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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about microadventures in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Learn to talk about microadventures in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Rob: Hello I'm Rob and welcome to 6 Minute English -

the show that brings you an interesting

topic and authentic listening practice...

Neil: ...and don't forget vocabulary to help you

improve your language skills. I'm Neil by the way

and today we're off on an adventure.

Rob: But not a very big adventure Neil -

it's just a mini or microadventure -

but if you have wanderlust - a strong desire to travel -

I think it may appeal.

Neil: It will appeal to you Rob

because you love to travel - haven't you circumnavigated

the globe - I mean go all the way round the world?

Rob: Almost Neil - but today's mini-adventure

doesn't involve travelling too far from home.

We'll explore the topic more in a moment

but not before we've set today's quiz question.

So Neil, do you know how far it is around the world

measured at the equator - in other worlds

the circumference? It is approximately...

a) 30,000 km, b) 40,000 km, or c) 50,000 km

Neil: Well, I haven't walked it but I know

it's a long way - so I'll go for c) 50,000 km.

Rob: Right, I shall keep you in suspense and tell you

the answer at the end of the programme.

Now, our topic for discussion today won't be travelling

so far - it's about a new trend for small adventures.

Neil: What you mean are shorter breaks, closer to home.

They're less expensive of course

but also instil a sense of adventure -

that's the feeling of doing a new, exciting and

sometimes dangerous activity.

Rob: Well, adventurer, Alastair Humphreys

has coined the phrase 'microadventures'

to describe this. 'To coin' here means to use a word

or phrase that no one has used before.

Neil: Now he's someone who goes on big trips

and expeditions to the four corners of the globe

and writing books about his adventures.

But he wanted to prove

you don't have to go far to find adventure.

Rob: Let's hear from him now -

speaking on BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme

- about what he did.

How did he describe his first microadventure?

Alastair Humphreys: I'd been doing big adventures

for years and I had this hunch that

you didn't need to go to the ends of the world

to have some sort of adventure.

You didn't need to be in beautiful Patagonia to have this

spirit of adventure. So I decided to try and prove

my theory by doing the most boring, ugly adventure

I could think of. And I came up with the idea

of walking a lap of the M25 in the snow

in January. And time and again as I walked round

the M25 I just kept thinking to myself

this experience is exactly the same as the four

years I spent cycling round the world.

Smaller, of course, a bit silly but definetely felt like

an adventure. And that's when I really started to come up

with the idea of microadventures.

Neil: So a microadventure is a boring,

ugly adventure?

Rob: No Neil. It may not be glamourous

but it is an adventure. He walked around the London

orbital motorway - called the M25 - to prove his hunch

that you don't need to go far to to find adventure.

A hunch is an idea you have based on feelings

but there's no proof.

Neil: Well his hunch was right.

But walking alongside a motorway

isn't my idea of adventure.

Rob: It doesn't have to be Neil. Just getting out

on your bike and exploring somewhere in your locality

that you haven't visited before is an adventure.

And how about camping?

Neil: Ah yes, I do like to camp out -

that's a phrasal verb to mean sleep outside in a tent.

You can be so close to nature

and breathe in the fresh air.

Rob: Ah yes and you don't need to go far

for a camping adventure - and being out a night

really adds to the sense of adventure.

That's what Alastair Humphreys believes...

Alastair Humphreys: We humans are so boring

these days - we so rarely spend time out

in the darkness to see the stars

and to see how the world feels different by night.

I get a little bit nervous still - I still imagine ghosts -

but that's part of the charm of making a little frisson

of adventure. And then in the morning the sun

comes up, the birds sing, jump in a river,

back on the bus, back to your desk for 9.00.

Rob: Seeing how the world feels at night is a nice idea.

Getting a bit nervous - anxious

maybe - is part of the pleasure or enjoyment -

what Alastair calls 'charm'.

Neil: I agree - and he used another word 'frisson'

meaning a sudden, strong feeling of excitement, or fear.

Rob: My biggest fear would be returning to my desk

for 9.00! But Alastair is right,

there is an adventure to be had on your doorstep -

that means close to where you live.

Neil: But only a small adventure Rob!

Unlike an adventure round

the circumference of the Earth.

Rob: Yes that was my question earlier:

how far it is around the world measured at

the equator - in other worlds the circumference?

It is approximately... a) 30,000 km, b) 40,000 km,

or c) 50,000 km

Neil: I said c) 50,000 km.

Rob: Sorry Neil - too far.

The Earth's circumference has been calculated to be


To travel that distance would be a major adventure.

Neil: OK, I think we should remind ourselves

of the some of the words and phrases

we've discussed today - starting with wanderlust

- a strong desire to travel.

"Rob has wanderlust, he's never at home!"

Rob: That's because I have a sense of adventure.

That's the feeling of doing a new, exciting

and sometimes dangerous activity.

"Neil has no sense of adventure because he likes his

holidays to be planned out with no surprises!"

Neil: That's a little unfair Rob -

I just like to be 'holiday happy' - that's a term

I've just coined, which means used a word

or phrase that no one has used before.

You can also say 'to coin a phrase' after using

an expression that is well known

and possibly used too much.

Rob: Next we heard hunch - that's an idea

you have based on feelings but there's no proof.

"I have a hunch Neil wants to go to the pub -

he's packing his bag!"

Neil: Your hunch is correct Rob.

But not before we recap our next word

charm - that's part of the pleasure

or enjoyment of something.

"Part of the charm of going to the seaside

is eating ice cream and walking down the pier."

Rob: And finally we heard on your doorstep

- which means close to where you live.

"There's a pub right on your doorstep,

so why don't you make the most of it!"

Neil: I intend to Rob but first let me to remind you

that you can learn English with

us at bbclearningenglish.com.

That's it for today's 6 Minute English.

We hope you enjoyed it.

Bye for now.

Rob: Bye.

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Learn to talk about microadventures in 6 minutes! - YouTube ||||微冒险||| ||||Mikroabenteuer||| ||||microadventures||| ||||microaventuras||| ||||mikroprzygody||minut| Lerne in 6 Minuten, über Mikroabenteuer zu sprechen! - YouTube ¡Aprende a hablar de microaventuras en 6 minutos! - YouTube Apprenez à parler des micro-aventures en 6 minutes ! - YouTube Naucz się mówić o mikroprzygodach w 6 minut! - YouTube Aprenda a falar sobre microaventuras em 6 minutos! - YouTube Научитесь рассказывать о микроприключениях за 6 минут! - YouTube Mikro maceralar hakkında 6 dakikada konuşmayı öğrenin! - YouTube 6 分钟学会谈论微冒险! - YouTube 6 分鐘學會談微冒險! - Youtube

Rob: Hello I'm Rob and welcome to 6 Minute English - |||||||Хвилинка|

the show that brings you an interesting

topic and authentic listening practice... 주제와 진정한 듣기 연습...

Neil: ...and don't forget vocabulary to help you |||забувай||||

improve your language skills. I'm Neil by the way

and today we're off on an adventure. |||setting out||| |||a caminho||| ||idziemy|||| 그리고 오늘 우리는 모험을 떠납니다. 今天我们要开始一次冒险。

Rob: But not a very big adventure Neil -

it's just a mini or microadventure - |||||Mikroabenteuer |||||small adventure |||||microaventura |||||міні-пригода |||||mikroprzygoda 미니 또는 마이크로 어드벤처에 불과합니다. to po prostu mini lub mikropodróż -

but if you have wanderlust - a strong desire to travel - ||||旅行癖||||| ||||strong travel desire||||| ||||тяга до подорожей||||| ||||żądza podróży||||| ||||desejo de viajar||||| 하지만 여행에 대한 강한 열망인 방랑벽이 있는 분이라면 ale jeśli masz wielką chęć podróżowania -

I think it may appeal. Ich|||| ||||be appealing Я||||сподобатися Myślę|||może|przemawiać 매력적일 것 같아요. myślę, że może Ci się spodobać. 我认为它可能具有吸引力。

Neil: It will appeal to you Rob |||сподобається||| Neil: 매력적일 겁니다. Neil: Spodoba ci się to, Rob,

because you love to travel - haven't you circumnavigated |||||||sailed around |||||||circunavegado |||||||umsegelt |||||||环游过 |||||||об'їхали навколо світу |||||||opłynąłeś dookoła 여행을 좋아하니까 - 세계 일주를 해보지 않았나요? ponieważ kochasz podróże - przecież okrążyłeś świat, 因为你喜欢旅行——你还没有环游世界吗

the globe - I mean go all the way round the world? |kula ziemska||||||||| 지구를 한 바퀴 도는 건가요? mam na myśli przejechałeś cały świat? 地球——我的意思是绕着世界走一圈?

Rob: Almost Neil - but today's mini-adventure

doesn't involve travelling too far from home. |nie wymaga||||| 는 집에서 너무 멀리 이동하지 않아도 됩니다. nie wymaga podróżowania zbyt daleko od domu. 不需要离家太远。

We'll explore the topic more in a moment nós vamos||||||| 잠시 후에 이 주제에 대해 자세히 살펴보겠습니다. Dokładniej omówimy ten temat za chwilę

but not before we've set today's quiz question. 하지만 오늘의 퀴즈 문제를 풀기 전까지는 아닙니다. ale nie przed postawieniem dzisiejszego pytania quizowego. 但在此之前我们已经设置了今天的测验问题。

So Neil, do you know how far it is around the world 닐, 전 세계에서 얼마나 멀리 떨어져 있는지 아세요? Neil, czy wiesz jak daleko jest dookoła świata

measured at the equator - in other worlds |||Äquator||| виміряний|||екваторі||| mierzony na równiku|||równik||| |||equador||| 赤道で測定 - 他の世界では 적도에서 측정된 - 다른 세계에서는 mierzonego na równiku - innymi słowy

the circumference? It is approximately... |The perimeter||| |circunferência||| |Umfang||| |周长||| |окружність||| |obseg||| |obwód? To około...||| 둘레는? 대략... obwód? To jest około...

a) 30,000 km, b) 40,000 km, or c) 50,000 km

Neil: Well, I haven't walked it but I know

it's a long way - so I'll go for c) 50,000 km. |||||eu vou||||

Rob: Right, I shall keep you in suspense and tell you ||Ich|||||||| |||||||suspense||| |||||||suspense||| ||Ja|||||napięcie||| |||||||напруження||| ロブ:そうだね。 롭: 네, 긴장감을 유지하면서 말씀드리겠습니다. Rob: W porządku, będę trzymać cię w niepewności i powiem ci

the answer at the end of the programme. odpowiedź pod koniec programu.

Now, our topic for discussion today won't be travelling 오늘 논의할 주제는 여행이 아닙니다. Dzisiaj naszym tematem dyskusji nie będzie podróżowanie

so far - it's about a new trend for small adventures. 지금까지는 작은 모험을 위한 새로운 트렌드에 대해 이야기했습니다.

Neil: What you mean are shorter breaks, closer to home. |||||kürzere Pausen|||| Neil: Chodzi ci o||||||przerwy||| Neil: 휴식 시간이 짧아지고 집과 가까워진다는 뜻이군요.

They're less expensive of course 当然它们更便宜

but also instil a sense of adventure - ||foster||feeling||exploration ||instilar|||| ||einflößen|||| ||灌输|||| ||прищеплювати|||| ||zaszczepić|||| 모험심을 심어줄 수 있습니다. ale również zaszczepiają poczucie przygody - 同时也灌输了一种冒险精神——

that's the feeling of doing a new, exciting and to uczucie wykonywania nowej, ekscytującej i

sometimes dangerous activity. czasami niebezpiecznej aktywności.

Rob: Well, adventurer, Alastair Humphreys |||Alastair Humphre|Alastair Humphre |||Аластейр Гамфріс|Гамфріс ||poszukiwacz przygód||

has coined the phrase 'microadventures' |criou||| |запровадив|||мікропригоди |ukłuł||| 는 '마이크로 어드벤처'라는 표현을 만들어냈습니다.

to describe this. 'To coin' here means to use a word ||||ukłuć termin||||||

or phrase that no one has used before.

Neil: Now he's someone who goes on big trips Neil: 이제 그는 큰 여행을 떠나는 사람이 되었습니다. 尼尔:现在他是一个经常去远足的人

and expeditions to the four corners of the globe |global journeys||||||| |||||cantos||| |Expeditionen||||||| |探险活动||||||| |експедиції||||||| |ekspedycje||||kąty||| そして地球四周への遠征 세계 곳곳으로 탐험을 떠납니다.

and writing books about his adventures. |||||experiences 자신의 모험을 담은 책을 쓰고 있습니다.

But he wanted to prove ||||demonstrate Ale chciał udowodnić

you don't have to go far to find adventure. |||||longe|||

Rob: Let's hear from him now - Rob: 이제 그의 이야기를 들어보겠습니다.

speaking on BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme BBC 라디오 4의 유 앤 유어스 프로그램에서 연설하기

- about what he did.

How did he describe his first microadventure? 그는 자신의 첫 마이크로 어드벤처를 어떻게 설명했나요?

Alastair Humphreys: I'd been doing big adventures ||eu tinha|||| 알라스테어 험프리스: 저는 큰 모험을 해왔어요.

for years and I had this hunch that ||||||gut feeling| ||||||pressentimento| |||Ich|||Vorahnung| ||||||预感| ||||||передчуття| |||od lat miałem|||przeczucie| 몇 년 동안 일하면서 多年来我一直有这种预感

you didn't need to go to the ends of the world 세상 끝까지 갈 필요가 없었습니다. 你不需要去到世界的尽头

to have some sort of adventure. 去经历某种冒险。

You didn't need to be in beautiful Patagonia to have this |||||||Patagonia||| |||||||Патагонія||| 아름다운 파타고니아에 있지 않으셔도 됩니다. 你不需要去美丽的巴塔哥尼亚就能看到这种景象

spirit of adventure. So I decided to try and prove spirit||||||||| |||||||||udowodnić

my theory by doing the most boring, ugly adventure 我的理论是做最无聊、最丑陋的冒险

I could think of. And I came up with the idea ||||||прийшов|||| ||||||wpadłem na pomysł|wymyśliłem||| Potrei pensare. E mi è venuta l'idea 생각할 수 있었습니다. 그래서 다음과 같은 아이디어를 떠올렸습니다.

of walking a lap of the M25 in the snow |||circuit|||||| |||коло|||||| |||okrążenie|||||| |||volta|||||| projít ve sněhu okruh kolem dálnice M25. di fare un giro del M25 nella neve 눈 속에서 M25 한 바퀴를 걷는다는 것은

in January. And time and again as I walked round a gennaio. E ogni volta che camminavo in giro 1월에요. 그리고 몇 번이고 돌아다니면서

the M25 I just kept thinking to myself M25에 대해 계속 생각했죠 M25 po prostu myślałem sobie

this experience is exactly the same as the four 이 경험은 네 가지와 완전히 동일합니다.

years I spent cycling round the world. lata|||||| 자전거로 세계 일주를 하며 보낸 시간입니다. 我花了数年时间骑自行车环游世界。

Smaller, of course, a bit silly but definetely felt like |||||||绝对地|| |||||||definitiv|| |||||||zdecydowanie czułem się|| |||||um pouco tolo||definitivamente|| |||||||безумовно відчувалося як|| 当然,更小,有点傻,但绝对感觉像

an adventure. And that's when I really started to come up un'avventura. Ed è lì che ho iniziato davvero a pensare 모험이죠. 그리고 그때부터 저는 본격적으로

with the idea of microadventures. ||||Mikroabenteuer all'idea di microavventure.

Neil: So a microadventure is a boring, Neil: Quindi una microavventura è qualcosa di noioso,

ugly adventure? brzydka przygoda|

Rob: No Neil. It may not be glamourous |||||||not attractive |||||||glamoroso |||Es|||| |||||||不光彩的 |||||||гламурно |||||||Rob: Nie Neil. To może nie być glamour.

but it is an adventure. He walked around the London

orbital motorway - called the M25 - to prove his hunch ring road||||||||gut feeling obwodnica||||||||przeczucie orbital|autoestrada circular|||||||intuição орбітальна||||||||

that you don't need to go far to to find adventure. 모험을 찾기 위해 멀리 갈 필요가 없다는 것을 알게 되었습니다.

A hunch is an idea you have based on feelings |Intuition||||||||

but there's no proof. |||prova

Neil: Well his hunch was right. |||przeczucie||

But walking alongside a motorway ||ao longo de|| ||Ale idąc wzdłuż autostrady||

isn't my idea of adventure. 는 제가 생각하는 모험이 아닙니다.

Rob: It doesn't have to be Neil. Just getting out ||||||||wyjście| Rob: 꼭 닐이 아니어도 됩니다. 그냥 나가기 Rob:不一定非要是 Neil。只要出去

on your bike and exploring somewhere in your locality ||||||||na sua área ||||||||місцевість ||||||||okolicy

that you haven't visited before is an adventure.

And how about camping?

Neil: Ah yes, I do like to camp out - |||ich||||| |||||||obozować| Neil: Ah sì, mi piace davvero campeggiare -

that's a phrasal verb to mean sleep outside in a tent. ||||||||||Camp out quello è un verbo frasale per intendere dormire all'aperto in tenda. 这是一个短语动词,意思是在外面的帐篷里睡觉。

You can be so close to nature Puoi essere così vicino alla natura

and breathe in the fresh air. |respira|||| |oddychaj||||

Rob: Ah yes and you don't need to go far

for a camping adventure - and being out a night 캠핑 모험과 하룻밤의 외출을 위해

really adds to the sense of adventure. |enhances||||| 冒険気分を盛り上げてくれる。 는 모험심을 더합니다.

That's what Alastair Humphreys believes...

Alastair Humphreys: We humans are so boring |Humphreys||||| |Humphreys||||| アラステア・ハンフリーズ私たち人間はとても退屈だ 알라스테어 험프리스: 우리 인간은 너무 지루해요

these days - we so rarely spend time out ||||selten||| 如今,我们很少花时间出去

in the darkness to see the stars

and to see how the world feels different by night. i zobaczyć||||||||| 밤이 되면 세상이 어떻게 달라지는지 살펴보세요. 并观察夜晚的世界有何不同。

I get a little bit nervous still - I still imagine ghosts - ||||||||||duchy ||||||ainda||||fantasmas 아직도 약간 긴장하고 유령을 상상합니다. Czuję się trochę zestresowany nadal - wciąż wyobrażam sobie duchy -

but that's part of the charm of making a little frisson |||||appeal|||||thrill ||||||||||excitação ||||||||||Schauer ||||||||||тремтіння ||||||||||vznemirjenje |||||urok|||||dreszcz emocji 하지만 그것이 바로 작은 프리송을 만드는 매력의 일부입니다. ale to część uroku robienia małego dreszczyku emocji 但这正是制造一点刺激的魅力所在

of adventure. And then in the morning the sun przygody. A potem rano wstaje słońce

comes up, the birds sing, jump in a river, pojawia się|||||||| 가 나타나고, 새들이 노래하고, 강에 뛰어듭니다, wychodzi, ptaki śpiewają, skacz do rzeki,

back on the bus, back to your desk for 9.00. 다시 버스를 타고 9시 출근을 위해 책상으로 돌아와야 합니다. z powrotem do autobusu, z powrotem do biurka o 9.00. 回到公交车上,9 点回到你的办公桌。

Rob: Seeing how the world feels at night is a nice idea. Rob: Zobaczenie, jak świat czuje się w nocy, to miły pomysł.

Getting a bit nervous - anxious ||||Worried or uneasy 약간 긴장 - 불안해짐 Trochę się denerwuję - zestresowany 有点紧张 - 焦虑

maybe - is part of the pleasure or enjoyment - może - jest częścią przyjemności lub radości -

what Alastair calls 'charm'. to, co Alastair nazywa 'czarem'.

Neil: I agree - and he used another word 'frisson' ||||||||Thrill or shiver ||||||||dreszcz emocji Neil: Zgadzam się - i użył innego słowa 'frisson'.

meaning a sudden, strong feeling of excitement, or fear. ||||||Ekscytacja||

Rob: My biggest fear would be returning to my desk |||strach|||||| Роб: Больше всего я боюсь вернуться за свой рабочий стол. Rob:我最大的恐惧就是回到我的办公桌前

for 9.00! But Alastair is right,

there is an adventure to be had on your doorstep - |||||||||right outside |||||||||порозі |||||||||progu drzwi |||||||||à sua porta 一场冒险就在你家门口——

that means close to where you live.

Neil: But only a small adventure Rob!

Unlike an adventure round 与冒险回合不同

the circumference of the Earth. |Earth's perimeter||| |obwód Ziemi||| |obseg|||

Rob: Yes that was my question earlier:

how far it is around the world measured at |||||||medida de|

the equator - in other worlds the circumference? ||||||obwód równika 赤道は、他の世界では円周か?

It is approximately... a) 30,000 km, b) 40,000 km,

or c) 50,000 km

Neil: I said c) 50,000 km.

Rob: Sorry Neil - too far.

The Earth's circumference has been calculated to be |||||obliczono||


To travel that distance would be a major adventure. |||that distance||||| |||||||wielka|

Neil: OK, I think we should remind ourselves ||ich||||| 尼尔:好的,我想我们应该提醒自己

of the some of the words and phrases

we've discussed today - starting with wanderlust |||||Desire to travel |||||desejo de viajar

- a strong desire to travel.

"Rob has wanderlust, he's never at home!"

Rob: That's because I have a sense of adventure.

That's the feeling of doing a new, exciting

and sometimes dangerous activity.

"Neil has no sense of adventure because he likes his Neil||||||||| 「ニールには冒険心がない。

holidays to be planned out with no surprises!" |||||||Überraschungen |||||||niespodzianek

Neil: That's a little unfair Rob - ||||injusto| ||||Ніл: Це трохи несправедливо, Роб.| ||||trochę niesprawiedliwe|

I just like to be 'holiday happy' - that's a term ich|||||Urlaubsfreude||||

I've just coined, which means used a word ||created||||| ||ukłułem termin|||||

or phrase that no one has used before.

You can also say 'to coin a phrase' after using

an expression that is well known

and possibly used too much.

Rob: Next we heard hunch - that's an idea ||||guess||| ||||przeczucie|||

you have based on feelings but there's no proof.

"I have a hunch Neil wants to go to the pub - |habe||||||||| |||передчуття||||||| "Mam przeczucie, że Neil chce iść do pubu.

he's packing his bag!" |fazendo a mala|| pakuje swoją torbę!" 他正在收拾行李!”

Neil: Your hunch is correct Rob. Neil: Twoje przeczucie jest słuszne, Rob.

But not before we recap our next word Ale nie przed podsumowaniem naszego następnego słowa 但在我们重述下一个词之前

charm - that's part of the pleasure appeal||||| Urok||||| urok - to część przyjemności

or enjoyment of something. lub radość z czegoś.

"Part of the charm of going to the seaside ||||||||Strand section||||||||beach area ||||||||à beira-mar ||||||||nad morze "Częścią uroku wyjazdu nad morze jest

is eating ice cream and walking down the pier." ||||||||dock or walkway ||||||||molo ||||||pelo cais|| ||||||||pomol

Rob: And finally we heard on your doorstep |||||||vor der Tür

- which means close to where you live. - czyli blisko miejsca zamieszkania. - 这意味着靠近您的居住地。

"There's a pub right on your doorstep, |||directly|very close to|| Є|||||| 「目の前にパブがある、 "Pub znajduje się tuż za progiem,

so why don't you make the most of it!" |dlaczego więc||||||| więc dlaczego nie wykorzystać tego w pełni!". 所以你为什么不充分利用它呢!”

Neil: I intend to Rob but first let me to remind you |ich|||||||||| Neil||plan||||||||| ||zamierzam||||||||| ニール:ロブに行くつもりだが、その前に君に言っておきたいことがある。 Neil: Zamierzam Rob, ale najpierw pozwól, że ci przypomnę

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That's it for today's 6 Minute English. That is|||||

We hope you enjoyed it.

Bye for now. Бувай поки.||

Rob: Bye.