4.20. Hari Poter i Vatreni pehar - Prvi podvig
Harry|Potter|and|Goblet of|Fire|First|task
4.20. Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch – Das erste Kunststück
4.20. Harry Potter et la coupe de feu - Le premier exploit
4.20. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - The First Feat
U nedelju ujutro Hari je ustao i počeo da se oblači tako rasejano da nije ni primetio kako uporno pokušava na nogu da navuče šešir umesto čarape.
On|Sunday|in the morning|Hari|(past tense auxiliary verb)|got up|and|started|to|himself|dress|so|absentmindedly|that|(negative auxiliary verb)|not even|noticed|how|persistently|tries|on|foot|to|pull|hat|instead of|sock
On Sunday morning, Harry got up and started getting dressed so distractedly that he didn't even notice how he was persistently trying to put a hat on his foot instead of a sock.
Kada je najzad navukao svaku stvar na pravi deo tela, pohitao je da nađe Hermionu, koju je zatekao za grifindorskim stolom u Velikoj sali kako doručkuje u Džininom društvu.
When|(past tense auxiliary verb)|finally|put on|every|item|on|right|part|body|hurried|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to|find|Hermione|whom|(past tense auxiliary verb)|found|at|Gryffindor|table|in|Great|hall|as|eats breakfast|in|Ginny's|company
When he finally managed to put everything on the right part of his body, he hurried to find Hermione, whom he found at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall having breakfast in Ginny's company.
Osećajući preveliku nervozu i mučninu da bi išta okusio, Hari je sačekao da Hermiona proguta poslednju kašiku poridža, a onda ju je poveo u šetnju travnjakom.
Feeling|excessive|nervousness|and|nausea|to|would|anything|tasted|Harry|(past tense marker)|waited|for|Hermione|swallows|last|spoonful|of porridge|and|then|her|(past tense marker)|led|in|walk|across the lawn
Feeling too nervous and nauseous to taste anything, Harry waited for Hermione to swallow the last spoonful of porridge, and then he took her for a walk on the lawn.
Tamo joj je ispričao sve o zmajevima, kao i sve što mu je Sirijus rekao, dok su išli u još jednu dugu šetnju oko jezera.
There|to her|he|told|everything|about|dragons|as|and|everything|that|to him|he|Sirius|said|while|they|walked|in|another|one|long|walk|around|the lake
There he told her everything about dragons, as well as everything Sirius had told him, while they went for yet another long walk around the lake.
Mada uznemirena zbog Sirijusovih upozorenja u vezi s Karkarofom, Hermiona je ipak i dalje smatrala da su zmajevi mnogo preči problem.
Although|disturbed|by|Sirius's|warnings|in|relation|to|Karkaroff|Hermione|was|nevertheless|and|still|considered|that|were|dragons|much|more pressing|problem
Although disturbed by Sirius's warnings about Karkaroff, Hermione still considered dragons to be a much more pressing problem.
– Daj da te održimo u životu do utorka uveče – reče očajničkim tonom – a onda ćemo brinuti o Karkarofu.
Let|us|you|keep|in|life|until|Tuesday|evening|said|desperate|tone|and|then|we will|worry|about|Karkarof
"Let's keep you alive until Tuesday night," he said in a desperate tone, "and then we'll worry about Karkaroff."
Tri puta su obišli jezero, sve vreme pokušavajući da se sete jednostavne čini koja bi mogla da obuzda zmaja.
They circled the lake three times, all the while trying to remember a simple spell that could subdue the dragon.
Pošto nisu ništa smislili, svratiše u biblioteku.
Since|they did not|anything|thought of|they stopped by|in|the library
Since they couldn't come up with anything, they stopped by the library.
Hari skide s polica sve moguće knjige o zmajevima, a zatim se oboje baciše na traganje po pozamašnoj hrpi knjiga.
Harry|took|from|shelf|all|possible|books|about|dragons|and|then|themselves|both|threw|into|searching|through|sizable|pile|of books
Harry took all the possible books about dragons off the shelves, and then they both threw themselves into searching through the large pile of books.
– Odsecanje kandži pomoću čini... čišćenje truleži krljušti... ovo nam neće pomoći, to je za ludake poput Hagrida koji žele da ih sačuvaju žive i zdrave... – Zmajeve je izuzetno teško ubiti, zahvaljujući drevnoj magiji koja prožima njihovu debelu kožu, i kroz koju mogu da prodru samo najmoćnije čini... ali Sirijus je rekao da bi neka vrlo jednostavna čin poslužila... – Probajmo onda neke priručnike za najprostije čini – reče Hari, bacivši u stranu knjigu Ljudi koji i suviše vole zmajeve.
Claw cutting|claws|using|spells|cleaning|rot|scales|this|us|will not||that|is|for|lunatics|like|Hagrid|who|want|to|them|keep|alive|and|healthy|Dragons|are|extremely|difficult|to kill|thanks to|ancient|magic|which|permeates|their|thick|skin|and|through|which|can|that||||spells|||||||||||||||||||said|Harry|throwing|into|aside|book|People|who|and||love|dragons
– Cutting claws with spells... cleaning rotten scales... this won't help us, that's for lunatics like Hagrid who want to keep them alive and healthy... – Dragons are extremely difficult to kill, thanks to the ancient magic that permeates their thick skin, and through which only the most powerful spells can penetrate... but Sirius said that some very simple spell would suffice... – Let's try some manuals for the simplest spells then – said Harry, throwing aside the book People Who Love Dragons Too Much.
On se ubrzo vrati za sto noseći hrpu knjiga o činima, spusti ih i poče redom da ih lista, dok mu je Hermiona neprekidno šaputala kraj uva: – Dakle, postoje Promenljive čini... Ali koja je svrha Promene?
He|reflexive pronoun|soon|returned|to|table|carrying|pile|books|about|spells|he put down|them||he began|one by one|to|them|read|while|to him|was|Hermione|continuously|whispered|near|ear|So|there are|Variable|spells|But|what|is|purpose|of Change
He soon returned to the table carrying a pile of books about spells, dropped them, and began to flip through them one by one, while Hermione kept whispering in his ear: – So, there are Transformative spells... But what is the purpose of Transformation?
Sem ako mu ne izmeniš očnjake u gumi-bombone ili nešto slično, što bi ga učinilo manje opasnim... problem je, kao što piše u knjizi, to što kroz debelu zmajevu kožu neće moći ništa da prođe... Savetovala bih ti da ga Preobraziš, ali kad je reč o nečemu toliko velikom, ne verujem ni da bi profesorka Mek Gonagal uspela... osim ukoliko ne pokušaš da izvedeš čini na sebi samom?
Except|if|to him|not|change|fangs|into|||or|something|similar|which|would|him|made|less|dangerous|problem|is|as|what|written|in|the book|that|what|through|thick|dragon's|skin|will not|be able|anything|to|pass|I would advise|(conditional verb ending)|you|to|it|Transfigure|but|when|is|word|about|something|so|large|not|I believe|not even|that|would|professor|Mc|Gonagall|succeeded|except|unless|not|you try|to|perform|spells|on|yourself|alone
Unless you change his fangs into gummy bears or something similar, which would make him less dangerous... the problem is, as the book says, that nothing can penetrate the thick dragon skin... I would advise you to Transfigure him, but when it comes to something so large, I don't believe even Professor McGonagall would succeed... unless you try to perform the spells on yourself?
Možda da sâm sebi daš neke posebne moći?
Maybe|to|all by myself|to yourself|you give|some|special|powers
Maybe give yourself some special powers?
Ali to nisu obične čini, to jest nismo nijednu od njih uvežbavali na časovima.
But|those|are not|ordinary|moves|||we have not|any|of|them|practiced|in|classes
But these are not ordinary spells, that is, we haven't practiced any of them in class.
Saznala sam da postoje tek pošto sam uradila zadatke i vežbe za O.Č.N... – Hermiona – reče Hari, kroz stisnute zube – ućuti malo, hoćeš li?
I found out|(past tense marker)|that|there are|only|after|(past tense marker)|I completed||and|exercises|for||||Hermione|said|Harry|through|clenched|teeth|be quiet|a little|will you|question particle
I found out that they exist only after I did the assignments and exercises for O.C.N... – Hermione – said Harry, through clenched teeth – be quiet for a moment, will you?
Pokušavam da se usredsredim.
I am trying|to|myself|concentrate
I'm trying to concentrate.
Ali kada je Hermiona ućutala, Harijev mozak se ispuni praznim zujanjem, koje mu nije dozvoljavalo da se sabere.
But|when|(past tense verb marker)|Hermione|silenced|Harry's|brain|reflexive pronoun|filled|empty|buzzing|which|to him|not|allowed|to|reflexive pronoun|concentrate
But when Hermione fell silent, Harry's mind filled with a blank buzzing that wouldn't let him focus.
Beznadežno je zurio u sadržaj Osnovnih vradžbina za zaposlene i uznemirene: trenutno skalpiranje... ali zmajevi nemaju kosu... zaljućen dah... to bi mu verovatno čak povećalo mogućnost bljuvanja vatre... rožnati jezik... samo mu još to fali, da mu obezbedi dodatno oružje... – O, ne, evo ga ponovo, zašto ne može da čita na svom glupom brodu?
hopelessly|was|staring|at|content|Basic|spells|for|employees|and|disturbed|currently|scalping|but|dragons|don't have|hair|confused|breath|that|would|to him|probably|even|increased|possibility|of vomiting|fire|pink|tongue|only|to him|still|that|missing|to|to him|provide|additional|weapon|Oh|no|here|him|again|why|not|can|to|read|on|his|stupid|ship
Desperately, he stared at the contents of Basic Charms for the Employed and Distressed: current scalping... but dragons don't have hair... a drunken breath... that would probably even increase his chances of breathing fire... a scaly tongue... that's just what he needs, to provide him with extra weaponry... – Oh, no, here it is again, why can't he read on his stupid boat?
– reče Hermiona ljutito, u trenutku kad u prostoriju uđe pogrbljeni Viktor Krum, i smesti se u udaljen ugao čitaonice s hrpom knjiga, bacivši nadmen pogled na njih dvoje.
said|Hermione|angrily|in|moment|when|in|the room|enters|hunched|Viktor|Krum|and|settles|himself|in|distant|corner|of the reading room|with|a pile|of books|throwing|arrogant|glance|at|them|two
– said Hermione angrily, at the moment when the hunched Viktor Krum entered the room and settled into a distant corner of the reading room with a pile of books, casting a disdainful glance at the two of them.
– Hajde, Hari, idemo natrag u dnevni boravak... svakog trenutka ovde će se sjatiti klub njegovih obožavalaca, cijučući i cvrkućući... I doista, čim su napustili biblioteku, gomila devojaka promače pored njih prikradajući se biblioteci, svaka sa po jednim bugarskim šalom vezanim oko struka... * * * Te noći Hari gotovo da nije spavao.
Come on|Hari|let's go|back|to|living|room|every|moment|here|will|reflexive particle|swarm|club|his|fans|giggling|and|chirping|And|indeed|as soon as|they|left|the library|crowd|of girls|rushes|past|them|sneaking|reflexive particle|to the library|each|with|one|one|Bulgarian|scarf|tied|around|waist|That|night|Hari|almost|to|not|slept
– Come on, Harry, let's go back to the living room... any moment now, his fan club will swarm in here, squealing and chirping... And indeed, as soon as they left the library, a crowd of girls rushed past them sneaking towards the library, each with a Bulgarian scarf tied around their waist... * * * That night, Harry hardly slept.
Kada se probudio u ponedeljak, prvi put u životu stade ozbiljno da razmatra mogućnost da pobegne s Hogvortsa.
When|(reflexive pronoun)|woke up|on|Monday|first|time|in|life|began|seriously|to|consider|possibility|to|escape|from|Hogwarts
When he woke up on Monday, for the first time in his life he seriously considered the possibility of running away from Hogwarts.
Ali kada se za vreme doručka osvrnuo oko sebe u Velikoj sali, i pomislio šta bi odlazak iz zamka značio, bio je načisto da nije u stanju to da učini.
But|when|reflexive pronoun|during|time|breakfast|looked|around|himself|in|Great|hall|and|thought|what|would|departure|from|castle|would mean|was|(past tense marker)|completely|that|not|in|condition|that|to|do
But when he looked around the Great Hall during breakfast and thought about what leaving the castle would mean, he was clear that he was not able to do it.
Kako da napusti jedino mesto gde je ikada bio srećan... ne baš jedino; mora da je bio srećan i dok je bio sa svojim roditeljima, ali toga se ne seća.
How could he leave the only place he had ever been happy... not quite the only one; he must have been happy when he was with his parents, but he doesn't remember that.
No nekako, i sama pomisao da bi radije ostao tu i suočio se sa zmajem nego se vratio u Šimširovu ulicu kod Dadlija bila je utešna; učinila je da bude bar malo mirniji.
But|somehow|and|the thought of staying here|thought|that|would|rather|stayed|here|and|faced|himself|with|dragon|than|himself|returned|to|Shimshirova|street|at|Dadli|was|(past tense marker)||||to|be|at least|a little|calmer
Yet somehow, the very thought that he would rather stay here and face a dragon than go back to Privet Drive with the Dursleys was comforting; it made him at least a little calmer.
Jedva je pojeo slaninu (grlo mu nije bilo baš u najboljem stanju), a kada su on i Hermiona ustali od stola, video je Sedrika Digorija kako napušta haflpafovski sto.
Barely|(he)|ate|the bacon|throat|his|was not|in|really|in|best|condition|and|when|(they)|he|and|Hermione|stood|from|the table|saw|(he)|Cedric|Diggory|how|leaves|Hufflepuff|table
He barely ate the bacon (his throat wasn't in the best condition), and when he and Hermione got up from the table, he saw Cedric Diggory leaving the Hufflepuff table.
Sedrik i dalje nije imao pojma o zmajevima... jedini šampion koji ne zna za to, ukoliko je Hari u pravu da su Maksim i Karkarof sve ispričali Fler i Krumu... – Hermiona, vidimo se u staklenoj bašti – reče Hari, odjednom se odlučivši dok je Sedrik napuštao Salu.
Cedric|and||not|had|idea|about|dragons|only|champion|who|not|knows|about|it|if|is|Harry|in|right|that|are|Maxime|and|Karkaroff|everything|told|Fleur|and|Krum|Hermione|we see|each other|in|glass|garden|said|Harry|suddenly|himself|deciding|while|was|Cedric|leaving|Hall
Cedric still had no idea about the dragons... the only champion who doesn't know about it, if Harry is right that Maxime and Karkaroff told Fleur and Krum everything... – Hermione, see you in the glass garden – said Harry, suddenly deciding as Cedric left the Great Hall.
– Idi, stići ću te.
– Go, I'll catch up with you.
– Hari, zakasnićeš, zvono samo što se nije oglasilo... – Stići ću te, u redu?
Hari|you will be late|bell|just|as soon as|(reflexive particle)|not|rung|||you|alright|order
– Harry, you'll be late, the bell is about to ring... – I'll catch up with you, okay?
Dok je Hari stigao do podnožja kamenih stepenica, Sedrik je već bio na vrhu.
While|was|Harry|arrived|at|the foot of|stone|stairs|Cedric|was|already|had|at|the top
By the time Harry reached the bottom of the stone steps, Cedric was already at the top.
Bio je s gomilom drugova iz šestog razreda.
He was|(past tense verb marker)|with|a bunch of|friends|from|sixth|grade
He was with a bunch of friends from the sixth grade.
Hari nije želeo da priča sa Sedrikom pred njima; to su bili oni isti koji su mu recitovali članak Rite Skiter čim bi prošao pored njih.
Harry|did not|want|to|talk|with|Cedric|in front of|them|those|were|the same|they|same|who|were|to him|recited|article|Rita|Skeeter|as soon as|would|passed|by|them
Harry didn't want to talk to Cedric in front of them; they were the same ones who recited Rita Skeeter's article to him as soon as he passed by.
Pratio je Sedrika na izvesnom rastojanju, i video kako se ovaj zaputio ka hodniku u kome se nalazi učionica za časove Čini.
He followed|past tense marker|Cedric|at|certain|distance|and|saw|how|reflexive pronoun|he|headed|towards|hallway|in|which|reflexive pronoun|is located|classroom|for|lessons|Chinese
He followed Cedric at a certain distance and saw him heading towards the corridor where the Charms classroom was located.
To Hariju dade ideju.
This gave Harry an idea.
Zastavši na određenom rastojanju od njih, izvuče svoj čarobni štapić i pažljivo nanišani.
Stopping|at|a certain|distance|from|them|he/she drew out|his/her|magic|wand|and|carefully|aimed
Stopping at a certain distance from them, he pulled out his wand and carefully aimed.
– Difindo!
I split
– Difindo!
Sedrikova torba se pocepa.
Sedrik's|bag|reflexive pronoun|tore
Cedric's bag tears.
Pergamenti, pera i knjige rasuše se po podu.
The parchments|pen|and|books|scattered|reflexive pronoun|on|the floor
Parchments, quills, and books scatter across the floor.
Nekoliko bočica mastila razbi se i prosu... – Ne brinite – reče Sedrik ozlojeđeno, kad se njegovi drugovi sagoše da mu pomognu.
Several|bottles|of ink|broke|itself|and|spilled|No|worry|said|Cedric|angrily|when|they|his|friends|bent down|to|him|help
Several ink bottles break and spill... – Don't worry – Cedric said irritably, as his friends bent down to help him.
– Recite Flitviku da dolazim, idite... Hari se upravo tome i nadao.
Tell|Flitwick|that|I am coming|go|Harry|himself|just|to that|and|hoped
– Tell Flitwick I'm coming, go... Harry was just hoping for that.
Vratio je štapić pod odoru, sačekao dok Sedrikovi prijatelji nisu nestali u učionici, i pojurio kroz hodnik, u kojem više nije bilo nikoga osim njega i Sedrika.
He returned|(past tense marker)|stick|under|uniform|He waited|until|Sedrik's|friends|(past tense negation)|disappeared|in|classroom|and|He rushed|through|hallway|in|which|no longer|(past tense negation)|was|nobody|except|him|and|Sedrik
He returned the stick under his robe, waited until Cedric's friends had disappeared into the classroom, and rushed down the hallway, where there was no one left except him and Cedric.
– Zdravo – reče Sedrik, podižući primerak Vodiča kroz složena Preobražavanja, koji je sada bio umrljan mastilom.
Hello|said|Cedric|raising|copy|Guide|through|complex|Transformations|which|was|now|be|stained|with ink
"Hello," said Cedric, raising a copy of the Guide to Complex Transformations, which was now stained with ink.
– Upravo mi se pocepala torba... tek kupljena... – Sedriče – reče Hari – prvi podvig biće zmajevi.
just|to me|reflexive pronoun|ripped|bag|just|bought|Sedric|said|Hari|first|challenge|will be|dragons
"My bag just ripped... just bought it..." said Harry, "the first challenge will be dragons."
– Šta?
– reče Sedrik, podigavši pogled.
said Cedric, looking up.
– Zmajevi – reče Hari, govoreći ubrzano, za slučaj da profesor Flitvik izađe da vidi šta je sa Sedrikom.
Dragons|said|Harry|speaking|quickly|in case|situation|that|professor|Flitwick|comes out|to|see|what|is|with|Cedric
– Dragons – said Harry, speaking quickly, in case Professor Flitwick came out to see what was happening with Cedric.
– Ima ih četiri, za svakog od nas po jedan, i treba da ih obuzdamo kako bismo prošli kraj njih.
There are|four|four|for|each|of|us|per|one|and|we need|to|them|restrain|so that|we would|pass|by|them
– There are four of them, one for each of us, and we need to subdue them to get past.
Sedrik ga je gledao u čudu.
Cedric|him|(past tense marker)|looked|in|surprise
Cedric looked at him in astonishment.
Zagledavši se u Sedrikove sive oči, Hari oseti da i njega hvata panika kakvu i sâm oseća od subote uveče.
Gazing into Cedric's gray eyes, Harry felt a panic rising in him that he had been feeling since Saturday night.
– Jesi li siguran?
Are you|question particle|sure
– Are you sure?
– upita ga Sedrik prigušenim tonom.
- he asked Cedric in a subdued tone.
– Sto posto – reče Hari.
One hundred|percent|said|Hari
- One hundred percent - said Harry.
– Video sam ih.
I saw|(past tense marker)|them
- I saw them.
– Ali, kako si saznao za to?
But|how|you|found out|about|that
- But, how did you find out about that?
Mi ne smemo da znamo... – Nije važno – reče Hari brzo.
We|not|may|to|know|It is not|important|said|Harry|quickly
We are not supposed to know... - It doesn't matter - said Harry quickly.
Znao je da bi, ako kaže istinu, Hagrid imao problema.
He knew|(past tense marker)|that|would|if|he says|the truth|Hagrid|would have|problems
He knew that if he told the truth, Hagrid would have problems.
– Ali nisam jedini koji zna.
But|I am not|the only one|who|knows
– But I'm not the only one who knows.
Fler i Krum su verovatno dosad već saznali – i Maksim i Karkarof su takođe videli zmajeve.
Fleur|and|Krum|have|probably|by now|already|found out|and|Maxime|and|Karkaroff|have|also|seen|dragons
Fleur and Krum have probably found out by now – and Maxime and Karkaroff have also seen the dragons.
Sedrik se ispravi, s rukama punim mastiljavih pera, pergamenata, knjiga i rasparanom torbom koja mu je visila na ramenu.
Cedric|himself|straightened up|with|hands|full|inky|quills|parchments|books|and|torn|bag|which|to him|was|hanging|on|shoulder
Cedric straightened up, with his hands full of inky quills, parchment, books, and a torn bag hanging from his shoulder.
Zurio je u Harija, a u očima mu je titrao začuđen, skoro sumnjičav pogled.
He glared|past tense marker|at|Hari|but|in|his eyes|to him|past tense marker|flickered|surprised|almost|suspicious|look
He stared at Harry, and in his eyes flickered a look of astonishment, almost suspicion.
– Zašto mi to govoriš?
Why|to me|that|you tell
– Why are you telling me this?
– upita on.
– he asked.
Hari ga pogleda s nevericom.
Harry looked at him in disbelief.
Bio je siguran da Sedrik ne bi postavljao takva pitanja da je sâm video zmajeve.
He was|is|sure|that|Cedric|not|would|ask|such|questions|if|he|alone|saw|dragons
He was sure that Cedric wouldn't be asking such questions if he had seen the dragons himself.
Hari ne bi dozvolio ni najljućim neprijateljima da se suoče s tim čudovištima nepripremljeni... osim, možda, Melfoju ili Snejpu... – To je... pošteno, zar ne?
Harry wouldn't allow even his fiercest enemies to face those monsters unprepared... except, maybe, Malfoy or Snape... – That's... fair, isn't it?
– reče on Sedriku.
said|he|to Sedrik
- he said to Cedric.
– Sada svi znamo za to... svi krećemo s iste tačke, zar ne?
Now|we all|know|about|it|we all|start|from|the same|point|right|no
- Now we all know about it... we all start from the same point, right?
Sedrik je i dalje gledao u njega pomalo sumnjičavo, kad Hari začu poznato huktanje iza sebe.
Cedric was still looking at him somewhat suspiciously when Harry heard a familiar huffing behind him.
Okrenu se i spazi Ludookog Ćudljivka kako izlazi iz obližnje učionice.
He turns|himself|and|spots|Ludooki|Ćudljivka|as|he exits|from|nearby|classroom
He turned around and spotted the Mad-Eye Moody coming out of a nearby classroom.
– Pođi sa mnom, Poteru – zabrunda on.
- Come with me, Potter - he grumbled.
– Digori, briši.
– Digory, wipe.
Hari je pažljivo gledao u Ćudljivka.
Harry was watching the Grumpy carefully.
Da ih nije čuo?
Did he not hear them?
– Ovaj... profesore, treba da idem na Herbologiju... – Ne brini se za to, Poteru.
This|professor|I need|to|go|to|Herbology|Don't|worry|yourself|about|that|Potter
– Um... professor, I need to go to Herbology... – Don't worry about that, Potter.
Molim te, u moju kancelariju... Hari pođe s njim, pitajući se šta će mu se sada dogoditi.
Please|you|to|my|office|Hari|went|with|him|wondering|himself|what|will|to him|himself|now|happen
Please, to my office... Harry followed him, wondering what would happen to him now.
Šta ako Ćudljivko bude želeo da sazna kako je on otkrio da je reč o zmajevima?
What|if|Ćudljivko|will|wanted|to|find out|how|he||discovered|that|it|word|about|dragons
What if Quirrell wanted to find out how he discovered that it was about dragons?
Da li bi Ćudljivko išao kod Dambldora i cinkario Hagrida, ili bi samo pretvorio Harija u lasicu?
Would|question particle|conditional particle|Quirrell||||and|snitched on|Hagrid|or|would|only|turned|Harry|into|weasel
Would Quirrell go to Dumbledore and snitch on Hagrid, or would he just turn Harry into a weasel?
Pa, možda bi lakše prošao pored zmaja ako bi bio lasica, pomisli Hari, bio bi manji, teže bi ga zmaj primetio s visine od pedeset stopa... Pošao je za Ćudljivkom u njegovu kancelariju.
Well|maybe|would|more easily|passed|by|the dragon|if|would|were|weasel|thought|Harry|were|would||||him|dragon|noticed|from|height|of|fifty|feet|He went|(past tense marker)|after|the Moody|to|his|office
Well, maybe it would be easier to get past the dragon if he were a weasel, Harry thought, he would be smaller, the dragon would have a harder time noticing him from fifty feet up... He followed Quirrell to his office.
On zatvori vrata za njima, okrenu se i pogleda Harija, fiksirajući ga i svojim magičnim i onim drugim, normalnim okom.
He|closed|door|behind|them|turned|himself|and|looked at|Harry|fixing|him|and|his|magical|and|that|other|normal|eye
He closed the door behind them, turned around, and looked at Harry, fixing him with both his magical and his other, normal eye.
– Ovo što si sada uradio je vrlo pošteno, Poteru – reče Ćudljivko tiho.
– What you just did is very fair, Potter – Quirrell said quietly.
Hari nije znao šta da odgovori.
Hari|did not|know|what|to|answer
Harry didn't know what to answer.
Uopšte nije očekivao takvu reakciju.
at all|did not|expect|such|reaction
He didn't expect such a reaction at all.
– Sedi – reče Ćudljivko, i Hari sede, zverajući oko sebe.
- Sit down - said Grumpy, and Harry sat down, staring around.
Posetio je tu kancelariju u vreme dvojice prethodnih profesora.
He visited|(past tense marker)|that|office|in|time|of the two|previous|professors
He visited that office during the time of the two previous professors.
U vreme profesora Lokharta zidovi su bili obloženi iscerenim, namigujućim slikama samog profesora Lokharta.
In|time|professor|Lockhart|walls|were|be|covered|grinning|winking|pictures|of the very|professor|Lockhart
During Professor Lockhart's time, the walls were covered with grinning, winking pictures of Professor Lockhart himself.
Kada je ovde boravio Lupin, pre se moglo naleteti na poneki primerak nove fascinantne vrste Mračnih stvorenja, koje je nabavljao kako bi ih đaci proučavali na časovima.
When|(past tense verb auxiliary)|here|stayed|Lupin|before|(reflexive pronoun)|could|encounter|on|the occasional|specimen|new|fascinating|species|Dark|creatures|which|(past tense verb auxiliary)|acquired|so that|(subjunctive auxiliary)|them|students|studied|in|classes
When Lupin stayed here, one could still come across a few specimens of the new fascinating species of Dark creatures, which he acquired for the students to study in class.
Sada je pak kancelarija bila puna brojnih izuzetno starih predmeta koje je, pretpostavljao je Hari, Ćudljivko koristio još u vreme kada je bio Auror.
Now|was|however|office|was|full|of numerous|exceptionally|old|items|which|(he)|assumed|(he)|Harry|Chudljivko|used|still|in|time|when|(he)|was|Auror
Now, however, the office was full of numerous extremely old items that, Harry assumed, the Shifty had used back when he was an Auror.
Na njegovom stolu stajalo je nešto nalik na veliku, naprslu staklenu čigru.
On|his|table|was standing|(past tense verb marker)|something|similar|to|large|cracked|glass|marble
On his desk stood something resembling a large, cracked glass goblet.
Hari odmah prepozna šunjoskop, pošto je i sâm imao jedan, mada mnogo manji od Ćudljivkovog.
Harry immediately recognized the sneakoscope, as he himself had one, although much smaller than Shifty's.
U ćošku, na jednom stočiću, beše predmet koji je ličio na nekakvu izuvijanu, zlatnu televizijsku antenu.
In|the corner|on|one|small table|there was|object|which|was|resembled|to|some kind of|twisted|golden|television|antenna
In the corner, on a small table, there was an object that resembled some kind of twisted, golden television antenna.
Iz njenog pravca čulo se prigušeno brujanje.
From|her|direction|heard|reflexive particle|muffled|buzzing
A muffled buzzing could be heard from her direction.
Nešto nalik ogledalu visilo je na zidu preko puta Harija, ali se u njemu nije video odraz sobe.
Something|like|mirror|hung|was|on|wall|across|from|Harry|but|reflexive pronoun|in|it|not|saw|reflection|room
Something resembling a mirror hung on the wall opposite Harry, but his reflection was not visible in it.
Senovita obličja micala su se u njemu, nijedno jasno razaznatljivo.
Shadowy shapes moved within it, none clearly discernible.
– Da li ti se sviđaju moji detektori Mračnih sila?
Do|question particle|you|reflexive pronoun|like|my|detectors|Dark|forces
"Do you like my Dark Force detectors?"
– upita Ćudljivko, koji je pomno posmatrao Harija.
asked the Changeable, who was closely observing Harry.
– Šta je to?
– What is that?
– upita Hari, pokazujući na izuvijanu zlatnu antenu.
– asked Harry, pointing at the twisted golden antenna.
– Detektor tajnovitosti.
Detector|of mystery
– A mystery detector.
Vibrira kada otkrije laž ili da neko nešto krije... ovde mi nije od koristi, previše se mešaju talasi... pošto svi učenici manje-više lažu zbog čega nisu uradili domaći.
It vibrates|when|detects|lie|or|that|someone|something|hides|here|to me|is not|of|use|too much|reflexive pronoun|mix|waves|since|all|students|||lie|because|why|they are not|done|homework
It vibrates when it detects a lie or that someone is hiding something... it's not useful here, the waves are too mixed... since all the students more or less lie about why they didn't do their homework.
Otkad sam došao, neprekidno zuji.
Since I arrived, it has been buzzing non-stop.
Morao sam da isključim šunjoskop jer nije prestajao da zviždi i pišti.
I had to|am|to|turn off|the alarm|because|it did not|stop|to|whistle|and|squeak
I had to turn off the sneaky scope because it wouldn't stop whistling and squeaking.
Preosetljiv je, primećuje da se nešto kreće na milju naokolo.
Overly sensitive|is|notices|that|reflexive pronoun|something|moves|at|mile|around
It's overly sensitive, it notices something moving a mile around.
Naravno, moguće je da primeti mnogo više od dečjeg šunjanja – dodade on brundavim glasom.
Of course|possible|is|to|notice|much|more|than|child's|sneaking|he added|he|gruff|voice
Of course, it's possible that it notices much more than a child's sneaking around – he added in a grumbling voice.
– A čemu služi ogledalo?
And|what|is used|mirror
– And what is the mirror for?
– O, to je moje dušman-staklo.
– Oh, that's my enemy-glass.
Vidiš li ih tamo, kako se prikradaju?
Do you see|question particle|them|there|how|reflexive pronoun|sneak up
Do you see them over there, sneaking up?
Nisam u opasnosti sve dok im ne vidim beonjače.
I am not|in|danger|as long as|until|them|not|I see|whites of their eyes
I'm not in danger as long as I don't see their whites of their eyes.
Tada već moram da otvorim svoj kovčeg.
Then|already|I must|to|open|my|suitcase
Then I have to open my chest.
On se kratko i piskavo zakikota, i pokaza na veliki kovčeg ispod prozora.
He|himself|briefly|and|squeakily|laughed|and|pointed|at|large|trunk|under|the window
He let out a short, squeaky giggle, and pointed to the large chest under the window.
Imao je sedam ključaonica u nizu.
He had|(past tense marker)|seven|keyholes|in|a row
It had seven keyholes in a row.
Hari se pitao šta li je unutra, dok ga sledeće Ćudljivkovo pitanje ne prenu iz razmišljanja.
Hari|himself|wondered|what|question particle|was|inside|while|him|next|Ćudljivko's|question|not|startled|from|thought
Harry wondered what was inside, until the next question from the Moody startled him out of his thoughts.
– Dakle... saznao si za zmajeve, zar ne?
So|you found out|you|about|dragons|question particle|no
– So... you found out about the dragons, didn't you?
Hari je oklevao.
Harry hesitated.
Pribojavao se ovoga – ali nije rekao ni Sedriku, a neće sigurno ni Ćudljivku, da je Hagrid prekršio pravila.
feared|reflexive particle|this|but|did not|tell|nor|Cedric|and|will not|surely|nor|Quirrell|that|was|Hagrid|broke|rules
He was afraid of this – but he hadn't told Cedric, and he certainly wouldn't tell Moody that Hagrid had broken the rules.
– Sve je u redu – reče Ćudljivko, sedajući i protežući svoju drvenu nogu.
– It's all right – said Moody, sitting down and stretching his wooden leg.
– Varanje je tradicionalno deo Tročarobnjačkog turnira, kao što je to oduvek i bilo.
Cheating|is|traditionally|part|of the Three-Wizard|tournament|as|that|has|it|always|and|been
– Cheating is traditionally part of the Three-Wizard Tournament, as it has always been.
– Nisam varao – reče Hari žustro.
I did not|cheat|said|Hari|briskly
– I didn't cheat – Harry said briskly.
– Bilo je to... slučajno sam to otkrio.
It was|(verb to be)|that|accidentally|I|that|discovered
– It was... I discovered it by accident.
Ćudljivko se isceri.
Grumpy one|himself|smiles
The Grumpy One grinned.
– Ne optužujem te, momče.
I do not|accuse|you|boy
– I'm not accusing you, boy.
Od početka sam govorio Dambldoru da, bez obzira na to koliko je on sâm plemenit, može da se kladi da Karkarof i Maksim to sigurno neće biti.
From|the beginning|I|told|Dumbledore|that|without|regard|to|that|how much|is|he|himself|noble|can|to|reflexive particle|bet|that|Karkaroff|and|Maxim|that|surely|will not|be
From the beginning, I told Dumbledore that, no matter how noble he is, you can bet that Karkaroff and Maxime certainly won't be.
Ispričali su svojim šampionima sve što su saznali.
They explained|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to their|champions|everything|that|(past tense auxiliary verb)|learned
They told their champions everything they learned.
Oni žele da pobede.
They want to win.
Hoće da poraze Dambldora.
They want|to|defeat|Dumbledore
They want to defeat Dumbledore.
Voleli bi da dokažu da je on samo obično ljudsko biće.
They would love|conditional particle|to|prove|that|he is|he|just|ordinary|human|being
They would like to prove that he is just an ordinary human being.
Ćudljivko se oštro nasmeja, a magično oko mu zaigra i poče da se obrće tako brzo da je Hariju bilo mučno da ga prati.
the character's name|reflexive pronoun|sharply|laughed|and|magical|eye|to him|sparkled|and|began|to|reflexive pronoun|spin|so|quickly|that|it was|to Harry|was|difficult|to|it|follow
The Grumpy One laughed sharply, and his magical eye began to dance and spin so fast that it made Harry feel sick trying to follow it.
– Dakle... imaš li bilo kakvu ideju kako ćeš da prođeš pored svog zmaja?
So|do you have|question particle|any|kind of|idea|how|will you|to|pass|by|your|dragon
– So... do you have any idea how you will get past your dragon?
– upita ga Ćudljivko.
– asked the Grumpy One.
– Ne – odgovori Hari.
– No – replied Harry.
– Pa, ja ti to neću reći – reče Ćudljivko osorno.
– Well, I won't tell you that – said the Grumpy One gruffly.
– Ja nisam pristrasan, nikako.
I|am not|biased|in no way
- I am not biased, not at all.
Samo ću ti dati neki dobar, uopšten savet.
Just|will|to you|give|some|good|general|advice
I will just give you some good, general advice.
A prvo pravilo je – osloni se na vlastite sposobnosti.
And|first|rule|is|rely|on yourself|on|own|abilities
And the first rule is - rely on your own abilities.
– Nemam ih – reče Hari, pre nego što je uspeo da se zaustavi.
I don't have|them|said|Hari|before|than|what|he|managed|to|himself|stop
- I don't have any - said Harry, before he could stop himself.
– Ma nemoj mi reći – zabrunda Ćudljivko.
Oh|don't|to me|tell|grumbled|Ćudljivko
- Oh, don't tell me that - grumbled Chudljivko.
– Kad ja kažem da imaš sposobnosti, onda ih imaš.
When|I|say|that|you have|abilities|then|them|you have
– When I say you have abilities, then you have them.
Razmisli malo.
Think|a little
Think a little.
U čemu si najbolji?
What are you best at?
Hari pokuša da se koncentriše.
Harry tries to concentrate.
U čemu je najbolji?
In|what|is|the best
What is he best at?
Pa, to je zbilja lako... – U kvidiču – reče tupo.
Well|it|is|really|easy|In|Quidditch|he said|stupidly
Well, that's really easy... – In Quidditch – he said stupidly.
– Ali to će mi baš pomoći... – Tako je – reče Ćudljivko, gledajući ga pomno svojim magičnim okom, maltene ga ne pomerajući.
But|it|will|to me|really|help|That's|is|said|Ćudljivko|watching|him|closely|his|magical|eye|almost|him|not|moving
– But that will really help me... – That's right – said Chudljivko, watching him closely with his magical eye, hardly moving.
– Ti si prokleto dobar letač, koliko čujem.
You|are|damn|good|pilot|as much as|I hear
– You're a damn good flyer, from what I hear.
– Da, ali... – Hari je zurio u njega.
– Yes, but... – Harry stared at him.
– Nije mi dozvoljeno da nosim metlu, samo štapić... – Moj drugi opšti savet – reče Ćudljivko glasno, prekinuvši ga – jeste da iskoristiš neku lepu jednostavnu čin koje će ti pomoći da dobiješ ono što ti treba.
It is not|to me|allowed|to|carry|broom|only|stick|My|second|general|advice|said|Ćudljivko|loudly|interrupting|him|is|to|use|some|nice|simple|action|which|will|you||to|get|what|what|you|need
– I'm not allowed to carry a broom, only a wand... – My second general advice – Chudljivko said loudly, interrupting him – is to use some nice simple charm that will help you get what you need.
Hari ga pogleda bezizrazno.
Harry looked at him blankly.
Šta to njemu treba?
What does he need?
– Ma hajde, dečače – prošaputa Ćudljivko.
come on|let's go|little boy|whispered|the name of a character
- Come on, kid - Whispered Chudljivko.
– Sastavi sam sve kockice... nije to tako teško... Hariju nešto kvrcnu u glavi.
He assembled|I|all|pieces|is not|it|so|difficult|to Hari|something|snapped|in|head
- Just put all the pieces together... it's not that hard... something clicked in Harry's head.
On je najbolji u letenju.
He is the best at flying.
Dakle, treba da prođe pored zmaja kroz vazduh.
So|he needs|to|pass|by|the dragon|through|the air
So, he needs to fly past the dragon through the air.
Zbog toga mu je potrebna njegova Vatrena strela.
Because|of that|to him|is|needed|his|Fire|arrow
That's why he needs his Firebolt.
A da bi nabavio Vatrenu strelu, treba mu... – Hermiona – prošaputa Hari, kada se deset minuta kasnije sjurio u staklenu baštu broj tri, mrmljajući zbrda-zdola izvinjenje profesorki Mladici dok je prolazio pored nje.
And|to|subjunctive particle|obtain|Fiery|arrow|needs|to him||whispered|Harry|when|himself|ten|minutes|later|rushed|into|glass|greenhouse|number|three|mumbling|||apology|to the professor|Mladic|while|was|passing|by|her
And to get the Firebolt, he needs... – Hermione – Harry whispered, as he rushed into greenhouse number three ten minutes later, mumbling a hasty apology to Professor Sprout as he passed by her.
– Hermiona... treba mi tvoja pomoć.
– Hermione... I need your help.
– A šta misliš da pokušavam da uradim, nego da ti pomognem?
And|what|do you think|to|I am trying|to|do|but|to|you|help
– What do you think I'm trying to do, if not help you?
– odgovori mu ona takođe šapatom, razrogačivši oči od radoznalosti izvirujući iznad vrha dršćućeg tresižbuna koji je potkresivala.
she answers|to him|she|also|in a whisper|widening|eyes|from|curiosity|peeking|above|the top|trembling|tree|which|was|trimming
- she replied to him also in a whisper, her eyes wide with curiosity peeking over the top of the trembling trestle she was trimming.
– Hermiona, do sutra popodne moram da naučim kako da propisno izvedem Prizivajuću čin.
Hermione|by|tomorrow|afternoon|I must|to|learn|how|to|properly|perform|Summoning|spell
- Hermione, by tomorrow afternoon I have to learn how to properly perform the Summoning Charm.
* * * I tako počeše da vežbaju.
* * * And so they began to practice.
Nisu ručali, već su se uputili pravo ka jednoj praznoj učionici, gde je Hari iz sve snage pokušavao da natera raznorazne predmete da prelete preko sobe do njega.
They did not|have lunch|but|they|themselves|headed|straight|towards|one|empty|classroom|where|he|Harry|from|all|strength|was trying|to|make|various|objects|to|fly|across|room|to|him
They didn't have lunch, but headed straight to an empty classroom, where Harry was trying with all his might to make various objects fly across the room to him.
I dalje je muku mučio s tim.
He was still struggling with it.
Knjige i pera su neprekidno gubili brzinu na pola puta i padali poput kamenja na pod.
The books|and|pens|were|continuously|losing|speed|halfway|half|way|and|falling|like|stones|on|the floor
Books and quills were continuously losing speed halfway and falling like stones to the ground.
– Koncentriši se, Hari, koncentriši... – A šta misliš da pokušavam da uradim?
Concentrate|yourself|Harry|concentrate|And|what|do you think|to|I am trying|to|do
– Concentrate, Harry, concentrate... – And what do you think I'm trying to do?
– reče Hari ljutito.
– said Harry angrily.
– Međutim, iz nekog razloga stalno u glavi vidim sliku velikog gnusnog zmaja... No dobro, da pokušam ponovo... Hteo je da pobegne s Predskazivanja kako bi nastavio da vežba, međutim Hermiona je izričito odbila da propusti čas Aritmantije, a bez nje nije imalo svrhe vežbati.
However|from|some|reason|constantly|in|head|I see|the picture|of a big|disgusting|dragon|But|good|to|I try|again|He wanted|was|to|escape|from|Divination|how|he|continued|to|practice|however|Hermione|was|explicitly|refused|to|miss|class|Arithmancy|and|without|her|was not|had|purpose|to practice
– However, for some reason, I keep seeing the image of a huge, hideous dragon in my head... Well, let me try again... He wanted to escape from Divination to continue practicing, but Hermione explicitly refused to skip the Arithmancy class, and without her, it was pointless to practice.
Stoga je Hari morao da izdrži čitav čas profesorke Treloni, koja je polovinu vremena provela upozoravajući učenike kako položaj Marsa u odnosu na Saturn u ovom trenutku znači da ljudima rođenim u julu preti velika opasnost od iznenadne, nasilne smrti.
Therefore|was|Harry|had to|to|endure|entire|class|of Professor|Trelawney|who|was|half|of the time|spent|warning|the students|that|position||in|relation|to|Saturn|in|this|moment|means|that|people|born|in||threatens|great|danger|of|sudden|violent|death
Therefore, Harry had to endure the entire class of Professor Trelawney, who spent half the time warning the students that the position of Mars in relation to Saturn at this moment means that people born in July are in great danger of sudden, violent death.
– Pa, to je dobro – reče Hari glasno, već na izmaku strpljenja – samo da ne traje dugo; ne želim da patim.
Well|that|is|good|said|Hari|loudly|already|at|end|of patience|just|to|not|lasts|long|not|I want|to|suffer
"Well, that's good," Harry said loudly, already at the end of his patience, "as long as it doesn't last long; I don't want to suffer."
Ron ga na trenutak pogleda kao da će da se nasmeje na tu opasku.
Ron|him|for|a moment|looked|as if|to|||himself|laugh|at|that|remark
Ron looked at him for a moment as if he was going to laugh at that remark.
U svakom slučaju, prvi put posle nekoliko dana uhvatio je Harijev pogled, ali je Hari prema Ronu još uvek osećao preveliku odbojnost te mu je bilo svejedno.
In|every|case|first|time|after|several|days|caught|he|Harry's|gaze|but|he|Harry|towards||still|always|felt|too much|aversion|so|to him|was|it|indifferent
In any case, for the first time in several days, he caught Harry's gaze, but Harry still felt too much aversion towards Ron, so he didn't care.
Ostatak predavanja proveo je pokušavajući štapićem da privuče omanje predmete ka sebi ispod klupe.
The rest|of the lecture|spent|was|trying|with a stick|to|pull|small|objects|towards|himself|under|the desk
He spent the rest of the lecture trying to use his wand to pull small objects towards him from under the desk.
Uspeo je da natera muvu da mu uleti pravo u šaku, iako nije bio sasvim siguran da li je to postigao zahvaljujući svojim sposobnostima da izvede Prizivajuću čin – možda je muva jednostavno bila glupa.
He succeeded|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to|make||to|(dative pronoun)|fly in|straight|into|hand|although|(negative auxiliary verb)|was|completely|sure|that|(question particle)|(past tense auxiliary verb)|that|achieved|thanks to|his|abilities|to|perform|Summoning|act|maybe|(past tense auxiliary verb)|fly|simply|was|stupid
He managed to get a fly to fly right into his hand, although he wasn't quite sure if he achieved that thanks to his ability to perform the Summoning Charm – maybe the fly was just stupid.
Posle Predskazivanja večerao je na silu, a potom se vratio u praznu učionicu s Hermionom, a poslužili su se Nevidljivim ogrtačem kako bi izbegli nastavnike.
After|the prediction|he ate dinner|(auxiliary verb)|with|force|and|then|(reflexive pronoun)|returned|to|empty|classroom|(conjunction)|with Hermione|and|they served|(auxiliary verb)|(reflexive pronoun)|Invisible|cloak|how|to|avoid|teachers
After the Prediction, he had dinner forcefully, and then returned to the empty classroom with Hermione, using the Invisibility Cloak to avoid the teachers.
Nastavili su da vežbaju do posle ponoći.
They continued|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to|practice|until|after|midnight
They continued to practice until after midnight.
Ostali bi i duže, ali niotkuda se pojavio Pivs i, pretvarajući se da misli kako Hari želi da stvari budu bačene na njega, počeo da ih gađa stolicama.
They would stay|would|and|longer|but|out of nowhere|reflexive pronoun|appeared|Pivs|and|pretending|reflexive pronoun|that|thinks|that|Hari|wants|to|things|be|thrown|at|him|started|to|them|throw|with chairs
They would have stayed longer, but out of nowhere, Peeves appeared and, pretending to think that Harry wanted things thrown at him, started throwing chairs at them.
Hari i Hermiona žurno izađoše, pre nego što je buka dozvala Filča, i vratiše se u grifindorski dnevni boravak, koji je sada, na njihovu sreću, bio prazan.
Harry|and|Hermione|hurriedly|left|before|than|what|was|noise|called|Filch|and|they returned|themselves|to|Gryffindor|common|room|which|was|now|on|their|happiness|was|empty
Harry and Hermione hurried out before the noise summoned Filch, and returned to the Gryffindor common room, which was now, to their relief, empty.
U dva sata ujutru, Hari je stajao pored kamina okružen gomilom predmeta: knjige, pera, prevrnute stolice, stari komplet gobkamenja i Nevilova žaba Trevor.
At|two|o'clock|in the morning|Harry|was|standing|next to|fireplace|surrounded||objects|books|pens|overturned|chairs|old|set|chessmen|and|Neville's|frog|Trevor
At two o'clock in the morning, Harry was standing by the fireplace surrounded by a pile of items: books, quills, overturned chairs, an old set of gobstones, and Neville's toad Trevor.
Tek u proteklih sat vremena Hari je konačno uspeo da ovlada Prizivajućim činima.
Only in the last hour has Harry finally managed to master the Summoning Charms.
– Sad je već mnogo bolje, Hari, zaista mnogo bolje – reče Hermiona, iscrpljena ali vrlo zadovoljna.
– It's already much better, Harry, really much better – said Hermione, exhausted but very pleased.
– Pa, sada makar znamo šta da radimo sledeći put kada ne uspem da savladam neku čin – reče Hari, bacajući rečnik Runa nazad Hermioni, kako bi ponovo pokušao – zapreti mi zmajem.
Well|now|at least|we know|what|to|do|next|time|when|not|succeed|to|master|some|task|said|Harry|throwing|dictionary|Ron|back|to Hermione|how|would|again|tried|threaten|me|with a dragon
– Well, now at least we know what to do next time I can't master a spell – said Harry, throwing the Runes dictionary back to Hermione, so he could try again – threaten me with a dragon.
Dakle... – On ponovo podiže svoj štapić.
So... – He raised his wand again.
– Asio rečnik!
– Accio dictionary!
Teška knjiga izlete iz Hermioninih ruku, prelete preko sobe, i Hari je uhvati.
Heavy|book|flew out|from|Hermione’s|hands|flew across|over|room|and|Harry|(past tense marker)|caught
A heavy book flew out of Hermione's hands, soared across the room, and Harry caught it.
– Hari, zbilja mislim da si uspeo da savladaš ovu čin!
Hari|really|I think|that|you|succeeded|to|master|this|task
– Harry, I really think you managed to master this spell!
– reče Hermiona oduševljeno.
– said Hermione excitedly.
– Samo da tako bude i sutra – reče Hari.
Just|that|so|will be|and|tomorrow|said|Hari
– I just hope it will be the same tomorrow – said Harry.
– Vatrena strela će biti mnogo dalje nego ove stvari ovde, biće u zamku, a ja ću biti napolju, na školskom imanju... – To nije važno – reče Hermiona odlučno.
Fire|bolt|will|be|much|farther|than|these|things|here|it will be|in|the trap|and|I|will|be|outside|on|school|grounds|That|is not|important|said|Hermione|decisively
– The Firebolt will be much farther than these things here, it will be in the trap, and I will be outside, on the school grounds... – That doesn't matter – said Hermione firmly.
– Sve dok se koncentrišeš iz sve snage, stvari će ti dolaziti.
As|long as|reflexive pronoun|concentrate|with|all|strength|things|will|you|come
– As long as you concentrate with all your might, things will come to you.
Hari, bolje bi bilo da se malo naspavaš... trebaće ti.
Hari|better|would|be|to|reflexive pronoun|a little|sleep|will need|you
Harry, it would be better if you got some sleep... you'll need it.
* * * Te večeri, Hari se toliko trudio da se koncentriše na učenje Prizivajućih čini da ga je nakratko napustila slepa panika.
That|evening|Harry|himself|so much|tried|to|himself|concentrate|on|studying|Summoning|spells|that|him|was|briefly|left|blind|panic
* * * That evening, Harry tried so hard to concentrate on learning Summoning spells that he was briefly overtaken by blind panic.
Ipak, sledećeg jutra panika se vratila u punoj meri.
Nevertheless|next|morning|panic|reflexive pronoun|returned|in|full|measure
However, the next morning, panic returned in full force.
Atmosfera u školi bila je u znaku izuzetne napetosti i uzbuđenja.
The atmosphere|in|school|was|(auxiliary verb)|in|the sign of|exceptional|tension|and|excitement
The atmosphere at school was marked by exceptional tension and excitement.
Nastava je trebalo da se prekine u podne, kako bi svi učenici imali vremena da dođu do obora sa zmajevima, iako naravno nisu znali šta ih tamo čeka.
The class|was|supposed|to|reflexive pronoun|end|at|noon|so|that|all|students|had|time|to|arrive|at|enclosure|with|dragons|although|of course|they did not|know|what|them|there|awaits
Classes were supposed to end at noon, so that all the students would have time to get to the dragon enclosure, although of course they didn't know what awaited them there.
Hari se osećao čudnovato izdvojen od ostalih oko njega, bilo da su mu držali palčeve, ili siktali – Spremićemo ti kutiju maramica, Poteru – dok je prolazio.
Harry|himself|felt|strangely|isolated|from|others|around|him|whether|to|were|him|holding|thumbs|or|hissing|We'll prepare|you|box|tissues|Potter|while|was|passing
Harry felt strangely isolated from those around him, whether they were keeping their fingers crossed for him or hissing – We'll get you a box of tissues, Potter – as he passed by.
Sve je bilo do te mere napeto da se pitao neće li možda izgubiti glavu kad budu pokušali da ga izvedu pred njegovog zmaja, i krenuti da baca kletve na sve koji mu budu na vidiku.
Everything|was|so|to|that|extent|tense|that|himself|wondered|will not|question particle|perhaps|lose|head|when|are|tried|to|him|take out|in front of|his|dragon|and|start|to|throw|curses|at|everyone|who|to him|will be|in|sight
Everything was so tense that he wondered if he might lose his head when they tried to bring him out in front of his dragon, and start throwing curses at everyone in sight.
Vreme je bilo ćudljivije nego ikada, proticalo je u brzacima, tako da je u jednom trenutku kretao na prvi čas, Istoriju magije, a već sledećeg išao na ručak... a zatim (Gde nestade jutro?
The weather|was|more|unpredictable|than|ever|flowed|was|in|torrents|so|that|was|at|one|moment|he left|to|first|class|History|of magic|and|already|next|he went|to|lunch|and|then|Where|did disappear|morning
The weather was more unpredictable than ever, flowing in bursts, so that at one moment he was heading to his first class, History of Magic, and the very next he was going to lunch... and then (Where did the morning go?
Gde iščezoše poslednji sati bez zmajeva?)
Where did the last hours without dragons disappear to?)
već mu je prilazila profesorka MekGonagal u Velikoj sali.
already|to him|was|approaching|professor|McGonagall|in|Great|hall
Professor McGonagall was already approaching him in the Great Hall.
Masa ljudi ga je posmatrala.
A crowd|of people|him|was|watching
A crowd of people was watching him.
– Poteru, šampioni moraju da se spuste u polje ispod zamka... treba da se spremite za vaš prvi podvig.
The chase|champions|must|to|themselves|lower|in|field|below|castle|need|to|yourselves|prepare|for|your|first|feat
– The hunt, champions must descend to the field below the castle... you need to prepare for your first feat.
– U redu – reče Hari, uspravljajući se, a viljuška mu sa zveketom pade na tanjir.
In|order|said|Hari|straightening|himself|and|fork|to him|with|clattering|fell|on|plate
– Alright – said Harry, straightening up, and his fork clattered onto the plate.
– Srećno, Hari – prošaputa Hermiona.
Good luck|Harry|whispered|Hermione
– Good luck, Harry – Hermione whispered.
– Biće sve u redu!
It will be|everything|in|order
- Everything will be fine!
– Da – reče Hari, tuđim glasom.
- Yes - said Harry, in someone else's voice.
On napusti Veliku salu s profesorkom Mek Gonagal.
He left the Great Hall with Professor McGonagall.
Ni ona nije bila pri sebi.
Neither|she|was not|in her right mind|at|herself
She wasn't herself either.
Zapravo, delovala je zabrinuto maltene koliko i Hermiona.
Actually|seemed|was|worried|almost|as much as|and|Hermione
In fact, she seemed almost as worried as Hermione.
Dok se spuštala s njim niza kamene stepenike, da bi iskoračila u hladno novembarsko poslepodne, stavi mu ruku na rame.
While|herself|was descending|with|him|down|stone|steps|in order to|would|step out|into|cold|November|afternoon|she puts|to him|hand|on|shoulder
As she descended the stone steps with him, to step out into the cold November afternoon, she placed her hand on his shoulder.
– Vidi, nemoj da paničiš – reče ona – samo budi hladne glave... imamo čarobnjake spremne da preuzmu kontrolu nad situacijom, ukoliko bude potrebno... najvažnije je da ti daš sve od sebe, i niko ti ništa neće uzeti za zlo... jesi li dobro?
Look|don't|to|panic|she said|she|just|be|cool|headed|we have|wizards|ready|to|take|control|over|situation|if|is|necessary|most important|is|to|you|give|all|of|yourself|and|no one|you|anything|will not|take|for|evil|are|question particle|well
– Look, don't panic – she said – just keep a cool head... we have wizards ready to take control of the situation if necessary... the most important thing is that you give it your all, and no one will hold anything against you... are you okay?
– Da – Hari začu sebe kako govori.
– Yes – Harry heard himself say.
– Da, sve je u redu.
– Yes, everything is fine.
Ona ga povede ka mestu gde drže zmajeve, iza ruba šume, ali kada priđoše drveću iza kojeg se jasno može videti obor za zmajeve, Hari zapazi da je podignut veliki šator, koji je zmajeve zaklanjao.
She|him|led|to|place|where|keep|dragons|behind|edge|forest|but|when|they approached|the trees|behind|which|reflexive pronoun|clearly|can|be seen|pen|for|dragons|Harry|noticed|that|was|raised|large|tent|which|was|dragons|blocking
She led him to the place where they kept the dragons, behind the edge of the forest, but when they approached the trees behind which the dragon enclosure was clearly visible, Harry noticed that a large tent had been erected, which concealed the dragons.
– Ući ćeš unutra s ostalim šampionima – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal, drhtavim glasom – i sačekaćeš svoj red, Poteru.
You will enter|(future tense marker)|inside|with|the other|champions|said|professor|Mc|Gonagall|trembling|voice|and|you will wait|your|turn|Potter
"You will go inside with the other champions," said Professor McGonagall, her voice trembling, "and you will wait for your turn, Potter."
Gospodin Torbar je unutra... on će vas uputiti u... u proceduru... srećno.
Mr|Torbar|is|inside|he|will|you|guide|in||procedure|good luck
Mr. Torbar is inside... he will guide you through... the procedure... good luck."
– Hvala – reče Hari bezizražajnim, dalekim glasom.
Thank you|said|Hari|expressionless|distant|voice
"Thank you," said Harry in a flat, distant voice.
Ona ga ostavi na ulazu u šator.
She|him|left|at|the entrance|in|tent
She left him at the entrance of the tent.
Hari uđe unutra.
Harry went inside.
Fler Delaker je sedela u ćošku na niskoj drvenoj stolici.
Fleur Delacour was sitting in the corner on a low wooden chair.
Nije izgledala ni približno sabrana kao inače, već je bila prilično bleda i nesigurna.
She did not|look|not|nearly|composed|as|usual|but|was|been|quite|pale|and|insecure
She didn't look nearly as composed as usual, but rather quite pale and uncertain.
Viktor Krum je delovao namrštenije nego obično, što je možda način na koji on ispoljava nervozu, pomisli Hari.
Viktor|Krum|was|acted|more furrowed|than|usual|what|was|maybe|way|in|which|he|shows|nervousness|thought|Harry
Victor Krum seemed more frowning than usual, which might be his way of showing nervousness, Harry thought.
Sedrik je koračao uzduž i popreko.
Cedric was pacing back and forth.
Kada je Hari ušao, uputi mu mali osmeh, koji mu Hari uzvrati, osećajući kako mu se mišići na licu grče s naporom, kao da su zaboravili kako se to radi.
When|(past tense verb marker)|Harry|entered|gave|him|small|smile|which|him|Harry|returned|feeling|how|his|(reflexive pronoun)|||||||||||||that|is done
When Harry entered, he gave him a small smile, which Harry returned, feeling his facial muscles tense with effort, as if they had forgotten how to do it.
– Hari!
– Harry!
– reče Torbar veselo, okrenuvši se ka njemu.
– said Torbar cheerfully, turning to him.
– Uđi, uđi, raskomoti se kao da si kod kuće.
Come in|come in|make yourself comfortable|reflexive pronoun|as|if|you are|at|home
– Come in, come in, make yourself comfortable as if you were at home.
Među svim tim prebledelim šampionima,Torbar je delovao kao pomalo preuveličan lik iz crtaća.
Among all those pale champions, Torbar seemed like a somewhat exaggerated character from a cartoon.
Opet je obukao svoju staru odoru Obada.
He put on his old Obad uniform again.
– Pa, sada kada smo svi tu... vreme je da vas uputim u stvar!
Well|now|when|we are|all|here|time|is|to|you|inform|in|matter
– Well, now that we are all here... it's time to introduce you to the matter!
– reče Torbar ozareno.
– said Torbar, beaming.
– Kada se publika sakupi, ponudiću vam ovu torbu – on podiže maleni džak od ljubičaste svile, i protrese ga pred njima – odakle će svako od vas izabrati malu figuricu stvorenja s kojim će se suočiti!
When|reflexive particle|audience|gathers|I will offer|you|this|bag|he|lifts|small|sack|of|purple|silk|and|shakes|it|in front of|them|from where|will|each|of|you|choose||figurine|creature|with|which|will|reflexive particle|confront
– When the audience gathers, I will offer you this bag – he lifted a small sack made of purple silk and shook it in front of them – from which each of you will choose a small figurine of a creature to confront!
Ima različitih... ovaj... vrsta, vidite.
There are|different||species|you see
There are different... um... types, you see.
I treba još nešto da vam kažem... ah, da... vaš podvig sastoji se u tome da uzmete zlatno jaje!
I|need|something else|something|to|to you|say|ah|yes|your|feat|consists|reflexive particle|in|that|to|take|golden|egg
And I need to tell you something else... ah, yes... your feat consists of taking the golden egg!
Hari se osvrnu.
Hari|himself|looked back
Harry looked back.
Sedrik klimnu glavom, kako bi pokazao da je razumeo Torbareve reči, a zatim nastavi da korača po šatoru.
Cedric|nodded|with his head|how|would|show|that|he|understood|Torbare's|words|and|then|continued|to|walk|through|the tent
Cedric nodded to show that he understood the Hufflepuff's words, and then continued to walk around the tent.
Bio je pomalo zelen u licu.
He was|is|a little|green|in|face
He looked a bit green in the face.
Fler Delaker i Krum nisu uopšte odreagovali.
Fler|Delaker|and|Krum|did not||reacted
Fleur Delacour and Krum did not react at all.
Možda su mislili da će im pozliti ukoliko budu otvorili usta.
Maybe|they|thought|that|will|to them|make them sick|if|they are|open|mouths
Maybe they thought they would feel sick if they opened their mouths.
Tako se makar Hari osećao.
So|himself|at least|Harry|felt
At least that's how Harry felt.
No, oni su se, ipak, dobrovoljno prijavili za ovo... Za tili čas začuše stotine i stotine pari nogu kako prolaze pored šatora, dok njihovi vlasnici uzbuđeno pričaju, smeju se, šale... Hari se oseti sasvim izdvojenim od te gomile, kao da pripada nekoj drugoj vrsti.
No|they|are|themselves|nevertheless|voluntarily|signed up|for|this|In|no time|moment|heard|hundreds|and|hundreds|pairs|of feet|as|pass|by|the tents|while|their|owners|excitedly|talk|laugh|themselves|joke|Harry|himself|felt|completely|isolated|from|that|crowd|as|if|belongs|some|other|species
But they still voluntarily signed up for this... In an instant, they heard hundreds and hundreds of pairs of feet passing by the tent, while their owners excitedly talked, laughed, joked... Harry felt completely separated from that crowd, as if he belonged to another species.
A onda – Hariju se učini da je prošla tek sekunda – Torbar otvori vrh ljubičaste svilene vrećice.
And|then|Harij|himself|seemed|that|it|had passed|only|second|Torbar|opened|top|purple|silk|bag
And then – Harry thought only a second had passed – the Torbar opened the top of the purple silk bag.
– Dame imaju prednost – reče, ponudivši je Fler Delaker.
Ladies|have|priority|he said|offering|her|Fler|Delaker
– Ladies first – he said, offering it to Fleur Delacour.
Ona gurnu svoju drhtavu ruku u vreću, i izvuče majušnu, savršeno detaljnu figuricu zmaja – velškog zelenog.
She|shoved|her|trembling|hand|into|bag|and|pulled out|tiny|perfectly|detailed|figurine|dragon|Welsh|green
She pushed her trembling hand into the bag and pulled out a tiny, perfectly detailed dragon figurine – a Welsh green.
Zmaj je imao broj dva oko vrata.
The dragon|had|had|number|two|around|neck
The dragon had the number two around its neck.
I Hari je znao, po tome što Fler nije pokazala ni najmanji znak iznenađenja, već pre izraz odlučne rezignacije, da je bio u pravu: Madam Maksim ju je upozorila šta je čeka.
He|Harry|was|knew|by|that|that|Fleur|not|showed|nor|slightest|sign|surprise|but|rather|expression|of determined|resignation|that|was|been|in|right|Madam|Maxime|her|was|warned|what|was|
And Harry knew, from the fact that Fleur showed not the slightest sign of surprise, but rather an expression of determined resignation, that he was right: Madam Maxime had warned her what awaited.
Isto je bilo i sa Krumom.
It|was|the same|and|with|Krum
The same was true for Krum.
On je izvukao skerletnog kineskog ognjenog zmaja.
He|(past tense marker)|pulled out|scarlet|Chinese|fire|dragon
He pulled out a scarlet Chinese fire dragon.
Imao je broj tri oko vrata.
He had|(past tense marker)|number|three|around|neck
He had the number three around his neck.
Ni on nije trepnuo, već je samo zurio u zemlju.
Neither|he|did not|blinked|but|he|only|stared|at|the ground
He didn't blink either, but just stared at the ground.
Sedrik gurnu ruku u torbu i izvuče plavkastosivog švedskog kratkonosog, s brojem jedan oko vrata.
Sedrik|pushes|hand|into|bag|and|pulls out|bluish-gray|Swedish|short-nosed|with|number|one|around|neck
Cedric shoved his hand into the bag and pulled out a bluish-gray Swedish short-nosed, with the number one around its neck.
Znajući šta je ostalo, Hari stavi svoju ruku u svilenu vrećicu, i izvuče mađarskog šiljorepog, i broj četiri.
Knowing|what|is|remaining|Harry|put|his|hand|in|silk|bag|and|pulled out|Hungarian|sharpener|and|number|four
Knowing what was left, Harry put his hand into the silk pouch and pulled out a Hungarian short-faced, and the number four.
Zmaj proteže svoja krila dok ga je Hari gledao, i iskezi svoje sićušne zube.
The dragon|stretches|its|wings|while|him|was|Harry|watching|and|bares|its|tiny|teeth
The dragon stretched its wings as Harry watched, and bared its tiny teeth.
– Pa, to je to!
– Well, that's it!
– reče Torbar.
– said Torbar.
– Svako od vas je izvukao zmaja s kojim će se suočiti, a brojevi se odnose na redosled kojim ćete se suprotstavljati zmajevima, shvatate?
Each|of|you|has|drawn|dragon|with|whom|will|reflexive pronoun|confront|and|numbers|reflexive pronoun|refer|to|order|in which|you will|reflexive pronoun|oppose|dragons|you understand
– Each of you has drawn a dragon to face, and the numbers refer to the order in which you will confront the dragons, understand?
Pa, moraću uskoro da vas napustim, pošto sam ja komentator.
Well|I will have to|soon|to|you|leave|since|I am|I|commentator
Well, I will have to leave you soon, since I am the commentator.
Gospodine Digori, vi ste prvi, samo izađite ka oboru kada čujete zvižduk, u redu?
Mr|Digori|you|are|first|just|exit|to|pen|when|you hear|whistle|in|order
Mr. Digory, you are first, just head out to the pen when you hear the whistle, okay?
Dakle... Hari... mogu li na trenutak da porazgovaram s tobom?
So|Hari|can|question particle|for|a moment|to|talk|with|you
So... Harry... can I talk to you for a moment?
– Ovaj... da – reče Hari tupo, ustade i izađe iz šatora s Torbarem, koji ga odvede malo dalje, u šumu, a zatim mu se okrenu s očinskim izrazom lica.
This|yes|said|Hari|stupidly|stood up|and|exited|from|the tent|with|Torbar|who|him|led|a little|further|into|the forest|and|then|to him|himself|turned|with|paternal|expression|face
– Um... yes – said Harry blankly, got up and left the tent with Torbar, who led him a little further into the woods, then turned to him with a fatherly expression on his face.
– Da li je sve u redu, Hari?
Do|question particle|is|everything|in|order|Hari
– Is everything alright, Harry?
Mogu li nešto da ti donesem?
Can|question particle|something|to|you|bring
Can I bring you something?
– Šta?
– What?
– reče Hari.
– said Harry.
– Ja... ne, ništa.
– I... no, nothing.
– Imaš li plan?
Do you have|question particle|plan
– Do you have a plan?
– reče Torbar, zaverenički stišavši glas.
– said Torbar, lowering his voice conspiratorially.
– Zato što mi ne bi smetalo da ti dam par saveta, ukoliko želiš.
Because|that|to me|not|would|bother|to|you|give|a few|pieces of advice|if|you want
– Because it wouldn't bother me to give you a few tips, if you want.
Hoću da kažem – nastavi Torbar sve dubljim tonom – ti si ovde predodređeni gubitnik, Hari... ako ti bilo kako mogu pomoći... – Ne – reče Hari, tako brzo da je namah shvatio kako zvuči nepristojno – ne... ja... odlučio sam šta ću da uradim, hvala.
I want|to|say|continued|Torbar|with every|deeper|tone|you|are|here|predetermined|loser|Harry|if|you|any|how|I can||No|said|Harry|so|quickly|that|he|immediately|realized|how|sounds|rude|no|I|decided|I|what|I will|to|do|thank you
I mean – Torbar continued in a deeper tone – you are a predetermined loser here, Harry... if I can help you in any way... – No – Harry said, so quickly that he immediately realized how rude it sounded – no... I... I've decided what I'm going to do, thank you.
– Niko neće znati, Hari – reče Torbar, namigujući mu.
No one|will|know|Harry|said|Torbar|winking|at him
– No one will know, Harry – Torbar said, winking at him.
– Neka, sve je u redu – reče Hari, pitajući se zašto to stalno govori ljudima, i da li je ikada u životu toliko osećao da ništa nije u redu.
Let it be|everything|is|in|order|said|Hari|wondering|himself|why|that|constantly|tells|people|and|whether|question particle|is|ever|in|life|so much|felt|that|nothing|is not|in|order
– It's fine, everything is okay – Harry said, wondering why he kept saying that to people, and if he had ever felt in his life that nothing was okay.
– Razradio sam plan i... Negde iza njih začu se pisak.
I developed|past tense auxiliary verb|plan|and|Somewhere|behind|them|was heard|reflexive particle|whistle
– I have a plan and... Somewhere behind them, a whistle was heard.
– Bože dragi, moram da požurim!
God|dear|I must|to|hurry
– Dear God, I have to hurry!
– reče Torbar uzbuđeno, i otrča.
said|Torbar|excitedly|and|ran away
– said Torbar excitedly, and ran off.
Hari odšeta nazad do šatora, i vide Sedrika kako izlazi iz njega, zeleniji no ikad.
Harry walked back to the tent and saw Cedric coming out of it, greener than ever.
Dok je prolazio pored njega, Hari pokuša da mu poželi sreću, ali umesto svega ispusti iz usta nešto nalik na promukli hroptaj.
While|was|passing|by|him|Hari|tried|to|him|wish|luck|but|instead of||let out|from|mouth|something|similar|to|hoarse|croak
As he passed by him, Harry tried to wish him good luck, but instead let out something like a hoarse croak.
Hari ušeta nazad u šator kod Fler i Kruma.
Harry|walked in|back|into|tent|by|Fleur|and|Krum
Harry stepped back into the tent with Fleur and Krum.
Nekoliko sekundi kasnije, začuše urlanje gomile, što je značilo da je Sedrik ušao u obor, i da je sada licem u lice sa živim parnjakom svoje figurice... Dok je sedeo i čekao, Hariju se činilo da je sve gore nego što je mogao da zamisli.
A few|seconds|later|they heard|howling|of the crowd|which|was|meant|that|was|Cedric|entered|into|pen|and|that|was|now|face|in|face|with|living|counterpart|his|figurine|While|was|sitting|and|waiting|Harry|himself|seemed|that|was|everything|worse|than|what|he|could|to|
A few seconds later, they heard the crowd's roar, which meant that Cedric had entered the pen, and that he was now face to face with the living counterpart of his figurine... As he sat and waited, Harry thought that everything was worse than he could imagine.
Masa je vrištala... urlikala... i uzdisala iznenađeno kao jedno jedinstveno mnogoglavo stvorenje, ma šta Sedrik radio kako bi prošao pored švedskog kratkonosog.
Masa|was|screaming|howling|and|sighing|surprised|like|one|unique|many-headed|creature|no matter|what|Sedrik|did|how|would|pass|by|Swedish|short-nosed
The crowd was screaming... roaring... and gasping in surprise like one single many-headed creature, no matter what Cedric did to get past the Swedish Short-Snout.
Krum je i dalje zurio u zemlju.
Krum|was|and|still|stared|at|the ground
Krum was still staring at the ground.
Sada je Fler krenula Sedrikovim stopama, šetajući u krug po šatoru.
Now Fleur was following in Cedric's footsteps, walking in circles around the tent.
A Torbarevi komentari doprineli su da sve izgleda još mnogo, mnogo gore... Dok je slušao: – Oooh, promašio ga je za dlaku, jedva... Ovaj je baš rešio da rizikuje!...
The|Torbarev's|comments|contributed|(past tense verb to be)|to|everything|looks|even|much||worse|While|(past tense verb to be)|listening|Oooh|missed|him|(past tense verb to be)|by|a hair|barely|This one|(past tense verb to be)|really|decided|to|risk
And Bagman's comments only made everything seem much, much worse... As he listened: – Oooh, he just missed him by a hair, barely... This one really decided to take a risk!...
Pametan potez... šteta što nije upalio!...
Smart move... too bad it didn't work out!...
– Hariju su se u glavi rojile sve užasnije slike.
to Hari|(past tense auxiliary verb)|reflexive pronoun|in|head|swarmed|all|more horrifying|images
- Horrifying images swarmed in Harry's mind.
A onda, posle petnaestak minuta, začu zaglušujuć urlik, koji je mogao da znači samo jednu stvar: Sedrik je prošao pored zmaja, i dočepao se zlatnog jajeta.
And|then|after|about fifteen|minutes|he heard|deafening|scream|which|was|could|to|mean|only|one|thing|Cedric|was|passed|by|the dragon|and|grabbed|himself|golden|egg
And then, after about fifteen minutes, he heard a deafening scream, which could only mean one thing: Cedric had passed by the dragon and grabbed the golden egg.
– Zbilja vrlo dobro!
- Really very good!
– vikao je Torbar.
shouted|past tense marker|Torbar
- shouted Torbar.
– A sada ocene sudija!
– And now the judges' scores!
Ali nije izgovorio ocene.
But|did not|say|grades
But he didn't announce the scores.
Hari je pretpostavio da su ih sudije pokazivale ka gomili.
Hari|(past tense verb marker)|assumed|that|(past tense verb marker for plural)|them|referees|were showing|towards|the crowd
Harry assumed that the judges were showing them to the crowd.
– Jedan gotov, ostalo još troje!
– One done, three more to go!
– povika Torbar, kad se pištaljka ponovo oglasila.
shouted|Torbar|when|reflexive pronoun|whistle|again|sounded
– shouted Torbar, when the whistle sounded again.
– Gospođice Delaker, budite ljubazni!
– Miss Delaker, please be kind!
Fler je drhtala od glave do pete.
Fler was trembling from head to toe.
Hari oseti da joj je sada privrženiji no ikada, dok napušta šator visoko uzdignute glave, grčevito stežući svoj štapić.
Harry|feels|that|to her|is|now|more devoted|than|ever|while|leaves|tent|high|raised|head|desperately|gripping|his|cane
Harry felt that he was now more attached to her than ever, as he left the tent with his head held high, gripping his wand tightly.
On i Krum ostadoše sami, na suprotnim stranama šatora, izbegavajući da se pogledaju.
He|and|Krum|remained|alone|on|opposite|sides|of the tent|avoiding|to|each other|look
He and Krum remained alone, on opposite sides of the tent, avoiding eye contact.
Ponovo poče ista priča... – O, nisam siguran da ti je to bilo mudro!
Again|began|same|story|Oh|I am not|sure|that|to you|was|that|to be|wise
The same story began again... – Oh, I'm not sure that was wise of you!
– čuli su vesele uzvike Torbara.
heard|they|cheerful|shouts|of Torbar
- they heard the cheerful shouts of the Torbari.
– Jao... zamalo!
Oh no|almost
- Oh... almost!
Pažljivo sada... bože blagi, mislio sam da je s njom gotovo!
Carefully|now|god|gentle|I thought|was|that|is|with|her|over
Be careful now... oh my God, I thought it was over with her!
Deset minuta kasnije, Hari ponovo začu erupciju aplauza mase... mora da je i Fler uspela da ostvari podvig.
Ten minutes later, Harry heard the eruption of applause from the crowd again... Fler must have succeeded in her feat.
Nastupi kratka pauza, dok su pokazivali Flerine ocene... ponovo pljeskanje... a zatim, po treći put, zvižduk.
A short pause|short|pause|while|they|were showing|Fler's|grades|again|applause|and|then|for|third|time|whistle
A short pause follows, while they showed Fler's grades... applause again... and then, for the third time, whistling.
– I evo stiže gospodin Krum!
– And here comes Mr. Krum!
– vrištao je Torbar, a Krum, pogrbljen, iskorači napred ostavljajući Harija sasvim samog.
screamed|past tense marker|Torbar|but|Krum|hunched|stepped forward|forward|leaving|Harry|completely|alone
– Torbar screamed, and Krum, hunched over, stepped forward leaving Harry completely alone.
Hari je više no inače bio svestan svakog delića svog tela.
Harry was more aware than usual of every part of his body.
Sasvim svestan načina na koji mu srce ubrzano kuca, svestan prstiju koji mu drhte od straha... ipak, u isto vreme, činilo mu se da se nalazi izvan sebe, kao da gleda unutrašnjost šatora i čuje žamor publike iz neke velike daljine... – Vrlo smelo!
completely|aware|way|on|which|his|heart|rapidly|beats|aware|fingers|which|his|tremble|from|fear|yet|at|same|time|seemed|to him|himself|that|himself|is located|outside|himself|as|that|sees|interior|of the tent|and|hears|murmur|of the audience|from|some|great|distance|very|boldly
Fully aware of the way his heart was racing, aware of the fingers trembling with fear... yet, at the same time, it seemed to him that he was outside of himself, as if he were looking inside the tent and hearing the murmur of the audience from some great distance... – Very brave!
– drao se Torbar, i Hari začu kineskog ognjenog zmaja kako ispušta užasan, režeći krik, dok publika u isti mah iznenađeno uzdahnu.
roared|himself|Torbar|and|Hari|heard|Chinese|fire-breathing|dragon|as|lets out|terrible|piercing|scream|while|the audience|in|the same|moment|surprised|gasped
– Torbar shouted, and Harry heard the Chinese fire dragon let out a terrible, cutting scream, while the audience gasped in surprise at the same moment.
– Baš ima petlju... i... da, uzeo je jaje!
- He really has guts... and... yes, he took the egg!
Kroz zimski vazduh prolomi se aplauz, kao da je neko razbio staklo: Krum je završio... Svakog trenutka doći će red na Harija.
Through|winter|air|broke|reflexive particle|applause|as|if|was|someone|broke|glass|Krum|was|finished|Every|moment|will come||turn|on|Hari
Through the winter air, applause broke out, as if someone had shattered glass: Krum has finished... Any moment now it will be Harry's turn.
On ustade, maglovito svestan činjenice da su mu noge kao od pekmeza.
He|got up|hazily|aware|fact|that|are|his|legs|like|from|jelly
He stood up, vaguely aware of the fact that his legs felt like jelly.
Čekao je.
He waited|(past tense marker)
He waited.
A zatim začu pisak.
And then he heard a whistle.
Izađe kroz otvor u šatoru, dok je panika u krešendu rasla u njemu.
He stepped out|through|opening|in|the tent|while|was|panic|in|crescendo|growing|in|him
He stepped out through the opening in the tent, as the panic inside him crescendoed.
Sada je već prolazio pored drveća, a zatim kroz otvor uđe u ograđen obor.
Now|is|already|passing|by|the trees|and|then|through|opening|he entered|into|fenced|pen
He was now passing by the trees, and then he entered through the opening into the fenced enclosure.
Sve što je video ispred sebe ličilo je na jarko obojen san.
Everything|that|was|saw|in front of|himself|resembled|was|like|brightly|colored|dream
Everything he saw in front of him resembled a brightly colored dream.
S tribina koje su tu stvorene magijom, stotine i stotine lica piljilo je dole u njega.
From|the stands|which|were|here|created|by magic|hundreds|and|hundreds|faces|stared|was|down|at|him
From the stands that were created by magic, hundreds and hundreds of faces stared down at him.
Tu je bio i šiljorepi, i to ženka, na drugom kraju obora, nagnuta nad jajima, polusavijenih krila, koja ga je fiksirala zlim, žutim očima – ogromna, krljuštima optočena crna gušterica – i pri tom je udarala bodljikavim repom, ostavljajući metar dugačke otiske u tvrdoj zemlji.
Here|was|male|and|spiny-tailed|and|that|female|at|the other|end|pen|bent|over|eggs|partially folded|wings|which|him|was||||||||||||||hitting|spiny|tail|leaving|meter|long|tracks|in|hard|ground
There was also a spiny-tailed one, a female, at the other end of the enclosure, leaning over her eggs, her wings half-folded, fixing him with her evil, yellow eyes – a huge, scale-covered black lizard – and in the process, she struck with her spiky tail, leaving meter-long tracks in the hard ground.
Masa je dizala veliku graju, prijateljsku ili ne Hari nije znao, niti ga je bilo briga.
The crowd was making a huge noise, whether friendly or not Harry didn't know, nor did he care.
Došlo je vreme da uradi ono što mora... da se koncentriše, potpuno i apsolutno, na ono što mu je jedina šansa... Podigao je svoj štapić.
It has come|is|time|to|do|what|that|must|to|himself|concentrates|completely|and|absolutely|on|what|that|to him|is|only|chance|He raised|is|his|wand
The time had come to do what he must... to concentrate, completely and absolutely, on what was his only chance... He raised his wand.
– Asio Vatrena strela!
– Firebolt!
– povika on.
– he shouted.
Potom sačeka, nadajući se, moleći se svakim atomom svoga bića... šta ako to ne upali... šta ako metla ne dolazi... činilo mu se da sve oko sebe gleda kao kroz neku treperavu prozirnu barijeru, poput toplotne izmaglice, koja je činila da se obor i stotine lica oko njega čudnovato lelujaju... A onda je čuo kako nešto juri kroz vazduh iza njega.
Then|he waited|hoping|himself|praying|himself|||||||||||||||||himself|||around||||through||||||||||||||||||him|||||||||||||
Then he waited, hoping, praying with every atom of his being... what if it doesn't work... what if the broom doesn't come... it seemed to him that he was seeing everything around him through some shimmering transparent barrier, like a heat haze, which made the hundreds of faces around him strangely sway... And then he heard something rushing through the air behind him.
Okrenuo se i video Vatrenu strelu kako hita ka njemu iza ruba šume, kako jedri do obora i zaustavlja se u vazduhu tik uz njega, čekajući da se on uspne.
He turned|himself|and|saw|Fire|arrow|how|rushes|towards|him|behind|edge|forest|how|glides|to|barn|and|stops|himself|in|air|just|next to|him|waiting|for|himself||ascends
He turned around and saw the Firebolt rushing towards him from behind the edge of the forest, gliding towards the barn and stopping in mid-air right next to him, waiting for him to mount.
Gomila je pravila sve veću buku... Torbar je nešto vikao... ali Harijeve uši više nisu radile kako valja... više mu nije bilo važno da sluša... On prebaci levu nogu preko metle, i otisnu se sa zemlje.
The crowd|was|making|more|greater|noise|Torbar|was|something|shouting|but|Harry's|ears|no longer|were not|working|as|should|no longer|to him|was not|was|important|to|listen|He|threw|left|leg|over|broom|and|took off|himself|from|the ground
The crowd was making more and more noise... The bagman was shouting something... but Harry's ears were no longer working properly... he no longer cared to listen... He swung his left leg over the broom and took off from the ground.
I trenutak kasnije, desi se nešto čudesno... Dok je jezdio uvis, a vetar mu šibao kroz kosu i lica iz mase postajala tek tačkice boje mesa ispod njega, pa se i šiljorepi zmaj smanjio na veličinu psa, on shvati da za sobom nije ostavio samo zemlju, već i strah... vratio se tamo gde pripada... Ovo je samo još jedan meč kvidiča, ništa više... običan meč kvidiča, a šiljorepi samo još jedan ružan protivnički tim... On baci pogled dole u gomilu jaja, i spazi ono zlatno, kako se presijava među svojim betonsivim kolegama, bezbedno ušuškano između zmajevih nogu.
And|moment|later|happens|reflexive particle|something|miraculous|While|is|||and||||||and||||||||||||reflexive particle||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||glimmers|among|his|concrete-colored|peers|safely|nestled|between|dragon's|legs
And a moment later, something miraculous happened... As he soared upwards, with the wind whipping through his hair and the faces in the crowd becoming mere dots of flesh color beneath him, and the snitch shrinking to the size of a dog, he realized that he had not only left the ground behind, but also fear... he had returned to where he belonged... This was just another Quidditch match, nothing more... an ordinary Quidditch match, and the snitch was just another ugly opposing team... He glanced down at the mass of eggs and spotted the golden one, shimmering among its concrete gray companions, safely nestled between the dragon's legs.
– Pa dobro – reče Hari sebi – taktika diverzije... idemo... On poče da ponire.
Well|okay|said|Harry|to himself|tactic|diversion|let's go|He|began|to|dive
– Well then – Harry said to himself – diversion tactic... let's go... He began to dive.
Šiljorepi ga je pratio pogledom.
The one with a pointed tail|him|was|following|with his gaze
The snitch was following him with its gaze.
Hari je tačno znao šta će zmaj da uradi, te se na vreme uzdiže.
Harry knew exactly what the dragon would do, so he rose in time.
Mlaz vatre prolete tačno tamo gde bi bio da nije skrenuo... ali Harija nije bilo briga... to nije bilo ništa teže nego izbeći Bladžerku... – Sto mu muka, pa on leti!
stream|fire|flew|exactly|there|where|would|be|if|not|turned|but|Harry|not|was|concern|that|not|was|anything|harder|than|to avoid|Bladger|So|to him|trouble|so|he|flies
A jet of fire shot exactly where he would have been if he hadn't veered off... but Harry didn't care... it was no harder than avoiding Bladger... – What a pain, he's flying!
– urlao je Torbar, dok je publika vrištala i uzdisala.
yelled|past tense auxiliary verb|Torbar|while|past tense auxiliary verb|audience|screamed|and|sighed
– roared Torbar, as the audience screamed and gasped.
– Gledate li ovo, gospodine Krum?
Do you watch|question particle|this|Mr|Krum
– Are you watching this, Mr. Krum?
Hari se uzdignu još više, kružeći.
Harry rose even higher, circling.
Šiljorepi je i dalje pratio njegov let.
The spiked tail continued to follow his flight.
Glava mu se okretala na podugačkom vratu... ukoliko ovako bude nastavio, zavrteće mu se u glavi... ali bolje da ne preteruje, inače će zmaj opet početi da bljuje vatru... U trenutku kada šiljorepi razjapi čeljusti Hari se surva naniže, samo što je ovoga puta imao manje sreće – plamen ga je promašio, ali mu je rep odmah pohrlio u susret, i dok je skretao ulevo, jedan od dužih šiljaka mu okrznu rame, poderavši mu odoru... Osećao je kako ga rana peče, čuo je vrisku i povike iz publike, ali činilo mu se da posekotina nije suviše duboka... sada je prozujao oko šiljorepog, i pade mu na um jedna mogućnost... Šiljorepa zmajica nije želela da uzleti, previše se zaštitnički ponašala zbog jaja.
Head|his|reflexive pronoun|was turning|on|long|necku|if|like this|continues|to continue|will spin|his|reflexive pronoun|in|head|but|better|to|not|overdoes|otherwise|will|dragon|again|start|to|spews|fire|In|moment|when|spiky-tailed|unhinges|jaws|Harry|reflexive pronoun|dives|downward|only|that|was|this|time|had|less|luck|flame|him|was||but|to him|was||||||and|||||||||to him||||||||||||||||||||||reflexive pronoun||||||||||||||||||||||||||protectively|behaved|because of|eggs
His head was turning on the long neck... if he kept this up, he would get dizzy... but it was better not to overdo it, otherwise the dragon would start breathing fire again... At the moment when the spiked tail opened its jaws, Harry dove down, but this time he had less luck – the flame missed him, but the tail rushed towards him, and as he turned left, one of the longer spikes grazed his shoulder, tearing his uniform... He felt the sting of the wound, heard the screams and shouts from the audience, but it seemed to him that the cut wasn't too deep... now he was buzzing around the spiked tail, and one possibility came to his mind... The spiked tail dragoness didn't want to take off, she was being too protective of her eggs.
Iako se izvijala i koprcala, šireći i sklapajući svoja krila i prikovala svoje zastrašujuće žute oči za Harija, ipak se bojala da napusti jaja... ali on mora da je ubedi da to učini, inače im se nikad neće približiti... trik je bio u tome da to učini oprezno, postepeno... On poče da leti, čas vamo čas tamo, ne približavajući joj se previše kako ne bi mogla da ga dokači plamenom, ali je i dalje predstavljao dovoljnu opasnost te nije smela da ga ispusti iz vida.
Although|(reflexive pronoun)|twisted|and|struggled|spreading|and|folding|her|wings|and|pinned|her|terrifying|yellow|eyes|to|Harry|nevertheless|(reflexive pronoun)|was afraid|to|leave|eggs|but|he|must|to|(past tense auxiliary verb)||to|that|do|otherwise|to them|(reflexive pronoun)|never|will|approach|trick|(past tense auxiliary verb)|was|in|that|to|that|do|cautiously|gradually|He|began|to|fly|now|here|now|there|not|approaching|her|(reflexive pronoun)|too much|so that|not|would||to|him|hit|with flame|but|(past tense auxiliary verb)|and|still||sufficient|danger|so|not|could|to|him|let|from|sight
Although she was twisting and writhing, spreading and folding her wings and fixing her terrifying yellow eyes on Harry, she was still afraid to leave the eggs... but he had to convince her to do so, otherwise they would never get close... the trick was to do it carefully, gradually... He began to fly, now here, now there, not getting too close so she couldn't scorch him with flames, but still presenting enough of a threat that she couldn't take her eyes off him.
Pomerala je glavu levo-desno, posmatrajući ga svojim vertikalno izduženim zenicama, iskeženih očnjaka... On uzlete naviše.
She moved|past tense marker|her head|||observing|him|her|vertically|elongated|pupils|bared|fangs|He|soared|upward
She moved her head left and right, watching him with her vertically elongated pupils, fangs bared... He flew up.
Glava šiljorepke izdiže se paralelno s njim, vrata istegnutog što je više moguće i nastavljajući da se klati, kao zmija pred ukrotiteljem... Hari se uzdignu još par stopa, a ženka ispusti razdražljiv urlik.
The head|of the sharp-tailed|rises|itself|parallel|with|him|jaws|stretched|as much|was|more|possible|and|continuing|to|itself|sway|like|a snake|before|the tamer|Harry|himself|rose|another|couple|feet|and|the female|let out|irritable|howl
The head of the spiked tail rose parallel to him, the neck stretched as much as possible and continuing to sway, like a snake before a tamer... Harry rose a few more feet, and the female let out an irritable howl.
On je za nju bio poput muve, muve koju će da spljeska.
He was to her like a fly, a fly that she would squash.
Ona ponovo zamahnu repom, ali je Hari sada bio već previsoko da bi ga mogla dohvatiti... ona sunu uvis plamen, koji on izbegnu... njene čeljusti se širom rastvoriše... – Hajde – siktao je Hari, klateći se i provocirajući, tik iznad nje – hajde, dođi po mene... diži se... A zatim se ona potpuno uspravi, i napokon raširi svoja velika crna opnasta krila, široka kao krila omanjeg aviona – a Hari naglo zaroni kroz vazduh.
She|again|swung|her tail|but|was|Hari|now|was|already|too high|to|could|it|could|catch|she|shot|upward|flame|which|he|avoided|her|jaws|reflexive pronoun|wide|opened|Come on|hissed|was|Hari|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||suddenly|dove|through|air
She swung her tail again, but Harry was already too high for her to reach... she shot up a flame, which he dodged... her jaws opened wide... – Come on – Harry hissed, swaying and provoking, just above her – come on, come for me... rise up... And then she completely straightened up, and finally spread her large black membranous wings, wide as the wings of a small airplane – and Harry suddenly dove through the air.
Pre nego što je zmaj shvatio šta je Hari učinio, ili kud se deo, on je već hitao ka zemlji što je brže mogao, ka jajima koja sad više nisu štitile njene prednje šape s kandžama – skinuo je ruke sa svoje Vatrene strele – i zgrabio zlatno jaje... Uzleteo je s iznenadnim naletom brzine, jezdio je iznad tribina, ušuškavši teško jaje ispod svoje nepovređene miške, i odjednom mu se učini kao da je neko iznova pojačao ton – prvi put postade zaista svestan buke mase, koja je urlala i aplaudirala podjednako glasno kao irski navijači na svetskom prvenstvu... – Videste li to!
Before|than|what|(past tense verb auxiliary)|dragon|realized|what|(past tense verb auxiliary)|Harry|had done|or|where|(reflexive pronoun)|part|he|(past tense verb auxiliary)|already|was rushing|towards|ground|as|(past tense verb auxiliary)|faster|could|towards|eggs|which|now|no longer|were not|protecting|her|front|paws|with|claws|took|(past tense verb auxiliary)|hands|off|his|Fire|Arrow|and|grabbed|golden|egg|He soared|(past tense verb auxiliary)|with|sudden|surge|speed|he rode|(past tense verb auxiliary)|above|stands|tucking|heavy|egg|under|his|uninjured|armpit|and|suddenly|to him|(reflexive pronoun)|seemed|as|that|(past tense verb auxiliary)|someone|again|had increased|volume|first|time|became|truly|aware|noise|crowd|which|(past tense verb auxiliary)|was screaming|and|was applauding|equally|loudly|as|Irish|fans|at|world|championship|Did you see|question particle|that
Before the dragon realized what Harry had done, or where he was going, he was already rushing towards the ground as fast as he could, towards the eggs that were no longer protected by her front claws – he took his hands off his Fire Arrow – and grabbed the golden egg... He soared up with a sudden burst of speed, riding above the stands, cradling the heavy egg under his uninjured arm, and suddenly it seemed to him as if someone had turned up the volume again – for the first time he became truly aware of the noise of the crowd, which was roaring and applauding just as loudly as the Irish fans at the World Cup... – Did you see that!
– grmeo je Torbar.
– roared Torbar.
– Videste li vi to!
You saw|question particle|you|that
– Did you see that!
Naš najmlađi šampion je najbrže došao do svog jajeta!
Our youngest champion has reached his egg the fastest!
Pa, ovo će sigurno povećati šanse gospodina Potera!
Well, this will surely increase Mr. Potter's chances!
Hari vide čuvare zmajeva kako pritrčavaju šiljorepki, kako bi je obuzdali i, na ulazu u obor, profesorku Mek Gonagal, profesora Ćudljivka i Hagrida kako hrle da se pozdrave s njim, mašući mu, s toliko širokim osmesima da ih je primetio izdaleka.
Harry|sees|the guards|of the dragons|how|run up|the spiky-tailed one|how|to|her|subdue|and|at|the entrance|in|the pen|Professor|Mc|Gonagall|Professor|Flitwick|and|Hagrid|how|hurry|to|themselves|greet|with|him|waving|at him|with|such|wide|smiles|that|them|he|noticed|from afar
Harry sees the dragon keepers rushing towards the spiky-tailed creature to subdue it, and at the entrance to the pen, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Hagrid hurry to greet him, waving at him with such wide smiles that he noticed them from afar.
On prelete nazad preko tribina, dok mu je graja publike masirala bubne opne, i nežno se spusti, srca lakšeg no što mu je bilo nedeljama... izvršio je prvi podvig, preživeo je... – To je bilo fantastično, Poteru!
He|flew|back|over|stands|while|to him|was|roar|of the crowd|massaged|eardrums|membranes|and|gently|himself|lowered|heart|lighter|than|what|to him|was|for|weeks|accomplished|he|first|feat|survived|he|that||was|fantastic|Pursuer
He flew back over the stands, as the crowd's cheers massaged his eardrums, and gently descended, his heart lighter than it had been in weeks... he had accomplished the first feat, he had survived... – That was fantastic, Potter!
– vikala je profesorka Mek Gonagal, dok je silazio s Vatrene strele – što je, iz njenih usta, bila neverovatna pohvala.
shouted|was|professor|Mc|Gonagall|while|he|was getting off|from|Firebolt|arrow|what|was|from|her|mouth|was|incredible|praise
– shouted Professor McGonagall as he got off the Firebolt – which, from her mouth, was an incredible compliment.
Dok je pokazivala na njegovo rame, Hari primeti da joj ruka drhti.
As she pointed at his shoulder, Harry noticed that her hand was shaking.
– Moraćeš da posetiš Madam Pomfri pre nego što sudije objave tvoje ocene... ona je tamo, već je morala da sređuje Digorija... – Usp'o si, Hari!
You will have to|to|visit|Madam|Pomfrey|before|than|that|judges|announce|your|grades|she|is|there|already|she|had to|to|tend to|Diggory|You succeeded|are|Harry
– You will have to visit Madam Pomfrey before the judges announce your scores... she is over there, she must have already been dealing with Diggory... – You did it, Harry!
– reče Hagrid promuklo.
– said Hagrid hoarsely.
– Usp'o si!
You succeeded|did
– You did it!
I to protivu šiljorepog, ni manje ni više, a i sâm znadeš da je Čarli rek'o kak' je on najgo... – Hvala, Hagride – reče Hari glasno, kako se Hagrid ne bi izbrbljao i otkrio da je Hariju već pokazao zmajeve.
I|against|against|shorty|nor|less|nor|more|and|also|myself|you know|that|is||said|how|is|he|the worst|Thank you|Hagrid|said|Harry|loudly|so that|himself|Hagrid|not|would|blurted out|and|revealed|that|he|Harry|already|showed|dragons
And against the sharpest, no less, and you know that Charlie said how he is the best... – Thank you, Hagrid – said Harry loudly, so that Hagrid wouldn't blurt out and reveal that he had already shown Harry the dragons.
I profesor Ćudljivko je delovao zadovoljno.
Professor Ćudljivko also seemed satisfied.
Njegovo magično oko poigravalo je u svojoj duplji.
His magical eye was playing in its socket.
– Vidiš da ipak nije toliko teško, Poteru – zareža on.
You see|that|after all|is not|that|difficult|Pursuit|he snarled|he
"You see, it's not that hard after all, Potter," he hissed.
– Dakle, Poteru, u šator za prvu pomoć, molim... – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal.
"So, Potter, to the first aid tent, please..." said Professor McGonagall.
Hari izađe iz ograđenog prostora, i dalje zadihan, i vide Madam Pomfri kako stoji na ulazu u drugi šator, delujući zabrinuto.
Harry|exits|from|fenced|area|and|still|out of breath|and|sees|Madam|Pomfrey|how|stands|at|entrance|in|second|tent|looking|worried
Harry stepped out of the enclosed area, still out of breath, and saw Madam Pomfrey standing at the entrance to the other tent, looking worried.
– Zmajevi!
– Dragons!
– reče ona prezrivo, uvlačeći Harija unutra.
she said|she|contemptuously|pulling|Harry|inside
– she said disdainfully, pulling Harry inside.
Šator je bio podeljen u separee.
The tent|was|divided|into|in|separate areas
The tent was divided into booths.
Mogao je da razazna Sedrikovu senku kroz platno, ali Sedrik nije delovao teško povređen; makar je sedeo uspravno.
He could|(past tense marker)|to|discern|Cedric's|shadow|through|canvas|but|Cedric|did not|seemed|seriously|injured|at least|(past tense marker)|sat|upright
He could make out Cedric's shadow through the canvas, but Cedric didn't seem seriously injured; at least he was sitting upright.
Madam Pomfri pregleda Harijevo rame, sve vreme besno pričajući.
Madam|Pomfri|examines|Harry's|shoulder|all|the time|angrily|talking
Madam Pomfrey examined Harry's shoulder, talking angrily the whole time.
– Prošle godine dementori, ove godine zmajevi, šta li će dovesti u školu sledeće godine?
Last|year|dementors|this|year||what|question particle|will|bring|to|school|next|year
– Last year it was Dementors, this year it's dragons, what will they bring to school next year?
Imaš sreće... rana je vrlo plitka... ipak, moraću da je očistim pre nego što je zalečim... Ona očisti zasekotinu kapljicom neke ljubičaste tečnosti koja se dimila i peckala, ali ga zatim bocnu u rame svojim štapićem i on odmah oseti kako rana zarasta.
You have|luck|wound|is|very|shallow|still|I will have to|to|it|clean|before|than|that|it|heal|She|cleans|cut|with a drop|some|purple|liquid|which|reflexive pronoun|smoked|and|stung|but|him|then|poked|in|shoulder|her|stick|and|he|immediately|felt|how|wound|heals
You're lucky... the wound is very shallow... still, I will have to clean it before I heal it... She cleans the cut with a drop of some purple liquid that was smoking and stinging, but then she pokes him in the shoulder with her wand and he immediately feels the wound healing.
– Sedi mirno bar minut... sedi!
Sit|still|at least|minute|sit
– Sit still for at least a minute... sit!
A onda možeš da izađeš napolje da čuješ rezultat.
And|then|you can|to|go out|outside|to|hear|result
And then you can go outside to hear the result.
Ona izjuri iz šatora i Hari je ču kako ulazi u susedni separe i pita: – Kako se sada osećaš, Digori?
She|rushed|out of|the tent|and|Harry|was|heard|how|enters|into|neighboring|booth|and|asks|How|yourself|now|do you feel|Digory
She rushed out of the tent and Harry heard her enter the neighboring booth and ask: – How do you feel now, Digory?
Hari nije želeo da sedi mirno.
Hari|did not|want|to|sit|still
Harry didn't want to sit still.
Još uvek je bio pun adrenalina.
still|always|was|full|full|of adrenaline
He was still full of adrenaline.
On ustade, da bi video šta se dešava napolju, ali pre nego što je došao do izlaza iz šatora, dve osobe se sjuriše unutra – Hermiona, u stopu praćena Ronom.
He|got up|in order to|would|see|what|reflexive pronoun|is happening|outside|but|before|than|what|he|reached|to|exit|from|tent|two|people|reflexive pronoun|rushed|inside|Hermione|in|step|followed|Ron
He got up to see what was happening outside, but before he reached the exit of the tent, two people rushed in – Hermione, closely followed by Ron.
– Hari, bio si sjajan!
– Harry, you were brilliant!
– procijuka Hermiona.
– Hermione squeaked.
Na licu su joj se ocrtavali tragovi noktiju, na mestima gde se držala za glavu od straha i brige.
On|face|were|her|reflexive pronoun|marked|marks|nails|on|places|where|reflexive pronoun|held|for|head|from|fear|and|worry
There were marks of nails on her face, in the places where she held her head from fear and worry.
– Bio si neverovatan!
You were|are|amazing
– You were incredible!
Zaista jesi!
You really were!
Ali Hari je gledao u Rona, koji je, vrlo bled, zurio u Harija kao da vidi duha.
But Harry was looking at Ron, who, very pale, was staring at Harry as if he were seeing a ghost.
– Hari – reče on, vrlo ozbiljno – ko god da je stavio tvoje ime u taj pehar... ja... mislim da je pokušao da te se otarasi!
Harry|said|he|very|seriously|whoever|god|to|has|put|your|name|in|that|cup|I|think|that|has|tried|to|you|himself|get rid of
– Harry – he said, very seriously – whoever put your name in that cup... I... think they were trying to get rid of you!
Kao da se proteklih nekoliko nedelja uopšte nije ni dogodilo – kao da se Hari po prvi put sreo s Ronom otkako je proglašen za šampiona.
As|if|reflexive pronoun|past|several|weeks|at all|not|even|happened|as|if|reflexive pronoun|Harry|for|first|time|met|with|Ron|since|he|declared|as|champion
As if the past few weeks hadn't happened at all – as if Harry was meeting Ron for the first time since he was declared the champion.
– Shvatio si to, je li?
You understood|did|that|is|question particle
– You got that, didn't you?
– reče Hari hladno.
– said Harry coldly.
– Dugo ti je trebalo.
– It took you a long time.
Hermiona je nervozno stajala između njih, gledajući u jednog, pa u drugog.
Hermione|was|nervously|standing|between|them|looking|at|one|then|at|the other
Hermione was nervously standing between them, looking at one, then the other.
Ron nesigurno otvori usta da nešto kaže.
Ron opened his mouth uncertainly to say something.
Hari je znao da Ron pokušava da se izvini, i odjednom shvati da ne treba to ni da čuje.
Harry knew that Ron was trying to apologize, and suddenly realized that he didn't need to hear it.
– U redu je – reče on, pre nego što je Ron uspeo da prevali reči preko jezika.
In|order|is|he said|he|before|than|what|he|Ron|managed|to|pronounce|words|over|tongue
"It's okay," he said, before Ron could get the words out.
– Zaboravi na to.
"Forget about it."
– Ne – reče Ron.
"No," Ron said.
– Nije trebalo da... – Zaboravi na to – reče Hari.
It wasn't|supposed|to|Forget|about|that|said|Harry
– It shouldn't have... – Forget about it – said Harry.
Ron mu se nervozno nasmeši, a Hari mu uzvrati osmeh.
Ron|to him|reflexive pronoun|nervously|smiled|and|Harry|to him|returned|smile
Ron nervously smiled at him, and Harry returned the smile.
Hermiona briznu u plač.
Hermione burst into tears.
– Nema razloga za plač!
There is no|reason|for|crying
– There's no reason to cry!
– reče joj Hari unezvereno.
said|to her|Hari|frantically
– Harry said to her frantically.
– Vas dvojica ste tako glupi!
– You two are so stupid!
– povika ona, udarajući nogom o zemlju, dok su joj se suze slivale niz lice.
she shouted|she|kicking|with her foot|against|the ground|while|were|to her|reflexive pronoun|tears|flowed|down|face
– she shouted, kicking the ground as tears streamed down her face.
Onda, pre nego što je ijedan mogao da je zaustavi, zagrli ih obojicu, i istrča napolje, ridajući.
Then, before anyone could stop her, she hugged them both and ran outside, sobbing.
– Lujka – reče Ron, vrteći glavom.
Lujka|said|Ron|shaking|his head
– Luika – said Ron, shaking his head.
– Hajdemo, Hari, sada će objaviti tvoje rezultate... Pokupivši zlatno jaje i Vatrenu strelu , osećajući se srećniji nego što je pre sat vremena mogao i da zamisli, Hari izađe iz šatora u pratnji Rona, koji je pričao neverovatnom brzinom.
Let's go|Harry|now|will|announce|your|results|Picking up|golden|egg|and|Fiery|arrow|feeling|himself|happier|than|what|he|before|hour|time|could|and|to||Harry|stepped out|from|tent|in|company|Ron|who|was|talking|incredibly|fast
– Come on, Harry, they are going to announce your results now... Picking up the golden egg and the Firebolt, feeling happier than he could have imagined just an hour ago, Harry stepped out of the tent accompanied by Ron, who was talking at an incredible speed.
– Ti si bio najbolji, znaš, bez konkurencije.
You|were|the best|best|you know|without|competition
– You were the best, you know, without competition.
Sedrik je izveo čudan poduhvat, kada je Preobrazio kamen sa zemlje... pretvorio ga u psa... pokušao je da navede zmaja da krene za psom, a ne za njim.
Cedric|was|performed|strange|feat|when|he|Transformed|stone|from|the ground|turned|it|into|dog|tried|he|to|lead|the dragon|to|follow|after|the dog|but|not|after|him
Cedric performed a strange feat when he Transformed a stone from the ground... turned it into a dog... he tried to get the dragon to follow the dog instead of him.
Dakako, bio je to odličan poduhvat Preobražavanja, i moglo bi se reći da je i upalio, pošto je uspeo da uzme jaje, ali se i opekao – zmaj se najednom predomislio i odlučio da bi radije sredio njega nego labradora, tako da se jedva izvukao.
Of course|was|it|that|excellent|undertaking|of the Transformation|and|could|it|reflexive pronoun|said|that|it|also|worked|since|it|succeeded|to|take|egg|but|reflexive pronoun|also|burned|dragon|reflexive pronoun|suddenly|changed his mind|and|decided|to|it|rather|deal with|him|than|the labrador|so|that|reflexive pronoun|barely|got away
Of course, it was an excellent Transformation feat, and one could say it worked, since he managed to take the egg, but he also got burned – the dragon suddenly changed its mind and decided it would rather deal with him than the labrador, so he barely escaped.
A Fler, ona je probala neku vrstu čini, mislim da je pokušavala zmaja da baci u trans – pa skoro joj je to i uspelo, zmaj je postao pospan, ali onda je počeo da hrče, i ogroman mlaz vatre suknuo mu je iz nozdrva, i zapalio joj suknju – ugasila ga je vodom iz svog štapića.
And|Fler|she|was|tried|some|kind|magic|I think|that|she|was trying|dragon|to|throw|into|trance|so|almost|to her|it|that|also|succeeded|dragon|was|became|sleepy|but|then|he|started|to|snore|and|huge|jet|fire|burst|to him|it|from|nostril|and|set on fire|to her|skirt|extinguished|it|she|water|from|her|wand
And Fleur, she tried some kind of spell, I think she was trying to put the dragon into a trance – she almost succeeded, the dragon became drowsy, but then it started to snore, and a huge jet of fire burst from its nostrils, igniting her skirt – she extinguished it with water from her wand.
A Krum – nećeš mi poverovati, ali on se nije ni setio letenja!
But|Krum|you won't|me|believe|but|he|himself|did not|even|remembered|of flying
And Krum – you won't believe me, but he didn't even think of flying!
Ipak, bio je verovatno najbolji posle tebe.
However, he was probably the best after you.
Pogodio je čudovište nekom čini pravo u oko.
He hit|(past tense marker)|monster|someone|does|straight|in|eye
He hit the monster with some spell right in the eye.
Međutim, zmaj je, u agoniji, počeo slepo da tumara i polomio je polovinu pravih jaja – za to su mu oduzeli poene, jer njih nije smeo da uništi.
However|dragon|(past tense verb to be)|in|agony|began|blindly|(infinitive marker)|to wander|and|broke|(past tense verb to be)|half|real|eggs|for|that|(past tense verb to be)|to him|took away|points|because|them|(negative past tense verb to be)|was allowed|(infinitive marker)|destroy
However, the dragon, in agony, began to wander blindly and broke half of the real eggs – for that, they deducted points from him, as he was not allowed to destroy them.
Dok su on i Hari stigli do ivice ograde, Ron je ponovo došao do daha.
While|they|he|and|Harry|arrived|at|edge|fence|Ron|(past tense verb marker)|again|came|to|breath
As he and Harry reached the edge of the fence, Ron caught his breath again.
Sad kad je šiljorepi odstranjen, Hari je mogao da vidi gde sede petorica sudija – tačno na suprotnom kraju, na izdignutim sedištima prekrivenim zlatom.
Now|when|is|Shiljorepi|removed|Harry|is|could|to|see|where|sit|five|judges|exactly|on|opposite||on|elevated|seats|covered|with gold
Now that the spiky-tailed creature was removed, Harry could see where the five judges were sitting – right at the opposite end, in elevated seats covered in gold.
– Daju ocene od jedan do deset, pojedinačno – reče Ron, i Hari, žmirkajući pogledom preko polja, vide prvog člana žirija – Madam Maksim – kako diže svoj štapić.
They give|grades|from|one|to|ten|individually|said|Ron|and|Harry|squinting|with his gaze|across|the field|they see|the first|member|of the jury|Madam|Maxime|how|raises|her|wand
"They give scores from one to ten, individually," said Ron, and Harry, squinting his eyes across the field, saw the first member of the jury – Madam Maxime – raising her wand.
Iz njega izlete nešto nalik na duguljastu srebrnkastu traku i izvi se u veliki broj osam.
From|it|jumped out|something|similar|to|elongated|silvery|strip|and|curled|itself|into|large|number|eight
Something resembling a long silvery ribbon shot out from it and curled into a large number eight.
– Nije loše!
"Not bad!"
– reče Ron, dok je masa aplaudirala.
Ron said, as the crowd applauded.
– Pretpostavljam da ti je oduzela koju ocenu zbog ramena... Sledeći je bio gospodin Čučanj.
I assume|that|to you|has|||grade|due to|shoulder|The next|was|Mr|Mr|Čučanj
"I guess she took a few points off for your shoulders... Next was Mr. Crouch."
On izbaci broj devet u vazduh.
He|throws out|number|nine|into|air
He shoots the number nine into the air.
– Obećava!
- Promises!
– povika Ron, tapšući Harija po leđima.
- shouted Ron, patting Harry on the back.
Sledeći je bio Dambldor.
The next|was|was|Dumbledore
Next was Dumbledore.
I on ispali devetku.
I|got|scored|a nine
And he fires the nine.
Masa je klicala glasnije no ikad.
The crowd was cheering louder than ever.
Ludo Torbar – deset.
Crazy Torbar – ten.
– Deset?
– Ten?
– reče Hari u neverici.
– said Hari in disbelief.
– Ali... povredio sam se... na šta on cilja?
But|I injured|I|myself|on|what|he|aims
– But... I got hurt... what is he aiming at?
– Hari, ne prigovaraj!
– Harry, don't complain!
– povika Ron uzbuđeno.
– Ron shouted excitedly.
A onda i Karkarof podiže svoj štapić.
And then Karkaroff raised his wand.
On zastade na trenutak, a zatim i iz njegovog štapića izlete broj – četvorka.
He|stopped|for|a moment|but|then|and|from|his|cane|flew out|number|four
He paused for a moment, and then a number flew out of his wand – four.
– Šta?
– What?
– povika besno Ron.
"- Ron shouted angrily."},{
– Četiri?
Ti vašljivo pristrasno đubre, Krumu si dao deset!
You|visibly|biased|scum|to Krum|you|gave|ten
Ali Hari nije mario za to, bilo bi mu svejedno i da mu je Karkarof dao nulu.
But|Harry|did not|care|about|that|would be||to him|indifferent|and|that|to him|was|Karkaroff|gave|zero
Ronova rezigniranost vredela je Hariju više od stotinu poena.
Ron's|resignation|was worth|(is)|to Harry|more|than|one hundred|points
To, naravno, nije rekao Ronu, ali kada se okrenuo da napusti ograđeno polje srce mu je bilo lakše od vazduha.
It|of course|did not|tell|Ron|but|when|himself|turned|to|leave|fenced|field|heart|to him|was|be|lighter|than|air
Of course, he didn't tell Ron, but when he turned to leave the enclosed field, his heart felt lighter than air.
A i nije se radilo samo o Ronu... niti samo o grifindorcima, koji su navijali u gomili.
And|and|did not|reflexive pronoun|was about|only|about||nor|only|about|Gryffindors|who|were|cheering|in|the crowd
And it wasn't just about Ron... nor just about the Gryffindors, who were cheering in the crowd.
Kada je kucnuo čas, kada su videli sa čime će se suočiti, većina škole bila je na njegovoj strani, kao i na Sedrikovoj... nije ga bilo briga za sliterince, sada može da podnese sve što mu budu dobacivali.
When|(past tense verb auxiliary)|struck|hour|when|(past tense verb auxiliary)|they saw|with|what|will|(reflexive pronoun)|confront|majority|of the school|was||on|his|side|as|and|on|Cedric's|(negative auxiliary verb)|him|(past tense verb auxiliary)|care|for|Slytherins|now|can|(subjunctive particle)|endure|everything|that|to him|(future tense verb auxiliary)|throwing at him
When the time came, when they saw what they would be facing, most of the school was on his side, as well as Cedric's... he didn't care about the Slytherins, he could now handle anything they threw at him.
– Zajedno ste na prvom mestu s podjednakim brojem bodova, Hari!
– You are tied for first place with an equal number of points, Harry!
Ti i Krum!
You and Krum!
– reče Čarli Vizli, hitajući im u susret kad su se zaputili nazad prema školi.
– said Charlie Weasley, rushing to meet them as they headed back to school.
– Slušajte, žurim, moram mami da pošaljem sovu, zakleo sam se da ću joj napisati šta se dogodilo... ali ovo je bilo neverovatno!
Listen|I'm in a hurry|I must|to mom|to|send|owl|I swear|I|reflexive pronoun|that|I will|to her|write|what|reflexive pronoun|happened|but|this|is|was|unbelievable
– Listen, I'm in a hurry, I have to send an owl to my mom, I promised I would write to her about what happened... but this was incredible!
Oh, da, rekli su mi da ti prenesem da ostaneš tu još koji minut... Torbar ima nešto da vam kaže, u šatoru za šampione.
Oh|yes|they told|(past tense auxiliary verb)|me|to|you||to|stay|here|another|few|minute|Torbar|has|something|to|you|say|in|tent|for|champions
Oh, yes, they told me to let you know to stay there for a few more minutes... The bagman has something to tell you, in the champions' tent.
Ron reče da će pričekati, stoga Hari ponovo uđe u šator, koji mu je sada delovao drugačije: prijateljski i prijatno.
Ron|said|that|will|wait|so|Harry|again|entered|into|tent|which|to him|was|now|seemed|different|friendly|and|pleasant
Ron said he would wait, so Harry went back into the tent, which now felt different to him: friendly and pleasant.
Setio se kako se osećao dok je izbegavao šiljorepog, i uporedi to s dugim čekanjem pre nego što je krenuo da se s njim suoči... nema sumnje, čekanje je neuporedivo gore.
He remembered|himself|how|he|felt|while|he|was avoiding|sharpener|and|compare|that|with|long|waiting|before|than|what|he|started|to|himself|with|him|confront|no|doubt|waiting|is|incomparably|worse
He remembered how he felt while avoiding the spiky one, and compared it to the long wait before he faced him... there was no doubt, the waiting was incomparably worse.
Fler, Sedrik i Krum uđoše zajedno.
Fler, Sedrik, and Krum entered together.
Polovina Sedrikovog lica bila je prekrivena gustom narandžastom smesom, koja mu je verovatno zaceljivala opekotine.
Half of Sedrik's face was covered with a thick orange mixture, which was probably healing his burns.
On se naceri Hariju kad ga primeti.
He|himself|grins|to Harry|when|him|notices
He grinned at Harry when he noticed him.
– Bio si dobar, Hari.
You were|are|good|Hari
- You were good, Harry.
– I ti – reče Hari, uzvrativši mu kez.
and|you|said|Hari|returning|to him|smile
- And you - said Harry, returning the grin.
– Bili ste sjajni, svi vi!
You were|(plural)|brilliant|all|you
– You were brilliant, all of you!
– reče Ludo Torbar, uletevši u šator, delujući zadovoljno, kao da je sâm upravo prošao pored zmaja.
said|Ludo|Torbar|rushing|into|tent|acting|satisfied|as|if|he|all alone|just|passed|by|the dragon
– said Ludo Torbar, bursting into the tent, looking pleased, as if he had just walked past a dragon.
– Sada, samo još par reči na brzaka.
Now|just|a few|couple|words|on|quick
– Now, just a few quick words.
Imaćete lep, veliki predah pre vašeg drugog podviga, koji će se odigrati u pola deset izjutra dvadeset četvrtog februara... ali, evo vam nešto o čemu možete da razmišljate u međuvremenu!
You will have|nice|big|break|before|your|second|achievement|which|will|reflexive pronoun|take place|at|half|ten|in the morning|twenty|fourth|of February|but|here|to you|something|about|what|you can|to|think|in|the meantime
You will have a nice, long break before your second feat, which will take place at half past nine in the morning on February twenty-fourth... but, here’s something for you to think about in the meantime!
Ukoliko bacite pogled na ta zlatna jaja koja svi držite, videćete da se otvaraju... vidite li te šarke?
If|you cast|a glance|at|those|golden|eggs|which|everyone|hold|you will see|that|reflexive pronoun|open|you see|question particle|those|hinges
If you take a look at those golden eggs that you all hold, you will see that they are opening... do you see those hinges?
Morate da rešite zagonetku koju jaje krije, jer će vam ona kazati šta je drugi podvig, i omogućiti vam da se za njega pripremite!
You must|to|solve|riddle|which|egg|hides|because|will|you|it|tell|what|is|second|feat|and|enable|you|to|reflexive pronoun|for|it|prepare
You must solve the riddle that the egg hides, for it will tell you what the second feat is, and allow you to prepare for it!
Sve vam je jasno?
Everything|to you|is|clear
Is everything clear to you?
Pa, onda ste slobodni!
Well|then|you are|free
Well, then you are free!
Hari izađe iz šatora, a zatim mu se pridruži Ron, i oni krenuše nazad, ivicom Šume, pričajući bez prestanka.
Harry|exited|from|the tent|and|then|to him|reflexive pronoun|joined|Ron|and|they|started|back|along the edge of|the Forest|talking|without|interruption
Harry stepped out of the tent, and then Ron joined him, and they headed back along the edge of the Forest, talking non-stop.
Hari je želeo da zna šta su ostali šampioni radili, i to u što više detalja.
Harry|was|wanted|to|know|what|the|other|champions|did|and|that|in|as much|more|detail
Harry wanted to know what the other champions had been doing, and in as much detail as possible.
Zatim, dok su skretali iza onog istog drveća kraj kojeg je Hari prvi put čuo zmajeve kako reže, iza njih iskoči veštica.
Then|while|they|turned|behind|that|same|tree|near|which|he|Harry|first|time|heard|dragons|how|roar|behind|them|jumps out|witch
Then, as they turned behind that same tree where Harry first heard the dragons roar, a witch jumped out behind them.
Bila je to Rita Skiter.
It was|was|that|Rita|Skiter
It was Rita Skeeter.
Tog dana je nosila otrovnozelenu odoru, koja se savršeno slagala s brzocitatnim perom koje je držala u ruci.
That|day|was|wearing|poison green|uniform|which|reflexive pronoun|perfectly|matched|with|fast-reading|pen|which|was|holding|in|hand
That day she was wearing a poison green outfit, which perfectly matched the quick-quoting quill she held in her hand.
– Čestitam, Hari!
– Congratulations, Harry!
– reče ona, osmehujući im se izveštačeno.
she said|she|smiling|to them|herself|artificially
– she said, smiling at them artificially.
– Da li bi mogao da mi daš izjavu, ukratko?
Could|question particle|conditional particle||||give|statement|briefly
– Could you give me a statement, briefly?
Kako si se osećao pred zmajem?
How|you|yourself|felt|in front of|the dragon
How did you feel in front of the dragon?
Šta sada misliš o ocenjivanju, da li je bilo pošteno?
What|now|do you think|about|grading|whether|question particle|is|was|fair
What do you think about the grading now, was it fair?
– Da, mogu da vam dam kratku izjavu – reče Hari besno.
Yes|I can|to|you (formal)|give|short|statement|said|Hari|angrily
– Yes, I can give you a brief statement – said Harry angrily.
– Zbogom.
– Goodbye.
I uputi se prema zamku s Ronom.
I|headed|reflexive pronoun|towards|castle|with|Ron
And head towards the castle with Ron.
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