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Miss Winnie Daily Cantonese Small Talk, Ep. 77 Transportation in Hong Kong

Ep. 77 Transportation in Hong Kong

Hello 大家 好 , 今日 係 2023 年 嘅 6 月 24 號 。

今日 係 星期六 啦 。

而家 啦, 係 早上 嘅 十一 點 五十 三 分 。

好 快 呢 就 中午 十二 點 啦 。

Noon 12, 中午 十二 點 。

今日 想同 大家 講 嘅 題目 呢 , 係 講 喺 香港 嘅 交通工具 。

Transportation, 交通工具 。

咁 呀 , 係 香港 呢 , 我哋 話 係 交通 好 方便 嘅 一個 大城市 。

大城市 ,Big City。

交通 好 方便 嘅 。

因為 呢 , 有 好多 公共 交通工具 可以 選擇 。

Many different choices in public transportation。

譬如 巴士 ,bus。

地鐵 ,mass transit railway,MTR。

小巴 ,mini bus。

的士 ,taxi。

或者 叫 Uber。

仲有 , 有啲 人 都 會 踩單車 , 或者 踹單車 嘅 我哋 叫 。

So bicycle, 單車 。

Riding bicycle。

We can say, 踩 單車 , or 踹 單車 。

Motorbike, 電單車 。

咁 都 有啲 人 會 揸 電單車 。

咁 呀 , 多 唔多 人 揸 私家 車 呢 ?

私家車 呢 , 其實 係 即係 自己 揸 車 啦 。

私家 有 個 意思 係 private。

車 係 car and vehicle。

如果 你 係 有 自己 嘅 車 , 你 係 揸 車 嘅 呢 ?

咁 我哋 可以 話 , 你 係 有 車 嘅 人士 。

People with cars, 有 車 人士 。

揸 私家車 , 或者 係 揸 車, 咁樣 。

咁 香港 都 好多 人 呢, 係 唔 有 車 嘅 。

大概 個 比例 係 幾多 呀?

How would be the percentage and the ratio?

我 諗 如果 我 有 十 個 朋友 啦 ,10 friends。

十 個 朋友 裏面 , within my 10 friends。

可能 有 三 個 人 係 會 有 私家車 。

差唔多 啦 , 可能 三 個 ,四 個 人 。

咁 呢個 係 我 自己 嘅 估計 嚟 㗎 咋 。

唔係 一啲 政府 嘅 數據 , 唔係 一啲 government statistic, 唔係 政府 數據 。

我 一啲 朋友 呢, 都 可能 十 個 裏面 有 三 個 ,四 個 都 會 揸 自己 嘅 車 嘅 。

咁 就, 唔係 話 真係 咁 多 人 會 揸 車 嘅 。

咁 點解 呢?

因為 首先 喺 香港 呢, 搭 公共 交通工具 係 好 方便 啦 。

啲 巴士 好 密 啦 。

啲 巴士 好 密 呢 , 即係 話 可能 一個 鐘頭 裏面 呢, 會 有 好多 班 巴士 嘅 。

譬如 十 分鐘 一班 , 十五 分鐘 就 一班 巴士 咁樣 。

一個 鐘 裏面 都 好多 巴士 嘅 。

咁 地鐵 呢, 就 更 加快 啦 。

兩三 分鐘 就 有 一班 火車 , 一班 地鐵 咁樣 。

我 唔 記得 咗 喺 香港 仲有 一樣 公共 交通工具 我 漏 咗 嘅 。

I forgot to include it inside the list。

係 電車 ,tram, 電車 。

電車 都 係 一個 好 方便 嘅 公共 交通工具 。

但係 呢, 就 淨係 喺 香港島 嗰度 先 至 有 電車 嘅 。

電車 有 另 一 個 名 係 叫做 叮叮 。

我哋 叫做 叮叮 。

因為 呢, 佢 會 有 一個 鐘 , 會 叮叮 叮叮 咁樣 聲 嘅 。

電車 又 叫做 叮叮 喺 香港 。

都 好 方便 好 平 。

所以 有 咁 多 唔同 嘅 種類 嘅 公共 交通工具 , 好多 人 都 可以 唔使 揸 車 。

都 可以 呢度 去 , 嗰度 去 , 非常之 方便 。

咁, 有 車 嘅 人, 有時候 都 唔係 話 真係 咁 方便 呀 。

因為 喺 香港 要 搵 地方 泊車 , 要 泊位 。

都 唔係 咁 容易 嘅 , 唔係 有 咁 多 parking lot, 唔係 有 咁 多 停車場 。

咁呀, 所以 泊位 好 麻煩 呀。

同埋 你 泊位 都 貴 呢 。

都 貴 咖 喎, 都 唔 係 話 真係 咁 平 。

譬如 你 揸 車 返工 , 咁, 你 要 泊 好多 鐘 。

由 朝早 到 夜晚 泊位 , 嗰個 嘅 停車場 費用 都 貴 。

咁,所以 喺 香港 有 一架 私家車 呢 , 個個 洗費 都 好 高 。

洗費 , expenses, 洗費 好 高 。

泊位 費 , 電油 啊 ,你 嗰啲 燃油費 , 你 要 入油 啦。

嗰啲 油, 油 又 好 貴 啦 而家 。

所以 加加埋埋 呢 , so here and theres to sum up,就 加加埋埋 個 啲 錢 呀,呢 費用 都 好 高 。

咁呀 係 香港,雖然 呢, 話 個 交通費 呢, 而家 呢 都 貴 咗 嘅 。

但係 當 我 喺 外國 生活 , 就 會 發覺

其實 比起 喺 外國 嚟 講 ,in the foreign countries,喺 外國 嚟 講 呢,香港 交通費 呢, 都 唔 算 係 好 貴 啦 。

cannot to be considered as very expensive when compared with the transportation fee in foreign countries。 如果 比較 其他 國家 啦 , 其他 國家 外國 嗰啲 交通費 就 仲 貴 。

咁,又 講下 搭 的士 啦 。

香港 嘅 的士 呢,就, 點 講 呀?啲 人 就 唔係 話 咁 多 人 會 真係 搭 的士 。

咁,我 自己 喺 香港 都 好 少 搭 的士 。

除非 係 要 拎 好多 嘢 , 或者 要 帶 我 隻 狗 出街 呀,咁樣 。

咁,唔 可以 搭 巴士 , 唔 可以 搭 地鐵 。

有 一啲 的士 可以 載 狗狗 呀 。

咁,我 就 會 叫 的士 啦 。

咁,但係 好多 時 , 的士 呢,嗰啲 司機 嘅 態度 ,

嗰啲 attitude,或者 再 佢哋 嘅 服務 , 佢哋 嘅 service 呢, 其實 都,唔係 咁 好 呀, not that good 。

所以 喺 香港 , 的士 司機 嗰啲 態度 同埋 服務 都 唔 係 咁 好 呀 。

搭 的士 好 貴 , 所以 都 盡量 呢,係 唔 搭 的士 嘅 。

咁,而家 多 咗 啦, 一啲 唔 同 嘅,可以 call 車 嘅 服務 啦 。

譬如 有 啲 Uber, 或者 有 啲 call 車 嘅 apps 呢,

咁 呀,你 可以 嗌 車 。

有 一啲 公司 呢 , 佢 嘅 車 呢, 係 專 係 畀 一啲 寵物 嘅 主人 嘅 喎 。

so some companies,so they have cars and vehicles especially for pets and for the pets owners。

咁 呀, 有 專 係 畀 寵物 啦, 同埋 寵物 主人 。

咁 我 就 好 鍾 意 叫 呢 啲 服務 嘅 。

因為 佢哋 嘅 服務 好好 , 同埋 佢哋 嗰啲 司機 嘅 態度 都 好好 。

因為 大部分 呢啲 司機 佢哋 自己 都 係 有 寵物 嘅 。

咁 呀, 佢哋 就 會 對 呢啲 毛孩 嘅 furry kids,

對 呢 啲 毛孩 都 會 多 啲 耐性 同埋 愛心 啦 。

耐性 係 patience, 愛心 係 like a loving heart。

佢哋 會 多啲 耐性 , 多啲 愛心 對 呢啲 毛孩 。

咁 我哋 如果 搭 呢啲 車 , 會 覺得 舒服 啲 ,feel more comfortable。

都 會 覺得 舒服 啲 。

亦都 嗰個 費用 其實 可能 同 的士 唔會 差 得 好 遠 呀 。

Similar to taxi, I mean the cost。

所以 呢, 好多 人 都 選擇 嗌 呢啲 call 車 服務 , 或者 嗌 一 啲 Uber 咁樣 。

就 唔 搭 的士 。

今 呀, 係 啦, 日 就 想 同 大家 稍為 講講 關於 係 香港 嘅 一啲 交通工具 嘅 話題 啦 。

稍為 講講 係 briefly,to share briefly,to talk about。

稍為 講講 , 稍為 分享 下 關於 交通 嘅 呢 啲 嘅 問題 。

係 啦 , 咁 講到 呢 度 啦 , 好 多謝 大家 嘅 收聽 。

我 哋 下 一集 再見 。

中午, noon. 中午

交通工具, transportation, 交通工具.

and 公共, 公共 is public, so 公共 交通工具.

香港 有 好多 唔同 嘅 公共 交通工具 。

所以 搭車 出街 好 方便 , 非常 方便 。

大城市, big city, 大城市.

私家, private, 私家車. So, ah, private car. 私家車.

有 車 人士, people who with cars, and we call those people 有 車 人士.

比例, ratio (proportion), 比例

三 四 個 人. Three to four people. 三 四 個 人.

十 個 人 入面 有 三 四 個 人 有 車

政府 數據, government statistics. 政府 數據.

種類, types, categories, 種類.

唔同 種類 嘅 交通工具

泊車 泊位, to park a car, 泊車 泊位.

喺 香港 有時 泊車 泊位 好難 。

停車場, parking lot.

費用, fee.

洗費, expenses, expense.

電油 汽油, those fuel, for car, we can call those fuel 電油 汽油 or 油.

## 加加埋埋 so to sum up all the items.

一個 人 去 喺 香港 有 一架 車

有 好多 唔 同 嘅 洗費. Many different expenses.

加加埋埋, 係 好多 錢. So to sum up all items, that would be lots of money. 加加埋埋, 係 好多 錢.

交通費, transportation fee.

香港 嘅 交通費 唔 算 好 貴 。唔 算 好 貴. Not to be considered as very expensive.

比起 外國. To compare with foreign countries. 比起 外國.

比起 外國 唔 係 好 貴 。

除非, unless. 除非.

態度 attitude, 佢 嘅 態度 好差. His attitude is bad. 態度 好差.

服務, service. 佢 嘅 服務 好好.

呢 間 餐廳 嘅 服務 好好

司機, driver. 司機. 的士 司機. taxi driver.

盡量. As much as possible. 我 盡量 唔 搭 的士 因為 好 貴.

As much as I can I don't take taxi because it is too expensive. 我 盡量 唔 搭 的士

公司, company

寵物, pets.

毛孩, furry kids, 毛孩.

主人, Master or owners. 毛孩 主人, is owners and masters of those furry kids

耐性, patient, patience. 耐性.

愛心 kind hearted, caring loving heart,

佢 好 有 愛心

舒服 comfortable

搭 的士 係 舒服 不過 好貴

稍為 講下

稍為 講講, briefly talk about,稍為 講講, 稍為 講下

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Ep. 77 Transportation in Hong Kong Ep. 77 [Cantonese Talk] Transportation in Hong Kong Ep. 77 [Conversa Cantonesa] Transporte em Hong Kong Ep. 77 [Cantonese Talk] Transportation in Hong Kong

Hello 大家 好 , 今日 係 2023 年 嘅 6 月 24 號 。

今日 係 星期六 啦 。 Today is Saturday.

而家 啦, 係 早上 嘅 十一 點 五十 三 分 。

好 快 呢 就 中午 十二 點 啦 。 It's 12 o'clock noon already.

Noon 12, 中午 十二 點 。 Noon 12, 12 noon.

今日 想同 大家 講 嘅 題目 呢 , 係 講 喺 香港 嘅 交通工具 。 |||||topic|||||||transportation Today's topic is transportation in Hong Kong.

Transportation, 交通工具 。 Transportation, means of transportation.

咁 呀 , 係 香港 呢 , 我哋 話 係 交通 好 方便 嘅 一個 大城市 。 So, Hong Kong is a big city with good transportation.

大城市 ,Big City。 Big City.

交通 好 方便 嘅 。 The transportation is very convenient.

因為 呢 , 有 好多 公共 交通工具 可以 選擇 。 It is because there are so many choices of public transport.

Many different choices in public transportation。 Many different choices in public transportation.

譬如 巴士 ,bus。 Like bus, bus.

地鐵 ,mass transit railway,MTR。 MTR, mass transit railway, MTR.

小巴 ,mini bus。 Mini bus.

的士 ,taxi。 taxi| Cab, cab.

或者 叫 Uber。 Or call Uber.

仲有 , 有啲 人 都 會 踩單車 , 或者 踹單車 嘅 我哋 叫 。 |||||ride bicycles||kick bike||| Also, some people will step on the bicycle, or kick the bicycle we call.

So bicycle, 單車 。 So bicycle, bicycle.

Riding bicycle。 Riding bicycle.

We can say, 踩 單車 , or 踹 單車 。 We can say, pedaling a bicycle, or kicking a bicycle.

Motorbike, 電單車 。 Motorbike.

咁 都 有啲 人 會 揸 電單車 。 Then some people will drive motorcycles.

咁 呀 , 多 唔多 人 揸 私家 車 呢 ? ||||||private|| So, how many people drive private cars?

私家車 呢 , 其實 係 即係 自己 揸 車 啦 。 As for private cars, they are actually driven by oneself.

私家 有 個 意思 係 private。 private||||| Private has the meaning of private.

車 係 car and vehicle。 Car Relationship car and vehicle.

如果 你 係 有 自己 嘅 車 , 你 係 揸 車 嘅 呢 ? If you have your own car, do you drive it?

咁 我哋 可以 話 , 你 係 有 車 嘅 人士 。 |||||||||person Then we can say that you are a car owner.

People with cars, 有 車 人士 。 |||||people People with cars, people with cars.

揸 私家車 , 或者 係 揸 車, 咁樣 。 If you have a private car, or if you have a car, then it is the same.

咁 香港 都 好多 人 呢, 係 唔 有 車 嘅 。 There are so many people in Hong Kong who do not have cars.

大概 個 比例 係 幾多 呀? Approximately||ratio||| What is the approximate ratio?

How would be the percentage and the ratio? How would be the percentage and the ratio?

我 諗 如果 我 有 十 個 朋友 啦 ,10 friends。 I think if I have ten friends, then ten friends.

十 個 朋友 裏面 , within my 10 friends。 Ten friends 裏面 , within my 10 friends.

可能 有 三 個 人 係 會 有 私家車 。 There may be three people who have private cars.

差唔多 啦 , 可能 三 個 ,四 個 人 。 About three||||||| Not much, maybe three, four people.

咁 呢個 係 我 自己 嘅 估計 嚟 㗎 咋 。 ||||||estimate||| This is my own estimation.

唔係 一啲 政府 嘅 數據 , 唔係 一啲 government statistic, 唔係 政府 數據 。 ||government||data||||||| It is not government data, not government statistic, not government data.

我 一啲 朋友 呢, 都 可能 十 個 裏面 有 三 個 ,四 個 都 會 揸 自己 嘅 車 嘅 。 For some of my friends, maybe 3 or 4 out of 10 of them drive their own cars.

咁 就, 唔係 話 真係 咁 多 人 會 揸 車 嘅 。 Then, if not, many people will drive cars.

咁 點解 呢? What is the point of doing so?

因為 首先 喺 香港 呢, 搭 公共 交通工具 係 好 方便 啦 。 First of all, in Hong Kong, it is very convenient to take public transportation.

啲 巴士 好 密 啦 。 |||crowded| The buses are very dense.

啲 巴士 好 密 呢 , 即係 話 可能 一個 鐘頭 裏面 呢, 會 有 好多 班 巴士 嘅 。 The buses are very dense, that is to say, there may be many buses within one hour.

譬如 十 分鐘 一班 , 十五 分鐘 就 一班 巴士 咁樣 。 |||||||one bus|| For example, if a bus runs once every 10 minutes, it will run once every 15 minutes.

一個 鐘 裏面 都 好多 巴士 嘅 。 There are so many buses in one clock.

咁 地鐵 呢, 就 更 加快 啦 。 |||||faster| Then the MTR will be speeded up even more.

兩三 分鐘 就 有 一班 火車 , 一班 地鐵 咁樣 。 There will be a train and a subway within two to three minutes of each other.

我 唔 記得 咗 喺 香港 仲有 一樣 公共 交通工具 我 漏 咗 嘅 。 I don't remember that there is one mode of public transportation in Hong Kong that I have missed.

I forgot to include it inside the list。

係 電車 ,tram, 電車 。 The first one is a tram, tram, tram.

電車 都 係 一個 好 方便 嘅 公共 交通工具 。 Trams are a convenient means of public transportation.

但係 呢, 就 淨係 喺 香港島 嗰度 先 至 有 電車 嘅 。 |||||Hong Kong Island|||||| However, the net result is that there are trams there and even on Hong Kong Island.

電車 有 另 一 個 名 係 叫做 叮叮 。 The trolley is also known as Tinker Bell.

我哋 叫做 叮叮 。 Our name is Tink.

因為 呢, 佢 會 有 一個 鐘 , 會 叮叮 叮叮 咁樣 聲 嘅 。 It is because it will have a clock which will tinkle like this.

電車 又 叫做 叮叮 喺 香港 。 Trams are also known as Tinkers in Hong Kong.

都 好 方便 好 平 。 It's all so convenient and flat.

所以 有 咁 多 唔同 嘅 種類 嘅 公共 交通工具 , 好多 人 都 可以 唔使 揸 車 。 ||||||types|||||||||| So there are so many different types of public transport that many people can get around without driving.

都 可以 呢度 去 , 嗰度 去 , 非常之 方便 。 It is very convenient to go there and there.

咁, 有 車 嘅 人, 有時候 都 唔係 話 真係 咁 方便 呀 。 So, it is really convenient for people who have a car and do not have a phone.

因為 喺 香港 要 搵 地方 泊車 , 要 泊位 。 ||||||Park||parking space It is because you need a place to park your car in Hong Kong, and you need a parking space.

都 唔係 咁 容易 嘅 , 唔係 有 咁 多 parking lot, 唔係 有 咁 多 停車場 。 |||||||||||||||parking lot It is not so easy, there are not so many parking lots, there are not so many parking lots.

咁呀, 所以 泊位 好 麻煩 呀。 That's why the parking space is so troublesome.

同埋 你 泊位 都 貴 呢 。 You've got a lot of parking spaces.

都 貴 咖 喎, 都 唔 係 話 真係 咁 平 。 It is very expensive, but it is not really flat.

譬如 你 揸 車 返工 , 咁, 你 要 泊 好多 鐘 。 ||||||||park|| For example, if you drive a car to work, then you have to park for many hours.

由 朝早 到 夜晚 泊位 , 嗰個 嘅 停車場 費用 都 貴 。 ||||parking space|||||| From morning to night parking, the parking lots there are expensive.

咁,所以 喺 香港 有 一架 私家車 呢 , 個個 洗費 都 好 高 。 ||||||private car|||maintenance costs||| In that case, if you have a private car in Hong Kong, you will have to pay a very high washing fee.

洗費 , expenses, 洗費 好 高 。 Expenses are very high.

泊位 費 , 電油 啊 ,你 嗰啲 燃油費 , 你 要 入油 啦。 |fee|fuel|||||||refuel| Parking fees, electric fuel, you that fuel fee, you have to enter the oil.

嗰啲 油, 油 又 好 貴 啦 而家 。 The oil is very expensive.

所以 加加埋埋 呢 , so here and theres to sum up,就 加加埋埋 個 啲 錢 呀,呢 費用 都 好 高 。

咁呀 係 香港,雖然 呢, 話 個 交通費 呢, 而家 呢 都 貴 咗 嘅 。 In Hong Kong, though, the transportation cost is expensive.

但係 當 我 喺 外國 生活 , 就 會 發覺 But when I live in a foreign country, I find that

其實 比起 喺 外國 嚟 講 ,in the foreign countries,喺 外國 嚟 講 呢,香港 交通費 呢, 都 唔 算 係 好 貴 啦 。 ||||||||||||||||transportation costs||||count|||| In fact, compared to in the foreign countries, in the foreign countries, in the foreign countries, in the foreign countries, the Hong Kong transportation fees are not really expensive.

cannot to be considered as very expensive when compared with the transportation fee in foreign countries。 cannot to be considered as very expensive when compared with the transportation fee in foreign countries. 如果 比較 其他 國家 啦 , 其他 國家 外國 嗰啲 交通費 就 仲 貴 。 If you compare with other countries, the transportation fee for other countries is more expensive.

咁,又 講下 搭 的士 啦 。 Then, we will talk about taking a cab again.

香港 嘅 的士 呢,就, 點 講 呀?啲 人 就 唔係 話 咁 多 人 會 真係 搭 的士 。 What about the cabs in Hong Kong? Some people are not saying that so many people will really take cabs.

咁,我 自己 喺 香港 都 好 少 搭 的士 。 Then, I seldom take cabs in Hong Kong.

除非 係 要 拎 好多 嘢 , 或者 要 帶 我 隻 狗 出街 呀,咁樣 。 Unless|||||||||||||| Unless I have to carry a lot of stuff, or take my dog out on the street, that is.

咁,唔 可以 搭 巴士 , 唔 可以 搭 地鐵 。 Then, you cannot take the bus or the MTR.

有 一啲 的士 可以 載 狗狗 呀 。 ||||carry|| Some cabs can carry dogs.

咁,我 就 會 叫 的士 啦 。 Then, I will call a cab.

咁,但係 好多 時 , 的士 呢,嗰啲 司機 嘅 態度 , |||||||||attitude However, in many cases, the attitude of the drivers, the cabs, the drivers, the drivers, the cab drivers, the taxi drivers, the taxi drivers, the taxi drivers, the taxi drivers, the taxi drivers, the taxi drivers, the taxi drivers

嗰啲 attitude,或者 再 佢哋 嘅 服務 , 佢哋 嘅 service 呢, 其實 都,唔係 咁 好 呀, not that good 。 That attitude, or their service, their service, in fact, is not that good.

所以 喺 香港 , 的士 司機 嗰啲 態度 同埋 服務 都 唔 係 咁 好 呀 。 ||||drivers|||||||||| Therefore, in Hong Kong, the attitude and service of cab drivers are not so good.

搭 的士 好 貴 , 所以 都 盡量 呢,係 唔 搭 的士 嘅 。 It is expensive to take a cab, so we try our best not to take a cab.

咁,而家 多 咗 啦, 一啲 唔 同 嘅,可以 call 車 嘅 服務 啦 。 Then, there are more services that can be called by different vehicles.

譬如 有 啲 Uber, 或者 有 啲 call 車 嘅 apps 呢, for example||||||||||| For example, there are some Uber, or some call car apps.

咁 呀,你 可以 嗌 車 。 ||||call| Then, you can quarrel about cars.

有 一啲 公司 呢 , 佢 嘅 車 呢, 係 專 係 畀 一啲 寵物 嘅 主人 嘅 喎 。 ||company|||||||specialized|||||||| In some companies, their cars are specialized to give to pet owners.

so some companies,so they have cars and vehicles especially for pets and for the pets owners。 ||companies||||||vehicles for pets||||||||owners

咁 呀, 有 專 係 畀 寵物 啦, 同埋 寵物 主人 。 ||||||||||pet owner Then, you can give it to your pets and pet owners.

咁 我 就 好 鍾 意 叫 呢 啲 服務 嘅 。 Then I am happy to call these services.

因為 佢哋 嘅 服務 好好 , 同埋 佢哋 嗰啲 司機 嘅 態度 都 好好 。 ||||||||||attitude|| Because their service is good, and the attitude of their drivers is good.

因為 大部分 呢啲 司機 佢哋 自己 都 係 有 寵物 嘅 。 This is because most of the drivers have pets.

咁 呀, 佢哋 就 會 對 呢啲 毛孩 嘅 furry kids, |||||||||furry kids| Well, they'll be furry kids, furry kids.

對 呢 啲 毛孩 都 會 多 啲 耐性 同埋 愛心 啦 。 ||||||||patience|||you know We will be more patient and loving to these kids.

耐性 係 patience, 愛心 係 like a loving heart。 ||patience|||||| Patience, like a loving heart.

佢哋 會 多啲 耐性 , 多啲 愛心 對 呢啲 毛孩 。 |||patience||||| They will be more patient and loving to the children.

咁 我哋 如果 搭 呢啲 車 , 會 覺得 舒服 啲 ,feel more comfortable。 If we take these cars, we will feel more comfortable.

都 會 覺得 舒服 啲 。 They will feel more comfortable.

亦都 嗰個 費用 其實 可能 同 的士 唔會 差 得 好 遠 呀 。 ||cost|||||||||| That fee may not be so different from that of a cab.

Similar to taxi, I mean the cost。 Similar||||||

所以 呢, 好多 人 都 選擇 嗌 呢啲 call 車 服務 , 或者 嗌 一 啲 Uber 咁樣 。 |||||choose||||||||||| Therefore, many people choose to quarrel about the call car service or quarrel about Uber.

就 唔 搭 的士 。 Don't take a cab.

今 呀, 係 啦, 日 就 想 同 大家 稍為 講講 關於 係 香港 嘅 一啲 交通工具 嘅 話題 啦 。 |||||||||a bit|||||||||topic| Today, we would like to talk about the transportation in Hong Kong.

稍為 講講 係 briefly,to share briefly,to talk about。 |||briefly|||||| 講 係 briefly,to share briefly,to talk about.

稍為 講講 , 稍為 分享 下 關於 交通 嘅 呢 啲 嘅 問題 。 A little|||share||about|||||| I would like to share with you some of the issues related to transportation.

係 啦 , 咁 講到 呢 度 啦 , 好 多謝 大家 嘅 收聽 。 |||||point|||||| Thank you for your attention.

我 哋 下 一集 再見 。 We'll see you next time.

中午, noon. 中午 Noon.

交通工具, transportation, 交通工具. Transportation, transportation, transportation.

and 公共, 公共 is public, so 公共 交通工具.

香港 有 好多 唔同 嘅 公共 交通工具 。 There are many different modes of public transportation in Hong Kong.

所以 搭車 出街 好 方便 , 非常 方便 。 So it's easy to take a ride, very easy.

大城市, big city, 大城市. Big city, big city.

私家, private, 私家車. So, ah, private car. 私家車. So, ah, private car. So, ah, private car.

有 車 人士, people who with cars, and we call those people 有 車 人士. People with cars, people who with cars, and we call those people 有車 人士.

比例, ratio (proportion), 比例 Proportion, ratio (proportion), proportion

三 四 個 人. Three to four people. 三 四 個 人.

十 個 人 入面 有 三 四 個 人 有 車 Of the ten people in the room, three or four have cars.

政府 數據, government statistics. 政府 數據. government statistics.

種類, types, categories, 種類. Types, types, categories, species.

唔同 種類 嘅 交通工具 Different types of transportation

泊車 泊位, to park a car, 泊車 泊位.

喺 香港 有時 泊車 泊位 好難 。 Sometimes it is difficult to park in Hong Kong.

停車場, parking lot. Parking lot.

費用, fee. Fee, fee.

洗費, expenses, expense. Expenses, expense.

電油 汽油, those fuel, for car, we can call those fuel 電油 汽油 or 油.

## 加加埋埋 so to sum up all the items. ## Add and bury so to sum up all the items. ##

一個 人 去 喺 香港 有 一架 車 ||||||a| One person goes to Hong Kong with a car.

有 好多 唔 同 嘅 洗費. Many different expenses. Many different expenses. Many different expenses.

加加埋埋, 係 好多 錢. So to sum up all items, that would be lots of money. 加加埋埋, 係 好多 錢. So to sum up all items, that would be lots of money. So to sum up all items, that would be lots of money.

交通費, transportation fee. Transportation fee.

香港 嘅 交通費 唔 算 好 貴 。唔 算 好 貴. Not to be considered as very expensive. Transportation in Hong Kong is not expensive. Not to be considered as very expensive. Not to be considered as very expensive.

比起 外國. To compare with foreign countries. 比起 外國.

比起 外國 唔 係 好 貴 。 Compared to foreign countries, it is not expensive.

除非, unless. 除非. Unless, unless.

態度 attitude, 佢 嘅 態度 好差. His attitude is bad. 態度 好差.

服務, service. 佢 嘅 服務 好好. Her service is good.

呢 間 餐廳 嘅 服務 好好 The service of this restaurant is good

司機, driver. 司機. 的士 司機. taxi driver.

盡量. As much as possible. 我 盡量 唔 搭 的士 因為 好 貴. As much as possible. I don't take cabs as much as possible because they're expensive.

As much as I can I don't take taxi because it is too expensive. 我 盡量 唔 搭 的士

公司, company

寵物, pets.

毛孩, furry kids, 毛孩. Furry kids, furry kids.

主人, Master or owners. 毛孩 主人, is owners and masters of those furry kids

耐性, patient, patience. 耐性.

愛心 kind hearted, caring loving heart,

佢 好 有 愛心 He is so loving.

舒服 comfortable comfortable

搭 的士 係 舒服 不過 好貴 A cab is comfortable, but it's expensive.

稍為 講下 I'll tell you a little bit about it.

稍為 講講, briefly talk about,稍為 講講, 稍為 講下 稍為 講講, briefly talk about,稍為 講講,稍為 講下