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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 8 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 6

CHAPTER 8 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 6

Same day, night.--We passed a happy day. The air was clear, and the sun bright, and there was a cool breeze. We took our lunch to Mulgrave Woods, Mrs. Westenra driving by the road and Lucy and I walking by the cliff-path and joining her at the gate. I felt a little sad myself, for I could not but feel how absolutely happy it would have been had Jonathan been with me. But there! I must only be patient. In the evening we strolled in the Casino Terrace, and heard some good music by Spohr and Mackenzie, and went to bed early. Lucy seems more restful than she has been for some time, and fell asleep at once. I shall lock the door and secure the key the same as before, though I do not expect any trouble tonight. 12 August.--My expectations were wrong, for twice during the night I was wakened by Lucy trying to get out. She seemed, even in her sleep, to be a little impatient at finding the door shut, and went back to bed under a sort of protest. I woke with the dawn, and heard the birds chirping outside of the window. Lucy woke, too, and I was glad to see, was even better than on the previous morning. All her old gaiety of manner seemed to have come back, and she came and snuggled in beside me and told me all about Arthur. I told her how anxious I was about Jonathan, and then she tried to comfort me. Well, she succeeded somewhat, for, though sympathy can't alter facts, it can make them more bearable. 13 August.--Another quiet day, and to bed with the key on my wrist as before. Again I awoke in the night, and found Lucy sitting up in bed, still asleep, pointing to the window. I got up quietly, and pulling aside the blind, looked out. It was brilliant moonlight, and the soft effect of the light over the sea and sky, merged together in one great silent mystery, was beautiful beyond words. Between me and the moonlight flitted a great bat, coming and going in great whirling circles. Once or twice it came quite close, but was, I suppose, frightened at seeing me, and flitted away across the harbour towards the abbey. When I came back from the window Lucy had lain down again, and was sleeping peacefully. She did not stir again all night.

CHAPTER 8 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 6 KAPITEL 8 - Das Tagebuch von Mina Murray, Teil 6 CAPÍTULO 8 - Diario de Mina Murray, parte 6 CHAPITRE 8 - Le journal de Mina Murray, partie 6 CAPITOLO 8 - Diario di Mina Murray, parte 6 8 SKYRIUS - Mino Murėjaus dienoraštis, 6 dalis CAPÍTULO 8 - Diário de Mina Murray, parte 6 BÖLÜM 8 - Mina Murray'in Günlüğü, 6. kısım

Same day, night.--We passed a happy day. The air was clear, and the sun bright, and there was a cool breeze. O ar estava limpo, o sol brilhava e havia uma brisa fresca. We took our lunch to Mulgrave Woods, Mrs. Westenra driving by the road and Lucy and I walking by the cliff-path and joining her at the gate. Levámos o nosso almoço para Mulgrave Woods, a Sra. Westenra conduzindo pela estrada e Lucy e eu caminhando pelo caminho da falésia e juntando-nos a ela no portão. I felt a little sad myself, for I could not but feel how absolutely happy it would have been had Jonathan been with me. Eu próprio me senti um pouco triste, pois não podia deixar de sentir como teria sido absolutamente feliz se Jonathan estivesse comigo. But there! I must only be patient. In the evening we strolled in the Casino Terrace, and heard some good music by Spohr and Mackenzie, and went to bed early. ||||spazierten|||||||||||||||||| À noite, passeámos no terraço do Casino, ouvimos boa música de Spohr e Mackenzie e deitámo-nos cedo. Vào buổi tối, chúng tôi đi dạo trong Casino Terrace, nghe vài bản nhạc hay của Spohr và Mackenzie, rồi đi ngủ sớm. Lucy seems more restful than she has been for some time, and fell asleep at once. |||ruhiger|||||||||||| A Lucy parece estar mais descansada do que há algum tempo, e adormeceu de imediato. I shall lock the door and secure the key the same as before, though I do not expect any trouble tonight. Vou trancar a porta e guardar a chave como antes, embora não espere problemas esta noite. 12 August.--My expectations were wrong, for twice during the night I was wakened by Lucy trying to get out. 12 de Agosto - As minhas expectativas estavam erradas, pois por duas vezes durante a noite fui acordado pela Lucy a tentar sair. She seemed, even in her sleep, to be a little impatient at finding the door shut, and went back to bed under a sort of protest. ||||||||||||encontrar||||||||||||| Parecia, mesmo a dormir, estar um pouco impaciente por encontrar a porta fechada e voltou para a cama com uma espécie de protesto. I woke with the dawn, and heard the birds chirping outside of the window. |||||||||zwitschern|||| Acordei com o amanhecer e ouvi o chilrear dos pássaros do lado de fora da janela. Lucy woke, too, and I was glad to see, was even better than on the previous morning. Lucy também acordou, e fiquei contente por ver que estava ainda melhor do que na manhã anterior. All her old gaiety of manner seemed to have come back, and she came and snuggled in beside me and told me all about Arthur. |||||||||||||||kuschelte sich||||||||| Toda a sua antiga alegria parecia ter voltado, e ela veio aconchegar-se ao meu lado e contou-me tudo sobre o Arthur. Tất cả phong thái vui vẻ cũ của cô ấy dường như đã trở lại, và cô ấy đến và rúc vào bên cạnh tôi và kể cho tôi nghe tất cả về Arthur. I told her how anxious I was about Jonathan, and then she tried to comfort me. Disse-lhe que estava muito preocupada com o Jonathan e ela tentou consolar-me. Well, she succeeded somewhat, for, though sympathy can't alter facts, it can make them more bearable. |||||||||||||||erträglicher machen Bem, ela conseguiu de certa forma, porque, embora a simpatia não possa alterar os factos, pode torná-los mais suportáveis. 13 August.--Another quiet day, and to bed with the key on my wrist as before. 13 de Agosto - Mais um dia calmo e vou para a cama com a chave no pulso, como antes. Again I awoke in the night, and found Lucy sitting up in bed, still asleep, pointing to the window. Mais uma vez, acordei no meio da noite e encontrei Lucy sentada na cama, ainda dormindo, apontando para a janela. I got up quietly, and pulling aside the blind, looked out. Levantei-me calmamente e, puxando a persiana para o lado, olhei para fora. It was brilliant moonlight, and the soft effect of the light over the sea and sky, merged together in one great silent mystery, was beautiful beyond words. Era um luar brilhante, e o efeito suave da luz sobre o mar e o céu, fundidos num grande mistério silencioso, era de uma beleza sem palavras. Between me and the moonlight flitted a great bat, coming and going in great whirling circles. |||||huschte|||||||||wirbelnd| |||||Moved quickly|||||||||| Entre mim e o luar esvoaçava um grande morcego, que ia e vinha em grandes círculos giratórios. Once or twice it came quite close, but was, I suppose, frightened at seeing me, and flitted away across the harbour towards the abbey. Uma ou duas vezes aproximou-se bastante, mas, suponho, assustou-se ao ver-me e fugiu pelo porto em direcção à abadia. When I came back from the window Lucy had lain down again, and was sleeping peacefully. |||||||||||||||tranquilamente Quando voltei da janela, a Lucy tinha-se deitado de novo e dormia tranquilamente. She did not stir again all night. |||moverse||| Não voltou a mexer-se durante toda a noite.