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Society and people, Wild Night Out

Wild Night Out

Kara: So, now that we've had my birthday and my party, what you would you like to do for yours? Lupe: Well, it's still a couple months away and I really did enjoy my birthday last year and the year before that, but my twenty-first birthday was by far the best when you organized my surprise party, cause I myself hadn't had a birthday party in probably ten years before that, so having another party would be absolutely awesome, but I know that it's a little bit harder now to get everyone together, so I think I'd like to keep the tradition going and meet up at El Torito and have a few drinks, a few appetizers. Some cheese cake and then go out for some drinks and maybe a little bit of dancing. Kara: Well, on your twenty-first birthday we also went Disneyland in Anaheim. We can also do that again. I know that's one of your favorite places. Lupe: Actually, it is. Disneyland is my favorite place to go, and my birthday does land on a Wednesday this year, so maybe the weekend before that, which happens to be a three day weekend because of Memorial Day , so that's a possibility. We could definitely go down to Southern California and have some fun down there. Kara: And then, on your actual birthday, we could do the restaurant, drinks, appetizers. Lupe: We can. We could make it a week-long birthday. You know I always like that. Kara: Yeah. And your birthday is in the middle of the week. That's the best , cause then you get to celebrate in the middle of the week and the weekend before and hopefully the weekend after. Lupe: Or if you want, we could even make it a birthday month like we have done before, so you know, we have our friend Alicia who does that. Maybe we can just follow her tradition. Make it a birthday month. Kara: If that is the case, then we would have birthday year cause cause we seem to do things every weekend throughout the whole year. Lupe: That's true, but I was just saying to maybe focus more on the birthday girl. I really wouldn't mind it, especially for the whole month. Get a little extra attention, because, you know, I do like that. Kara: Liar. Lupe: No, I'm serious. I think it's a great idea. And you can get me a little tiara, so what I can do the birthday princess. Make sure everybody knows that it's my birthday when we go out. Kara: Sounds like a plan.

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Wild Night Out Çılgın Gece Dışarıda|| Wilde Nacht Noche salvaje Noite selvagem Çılgın Gece Gezmesi

Kara: So, now that we’ve had my birthday and my party, what you would you like to do for yours? ||さて||||||||||||||||| Kara: Peki, benim doğum günümü ve partimi yaptığımıza göre, sen kendi doğum günün için ne yapmak istersin? Lupe: Well, it’s still a couple months away and I really did enjoy my birthday last year and the year before that, but my twenty-first birthday was by far the best when you organized my surprise party, cause I myself hadn’t had a birthday party in probably ten years before that, so having another party would be absolutely awesome, but I know that it’s a little bit harder now to get everyone together, so I think I’d like to keep the tradition going and meet up at El Torito and have a few drinks, a few appetizers. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||El Torito|||||||| ||それは||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||思う||||||||||||||||||||| Lupe: Nun, es ist noch ein paar Monate hin, und ich habe meinen Geburtstag im letzten Jahr und im Jahr davor wirklich genossen, aber mein einundzwanzigster Geburtstag war bei weitem der beste, als du meine Überraschungsparty organisiert hast, denn ich selbst hatte davor wahrscheinlich zehn Jahre lang keine Geburtstagsparty mehr, also wäre eine weitere Party absolut großartig, aber ich weiß, dass es jetzt etwas schwieriger ist, alle zusammen zu bekommen, also denke ich, dass ich die Tradition gerne beibehalten würde, und wir uns im El Torito treffen und ein paar Drinks und Häppchen zu uns nehmen. Lupe: Daha birkaç ay var ve geçen yıl ve ondan önceki yıl doğum günümden gerçekten keyif aldım, ancak yirmi birinci doğum günüm, sürpriz partimi düzenlediğinizde açık ara en iyisiydi, çünkü bundan önce muhtemelen on yıldır doğum günü partisi yapmamıştım, bu yüzden başka bir parti yapmak kesinlikle harika olurdu, ancak şimdi herkesi bir araya getirmenin biraz daha zor olduğunu biliyorum, bu yüzden sanırım geleneği sürdürmek ve El Torito'da buluşmak ve birkaç içki, birkaç meze içmek istiyorum. Some cheese cake and then go out for some drinks and maybe a little bit of dancing. Kara: Well, on your twenty-first birthday we also went Disneyland in Anaheim. ||||yirmi birinci||||||Disneyland'a gittik||Anaheim'de Disneyland Kara: Yirmi birinci doğum gününde Anaheim'daki Disneyland'e de gittik. We can also do that again. I know that’s one of your favorite places. Lupe: Actually, it is. Disneyland is my favorite place to go, and my birthday does land on a Wednesday this year, so maybe the weekend before that, which happens to be a three day weekend because of Memorial Day , so that’s a possibility. ||||||||||||||Çarşamba günü|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||そして|||||||||今年|||||||||||||||||||||| Disneyland ist mein Lieblingsort, und mein Geburtstag fällt dieses Jahr auf einen Mittwoch, also vielleicht das Wochenende davor, das zufällig ein dreitägiges Wochenende wegen des Memorial Day ist, also ist das eine Möglichkeit. Disneyland gitmek için en sevdiğim yer ve doğum günüm bu yıl Çarşamba gününe denk geliyor, bu yüzden belki ondan önceki hafta sonu, ki bu da Anma Günü nedeniyle üç günlük bir hafta sonu olacak, yani bu bir olasılık. We could definitely go down to Southern California and have some fun down there. Kesinlikle Güney Kaliforniya'ya gidebilir ve orada biraz eğlenebiliriz. Kara: And then, on your actual birthday, we could do the restaurant, drinks, appetizers. Lupe: We can. We could make it a week-long birthday. You know I always like that. Du weißt, dass ich das immer mag. Kara: Yeah. And your birthday is in the middle of the week. That’s the best , cause then you get to celebrate in the middle of the week and the weekend before and hopefully the weekend after. Das ist das Beste, denn dann kann man in der Mitte der Woche und am Wochenende davor und hoffentlich auch am Wochenende danach feiern. Bu en iyisi, çünkü o zaman hafta ortasında, önceki hafta sonunda ve umarım sonraki hafta sonunda kutlama yaparsınız. Lupe: Or if you want, we could even make it a birthday month like we have done before, so you know, we have our friend Alicia who does that. |||||||||||||||||||||||||Alicia arkadaşımız||| Lupe: Wenn du willst, können wir auch einen Geburtstagsmonat daraus machen, so wie wir es schon mal gemacht haben, wir haben ja unsere Freundin Alicia, die das macht. Lupe: Ya da isterseniz, daha önce yaptığımız gibi doğum günü ayı bile yapabiliriz, yani biliyorsunuz, bunu yapan arkadaşımız Alicia var. Maybe we can just follow her tradition. たぶん|||||| Make it a birthday month. Kara: If that is the case, then we would have birthday year cause cause we seem to do things every weekend throughout the whole year. Kara: Wenn das der Fall ist, dann hätten wir das ganze Jahr über Geburtstag, denn wir scheinen das ganze Jahr über jedes Wochenende etwas zu unternehmen. Kara: Eğer durum buysa, o zaman doğum günü yılımız olur çünkü tüm yıl boyunca her hafta sonu bir şeyler yapıyor gibiyiz. Lupe: That’s true, but I was just saying to maybe focus more on the birthday girl. Lupe: Das stimmt, aber ich wollte nur sagen, dass wir uns vielleicht mehr auf das Geburtstagskind konzentrieren sollten. I really wouldn’t mind it, especially for the whole month. Ich hätte wirklich nichts dagegen, vor allem nicht einen ganzen Monat lang. Get a little extra attention, because, you know, I do like that. Sie bekommen ein bisschen mehr Aufmerksamkeit, denn das gefällt mir. Biraz daha fazla ilgi gör, çünkü bilirsin, bunu severim. Kara: Liar. Lupe: No, I’m serious. I think it’s a great idea. ||bence bu||| And you can get me a little tiara, so what I can do the birthday princess. |sana||||||taç|||||||| Und du kannst mir ein kleines Diadem besorgen, damit ich die Geburtstagsprinzessin machen kann. Ve bana küçük bir taç alabilirsin, böylece doğum günü prensesi olabilirim. Make sure everybody knows that it’s my birthday when we go out. Emin ol|||||||||||dışarı çıktığımızda Sorge dafür, dass jeder weiß, dass ich Geburtstag habe, wenn wir ausgehen. Kara: Sounds like a plan. |Kulağa hoş geliyor.||| Kara: Klingt nach einem Plan. Kara: Kulağa bir plan gibi geliyor.