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Assorted YouTube videos, How I am learning The Russian Language (LingQ Overview)

How I am learning The Russian Language (LingQ Overview)

VCM privyet the brothel Amanda my canal

me as aboot Jordan is savonia ya Yan is

now you cut get this Quezada

what's going on everybody welcome to the

channel my name is Jordan today I'm

actually gonna be going over one of the

apps that I have grown to enjoy and

found it has added tremendous value in

my journey of learning the Russian

language it is called link this video is

not an advertisement nor am i affiliated

with this company at all I just wanted

to share with you guys a big part of how

I'm going about learning the Russian

language now I do have a link for a link

in the description down below if you

guys want to check it out there is a

14-day trial I believe don't quote me on

it but I think there's a 14-day trial so

to me that's enough time to determine if

it's gonna add enough value to you

equivalent to the dollars you would be

spending on the app and I also want to

add to you guys that this app is not

only specifically for the Russian

language there's a multitude of language

that it has loaded onto the app like

Spanish French Ukrainian English there's

a ton of different languages that have

great quality sources and contents and

topics all relatable so it's not just

for the Russian language and I wanted to

add that as well there's actually a lot

more depth to the app itself but let's

just jump into the app and review it and

I'll show you guys the way that I like

to work it ok guys so as you can see i

just opened to the front page here and

we'll get started i'm just gonna run

through this really quick i'm not gonna

go through absolutely everything but

just give you an overview of what i like

to do and how i like to work this

application so up at the top here you

can see this is the amount of words that

you know I do not know nine hundred and

thirty seven words that are some names

and things like that in there so this is

your word counter and in here is where

you can choose what language you want to

learn and like I said there's a handful

like a ton ton ton ton of different

languages that you can choose from Greek

polish Ukrainian English so like I said

you can actually learn to three multiple

languages at the same time if that's

what you're into I

can't do that I'm gonna stick with just

Russian for now guys so yeah here at the

top you have your lessons which I'll get

back to this is kind of the main nuts

and bolts of the application so I'm

gonna jump over to tutors though because

this is pretty cool so here you guys you

can actually hire a tutor and slot them

in say so this guy he's 18 and our slot

him in a time when he's available when

you're available and sit down and go

over whatever you guys want to go over

so this is a really cool addition to the

application is that you can actually

hire a personal tutor if you're having

some serious trouble with something then

you can obviously talk to a native

speaker so that's really cool part of it

I'm gonna jump over to community cuz

this part I feel gets overlooked but it

plays such a big role in this

application of course I'm going over the

desktop application you can get this for

your iPhone and etc so this is the

forums so you can talk about anything

that you want to talk about how find out

how other people are learning languages

quickly and pretty much this is just a

whole forum of everyone helping each

other reach their goals so this is

really cool and it's really active too

so it's not just you post something no

one responds as you can see there's

always a comment for everything so there

is activity on this forum right here

writing exchange this is a cool part of

the application so you can write in

whatever target language that you are

going for write whatever you feel like

writing and as you see here somebody

wrote Russian so let's just check this


so somebody wrote rush-rush in here and

basically you're just practicing your

writing so as you can see he got a reply

and people native speakers will correct

your errors so that's really cool and

this part gets overlooked but this is

such a major help to anyone who's

actually serious about learning the

language I find because you can just

practice your writing and get corrected

and fix all of your mistakes you can

write in any language that you're going

for just submit your writing and write

whatever you want to write and then

somebody will correct it so that's

really cool but I'm gonna jump back to

what this app is really all about and

how I really utilize this

application so we come over to the

lessons now this is how it works you

basically search up whatever you want to

search and guys there is unlimited

sources that you can derive from in this

place but you got to find something that

you're interested in like I got to find

something that really interests as me or

excites me so I have the mental capacity

to sit there and learn as you can see

books podcasts news business

entertainment sports technology there's

all sorts of different topics so you

just got to find something whatever

interests you but for this purpose here

this tutorial purpose I'm just gonna go

with a short story man I can never spell

story right but so here you can filter

it beginner I have it set the beginner

intermediate ooh you can go to advanced

too if you're feeling confident in

yourself but I'm not that confident

myself right now

so here you got a bunch of short stories

and within these there's all sorts of

there's 13 lessons as you can tell in

this one there's five lessons one lesson

two lessons so you just gotta find

whatever is interesting and exciting to

you so I'm just gonna jump into here

really quick this is one I really enjoy

I like there the link mini stories it's

really helpful for beginning and

starting out in the language so I'm

gonna go to a different one one that I

haven't even opened before so I'll go to

this one okay so what I like to do so

basically this app guys you click Play

and basically whoever created this

content is gonna read to you in their

native tongue and you just follow along

and all these blue words blue

highlighted words indicate words that

you haven't seen before throughout the

application all the yellow words

indicate words that you have seen but

you mark them as you don't know what

these words are so every time you click

a word it brings up a dictionary and it

won't play right now because I'm

recording my screen so but you can play

it and you can just repeat the speaker

try to pronounce it exactly how he

pronounces it so say if I click this


there's your dictionary and you can

choose whatever you want this word to

mean to you so if

click home now as you can see the word

turned yellow but I do know that words

so I don't want it to be yellow so what

I would do is I play through this lesson

it will play he'll read read read and

you follow along and once you get to the

end I go back and then I reread it just

by myself going through it by myself and

any word that I don't know I will mark

it as I don't know and any word that I

dunno I'll mark it as I dunno and I'll

read through the whole story basically

translating everything and then I will

go right to the very beginning and then

I will play it one more time through and

this time I will have an understanding

of everything that he's saying and this

is how I acquire the language through

comprehensible input just like that and

this app has been so helpful I can read

so much faster and a big part of it is I

can understand the whole language as a

whole better I might not be able this

app might not be helpful for me speaking

or having conversation but it definitely

helps with my understanding just because

I can't bring a word up doesn't mean

that I don't know what that word is if I

hear it in a conversation later down the

road after I've read it inside here I

will have an understanding of what that

word is and I will know what you guys

are talking about so don't talk about me

behind my back I'm coming for you ok so

quickly I'm going to actually jump into

this so here's what here's where your

lessons are I forgot to mention this

stuff but here's where all your lessons

are so any lesson you chose is all in

your lessons then you can go to your

vocabulary and all your vocabulary is

here words that you barked as you don't

know words that you used to know or used

to not know now you know them they're

all in here so it's like your little own

personal mini dictionary you can save

phrases and review these at any time

that you like and one last cool thing

that I really like about this is the

playlists so you can add anything to

your playlist and this is where I really

use my phone application so when I'm

driving when I'm walking when I'm

running whenever I'm doing something

that I can't look at my phone or read

along you can at least play it

listen to the story being told you don't

necessarily have to read it and follow

along so this is a really cool addition

as well but yeah let's jump back to my

library but yeah guys that's pretty much

the overview recap of this application

there's so much more to this app but I

thought I would just give you a quick

little guide I don't want to make this

video an hour-long so I hope you guys

enjoyed that and hopefully it shed some

light and added some value to anybody

out there who is trying to learn a

different language and sharing how I am

going about or a major part of how I'm

going about learning the Russian

language so there you have it guys I

hope you enjoyed this video like I said

if you guys want to take a look at it I

have a link down below in the

description so you can check it out

there and like I said I think there is a

free trial for sure so that can give you

enough time to determine if you do want

to spend the money on it because for me

spending money on something just adds

more value behind it and it makes me

utilize it more whereas if it was a free

app or something like that I feel like I

want to be as obligated to sign-in and

therefore not learn really as much so

there you go guys I would love to hear

from you let me know if you are learning

a different language and what techniques

and what kind of sources you guys use to

learn these different languages because

I'm open to exploring everything I want

to learn as fast as possible just like

you I'm sure so let me know what's going

on with that so make sure you guys

comment down below subscribe like and I

will see you on the next one paka paka


How I am learning The Russian Language (LingQ Overview) Wie ich die russische Sprache lerne (LingQ-Übersicht) How I am learning The Russian Language (LingQ Overview) Cómo estoy aprendiendo la lengua rusa (Visión general de LingQ) Comment j'apprends la langue russe (LingQ Overview) 私はどのようにロシア語を学んでいるのか(LingQの概要) 러시아어를 배우는 방법(LingQ 개요) Kaip aš mokausi rusų kalbos (LingQ apžvalga) Jak uczę się języka rosyjskiego (Przegląd LingQ) Como estou a aprender a língua russa (visão geral do LingQ) Как я изучаю русский язык (обзор LingQ) Rus Dilini Nasıl Öğreniyorum (LingQ Genel Bakış) Як я вивчаю російську мову (Огляд LingQ) 我是如何学习俄语的(LingQ 概览) 我是如何学习俄语的(LingQ 概述)

VCM privyet the brothel Amanda my canal VCM privyet 妓院阿曼达我的运河

me as aboot Jordan is savonia ya Yan is me as aboot Jordan 是 savonia ya Yan 是

now you cut get this Quezada 现在你切得到这个克萨达

what's going on everybody welcome to the 大家好,欢迎来到

channel my name is Jordan today I'm 频道我的名字是乔丹今天我是

actually gonna be going over one of the 实际上要经过其中一个

apps that I have grown to enjoy and 我逐渐喜欢并喜欢的应用程序

found it has added tremendous value in ha aportado un enorme valor añadido en 发现它增加了巨大的价值

my journey of learning the Russian 我的俄语学习之旅

language it is called link this video is 它被称为链接此视频的语言

not an advertisement nor am i affiliated 不是广告,我也不是附属的

with this company at all I just wanted 在这家公司我只是想要

to share with you guys a big part of how 与你们分享大部分的方法

I'm going about learning the Russian 我要学习俄语

language now I do have a link for a link lenguaje ahora tengo un enlace para un enlace 语言现在我确实有一个链接的链接

in the description down below if you 如果你在下面的描述中

guys want to check it out there is a 伙计们想看看有一个

14-day trial I believe don't quote me on 14 días de prueba creo que no me citan en Wierzę, że 14-dniowy okres próbny mnie nie cytuje 14 天试用期我相信不要引用我的话

it but I think there's a 14-day trial so pero creo que hay una prueba de 14 días así que 但我认为有 14 天的试用期所以

to me that's enough time to determine if 对我来说,有足够的时间来确定是否

it's gonna add enough value to you 它会给你增加足够的价值

equivalent to the dollars you would be 相当于你的美元

spending on the app and I also want to 在应用程序上消费,我也想

add to you guys that this app is not 告诉你们这个应用程序不是

only specifically for the Russian

language there's a multitude of language 语言 有多种语言

that it has loaded onto the app like 它已经加载到应用程序中

Spanish French Ukrainian English there's 西班牙语 法语 乌克兰语 英语

a ton of different languages that have 大量不同的语言

great quality sources and contents and 优质的资源和内容以及

topics all relatable so it's not just temas todos relacionables por lo que no es sólo 主题都是相关的,所以它不仅仅是

for the Russian language and I wanted to 对于俄语,我想

add that as well there's actually a lot 补充一点,实际上还有很多

more depth to the app itself but let's más profundidad a la aplicación en sí, pero vamos a 更深入地了解应用程序本身,但让我们

just jump into the app and review it and 只需跳入应用程序并查看它,然后

I'll show you guys the way that I like 我会向你们展示我喜欢的方式

to work it ok guys so as you can see i 伙计们,你们可以看到我

just opened to the front page here and 刚刚打开首页

we'll get started i'm just gonna run 我们要开始了,我要跑了

through this really quick i'm not gonna 通过这个真的很快我不会

go through absolutely everything but 经历一切,但

just give you an overview of what i like 只是给你一个我喜欢什么的概述

to do and how i like to work this 要做以及我喜欢如何工作

application so up at the top here you 应用程序在顶部,你

can see this is the amount of words that 可以看到这是单词量

you know I do not know nine hundred and

thirty seven words that are some names

and things like that in there so this is

your word counter and in here is where su contador de palabras y aquí es donde

you can choose what language you want to

learn and like I said there's a handful aprender y como he dicho hay un puñado

like a ton ton ton ton of different

languages that you can choose from Greek

polish Ukrainian English so like I said

you can actually learn to three multiple

languages at the same time if that's

what you're into I lo que te gusta I

can't do that I'm gonna stick with just

Russian for now guys so yeah here at the

top you have your lessons which I'll get

back to this is kind of the main nuts

and bolts of the application so I'm

gonna jump over to tutors though because

this is pretty cool so here you guys you

can actually hire a tutor and slot them einen Tutor engagieren und ihm einen Platz zuweisen können

in say so this guy he's 18 and our slot

him in a time when he's available when

you're available and sit down and go

over whatever you guys want to go over

so this is a really cool addition to the

application is that you can actually

hire a personal tutor if you're having

some serious trouble with something then

you can obviously talk to a native

speaker so that's really cool part of it

I'm gonna jump over to community cuz Ich werde zur Community übergehen, weil

this part I feel gets overlooked but it

plays such a big role in this

application of course I'm going over the

desktop application you can get this for

your iPhone and etc so this is the

forums so you can talk about anything

that you want to talk about how find out

how other people are learning languages

quickly and pretty much this is just a

whole forum of everyone helping each

other reach their goals so this is

really cool and it's really active too muy chulo y además es muy activo

so it's not just you post something no

one responds as you can see there's

always a comment for everything so there

is activity on this forum right here

writing exchange this is a cool part of intercambio de escritos esta es una parte genial de

the application so you can write in

whatever target language that you are cualquiera que sea la lengua de destino

going for write whatever you feel like

writing and as you see here somebody

wrote Russian so let's just check this


so somebody wrote rush-rush in here and así que alguien escribió rush-rush aquí y

basically you're just practicing your

writing so as you can see he got a reply escribiendo así que como puede ver recibió una respuesta

and people native speakers will correct

your errors so that's really cool and

this part gets overlooked but this is esta parte se pasa por alto pero esto es

such a major help to anyone who's una gran ayuda para cualquiera que

actually serious about learning the

language I find because you can just

practice your writing and get corrected

and fix all of your mistakes you can

write in any language that you're going

for just submit your writing and write por sólo presentar su escritura y escribir

whatever you want to write and then

somebody will correct it so that's

really cool but I'm gonna jump back to realmente genial pero voy a saltar de nuevo a

what this app is really all about and

how I really utilize this como realmente utilizo esto

application so we come over to the aplicación, así que pasamos a la

lessons now this is how it works you

basically search up whatever you want to

search and guys there is unlimited buscar y chicos hay ilimitado

sources that you can derive from in this

place but you got to find something that

you're interested in like I got to find que te interesa como tengo que encontrar

something that really interests as me or algo que realmente interesa como yo o

excites me so I have the mental capacity

to sit there and learn as you can see

books podcasts news business

entertainment sports technology there's

all sorts of different topics so you

just got to find something whatever

interests you but for this purpose here

this tutorial purpose I'm just gonna go este propósito tutorial sólo voy a ir

with a short story man I can never spell

story right but so here you can filter

it beginner I have it set the beginner

intermediate ooh you can go to advanced

too if you're feeling confident in

yourself but I'm not that confident

myself right now

so here you got a bunch of short stories

and within these there's all sorts of

there's 13 lessons as you can tell in

this one there's five lessons one lesson

two lessons so you just gotta find

whatever is interesting and exciting to

you so I'm just gonna jump into here

really quick this is one I really enjoy

I like there the link mini stories it's

really helpful for beginning and

starting out in the language so I'm

gonna go to a different one one that I

haven't even opened before so I'll go to

this one okay so what I like to do so

basically this app guys you click Play

and basically whoever created this

content is gonna read to you in their

native tongue and you just follow along

and all these blue words blue

highlighted words indicate words that

you haven't seen before throughout the

application all the yellow words

indicate words that you have seen but

you mark them as you don't know what

these words are so every time you click

a word it brings up a dictionary and it

won't play right now because I'm

recording my screen so but you can play

it and you can just repeat the speaker

try to pronounce it exactly how he

pronounces it so say if I click this lo pronuncia así que digamos que si pulso esto


there's your dictionary and you can

choose whatever you want this word to

mean to you so if

click home now as you can see the word

turned yellow but I do know that words

so I don't want it to be yellow so what

I would do is I play through this lesson

it will play he'll read read read and

you follow along and once you get to the

end I go back and then I reread it just

by myself going through it by myself and

any word that I don't know I will mark

it as I don't know and any word that I

dunno I'll mark it as I dunno and I'll

read through the whole story basically

translating everything and then I will

go right to the very beginning and then

I will play it one more time through and

this time I will have an understanding esta vez tendré un entendimiento

of everything that he's saying and this

is how I acquire the language through

comprehensible input just like that and

this app has been so helpful I can read

so much faster and a big part of it is I

can understand the whole language as a

whole better I might not be able this

app might not be helpful for me speaking

or having conversation but it definitely

helps with my understanding just because

I can't bring a word up doesn't mean

that I don't know what that word is if I

hear it in a conversation later down the

road after I've read it inside here I

will have an understanding of what that

word is and I will know what you guys

are talking about so don't talk about me

behind my back I'm coming for you ok so

quickly I'm going to actually jump into

this so here's what here's where your

lessons are I forgot to mention this

stuff but here's where all your lessons

are so any lesson you chose is all in

your lessons then you can go to your

vocabulary and all your vocabulary is

here words that you barked as you don't aquí palabras que ladraste como no

know words that you used to know or used

to not know now you know them they're

all in here so it's like your little own

personal mini dictionary you can save

phrases and review these at any time

that you like and one last cool thing

that I really like about this is the

playlists so you can add anything to

your playlist and this is where I really

use my phone application so when I'm

driving when I'm walking when I'm

running whenever I'm doing something

that I can't look at my phone or read

along you can at least play it

listen to the story being told you don't

necessarily have to read it and follow

along so this is a really cool addition

as well but yeah let's jump back to my

library but yeah guys that's pretty much

the overview recap of this application

there's so much more to this app but I

thought I would just give you a quick

little guide I don't want to make this

video an hour-long so I hope you guys

enjoyed that and hopefully it shed some y espero que haya arrojado algo de luz sobre

light and added some value to anybody

out there who is trying to learn a

different language and sharing how I am

going about or a major part of how I'm o una parte importante de cómo estoy

going about learning the Russian

language so there you have it guys I

hope you enjoyed this video like I said

if you guys want to take a look at it I

have a link down below in the

description so you can check it out

there and like I said I think there is a

free trial for sure so that can give you prueba gratuita seguro que puede darle

enough time to determine if you do want

to spend the money on it because for me

spending money on something just adds

more value behind it and it makes me

utilize it more whereas if it was a free utilizarla más mientras que si fuera una

app or something like that I feel like I

want to be as obligated to sign-in and quieren estar tan obligados a firmar y

therefore not learn really as much so

there you go guys I would love to hear

from you let me know if you are learning

a different language and what techniques

and what kind of sources you guys use to

learn these different languages because

I'm open to exploring everything I want Estoy abierto a explorar todo lo que quiera

to learn as fast as possible just like

you I'm sure so let me know what's going

on with that so make sure you guys

comment down below subscribe like and I

will see you on the next one paka paka
