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The Infographics Show, Surviving 72 Hours in the Forest Alone (CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT) (2)

Surviving 72 Hours in the Forest Alone (CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT) (2)

who didn't pack on as many pounds and were desperately trying to add weight.

These bears are far more dangerous than they normally would be- and this fact would come

into play very soon.

I decided I'd use the knife to make a spear, and hunted around for a long, decently thick

branch I could use.

It took a bit of time but I managed to find a nice hardwood branch with good length on

it, but instead of sharpening the tip into a point, I decided that the branch was stiff

enough to simply split the top of it in a cross-shape.

In an emergency, I could jam the open knife into the tip deep enough to stay firmly secure

and I would have myself a pretty efficient and deadly spear- far deadlier than a sharpened


It would probably only last a few jabs into a big animal, but that should be more than

enough to drive it back.

Next I set about working on a way to contain and transport water.

Notice again that I'm more worried about water than food, I really can't stress enough how

important water is.

This being a pacific northwest rain forest, I knew I couldn't rely on the poncho forever

as I would eventually need it to stay dry myself.

I tried finding discarded tree bark hoping I could fashion a few pieces of bark into

a rough bowl shape, but I actually got even luckier than that- I found a white plastic


Normally I hate people who litter, but in this case it ended up being exactly what I


Though you still shouldn't litter.

Water is good, but water safety is also very important, so next I worked on a way to help

make the water from the creek safe to drink.

I found tree bark which I could rip off, and I managed to get a large, curved piece which

I could bend just slightly into a very shallow bowl shape.

It wouldn't hold much water, and I'd be reduced to basically taking sips at a time, but it

was the best I could do.

I'd need fire to make the water safe though, and this proved far more difficult than anything


It actually took me until just a few hours before nightfall to get a fire going.

Starting a fire with no tools has always been one of my weak areas, and it didn't help that

most of the wood I could find was pretty humid thanks to how wet the pacific northwest tends

to be.

Without tools the best way to start a fire is to gather some kindling, dry pine needles

work like a charm, and a piece of large, soft wood.

You can typically find soft wood in the large branches of living trees, or just split a

very young tree in half.

The wood from dead trees is hard, and no good for this- but it is good for the second thing

you need, a stick of very hard wood.

Basically, you create a channel down the middle of the soft wood and put your kindling at

the bottom of it.

Then with your hard wood stick, you rub it up and down the channel over and over again.


For hours.

Until you finally cause enough friction to actually light the kindling.

Now I've seen people do this in just fifteen minutes, but it took me hours to get it going.

Like I said, not my strong suit in the survival game.

Eventually though I had a small fire just outside my lean-to, and I gathered up some

large flat rocks so that I could eventually cook on them.

For now though I had spent my entire day setting up shelter, building tools, and finding water,

so there wouldn't be much food to eat.

Instead I heated up one of the large flat rocks in the middle of the fire, and then

pulled it out with sticks.

I immediately placed my make-shift bowl on the hot rock and filled it with as much water

as I could manage- which wasn't very much, tree bark makes for terrible bowls.

Boiling water was going to be out of the question without metal tools, but if you can heat water

up enough it can destroy harmful bacteria.

It is an imperfect solution, but like I said before, survival comes with risks and your

job is to simply mitigate, not negate, those risks.

With a decent little camp set up, I returned to the creek as the sun started to set, hoping

I could score some water critters for dinner.

I didn't want to be away from camp when night fell so I wouldn't accidentally get lost,

so I didn't spend much time looking.

Sadly the only thing I managed to score was some edible lichens, which wouldn't do much

to curve my hunger after not eating all day.

That's alright though, because I had water to drink and that was far more important.

Dealing with hunger is easy as long as you're hydrated.

That night I planned my strategy out for day two.

I had dried my clothing over the fire, and dried my feet off by holding them close to

the fire.

Water was nearby and plentiful, and I figured with only three days out here I could risk

getting sick by drinking without treating the water, because trying to sterilize sips

of water at a time just wasn't going to work out long-term.

I knew I was only a few miles from the coast, so I planned on following the creek to the

beach to find mussels and other edibles- the coast can be a bonanza of stuff to eat if

you don't mind the gross taste.

All in all, my situation was looking pretty good- I even managed to keep embers going

in a small pit inside my lean-to when it started to rain outside.

Then, things took a turn for the weird, and the very dangerous.

I don't know at what time of night it was, but I woke up to the sound of, I don't know.

It almost sounded like human screaming, but more high pitched.

The sounds were coming from a few miles away, and I have to admit- it had me really spooked.

I'm pretty familiar with the sounds of the American wilderness, and this was no screeching

owl or bellowing elk or wounded animal of any kind.

The sounds changed between short, high-pitched screams, and then long, very deep howls.

Sometimes they would come from one direction, and there would be a reply from a completely

different direction.

I've never been around wolves in the wild, so it might have been a wolf pack for all

I know, only I'm pretty sure there are no known wild wolves in the pacific northwest.

The howls and screams came pretty intermittently, maybe once or twice every ten minutes or so,

but it lasted for a long while.

I wasn't going to risk going to sleep with an unknown animal out there so close by- maybe

it was one or two weird, or wounded elk, they can actually bellow pretty loud.

I've just never heard them scream in this style before.

Either way, wounded animals are dangerous.

It was lucky that I stayed awake, because at some point- again, hard to tell time without

a watch- after the howls and screams settled down, I heard heavy breathing, grunting, and

shuffling in the woods very nearby.

I already had my knife wedged into my makeshift spear shaft, and I honestly felt my blood

go ice cold, because I was pretty sure I knew exactly what was lumbering my way.

These were sounds I recognized.

A black bear lumbered through the trees, just a few dozen feet away.

I held perfectly still hoping it wouldn't decide to investigate my makeshift camp, but

it probably spotted my lean-to and though the same thing I was thinking when I built

it: dry shelter in the rain.

Sure enough, it started slowly sniffing and plodding towards me.

I had no fire going, just some smoldering embers in a dirt pit, so trying to scare it

away with fire was out of the question.

Anybody who's served in the military is probably familiar with the OUDA cycle.

It stands for Observe, Understand, Decide, and Act, and it is typically referred to in

terms of how to psychologically defeat an opponent by interrupting their OUDA cycle.

Knock one of those steps out of the cycle and you can cause an enemy to mentally freeze


It is also however a handy mnemonic device for dangerous emergency situations, and everyone

from pilots to special forces operators typically train themselves to kickstart their own OUDA

cycle in an emergency.

The first thing I did was carefully observe the bear.

It was definitely not full-grown, and was a fair bit on the lean side of things.

This meant two things: an inexperienced juvenile that had not done a very good job of fattening

up for winter.

On one hand, it could make the bear desperate for food, and humans make good eating.

On the other hand, it was likely weak, and if it had been so outcompeted for food then

it was likely a bit of a pushover.

I also tapped into what I know about predatory animals.

They prefer to ambush prey or launch hunts on their terms- predators are notoriously

shy animals and can have very low confidence when confronted.

This is because if a hunt goes awry, they can suffer an injury, and this could impact

their ability to hunt and possibly lead to starvation.

This is why you never run away from a predatory animal, it's usually better to simply back

away confidently.

Running triggers the hunt instinct, because you confirm to the predator that you are weaker

than it and scared.

I decided to take a huge gamble, and I ran out of my lean-to straight at the bear shouting

and yelling, thrusting with my spear.

All things considered, I was basically trapped inside the lean-to, and a bear can easily

outrun you.

It was a risk, but remember what I said about wilderness survival being risky?

The bear immediately reared up on its paws, which was bad news bears- pun intended- because

it meant that it might try to fight back.

Luckily for me, yelling and stabbing at the air in front of it like a wild man did the

trick, and the bear lost its nerve and scampered back.

I've been in close calls before with wild animals, but I have definitely never faced

off a bear standing on its two hind legs.

It is not something I care to ever repeat again unless I'm packing a .45 on my hip at


The bear lumbered off, but I knew it wasn't safe to stay where I was.

Any minute the bear could change its mind, so I packed up what few things I had and immediately

took off into the pitch black, rainy woods.

Normally you never want to move at night time, as it's really easy to lose your bearings.

If you have to, use stars above you to pinpoint a single direction of travel and to stay in

a straight line.

That way in daylight you can retrace your steps and reorient yourself from more familiar


I walked for about fifteen minutes, and had to wait out the rainy night under a thick


Luckily the rain abetted after a few hours, but I didn't get a lick of sleep that whole


The next morning I made my way back to my old camp and sure enough, the bear had returned

and trashed the place.

I made the right call.

Luckily, days two and three were far less eventful.

I relocated my shelter to the other side of the creek, and it didn't rain for nights two

and three.

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Surviving 72 Hours in the Forest Alone (CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT) (2) Überleben||||||| 72 Stunden allein im Wald überleben (CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT) (2) Sobrevivir 72 horas solo en el bosque (RETO Y EXPERIMENTO) (2) Survivre 72 heures seul dans la forêt (CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT) (2) Sopravvivere 72 ore nella foresta da soli (SFIDA ED ESPERIMENTO) (2) 72時間、森でひとり生き延びる(チャレンジ&エクスペリメント) (2) Sobreviver 72 horas sozinho na floresta (DESAFIO & EXPERIMENTO) (2) Выжить 72 часа в лесу в одиночку (ЗАДАЧА И ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТ) (2) Ormanda Tek Başına 72 Saat Hayatta Kalmak (CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT) (2) 独自在森林中生存 72 小时(挑战与实验)(2)

who didn't pack on as many pounds and were desperately trying to add weight. |||||||||verzweifelt|||| que não embalaram tantos quilos e estavam desesperadamente a tentar adicionar peso.

These bears are far more dangerous than they normally would be- and this fact would come

into play very soon.

I decided I'd use the knife to make a spear, and hunted around for a long, decently thick ||||||||||||||||angemessen dick| |||||||||long pointed weapon||||||||

branch I could use.

It took a bit of time but I managed to find a nice hardwood branch with good length on |||||||||||||Hartholz|||||

it, but instead of sharpening the tip into a point, I decided that the branch was stiff ||||schärfen||||||||||||

enough to simply split the top of it in a cross-shape.

In an emergency, I could jam the open knife into the tip deep enough to stay firmly secure

and I would have myself a pretty efficient and deadly spear- far deadlier than a sharpened


It would probably only last a few jabs into a big animal, but that should be more than |||||||Stiche|||||||||| Het zou waarschijnlijk maar een paar prikken in een groot dier duren, maar dat zou meer moeten zijn dan Возможно, его хватит лишь на несколько уколов в крупного зверя, но этого должно хватить с лихвой.

enough to drive it back.

Next I set about working on a way to contain and transport water.

Notice again that I'm more worried about water than food, I really can't stress enough how

important water is.

This being a pacific northwest rain forest, I knew I couldn't rely on the poncho forever |||||||||||verlassen auf|||Regenponcho| Da es sich um den Regenwald im pazifischen Nordwesten handelt, wusste ich, dass ich mich nicht ewig auf den Poncho verlassen konnte.

as I would eventually need it to stay dry myself. denn ich würde es schließlich brauchen, um selbst trocken zu bleiben.

I tried finding discarded tree bark hoping I could fashion a few pieces of bark into |||weggeworfene|||||||||||| Ich habe versucht, weggeworfene Baumrinde zu finden, in der Hoffnung, dass ich ein paar Rindenstücke zu

a rough bowl shape, but I actually got even luckier than that- I found a white plastic eine grobe Schalenform, aber ich hatte sogar noch mehr Glück - ich fand eine weiße Plastik грубую форму чаши, но мне повезло еще больше - я нашел белый пластиковый

bag. Tasche.

Normally I hate people who litter, but in this case it ended up being exactly what I Normalerweise hasse ich Leute, die ihren Müll wegwerfen, aber in diesem Fall war es genau das, was ich wollte.


Though you still shouldn't litter. Trotzdem sollte man keine Abfälle wegwerfen.

Water is good, but water safety is also very important, so next I worked on a way to help Wasser ist gut, aber die Sicherheit im Wasser ist auch sehr wichtig, also habe ich als Nächstes an einem Weg gearbeitet, um die

make the water from the creek safe to drink. |||||Stream|||

I found tree bark which I could rip off, and I managed to get a large, curved piece which |||||||abreißen||||||||||| Ich fand Baumrinde, die ich abreißen konnte, und es gelang mir, ein großes, gebogenes Stück zu bekommen, das

I could bend just slightly into a very shallow bowl shape. ||sich biegen|||||||| Ich konnte sie nur leicht in eine sehr flache Schalenform biegen.

It wouldn't hold much water, and I'd be reduced to basically taking sips at a time, but it ||||||||||||Schlückchen nehmen||||| Sie würde nicht viel Wasser fassen, und ich wäre darauf angewiesen, immer nur einen Schluck zu trinken, aber sie

was the best I could do. war das Beste, was ich tun konnte.

I'd need fire to make the water safe though, and this proved far more difficult than anything Ich würde allerdings Feuer brauchen, um das Wasser sicher zu machen, und das erwies sich als weitaus schwieriger als alles andere.


It actually took me until just a few hours before nightfall to get a fire going. Ich brauchte tatsächlich bis ein paar Stunden vor Einbruch der Dunkelheit, um ein Feuer zu entfachen.

Starting a fire with no tools has always been one of my weak areas, and it didn't help that Feuer ohne Werkzeug zu machen, war schon immer eine meiner Schwächen, und es half nicht, dass

most of the wood I could find was pretty humid thanks to how wet the pacific northwest tends Das meiste Holz, das ich finden konnte, war ziemlich feucht, da der pazifische Nordwesten zu Feuchtigkeit neigt.

to be.

Without tools the best way to start a fire is to gather some kindling, dry pine needles |||||||||||||Anzündholz||| Ohne Werkzeug ist die beste Art, ein Feuer zu entfachen, etwas Anzündholz, trockene Tannennadeln

work like a charm, and a piece of large, soft wood. |||Magic; softwood||||||| und ein Stück großes, weiches Holz, das sehr gut funktioniert.

You can typically find soft wood in the large branches of living trees, or just split a

very young tree in half.

The wood from dead trees is hard, and no good for this- but it is good for the second thing

you need, a stick of very hard wood.

Basically, you create a channel down the middle of the soft wood and put your kindling at |||||||||||||||Anzündholz| |||||||||||||||small dry sticks|

the bottom of it.

Then with your hard wood stick, you rub it up and down the channel over and over again.


For hours.

Until you finally cause enough friction to actually light the kindling. |||||Reibung erzeugen||||| Bis Sie schließlich genug Reibung erzeugen, um das Holz anzuzünden.

Now I've seen people do this in just fifteen minutes, but it took me hours to get it going.

Like I said, not my strong suit in the survival game. Wie ich schon sagte, ist es nicht meine Stärke, zu überleben.

Eventually though I had a small fire just outside my lean-to, and I gathered up some ||||||||||Unterstand||||||

large flat rocks so that I could eventually cook on them.

For now though I had spent my entire day setting up shelter, building tools, and finding water, Пока же я потратил весь день на обустройство укрытия, создание инструментов и поиск воды,

so there wouldn't be much food to eat.

Instead I heated up one of the large flat rocks in the middle of the fire, and then

pulled it out with sticks.

I immediately placed my make-shift bowl on the hot rock and filled it with as much water

as I could manage- which wasn't very much, tree bark makes for terrible bowls.

Boiling water was going to be out of the question without metal tools, but if you can heat water

up enough it can destroy harmful bacteria.

It is an imperfect solution, but like I said before, survival comes with risks and your

job is to simply mitigate, not negate, those risks. ||||mildern||verhindern|| ||||reduce||eliminate||

With a decent little camp set up, I returned to the creek as the sun started to set, hoping ||anständig||||||||||||||||

I could score some water critters for dinner. |||||Wassertiere||

I didn't want to be away from camp when night fell so I wouldn't accidentally get lost,

so I didn't spend much time looking.

Sadly the only thing I managed to score was some edible lichens, which wouldn't do much |||||||||||Flechten|||| |||||||||||edible fungi||||

to curve my hunger after not eating all day.

That's alright though, because I had water to drink and that was far more important.

Dealing with hunger is easy as long as you're hydrated.

That night I planned my strategy out for day two.

I had dried my clothing over the fire, and dried my feet off by holding them close to

the fire.

Water was nearby and plentiful, and I figured with only three days out here I could risk ||nahebei||reichlich||||||||||||

getting sick by drinking without treating the water, because trying to sterilize sips |||||behandeln|||||||

of water at a time just wasn't going to work out long-term. воды за один раз просто не могло быть долговременным.

I knew I was only a few miles from the coast, so I planned on following the creek to the

beach to find mussels and other edibles- the coast can be a bonanza of stuff to eat if ||||||Essbares||||||Goldgrube||||| |||shellfish|||||||||abundant source|||||

you don't mind the gross taste.

All in all, my situation was looking pretty good- I even managed to keep embers going ||||||||||||||Glut| ||||||||||||||small glowing remains| В целом, ситуация выглядела неплохо - мне даже удавалось поддерживать угли

in a small pit inside my lean-to when it started to rain outside. |||Grube||||||||||

Then, things took a turn for the weird, and the very dangerous.

I don't know at what time of night it was, but I woke up to the sound of, I don't know.

It almost sounded like human screaming, but more high pitched. |||||||||höherer Tonlage

The sounds were coming from a few miles away, and I have to admit- it had me really spooked.

I'm pretty familiar with the sounds of the American wilderness, and this was no screeching ||||||||||||||kreischendes Geräusch

owl or bellowing elk or wounded animal of any kind. ||brüllend|||||||

The sounds changed between short, high-pitched screams, and then long, very deep howls. |||||||Schreie||||||

Sometimes they would come from one direction, and there would be a reply from a completely

different direction.

I've never been around wolves in the wild, so it might have been a wolf pack for all

I know, only I'm pretty sure there are no known wild wolves in the pacific northwest.

The howls and screams came pretty intermittently, maybe once or twice every ten minutes or so, ||||||"sporadisch"|||||||||

but it lasted for a long while.

I wasn't going to risk going to sleep with an unknown animal out there so close by- maybe

it was one or two weird, or wounded elk, they can actually bellow pretty loud. ||||||||||||brüllen lautstark|| het waren een of twee rare, of gewonde elanden, ze kunnen eigenlijk behoorlijk luid brullen.

I've just never heard them scream in this style before.

Either way, wounded animals are dangerous.

It was lucky that I stayed awake, because at some point- again, hard to tell time without

a watch- after the howls and screams settled down, I heard heavy breathing, grunting, and

shuffling in the woods very nearby. rascheln|||||

I already had my knife wedged into my makeshift spear shaft, and I honestly felt my blood |||||eingekeilt|||provisorisch||||||||

go ice cold, because I was pretty sure I knew exactly what was lumbering my way. |||||||||||||auf mich zukam||

These were sounds I recognized.

A black bear lumbered through the trees, just a few dozen feet away. |||trottete|||||||||

I held perfectly still hoping it wouldn't decide to investigate my makeshift camp, but |||||||||||provisorisches Lager||

it probably spotted my lean-to and though the same thing I was thinking when I built

it: dry shelter in the rain.

Sure enough, it started slowly sniffing and plodding towards me. |||||||trottend|| Конечно, он начал медленно принюхиваться и пробираться ко мне.

I had no fire going, just some smoldering embers in a dirt pit, so trying to scare it |||||||schwelende Glut|||||||||| ||||||||glowing remains|||||||||

away with fire was out of the question.

Anybody who's served in the military is probably familiar with the OUDA cycle. |||||||||||OUDA-Zyklus|

It stands for Observe, Understand, Decide, and Act, and it is typically referred to in |||Beobachten|||||||||||

terms of how to psychologically defeat an opponent by interrupting their OUDA cycle.

Knock one of those steps out of the cycle and you can cause an enemy to mentally freeze


It is also however a handy mnemonic device for dangerous emergency situations, and everyone

from pilots to special forces operators typically train themselves to kickstart their own OUDA ||||||||||einen Startimpuls geben|||

cycle in an emergency.

The first thing I did was carefully observe the bear.

It was definitely not full-grown, and was a fair bit on the lean side of things. Он определенно не был взрослым и был довольно худым.

This meant two things: an inexperienced juvenile that had not done a very good job of fattening ||||||unreifer Jugendlicher|||||||||| ||||||young individual||||||||||

up for winter.

On one hand, it could make the bear desperate for food, and humans make good eating. ||||||||verzweifelt|||||||

On the other hand, it was likely weak, and if it had been so outcompeted for food then ||||||||||||||auskonkurriert|||

it was likely a bit of a pushover. |||||||Es war wahrscheinlich ein Kinderspiel.

I also tapped into what I know about predatory animals. ||||||||räuberische| ||||||||hunting or aggressive|

They prefer to ambush prey or launch hunts on their terms- predators are notoriously |||Hinterhalt legen||||||||||bekanntlich |||lie in wait||||||||||

shy animals and can have very low confidence when confronted. Пугливые животные и могут быть очень неуверенными в себе, когда сталкиваются с людьми.

This is because if a hunt goes awry, they can suffer an injury, and this could impact |||||||schief|||||||||

their ability to hunt and possibly lead to starvation.

This is why you never run away from a predatory animal, it's usually better to simply back

away confidently.

Running triggers the hunt instinct, because you confirm to the predator that you are weaker

than it and scared.

I decided to take a huge gamble, and I ran out of my lean-to straight at the bear shouting ||||||ein großes Risiko eingehen|||||||||||||

and yelling, thrusting with my spear. ||stoßend|||

All things considered, I was basically trapped inside the lean-to, and a bear can easily

outrun you. обогнать вас.

It was a risk, but remember what I said about wilderness survival being risky?

The bear immediately reared up on its paws, which was bad news bears- pun intended- because |||aufbäumte sich||||||||||Wortspiel beabsichtigt||

it meant that it might try to fight back.

Luckily for me, yelling and stabbing at the air in front of it like a wild man did the К счастью для меня, крики и удары по воздуху перед ним, как дикарь, сделали свое дело.

trick, and the bear lost its nerve and scampered back. ||||||||davonlief|

I've been in close calls before with wild animals, but I have definitely never faced

off a bear standing on its two hind legs. |||||||Hinterbeine|

It is not something I care to ever repeat again unless I'm packing a .45 on my hip at


The bear lumbered off, but I knew it wasn't safe to stay where I was. ||tappte davon||||||||||||

Any minute the bear could change its mind, so I packed up what few things I had and immediately

took off into the pitch black, rainy woods.

Normally you never want to move at night time, as it's really easy to lose your bearings. ||||||||||||||||Orientierungssinn ||||||||||||||||sense of direction

If you have to, use stars above you to pinpoint a single direction of travel and to stay in |||||||||genau bestimmen|||||||||

a straight line.

That way in daylight you can retrace your steps and reorient yourself from more familiar ||||||||||sich neu orientieren||||


I walked for about fifteen minutes, and had to wait out the rainy night under a thick


Luckily the rain abetted after a few hours, but I didn't get a lick of sleep that whole |||nachlassen|||||||||||||| |||subsided||||||||||||||


The next morning I made my way back to my old camp and sure enough, the bear had returned На следующее утро я вернулся в свой старый лагерь, и, конечно же, медведь вернулся.

and trashed the place. |verwüstet|| en vernielde de plaats.

I made the right call. Я сделал правильный выбор.

Luckily, days two and three were far less eventful. ||||||||ereignisreich

I relocated my shelter to the other side of the creek, and it didn't rain for nights two |Ich verlegte||||||||||||||||

and three.