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What is advertising?

Is it telling the truth or is it making things look better than they really are? Or is it lying? Companies pay a lot of money for adverts. Some of the ads you see in glossy magazines look like art. The commercials on TV look like mini movies. Do they really change our behaviour? Do adverts make you buy things? I think some advertising is a form of lying. Is BMW really “The ultimate driving machine” like they say in their ads? British Airways used to say they were “The world's favourite airline,” but had to stop saying it because it wasn't true. Personally, I get tired of watching ads on television. They always interrupt a good programme. I like ads in magazines. They're usually quite interesting.

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What is advertising? O que é publicidade?

Is it telling the truth or is it making things look better than they really are? Je to vyprávění pravdy nebo je to, že věci vypadají lépe než ve skutečnosti? それは真実を言っているのですか、それとも物事を実際よりも良く見せているのですか? Está dizendo a verdade ou está fazendo as coisas parecerem melhor do que realmente são? Or is it lying? Ou está mentindo? Companies pay a lot of money for adverts. Some of the ads you see in glossy magazines look like art. Některé reklamy, které vidíte v lesklých časopisech, vypadají jako umění. Alguns dos anúncios que você vê em revistas brilhantes parecem arte. The commercials on TV look like mini movies. Os comerciais na TV parecem mini-filmes. Do they really change our behaviour? 彼らは本当に私たちの行動を変えますか? Eles realmente mudam nosso comportamento? Do adverts make you buy things? Provádějí reklamy nákup? 広告は物を買うようにしますか? I think some advertising is a form of lying. Is BMW really “The ultimate driving machine” like they say in their ads? Je BMW skutečně „dokonalým hnacím strojem“, jak říkají ve svých reklamách? A BMW é realmente "a melhor máquina de dirigir", como dizem em seus anúncios? British Airways used to say they were “The world’s favourite airline,” but had to stop saying it because it wasn’t true. Personally, I get tired of watching ads on television. They always interrupt a good programme. 彼らは常に良いプログラムを中断します。 I like ads in magazines. They’re usually quite interesting.