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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, Polyglot & Professional Soccer Player Will John Talks Language Learning (1)

Polyglot & Professional Soccer Player Will John Talks Language Learning (1)

Elle: Hello everyone and welcome to the LingQ podcast with me Elle. If you are studying English, remember that you can study this podcast episode as a lesson on LingQ. I've added the transcript and the audio and created a lesson just for you. You can find the link to it in the description. If you have never used LingQ before, it's an excellent way to study a language. You can study from anything you're interested in. So take an Italian blog post or a Russian news article, Japanese movie, whatever it is, you can create a lesson with it on LingQ, work through the words and phrases that you don't know, creating your own personal database. It's a fantastic way to learn from content you're actually interested in and make a breakthrough in your target language. Speaking of making a breakthrough, if you would like to challenge yourself, we have a challenges page on LingQ in many different languages. So I've also popped the link to that page in the description. I'm actually starting a French 90-Day Challenge this September. So I will be challenging myself to reach targets each day. And actually my goal is to read a novel in French for the first time over the 90 days. So join me if you want to level up in your target language, doesn't have to be French, can be whichever language you're studying. If you're listening on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud, wherever, please show us some love. Give us a like, or share a follow. We really, really appreciate it. This week I am joined by someone a little different. You guys are used to me interviewing YouTubers and this week's guest is a YouTuber, but he's also a professional soccer player. THis week I am joined by professional soccer player, YouTuber and polyglot Will John. Will, thank you so much for joining us.

Will: Thank you. It's always good to be back and talk about languages. So I'm excited. Elle: Great. And whereabouts in the world are you joining us from today?

Will: I am in Croatia. So I'm in Zagreb, Croatia, obviously originally from the U S but I play football over here and in Zagreb. Elle: Excellent. Okay. And it's your evening in Zagreb? Will: It is evening. It is 7.15 In the evening. It is a nice chill afternoon.

Elle: Lovely. THat's a part of the world I really need to get to, Croatia. One day. Um, so you're playing soccer there? Will: Yeah.

You keep calling it soccer and with that accent, it just doesn't sound right. Elle: I'm trying. I know I was going to say in the beginning, soccer or football and I have the impulse to say football, but, uh, yes, yeah of course.

Will: No, I played, I played outside of the US you know, I played, I played in the MLS and, uh, I grew up playing soccer in the US but uh, since then playing outside of Europe, I've gotten used to calling it football. And in my house, my dad is from Nigeria and we would call it football. You float in between. It's not a big deal, but yeah it's football for all these years. Elle: Okay. Oh, so you say football yourself? Okay. So I'm going to say football from now on. It feels right. I feel strange saying soccer. Um, so good based in Croatia now for the next little while?

Will: Yeah.

So at least yeah the season is just starting. Seasons in Europe, most of them start in August and they'll end in May or June. So we'll have a break there in the winter and because of COVID, you know, I have not been back to the US. This Is the longest I've been outside of the US. Normally in between my seasons I will, um, I will go back, uh, at least for a little bit, but it's been almost two years. I think it will be two years.

Elle: Oh

Will: You know? Uh...

Elle: Wow

Will: Yeah, one of those things. So I'm enjoying it. I feel very comfortable outside, you know, as a professional football or you spend a few times, I've spent a large part of my career in Scandinavia. Uh, large chunk in Serbia and in Croatia. This is my second stint in, in, in Zagreb. So I know this place very well. I speak the language and, you know, it's, it's a whole lot of fun. Elle: Amazing. So it's just taking you all over the world at this soccer playing career. That's very cool. Will: I think, I think in, uh, Steve and I probably talked about this in the last, uh, I think I've been to 60 countries? I think so, but I need to make a count and it's all because of soccer. If that, I think there's only maybe three countries that were not, three or four, that and were not soccer related. Elle: Wow. You need to get one of those maps or you scratch off the foil scratch off countries. You've been to, put a pin in there. Will: Yeah.


I'll get to them all eventually. Elle: Yeah. Yeah.

Um, so let's talk about soccer before we kind of move into the languages. Um, when did you know that you, I'm, I'm assuming it's from a really young age, you realized you wanted to pursue soccer as a professional career. Will: That is a question I get a lot and as a footballer, most, most guys don't have a moment I've noticed, but I have very specific, I have a very specific story. Number one, my father was a professional footballer himself. So it was always part of, it was always part of my upbringing, but I never considered it. Uh, I had almost a, uh, uh, an insane, an epiphany one day when I don't, and I don't remember to this date, I don't know why I wasn't in school, but I wasn't. I dunno if I was pretending to be sick because I wanted to watch the game or what the deal was. But, uh, someone scored a goal in the Champions League Final. This is in the year 2000 Real Madrid was Valencia, 1-0. I can remember everything about it.

I just happened to be, you know, at home it was, I shouldn't have been. And, uh, this guy scored a header, Fernando Morientes scored a header and went off on this crazy celebration. I mean, he ran from the goal like 70 yards back to his bench to celebrate with his team. And I had the chills the entire time. And I've talked about this, I've told this story on, on one of our podcasts, um, that we have. And, uh, it was then that I just knew I'm supposed to do this. That was what I knew I was supposed to do. What I'm doing now and that's pretty early. I think I was 15. Uh, yeah. And so that's basically the moment that I knew. And then I left college early, um, which is hilariously another one of my funny stories on the podcast, because I know exactly where I was sitting.

And I know the moment where I said, I'm not going back to class. And, uh, just a few months I went pro so that's my story. Elle: The Eureka moment. Um, so you were 15 and how is your, uh, your goal celebration now? Do you ha... do you do something wild and crazy because of that? Or are you more subdued?

Will: Oh, no, I'm I'm, I guess I'm somewhat in between, you know, it's... the funny thing, when you score goals, I've played in all sorts of different clubs on all different parts of the world. Play, uh, you play at clubs where there's, you know, 40 to 50,000 people. And then I've played at clubs where there's not a lot of fans at all. Like I say not a lot, just a few thousand, right? Or you have big stadiums, but empty crowds and stuff like that. Uh, and so, um, your celebration, it's a lot of adrenaline. It's really hard to explain. Strikers, and I'm not a true striker, they're adrenaline junkies, but scoring goals is like being an adrenaline junkie. You want that feeling over and over again, and the higher the stakes, the better, you know, the better, it feels the, if it's the last second of the game, you start chasing that stuff. And, um, when you start to have success with it, it just is, you know, so yeah, to, to, to answer your question, my celebrations depend on the moment.

Uh, but, uh, they're not that subdued. I tend to have fun. I might do something dancing, you know...

Elle: Nice! No back flips or anything?

Will: Funny you should mention backflips. Two years ago, I decided that I would learn how to do a back flip. And it wasn't because it wasn't because for a celebration, everybody then was like, you got to do that as your celebration, you know, like, that's your new celebrate? I'm like, no, I just wanted to do a back flip. Uh, and, um, so yeah, I just went to a gym, uh, sorry I went to the place where the gymnast, uh, like, uh, I don't know what you would call that gymnastic setup. And they're like all these little, little girls and, uh, you know, honestly, mainly, mainly little girls, but they have an open gym where adults come in. And so before that, the little girls are in there and they're doing like triple axe flip, back flip flying through the air. You have no idea how they're doing it. They have no fear and I'm like, okay, can I do this back flip? Like, I'm just like barely trying to do it, like a little kid. So yeah. Anyway, that's what's up. Elle: And did you, can you do a back flip?

Will: I can, I can I, can I learned it in an hour. It's not that hard. It's getting over your fear. Like everything is the, is the thing.

Elle: Okay. Yeah.

I was going to say, you learned it in an hour? I remember trying, I kind of have done a back flip in high school and it did not take me an hour and I was terrified. So I think you're definitely right. You need to just switch off, if you can, the fear that you're going to break your neck, because it really feels like you're going to break your neck. As soon as someone, they come away, you know they're holding your back. And then as soon as they're not holding your back anymore, it's like, ah, am I going to die? Will: Yeah.

Elle: Yeah. Okay. So you mentioned there that, you said you're not a true striker. I don't know football, soccer, whatever you want to call it at all, I have to admit. So what position do you, do you play?

Will: I'm uh, I'm an attacking midfielder, uh, or what would be considered more, a second striker. So, uh, for those of, of the people who don't really aren't into soccer, uh Ibrahimović is, uh, if you know who that is, Zlatan Ibrahimović generally a fairly famous person or all right, we'll go with, uh, Lionel Messi, uh, who you, hopefully have heard of. Elle: Yes. I know Messi. I know who Messi is. Yes.

Will: Messi's not a true striker. He's a guy that plays a little underneath. He's quick. He's fast. He's really technical. He's really good with his feet. That's my style and position. I'm also left-footed. I like to run a little bit behind where we try to cause problems without being the main guy.

Those big number nine, uh, striker guys, they get a lot of the attention from the big defenders. I try to avoid those big tackles with those guys.

Elle: Okay. Okay. That sounds wise. Does that mean you get less chance to score then or how does that work?

Will: It means I have to be more creative. I'm more involved in the buildup of the play. It means, it doesn't mean that I won't get a whole lot of chances to score. You do. Um, but it's generally the guy who's your, generally, we call that number nine, he's the striker. That guy's always at the near the goal. He's, that's your job, just score goals. You know, it's my, my job to provide and you know, to score. Elle: I see. Okay. So let's talk a little about the languages then. So as I mentioned in your intro there. Um, maybe I didn't. You speak, you know eight languages? And you mentioned before we started recording that you're closing in on your ninth language. So, um, first off, what are those languages? And I'm interested to know if you kind of moved into, as you moved around the world, did you collect these languages? Were there extras? So yeah, first off what languages do you know?

Will: Okay. So I'll, I'll, I'll the easiest way for me to do this as chronologically, uh, because I always forget when I try and tell people. Um, my, my mom thought it would be a great idea for me to learn Spanish when I was very, very young. Um, so I did not watch English, um, cartoons when I would come back from school and she also got me, she placed me into a Spanish like tutor, uh, class for some few kids after school. So, uh, Spanish was pretty heavy when I was little and I didn't even realize I could speak it, but by the time I was 13, 14, my comprehension was excellent. Um, and, uh, I took a liking to languages then came, uh, Italian and French. Both of those languages were collected without going to the countries. I had not... my Italian is great and I have four or five days in Italy. So for those people out there that think they have to go there to learn, it's nonsense, you have more than enough resources. Now, back then I had to go to the college library and find a TV that had RAI uh, their, their news, uh, thing to listen to Italian. So, uh, that's Spanish, French, Italian, those are, those are those then German, which I've been to quite a bit. I learned alone, uh, Croatian that's from here, Danish, because I played there, uh, in Denmark, uh, Russian, because I played in Baku, Azerbaijan, and decided to learn Russian. Um, and, uh, did I still forget one after all? Uh, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Danish, Croatian, Russian, English. And right now closing in on number nine will be Swedish because I spent most of my time during the pandemic in Sweden.

Uh, so, yeah.


Elle: Swedish. I've heard tha,. I kind of dabbled a bit with Swedish too, but I heard it's generally easy to learn coming from an English background. How are you finding it?

Will: Uh, after having learned Danish, which is pretty interesting. I moved to Sweden and started when I was there. Just for fun.

I would speak Danish to people. They were not having it. They make so much fun of Danish. The pronunciation is very different. I mean, they make fun of each other a whole lot, but my vocab was, was great. And if you're an English speaker and you're wanting to learn a Scandinavian language, Swedish is pretty, pretty easy. Elle: Okay, excellent. Uh, did you with the languages, did you decide, you know, in your teens or as a kid that you wanted to be someone who spoke lots of languages or did it just kind of happen as you moved around in your career?

Will: Uh, I can, I can say pretty comfortabl this was by design. Uh, but I guess you could also say not, right?

I didn't, I didn't forcethat moment on me, on myself when I was 15, uh, that kind of put this, put these, the wheels in motion. Uh, but when I was 16, I read, uh, The Count of Monte Cristo. Uh, I'm not sure if you're familiar with that book, uh, but it's about a guy who more or less goes through some challenges uh, to become the hero of the story. He has to overcome learning languages, understanding all sorts of math and physics, and being able to travel the world and doing all that stuff. And I really, it had a very large impact on my, on my youth, my youthful mind, uh, at 16. And so I thought this is what I want. I want to be able to learn 10 languages.

I said that I wanted 10 and I was 16 then. Uh, and so we are 20 years from that now, and I'm at nine. So I underestimated my ability. Um, I think I'll, I'll be able to go past that. I, I have the desire to, but, uh, no, it was very much by design. I, the methods for getting it done, that was chaotic, you know, uh, trying to figure out how to learn a language, uh, and what the best way is for you yourself, you know, specifically or...

that's that, that was the challenge. Elle: Right. And what kind of methods have you landed on then? Do you, have you honed the methods that you use and that you're now using for Swedish? Will: Yeah.

Um, which is... funny enough that, that's what we're going to be getting into in our new YouTube channel, which is Goluremi languages. Uh, because going through that was, it was like I said, very tough. And so now, yeah, it's a combination of a lot of things that you guys do. Uh, because comprehension is, is, is, um, incredibly useful. And one of the cool things about LingQ is finding, um, finding information, I guess you could say that's comprehensible at a level that you are, uh, and that's also interesting, but at your level, when you're a beginner in a language is so important and so hard, because it's really hard. Okay. If you're going to learn English, there's a lot of resources, admittedly Spanish. Yes.

But for many of the other, other languages you need to find something that you can read that's comprehensible that you can listen to, that you can understand immediately, you know, the natural approach and learning things from, uh, I believe his name is Stephen Krashen, uh, is, is who came up with, with that understanding that that is important. And TPRS, uh, for the people that, you know, teaching proficiency through storytelling, right? Uh, through reading and storytelling.

Elle: Yep.

Will: Those were huge boosts. Uh, I definitely, when I started German, I made the mistake of going the grammar route at first thinking, they said the grammar is tough in German and you got to understand it.

And I said, okay, I'll understand it. Let me go and try and dive in... disaster for the first, you know, couple of weeks. You almost want to, you want to give up, throw the books out the window. So. It's very simple. Yeah.

Now I start off with very, very basic, I find the most basic of basic things to listen, to, uh, and speak.

And I enjoy writing, uh, as well. So when I write all my notes are hardly in English. Um, so yeah, I break down and I will break down a whole lot more of my, my method over there on Goluremi Languages.

Elle: Yeah, let's talk about the channel. So you have two channels. So the Will John channel is all about soccer skills. So you teach soccer skills and now this new channel Goluremi is going to be focused on language learning?

Will: Yeah.


So what, uh, everybody who's checking us out can see what we do is kind of a fun level up thing that a lot of polyglots are doing as well. So I will just go into the street and just start randomly talking to people and it's a whole lot of fun. So the first video out, you can just see me in the Mall of Scandinavia, actually in Sweden, just finding random people to talk to in different languages and all the craziness that that happens with with that and surprising foreigners, uh, you know, with that it's, which is fun over here in this part of the world is there's not a whole lot of black people that speak Russian or, uh, Croatian in these Eastern European languages. So it's always funny for them. But, um, yeah, we have more than that channel. So, I mean, the company has, we have a podcast channel as well, which is called the 11th Commandment and, uh, we have all sorts of guests on and that's where Steve, uh, actually was, was on as well. So, so yeah, we're, we're busy. Elle: So what can people who will go and subscribe to your language learning channel and the podcast, what can they expect for the next little while? What type, what kind of content?

Will: Okay. So yeah, we are going to do a whole lot more of obviously the level ups and doing a whole lot of surprise, but the idea will be to, and you'll see this in the channel intro, which is, uh, the, the video that's up there, there right now. Um, the idea will be to give people a simple avenue into learning how the best polyglots have, what they, you know, what they're doing because that's one of the things that I fight and combat against in, on our soccer channel is that, of course, now that anybody can just make a video, you probably want to make sure you're getting, at least from some people who can show. You wouldn't go to, don't come to me to learn Chinese because I don't speak Chinese. You really don't want to listen to me about that. I won't teach Chinese. I promise you, uh, and, uh, so in that it's, it's our hope that we can have people like Steve on, um, and that we will do a lot of these and I'll actually want to display, um, a lot. So we will have subtitles for everything of course, but I will, it's always fun to see conversations, uh, in tons of different languages, always with English subtitles, and hopefully as we grow our community, um, we'll have plenty of other, other subtitles for people, but, uh, we'll have top five videos on best way to learn Spanish, the best way to learn X Y and Z language. And we'll do some of those interviews just in, in those languages. And we'll bring on different people like that in order to do that. And on the podcast channel, we, we bring on some of those interesting people. I just got off now with a guy who was a former mercenary because of what's going on in Afghanistan. We thought it would be cool to have somebody on to speak about what's going on in the world and stuff like that. We've had, you know, all, all sorts of people from, you know, obviously we have footballers on somebody like Steve, a former Canadian diplomat is also cool, cool to have on, uh, yeah. They come from all walks of life.

The idea is just to learn from people who are doing really, really cool things and, uh, talk to them about their stories and just hear interesting things.

Elle: Fantastic. Well, it sounds amazing, super interesting. And I especially love the, the whole, you know, approaching people and speaking to them in their, in their language, those types of videos.

Will: Always fun

Elle: Yeah. A lot of fun. Yeah.

Listen Will, thank you so, so much for joining me today. It was a great chat and, um, yeah, I'll pop the links to your two channels and to the podcast that you mentioned, uh, today in the description. So everyone go check them out for sure. Uh, yeah. Thank you so much for joining us and have a great rest of your evening in Croatia, in Zagreb.

Will: I will. Thanks a lot. I will throw one more thing out there. All of the clips for languages are also on Tik ToK, so that's just Goluremi, yes. They're all, the Goluremi Languages and all that stuff. It's all on Tik TOK as well if you're just, if you're a bite-size social media type person who can only pay attention for 30 seconds, Tik Tok's your friend. Elle: Yeah. All you Tik Tok teens out there. I feel like I'm too old for the whole Tik Tok thing. I don't, I can't. Okay. Cheers Will, thank you so much. Bye.

Will: See ya.

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Polyglot & Professional Soccer Player Will John Talks Language Learning (1) |||Athlete||||Language learning journey| Polyglott und Profifußballer Will John spricht über das Sprachenlernen (1) Polyglot & Professional Soccer Player Will John Talks Language Learning (1) Will John, políglota y futbolista profesional, habla sobre el aprendizaje de idiomas (1) Will John, polyglotte et joueur de football professionnel, parle de l'apprentissage des langues (1) Il poliglotta e calciatore professionista Will John parla dell'apprendimento delle lingue (1) ポリグロット&プロサッカー選手ウィル・ジョンが語る語学学習(1) 다국어 구사자이자 프로 축구 선수 윌 존이 말하는 언어 학습 (1) Poliglota i zawodowy piłkarz Will John opowiada o nauce języków (1) O poliglota e jogador de futebol profissional Will John fala sobre a aprendizagem de línguas (1) Полиглот и профессиональный футболист Уилл Джон рассказывает об изучении языков (1) Poliglot ve Profesyonel Futbolcu Will John Dil Öğrenimi Hakkında Konuşuyor (1) Поліглот і професійний футболіст Вілл Джон про вивчення мов (1) 多国语言和职业足球运动员威尔·约翰谈论语言学习 (1) 通曉多種語言的職業足球員威爾約翰談論語言學習 (1)

Elle: Hello everyone and welcome to the LingQ podcast with me Elle. If you are studying English, remember that you can study this podcast episode as a lesson on LingQ. I've added the transcript and the audio and created a lesson just for you. I've added the transcript and the audio and created a lesson just for you. You can find the link to it in the description. If you have never used LingQ before, it's an excellent way to study a language. ||||||||||||learn or practice|| You can study from anything you're interested in. So take an Italian blog post or a Russian news article, Japanese movie, whatever it is, you can create a lesson with it on LingQ, work through the words and phrases that you don't know, creating your own personal database. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||own unique| It's a fantastic way to learn from content you're actually interested in and make a breakthrough in your target language. ||||||gain knowledge through||||||||||||| Speaking of making a breakthrough, if you would like to challenge yourself, we have a challenges page on LingQ in many different languages. ||||significant progress|||||||your abilities||||||||||| So I've also popped the link to that page in the description. |||eingefügt|||||||| |||||||||||video details section |||coloquei|||||||| |||he puesto|||||||| I'm actually starting a French 90-Day Challenge this September. De hecho, estoy comenzando un desafío de 90 días en francés este septiembre. So I will be challenging myself to reach targets each day. And actually my goal is to read a novel in French for the first time over the 90 days. So join me if you want to level up in your target language, doesn't have to be French, can be whichever language you're studying. Więc dołącz do mnie, jeśli chcesz podnieść poziom w swoim języku docelowym, nie musi to być francuski, może to być dowolny język, którego się uczysz. If you're listening on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud, wherever, please show us some love. ||||||||streaming service|SoundCloud platform|||||| Give us a like, or share a follow. We really, really appreciate it. This week I am joined by someone a little different. You guys are used to me interviewing YouTubers and this week's guest is a YouTuber, but he's also a professional soccer player. |||||||content creators|||||||||||||| THis week I am joined by professional soccer player, YouTuber and polyglot Will John. |||||||||||multilingual person|| Will, thank you so much for joining us.

Will: Thank you. It's always good to be back and talk about languages. So I'm excited. Elle: Great. And whereabouts in the world are you joining us from today? |location|||||||||

Will: I am in Croatia. ||||Kroatien ||||a European country So I'm in Zagreb, Croatia, obviously originally from the U S but I play football over here and in Zagreb. |||Загреб|||||||||||||||| |||Zagreb|||||||||||||||| |||Zagreb, Croatia|||||||||||||||| |||Zagreb|||||||||||||||| Elle: Excellent. Okay. And it's your evening in Zagreb? |||||the capital city Will: It is evening. It is 7.15 In the evening. It is a nice chill afternoon. Es una tarde fresca y agradable.

Elle: Lovely. THat's a part of the world I really need to get to, Croatia. ||||||||||||European country One day. Um, so you're playing soccer there? Will: Yeah.

You keep calling it soccer and with that accent, it just doesn't sound right. ||||||||way of speaking||||| Elle: I'm trying. I know I was going to say in the beginning, soccer or football and I have the impulse to say football, but, uh, yes, yeah of course. |||||||||||||||||Impuls||||||||| |||||||||||||||||urge to say|||||||||

Will: No, I played, I played outside of the US you know, I played, I played in the MLS and, uh, I grew up playing soccer in the US but uh, since then playing outside of Europe, I've gotten used to calling it football. ||||||||||||||||||МЛС||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||MLS||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Major League Soccer||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Major League Soccer||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||美国职业足球大联盟||||||||||||||||||||||||| And in my house, my dad is from Nigeria and we would call it football. ||||||||West African country|||||| You float in between. |schwebst|| |drift or hover||in the middle |flutuas entre|| Flotas en medio. It's not a big deal, but yeah it's football for all these years. Elle: Okay. Oh, so you say football yourself? Okay. So I'm going to say football from now on. ||||||从|| Así que a partir de ahora diré fútbol. It feels right. I feel strange saying soccer. Um, so good based in Croatia now for the next little while? Let me think||happy to be|||||||||short period Um, więc przez najbliższy czas będziesz mieszkał w Chorwacji?

Will: Yeah.

So at least yeah the season is just starting. Seasons in Europe, most of them start in August and they'll end in May or June. So we'll have a break there in the winter and because of COVID, you know, I have not been back to the US. ||||||||||||the pandemic|||||||||| This Is the longest I've been outside of the US. Normally in between my seasons I will, um, I will go back, uh, at least for a little bit, but it's been almost two years. I think it will be two years.

Elle: Oh

Will: You know? Uh...

Elle: Wow

Will: Yeah, one of those things. ||一个||| So I'm enjoying it. I feel very comfortable outside, you know, as a professional football or you spend a few times, I've spent a large part of my career in Scandinavia. |||舒适||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||Northern Europe Uh, large chunk in Serbia and in Croatia. ||||Serbien||| ||significant portion||Serbian territory|||Croatian territory ||grande parte||||| This is my second stint in, in, in Zagreb. |||第二||||| ||||period of time||||the Croatian capital ||||período|||| ||||período de tiempo|||| So I know this place very well. I speak the language and, you know, it's, it's a whole lot of fun. Hablo el idioma y, ya sabes, es muy divertido. Elle: Amazing. So it's just taking you all over the world at this soccer playing career. Así que te lleva por todo el mundo en esta carrera de jugador de fútbol. That's very cool. Will: I think, I think in, uh, Steve and I probably talked about this in the last, uh, I think I've been to 60 countries? |||||||||||||the topic|||||||||| I think so, but I need to make a count and it's all because of soccer. |||||have to||||tally up|||||| If that, I think there's only maybe three countries that were not, three or four, that and were not soccer related. Elle: Wow. You need to get one of those maps or you scratch off the foil scratch off countries. |||||||||||||фольга||| ||||||||||remove covering layer|||thin metallic layer||| |||||||||||||a camada de raspagem||| |||||||||||||Rubbelfolie||| |||||||||||||铝箔||| |||||||||||||lámina de rascar||| Tienes que conseguir uno de esos mapas o rascarte los países de papel de aluminio para rascar. Musisz zdobyć jedną z tych map lub zdrapać foliowe zdrapki krajów. You've been to, put a pin in there. |||||mark the location|| Byłeś tam, włóż tam szpilkę. Will: Yeah.


I'll get to them all eventually. Elle: Yeah. Yeah.

Um, so let's talk about soccer before we kind of move into the languages. Um, entonces hablemos de fútbol antes de pasar a los idiomas. Um, when did you know that you, I'm, I'm assuming it's from a really young age, you realized you wanted to pursue soccer as a professional career. |||||||||||||||||||||seguir carreira||||| Will: That is a question I get a lot and as a footballer, most, most guys don't have a moment I've noticed, but I have very specific, I have a very specific story. Number one, my father was a professional footballer himself. So it was always part of, it was always part of my upbringing, but I never considered it. ||||||||||||воспитание||||| ||||||||||||childhood education||||| ||||||||||||educação||||| ||||||||||||crianza||||| ||||||||||||教育||||| Uh, I had almost a, uh, uh, an insane, an epiphany one day when I don't, and I don't remember to this date, I don't know why I wasn't in school, but I wasn't. ||||||||||Erleuchtung||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||profound realization||sudden realization||||||||||||||||||||||| I dunno if I was pretending to be sick because I wanted to watch the game or what the deal was. |don't know||||||||||||||||||situation or reason| But, uh, someone scored a goal in the Champions League Final. |||||scored a point||||| ||||||||Liga de Campeones|| This is in the year 2000 Real Madrid was Valencia, 1-0. ||||||||Валенсия ||||||||a football team ||||||||Valencia W 2000 roku Real Madryt pokonał Valencię 1-0. I can remember everything about it. |kann||||

I just happened to be, you know, at home it was, I shouldn't have been. And, uh, this guy scored a header, Fernando Morientes scored a header and went off on this crazy celebration. ||||||головой|Фернандо|Морьентес|||||||||| ||||||||a soccer player|||||||||| ||||||cabeçada|||||||||||| ||||||||Morientes|||||||||| ||||||头球|费尔南多|莫伦特斯|||||||||| ||||||cabezazo|Fernando Morientes|Fernando Morientes|||||||||| I mean, he ran from the goal like 70 yards back to his bench to celebrate with his team. ||他||||||码||||||||| ||||||scoring area||||||team's seating area||||| And I had the chills the entire time. ||||мурашки по коже||| ||||felt very cold||| ||||calafrios||| ||||Gänsehaut||| ||||寒意||| ||||escalofríos||| And I've talked about this, I've told this story on, on one of our podcasts, um, that we have. And, uh, it was then that I just knew I'm supposed to do this. ||它||||||||||| I właśnie wtedy wiedziałem, że powinienem to robić. That was what I knew I was supposed to do. What I'm doing now and that's pretty early. To, co robię teraz i to dość wcześnie. I think I was 15. Myślę, że miałem 15 lat. Uh, yeah. And so that's basically the moment that I knew. And then I left college early, um, which is hilariously another one of my funny stories on the podcast, because I know exactly where I was sitting. |||||||||уморительно||||||||||||||||| |||||||||urkomisch||||||||||||||||| |||||||||ironically||||||||||||||||| |||||||||divertidamente||||||||||||||||| |||||||||搞笑地||||||||||||||||| A potem wcześnie opuściłem college, co jest przezabawną kolejną z moich zabawnych historii w podcaście, ponieważ dokładnie wiem, gdzie siedziałem.

And I know the moment where I said, I'm not going back to class. I znam moment, w którym powiedziałem, że nie wracam na zajęcia. And, uh, just a few months I went pro so that's my story. ||||||我|||||| Kilka miesięcy później zostałem zawodowcem, więc to moja historia. Elle: The Eureka moment. ||Sudden brilliant insight| Um, so you were 15 and how is your, uh, your goal celebration now? Miałeś 15 lat i jak teraz wygląda twoje świętowanie celu? Do you ha... do you do something wild and crazy because of that? ||hast|||||||||| 你有没有……你会因此而做出疯狂而疯狂的事情吗? Or are you more subdued? ||||сдержанный ||||More reserved? ||||contido ||||gedämpft ||||低调 ||||¿O eres más tranquilo? A może jesteś bardziej stonowany? 还是你比较低调?

Will: Oh, no, I'm I'm, I guess I'm somewhat in between, you know, it's... the funny thing, when you score goals, I've played in all sorts of different clubs on all different parts of the world. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||所有||||| 威尔:哦,不,我是,我想我介于两者之间,你知道,这是……有趣的是,当你进球时,我曾在各种不同的俱乐部踢过球世界不同地区。 Play, uh, you play at clubs where there's, you know, 40 to 50,000 people. 玩,呃,你在有 40 到 50,000 人的俱乐部玩。 And then I've played at clubs where there's not a lot of fans at all. 然后我在根本没有很多球迷的俱乐部踢球。 Like I say not a lot, just a few thousand, right? Jak mówię, nie dużo, tylko kilka tysięcy, prawda? 就像我说的不多,只有几千,对吧? Or you have big stadiums, but empty crowds and stuff like that. ||||стадионов||||||| ||||sports arenas||no spectators||||| |||||||multidões|||| ||||体育场||||||| 或者你有很大的体育场,但是空荡荡的人群和类似的东西。 Uh, and so, um, your celebration, it's a lot of adrenaline. ||||||||||肾上腺素 ||||||||||Adrenalin ||||||||||rush of energy Świętowanie to dużo adrenaliny. 嗯,所以,嗯,你的庆祝活动,这是很多肾上腺素。 It's really hard to explain. ||||explicar Strikers, and I'm not a true striker, they're adrenaline junkies, but scoring goals is like being an adrenaline junkie. |||||||||наркоманы|||||||||наркоман Goal scorers||||||||rush of excitement|thrill seekers||making goals|||||||thrill-seekers |||||||||viciados em adrenalina||||||||| Stürmer||||||Stürmer|||Junkies|||||||||Süchtige strikers|||||||||瘾君子|||||||||瘾君子 Delanteros||||||delantero|||||anotar goles||||||| Aanvallers, en ik ben geen echte spits, het zijn adrenalinejunkies, maar doelpunten maken is als een adrenalinejunkie zijn. Napastnicy, a ja nie jestem prawdziwym napastnikiem, to ćpuny adrenaliny, ale strzelanie bramek jest jak bycie ćpunem adrenaliny. 前锋,我不是真正的前锋,他们是肾上腺素瘾君子,但进球就像是肾上腺素瘾君子。 You want that feeling over and over again, and the higher the stakes, the better, you know, the better, it feels the, if it's the last second of the game, you start chasing that stuff. ||||||||||||赌注||||||||||||||||||||chasing|| ||||||||||||risks involved||||||||||||||||||||||thrill or excitement ||||||||||||as apostas|||||||||||||||||||||| Chcesz tego uczucia w kółko, a im wyższa stawka, tym lepiej, wiesz, tym lepiej, jeśli jest to ostatnia sekunda gry, zaczynasz gonić za tymi rzeczami. 你一遍又一遍地想要那种感觉,赌注越高越好,你知道,感觉越好,如果这是比赛的最后一秒,你就会开始追逐那些东西。 And, um, when you start to have success with it, it just is, you know, so yeah, to, to, to answer your question, my celebrations depend on the moment. |||||||success|||||||||||||||||celebrations = celebrations|depend on||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||celebraciones||||

Uh, but, uh, they're not that subdued. ||||||subdued ||||||not very quiet ||||||contidos ||||||reprimidos Ale nie są aż tak stonowani. I tend to have fun. Mam tendencję do dobrej zabawy. I might do something dancing, you know... Może zrobię coś tanecznego... 我可能会跳舞,你知道...

Elle: Nice! No back flips or anything? ||flips|| ||Rückwärtssalt|| ||somersaults|| Żadnych salta w tył czy coś? 没有后空翻什么的?

Will: Funny you should mention backflips. |||||сальто назад |||||Rückwärtssalt |||||somersaults |||||volteretas hacia atrás |||||backflips Will: Grappig dat je backflips noemt. Will: Zabawne, że wspomniałeś o backflipach. 威尔:有趣的是,你应该提到后空翻。 Two years ago, I decided that I would learn how to do a back flip. Dwa lata temu zdecydowałem, że nauczę się robić salto w tył. 两年前,我决定学习如何做后空翻。 And it wasn't because it wasn't because for a celebration, everybody then was like, you got to do that as your celebration, you know, like, that's your new celebrate? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mark the occasion I to nie dlatego, że nie było to z powodu świętowania, wszyscy wtedy byli jak, musisz to zrobić jako swoje święto, wiesz, jak, to jest twoje nowe święto? 这不是因为不是因为庆祝,每个人都说,你必须这样做作为你的庆祝,你知道,就像,那是你的新庆祝? I'm like, no, I just wanted to do a back flip. Ja na to, że nie, chciałem tylko zrobić salto w tył. 我想,不,我只是想做一个后空翻。 Uh, and, um, so yeah, I just went to a gym, uh, sorry I went to the place where the gymnast, uh, like, uh, I don't know what you would call that gymnastic setup. ||||||||||||||||||||гимнастка||||||||||||гимнастический| ||||||||||Turnhalle||||||||||Turner||||||||||||Turngeräte| ||||||||||||||||||||gymnastics facility|||||||gymnastics facility|||||gymnastics facility|gymnastics facility ||||||||||||||||||||gimnasta||||||||||||gimnasio de gimnasia| ||||||||||||||||||||gymnast||||||||||||gymnastic| Uh, y, um, así que sí, acabo de ir a un gimnasio, uh, lo siento fui al lugar donde el gimnasta, uh, como, uh, no sé cómo se llamaría que la configuración de gimnasia. Uh, i, um, więc tak, właśnie poszedłem na siłownię, uh, przepraszam, poszedłem do miejsca, w którym gimnastyczka, uh, jak, uh, nie wiem, jak nazwałbyś tę gimnastyczną konfigurację. 呃,还有,嗯,所以是的,我刚去了一个健身房,呃,对不起,我去了体操运动员的地方,呃,就像,呃,我不知道你会怎么称呼那个体操设置。 And they're like all these little, little girls and, uh, you know, honestly, mainly, mainly little girls, but they have an open gym where adults come in. ||||||||||||||mainly|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||Sporthalle|||| |||||||||||||principalmente||||||||||||| 他们就像所有这些小女孩一样,呃,你知道,老实说,主要是小女孩,但他们有一个开放的健身房,成年人可以进来。 And so before that, the little girls are in there and they're doing like triple axe flip, back flip flying through the air. ||||||||||||||triple|||||||| ||||||||||||||three consecutive moves||rotational jump|||||| A wcześniej małe dziewczynki są tam i robią potrójne salto, salto w tył lecąc w powietrzu. 所以在那之前,小女孩们在里面,她们在做三轴空翻,后空翻。 You have no idea how they're doing it. 你不知道他们是怎么做的。 They have no fear and I'm like, okay, can I do this back flip? 他们没有恐惧,我想,好吧,我可以做这个后空翻吗? Like, I'm just like barely trying to do it, like a little kid. ||||hardly|||||||| ||||mal|||||||| Po prostu ledwo próbuję to zrobić, jak małe dziecko. 就像,我只是勉强尝试去做,就像一个小孩。 So yeah. 是的。 Anyway, that's what's up. W każdym razie, o to chodzi. Elle: And did you, can you do a back flip? Elle: A potrafisz zrobić salto w tył?

Will: I can, I can I, can I learned it in an hour. Will: Mogę, mogę, mogę nauczyć się tego w godzinę. It's not that hard. |||challenging It's getting over your fear. To przezwyciężenie strachu. Like everything is the, is the thing. ||||||main point Jakby wszystko było tym, czym jest. 就像一切都是,就是事物。

Elle: Okay. Yeah.

I was going to say, you learned it in an hour? I remember trying, I kind of have done a back flip in high school and it did not take me an hour and I was terrified. |||||||||||||||||||||||||terrified Pamiętam, że próbowałem zrobić salto w tył w liceum i nie zajęło mi to godziny, a byłem przerażony. 我记得尝试过,我在高中时做过一个后空翻,没用一个小时,我很害怕。 So I think you're definitely right. ||||definitely| 所以我认为你绝对是对的。 You need to just switch off, if you can, the fear that you're going to break your neck, because it really feels like you're going to break your neck. |||||turn off||||||||||||||||||||||| 如果可以的话,你需要关掉对你会折断脖子的恐惧,因为你真的感觉就像你要折断脖子一样。 As soon as someone, they come away, you know they're holding your back. Jak tylko ktoś odejdzie, wiesz, że cię powstrzymuje. 一旦有人,他们走开,你就知道他们在阻止你。 And then as soon as they're not holding your back anymore, it's like, ah, am I going to die? |||||||segurando||||||||||| Y entonces, en cuanto ya no te sujetan, es como, ah, ¿me voy a morir? A potem, gdy tylko przestaną cię powstrzymywać, to jakbym umarł? 然后一旦他们不再阻止你,就像,啊,我会死吗? Will: Yeah.

Elle: Yeah. Okay. So you mentioned there that, you said you're not a true striker. |||||||||||attaccante 所以你在那里提到,你说你不是一个真正的前锋。 I don't know football, soccer, whatever you want to call it at all, I have to admit. ||||||||||||||||admit 我不知道足球,足球,不管你怎么称呼它,我不得不承认。 So what position do you, do you play? 那么你是什么位置,你玩吗?

Will: I'm uh, I'm an attacking midfielder, uh, or what would be considered more, a second striker. ||||||полузащитник|||||||||| ||||||central attacking player|||||||||supporting forward| ||||||centrocampista ofensivo|||||||||| ||||||centrocampista||||||would be considered||||second striker Will: Jestem atakującym pomocnikiem, a raczej drugim napastnikiem. 威尔:我呃,我是一名攻击型中场,呃,或者更被认为是二前锋。 So, uh, for those of, of the people who don't really aren't into soccer, uh Ibrahimović is, uh, if you know who that is, Zlatan Ibrahimović generally a fairly famous person or all right, we'll go with, uh, Lionel Messi, uh, who you, hopefully have heard of. |||||||||||||||Ибрагимович|||||||||Златан Ибрагимович||||||||||||||Лионель Месси|Лионель Месси||||||| |||||||||||||||Ibrahimović|||||||||Zlatan Ibrahimović||||||||||||||Lionel Messi|Messi||||||| Therefore|||||||||||||||famous soccer player|||||||||famous soccer player||usually considered||||||||||||Lionel Messi|famous soccer player||||||| |||||||||||||||Ibrahimović|||||||||Zlatan Ibrahimović|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||Ibrahimović|||||||||Zlatan|Ibrahimović|in general||||||||||||Lionel|Messi||||||| 所以,呃,对于那些不是真的不喜欢足球的人来说,呃 Ibrahimović 是,呃,如果你知道那是谁,Zlatan Ibrahimović 通常是一个相当有名的人,或者好吧,我们会去和,呃,莱昂内尔·梅西,呃,你,希望你听说过。 Elle: Yes. I know Messi. I know who Messi is. 我知道梅西是谁。 Yes.

Will: Messi's not a true striker. |Месси|||| |Messis|||| |Messi is|||| |Messi's||||attaccante 威尔:梅西不是真正的前锋。 He's a guy that plays a little underneath. |||||||underneath |||||||closer to goal |||||||por baixo To facet, który gra trochę pod spodem. 他是一个在底下打球的人。 He's quick. |quick 他很快。 He's fast. 他很快。 He's really technical. ||technical He's really good with his feet. 他的脚真的很好。 That's my style and position. 这就是我的风格和立场。 I'm also left-footed. |||footed |||linksfußig |||zurdo de pie 我也是左脚。 I like to run a little bit behind where we try to cause problems without being the main guy. ||||||||||||create|||||| Lubię biegać trochę z tyłu, gdzie staramy się sprawiać problemy, nie będąc głównym gościem. 我喜欢在我们试图制造问题而不是主要人物的情况下落后一点。

Those big number nine, uh, striker guys, they get a lot of the attention from the big defenders. |||||attaccante||||||||attention|||| 那些大个子九号,呃,前锋,他们得到了大个子后卫的很多关注。 I try to avoid those big tackles with those guys. ||||||схватки||| ||||||physical confrontations|||players ||||||as tackles||| ||||||Zweikämpfe||| ||||||tackles||| ||||||placajes grandes||| Staram się unikać tych dużych starć z tymi zawodnikami.

Elle: Okay. Okay. That sounds wise. ||saggio Does that mean you get less chance to score then or how does that work? 这是否意味着你得分的机会更少,或者这是如何运作的?

Will: It means I have to be more creative. 威尔:这意味着我必须更有创造力。 I'm more involved in the buildup of the play. ||engaged|||||| |||||development||| |||||preparação||| Estoy más involucrado en la preparación de la obra. 我更多地参与了剧本的建设。 It means, it doesn't mean that I won't get a whole lot of chances to score. 这意味着,这并不意味着我不会有很多得分机会。 You do. Um, but it's generally the guy who's your, generally, we call that number nine, he's the striker. 嗯,但通常是你的那个人,一般来说,我们称之为九号,他是前锋。 That guy's always at the near the goal. |der Typ|||||| 那家伙总是在球门附近。 He's, that's your job, just score goals. 他是,那是你的工作,只要进球。 You know, it's my, my job to provide and you know, to score. |||||||to provide||||| |||||||take care of||||| 你知道,这是我的,我的工作是提供,你知道,得分。 Elle: I see. 艾丽:我明白了。 Okay. So let's talk a little about the languages then. |let us||||||| So as I mentioned in your intro there. ||||||introduction| ||||||opening remarks| Um, maybe I didn't. You speak, you know eight languages? And you mentioned before we started recording that you're closing in on your ninth language. |||||||||closing in on = getting closer to||||| |||||||||||||neunten| |||||||||nearing completion of|approaching|approaching||| Zanim zaczęliśmy nagrywać, wspomniałeś, że zbliżasz się do dziewiątego języka. 你在我们开始录制之前提到你正在接近你的第九种语言。 So, um, first off, what are those languages? 那么,嗯,首先,这些语言是什么? And I'm interested to know if you kind of moved into, as you moved around the world, did you collect these languages? ||||||||||||||||||||those languages| 我很想知道你是否搬家了,当你在世界各地搬家时,你收集这些语言了吗? Were there extras? ||extras ||Schauspieler ||additional items ||¿Había extras? Czy były jakieś dodatki? 有额外的吗? So yeah, first off what languages do you know? 所以是的,首先你知道什么语言?

Will: Okay. So I'll, I'll, I'll the easiest way for me to do this as chronologically, uh, because I always forget when I try and tell people. |||||||||||||in chronological order||||||||||| |||||||||||||In time order||||||||||| |||||||||||||cronológicamente||||||||||| Więc najłatwiej będzie mi to zrobić chronologicznie, ponieważ zawsze zapominam, kiedy próbuję powiedzieć o tym ludziom. 所以我会,我会,我会以最简单的方式按时间顺序来做这件事,呃,因为当我试图告诉别人时,我总是忘记。 Um, my, my mom thought it would be a great idea for me to learn Spanish when I was very, very young. ||||thought||||||||||||||||| 嗯,我的,我妈妈认为在我非常非常年轻的时候学习西班牙语对我来说是个好主意。 Um, so I did not watch English, um, cartoons when I would come back from school and she also got me, she placed me into a Spanish like tutor, uh, class for some few kids after school. ||||||||||||||||||||||placed|||||||||||||| ||||||||animated TV shows||||||||||||||||||||private teacher|||||||| Um, así que no veía inglés, um, caricaturas cuando volvía de la escuela y ella también me consiguió, me colocó en una clase de español como tutora, uh, para algunos niños después de la escuela. Um, więc nie oglądałem angielskich kreskówek, kiedy wracałem ze szkoły, a ona również umieściła mnie w hiszpańskim, jak korepetytor, uh, zajęcia dla kilku dzieci po szkole. 嗯,所以我放学回来的时候没有看英文,嗯,卡通片,她也找了我,她给我安排了一个类似西班牙语的家教,呃,放学后给几个孩子上课。 So, uh, Spanish was pretty heavy when I was little and I didn't even realize I could speak it, but by the time I was 13, 14, my comprehension was excellent. Entonces, uh, el español era bastante pesado cuando era pequeño y ni siquiera me di cuenta de que podía hablarlo, pero cuando tenía 13, 14 años, mi comprensión era excelente. Kiedy byłem mały, hiszpański był dość trudny i nawet nie zdawałem sobie sprawy, że potrafię nim mówić, ale kiedy miałem 13, 14 lat, rozumiałem go doskonale. 所以,呃,我小的时候西班牙语很重,我什至没有意识到我会说,但是到我13、14岁的时候,我的理解力非常好。 Um, and, uh, I took a liking to languages then came, uh, Italian and French. |||||a|a liking||||they came|||| Um, y, uh, me gustaron los idiomas y luego vinieron, uh, italiano y francés. Potem polubiłem języki, włoski i francuski. 嗯,而且,嗯,我喜欢语言然后出现了,嗯,意大利语和法语。 Both of those languages were collected without going to the countries. |||||gathered or learned||||| 这两种语言都是在没有去这些国家的情况下收集的。 I had not... my Italian is great and I have four or five days in Italy. Nie miałem... mój włoski jest świetny i mam cztery lub pięć dni we Włoszech. 我没有……我的意大利语很棒,我在意大利有四五天的时间。 So for those people out there that think they have to go there to learn, it's nonsense, you have more than enough resources. ||||||||||||||||nonsense|||||| ||||||||||||||||not true|||||| Więc dla tych ludzi, którzy myślą, że muszą tam iść, aby się uczyć, to nonsens, masz więcej niż wystarczające zasoby. 所以对于那些认为他们必须去那里学习的人来说,这是胡说八道,你有足够的资源。 Now, back then I had to go to the college library and find a TV that had RAI uh, their, their news, uh, thing to listen to Italian. |||||||||||||||||Итальянское телевидение|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||RAI|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||Italian TV network||||||||||Italian news channel |||||||||||||||||RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana)|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||RAI|||||||||| Wtedy musiałem iść do biblioteki uniwersyteckiej i znaleźć telewizor, który miał RAI, ich wiadomości, żeby posłuchać włoskiego. 现在,当时我不得不去大学图书馆找一台有RAI的电视,呃,他们的,他们的新闻,呃,听意大利语的东西。 So, uh, that's Spanish, French, Italian, those are, those are those then German, which I've been to quite a bit. Así que, eh, eso es español, francés, italiano, esos son, esos son esos entonces alemán, que he estado en bastante. 所以,呃,那是西班牙文、法文、意大利文,那些是那些,然后是德文,我去过很多地方。 I learned alone, uh, Croatian that's from here, Danish, because I played there, uh, in Denmark, uh, Russian, because I played in Baku, Azerbaijan, and decided to learn Russian. ||||Croatian||||Danish|||||||Denmark|||||||Baku|Azerbaijan||||| ||||Kroatisch|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||Croatian language|||||||||||a country|||||||Azerbaijan's capital|Baku, Azerbaijan||||| ||||croata||||||||||||||||||Bakú|Azerbaiyán||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||Баку|||||| 我一个人学,呃,克罗地亚语,就是从这里学来的,丹麦语,因为我在那里打球,呃,在丹麦,呃,俄语,因为我在阿塞拜疆的巴库打球,然后决定学习俄语。 Um, and, uh, did I still forget one after all? 嗯,还有,呃,我还是忘记了一个吗? Uh, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Danish, Croatian, Russian, English. ||||||croato|| 呃,西班牙语,法语,意大利语,德语,丹麦语,克罗地亚语,俄语,英语。 And right now closing in on number nine will be Swedish because I spent most of my time during the pandemic in Sweden. ||||||||||||||||||||||Swedish location A teraz na dziewiątym miejscu będzie Szwed, ponieważ większość czasu podczas pandemii spędziłem w Szwecji. 现在接近第九名的将是瑞典人,因为我大部分时间都在瑞典大流行期间度过。

Uh, so, yeah.


Elle: Swedish. I've heard tha,. ||что ты ||dass ||he oído que ||that 我听说过,。 I kind of dabbled a bit with Swedish too, but I heard it's generally easy to learn coming from an English background. |||попробовал|||||||||||||||||| |||experimented a little||||||||||usually|||||||| |||brinquei um pouco|||||||||||||||||| |||ein wenig experimentiert|||||||||||||||||| |||dabbled|||||||||||||||||| |||incursioné un poco|||||||||||||||||| Ja też trochę bawiłem się szwedzkim, ale słyszałem, że generalnie łatwo się go nauczyć mając angielskie korzenie. 我也有点涉猎瑞典语,但我听说从英语背景开始学习通常很容易。 How are you finding it? Jak się z tym czujesz? 你怎么找到它?

Will: Uh, after having learned Danish, which is pretty interesting. |||||Danish|||| 威尔:呃,学了丹麦语之后,挺有意思的。 I moved to Sweden and started when I was there. |||Sweden|||||| 我搬到了瑞典,从那里开始。 Just for fun. 纯娱乐。

I would speak Danish to people. |||Danish|| 我会和人说丹麦语。 They were not having it. Nie mieli na to ochoty. 他们没有。 They make so much fun of Danish. 他们取笑丹麦人。 The pronunciation is very different. 发音很不一样。 I mean, they make fun of each other a whole lot, but my vocab was, was great. |||||||||||||vocabulary||| |||||||||||||Wortschatz||| |||||||||||||word choice||| 我的意思是,他们经常互相取笑,但我的词汇非常棒。 And if you're an English speaker and you're wanting to learn a Scandinavian language, Swedish is pretty, pretty easy. ||||||||||||Scandinavian|||||| ||||||||||||Nordic|||||| Y si eres angloparlante y quieres aprender un idioma escandinavo, el sueco es bastante, bastante fácil. 如果你会说英语并且想学习一门斯堪的纳维亚语,那么瑞典语非常非常简单。 Elle: Okay, excellent. Elle:好的,很好。 Uh, did you with the languages, did you decide, you know, in your teens or as a kid that you wanted to be someone who spoke lots of languages or did it just kind of happen as you moved around in your career? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||just|||||||||| |||||||||||||Teenagerjahren||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 呃,你有语言吗?你是否决定,你知道,在你十几岁或小时候,你想成为一个会说多种语言的人,还是你在职业生涯中四处走动时发生的?

Will: Uh, I can, I can say pretty comfortabl this was by design. ||||||||удобно|||| ||||||||bequem|||| ||||||||with confidence|||| ||||||||cómodamente|||| ||||||||comfortable||||design = design Will: Uh, dat kan ik, ik kan zeggen dat dit redelijk comfortabel was. Will: Uh, mogę, mogę powiedzieć całkiem komfortowo, że to było zaprojektowane. 威尔:嗯,我可以,我可以说很舒服这是设计使然。 Uh, but I guess you could also say not, right?

I didn't, I didn't forcethat moment on me, on myself when I was 15, uh, that kind of put this, put these, the wheels in motion. ||||навязать это|||||||||||||||||||| ||||zwingen|||||||||||||||||||| ||||force that|||||||||||||||||||| ||||forzar ese|||||||||||||||||||| ||||force that||||||||||||||||||wheels|| Nie wymusiłem na sobie tego momentu, kiedy miałem 15 lat, który wprawił to w ruch. 我没有,我没有把那个时刻强加给我,当我 15 岁的时候,呃,那种让这个,让这些,轮子运转起来的方式。 Uh, but when I was 16, I read, uh, The Count of Monte Cristo. |||||||||||Монтекристо|Кристо ||||||||||||Cristo |||||||||||Mount|Monte Cristo |||||||||||Monte Cristo|Cristo ||||||||||||Christ Uh, I'm not sure if you're familiar with that book, uh, but it's about a guy who more or less goes through some challenges uh, to become the hero of the story. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||story Uh, no estoy seguro de si estás familiarizado con ese libro, uh, pero se trata de un tipo que más o menos pasa por algunos desafíos uh, para convertirse en el héroe de la historia. 呃,我不确定你是否熟悉那本书,呃,但它是关于一个或多或少经历一些挑战的人,成为故事的主人公。 He has to overcome learning languages, understanding all sorts of math and physics, and being able to travel the world and doing all that stuff. Tiene que superar aprender idiomas, entender todo tipo de matemáticas y física, y poder viajar por el mundo y hacer todas esas cosas. 他必须克服学习语言,理解各种数学和物理,并能够环游世界并做所有这些事情。 And I really, it had a very large impact on my, on my youth, my youthful mind, uh, at 16. ||||||||impacto|||||||youthful = young||| 我真的,它对我的,对我的青春,我年轻的思想,呃,16岁时产生了很大的影响。 And so I thought this is what I want. 所以我认为这就是我想要的。 I want to be able to learn 10 languages. 我希望能够学习 10 种语言。

I said that I wanted 10 and I was 16 then. Uh, and so we are 20 years from that now, and I'm at nine. 嗯,所以我们现在已经 20 年了,而我现在才 9 岁。 So I underestimated my ability. ||underestimated = did not value enough|| ||undervalued|| 所以我低估了我的能力。 Um, I think I'll, I'll be able to go past that. Um, creo que voy a, voy a ser capaz de ir más allá de eso. 嗯,我想我会的,我能够超越那个。 I, I have the desire to, but, uh, no, it was very much by design. ||||desire|||||||||| Yo, yo tengo el deseo de, pero, eh, no, fue muy por diseño. 我,我有愿望,但是,呃,不,这在很大程度上是设计使然。 I, the methods for getting it done, that was chaotic, you know, uh, trying to figure out how to learn a language, uh, and what the best way is for you yourself, you know, specifically or... |||||||||disorganized|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||disorganized and confusing|||||||||||||||||||||||||particularly for you| 我,完成它的方法,那是混乱的,你知道,呃,试图弄清楚如何学习一门语言,呃,你自己最好的方法是什么,你知道,特别是或者......

that's that, that was the challenge. Elle: Right. And what kind of methods have you landed on then? |||||||landed on = arrived at|| 你当时采用了什么样的方法? Do you, have you honed the methods that you use and that you're now using for Swedish? ||||honed|||||||||||| ||||refined|||||||||||| ||||aperfeiçoado|||||||||||| ||||perfeccionado|||||||||||| Czy udoskonaliłeś metody, których używasz i których używasz teraz w Szwecji? 你,你有没有磨练你使用的方法,你现在正在使用瑞典语? Will: Yeah.

Um, which is... funny enough that, that's what we're going to be getting into in our new YouTube channel, which is Goluremi languages. |||||||||||||||||||||Голуреми языки| |||||||||||||||||||||Goluremi-Sprachen| |||||||||||||||||||||Goluremi languages| |||||||||||||||||||||Goluremi idiomas| |||||||||||||||||||||Goluremi| Um, co jest... zabawne, że właśnie tym będziemy się zajmować na naszym nowym kanale YouTube, którym są języki Goluremi. 嗯,这……这很有趣,这就是我们将在我们的新 YouTube 频道中进入的内容,即 Goluremi 语言。 Uh, because going through that was, it was like I said, very tough. |||through||||||||| 呃,因为经历那是,就像我说的,非常艰难。 And so now, yeah, it's a combination of a lot of things that you guys do. ||||||a combination||||||||| ||||||mix of elements||||||||| 所以现在,是的,这是你们所做的很多事情的结合。 Uh, because comprehension is, is, is, um, incredibly useful. |||||||incredibilmente| 嗯,因为理解是,是,是,嗯,非常有用。 And one of the cool things about LingQ is finding, um, finding information, I guess you could say that's comprehensible at a level that you are, uh, and that's also interesting, but at your level, when you're a beginner in a language is so important and so hard, because it's really hard. |||||||||||||||||||verständlich|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||might be able|||easy to understand|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| LingQ 的一个很酷的事情是发现,嗯,发现信息,我想你可以说这是可以理解的,呃,这也很有趣,但是在你的水平上,当你是一个初学者时语言是如此重要,如此艰难,因为它真的很难。 Okay. If you're going to learn English, there's a lot of resources, admittedly Spanish. |||||||||||admittedly| |||||||||||zugegebenermaßen| |||||||||||It is true| 如果你要学习英语,有很多资源,当然是西班牙语。 Yes.

But for many of the other, other languages you need to find something that you can read that's comprehensible that you can listen to, that you can understand immediately, you know, the natural approach and learning things from, uh, I believe his name is Stephen Krashen, uh, is, is who came up with, with that understanding that that is important. ||||||||||||||||||easy to understand|||||||||||||||method or strategy|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 但是对于许多其他语言,你需要找到一些你可以阅读、你可以听、你可以立即理解的东西,你知道,自然的方法和学习东西,呃,我相信他的名字是斯蒂芬·克拉申,呃,是谁想出了这个问题,并且理解这很重要。 And TPRS, uh, for the people that, you know, teaching proficiency through storytelling, right? |ТПРС|||||||||||| |Storytelling teaching method|||||||||||| |Enseñanza mediante cuentos|||||||||||| |TPRS|||||||||proficiency = proficiency||storytelling| 还有 TPRS,呃,对于那些,你知道的,通过讲故事来教授熟练度的人,对吧? Uh, through reading and storytelling. ||||Geschichten erzählen 呃,通过阅读和讲故事。

Elle: Yep. |Ja

Will: Those were huge boosts. ||||boosts = increases ||||Steigerungen ||||significant improvements Uh, I definitely, when I started German, I made the mistake of going the grammar route at first thinking, they said the grammar is tough in German and you got to understand it. |||||||||||||||approach||||||||||||||||| 呃,我肯定,当我开始德语时,我一开始就犯了走语法路线的错误,他们说德语的语法很难,你必须理解它。

And I said, okay, I'll understand it. Let me go and try and dive in... disaster for the first, you know, couple of weeks. ||||||to dive||disastro|||||||| 让我去尝试潜入...灾难的第一个,你知道,几个星期。 You almost want to, you want to give up, throw the books out the window. 你几乎想要,想要放弃,把书扔出窗外。 So. It's very simple. Yeah.

Now I start off with very, very basic, I find the most basic of basic things to listen, to, uh, and speak. 现在我从非常非常基本的开始,我发现最基本的基本东西要听,听,嗯,说。

And I enjoy writing, uh, as well. 我也喜欢写作,嗯。 So when I write all my notes are hardly in English. ||||||written observations|||| 所以当我写的时候,我所有的笔记几乎都不是英文的。 Um, so yeah, I break down and I will break down a whole lot more of my, my method over there on Goluremi Languages. ||||||||||||||||||||||Goluremi| ||||||||||||||||||||||language learning platform| Así que sí, desgloso y desglosaré mucho más mi método en Goluremi Languages. Um, dus ja, ik breek af en ik zal nog veel meer van mijn, mijn methode daar op Goluremi Languages afbreken. Um, więc tak, rozbijam i będę rozbijał o wiele więcej moich metod na Goluremi Languages. 嗯,是的,我崩溃了,我会在 Goluremi Languages 上打破更多我的方法。

Elle: Yeah, let's talk about the channel. Elle:是的,让我们谈谈频道。 So you have two channels. 所以你有两个渠道。 So the Will John channel is all about soccer skills. So you teach soccer skills and now this new channel Goluremi is going to be focused on language learning?

Will: Yeah.


So what, uh, everybody who's checking us out can see what we do is kind of a fun level up thing that a lot of polyglots are doing as well. Więc każdy, kto nas sprawdza, może zobaczyć, że to, co robimy, jest czymś w rodzaju zabawy na wyższym poziomie, którą robi również wielu poliglotów. So I will just go into the street and just start randomly talking to people and it's a whole lot of fun. |||||||||||randomly|||||||||| |||||||||||without a plan|||||||||| 所以我会走到街上,开始随机与人交谈,这很有趣。 So the first video out, you can just see me in the Mall of Scandinavia, actually in Sweden, just finding random people to talk to in different languages and all the craziness that that happens with with that and surprising foreigners, uh, you know, with that it's, which is fun over here in this part of the world is there's not a whole lot of black people that speak Russian or, uh, Croatian in these Eastern European languages. ||||||||||||||Scandinavia|||||||||||||||||craziness||||||||||||||||||divertente|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Einkaufszentrum|||||||||||||||||||Verrücktheit|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||shopping center|||||||||||||||||chaotic interactions|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||безумие|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 所以第一个视频出来,你可以在斯堪的纳维亚购物中心看到我,实际上是在瑞典,随便找人用不同的语言交谈,以及随之而来的所有疯狂和令人惊讶的外国人,呃,你知道,有了它,在这个世界的这个地方很有趣的是,没有很多黑人会说俄语,或者,呃,这些东欧语言的克罗地亚语。 So it's always funny for them. But, um, yeah, we have more than that channel. So, I mean, the company has, we have a podcast channel as well, which is called the 11th Commandment and, uh, we have all sorts of guests on and that's where Steve, uh, actually was, was on as well. ||||||||||||||||||заповедь|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Gebot|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||rule or principle|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Undécimo Mandamiento|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||commandment|||we||||||||||||||was||| 所以,我的意思是,公司有,我们也有一个播客频道,叫做第 11 条诫命,呃,我们有各种各样的客人,史蒂夫,呃,实际上,也在那里。 So, so yeah, we're, we're busy. Elle: So what can people who will go and subscribe to your language learning channel and the podcast, what can they expect for the next little while? |So||||||||||||||||||||||the||| |||||||||sign up for||||||||||||||||| Elle:那么那些订阅你的语言学习频道和播客的人会怎样,他们在接下来的一段时间里能期待什么? What type, what kind of content? 什么类型,什么样的内容?

Will: Okay. So yeah, we are going to do a whole lot more of obviously the level ups and doing a whole lot of surprise, but the idea will be to, and you'll see this in the channel intro, which is, uh, the, the video that's up there, there right now. ||noi|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Así que sí, vamos a hacer mucho más de, obviamente, las subidas de nivel y hacer un montón de sorpresas, pero la idea será, y verás esto en la introducción del canal, que es, uh, el, el vídeo que está ahí arriba, allí ahora mismo. Więc tak, zamierzamy zrobić o wiele więcej poziomów i zrobić wiele niespodzianek, ale pomysł będzie taki, i zobaczysz to w intro kanału, które jest, uh, wideo, które jest tam, tam teraz. 所以,是的,我们会做更多的明显的升级和做很多惊喜,但想法是,你会在频道介绍中看到这一点,那就是,呃,上面的视频,现在就在那里。 Um, the idea will be to give people a simple avenue into learning how the best polyglots have, what they, you know, what they're doing because that's one of the things that I fight and combat against in, on our soccer channel is that, of course, now that anybody can just make a video, you probably want to make sure you're getting, at least from some people who can show. ||||||||||avenue|||||||||||||||||||||||||to fight|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Weg||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||provide||||simple way||||||language experts|||||||||||||||||||fight against|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pomysł polega na tym, aby dać ludziom prostą drogę do nauki tego, co robią najlepsi poligloci, ponieważ jedną z rzeczy, z którymi walczę na naszym kanale piłkarskim, jest to, że oczywiście teraz, gdy każdy może po prostu nagrać wideo, prawdopodobnie chcesz się upewnić, że otrzymujesz przynajmniej od osób, które mogą to pokazać. 嗯,这个想法是给人们一个简单的途径来了解最好的多语种人是如何拥有的,他们,你知道,他们在做什么,因为这是我在我们的足球频道上与之斗争和对抗的事情之一当然,既然任何人都可以制作视频,你可能想确保你得到了,至少来自一些可以展示的人。 You wouldn't go to, don't come to me to learn Chinese because I don't speak Chinese. No irías a, no vengas a mí a aprender chino porque yo no hablo chino. 你不会去,也不会来找我学中文,因为我不会说中文。 You really don't want to listen to me about that. 你真的不想听我的。 I won't teach Chinese. I promise you, uh, and, uh, so in that it's, it's our hope that we can have people like Steve on, um, and that we will do a lot of these and I'll actually want to display, um, a lot. 我向你保证,嗯,而且,嗯,所以我们希望我们可以让像史蒂夫这样的人,嗯,我们会做很多这样的事情,我真的想展示,嗯,一个很多。 So we will have subtitles for everything of course, but I will, it's always fun to see conversations, uh, in tons of different languages, always with English subtitles, and hopefully as we grow our community, um, we'll have plenty of other, other subtitles for people, but, uh, we'll have top five videos on best way to learn Spanish, the best way to learn X Y and Z language. |||||||||||||||||conversazioni|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||captions||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||muitas outras||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Więc oczywiście będziemy mieć napisy do wszystkiego, ale zawsze fajnie jest oglądać rozmowy w wielu różnych językach, zawsze z angielskimi napisami i mam nadzieję, że w miarę rozwoju naszej społeczności będziemy mieć wiele innych napisów dla ludzi, ale będziemy mieć pięć najlepszych filmów na temat najlepszego sposobu nauki hiszpańskiego, najlepszego sposobu nauki języka X, Y i Z. 所以我们当然会为所有内容提供字幕,但我会的,看到对话总是很有趣,呃,有很多不同的语言,总是有英文字幕,希望随着我们社区的发展,嗯,我们会有很多其他,其他人的字幕,但是,呃,我们将有前五个视频,介绍学习西班牙语的最佳方式,学习 XY 和 Z 语言的最佳方式。 And we'll do some of those interviews just in, in those languages. ||||||conversations||||| 我们会用这些语言进行一些采访。 And we'll bring on different people like that in order to do that. 为了做到这一点,我们会邀请不同的人来做到这一点。 And on the podcast channel, we, we bring on some of those interesting people. 在播客频道上,我们带来了一些有趣的人。 I just got off now with a guy who was a former mercenary because of what's going on in Afghanistan. I||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Söldner||||||| ||||||||||||hired soldier|||||||the conflict there Acabo de hablar con un antiguo mercenario por lo que está pasando en Afganistán. Ik kom er net uit met een man die een voormalige huursoldaat was vanwege wat er gaande is in Afghanistan. Właśnie rozmawiałem z facetem, który był byłym najemnikiem z powodu tego, co dzieje się w Afganistanie. 我现在刚刚和一个因为阿富汗发生的事情而成为前雇佣兵的人下车。 We thought it would be cool to have somebody on to speak about what's going on in the world and stuff like that. ||||||||||||||||||||similar topics|| 我们认为让某人谈论世界上正在发生的事情以及类似的事情会很酷。 We've had, you know, all, all sorts of people from, you know, obviously we have footballers on somebody like Steve, a former Canadian diplomat is also cool, cool to have on, uh, yeah. |||||||||||||||футболисты||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||foreign service officer||||||||| |||||||||||||||futbolistas||||||||||||||||| 我们有,你知道,所有,各种各样的人,你知道,显然我们有像史蒂夫这样的足球运动员,前加拿大外交官也很酷,很酷,嗯,是的。 They come from all walks of life. ||||Lebensbereichen|| Ze komen uit alle lagen van de bevolking. Pochodzą z różnych środowisk.

The idea is just to learn from people who are doing really, really cool things and, uh, talk to them about their stories and just hear interesting things.

Elle: Fantastic. Well, it sounds amazing, super interesting. And I especially love the, the whole, you know, approaching people and speaking to them in their, in their language, those types of videos. |||||||||engaging with||||||||||||||

Will: Always fun

Elle: Yeah. A lot of fun. Yeah.

Listen Will, thank you so, so much for joining me today. It was a great chat and, um, yeah, I'll pop the links to your two channels and to the podcast that you mentioned, uh, today in the description. |||||||||add||||||||||||||||||video details section So everyone go check them out for sure. Uh, yeah. Thank you so much for joining us and have a great rest of your evening in Croatia, in Zagreb. ||||||||||||||||||the capital city

Will: I will. Thanks a lot. I will throw one more thing out there. 我会再扔一件事。 All of the clips for languages are also on Tik ToK, so that's just Goluremi, yes. |||||||||TikTok|||||| 所有语言的剪辑也在 Tik ToK 上,所以这只是 Goluremi,是的。 They're all, the Goluremi Languages and all that stuff. 它们都是,Goluremi 语言和所有这些东西。 It's all on Tik TOK as well if you're just, if you're a bite-size social media type person who can only pay attention for 30 seconds, Tik Tok's your friend. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||ТикТок|| ||||TikTok|||||||||||||||||||||||Tok|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||TikTok is|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Tik Tok|| 如果你只是,如果你是一个只能关注 30 秒的小型社交媒体类型的人,Tik TOK 也是如此,Tik Tok 是你的朋友。 Elle: Yeah. All you Tik Tok teens out there. 你们所有的 Tik Tok 青少年。 I feel like I'm too old for the whole Tik Tok thing. I don't, I can't. Okay. Cheers Will, thank you so much. Bye.

Will: See ya. Will: Nos vemos.||