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Go For It (Basic), Lesson 18 - It depends

Lesson 18 - It depends

Wife: Honey, can you give me a hand here?

Husband: Sure, what's going on? Wife: Can you open that window for me? It's just too stuffy in here. Husband: Sure, there you go. It was jammed.

Wife: Thanks! Since you're here, can I ask you another favor? Husband: Absolutely! What is it?

Wife: Can you cook dinner tonight? I'm not in the mood for cooking. Husband: Well, that depends. Can you do the dishes?

Wife: You know what, let's just order pizza.

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Lesson 18 - It depends Lección 18 - Depende Lição 18 - Depende

Wife: Honey, can you give me a hand here? |亲爱的|||||||

Husband: Sure, what's going on? 夫:確かに、何が起こっているのですか? Wife: Can you open that window for me? 妻:その窓を開けてくれませんか? It's just too stuffy in here. |||闷热|| |||Too airless|| ここは蒸しすぎです。 Husband: Sure, there you go. 夫:もちろんです。 It was jammed. ||卡住了 ||Stuck or blocked.

Wife: Thanks! Since you're here, can I ask you another favor? あなたがここにいるので、私はあなたに別のお願いをすることができますか? Husband: Absolutely! 夫:もちろんです! What is it? それは何ですか?

Wife: Can you cook dinner tonight? I'm not in the mood for cooking. ||||心情|| 私は料理をする気がありません。 Husband: Well, that depends. 夫:まあ、それは状況次第です。 Can you do the dishes? お料理はできますか?

Wife: You know what, let's just order pizza. 妻:あなたは何を知っていますか、ピザを注文しましょう。