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Aesop’s Fables, THE LION AND THE ASS


A Lion and an Ass set up as partners and went a-hunting together. In course of time they came to a cave in which there were a number of wild goats. The Lion took up his stand at the mouth of the cave, and waited for them to come out; while the Ass went inside and brayed for all he was worth in order to frighten them out into the open. The Lion struck them down one by one as they appeared; and when the cave was empty the Ass came out and said, "Well, I scared them pretty well, didn't I?" "I should think you did," said the Lion: "why, if I hadn't known you were an Ass, I should have turned and run myself."


A Lion and an Ass set up as partners and went a-hunting together. In course of time they came to a cave in which there were a number of wild goats. The Lion took up his stand at the mouth of the cave, and waited for them to come out; while the Ass went inside and brayed for all he was worth in order to frighten them out into the open. 狮子在洞口站定,等待他们出来。驴子则走进屋内,拼命地叫喊着,把它们吓到了外面。 The Lion struck them down one by one as they appeared; and when the cave was empty the Ass came out and said, "Well, I scared them pretty well, didn't I?" 当他们出现时,狮子将他们一一击倒。当山洞空了的时候,驴子出来说道:“好吧,我把它们吓坏了,不是吗?” "I should think you did," said the Lion: "why, if I hadn't known you were an Ass, I should have turned and run myself." “我想你是这么做的,”狮子说,“如果我不知道你是一头驴,我自己就应该转身逃跑了。”