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Go For It (Basic), Lesson 46 - The Golden Rule

Lesson 46 - The Golden Rule

Have you noticed how much trash there's on TV?

I mean, there's a truckload of senseless and unimportant stuff being thrown at you 24/7!

The impression I get is that they'll show you anything, I mean anything at all, to keep your eyes on the screen no matter what.

It's probably always been like that but now that we have the internet we actually have a choice.

In a way, the web has set us free from the television nonsense althought there's also a bunch of useless stuff in it.

So my golden rule is: I'm the one who chooses what to watch.

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Lesson 46 - The Golden Rule Lekcja 46 - Złota zasada

Have you noticed how much trash there's on TV? テレビにゴミがたくさんあることに気づきましたか?

I mean, there's a truckload of senseless and unimportant stuff being thrown at you 24/7! ||||一车的||无意义的||不重要||||| つまり、無意味で重要でないものが24時間年中無休で大量に投げられています! Quero dizer, há um caminhão de coisas sem sentido e sem importância sendo jogadas em você 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana!

The impression I get is that they'll show you anything, I mean anything at all, to keep your eyes on the screen no matter what. 私が得た印象は、何があっても画面を見続けるために、何でも、つまり何でも表示するということです。 A impressão que tenho é que eles vão mostrar a você qualquer coisa, quero dizer, qualquer coisa, para manter seus olhos na tela de qualquer maneira.

It's probably always been like that but now that we have the internet we actually have a choice. おそらくいつもそうだったでしょうが、インターネットができたので、実際に選択肢があります。

In a way, the web has set us free from the television nonsense althought there's also a bunch of useless stuff in it. |||||||||||||尽管||||||无用的||| ある意味で、ウェブは私たちをテレビのナンセンスから解放しましたが、それには役に立たないものもたくさんあります。

So my golden rule is: I'm the one who chooses what to watch. |||||||||选择||| だから私の黄金律は:私は何を見るべきかを選ぶ人です。 Portanto, minha regra de ouro é: sou eu quem escolhe o que assistir.