Lesson 8.1 Serbian Language - Watching on the clock
|||Looking at|||clock time
Lektion 8.1 Serbische Sprache – Auf die Uhr achten
Μάθημα 8.1 Σερβική Γλώσσα - Παρακολούθηση στο ρολόι
Lesson 8.1 Serbian Language - Watching on the clock
Leçon 8.1 Langue serbe - Regarder l'horloge
Lekcja 8.1 Język serbski - Oglądanie na zegarze
Урок 8.1 Сербский язык - Смотрим на часы
Ders 8.1 Sırp Dili - Saati izlemek
Урок 8.1 Сербська мова - Дивлячись на годиннику
課 8.1 塞爾維亞語 - 觀看時鐘
Isplanirajte dan
8:15 Buđenje
8:20 Jutarnja toaleta
morning routine|toilet
Umivam se, perem zube, češljam se, nanosim kremu
I wash||I brush||comb my hair||apply cream|cream
8:35 Oblačim se i izlazim
getting dressed|||I go out
Od 9 sati do 12:30, odnosno do pola jedan, snimam časove srpskog jezika
|||that is||||I am recording|classes||
Od 13:00, odnosno, od jedan popodne do 14:30, odnosno pola tri, dolazim kući
|that is|||in the afternoon||that is||||
Pijem kafu i jedem voće. Odmaram. Gledam film ili seriju
|||I eat||I am resting||||series
Petnaest sati (15:00) ili tri popodne - ručak
Sedamnaest sati (17:00) ili pet popodne - vežbam
seventeen|||||I exercise
18:30 ili pola sedam - tučiram se
|||I'm fighting|
6:30 PM or half past six - I'm fighting
19:00 sati ili sedam sati popodne - pripremam zadatke za sutra
|||||I prepare|assignments||
7:00 PM or seven in the evening - I'm preparing tasks for tomorrow
22:00 sata ili deset uveče - završavam obaveze, pripremam se za spavanje:
|||in the evening|I finish|obligations||||
10:00 PM or ten in the evening - I'm finishing my obligations, getting ready for bed:
perem zube, čistim lice, nameštam krevet, oblačim pidžamu.
||clean||make||putting on|pajamas
ćitam svoju omiljenu knjigu
I am reading||favorite|
00:00 ili ponoć još uvek čitam knjigu i ne mogu da zaspim
|midnight|||||||||fall asleep
01:30 odnosno pola dva ujutru prelistavam facebook i znam da ću se ujutru uspavati
||||scrolling through|facebook|||||||fall asleep
01:30 or half past one in the morning, I am browsing Facebook and I know that I will oversleep in the morning.
Kako izgleda Vaš dan?
How does your day look?
Pokušajte da ga isplanirate razmišljajući na srpskom jeziku
Try to plan it by thinking in the Serbian language.
Evo nekih smernica koje će vam u tome pomoći
Here are some guidelines that will help you
Gledanje na sat
Looking at||
Looking at the clock
Trideset minuta kod nas je 1/2 sata kao i u većini jezika
Thirty minutes for us is 1/2 hour just like in most languages
6:30 možete reći na dva načina:
||||in two ways
šest i trideset ili pola sedam
8:30 - osam i trideset ili pola devet
U prvoj polovini sata koristimo veznik i.
In the first half of the hour, we use the conjunction 'and'.
devet i petnaest
nine and fifteen
Ne morate naglašavati reč minuta
You do not have to emphasize the word 'minutes'
U drugoj polovini sata koristimo predlog -do i brojimo koliko imamo minuta do punog sata
||||||||count|||||full hour|
In the second half of the hour, we use the preposition -to and count how many minutes until the full hour
dvadeset pet do dvanaest
twenty-five to twelve
dvadeset do dvanaest
twenty to twelve
petnaest do dvanaest
Posle 12 sati možete reći jedan popodne ili 13 časova
After 12 o'clock you can say one in the afternoon or 1 PM
Posle podneva sati su od 13 do 24 ili od 1 do 12. U svakom govoru koristi se druga opcija
In the afternoon, the hours are from 1 PM to midnight or from 1 to 12. In every conversation, the second option is used
Ukoliko sate izgovarate kao 13:00, 14:00 itd, ne morate nagčašavati reč popodne
|o'clock|you say||etc|||stress the word||
If you pronounce the time as 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, etc., you do not need to emphasize the word afternoon
12:30 je pola jedan ili dvanaest i trideset
Koje je doba dans?
What time is it today?
Od 4:00 do 9:00 je ujutro. Uz odreženi broj sati koristimo prilog ujutru
From 4:00 to 9:00 is in the morning. We use the adverb in the morning with a certain number of hours.
Dakle, do 9 sati prepodne ili 9 sati izjutra, pozdravljamo se sa : Dobro jutro
So|||in the morning|||in the morning|greet||||
So, until 9 o'clock in the morning, we greet each other with: Good morning.
Npr. Sada je 5:00 odnosno, 5 sati ujutru
|||that is||
Por ejemplo|||||
Negde ćete čuti da se kaže dva ili tri sata ujutru , što je zapravo 2 ili 3 sata posle ponoći
somewhere|||||it says||||||||actually||hours||midnight
Somewhere you will hear it said two or three o'clock in the morning, which is actually 2 or 3 o'clock after midnight
Od 9 - 12 sati je prepodne
From 9 - 12 o'clock is the morning
U 12 je podne
At 12 is noon
Od 13 do 18 časova je popodne
From 1 PM to 6 PM is afternoon
U peridu od 9:00 do 18:00 časova pozdravljamo se sa Dobar dan
During the period from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM we greet with Good day
Od 18:00 do 21:00 je veče
From 6 PM to 9 PM is evening
Prilog koji koristimo je uveče
the appendix||||
The attachment we use is in the evening
Posle 21:00 do 4:00 je noć
After 21:00 until 4:00 is night
Ljudi se i u to vreme obično pozdravljaju sa dobro veče ili dobro jutro
People usually greet each other at that time with good evening or good morning
a trebalo bi reći Dobra noć, a pri odlasku Laku noć
And it should be said Good Night, and upon leaving Good Night
Dobro jutro
Good morning
Dobar dan
Good day
Dobro veče
Dobra noć
Laku noć
Ako nekoga na ulici želite da pitate za vreme reći čete: Koliko je sati?
||||||ask||||you will|||
If you want to ask someone on the street for the time, you would say: What time is it?
Žensku osobu oslovljavamo sa gospođice ako je neudata ili gospođo ako je udata
female||we address||Miss|||unmarried||madam|||
We address a woman as miss if she is unmarried or madam if she is married.
Univerzalni naziv je dama ali se on gotovo i ne koristi
The universal term is lady, but it is hardly used.
Ako niste sigurni da li je osoba udata, bolje se obratite sa gospođice
If you are not sure whether the person is married, it is better to address her as Miss
Time joj dajete do znanja da izgleda mlađa
||you give||knowledge awareness|||
This lets her know that she looks younger
Za muškarce je ustaljen naziv gospodine
For men, the established term is Mister
A sada je red na vas
And now it's your turn
Koliko je sati?
What time is it?
šest ujutu
|in the morning
six in the morning