🦔 PRIČE ZA DJECU - Probudi se, Ruperte! - Priča o važnosti osobne odgovornosti i prijateljstva
🦔 GESCHICHTEN FÜR KINDER – Wach auf, Rupert! – Eine Geschichte über die Bedeutung von Eigenverantwortung und Freundschaft
🦔 HISTOIRES POUR ENFANTS - Réveille-toi, Rupert ! - Une histoire sur l'importance de la responsabilité personnelle et de l'amitié
🦔 VERHALEN VOOR KINDEREN - Word wakker, Rupert! - Een verhaal over het belang van persoonlijke verantwoordelijkheid en vriendschap
🦔 HISTORIE DLA DZIECI - Obudź się, Rupercie! - Opowieść o znaczeniu osobistej odpowiedzialności i przyjaźni
🦔 HISTÓRIAS PARA CRIANÇAS - Acorde, Rupert! - Uma história sobre a importância da responsabilidade pessoal e da amizade
🦔 BERÄTTELSER FÖR BARN - Vakna, Rupert! – En berättelse om vikten av personligt ansvar och vänskap
🦔 STORIES FOR CHILDREN - Wake Up, Rupert! - A story about the importance of personal responsibility and friendship
Probudi se, Ruperte!
Wach auf, Rupert!
Wake up, Rupert!
Napisao i ilustrirao Mike Twohy
Écrit et illustré par Mike Twohy
Written and illustrated by Mike Twohy
Svakog jutra kad bi izašlo sunce,
Chaque matin quand le soleil se levait,
Elke ochtend als de zon opkwam,
Every morning when the sun would rise,
horoz Rupert bi zakukurikao: "Kukuriku!"
Ruperts Horn krächzte, "Mais!"
Le coq Rupert chantait : « Coucou !
Haan Rupert zou kraaien: "Koekoek!"
rooster Rupert would crow: "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
To je bio njegov posao.
C'était son travail.
Dat was zijn taak.
That was his job.
Morao je buditi farmera Tima i njegovu
He had to|(verb to be)|wake|farmer|Tim|and|his
Er musste Bauer Tim und seine Familie aufwecken
Il a dû réveiller le fermier Tim et son
Hij moest boer Tim en de zijnen wakker maken
He had to wake up farmer Tim and his
porodicu i sve životinje na farmi.
family|and|all|animals|on|the farm
famille et tous les animaux de la ferme.
familie en alle dieren op de boerderij.
family and all the animals on the farm.
Ali to nije bio savršen posao za Ruperta
But|it|was not|perfect|perfect|job|for|Rupert
Aber es war nicht der perfekte Job für Rupert
Mais ce n'était pas un travail parfait pour Rupert
Maar het was geen perfecte baan voor Rupert
But it wasn't the perfect job for Rupert
jer je i sam imao problema s buđenjem.
because|he|also|himself|had|problems|with|waking up
weil er selbst Probleme beim Aufwachen hatte.
omdat hij zelf moeite had met wakker worden.
because he himself had trouble waking up.
Morao bi naviti šest satova prije spavanja
You should|conditional particle|wind|six|clocks|before|sleep
Il devrait finir six heures avant de se coucher
Hij zou zes uur voor het naar bed gaan moeten eindigen
You should set six alarms before going to sleep
kako bi bio siguran da neće prespavati
um sicherzustellen, dass er nicht verschlafen würde
pour s'assurer qu'il ne dormira pas trop
om er zeker van te zijn dat hij zich niet verslapt
to make sure you won't oversleep
izlazak sunca.
sunrise|of the sun
Lever du soleil.
the sunrise.
Sakrivao bi ih svuda po sobi
He would hide|(past tense marker)|them|everywhere|around|room
Er würde sie im ganzen Raum verstecken
Il les cachait partout dans la pièce
Hij zou ze overal in de kamer verstoppen
He would hide them all over the room
na teško dostupnim mjestima.
an schwer zugänglichen Stellen.
dans des endroits difficiles d'accès.
op moeilijk bereikbare plaatsen.
in hard-to-reach places.
Na taj način, dok bi sljedećeg jutra
So bis zum nächsten Morgen
Zo, tot de volgende ochtend
In this way, while he would turn off all the clocks the next morning,
isključio sve satove, barem bi mu jedno
turned off|all|clocks|at least|would|to him|one
er hat alle Uhren ausgemacht, zumindest eine davon
zet alle klokken uit, dan zou hij er tenminste één hebben
at least one of his eyes would be open enough
oko bilo dovoljno otvoreno
das auge war offen genug
het oog was voldoende open
to see the sunrise.
da vidi izlazak sunca.
to|see|sunrise|of the sun
om de zonsopgang te zien.
"It's not fair that I always have to
"Nije fer da se moram uvijek
It is not|fair|that|myself|I have to|always
"It's not fair that I always have to
‘Het is niet eerlijk dat ik dat altijd moet doen
ja prvi buditi!"
I|first|to wake up
Ich bin der Erste, der aufwacht!“
Ik ben de eerste die wakker wordt!"
I wake up first!
požalio se jednog dana svom najboljem
complained|himself|one|day|to his|best
beschwerte er sich eines Tages bei seinem Besten
op een dag klaagde hij op zijn best
One day, he complained to his best
prijatelju, ovnu Shermanu.
Freund, Widder Sherman.
mijn vriend, ram Sherman.
friend, the ram Sherman.
"Meni treba puno više odmora
„Ich brauche viel mehr Ruhe
‘Ik heb veel meer rust nodig
"I need a lot more rest
nego većini horoza!"
but|to most|roosters
als die meisten Hähne!"
maar voor de meeste pikken!"
than most roosters!"
"Hej, imam ideju!" rekao je Sherman.
Hey|I have|idea|said|past tense marker|Sherman
"Hey, I have an idea!" said Sherman.
„Zašto mene ne naučiš kukurikati?
Why|me|not|you teach|to crow
‘Waarom leer je mij niet hoe ik moet kraaien?
"Why don't you teach me to crow?
Ja ću sve probuditi --
I|will|everything|wake up
Ik zal iedereen wakker maken --
I will wake everyone up --
a ti možeš spavati dokasno!"
und du kannst lange schlafen!"
en je kunt uitslapen!"
and you can sleep in!"
"Stvarno bi to učinio za mene?"
'Zou je dat echt voor mij doen?'
"Would you really do that for me?"
upitao je Rupert.
asked|(past tense marker)|Rupert
fragte Rupert.
vroeg Rupert.
Rupert asked.
"Pravi si prijatelj, Shermane."
'Je bent een echte vriend, Sherman.'
"You are a true friend, Sherman."
Rupert je počeo učiti Shermana kukurikati.
Rupert|has|started|to teach|Sherman|to crow
Rupert begon Sherman te leren kraaien.
Rupert started teaching Sherman to crow.
„Prvo usmjeri glavu prema gore.
„Erst mal den Kopf hoch.
‘Wijs eerst je hoofd omhoog.
"First, tilt your head up.
Onda se isprsi i duboko udahni.
Then|reflexive pronoun|puff up|and|deeply|breathe in
Dann streckte er sich aus und atmete tief durch.
Daarna douchen en diep ademhalen.
Then puff out your chest and take a deep breath."
Zatim zabaci krila.
Then|throws back|wings
Dann schlug er mit den Flügeln.
Gooi dan de vleugels terug.
Then spread your wings.
Onda otvori kljun što jače možeš.
Then|open|beak|as|hard|you can
Dann öffne deinen Schnabel so fest du kannst.
Open vervolgens je snavel zo hard als je kunt.
Then open your beak as wide as you can.
I kukuriku!”
And crow!”
"Dobro je!" rekao je Rupert.
"Het is goed!" zei Rupert.
"That's good!" said Rupert.
„Ali glasnije - puno, puno glasnije.
„Aber lauter – viel, viel lauter.
"But louder - much, much louder."
Zapamti, Shermane,
Onthoud, Sherman,
"Remember, Sherman,"
tvoj će glas morati probuditi sve
your|will|voice|have to|wake up|everyone
Deine Stimme muss alle aufwecken
jouw stem zal iedereen wakker moeten maken
"your voice will have to wake everyone"
na cijeloj ovoj velikoj farmi."
on|the whole|this|large|farm
op deze hele grote boerderij."
"on this whole big farm."
"Ne brini", odgovorio je Sherman.
Don't|worry|he answered|past tense marker|Sherman
„Keine Sorge“, antwortete Sherman.
'Maak je geen zorgen,' antwoordde Sherman.
"Don't worry," Sherman replied.
Kad se smračilo,
When|it|got dark
Toen het donker werd,
When it got dark,
Rupert je stavio svoje mekane papuče
Rupert|(is)|put on|his|soft|slippers
Rupert zog seine weichen Pantoffeln an
Rupert trok zijn zachte pantoffels aan
Rupert put his soft slippers
preko ušiju i držao ih na mjestu
über die Ohren und hielt sie fest
over de oren en hield ze op hun plaats
over his ears and held them in place
pomoću kapice za spavanje.
using|eye mask|for|sleeping
eine Schlafmütze verwenden.
gebruik van een slaapmuts.
with a sleeping cap.
Ništa ga neće rano probuditi!!
Nothing|him|will|early|wake up
Nichts wird ihn früh wecken!!
Niets zal hem vroeg wakker maken!!
Nothing will wake him up early!!
Čvrsto je zaspao.
Heavily|(is)|fell asleep
Er ist fest eingeschlafen.
Hij viel snel in slaap.
He fell asleep soundly.
Na obližnjem pašnjaku spavao je i Sherman.
Sherman sliep ook in een nabijgelegen weiland.
Sherman was also sleeping in the nearby pasture.
Ali vrlo uskoro Sherman je usnuo san.
But|very|soon|Sherman|(he)|fell asleep|dream
Aber sehr bald hatte Sherman einen Traum.
Maar al snel viel Sherman in slaap.
But very soon Sherman fell into a dream.
Sanjao je da je već jutro.
He dreamed|was|that|it|already|morning
Hij droomde dat het al ochtend was.
He dreamed that it was already morning.
Sunce je bilo visoko na jarko plavom nebu,
The sun|was|high|high|in|bright|blue|sky
De zon stond hoog aan de helderblauwe lucht,
The sun was high in the bright blue sky,
on je prespavao zvonjavu čak šest satova!
he|past tense marker|slept through|ringing|even|six|hours
hij sliep zes uur lang door het gerinkel heen!
he slept through the ringing for six whole hours!
"O NE!!!" Uskliknuo je.
Oh|NO|He exclaimed|(past tense marker)
"OH NO!!!" He exclaimed.
"Zakasnio sam!"
I was late|am
"I'm late!"
Skočio je i, još uvijek zatvorenih očiju,
He jumped|past tense marker|and|still|always|closed|eyes
Hij sprong op en, met zijn ogen nog steeds gesloten,
He jumped up and, still with his eyes closed,
podigao nos prema zvijezdama.
lifted his nose towards the stars.
Isprsio se, zabacio laktove,
He apologized|himself|threw|elbows
Er richtete sich auf, warf die Ellbogen,
He puffed up, threw back his elbows,
otvorio usta što je jače mogao
opened his mouth as wide as he could
i zakukurikao:
and crowed:
Ali nije bilo jako glasno
But|was not|loud|very|loud
But it wasn't very loud.
i niko se nije bio probudio.
and|nobody|reflexive pronoun|did not|had|woken up
and no one had woken up.
Sherman je pokušao ponovo.
Sherman|tried|to try|again
Sherman tried again.
I ponovo.
And again.
Ali nije mogao glasnije zakukurikati.
But|could not|crow|louder|crow
Maar hij had niet luider kunnen kraaien.
But he couldn't crow any louder.
„Još uvijek spavaju!
still|always|they sleep
‘Ze slapen nog!
"They are still sleeping!"
Ovo je strašno! Šta da radim?
Das ist fürchterlich! Was soll ich machen?
Dit is verschrikkelijk! Wat moet ik doen?
This is terrible! What should I do?
Razmisli, Shermane, RAZMISLI!” rekao je.
Think|Sherman|THINK|he said|is
Denk na, Sherman, DENK!' Hij zei.
Think, Sherman, THINK!” he said.
U potkrovlju štale,
In|the attic|of the barn
Auf dem Dachboden der Scheune,
Op de zolder van de schuur,
In the attic of the barn,
Rupert je čvrsto spavao
Rupert lag diep te slapen
Rupert was sleeping soundly
kad ga je odjednom probudila
when|him|(past tense auxiliary verb)|suddenly|she woke up
toen ze hem plotseling wakker maakte
when he was suddenly awakened
najglasnija buka koju je ikad čuo.
het luidste geluid dat hij ooit had gehoord.
the loudest noise he had ever heard.
Glava mu je odskočila s jastuka.
His head|to him|was|bounced|off|the pillow
Sein Kopf prallte vom Kissen ab.
Zijn hoofd stuiterde van het kussen.
His head bounced off the pillow.
"Šta je to bilo?!!"
"What was that?!!"
Napola je pao, napola preletio niz ljestve
Half|(past tense verb)|fell|half|flew over|down|stairs
Er ist halb gefallen, halb ist er die Leiter heruntergeflogen
Hij viel half, half vloog de ladder af
He half fell, half flew down the stairs.
Protrčao je pored krava koje su mukale
He ran past|(past tense marker)|past|cows|which|(past tense marker)|were mooing
Hij rende langs de loeiende koeien
He ran past the cows that were mooing.
i kokoši koje su kvocale pa izašao kroz
and|hens|that|were|clucking|and then|he came out|through
und Hühner, die schnatterten, also kam er durch
en de kippen die aan het kakelen waren, dus ging hij erdoorheen
and the hens that were clucking and then came out through
otvor u zaključanim vratima štale.
een opening in een gesloten schuurdeur.
the opening in the locked barn doors.
Opipavao je put kroz mrak uz stražnju
He felt|past tense marker|path|through|darkness|along|rear
Er tastete sich durch die Dunkelheit am Rücken entlang
Hij zocht zijn weg door de duisternis langs de achterkant
He was feeling his way through the darkness along the back
stranu štale kad ga je opet prestrašila
die Seite der Scheune, als sie ihn wieder erschreckte
kant van de schuur toen ze hem weer bang maakte
side of the barn when he was startled again by
buka, još jača nego prije.
geluid, zelfs luider dan voorheen.
the noise, even louder than before.
Rupert je krilima prekrio uši
Rupert|(is)|with wings|covered|ears
Rupert bedekte zijn oren met zijn vleugels
Rupert covered his ears with his wings
i provirio iza čoška.
en gluurde achter de hoek.
and peeked around the corner.
Tamo u polju stajao je Sherman,
There|in|the field|stood|was|Sherman
Daar in het veld stond Sherman,
There in the field stood Sherman,
širom otvorenih usta i napuhanih prsa.
weit geöffneter Mund und aufgedunsene Brust.
mond wijd open en borst opgeblazen.
with his mouth wide open and puffed-up chest.
Iza Shermana su bila njegova braća
Achter Sherman stonden zijn broers
Behind Sherman were his brothers
i sestre, prijatelji i tetke i tetkovi
und Schwestern, Freunde und Tanten und Onkel
en zussen, vrienden en ooms en tantes
and sisters, friends and aunts and uncles
i rođaci.
und Verwandte.
en familieleden.
and relatives.
Svi su noseve upirali prema noćnom nebu
Alle haben ihre Nase in den Nachthimmel gerichtet
Iedereen wees met zijn neus naar de nachtelijke hemel
Everyone was pointing their noses towards the night sky
i usta su im bila širom otvorena.
en hun mond stond wijd open.
and their mouths were wide open.
"Prestanite!" povikao je Rupert.
Stop|shouted|(past tense marker)|Rupert
"Stop!" shouted Rupert.
“Prestanite!! Mrkla je noć!
"Hör auf !! Es wird dunkel!
"Hou op!! Het is een donkere nacht!
"Stop!! It's pitch dark!
Probudit ćete sve!"
You will wake up|(plural future tense verb ending)|everyone
Je maakt iedereen wakker!"
You'll wake everyone!"
Ali bilo je prekasno.
But|it was|is|too late
Maar het was te laat.
But it was too late.
Svi su već bili budni!
Iedereen was al wakker!
Everyone was already awake!
Svjetla u seoskoj kući bila su upaljena.
The lights|in|rural|house|were|(auxiliary verb)|on
De lichten in de boerderij waren aan.
The lights in the village house were on.
Supruga farmera Tima već je pravila
The wife|of the farmer|Tim|already|has|cooked
De vrouw van boer Tim was al aan het maken
Farmer Tim's wife was already making
a djeca su se oblačila za školu.
en de kinderen verkleed voor school.
and the children were getting dressed for school.
Farmer Tim se popeo na brdo
Bauer Tim hat den Hügel erklommen
Boer Tim beklom de heuvel
Farmer Tim climbed the hill
i otključao vrata štale,
and|unlocked|the door|of the barn
en deed de schuurdeur open,
and unlocked the barn door,
a sve životinje su izašle
en alle dieren kwamen naar buiten
and all the animals came out
da započnu novi dan.
um einen neuen Tag zu beginnen.
om een nieuwe dag te beginnen.
to start a new day.
Ali, naravno,
But|of course
Maar natuurlijk
But, of course,
nisu očekivalie da će biti tako mračno!
they (feminine)||that|will|be|so|dark
ze hadden niet verwacht dat het zo donker zou zijn!
they didn't expect it to be so dark!
Koze nisu vidjele farmera Tima i
The goats|did not|see|farmer|Tim|and
De geiten zagen boer Tim niet en
The goats didn't see farmer Tim and
oborile su ga u korito za vodu.
knocked|(past tense auxiliary verb)|him|into|trough|for|water
ze sloegen hem in de waterbak.
knocked him into the water trough.
Svinje su se okliznule u vodi
The pigs|(they)|themselves|slipped|in|the water
De varkens gleden in het water
The pigs slipped in the water.
i pale niz brdo pravo u gnijezda kokoši.
and|fall|down|the hill|straight|into|nests|chickens
und stürzt den Hügel hinunter direkt in die Hühnernester.
en viel van de heuvel af, regelrecht in de kippennesten.
and rolled down the hill straight into the chicken coop.
Djeca, još uvijek sita od večere,
The children|still|always|full|from|dinner
De kinderen, nog vol van het eten,
The children, still full from dinner,
nisu bila gladna za doručak
they were not|hungry|hungry|for|breakfast
ze hadden geen honger voor het ontbijt
were not hungry for breakfast
pa su izašla i čekala školski autobus.
so|they|went out|and|waited|school|bus
dus gingen ze naar buiten en wachtten op de schoolbus.
so they went out and waited for the school bus.
Krave su pak prošle tik pored
The cows|(verb to be)|however|passed|right|by
Die Kühe gingen direkt vorbei
De koeien liepen vlak langs
The cows, on the other hand, passed right by
staje za mužnju,
stops for milking,
uletjele u kuhinju i pojele sve palačinke!
flew in|into|the kitchen|and|ate|all|pancakes
rende de keuken in en at alle pannenkoeken op!
they rushed into the kitchen and ate all the pancakes!
Kakva katastrofa!
What a|disaster
Wat een ramp!
What a disaster!
Pomislio je Rupert.
He thought|was|Rupert
dacht Rupert.
Rupert thought.
Za sve ovo sam ja kriv.
Het is allemaal mijn fout.
I am to blame for all of this.
Buđenje je važan posao.
Wakker worden is belangrijk werk.
Waking up is an important job.
I to je MOJ posao!
En dat is MIJN taak!
And it's MY job!
Sljedećeg jutra, prvi put ikad,
De volgende ochtend, voor de eerste keer ooit,
The next morning, for the first time ever,
Rupert se probudio prije sata.
Rupert is een uur geleden wakker geworden.
Rupert woke up before the hour.
Obadva su mu se oka širom otvorila.
Both|(verb to be)|to him|reflexive pronoun|eyes|wide|opened
Beide Augen weiteten sich.
Zijn beide ogen gingen wijd open.
Both of his eyes were wide open.
Skočio je iz kreveta i radio vježbe
He jumped|(past tense marker)|out of|bed|and|did|exercises
Hij sprong uit bed en deed oefeningen
He jumped out of bed and did breathing exercises.
dubokog disanja.
diep ademhalen.
Then he went out onto the balcony to wait for the sun.
Zatim je izašao na balkon da sačeka sunce.
Then|he|went out|to|balcony|to|wait for|sun
Toen ging hij het balkon op om op de zon te wachten.
And when the first ray of light peeked
A kad je prva zraka svjetlosti izvirila
And|when|was|first|ray|of light|emerged
Und als der erste Lichtstrahl aufging
En toen verscheen de eerste lichtstraal
over the hill, Rupert started to crow.
iza brda, Rupert je počeo kukurikati
behind|the hill|Rupert|(he)|started|crowing
Achter de heuvel begon Rupert te kraaien
i kukurikati.
and|to crow
and crow.
Spustio je pogled na farmu
He lowered|(past tense marker)|gaze|at|the farm
Hij keek naar de boerderij
He lowered his gaze to the farm
i gledao kako su se upalila svjetla
and|watched|how|they|reflexive pronoun|turned on|lights
und sah zu, wie die Lichter angingen
en keek hoe de lichten aangingen
and watched as the lights turned on
i glasovi ispunili zrak.
en stemmen vulden de lucht.
and voices filled the air.
Sve je opet bilo kao prije.
Alles was als voorheen.
Everything was again as it was before.
Zapravo, skoro pa sve.
Eigenlijk bijna alles.
Actually, almost everything.
Jedna stvar je bila nova.
One thing was new.
Nakon što su svi zakukurikali usred noći,
After|that|they|all|crowed|in the middle of|night
Nachdem alle mitten in der Nacht krähten,
Nadat iedereen midden in de nacht had gekraaid,
After everyone crowed in the middle of the night,
Shermanu njegovim prijateljima i rođacima
to Sherman|his|friends|and|relatives
Sherman aan zijn vrienden en familieleden
Sherman and his friends and relatives
svidjelo se kako zvuče zajedno
liked|reflexive pronoun|how|sound|together
Ich liebte es, wie sie zusammen klangen
vond het geweldig hoe ze samen klonken
liked how they sounded together.
i odlučili su formirati hor.
and|they decided|(past tense marker)|to form|choir
en ze besloten een koor te vormen.
and they decided to form a choir.
Baš su uvježbavali pjesmicu
They really|were|practicing|the poem
Ze waren het liedje aan het repeteren
They were just rehearsing a song
kad je Rupert prošao pored pašnjaka.
when|(past tense verb to be)|Rupert|passed|by|pasture
toen Rupert de weide passeerde.
when Rupert walked past the meadow.
Sherman je na trenutak prestao dirigirati
Sherman|(past tense verb to be)|for|moment|stopped|conducting
Sherman stopte even met dirigeren
Sherman momentarily stopped conducting
i pozvao ga:
en noemde hem:
and called out to him:
„Dođi večeras na našu predstavu, Ruperte!
‘Kom vanavond naar onze show, Rupert!
"Come to our show tonight, Rupert!"
Svi su pozvani."
Iedereen is uitgenodigd."
Everyone is invited."
I svi su došli!
And|everyone|(past tense verb) came|came
En iedereen kwam!
And everyone came!
Dok je sunce zalazilo za brdo,
Terwijl de zon achter de heuvel ondergaat,
As the sun set behind the hill,
cijela farma se pridružila ovcama u pjesmi
whole|farm|reflexive pronoun|joined|the sheep|in|song
der ganze Hof sang mit den Schafen
de hele boerderij zong mee met de schapen
the whole farm joined the sheep in song.
i svi su svirali do kasno u noć.
en iedereen speelde tot laat in de nacht.
and everyone played late into the night.
Svi osim Ruperta.
Everyone except Rupert.
On je otišao rano da se naspava.
He|(past tense marker)|left|early|to|himself|sleep well
Hij vertrok vroeg om wat te slapen.
He left early to get some sleep.
Želio je ustati na vrijeme da ujutro
He wanted|past tense marker|to get up|on|time|to|in the morning
Hij wilde op tijd opstaan voor de ochtend
He wanted to wake up on time to
hij kraaide.
crow in the morning.
The end
Hvala vam što ste čitali sa nama!
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Thank you for reading with us!
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Ćao Klinci
Hi Kids
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