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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'fat chance' mean? - YouTube

What does 'fat chance' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome back to

The English We Speak. I'm Feifei.

Rob: And I'm Rob. Have I told you

about the competition

that I've entered, Feifei?

Feifei: No, Rob. What is it?

Rob: It's a singing competition!

You have to perform a popular song

from your favourite band -

and I'm going to win!

Feifei: You? Are going to win?

No offence, Rob, but I've heard your

singing voice, and, well, I'm not sure...

Rob: What are you trying to say, Feifei?

Feifei: All I'm saying is that

there is a fat chance

of you winning the competition!

Rob: Right! So first you make fun

of my singing and now

you're calling me fat! How cheeky!

Feifei: No Rob, no. I'm not calling you

fat - I'm saying that the likelihood of

you winning the competition is very small.

Rob: Oh right, yes. 'Fat chance' is an English

phrase to say something is not very

likely - I remember now.

Feifei: Right, well while you calm down,

let's hear some other

examples of this phrase.

A: I bought a lottery ticket for tonight's

draw - and these are my lucky numbers!

I'm definitely going to win!

B: Fat chance!

A: I hope it's warm this weekend -

I want to go fishing.

B: Well, fat chance of that.

It's the middle of November!

I auditioned for a role in a movie, but there

is fat chance of me getting the role - I saw

loads of famous actors auditioning too.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English and we're

talking about the phrase 'fat chance'.

This is a noun phrase that means

a small chance, or possibility,

of something happening.

It can be used in a full sentence,

and also as a standalone phrase.

For example, when Rob said

he was going to win the competition,

I could have just said 'fat chance'!

Rob: Hey! I think I've got

a really good chance!

I've been practising hard and

I've even taken a few lessons!

Feifei: OK, Rob. Well... good luck?

I suppose...

Rob: Well, Feifei, when I win

the £5000 prize money,

there's fat chance of you getting any of it.

Feifei: Wait, £5000? Rob, hold on!

I didn't mean it!

Thanks for joining us - I've got to go and

apologise to Rob. Hopefully he'll

share his winnings! Bye!

What does 'fat chance' mean? - YouTube Co znamená "fat chance"? - YouTube Was bedeutet "fette Chance"? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "oportunidad gorda"? - YouTube Que signifie le terme "fat chance" ? - YouTube Cosa significa "possibilità di grasso"? - YouTube ファット・チャンス」とは?- ユーチューブ O que significa "fat chance"? - YouTube Что означает "жирный шанс"? - YouTube 'Büyük şans' ne anlama geliyor? - YouTube Що означає "великі шанси"? - YouTube “机会多”是什么意思? - YouTube 「機會多」是什麼意思? - Youtube

Feifei: Hello and welcome back to

The English We Speak. I'm Feifei.

Rob: And I'm Rob. Have I told you

about the competition

that I've entered, Feifei?

Feifei: No, Rob. What is it?

Rob: It's a singing competition!

You have to perform a popular song

from your favourite band -

and I'm going to win!

Feifei: You? Are going to win?

No offence, Rob, but I've heard your

singing voice, and, well, I'm not sure...

Rob: What are you trying to say, Feifei?

Feifei: All I'm saying is that

there is a fat chance

of you winning the competition!

Rob: Right! So first you make fun

of my singing and now

you're calling me fat! How cheeky!

Feifei: No Rob, no. I'm not calling you

fat - I'm saying that the likelihood of

you winning the competition is very small.

Rob: Oh right, yes. 'Fat chance' is an English

phrase to say something is not very

likely - I remember now.

Feifei: Right, well while you calm down,

let's hear some other

examples of this phrase.

A: I bought a lottery ticket for tonight's A: 今夜の宝くじを買いました。

draw - and these are my lucky numbers! そしてこれが私のラッキーナンバーだ!

I'm definitely going to win!

B: Fat chance!

A: I hope it's warm this weekend -

I want to go fishing.

B: Well, fat chance of that.

It's the middle of November!

I auditioned for a role in a movie, but there

is fat chance of me getting the role - I saw

loads of famous actors auditioning too.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English and we're

talking about the phrase 'fat chance'.

This is a noun phrase that means

a small chance, or possibility,

of something happening.

It can be used in a full sentence,

and also as a standalone phrase.

For example, when Rob said

he was going to win the competition,

I could have just said 'fat chance'!

Rob: Hey! I think I've got

a really good chance!

I've been practising hard and

I've even taken a few lessons!

Feifei: OK, Rob. Well... good luck?

I suppose...

Rob: Well, Feifei, when I win

the £5000 prize money,

there's fat chance of you getting any of it.

Feifei: Wait, £5000? Rob, hold on!

I didn't mean it!

Thanks for joining us - I've got to go and

apologise to Rob. Hopefully he'll

share his winnings! Bye! 賞金を分け合う!さようなら!