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ART OF SALES 1, 1.12 (R) Final Project Prep Assignment: Setting a Sales Goal

1.12 (R) Final Project Prep Assignment: Setting a Sales Goal

Pick a Goal: Using the “Setting a Sales Goal” Worksheet, write down a current sales goal you would like to hit in the next 6 months. Your goal could be about selling yourself or your company (at work, a job interview, or with family/friends). This is the goal you will be working on throughout the specialization. Save your completed copy of this worksheet, as you will need to turn it in as part of a peer review at the end of this course.

Note: We highly recommend that you type your answers in a separate document if you cannot type into the pdf, especially if your handwriting is difficult to read.

The Sales Toolkit is designed to equip you with step-by-step guidance to help you succeed at each and every step of the sales process. It provides the tactical tools you will need, as well as commentary on how to apply the right focus to each step of the process.

1.12 (R) Final Project Prep Assignment: Setting a Sales Goal

Pick a Goal: Using the “Setting a Sales Goal” Worksheet, write down a current sales goal you would like to hit in the next 6 months. Your goal could be about selling yourself or your company (at work, a job interview, or with family/friends). This is the goal you will be working on throughout the specialization. Save your completed copy of this worksheet, as you will need to turn it in as part of a peer review at the end of this course. このワークシートの完成したコピーを保存します。これは、このコースの最後にピアレビューの一部として取り込む必要があるためです。

Note: We highly recommend that you type your answers in a separate document if you cannot type into the pdf, especially if your handwriting is difficult to read. 注:特に、手書きが読みにくい場合は、pdfに入力できない場合は、別の文書に回答を入力することを強くお勧めします。

The Sales Toolkit is designed to equip you with step-by-step guidance to help you succeed at each and every step of the sales process. Sales Toolkitは、販売プロセスのあらゆる段階で成功するためのステップバイステップのガイダンスを提供するように設計されています。 It provides the tactical tools you will need, as well as commentary on how to apply the right focus to each step of the process. それは、あなたが必要とする戦術的なツールを提供するだけでなく、プロセスの各ステップに適切な焦点を当てる方法に関する解説を提供します。