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Cantonese without toil, 第 七十二 堂

第 七十二 堂

唔好 發脾氣

你 終於 肯 嚟 見 我 啦 咩 ? 點解 連 我 大哥 嘅 喜酒 都 唔 嚟 飲 呀 ?

唔好 發脾氣 啦 , 聽 我 解釋 先 啦 , 好 唔 好 ?

乜嘢 理由 咁 重要 呀 ? 我 喺 班 親戚 面前 好 冇面 㗎 嘛 !

你 咁 唔 講 道理 㗎 ! 咁 等 你 嬲 完 先至 傾 啦 !

練習 一 翻譯

阿玉 , 你 肯 唔 肯 同 我 結婚 呀 ?

今晚 睇 完 戲 先至 食飯 丫 。

佢 冇 理由 發 咁 耐 脾氣 㗎 喎 。

唔好 搞錯 解釋 同 翻譯 喎 。

我 個 女 好 中意 喺 啲 朋友仔 面前 扮 明星 㗎 。

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第 七十二 堂 |seventy-two| |七十二| 72nd Lesson Salle 72 第七十二堂

唔好 發脾氣 don't|Don't get mad |怒るな Don't get angry.

你 終於 肯 嚟 見 我 啦 咩 ? you|finally|willing to|come|see||| |ついに|願意|来|会う||| You finally came to see me, huh? 點解 連 我 大哥 嘅 喜酒 都 唔 嚟 飲 呀 ? |||older brother||wedding banquet||||| |||兄貴||結婚式||||| Why didn't you come to drink at my older brother's wedding?

唔好 發脾氣 啦 , 聽 我 解釋 先 啦 , 好 唔 好 ? |||||explain to you||||| Don't get angry, let me explain first, okay?

乜嘢 理由 咁 重要 呀 ? |reason||important| |理由||重要| Why is this reason so important? 我 喺 班 親戚 面前 好 冇面 㗎 嘛 ! ||the|relatives|"in front of"||embarrassed|| |||親戚|親戚の前||恥ずかしい|| I have lost face in front of our relatives!

你 咁 唔 講 道理 㗎 ! ||||reasonable| ||||理屈| You are being unreasonable! 咁 等 你 嬲 完 先至 傾 啦 ! |||angry||"before we"|| |||怒る||その後|| Then let's talk after you calm down!

練習 一 翻譯 Practice translating again.

阿玉 , 你 肯 唔 肯 同 我 結婚 呀 ? |||否定詞||||| Ah Yu, will you marry me?

今晚 睇 完 戲 先至 食飯 丫 。 ||||"only then"|| Let's have dinner after watching the movie tonight.

佢 冇 理由 發 咁 耐 脾氣 㗎 喎 。 ||||||temper|| ||||||怒り|| There is no reason for him to be angry for so long.

唔好 搞錯 解釋 同 翻譯 喎 。 |||"and"|| ||解釋||| Don't confuse explanation with translation.

我 個 女 好 中意 喺 啲 朋友仔 面前 扮 明星 㗎 。 |||||||friends|||| |||||||友達|||| My daughter loves to play the star in front of her friends.