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Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse by Anna Sewell, Chapter 25. Reuben Smith

Chapter 25. Reuben Smith

Now I must say a little about Reuben Smith, who was left in charge of the stables when York went to London. No one more thoroughly understood his business than he did, and when he was all right there could not be a more faithful or valuable man. He was gentle and very clever in his management of horses, and could doctor them almost as well as a farrier, for he had lived two years with a veterinary surgeon. He was a first-rate driver; he could take a four-in-hand or a tandem as easily as a pair. He was a handsome man, a good scholar, and had very pleasant manners. I believe everybody liked him; certainly the horses did. The only wonder was that he should be in an under situation and not in the place of a head coachman like York; but he had one great fault and that was the love of drink. He was not like some men, always at it; he used to keep steady for weeks or months together, and then he would break out and have a "bout" of it, as York called it, and be a disgrace to himself, a terror to his wife, and a nuisance to all that had to do with him. He was, however, so useful that two or three times York had hushed the matter up and kept it from the earl's knowledge; but one night, when Reuben had to drive a party home from a ball he was so drunk that he could not hold the reins, and a gentleman of the party had to mount the box and drive the ladies home. Of course, this could not be hidden, and Reuben was at once dismissed; his poor wife and little children had to turn out of the pretty cottage by the park gate and go where they could. Old Max told me all this, for it happened a good while ago; but shortly before Ginger and I came Smith had been taken back again. York had interceded for him with the earl, who is very kind-hearted, and the man had promised faithfully that he would never taste another drop as long as he lived there. He had kept his promise so well that York thought he might be safely trusted to fill his place while he was away, and he was so clever and honest that no one else seemed so well fitted for it.

It was now early in April, and the family was expected home some time in May. The light brougham was to be fresh done up, and as Colonel Blantyre was obliged to return to his regiment it was arranged that Smith should drive him to the town in it, and ride back; for this purpose he took the saddle with him, and I was chosen for the journey. At the station the colonel put some money into Smith's hand and bid him good-by, saying, "Take care of your young mistress, Reuben, and don't let Black Auster be hacked about by any random young prig that wants to ride him--keep him for the lady." We left the carriage at the maker's, and Smith rode me to the White Lion, and ordered the hostler to feed me well, and have me ready for him at four o'clock. A nail in one of my front shoes had started as I came along, but the hostler did not notice it till just about four o'clock. Smith did not come into the yard till five, and then he said he should not leave till six, as he had met with some old friends. The man then told him of the nail, and asked if he should have the shoe looked to.

"No," said Smith, "that will be all right till we get home." He spoke in a very loud, offhand way, and I thought it very unlike him not to see about the shoe, as he was generally wonderfully particular about loose nails in our shoes. He did not come at six nor seven, nor eight, and it was nearly nine o'clock before he called for me, and then it was with a loud, rough voice. He seemed in a very bad temper, and abused the hostler, though I could not tell what for.

The landlord stood at the door and said, "Have a care, Mr. Smith!" but he answered angrily with an oath; and almost before he was out of the town he began to gallop, frequently giving me a sharp cut with his whip, though I was going at full speed. The moon had not yet risen, and it was very dark. The roads were stony, having been recently mended; going over them at this pace, my shoe became looser, and as we neared the turnpike gate it came off.

If Smith had been in his right senses he would have been sensible of something wrong in my pace, but he was too drunk to notice.

Beyond the turnpike was a long piece of road, upon which fresh stones had just been laid--large sharp stones, over which no horse could be driven quickly without risk of danger. Over this road, with one shoe gone, I was forced to gallop at my utmost speed, my rider meanwhile cutting into me with his whip, and with wild curses urging me to go still faster. Of course my shoeless foot suffered dreadfully; the hoof was broken and split down to the very quick, and the inside was terribly cut by the sharpness of the stones.

This could not go on; no horse could keep his footing under such circumstances; the pain was too great. I stumbled, and fell with violence on both my knees. Smith was flung off by my fall, and, owing to the speed I was going at, he must have fallen with great force. I soon recovered my feet and limped to the side of the road, where it was free from stones. The moon had just risen above the hedge, and by its light I could see Smith lying a few yards beyond me. He did not rise; he made one slight effort to do so, and then there was a heavy groan. I could have groaned, too, for I was suffering intense pain both from my foot and knees; but horses are used to bear their pain in silence. I uttered no sound, but I stood there and listened. One more heavy groan from Smith; but though he now lay in the full moonlight I could see no motion. I could do nothing for him nor myself, but, oh! how I listened for the sound of horse, or wheels, or footsteps! The road was not much frequented, and at this time of the night we might stay for hours before help came to us. I stood watching and listening. It was a calm, sweet April night; there were no sounds but a few low notes of a nightingale, and nothing moved but the white clouds near the moon and a brown owl that flitted over the hedge. It made me think of the summer nights long ago, when I used to lie beside my mother in the green pleasant meadow at Farmer Grey's.

Chapter 25. Reuben Smith |Reuben Smith| Capítulo 25. Reuben Smith

Now I must say a little about Reuben Smith, who was left in charge of the stables when York went to London. 现在我必须谈谈鲁本·史密斯,约克去伦敦时留他负责马厩。 No one more thoroughly understood his business than he did, and when he was all right there could not be a more faithful or valuable man. 没有人比他更了解他的生意,当他没事的时候,没有比他更忠诚或更有价值的人了。 He was gentle and very clever in his management of horses, and could doctor them almost as well as a farrier, for he had lived two years with a veterinary surgeon. 他对马匹的管理很温和,也很聪明,几乎可以像蹄铁匠一样医治它们,因为他和一位兽医一起生活了两年。 He was a first-rate driver; he could take a four-in-hand or a tandem as easily as a pair. 他是一流的司机;他可以像一对一样轻松地拿下四人手或串联。 He was a handsome man, a good scholar, and had very pleasant manners. 他是一个英俊的男人,一个好学者,举止非常愉快。 I believe everybody liked him; certainly the horses did. 我相信每个人都喜欢他;当然是马。 The only wonder was that he should be in an under situation and not in the place of a head coachman like York; but he had one great fault and that was the love of drink. 唯一奇怪的是,他应该处于不利地位,而不是像约克这样的主教练;但是他有一个很大的缺点,那就是爱喝酒。 He was not like some men, always at it; he used to keep steady for weeks or months together, and then he would break out and have a "bout" of it, as York called it, and be a disgrace to himself, a terror to his wife, and a nuisance to all that had to do with him. 他不像某些人,总是在做这件事;他过去常常在一起几个星期或几个月都保持稳定,然后他会爆发,像约克所说的那样“发作”,这对他自己来说是一种耻辱,对他的妻子来说是一种恐惧,对所有的人来说都是一种滋扰。与他有关。 He was, however, so useful that two or three times York had hushed the matter up and kept it from the earl's knowledge; but one night, when Reuben had to drive a party home from a ball he was so drunk that he could not hold the reins, and a gentleman of the party had to mount the box and drive the ladies home. 然而,他是如此有用,以至于约克有两三次将此事隐瞒起来,不让伯爵知道。但是一天晚上,当鲁本不得不从一个舞会上开车回家时,他喝得酩酊大醉,无法控制缰绳,一位绅士不得不登上包厢,将女士们送回家。 Of course, this could not be hidden, and Reuben was at once dismissed; his poor wife and little children had to turn out of the pretty cottage by the park gate and go where they could. 当然,这不可能隐瞒,鲁本立即被解雇了。他可怜的妻子和孩子们不得不离开公园门口漂亮的小屋,到他们能去的地方去。 Old Max told me all this, for it happened a good while ago; but shortly before Ginger and I came Smith had been taken back again. 老麦克斯把这一切都告诉了我,因为那是很久以前发生的事了;但就在金杰和我来之前不久,史密斯又被带回来了。 York had interceded for him with the earl, who is very kind-hearted, and the man had promised faithfully that he would never taste another drop as long as he lived there. 约克曾为他求情伯爵,伯爵心地善良,伯爵信誓旦旦地承诺,只要他住在那里,他再也不会尝一滴。 He had kept his promise so well that York thought he might be safely trusted to fill his place while he was away, and he was so clever and honest that no one else seemed so well fitted for it. 他信守诺言,约克认为在他不在的时候,他可以放心地填补他的空缺,而且他是如此聪明和诚实,似乎没有人比他更适合担任这一职务。

It was now early in April, and the family was expected home some time in May. 现在是四月初,一家人预计在五月的某个时候回家。 The light brougham was to be fresh done up, and as Colonel Blantyre was obliged to return to his regiment it was arranged that Smith should drive him to the town in it, and ride back; for this purpose he took the saddle with him, and I was chosen for the journey. 轻型四轮马车要重新装好,由于布兰太尔上校不得不返回他的团,所以安排史密斯开着马车把他送到镇上,然后骑回去;为此,他带上了马鞍,而我被选上了路。 At the station the colonel put some money into Smith's hand and bid him good-by, saying, "Take care of your young mistress, Reuben, and don't let Black Auster be hacked about by any random young prig that wants to ride him--keep him for the lady." 在车站,上校把一些钱放在史密斯手里,向他道别,说:“照顾好你的年轻女主人,鲁本,别让黑奥斯特被任何想骑他的随便的年轻傲慢的人砍死——把他留给那位女士。” We left the carriage at the maker's, and Smith rode me to the White Lion, and ordered the hostler to feed me well, and have me ready for him at four o'clock. 我们把马车停在了制造商那里,史密斯骑着我去了白狮旅馆,吩咐店主好好喂养我,让我在四点钟为他准备好。 A nail in one of my front shoes had started as I came along, but the hostler did not notice it till just about four o'clock. 我走的时候,一只前鞋上的钉子已经开始扎了,但店主直到四点钟左右才注意到。 Smith did not come into the yard till five, and then he said he should not leave till six, as he had met with some old friends. The man then told him of the nail, and asked if he should have the shoe looked to. 然后那个人告诉他钉子的事,并问他是否应该检查一下鞋子。

"No," said Smith, "that will be all right till we get home." He spoke in a very loud, offhand way, and I thought it very unlike him not to see about the shoe, as he was generally wonderfully particular about loose nails in our shoes. 他说话的声音很大,很随口,我觉得他不注意鞋子很不一样,因为他通常对我们鞋子上松动的钉子非常挑剔。 He did not come at six nor seven, nor eight, and it was nearly nine o'clock before he called for me, and then it was with a loud, rough voice. He seemed in a very bad temper, and abused the hostler, though I could not tell what for. 他的脾气似乎很坏,还辱骂了店主,但我说不出是为了什么。

The landlord stood at the door and said, "Have a care, Mr. 房东站在门口说道:“请保重,先生。” Smith!" but he answered angrily with an oath; and almost before he was out of the town he began to gallop, frequently giving me a sharp cut with his whip, though I was going at full speed. 但他愤怒地发誓回答。几乎在他出城之前,他就开始疾驰,尽管我正在全速前进,但他经常用他的鞭子狠狠地抽我一下。 The moon had not yet risen, and it was very dark. The roads were stony, having been recently mended; going over them at this pace, my shoe became looser, and as we neared the turnpike gate it came off. 道路是石头,最近才修好。以这样的速度越过它们,我的鞋子变松了,当我们接近收费公路时,它掉了下来。

If Smith had been in his right senses he would have been sensible of something wrong in my pace, but he was too drunk to notice.

Beyond the turnpike was a long piece of road, upon which fresh stones had just been laid--large sharp stones, over which no horse could be driven quickly without risk of danger. 收费公路后面是一条长长的路,上面刚刚铺上了新鲜的石头——大而锋利的石头,任何马匹快速驶过这些石头都会有危险。 Over this road, with one shoe gone, I was forced to gallop at my utmost speed, my rider meanwhile cutting into me with his whip, and with wild curses urging me to go still faster. 在这条路上,一只鞋没了,我被迫以最快的速度疾驰,同时我的骑手用他的鞭子刺向我,并疯狂地咒骂着催促我跑得更快。 Of course my shoeless foot suffered dreadfully; the hoof was broken and split down to the very quick, and the inside was terribly cut by the sharpness of the stones. 当然,我没穿鞋的脚受了很大的苦;蹄子很快就被折断裂开,里面被石头的锋利划破了。

This could not go on; no horse could keep his footing under such circumstances; the pain was too great. 这不能再继续下去了;在这种情况下,没有一匹马能站稳脚跟。痛苦太大了。 I stumbled, and fell with violence on both my knees. Smith was flung off by my fall, and, owing to the speed I was going at, he must have fallen with great force. 史密斯被我摔倒了,而且,由于我的速度,他一定是用很大的力量摔倒了。 I soon recovered my feet and limped to the side of the road, where it was free from stones. 我很快就恢复了双脚,一瘸一拐地走到路边,那里没有石头。 The moon had just risen above the hedge, and by its light I could see Smith lying a few yards beyond me. 月亮刚从树篱上升起,借着月光,我可以看到史密斯躺在我几码之外。 He did not rise; he made one slight effort to do so, and then there was a heavy groan. 他没有起来;他稍微用了点力,然后发出一声沉重的呻吟。 I could have groaned, too, for I was suffering intense pain both from my foot and knees; but horses are used to bear their pain in silence. 我也可以呻吟,因为我的脚和膝盖都痛得要命。但是马习惯于默默承受痛苦。 I uttered no sound, but I stood there and listened. 我没有出声,但我站在那里听着。 One more heavy groan from Smith; but though he now lay in the full moonlight I could see no motion. 史密斯又发出一声沉重的呻吟;但尽管他现在躺在月光下,我还是看不到任何动静。 I could do nothing for him nor myself, but, oh! 我对他和我自己都无能为力,但是,哦! how I listened for the sound of horse, or wheels, or footsteps! 我是如何倾听马声、车轮声或脚步声的! The road was not much frequented, and at this time of the night we might stay for hours before help came to us. 这条路人烟稀少,而且在晚上的这个时候,我们可能会待上几个小时才能得到帮助。 I stood watching and listening. It was a calm, sweet April night; there were no sounds but a few low notes of a nightingale, and nothing moved but the white clouds near the moon and a brown owl that flitted over the hedge. 那是一个平静而甜蜜的四月之夜。除了夜莺的几声低吟,没有其他声音,除了月亮附近的白云和掠过树篱的棕色猫头鹰外,什么都没有动。 It made me think of the summer nights long ago, when I used to lie beside my mother in the green pleasant meadow at Farmer Grey's. 这让我想起很久以前的夏夜,那时我常常躺在农夫格雷家绿色宜人的草地上,躺在母亲身边。