudis, who lead a coalition fighting in Yemen. Le chef rebelle a déclaré que l'attaque visait à porter le combat aux Saoudiens, qui dirigent une coalition combattant au Yémen. Abdul-malik Al-houthi (through Interpreter):

The people that the Saudis wanted to be bankrupt even of their freedom, now after 1,000 days of war, their ballistic missiles are reaching the heart of the strongholds to the center of Riyadh, to the palace of their rule, the symbol of their rule. ||||||||impoverished destitute||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Le peuple que les Saoudiens voulaient voir en faillite même de sa liberté, maintenant après 1 000 jours de guerre, leurs missiles balistiques atteignent le cœur des bastions jusqu'au centre de Riyad, jusqu'au palais de leur règne, le symbole de leur règne. Judy Woodruff:

The rebels are backed by Iran. |rebels||supported|| The Saudis charged again today that Iran is smuggling the missiles into Yemen. Les Saoudiens ont de nouveau accusé aujourd'hui l'Iran d'introduire clandestinement des missiles au Yémen. Meanwhile, the U.N. human rights office said today that Saudi coalition airstrikes in Yemen have killed at least 136 civilians in less than the past two weeks.

China and Russia today rejected President Trump's depiction of them as competitors and threats in his new national security strategy. La Chine et la Russie ont rejeté aujourd'hui la description par le président Trump d'eux comme des concurrents et des menaces dans sa nouvelle stratégie de sécurité nationale. The Chinese Foreign Ministry urged the U.S. to — quote — “stop deliberately distorting China's strategic intentions and abandon a Cold War mentality.” pour - je cite - "arrêter de déformer délibérément les intentions stratégiques de la Chine et abandonner une mentalité de guerre froide". The Russians complained that U.S. leaders — quote — “don't want to abandon the idea of a single-polar world.” les dirigeants - je cite - "ne veulent pas abandonner l'idée d'un monde unipolaire". And on Wall Street today, the Dow Jones industrial average lost 37 points to close at 24,754. The Nasdaq fell nearly 31 points, and the S&P; 500 slipped eight.