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Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, Chapter 6 At Full Steam

Chapter 6 At Full Steam

AT THIS SHOUT the entire crew rushed toward the harpooner—commander, officers, mates,

sailors, cabin boys, down to engineers leaving their machinery and stokers neglecting their furnaces. The order was given to stop, and the frigate merely coasted.

By then the darkness was profound, and as good as the Canadian's eyes were, I still wondered how he could see—and what he had seen. My heart was pounding fit to burst.

But Ned Land was not mistaken, and we all spotted the object his hand was indicating.

Two cable lengths off the Abraham Lincoln's starboard quarter, the sea seemed to be lit up from underneath. This was no mere phosphorescent phenomenon, that much was unmistakable. Submerged some fathoms below the surface of the water, the monster gave off that very intense but inexplicable glow that several captains had mentioned in their reports. This magnificent radiance had to come from some force with a great illuminating capacity. The edge of its light swept over the sea in an immense, highly elongated oval, condensing at the center into a blazing core whose unbearable glow diminished by° outward.

"It's only a cluster of phosphorescent particles!" exclaimed one of the officers.

"No, sir," I answered with conviction. "Not even angel–wing clams or salps have ever given off such a powerful light. That glow is basically electric in nature. Besides . look, look! It's shifting! It's moving back and forth! It's darting at us!" A universal shout went up from the frigate.

"Quiet!" Commander Farragut said. "Helm hard to leeward! Reverse engines!" Sailors rushed to the helm, engineers to their machinery. Under reverse steam immediately, the Abraham Lincoln beat to port, sweeping in a semicircle.

"Right your helm! Engines forward!" Commander Farragut called.

These orders were executed, and the frigate swiftly retreated from this core of light.

My mistake. It wanted to retreat, but the unearthly animal came at us with a speed double our own.

We gasped. More stunned than afraid, we stood mute and motionless. The animal caught up with us, played with us. It made a full circle around the frigate—then doing fourteen knots—and wrapped us in sheets of electricity that were like luminous dust. Then it retreated two or three miles, leaving a phosphorescent trail comparable to those swirls of steam that shoot behind the locomotive of an express train. Suddenly, all the way from the dark horizon where it had gone to gather momentum, the monster abruptly dashed toward the Abraham Lincoln with frightening speed, stopped sharply twenty feet from our side plates, and died out—not by diving under the water, since its glow did not recede gradually—but all at once, as if the source of this brilliant emanation had suddenly dried up. Then it reappeared on the other side of the ship, either by circling around us or by gliding under our hull. At any instant a collision could have occurred that would have been fatal to us.

Meanwhile I was astonished at the frigate's maneuvers. It was fleeing, not fighting. Built to pursue, it was being pursued, and I commented on this to Commander Farragut. His face, ordinarily so emotionless, was stamped with indescribable astonishment.

"Professor Aronnax," he answered me, "I don't know what kind of fearsome creature I'm up against, and I don't want my frigate running foolish risks in all this darkness. Besides, how should we attack this unknown creature, how should we defend ourselves against it? Let's wait for daylight, and then we'll play a different role." "You've no further doubts, commander, as to the nature of this animal?" "No, sir, it's apparently a gigantic narwhale, and an electric one to boot." "Maybe," I added, "it's no more approachable than an electric eel or an electric ray!" "Right," the commander replied. "And if it has their power to electrocute, it's surely the most dreadful animal ever conceived by our Creator. That's why I'll keep on my guard, sir." The whole crew stayed on their feet all night long. No one even thought of sleeping. Unable to compete with the monster's speed, the Abraham Lincoln slowed down and stayed at half steam. For its part, the narwhale mimicked the frigate, simply rode with the waves, and seemed determined not to forsake the field of battle.

However, near midnight it disappeared, or to use a more appropriate expression, "it went out," like a huge glowworm. Had it fled from us? We were duty bound to fear so rather than hope so. But at 12:53 in the morning, a deafening hiss became audible, resembling the sound made by a waterspout expelled with tremendous intensity.

By then Commander Farragut, Ned Land, and I were on the afterdeck, peering eagerly into the profound gloom.

"Ned Land," the commander asked, "you've often heard whales bellowing?" "Often, sir, but never a whale like this, whose sighting earned me $2,000.00." "Correct, the prize is rightfully yours. But tell me, isn't that the noise cetaceans make when they spurt water from their blowholes?" "The very noise, sir, but this one's way louder. So there can be no mistake. There's definitely a whale lurking in our waters. With your permission, sir," the harpooner added, "tomorrow at daybreak we'll have words with it." "If it's in a mood to listen to you, Mr. Land," I replied in a tone far from convinced. "Let me get within four harpoon lengths of it," the Canadian shot back, "and it had better listen!" "But to get near it," the commander went on, "I'd have to put a whaleboat at your disposal?" "Certainly, sir." "That would be gambling with the lives of my men." "And with my own!" the harpooner replied simply.

Near two o'clock in the morning, the core of light reappeared, no less intense, five miles to windward of the Abraham Lincoln . Despite the distance, despite the noise of wind and sea, we could distinctly hear the fearsome thrashings of the animal's tail, and even its panting breath. Seemingly, the moment this enormous narwhale came up to breathe at the surface of the ocean, air was sucked into its lungs like steam into the huge cylinders of a 2,000–horsepower engine.

"Hmm!" I said to myself. "A cetacean as powerful as a whole cavalry regiment—now that's a whale of a whale!" We stayed on the alert until daylight, getting ready for action. Whaling gear was set up along the railings. Our chief officer loaded the blunderbusses, which can launch harpoons as far as a mile, and long duck guns with exploding bullets that can mortally wound even the most powerful animals. Ned Land was content to sharpen his harpoon, a dreadful weapon in his hands.

At six o'clock day began to break, and with the dawn's early light, the narwhale's electric glow disappeared. At seven o'clock the day was well along, but a very dense morning mist shrank the horizon, and our best spyglasses were unable to pierce it. The outcome: disappointment and anger.

I hoisted myself up to the crosstrees of the mizzen sail. Some officers were already perched on the mastheads.

At eight o'clock the mist rolled ponderously over the waves, and its huge curls were lifting little by little. The horizon grew wider and clearer all at once.

Suddenly, just as on the previous evening, Ned Land's voice was audible. "There's the thing in question, astern to port!" the harpooner shouted.

Every eye looked toward the point indicated.

There, a mile and a half from the frigate, a long blackish body emerged a meter above the waves. Quivering violently, its tail was creating a considerable eddy. Never had caudal equipment thrashed the sea with such power. An immense wake of glowing whiteness marked the animal's track, sweeping in a long curve. Our frigate drew nearer to the cetacean . I examined it with a completely open mind. Those reports from the Shannon and the Helvetia had slightly exaggerated its dimensions, and I put its length at only 250 feet. Its girth was more difficult to judge, but all in all, the animal seemed to be wonderfully proportioned in all three dimensions.

While I was observing this phenomenal creature, two jets of steam and water sprang from its blowholes and rose to an altitude of forty meters, which settled for me its mode of breathing. From this I finally concluded that it belonged to the branch Vertebrata , class Mammalia , subclass Monodelphia , group Pisciforma , order Cetacea , family . but here I couldn't make up my mind. The order Cetacea consists of three families, baleen whales, sperm whales, dolphins, and it's in this last group that narwhales are placed. Each of these families is divided into several genera, each genus into species, each species into varieties. So I was still missing variety, species, genus, and family, but no doubt I would complete my classifying with the aid of Heaven and Commander Farragut.

The crew were waiting impatiently for orders from their leader. The latter, after carefully observing the animal, called for his engineer. The engineer raced over.

"Sir," the commander said, "are you up to pressure?" "Aye, sir," the engineer replied. "Fine. Stoke your furnaces and clap on full steam!" Three cheers greeted this order. The hour of battle had sounded. A few moments later, the frigate's two funnels vomited torrents of black smoke, and its deck quaked from the trembling of its boilers. Driven forward by its powerful propeller, the Abraham Lincoln headed straight for the animal. Unconcerned, the latter let us come within half a cable length; then, not bothering to dive, it got up a little speed, retreated, and was content to keep its distance.

This chase dragged on for about three–quarters of an hour without the frigate gaining two fathoms on the cetacean . At this rate, it was obvious that we would never catch up with it.

Infuriated, Commander Farragut kept twisting the thick tuft of hair that flourished below his chin.

"Ned Land!" he called.

The Canadian reported at once.

"Well, Mr. Land," the commander asked, "do you still advise putting my longboats to sea?" "No, sir," Ned Land replied, "because that beast won't be caught against its will." "Then what should we do?" "Stoke up more steam, sir, if you can. As for me, with your permission I'll go perch on the bobstays under the bowsprit, and if we can get within a harpoon length, I'll harpoon the brute." "Go to it, Ned," Commander Farragut replied. "Engineer," he called, "keep the pressure mounting!" Ned Land made his way to his post. The furnaces were urged into greater activity; our propeller did forty–three revolutions per minute, and steam shot from the valves. Heaving the log, we verified that the Abraham Lincoln was going at the rate of 18.5 miles per hour.

But that damned animal also did a speed of 18.5.

For the next hour our frigate kept up this pace without gaining a fathom! This was humiliating for one of the fastest racers in the American navy. The crew were working up into a blind rage. Sailor after sailor heaved insults at the monster, which couldn't be bothered with answering back. Commander Farragut was no longer content simply to twist his goatee; he chewed on it.

The engineer was summoned once again.

"You're up to maximum pressure?" the commander asked him.

"Aye, sir," the engineer replied. "And your valves are charged to . ?" "To six and a half atmospheres." "Charge them to ten atmospheres." A typical American order if I ever heard one. It would have sounded just fine during some Mississippi paddle–wheeler race, to "outstrip the competition!" "Conseil," I said to my gallant servant, now at my side, "you realize that we'll probably blow ourselves skyhigh?" "As master wishes!" Conseil replied.

All right, I admit it: I did wish to run this risk!

The valves were charged. More coal was swallowed by the furnaces. Ventilators shot torrents of air over the braziers. The Abraham Lincoln's speed increased. Its masts trembled down to their blocks, and swirls of smoke could barely squeeze through the narrow funnels.

We heaved the log a second time.

"Well, helmsman?" Commander Farragut asked.

"19.3 miles per hour, sir." "Keep stoking the furnaces." The engineer did so. The pressure gauge marked ten atmospheres. But no doubt the cetacean itself had "warmed up," because without the least trouble, it also did 19.3. What a chase! No, I can't describe the excitement that shook my very being. Ned Land stayed at his post, harpoon in hand. Several times the animal let us approach.

"We're overhauling it!" the Canadian would shout.

Then, just as he was about to strike, the cetacean would steal off with a swiftness I could estimate at no less than thirty miles per hour. And even at our maximum speed, it took the liberty of thumbing its nose at the frigate by running a full circle around us! A howl of fury burst from every throat!

By noon we were no farther along than at eight o'clock in the morning. Commander Farragut then decided to use more direct methods.

"Bah!" he said. "So that animal is faster than the Abraham Lincoln . All right, we'll see if it can outrun our conical shells! Mate, man the gun in the bow!" Our forecastle cannon was immediately loaded and leveled. The cannoneer fired a shot, but his shell passed some feet above the cetacean , which stayed half a mile off.

"Over to somebody with better aim!" the commander shouted. "And $500.00 to the man who can pierce that infernal beast!" Calm of eye, cool of feature, an old gray–bearded gunner—I can see him to this day—approached the cannon, put it in position, and took aim for a good while. There was a mighty explosion, mingled with cheers from the crew.

The shell reached its target; it hit the animal, but not in the usual fashion—it bounced off that rounded surface and vanished into the sea two miles out.

"Oh drat!" said the old gunner in his anger. "That rascal must be covered with six–inch armor plate!" "Curse the beast!" Commander Farragut shouted.

The hunt was on again, and Commander Farragut leaned over to me, saying:

"I'll chase that animal till my frigate explodes!" "Yes," I replied, "and nobody would blame you!" We could still hope that the animal would tire out and not be as insensitive to exhaustion as our steam engines. But no such luck. Hour after hour went by without it showing the least sign of weariness.

However, to the Abraham Lincoln's credit, it must be said that we struggled on with tireless persistence. I estimate that we covered a distance of at least 500 kilometers during this ill–fated day of November 6. But night fell and wrapped the surging ocean in its shadows.

By then I thought our expedition had come to an end, that we would never see this fantastic animal again. I was mistaken.

At 10:50 in the evening, that electric light reappeared three miles to windward of the frigate, just as clear and intense as the night before.

The narwhale seemed motionless. Was it asleep perhaps, weary from its workday, just riding with the waves? This was our chance, and Commander Farragut was determined to take full advantage of it.

He gave his orders. The Abraham Lincoln stayed at half steam, advancing cautiously so as not to awaken its adversary. In midocean it's not unusual to encounter whales so sound asleep they can successfully be attacked, and Ned Land had harpooned more than one in its slumber. The Canadian went to resume his post on the bobstays under the bowsprit.

The frigate approached without making a sound, stopped two cable lengths from the animal and coasted. Not a soul breathed on board. A profound silence reigned over the deck. We were not 100 feet from the blazing core of light, whose glow grew stronger and dazzled the eyes.

Just then, leaning over the forecastle railing, I saw Ned Land below me, one hand grasping the martingale, the other brandishing his dreadful harpoon. Barely twenty feet separated him from the motionless animal.

All at once his arm shot forward and the harpoon was launched. I heard the weapon collide resonantly, as if it had hit some hard substance.

The electric light suddenly went out, and two enormous waterspouts crashed onto the deck of the frigate, racing like a torrent from stem to stern, toppling crewmen, breaking spare masts and yardarms from their lashings.

A hideous collision occurred, and thrown over the rail with no time to catch hold of it, I was hurled into the sea.

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Chapter 6 At Full Steam Kapitel 6 Mit Volldampf Capítulo 6 A todo vapor 第6章 フルスピードで 챕터 6 한창 때 6 skyrius Visu garsu Capítulo 6 A todo o vapor Глава 6 На полном ходу Розділ 6 На повну потужність 第6章火力全开

AT THIS SHOUT the entire crew rushed toward the harpooner—commander, officers, mates,

sailors, cabin boys, down to engineers leaving their machinery and stokers neglecting their furnaces. The order was given to stop, and the frigate merely coasted. L'ordre est donné de s'arrêter, et la frégate se contente de caboter.

By then the darkness was profound, and as good as the Canadian's eyes were, I still wondered how he could see—and what he had seen. |||||||||||канадца|||||||||||||| My heart was pounding fit to burst. |||стучало|||

But Ned Land was not mistaken, and we all spotted the object his hand was indicating.

Two cable lengths off the Abraham Lincoln's starboard quarter, the sea seemed to be lit up from underneath. A deux encablures de la hanche tribord de l'Abraham Lincoln, la mer semble s'éclairer par en dessous. This was no mere phosphorescent phenomenon, that much was unmistakable. Submerged some fathoms below the surface of the water, the monster gave off that very intense but inexplicable glow that several captains had mentioned in their reports. Погружённый||саженей|||||||||||||||||||||||| Immergé à quelques brasses sous la surface de l'eau, le monstre émet cette lueur très intense mais inexplicable que plusieurs capitaines ont mentionnée dans leurs rapports. This magnificent radiance had to come from some force with a great illuminating capacity. ||сияние||||||||||| Ce magnifique rayonnement devait provenir d'une force ayant une grande capacité d'illumination. The edge of its light swept over the sea in an immense, highly elongated oval, condensing at the center into a blazing core whose unbearable glow diminished by° outward. |||||||||||||удлинённый||сгущаясь||||||пылающий|||||уменьшался|| Le bord de sa lumière balayait la mer en un immense ovale très allongé, se condensant au centre en un noyau flamboyant dont la lueur insoutenable diminuait de° en° vers l'extérieur.

"It's only a cluster of phosphorescent particles!" exclaimed one of the officers.

"No, sir," I answered with conviction. "Not even angel–wing clams or salps have ever given off such a powerful light. ||||||сальпы|||||||| "Même les palourdes à ailes d'ange ou les salpes n'ont jamais émis une lumière aussi puissante. That glow is basically electric in nature. Besides . look, look! It's shifting! It's moving back and forth! It's darting at us!" |Бросается на нас!|| Il nous fonce dessus !" A universal shout went up from the frigate. Un cri universel s'élève de la frégate.

"Quiet!" Commander Farragut said. "Helm hard to leeward! Руль вправо!||| "Barrez sous le vent ! Reverse engines!" Sailors rushed to the helm, engineers to their machinery. Under reverse steam immediately, the Abraham Lincoln beat to port, sweeping in a semicircle. Immédiatement en marche arrière, l'Abraham Lincoln bat à bâbord en décrivant un demi-cercle.

"Right your helm! Engines forward!" Commander Farragut called.

These orders were executed, and the frigate swiftly retreated from this core of light. Ces ordres ont été exécutés et la frégate s'est rapidement retirée de ce noyau de lumière.

My mistake. It wanted to retreat, but the unearthly animal came at us with a speed double our own. Il a voulu battre en retraite, mais l'animal étrange s'est précipité sur nous à une vitesse deux fois supérieure à la nôtre.

We gasped. More stunned than afraid, we stood mute and motionless. The animal caught up with us, played with us. L'animal nous a rattrapés, il a joué avec nous. It made a full circle around the frigate—then doing fourteen knots—and wrapped us in sheets of electricity that were like luminous dust. ||||||||||||||||||||||светящийся| Il a fait un tour complet autour de la frégate - puis a fait quatorze nœuds - et nous a enveloppés dans des nappes d'électricité qui étaient comme de la poussière lumineuse. Then it retreated two or three miles, leaving a phosphorescent trail comparable to those swirls of steam that shoot behind the locomotive of an express train. ||||||||||||||завихрения пара||||||||||| então||||||||||||||||||||||||| Puis il s'est retiré sur deux ou trois miles, laissant une traînée phosphorescente comparable à ces tourbillons de vapeur qui jaillissent derrière la locomotive d'un train express. Suddenly, all the way from the dark horizon where it had gone to gather momentum, the monster abruptly dashed toward the Abraham Lincoln with frightening speed, stopped sharply twenty feet from our side plates, and died out—not by diving under the water, since its glow did not recede gradually—but all at once, as if the source of this brilliant emanation had suddenly dried up. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||угасать|||||||||||||излучение|||| Soudain, depuis l'horizon sombre où il était parti pour prendre de l'élan, le monstre s'élança brusquement vers l'Abraham Lincoln à une vitesse effrayante, s'arrêta net à vingt pieds de nos plaques latérales et s'éteignit - non pas en plongeant sous l'eau, car sa lueur ne se retirait pas progressivement - mais d'un seul coup, comme si la source de cette brillante émanation s'était brusquement tarie. Then it reappeared on the other side of the ship, either by circling around us or by gliding under our hull. Puis il est réapparu de l'autre côté du navire, soit en nous contournant, soit en glissant sous notre coque. At any instant a collision could have occurred that would have been fatal to us.

Meanwhile I was astonished at the frigate's maneuvers. It was fleeing, not fighting. ||убегало|| Il fuyait, il ne se battait pas. Built to pursue, it was being pursued, and I commented on this to Commander Farragut. ||преследовать||||преследуемый|||||||| Construite pour être poursuivie, elle était poursuivie, et j'en ai fait part au commandant Farragut. His face, ordinarily so emotionless, was stamped with indescribable astonishment. ||||||отпечаталось на|||

"Professor Aronnax," he answered me, "I don't know what kind of fearsome creature I'm up against, and I don't want my frigate running foolish risks in all this darkness. |||||||||||ужасное существо||||||||||||||||| "Professeur Aronnax, me répondit-il, je ne sais pas à quel genre de créature redoutable je suis confronté, et je ne veux pas que ma frégate prenne des risques inconsidérés dans cette obscurité. Besides, how should we attack this unknown creature, how should we defend ourselves against it? Let's wait for daylight, and then we'll play a different role." "You've no further doubts, commander, as to the nature of this animal?" "No, sir, it's apparently a gigantic narwhale, and an electric one to boot." "Non, monsieur, il s'agit apparemment d'un gigantesque narval, électrique de surcroît. "Maybe," I added, "it's no more approachable than an electric eel or an electric ray!" ||||||||||электрический угорь|||| "Peut-être, ai-je ajouté, n'est-il pas plus accessible qu'une anguille électrique ou une raie électrique ! "Right," the commander replied. "And if it has their power to electrocute, it's surely the most dreadful animal ever conceived by our Creator. |||||||ударить током||||||||||| That's why I'll keep on my guard, sir." The whole crew stayed on their feet all night long. No one even thought of sleeping. Unable to compete with the monster's speed, the Abraham Lincoln slowed down and stayed at half steam. Incapable de rivaliser avec la vitesse du monstre, l'Abraham Lincoln ralentit et reste à mi-vapeur. For its part, the narwhale mimicked the frigate, simply rode with the waves, and seemed determined not to forsake the field of battle. De son côté, le narval imite la frégate, se contente d'évoluer au gré des vagues et semble déterminé à ne pas abandonner le champ de bataille.

However, near midnight it disappeared, or to use a more appropriate expression, "it went out," like a huge glowworm. ||||||||||подходящее||||||||светлячок Cependant, vers minuit, il a disparu, ou pour utiliser une expression plus appropriée, "il s'est éteint", comme un énorme ver luisant. Had it fled from us? S'est-il enfui de chez nous ? We were duty bound to fear so rather than hope so. Il était de notre devoir de le craindre plutôt que de l'espérer. But at 12:53 in the morning, a deafening hiss became audible, resembling the sound made by a waterspout expelled with tremendous intensity. ||||||оглушительный шум||||напоминающий||||||водяной столб|||| |||||||chiado||||||||||||| Mais à 12h53, un sifflement assourdissant s'est fait entendre, ressemblant au bruit d'une trombe d'eau expulsée avec une grande intensité.

By then Commander Farragut, Ned Land, and I were on the afterdeck, peering eagerly into the profound gloom. |||||||||||кормовая палуба|||||глубокий мрак|

"Ned Land," the commander asked, "you've often heard whales bellowing?" "Often, sir, but never a whale like this, whose sighting earned me $2,000.00." "Souvent, monsieur, mais jamais une baleine comme celle-ci, dont l'observation m'a rapporté 2 000,00 dollars." "Correct, the prize is rightfully yours. ||||по праву| But tell me, isn't that the noise cetaceans make when they spurt water from their blowholes?" |||||||||||выпускают воду||||дыхательные отверстия "The very noise, sir, but this one's way louder. "Le même bruit, monsieur, mais celui-ci est bien plus fort. So there can be no mistake. There's definitely a whale lurking in our waters. ||||скрывается||| Il y a bien une baleine qui se cache dans nos eaux. With your permission, sir," the harpooner added, "tomorrow at daybreak we'll have words with it." Avec votre permission, monsieur", ajoute le harponneur, "demain à l'aube, nous lui parlerons". "If it's in a mood to listen to you, Mr. Land," I replied in a tone far from convinced. "S'il est d'humeur à vous écouter, M. Land", répondis-je d'un ton loin d'être convaincu. "Let me get within four harpoon lengths of it," the Canadian shot back, "and it had better listen!" "Laissez-moi m'approcher à moins de quatre longueurs de harpon", répond le Canadien, "et il a intérêt à écouter". "But to get near it," the commander went on, "I'd have to put a whaleboat at your disposal?" ||||||||||||||шлюпка китобоя|||в распоряжение "Mais pour l'approcher", poursuit le commandant, "il faudrait que je mette une baleinière à votre disposition...". "Certainly, sir." "That would be gambling with the lives of my men." "And with my own!" the harpooner replied simply.

Near two o'clock in the morning, the core of light reappeared, no less intense, five miles to windward of the Abraham Lincoln . Vers deux heures du matin, le noyau lumineux réapparaît, non moins intense, à cinq milles au vent de l'Abraham Lincoln . Despite the distance, despite the noise of wind and sea, we could distinctly hear the fearsome thrashings of the animal's tail, and even its panting breath. ||||||||||||||||удары хвоста||||||||| Malgré la distance, malgré le bruit du vent et de la mer, nous pouvions entendre distinctement les redoutables battements de la queue de l'animal, et même sa respiration haletante. Seemingly, the moment this enormous narwhale came up to breathe at the surface of the ocean, air was sucked into its lungs like steam into the huge cylinders of a 2,000–horsepower engine. Apparemment, au moment où cet énorme narval est venu respirer à la surface de l'océan, l'air a été aspiré dans ses poumons comme la vapeur dans les énormes cylindres d'un moteur de 2 000 chevaux.

"Hmm!" I said to myself. "A cetacean as powerful as a whole cavalry regiment—now that's a whale of a whale!" ||||||||полк кавалерии||||||| "Un cétacé aussi puissant qu'un régiment de cavalerie, c'est une vraie baleine ! We stayed on the alert until daylight, getting ready for action. Whaling gear was set up along the railings. Китобойное снаряжение|китобойное снаряжение||||||перила Des engins de pêche à la baleine ont été installés le long des rambardes. Our chief officer loaded the blunderbusses, which can launch harpoons as far as a mile, and long duck guns with exploding bullets that can mortally wound even the most powerful animals. |||||мушкеты||||гарпуны||||||||||||||||||||| Notre officier en chef a chargé les tromblons, qui peuvent lancer des harpons jusqu'à un kilomètre, et les canardières à balles explosives qui peuvent blesser mortellement les animaux les plus puissants. Ned Land was content to sharpen his harpoon, a dreadful weapon in his hands.

At six o'clock day began to break, and with the dawn's early light, the narwhale's electric glow disappeared. ||||||||||рассветного||||||| At seven o'clock the day was well along, but a very dense morning mist shrank the horizon, and our best spyglasses were unable to pierce it. ||||||||||||||сузил||||||||||пронзить| A sept heures, le jour était déjà bien avancé, mais une brume matinale très dense rétrécissait l'horizon, et nos meilleures lorgnettes ne parvenaient pas à la percer. The outcome: disappointment and anger. Résultat : déception et colère.

I hoisted myself up to the crosstrees of the mizzen sail. |поднялся|||||краспицы бизани|||| Je me suis hissé jusqu'aux traverses de la voile d'artimon. Some officers were already perched on the mastheads. |||||||мачтовые площадки

At eight o'clock the mist rolled ponderously over the waves, and its huge curls were lifting little by little. ||||||медленно и тяжело|||||||||||| A huit heures, la brume roulait lourdement sur les vagues, et ses immenses volutes se soulevaient peu à peu. The horizon grew wider and clearer all at once.

Suddenly, just as on the previous evening, Ned Land's voice was audible. "There's the thing in question, astern to port!" the harpooner shouted.

Every eye looked toward the point indicated.

There, a mile and a half from the frigate, a long blackish body emerged a meter above the waves. Quivering violently, its tail was creating a considerable eddy. Сильно дрожа||||||||водоворот Never had caudal equipment thrashed the sea with such power. ||хвостовое||||||| Nunca un equipo caudal había azotado el mar con tanta fuerza. Jamais l'équipement caudal n'avait battu la mer avec une telle puissance. An immense wake of glowing whiteness marked the animal's track, sweeping in a long curve. Un immense sillage d'une blancheur éclatante marque la trace de l'animal, qui décrit une longue courbe. Our frigate drew nearer to the cetacean . I examined it with a completely open mind. Those reports from the Shannon and the Helvetia had slightly exaggerated its dimensions, and I put its length at only 250 feet. ||||||||||преувеличили|||||||||| Les rapports du Shannon et de l'Helvetia avaient légèrement exagéré ses dimensions, et j'ai estimé sa longueur à seulement 250 pieds. Its girth was more difficult to judge, but all in all, the animal seemed to be wonderfully proportioned in all three dimensions. |обхват тела||||||||||||||||пропорционально сложен|||| Sa circonférence était plus difficile à évaluer, mais dans l'ensemble, l'animal semblait être merveilleusement proportionné dans les trois dimensions.

While I was observing this phenomenal creature, two jets of steam and water sprang from its blowholes and rose to an altitude of forty meters, which settled for me its mode of breathing. Alors que j'observais cette créature phénoménale, deux jets de vapeur et d'eau jaillirent de ses évents et s'élevèrent à une quarantaine de mètres d'altitude, ce qui me fixa sur son mode de respiration. From this I finally concluded that it belonged to the branch Vertebrata , class Mammalia , subclass Monodelphia , group Pisciforma , order Cetacea , family . |||||||||||Позвоночные||||Монодельфия||Рыбоподобные формы||Китообразные| J'en ai finalement conclu qu'il appartenait à l'embranchement Vertebrata , à la classe Mammalia , à la sous-classe Monodelphia , au groupe Pisciforma , à l'ordre Cetacea , à la famille . but here I couldn't make up my mind. mais là, je n'arrivais pas à me décider. The order Cetacea consists of three families, baleen whales, sperm whales, dolphins, and it's in this last group that narwhales are placed. |||||||усатые киты|||||||||||||| L'ordre des cétacés se compose de trois familles : les baleines à fanons, les cachalots et les dauphins, et c'est dans ce dernier groupe que se trouvent les narvals. Each of these families is divided into several genera, each genus into species, each species into varieties. So I was still missing variety, species, genus, and family, but no doubt I would complete my classifying with the aid of Heaven and Commander Farragut. Il me manquait donc encore la variété, l'espèce, le genre et la famille, mais il ne fait aucun doute que je compléterais ma classification avec l'aide du Ciel et du commandant Farragut.

The crew were waiting impatiently for orders from their leader. The latter, after carefully observing the animal, called for his engineer. The engineer raced over.

"Sir," the commander said, "are you up to pressure?" "Aye, sir," the engineer replied. "Fine. Stoke your furnaces and clap on full steam!" Allumez vos fourneaux et applaudissez à tout rompre !" Three cheers greeted this order. ||приветствовали|| The hour of battle had sounded. A few moments later, the frigate's two funnels vomited torrents of black smoke, and its deck quaked from the trembling of its boilers. |||||||трубы корабля|||||||||содрогнулась|||||| Driven forward by its powerful propeller, the Abraham Lincoln headed straight for the animal. Unconcerned, the latter let us come within half a cable length; then, not bothering to dive, it got up a little speed, retreated, and was content to keep its distance. Безразличный||||||||||||||||||||||отступило назад||||||| Insouciant, ce dernier nous a laissé approcher à une demi-longueur de câble ; puis, ne prenant pas la peine de plonger, il a pris un peu de vitesse, s'est replié et s'est contenté de garder ses distances.

This chase dragged on for about three–quarters of an hour without the frigate gaining two fathoms on the cetacean . Cette poursuite a duré environ trois quarts d'heure sans que la frégate ne gagne deux brasses sur le cétacé. At this rate, it was obvious that we would never catch up with it.

Infuriated, Commander Farragut kept twisting the thick tuft of hair that flourished below his chin. Furieux, le commandant Farragut continue de tordre l'épaisse touffe de cheveux qui s'épanouit sous son menton.

"Ned Land!" he called.

The Canadian reported at once.

"Well, Mr. Land," the commander asked, "do you still advise putting my longboats to sea?" ||||||||||||шлюпки|| "No, sir," Ned Land replied, "because that beast won't be caught against its will." "Non, monsieur", répond Ned Land, "car cette bête ne se laissera pas prendre contre son gré". "Then what should we do?" "Stoke up more steam, sir, if you can. Поддайте жару||||||| "Accélérez, monsieur, si vous le pouvez. As for me, with your permission I'll go perch on the bobstays under the bowsprit, and if we can get within a harpoon length, I'll harpoon the brute." ||||||||усесться|||стаксель-штаг|||бакштаг бушприта||||||||||||| Quant à moi, avec votre permission, j'irai me percher sur les haubans sous le beaupré, et si nous pouvons arriver à une longueur de harpon, je harponnerai cette brute." "Go to it, Ned," Commander Farragut replied. "Engineer," he called, "keep the pressure mounting!" Ned Land made his way to his post. The furnaces were urged into greater activity; our propeller did forty–three revolutions per minute, and steam shot from the valves. ||||||||||||||||||||клапаны Heaving the log, we verified that the Abraham Lincoln was going at the rate of 18.5 miles per hour.

But that damned animal also did a speed of 18.5.

For the next hour our frigate kept up this pace without gaining a fathom! |||||||||||||сажень This was humiliating for one of the fastest racers in the American navy. ||унизительно|||||||||| The crew were working up into a blind rage. Sailor after sailor heaved insults at the monster, which couldn't be bothered with answering back. |||бросали||||||||||| Commander Farragut was no longer content simply to twist his goatee; he chewed on it. ||||||||||козлиная бородка||||

The engineer was summoned once again. |||вызван||

"You're up to maximum pressure?" the commander asked him.

"Aye, sir," the engineer replied. "And your valves are charged to . ||клапаны заряжены||| ?" "To six and a half atmospheres." "Charge them to ten atmospheres." A typical American order if I ever heard one. Un ordre typiquement américain, si j'en ai jamais entendu un. It would have sounded just fine during some Mississippi paddle–wheeler race, to "outstrip the competition!" |||||||||лопастное колесо||||опередить|| Cela aurait été parfait lors d'une course de bateaux à aubes dans le Mississippi, pour "devancer la concurrence". "Conseil," I said to my gallant servant, now at my side, "you realize that we'll probably blow ourselves skyhigh?" ||||||||||||||||||в воздух "Conseil", dije a mi galante sirviente, ahora a mi lado, "¿te das cuenta de que probablemente volaremos por los aires?". "Conseil", dis-je à mon vaillant serviteur, maintenant à mes côtés, "vous vous rendez compte que nous allons probablement nous faire exploser en plein ciel ?" "As master wishes!" Conseil replied.

All right, I admit it: I did wish to run this risk!

The valves were charged. More coal was swallowed by the furnaces. Ventilators shot torrents of air over the braziers. |||||||жаровни The Abraham Lincoln's speed increased. Its masts trembled down to their blocks, and swirls of smoke could barely squeeze through the narrow funnels. |мачты|||||||завитки дыма|||||||||

We heaved the log a second time. |подняли|||||

"Well, helmsman?" |"Ну, рулевой?" Commander Farragut asked.

"19.3 miles per hour, sir." "Keep stoking the furnaces." |поддерживайте огонь|| The engineer did so. The pressure gauge marked ten atmospheres. But no doubt the cetacean itself had "warmed up," because without the least trouble, it also did 19.3. What a chase! No, I can't describe the excitement that shook my very being. Ned Land stayed at his post, harpoon in hand. Several times the animal let us approach.

"We're overhauling it!" |Мы ремонтируем это!| "Nous le révisons !" the Canadian would shout.

Then, just as he was about to strike, the cetacean would steal off with a swiftness I could estimate at no less than thirty miles per hour. |||||||||||||||быстрота||||||||||| Puis, au moment où il s'apprêtait à frapper, le cétacé s'éloignait avec une rapidité que je pouvais estimer à pas moins de trente miles par heure. And even at our maximum speed, it took the liberty of thumbing its nose at the frigate by running a full circle around us! |||||||||||показать нос|||||||||||| Et même à notre vitesse maximale, il s'est permis de faire un pied de nez à la frégate en faisant un tour complet autour de nous ! A howl of fury burst from every throat!

By noon we were no farther along than at eight o'clock in the morning. Commander Farragut then decided to use more direct methods.

"Bah!" he said. "So that animal is faster than the Abraham Lincoln . All right, we'll see if it can outrun our conical shells! |||||||обогнать||конические снаряды| Mate, man the gun in the bow!" Our forecastle cannon was immediately loaded and leveled. |Носовая пушка|||||| The cannoneer fired a shot, but his shell passed some feet above the cetacean , which stayed half a mile off. |артиллерист|||||||||||||||||| Le canonnier tire un coup de feu, mais son obus passe à quelques mètres au-dessus du cétacé, qui reste à un demi-mille de là.

"Over to somebody with better aim!" "A quelqu'un qui vise mieux !" the commander shouted. "And $500.00 to the man who can pierce that infernal beast!" ||||||пронзить||| Calm of eye, cool of feature, an old gray–bearded gunner—I can see him to this day—approached the cannon, put it in position, and took aim for a good while. L'œil calme, le visage froid, un vieux canonnier à la barbe grise - je le vois encore aujourd'hui - s'est approché du canon, l'a mis en position et a visé pendant un bon moment. There was a mighty explosion, mingled with cheers from the crew. |||||перемешанный с|||||

The shell reached its target; it hit the animal, but not in the usual fashion—it bounced off that rounded surface and vanished into the sea two miles out. L'obus atteint sa cible ; il touche l'animal, mais pas de la manière habituelle - il rebondit sur cette surface arrondie et disparaît dans la mer à deux milles de là.

"Oh drat!" |«Чёрт возьми!» said the old gunner in his anger. "That rascal must be covered with six–inch armor plate!" |негодяй|||||||| "Curse the beast!" Commander Farragut shouted.

The hunt was on again, and Commander Farragut leaned over to me, saying:

"I'll chase that animal till my frigate explodes!" "Je poursuivrai cet animal jusqu'à ce que ma frégate explose !" "Yes," I replied, "and nobody would blame you!" We could still hope that the animal would tire out and not be as insensitive to exhaustion as our steam engines. ||||||||устать||||||||изнурение|||| Nous pouvions encore espérer que l'animal se fatiguerait et ne serait pas aussi insensible à l'épuisement que nos machines à vapeur. But no such luck. Mais rien n'y fait. Hour after hour went by without it showing the least sign of weariness.

However, to the Abraham Lincoln's credit, it must be said that we struggled on with tireless persistence. Cependant, à la décharge d'Abraham Lincoln, il faut dire que nous avons lutté avec une persévérance inlassable. I estimate that we covered a distance of at least 500 kilometers during this ill–fated day of November 6. But night fell and wrapped the surging ocean in its shadows.

By then I thought our expedition had come to an end, that we would never see this fantastic animal again. I was mistaken.

At 10:50 in the evening, that electric light reappeared three miles to windward of the frigate, just as clear and intense as the night before. |||||||||||по ветру||||||||||||

The narwhale seemed motionless. Was it asleep perhaps, weary from its workday, just riding with the waves? ||||усталый|||рабочий день||||| This was our chance, and Commander Farragut was determined to take full advantage of it.

He gave his orders. The Abraham Lincoln stayed at half steam, advancing cautiously so as not to awaken its adversary. |||||||продвигаясь осторожно|||||||| In midocean it's not unusual to encounter whales so sound asleep they can successfully be attacked, and Ned Land had harpooned more than one in its slumber. |В открытом море||||||||||||||||||||||||| The Canadian went to resume his post on the bobstays under the bowsprit. El canadiense fue a reanudar su puesto en los tirantes bajo el bauprés.

The frigate approached without making a sound, stopped two cable lengths from the animal and coasted. Not a soul breathed on board. A profound silence reigned over the deck. |глубокая тишина||||| We were not 100 feet from the blazing core of light, whose glow grew stronger and dazzled the eyes. |||||||||||||||ослепил глаза|| Nous n'étions pas à 100 pieds du noyau lumineux, dont la lueur s'intensifiait et éblouissait les yeux.

Just then, leaning over the forecastle railing, I saw Ned Land below me, one hand grasping the martingale, the other brandishing his dreadful harpoon. |||||баковая палуба|перила баковой площадки|||||||||||марсельный галс|||||| Justo entonces, inclinado sobre la barandilla del castillo de proa, vi a Ned Land debajo de mí, con una mano agarrando la martingala y la otra blandiendo su terrible arpón. C'est alors que, penché sur la rambarde du gaillard d'avant, je vis Ned Land en dessous de moi, une main empoignant la martingale, l'autre brandissant son redoutable harpon. Barely twenty feet separated him from the motionless animal.

All at once his arm shot forward and the harpoon was launched. I heard the weapon collide resonantly, as if it had hit some hard substance. ||||столкнуться с|звонко|||||||| J'ai entendu l'arme s'entrechoquer avec résonance, comme si elle avait heurté une substance dure.

The electric light suddenly went out, and two enormous waterspouts crashed onto the deck of the frigate, racing like a torrent from stem to stern, toppling crewmen, breaking spare masts and yardarms from their lashings. |||||||||водяные столбы|||||||||||||носовая часть|||опрокидывая матросов|члены экипажа|||||рея||| La luz eléctrica se apagó repentinamente y dos enormes chorros de agua se estrellaron contra la cubierta de la fragata, corriendo como un torrente de proa a popa, derribando a los tripulantes, rompiendo los mástiles de repuesto y las vergas de sus amarras. La lumière électrique s'éteint soudain et deux énormes trombes d'eau s'abattent sur le pont de la frégate, déferlant comme un torrent de l'étrave à la poupe, renversant les hommes d'équipage, brisant les mâts de rechange et les vergues de leurs amarres.

A hideous collision occurred, and thrown over the rail with no time to catch hold of it, I was hurled into the sea. |||||||||||||||||||брошен||| |||||||||||||||||||arremessado||| Une collision hideuse se produisit, et jeté par-dessus le bastingage sans avoir le temps de m'y accrocher, je fus précipité dans la mer.