Lesson 7.1 Serbian Language - Collection numbers
|||Collection|collection numbers
Lektion 7.1 Serbische Sprache – Sammlungsnummern
Lesson 7.1 Serbian Language - Collection numbers
Lección 7.1 Idioma serbio - Números de colección
Lezione 7.1 Lingua serba - Numeri di raccolta
Lição 7.1 Língua Sérvia - Números de coleção
Урок 7.1 Сербский язык - Коллекционные номера
Ders 7.1 Sırp Dili - Koleksiyon numaraları
Zbirni brojevi
Cumulative numbers
Deda Mika ima petoro unučadi
Grandpa|Grandpa Mika||five|grandchildren
Grandpa Mika has five grandchildren
dva dečaka i tri devojčice
two boys and three girls
Ima i troje teladi i šestoro jagnjadi
|||calves||six lambs|lambs
Deda Mikini unuci vole životinje
Njih dvoje su baš dobar tim
The two of them are quite a good team
Uz imenice koje označavaju skup bića
With nouns that denote a group of beings
jagnjad ili prasad
Lämmer oder Ferkel
lambs or piglets
ili imenice koje označavaju skup bića muškog i ženskog pola
oder Substantive, die eine Reihe männlicher und weiblicher Wesen bezeichnen
or nouns that denote a group of male and female beings
ili jednostavno uz imenice koje označavaju predmete ili pojmove koji čine jednu celinu (jedan skup), stoje zbirni brojevi
|simply just|||||items||concepts||||whole||||collective|
oder einfach neben Substantiven, die Objekte oder Begriffe bezeichnen, die ein Ganzes (einen Satz) bilden, gibt es Sammelnummern
or simply with nouns that denote objects or concepts that form a whole (a single set), aggregate numbers stand
Zbirni brojevi označavaju neki skup ili zbir i zato broj jedan nema zbirni broj
Collective numbers indicate some group or collection and therefore the number one does not have a collective number
Za skup je potrebno imati makar dva pojma
|||necessary||at least||concepts
For a set, it is necessary to have at least two terms
Evo i zbirnih brojeva
Here are some collective numbers
Reč ljudi množina je imenice čovek
The word 'people' is the plural form of the noun 'man'
Isto tako imenice brat i dete imaju nepravilnu množinu. Ona glasi braća i deca
|||||||irregular plural|plural||is|brothers||
Similarly, the nouns brother and child have irregular plurals. They are brothers and children.
Uz zbirne brojeve obično idu zbirne imenice
Collective numbers usually go with collective nouns.
To su imenice koje označavaju skup bića ili predmeta ili skup mladih bića
|||||||||||young beings|
These are nouns that denote a group of beings or objects or a group of young beings.
Deo njih ima nastavak -ad i po tome su karakteristične
|||suffix|suffix -ad|||||characteristic
Some of them have a suffix -ad and by that, they are characteristic
I ovde je glas K promenjen u Č radi lakšeg izgovora
Here, the sound K is changed to Č for easier pronunciation
Sve ove imenice imaju svoju regularnu množinu:
All these nouns have their regular plural forms:
Evo još nekih zbirnih imenica
Here are some more collective nouns
Pošto zbirne imenice označavaju više pojmova
Since collective nouns indicate multiple concepts
uz njih stoji imenica u množini
a plural noun is used with them
i to u oblikugenitiva množine
|||genitive form|
in the genitive plural form
Već smo spominjali kada smo govorili o godinama i o osnovnim brojevima
We have already mentioned when we talked about years and basic numbers
Imenice muškog i srednjeg roda
u genitivu množine dobijaju nastavak -a
|genitive case||||
in the genitive plural they receive the ending -a
troje kolega
three colleagues
troje studenata
three students
Imenice ženskog roda dobijaju nastavak -e
Zbirne imenice na -ad
Collective nouns ending in -ad
koje su inače u ženskom rodu
which are otherwise in the feminine gender
i imenici ljudi, dodajemo nastavak -i
and to the nouns of people, we add the suffix -i
Zbir brojeva možemo upotrebiti i uz predmete sastavljene iz dva ili više delova
The sum of numbers can also be used with items made up of two or more parts
Zašto su unuk i unuka unuci?
Why are grandson and granddaughter grandchildren?
Muški rod je u srpskom jeziku neutralan
masculine||||||masculine gender
The masculine gender is neutral in the Serbian language
i zato kada u grupi imamo osobe muškog i ženskog pola koristimo
and that's why when we have male and female persons in the group, we use
imenicu muškog roda u množini: