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Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni, 2.4. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Kod Brašnjavka i Mrljavka (1)

2.4. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Kod Brašnjavka i Mrljavka (1)

4. Kod Kitnjavka i Mrljavka Život u Jazbini potpuno se razlikovao od života u Šimširovoj ulici. Darslijevi su voleli da sve bude uredno i na svom mestu; kuća Vizlijevih vrvela je čudnim i neočekivanim. Hari se zabezeknuo kada je prvi put pogledao u ogledalo iznad kuhinjskog kamina, a ono mu doviknulo: – Uvuci košulju, dronjavi! – Akrep na tavanu je zavijao i bacao cevi kad god bi osetio da postaje previše tiho, a male eksplozije koje su dolazile iz Fredove i Džordžove sobe smatrane su sasvim normalnim. Hariju je pak kod Vizlijevih najčudnije bilo ne ogledalo koje govori, niti akrepovo tandrkanje, već činjenica da su ga svi voleli. Gospođa Vizli brinula se u kakvom su mu stanju čarape i nutkala ga da za svaki obrok triput uzme repete. Gospodin Vizli je voleo da Hari sedi pored njega za večerom, da bi ga zasipao pitanjima o životu Normalaca, moleći ga da mu objasni kako funkcionišu stvari kao što su utikači ili poštanska služba. – Fascinantno! – rekao bi, dok mu je Hari objašnjavao čemu služi telefon. – Genijalno, stvarno – kako se sve dovijaju Normalci ne bi li preživeli bez magije. Jednog sunčanog jutra, nekih nedelju dana pošto je stigao u Jazbinu, Hari je dobio pismo s Hogvortsa. On i Ron sišli su na doručak i zatekli gospodina i gospođu Vizli i Džini već posednute za kuhinjskim stolom. Čim je ugledala Harija, Džini slučajno ispusti svoju činiju s kašom na pod uz glasan zveket. Džini je, činilo se, bila vrlo sklona da ispušta stvari kad god bi Hari ušao u sobu. Zagnjurila se ispod stola da dohvati činiju i pojavila s licem koje je sijalo kao zalazeće sunce. Pretvarajući se da nije ništa primetio, Hari sede i uze tost koji mu je gospođa Vizli ponudila. – Pisma iz škole – reče gospodin Vizli, dodajući Hariju i Ronu identične koverte od žućkastog pergamenta, adresirane zelenim mastilom. – Dambldor već zna da si ovde, Hari, tom čoveku ništa ne može da promakne. I vas dvojica ste dobili – dodade on, kad Fred i Džordž lenjo uđoše, još uvek u pidžamama. Nekoliko minuta je vladao tajac, dok je svako čitao svoje pismo. Hariju je rečeno da, kao i uvek, uhvati Hogvorts ekspres sa stanice Kings kros prvog septembra. Bio je priložen i spisak novih knjiga potrebnih za sledeću godinu. Ðacima drugog razreda potrebne su: * Standardna knjiga čini za drugi razred od Mirande Sovuljage; * Odmor s vilom zloslutnicom od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Lutanje sa zlodusima od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Raspust s baba-vešticama od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Putovanja s trolovima od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Plovidba s vampirima od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Vikend s vukodlacima od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Godina s jetijem od Gilderoja Lokharta. Fred, koji je završio svoju listu, zaviri u Harijevu. – I vama su rekli da nabavite sve Lokhartove knjige! – reče. – Novi nastavnik Odbrane od Mračnih veština mora da je njegov obožavatelj... kladim se da je neka veštica. U tom trenutku Fred uhvati majčin pogled i brzo se vrati svom džemu. – Ta gomila neće biti jeftina – reče Džordž, brzo pogledavši roditelje. – Lokhartove knjige su stvarno skupe... – Pa, snaći ćemo se – uzvrati gospođa Vizli, brižnog izraza. – Nadam se da ćemo makar za Džini uspeti da nabavimo što više polovnih stvari. – A ti polaziš u Hogvorts ove godine? – Hari upita Džini. Ona klimnu glavom, porumenevši do korena svoje plamene kose i nasloni lakat u dozu za puter. Na sreću, to niko osim Harija nije video jer je u kuhinju upravo ušao Ronov stariji brat Persi. Već je bio obučen, a hogvortska asistentska značka bila mu je zakačena za pleteni prsluk. – Dobro jutro svima – reče Persi živahno. – Divan dan. Seo je na jedinu slobodnu stolicu, ali je odmah poskočio, izvukavši ispod sebe očerupanu sivu perjanu pajalicu – ili se bar tako Hariju činilo, sve dok je nije video kako diše. – Erol! – reče Ron, uzimajući mlitavu sovu od Persija i izvlačeći pismo ispod njegovog krila. – Konačno... doneo je Hermionin odgovor. Pisao sam joj da ćemo pokušati da te spasimo od Darslijevih. Odneo je Erola do stalka za ptice kod izlaza za baštu i pokušao da ga nasadi na nju, ali se Erol ponovo skljokao, pa ga Ron umesto toga položi na rešetku za sušenje, promrmljavši: – Jadno. – Zatim otvori Hermionino pismo i pročita ga naglas: Dragi Rone i Hari, ako si tu, Nadam se da je kod vas sve u redu, i da je Hari okej a da ti, Rone, nisi učinio ništa nedozvoljeno da ga izvučeš, jer bi to dovelo i Harija u nevolju. Stvarno sam se brinula pa, ako je Hari dobro, molim te javi mi odmah, mada bi možda bilo bolje da koristiš neku drugu sovu. Mislim da bi još jedna pošiljka ovoj došla glave. Ja sam, naravno, vrlo zauzeta zadacima za školu... (– Kako može da bude zauzeta? – upita Ron, užasnut. – Na raspustu smo!)... ali sledeće srede idemo u London da kupimo nove knjige. Možda bismo mogli da se sretnemo u Dijagonaleji? Javi mi šta se dešava čim stigneš, voli te Hermiona. – Pa, to nam se uklapa, mogli bismo tada da uzmemo i stvari za vas – reče gospođa Vizli, počevši da raščišćava sto. – Šta ste naumili danas? Hari, Ron, Fred i Džordž nameravali su da idu na brdo gde su Vizlijevi imali malu ograđenu livadu. Bila je okružena drvećem, koje je skrivalo od pogleda iz sela podno brda. To je značilo da bi mogli da vežbaju kvidič, ukoliko ne lete previsoko. Nisu mogli da koriste prave lopte za kvidič, za koje teško da bi imali objašnjenje ako bi pobegle i odletele u selo. Umesto njih su jedan drugome dobacivali jabuke i na smenu se vozili na Harijevoj metli Nimbus 2000, koja je bila ubedljivo najbolja metla od svih. Ronovu staru Zvezdu padalicu često su prestizali prolazeći leptiri. Pet minuta kasnije marširali su uz brdo s metlama na ramenima. Pitali su Persija hoće li da im se pridruži, ali on je rekao da je zauzet. Hari je, za sada, Persija viđao samo za vreme jela; ostatak vremena provodio je zatvoren u svojoj sobi. – Voleo bih da znam šta smera – reče Fred mršteći se. – Ne liči na sebe. Rezultati njegovih ispita stigli su dan pre tebe, dvanaest O.Č.N.-a, a on gotovo da nije likovao. – Obični čarobnjački nivoi – objasni Džordž, primetivši Harijev zbunjen pogled. – I Bil je imao dvanaest. Ako ne budemo oprezni, imaćemo još jednog glavešinu dečaka u porodici. Mislim da bih umro od sramote. Bil je bio njihov najstariji brat. On i sledeći brat, Čarli, već su završili Hogvorts. Hari nije upoznao nijednog od njih, ali je znao da je Čarli u Rumuniji, gde proučava zmajeve, a Bil u Egiptu, gde radi u čarobnjačkoj banci Gringots. – Ne znam kako će mama i tata izaći na kraj s kupovinom svih školskih stvari – reče Džordž posle nekog vremena. – Pet kompleta Lokhartovih knjiga! A Džini je potrebna odora, i čarobni štapić, i sve... Hari je ćutao. Bilo mu je malčice neprijatno. U podzemnoj odaji banke Gringots u Londonu imao je čitavo malo bogatstvo koje su mu roditelji ostavili. Naravno, taj novac je važio samo u čarobnjačkom svetu; nije mogao da koristi galeone, sikle i knute u normalskim radnjama. Nikada nije spomenuo Darslijevima svoj račun u banci Gringots; nije verovao da bi njihovo užasavanje od svega što ima veze s magijom obuhvatilo i veliku gomilu zlata. * * * Sledeće srede, gospođa Vizli ih je sve probudila ranije. Pošto je brzo napravila za svakog po pola tuceta sendviča sa slaninom, obukli su kapute, a gospođa Vizli je uzela saksiju s kamina i zavirila unutra. – Ponestaje nam, Arture – uzdahnu ona. – Moraćemo danas da dokupimo još... pa dobro, gosti imaju prednost! Posle tebe, Hari dušo! I s tim rečima, ona ga ponudi saksijom. Hari je zurio u sve njih, a oni su ga zauzvrat pomno posmatrali. – Š-šta treba da radim? – promuca on – Nikada nije putovao pomoću flu-praška – iznenada reče Ron. – Izvini, Hari, zaboravio sam. – Nikada? – upita gospodin Vizli. – Ali kako si prošle godine stigao u Dijagonaleju da kupiš stvari za školu? – Išao sam metroom... – Stvarno? – upita gospodin Vizli radoznalo. – Ima li tamo okretnih stepenica? Kako, zapravo... – Ne sada, Arture – reče gospođa Vizli. – Flu-prašak je mnogo brži, dušo, ali zaboga, ako ga nikada nisi koristio... – Biće on dobro, mama – reče Fred. – Hari, gledaj prvo nas. On uze prstohvat svetlucave prašine iz saksije, priđe vatri i baci prašak u plamen. Uz tutanj, vatra postade smaragdnozelena i podiže se iznad Freda, koji uđe u nju, povika: – Dijagon-aleja! – i nestade. – Moraš da govoriš razgovetno, dušo – reče gospođa Vizli Hariju, dok je Džordž uvlačio ruku u saksiju. – I pazi da izađeš kroz pravu rešetku... – Pravu... šta? – upita Hari nervozno, dok je vatra tutnjala i odnosila Džordža s vidika. – Pa, imaš da biraš između mnogih čarobnjačkih ognjišta, znaš, ali sve dok budeš razgovetno govorio... – Biće sve u redu s njim, Moli, ne paniči – reče gospodin Vizli, te se i sâm posluži flu-praškom. – Ali, dragi, ako se izgubi, kako ćemo to objasniti njegovim tetki i teči? – Neće im smetati – uveravao ju je Hari. – Dadli će misliti da je to sjajan štos, to što sam nestao u dimnjaku, ne brinite zbog toga. – Pa... dobro... ti ćeš posle Artura – reče gospođa Vizli. – E sad, kad uđeš u vatru, reci kuda hoćeš da ideš... – I privij laktove uz telo – posavetova ga Ron. – I drži oči zatvorene – dodade gospođa Vizli. – Čađ... – Ne vrpolji se – reče Ron – inače lako možeš da ispadneš kroz pogrešan kamin... – Ali nemoj da se uspaničiš i prerano izađeš, čekaj dok ne vidiš Freda i Džordža. Trudeći se da zapamti sve ovo, Hari uze flu-praška među prste i priđe ivici kamina. Duboko udahnu, rasu prašak po vatri i zakorači napred; vatra mu se činila kao topli povetarac; otvorio je usta i odmah progutao oblak vrelog pepela. – D-Dijagon-aleja – zakašlja se. Osećao se kao da je usisan u nekakav veliki odvod. Činilo mu se da se kovitla vrlo brzo... tutnjanje u njegovim ušima bilo je zaglušujuće... pokušao je da drži oči otvorene, ali mu je bilo muka od vrtloga zelenih plamenova... nešto tvrdo ga udari u lakat i on privuče ruku čvrsto uza se, još uvek se kovitlajući i kovitlajući... a sada se osećao kao da ga hladne ruke šamaraju po licu...žmirkajući kroz svoje naočare, video je zamagljenu reku kamina, kroz koje bi tek letimično uspeo da ugleda sobe iza njih... sendviči sa slaninom su mu se komešali u stomaku... ponovo je zatvorio oči, poželevši da stane, a onda je pao, licem napred, na hladan kamen i osetio kako mu se naočare lome. Ošamućen, izubijan i čađav, oprezno se pridiže na noge, pridržavajući polomljene naočare pred očima. Bio je sasvim sam, ali nije imao pojma gde se nalazi. Jedino je uspeo da razluči da stoji u kamenom kaminu nečega što je ličilo na veliku, zadimljenu čarobnjačku radnju – ali teško da je išta unutra moglo da bude na spisku hogvortskih školskih potrepština. U staklenoj vitrini u blizini nalazili su se sasušena ruka na jastuku, krvav špil karata i zureće stakleno oko. Sa zida su se cerile zlokobne maske, na tezgi behu sortirane ljudske kosti, a s tavanice su visili zarđali šiljati instrumenti. Što je najgore, uska tamna ulica koju je Hari opazio kroz prašnjavi prozor radnje svakako nije bila Dijagon-aleja. Što pre ode odavde, to bolje. Nos ga je još uvek boleo na mestu kojim je udario o zemlju. Hari brzo i nečujno pođe ka vratima, ali nije stigao ni do pola puta kada se s druge strane izloga pojaviše dve osobe – a jedna od njih je bila osoba koju je Hari najmanje želeo da vidi sada, kada je bio izgubljen, čađav i nosio polomljene naočare – Drako Melfoj. Hari se brzo osvrnu i primeti veliku crnu vitrinu s leve strane; on uđe unutra i zatvori vrata za sobom, ostavivši mali otvor da bi mogao da viri kroz njega. Trenutak kasnije oglasi se zvono i Melfoj uđe u radnju. Čovek koji ga je pratio mogao je biti samo njegov otac. Imao je isto bledo šiljasto lice i identične hladne sive oči. Gospodin Melfoj pređe preko sobe, nezainteresovano razgledajući izloženu robu, a onda pritisnu zvonce na tezgi pre nego što se okrenu ka sinu i reče mu: – Drako, ništa ne diraj.

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2.4. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Kod Brašnjavka i Mrljavka (1) Harry|Potter|and|Hall|Secrets|At|Brash|and|Dirty 2.4. Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната - В Браснявке и Мрлявке (1) 2.4. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - At Brašnjak and Mrljavka (1)

4\\. 4\. Kod Kitnjavka i Mrljavka Život u Jazbini potpuno se razlikovao od života u Šimširovoj ulici. At|Kit|and|Dirty|Life|in|Burrow|completely|reflexive pronoun|differed|from|life|in|Boxwood|street In Kitnjavka en Mrljavka Het leven in Jazbina was totaal anders dan het leven in de Šimširovastraat. At Kitnjavka and Mrljavka, life in the Burrow was completely different from life on Boxwood Street. Darslijevi su voleli da sve bude uredno i na svom mestu; kuća Vizlijevih vrvela je čudnim i neočekivanim. the Dursleys|they|loved|to|everything|be|tidy|and|in|their|place|house|the Weasleys|was bustling|it|strange|and|unexpected De Duffelingen hielden ervan dat alles netjes en op zijn plaats was; het Weasley-huis wemelde van het vreemde en onverwachte. The Dursleys liked everything to be neat and in its place; the house of the Weasleys was bustling with strange and unexpected. Hari se zabezeknuo kada je prvi put pogledao u ogledalo iznad kuhinjskog kamina, a ono mu doviknulo: – Uvuci košulju, dronjavi! Harry|himself|was stunned|when|he|first|time|looked|into|mirror|above|kitchen|fireplace|and|it|to him|shouted|tuck|shirt|ragged Harry war verblüfft, als er zum ersten Mal in den Spiegel über dem Küchenkamin schaute, und dieser rief ihm zu: „Zieh dein Hemd an, du Lump!“ Harry schrok toen hij voor het eerst in de spiegel boven de open haard in de keuken keek, en het riep hem toe: - Doe je shirt aan, vod! Harry was taken aback when he first looked in the mirror above the kitchen fireplace, and it shouted at him: – Tuck in your shirt, raggedy! – Akrep na tavanu je zavijao i bacao cevi kad god bi osetio da postaje previše tiho, a male eksplozije koje su dolazile iz Fredove i Džordžove sobe smatrane su sasvim normalnim. scorpion|in|attic|it|was howling|and|was throwing|pipes|when|whenever|it would|felt|that|it becomes|too|quiet|and|small|explosions|that|they|were coming|from|Fred's|and|George's|room|were considered||quite|normal - Akrep auf dem Dachboden heulte und warf Pfeifen, wenn es ihm zu leise wurde, und kleine Explosionen aus Freds und Georges Zimmer galten als ganz normal. – De schorpioen op zolder huilde en gooide pijpen wanneer hij voelde dat het te stil werd, en de kleine explosies die uit de kamer van Fred en George kwamen, werden als volkomen normaal beschouwd. The scorpion in the attic would howl and throw pipes whenever it felt that it was getting too quiet, and the small explosions coming from Fred's and George's room were considered completely normal. Hariju je pak kod Vizlijevih najčudnije bilo ne ogledalo koje govori, niti akrepovo tandrkanje, već činjenica da su ga svi voleli. to Harry|it was|however|at|the Wizzlies|the strangest|it was|not|mirror|that|speaks|nor|scorpion's|rattling|but|fact|that|they|him|everyone|loved Für Harry hingegen war das Seltsamste an den Weasleys nicht der sprechende Spiegel oder Acres Tandr, sondern die Tatsache, dass ihn alle liebten. What Harry found the strangest about the Weasleys was not the talking mirror or the scorpion's clattering, but the fact that everyone loved him. Gospođa Vizli brinula se u kakvom su mu stanju čarape i nutkala ga da za svaki obrok triput uzme repete. Mrs|Wizzley|she worried|herself|in|what kind of|they|to him|condition|socks|and|she urged|him|to|for|every|meal|three times|he takes|seconds Mrs. Weasley machte sich Sorgen um den Zustand seiner Socken und drängte ihn, dreimal für jede Mahlzeit Wiederholungen zu nehmen. Mrs. Weasley was worried about the state of his socks and urged him to take seconds at every meal. Gospodin Vizli je voleo da Hari sedi pored njega za večerom, da bi ga zasipao pitanjima o životu Normalaca, moleći ga da mu objasni kako funkcionišu stvari kao što su utikači ili poštanska služba. Mr|Vizli|he is|he loved|to|Harry|he sits|next to|him|for|dinner|to|would|him|he would bombard|questions|about|life|Normals|begging|him|to|him|he explains|how|they function|things|like|that|they are|plugs|or|postal|service Mr. Weasley mochte es, wenn Harry beim Abendessen neben ihm saß, ihn mit Fragen über das Leben normaler Menschen bombardierte und ihn bat, ihm zu erklären, wie Dinge wie Stecker oder der Postdienst funktionierten. Mr. Weasley loved having Harry sit next to him at dinner, showering him with questions about the lives of Muggles, asking him to explain how things like plugs or the postal service work. – Fascinantno! fascinating – Fascinating! – rekao bi, dok mu je Hari objašnjavao čemu služi telefon. he said|would|while|him|it is|Harry|he was explaining|what|it serves|phone – he would say, as Harry explained to him what a telephone is for. – Genijalno, stvarno – kako se sve dovijaju Normalci ne bi li preživeli bez magije. brilliant|really|how|reflexive pronoun|all|they manage|Normals|not|would|particle|they survive|without|magic - Genial, echt - wie alles normal ist Normale Menschen um ohne Magie zu überleben. – Brilliant, really – how Muggles manage to survive without magic. Jednog sunčanog jutra, nekih nedelju dana pošto je stigao u Jazbinu, Hari je dobio pismo s Hogvortsa. one|sunny|morning|about|week|days|after|he|arrived|in|Jazbina|Harry|he|received|letter|from|Hogwarts One sunny morning, about a week after he arrived in Jazbina, Harry received a letter from Hogwarts. On i Ron sišli su na doručak i zatekli gospodina i gospođu Vizli i Džini već posednute za kuhinjskim stolom. he|and|Ron|they went down|they|to|breakfast|and|they found|Mr|and|Mrs|Weasley|and|Ginny|already|seated|at|kitchen|table Er und Ron gingen hinunter zum Frühstück und fanden Mr. und Mrs. Weasley und Ginny bereits am Küchentisch sitzend vor. He and Ron went down for breakfast and found Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Ginny already seated at the kitchen table. Čim je ugledala Harija, Džini slučajno ispusti svoju činiju s kašom na pod uz glasan zveket. as soon as|she|saw|Harry|Ginny|accidentally|she dropped|her|bowl|with|porridge|on|floor|with|loud|clatter Sobald sie Harry sah, ließ Ginny versehentlich ihre Schüssel Haferbrei mit einem lauten Knall auf den Boden fallen. As soon as she saw Harry, Ginny accidentally dropped her bowl of porridge on the floor with a loud clatter. Džini je, činilo se, bila vrlo sklona da ispušta stvari kad god bi Hari ušao u sobu. Ginny|she|it seemed|herself|she was|very|prone|to|drop|things|whenever|that|she would|Harry||in|room Ginny seemed to be very prone to dropping things whenever Harry entered the room. Zagnjurila se ispod stola da dohvati činiju i pojavila s licem koje je sijalo kao zalazeće sunce. she ducked|herself|under|the table|to|reach|the bowl|and|she appeared|with|face|which|it was|shining|like|setting|sun She ducked under the table to grab a bowl and emerged with a face that shone like the setting sun. Pretvarajući se da nije ništa primetio, Hari sede i uze tost koji mu je gospođa Vizli ponudila. pretending|himself|that|he did not|anything|he noticed|Harry|he sat|and|he took|toast|that|to him|it was|Mrs|Weasley|she offered Pretending he hadn't noticed anything, Harry sat down and took the toast that Mrs. Weasley offered him. – Pisma iz škole – reče gospodin Vizli, dodajući Hariju i Ronu identične koverte od žućkastog pergamenta, adresirane zelenim mastilom. letters|from|school|he said|Mr|Weasley|adding|to Harry|and|to Ron|identical|envelopes|made of|yellowish|parchment|addressed|green|ink "Letters from school," Mr. Weasley said, handing Harry and Ron identical envelopes made of yellowish parchment, addressed in green ink. – Dambldor već zna da si ovde, Hari, tom čoveku ništa ne može da promakne. Dumbledore|already|he knows|that|you are|here|Harry|that|man|nothing|not|he can|to|escape "Dumbledore already knows you're here, Harry, that man misses nothing." I vas dvojica ste dobili – dodade on, kad Fred i Džordž lenjo uđoše, još uvek u pidžamama. and|you|two|you are|received|he added|he|when|Fred|and|George|lazily|they entered|still||in|pajamas Ihr zwei habt es auch“, fügte er hinzu, als Fred und George träge hereinspazierten, immer noch in ihren Schlafanzügen. You two also received it – he added, as Fred and George lazily entered, still in their pajamas. Nekoliko minuta je vladao tajac, dok je svako čitao svoje pismo. a few|minutes|it was|ruled|silence|while|it was|everyone|read|his|letter A few minutes of silence followed, while everyone read their letter. Hariju je rečeno da, kao i uvek, uhvati Hogvorts ekspres sa stanice Kings kros prvog septembra. to Harry|it was|told|that|as|and|always|catch|Hogwarts|express|from|station|Kings|Cross|first|September Harry was told to catch the Hogwarts Express from King's Cross Station on the first of September, as always. Bio je priložen i spisak novih knjiga potrebnih za sledeću godinu. it was|it was|attached|and|list|new|books|needed|for|next|year A list of new books needed for the next year was also attached. Ðacima drugog razreda potrebne su: * Standardna knjiga čini za drugi razred od Mirande Sovuljage; * Odmor s vilom zloslutnicom od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Lutanje sa zlodusima od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Raspust s baba-vešticama od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Putovanja s trolovima od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Plovidba s vampirima od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Vikend s vukodlacima od Gilderoja Lokharta; * Godina s jetijem od Gilderoja Lokharta. students|second|grade|needed|are|standard|book|makes|for|second|grade|by|Miranda|Sovuljaga|vacation|with|fairy|ominous|by|Gilderoy|Lockhart|wandering|with|demons|by|Gilderoy|Lockhart|break|with|||by|Gilderoy|Lockhart|travels|with|trolls|by|Gilderoy|Lockhart|sailing|with|vampires|by|Gilderoy|Lockhart|weekend|with|werewolves|by|Gilderoy|Lockhart|year|with|yeti|by|Gilderoy|Lockhart Zweitklässler brauchen: * Ein Standardbuch für die zweite Klasse von Miranda Sovuljaga; * Urlaub in der ominösen Villa von Gilderoy Lockhart; * Wandern mit Dämonen von Gilderoy Lockhart; * Urlaub bei den Hexen-Großmüttern von Gilderoy Lockhart; * Reisen mit Trollen von Gilderoy Lockhart; * Vampire Sailing von Gilderoy Lockhart; * Werwolf-Wochenende von Gilderoy Lockhart; * Ein Jahr mit einem Yeti von Gilderoy Lockhart. Students in the second grade need: * Standard Book of Spells for Second Grade by Miranda Goshawk; * A Holiday with a Horrible Witch by Gilderoy Lockhart; * Wandering with Ghosts by Gilderoy Lockhart; * Vacation with Grandma-Witches by Gilderoy Lockhart; * Traveling with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart; * Sailing with Vampires by Gilderoy Lockhart; * Weekend with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart; * A Year with a Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart. Fred, koji je završio svoju listu, zaviri u Harijevu. Fred|who|he|finished|his|list|peeks|into|Harry's Fred, who finished his list, peeked at Harry's. – I vama su rekli da nabavite sve Lokhartove knjige! and|you|they|told|that|you obtain|all|Lockhart's|books – They told you to get all of Lockhart's books too! – reče. he said – he said. – Novi nastavnik Odbrane od Mračnih veština mora da je njegov obožavatelj... kladim se da je neka veštica. new|teacher|Defense|from|Dark|arts|must|to|is|his|fan|I bet|myself|that|is|some|witch - Die neue Lehrerin für Dark Skills Defense muss sein Fan sein ... Ich wette, sie ist eine Hexe. – The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher must be his fan... I bet it's some witch. U tom trenutku Fred uhvati majčin pogled i brzo se vrati svom džemu. in|that|moment|Fred|he caught|mother's|glance|and|quickly|himself|he returned|his|jam At that moment, Fred caught his mother's gaze and quickly returned to his jam. – Ta gomila neće biti jeftina – reče Džordž, brzo pogledavši roditelje. that|pile|will not|be|cheap|he said|George|quickly|glancing|parents – That pile won't be cheap – said George, quickly glancing at his parents. – Lokhartove knjige su stvarno skupe... – Pa, snaći ćemo se – uzvrati gospođa Vizli, brižnog izraza. Lockhart's|books|are|really|expensive|well|to manage|we will|ourselves|she replied|Mrs|Weasley|worried|expression „Lockharts Bücher sind wirklich teuer …“ „Nun, wir werden schon zurechtkommen“, sagte Mrs. Weasley mit fürsorglichem Gesichtsausdruck. – Lockhart's books are really expensive... – Well, we'll manage – replied Mrs. Weasley, with a concerned expression. – Nadam se da ćemo makar za Džini uspeti da nabavimo što više polovnih stvari. I hope|reflexive pronoun|that|we will|at least|for|Ginny|to manage|to|we buy|as much|more|used|things – I hope we can at least get as many used things as possible for Ginny. – A ti polaziš u Hogvorts ove godine? and|you|you are leaving|to|Hogwarts|this|year – Are you starting at Hogwarts this year? – Hari upita Džini. Harry|he asked|Ginny – Harry asked Ginny. Ona klimnu glavom, porumenevši do korena svoje plamene kose i nasloni lakat u dozu za puter. she|she nodded|with her head|blushing|to|roots|her|fiery|hair|and|she leaned|elbow|into|container|for|butter Sie nickte, errötete bis zu den Wurzeln ihres flammenden Haares und stützte ihren Ellbogen auf die Butterdose. She nodded, blushing to the roots of her fiery hair and leaned her elbow on the butter dish. Na sreću, to niko osim Harija nije video jer je u kuhinju upravo ušao Ronov stariji brat Persi. on|luck|that|no one|except|Harry|not|seen|because|he|in|kitchen|just|entered|Ron's|older|brother|Percy Fortunately, no one except Harry saw that because Ron's older brother Percy had just entered the kitchen. Već je bio obučen, a hogvortska asistentska značka bila mu je zakačena za pleteni prsluk. already|he|been|dressed|and|Hogwarts|assistant|badge|was|to him|it|pinned|to|knitted|vest Er war bereits angezogen und sein Hogwarts-Assistentenabzeichen war an seiner gestrickten Weste befestigt. He was already dressed, and the Hogwarts assistant badge was pinned to his knitted vest. – Dobro jutro svima – reče Persi živahno. good|morning|to everyone|he said|Percy|lively "Good morning everyone," Percy said cheerfully. – Divan dan. wonderful|day "What a lovely day." Seo je na jedinu slobodnu stolicu, ali je odmah poskočio, izvukavši ispod sebe očerupanu sivu perjanu pajalicu – ili se bar tako Hariju činilo, sve dok je nije video kako diše. he sat|is|on|the only|free|chair|but|is|immediately|he jumped|pulling out|under|himself|plucked|gray|feathered|owl|or|himself|at least|so|to Harry|it seemed|all|while|he|not|he saw|how|she breathes Er setzte sich auf den einzigen freien Stuhl, sprang aber sofort auf und zog einen zerfledderten, grauen, gefiederten Lötkolben heraus – so kam es Harry zumindest vor, bis er sie atmen sah. Seo sat on the only free chair, but immediately jumped up, pulling out from under him a plucked gray feathered owl – or at least that's what Harry thought, until he saw it breathing. – Erol! Erol – Erol! – reče Ron, uzimajući mlitavu sovu od Persija i izvlačeći pismo ispod njegovog krila. he said|Ron|taking|limp|owl|from|Percy|and|pulling out|letter|from under|his|wing – said Ron, taking the limp owl from Percy and pulling a letter from under its wing. – Konačno... doneo je Hermionin odgovor. finally|he brought|is|Hermione's|answer - Endlich ... brachte er Hermines Antwort. – Finally... he brought Hermione's reply. Pisao sam joj da ćemo pokušati da te spasimo od Darslijevih. I wrote|I|to her|that|we will|try|to|you|we save|from|Darsleys I wrote to her that we would try to save you from the Darsleys. Odneo je Erola do stalka za ptice kod izlaza za baštu i pokušao da ga nasadi na nju, ali se Erol ponovo skljokao, pa ga Ron umesto toga položi na rešetku za sušenje, promrmljavši: – Jadno. he took|he|Erol|to|stand|for|birds|by|exit|to|garden|and|he tried|to|him|he plants|on|her|but|himself|Erol|again|he collapsed|so|him|Ron|instead|of that|he laid|on|rack|for|drying|mumbling|Poor Er brachte Erol zum Vogelständer am Gartenausgang und versuchte ihn darauf zu pflanzen, aber Erol brach wieder zusammen, also legte Ron ihn stattdessen auf den Wäscheständer und murmelte: „Armes Ding.“ He carried Erol to the bird stand by the garden exit and tried to plant him on it, but Erol slumped again, so Ron instead laid him on the drying rack, mumbling: – Poor thing. – Zatim otvori Hermionino pismo i pročita ga naglas: Dragi Rone i Hari, ako si tu, Nadam se da je kod vas sve u redu, i da je Hari okej a da ti, Rone, nisi učinio ništa nedozvoljeno da ga izvučeš, jer bi to dovelo i Harija u nevolju. then|he opened|Hermione's|letter|and|he read|it|aloud|dear|Ron|and|Harry|if|you are|there|I hope|myself|that|it is|at|you|all|in|order|and|that|he is|Harry|okay|and|that|you|Ron|you did not|you did|anything|illegal|to|him|you pull out|because|would|that|it would lead|and|Harry|in|trouble – Then he opened Hermione's letter and read it aloud: Dear Ron and Harry, if you are there, I hope everything is fine with you, and that Harry is okay and that you, Ron, haven't done anything illegal to get him out, because that would get Harry in trouble too. Stvarno sam se brinula pa, ako je Hari dobro, molim te javi mi odmah, mada bi možda bilo bolje da koristiš neku drugu sovu. really|I|myself|I worried|so|if|he is|Harry|fine|I ask|you|let me know|to me|immediately|although|would|maybe|it would be|better|to|you use|some|other|owl I was really worried so, if Harry is okay, please let me know right away, although it might be better to use another owl. Mislim da bi još jedna pošiljka ovoj došla glave. I think|that|would|another|one|shipment|this|would come|head Ich denke, eine weitere Lieferung würde zu diesem Höhepunkt kommen. I think another shipment would be the end of this. Ja sam, naravno, vrlo zauzeta zadacima za školu... (– Kako može da bude zauzeta? I|am|of course|very|busy|with tasks|for|school||||| I am, of course, very busy with school assignments... (– How can she be busy? – upita Ron, užasnut. he asked|Ron|horrified – asked Ron, horrified. – Na raspustu smo!)... on|break|we are - Wir sind im Urlaub!) ... – We're on break!)... ali sledeće srede idemo u London da kupimo nove knjige. but|next|Wednesday|we are going|to|London|to|we buy|new|books but next Wednesday we are going to London to buy new books. Možda bismo mogli da se sretnemo u Dijagonaleji? maybe|we would|we could|to|ourselves|we meet|in|Diagon Alley Maybe we could meet at Diagon Alley? Javi mi šta se dešava čim stigneš, voli te Hermiona. let me know|me|what|it|is happening|as soon as|you arrive|loves|you|Hermione Lass mich wissen, was passiert, sobald du ankommst, Hermine liebt dich. Let me know what’s happening as soon as you arrive, love Hermione. – Pa, to nam se uklapa, mogli bismo tada da uzmemo i stvari za vas – reče gospođa Vizli, počevši da raščišćava sto. well|that|to us|it|fits|we could|we would|then|to|we take|and|things|for|you|she said|Mrs|Weasley|starting|to|she clears|table „Nun, das passt zu uns, dann könnten wir die Sachen für dich übernehmen“, sagte Mrs. Weasley und begann, den Tisch abzuräumen. – Well, that works for us, we could also get things for you then – said Mrs. Weasley, starting to clear the table. – Šta ste naumili danas? what|you have|intended|today - What do you have planned for today? Hari, Ron, Fred i Džordž nameravali su da idu na brdo gde su Vizlijevi imali malu ograđenu livadu. Harry|Ron|Fred|and|George|they intended|they have|to|go|to|hill|where|they have|Weasleys|they had|small|fenced|meadow Harry, Ron, Fred und George wollten zu dem Hügel gehen, wo die Weasleys eine kleine eingezäunte Wiese hatten. Harry, Ron, Fred, and George intended to go to the hill where the Weasleys had a small enclosed meadow. Bila je okružena drvećem, koje je skrivalo od pogleda iz sela podno brda. it was|she has|surrounded|by trees|which|it has|hid|from|sight|from|village|at the foot of|hill Es war von Bäumen umgeben, die sich vor dem Dorf am Fuße des Hügels versteckten. It was surrounded by trees, which hid it from view from the village at the foot of the hill. To je značilo da bi mogli da vežbaju kvidič, ukoliko ne lete previsoko. that|it is|meant|that|would|they could|to|practice|Quidditch|if|not|they fly|too high This meant they could practice Quidditch, as long as they didn't fly too high. Nisu mogli da koriste prave lopte za kvidič, za koje teško da bi imali objašnjenje ako bi pobegle i odletele u selo. they not|could|to|use|real|balls|for|Quidditch|for|which|hard|to|would|have|explanation|if|would|they escaped|and|they flew away|to|village Sie konnten keine echten Quidditchbälle gebrauchen, wofür sie kaum eine Erklärung hätten, wenn sie entkommen und ins Dorf fliehen würden. They couldn't use real quaffle balls, for which they would hardly have an explanation if they escaped and flew off to the village. Umesto njih su jedan drugome dobacivali jabuke i na smenu se vozili na Harijevoj metli Nimbus 2000, koja je bila ubedljivo najbolja metla od svih. instead of|them|they|one|to another|they tossed|apples|and|on|turn|themselves|they rode|on|Harry's|broom|Nimbus|which|was|she was|by far|best|broom|of|all Stattdessen bewarfen sie sich gegenseitig mit Äpfeln und ritten abwechselnd auf Harrys Besen Nimbus 2000, der mit Abstand der beste Besen von allen war. Instead, they tossed apples to each other and took turns riding Harry's Nimbus 2000 broom, which was by far the best broom of all. Ronovu staru Zvezdu padalicu često su prestizali prolazeći leptiri. Ron's|old|Star|shooting star|often|they|they overtook|passing|butterflies Rons alte Sternschnuppe wurde oft von vorbeifliegenden Schmetterlingen überholt. Ron’s old Shooting Star was often overtaken by passing butterflies. Pet minuta kasnije marširali su uz brdo s metlama na ramenima. five|minutes|later|they marched|they|up|hill|with|brooms|on|shoulders Five minutes later, they marched up the hill with brooms on their shoulders. Pitali su Persija hoće li da im se pridruži, ali on je rekao da je zauzet. they asked|they|Persija|he wants|if|to|them|himself|he joins|but|he|he is|he said|that|he is|busy They asked Persija if he would join them, but he said he was busy. Hari je, za sada, Persija viđao samo za vreme jela; ostatak vremena provodio je zatvoren u svojoj sobi. Harry|he is|for|now|Persija|he has seen|only|during|time|meals|the rest|time|he spent|he is|locked|in|his|room For now, Hari had only seen Persija during meals; the rest of the time he spent locked in his room. – Voleo bih da znam šta smera – reče Fred mršteći se. I would like|I|to|I know|what|he intends|he said|Fred|frowning|himself "I wish I knew what he is up to," Fred said, frowning. – Ne liči na sebe. not|he resembles|on|himself "He doesn't seem like himself." Rezultati njegovih ispita stigli su dan pre tebe, dvanaest O.Č.N.-a, a on gotovo da nije likovao. results|his|exams|arrived|they|day|before|you|twelve||||but||he|almost|that|he did not|rejoice Die Ergebnisse seiner Prüfungen kamen einen Tag vor Ihnen, zwölf O.C.N., und er freute sich fast nicht. The results of his exams arrived the day before you, twelve O.W.L.s, and he hardly celebrated. – Obični čarobnjački nivoi – objasni Džordž, primetivši Harijev zbunjen pogled. ordinary|magical|levels|explain|George|noticing|Harry's|confused|look „Gewöhnliche Zaubererlevel“, erklärte George, als er Harrys verwirrten Blick bemerkte. – Ordinary wizarding levels – explained George, noticing Harry's confused look. – I Bil je imao dvanaest. and|Bill|he|had|twelve - Und Bill war zwölf. – And Bill had twelve too. Ako ne budemo oprezni, imaćemo još jednog glavešinu dečaka u porodici. if|not|we will be|careful|we will have|another|one|leader|boy|in|family Wenn wir nicht aufpassen, bekommen wir noch einen Jungen in der Familie. If we're not careful, we'll have another head boy in the family. Mislim da bih umro od sramote. I think|that|I would|die|from|shame Ich glaube, ich würde vor Scham sterben. I think I would die of embarrassment. Bil je bio njihov najstariji brat. Bill|he is|he was|their|oldest|brother Bill was their oldest brother. On i sledeći brat, Čarli, već su završili Hogvorts. he|and|next|brother|Charlie|already|they are|finished|Hogwarts He and the next brother, Charlie, had already finished Hogwarts. Hari nije upoznao nijednog od njih, ali je znao da je Čarli u Rumuniji, gde proučava zmajeve, a Bil u Egiptu, gde radi u čarobnjačkoj banci Gringots. Harry|he did not|meet|any|of|them|but|he is|knew|that|he is|Charlie|in|Romania|where|he studies|dragons|and|Bill|in|Egypt|where|he works|in|wizarding|bank|Gringotts Harry had not met any of them, but he knew that Charlie was in Romania, studying dragons, and Bill was in Egypt, working at the wizarding bank Gringotts. – Ne znam kako će mama i tata izaći na kraj s kupovinom svih školskih stvari – reče Džordž posle nekog vremena. not|I know|how|will|mom|and|dad|to get out|on|end|with|shopping|all|school|things|he said|George|after|some|time – I don't know how mom and dad will manage to buy all the school supplies – said George after a while. – Pet kompleta Lokhartovih knjiga! five|sets|Lockhart's|books – Five sets of Lockhart's books! A Džini je potrebna odora, i čarobni štapić, i sve... Hari je ćutao. and|Ginny|she is|needed|uniform|and|magic|wand|and|everything|Harry|he is|silent And Ginny needs a uniform, and a wand, and everything... Harry was silent. Bilo mu je malčice neprijatno. it was|to him|it is|a little|uncomfortable He felt a little uncomfortable. U podzemnoj odaji banke Gringots u Londonu imao je čitavo malo bogatstvo koje su mu roditelji ostavili. in|underground|vault|bank|Gringotts|in|London|he had|auxiliary verb|whole|small|fortune|that|auxiliary verb|to him|parents|they left In the underground vault of Gringotts bank in London, he had a whole little fortune that his parents left him. Naravno, taj novac je važio samo u čarobnjačkom svetu; nije mogao da koristi galeone, sikle i knute u normalskim radnjama. of course|that|money|auxiliary verb|it was worth|only|in|wizarding|world|not|he could|to|use|galleons|sickles|and|knuts|in|Muggle|shops Of course, that money was only valid in the wizarding world; he couldn't use galleons, sickles, and knuts in Muggle shops. Nikada nije spomenuo Darslijevima svoj račun u banci Gringots; nije verovao da bi njihovo užasavanje od svega što ima veze s magijom obuhvatilo i veliku gomilu zlata. never|not|he mentioned|to the Dursleys|his|account|in|bank|Gringotts|not|he believed|that|auxiliary verb|their|horror|from|everything|that|he has|connection|with|magic|it would encompass|and|large|pile|gold He never mentioned his account at Gringotts to the Dursleys; he didn't believe their horror of anything related to magic would extend to a large pile of gold. * * * Sledeće srede, gospođa Vizli ih je sve probudila ranije. next|Wednesday|Mrs|Weasley|them|auxiliary verb|all|she woke up|earlier * * * The following Wednesday, Mrs. Weasley woke them all up earlier. Pošto je brzo napravila za svakog po pola tuceta sendviča sa slaninom, obukli su kapute, a gospođa Vizli je uzela saksiju s kamina i zavirila unutra. since|she|quickly|made|for|each|per|half|dozen|sandwiches|with|bacon|they put on|they|coats|and|Mrs|Vizli|she|took|pot|from|fireplace|and|peeked|inside Während sie schnell ein halbes Dutzend Specksandwiches für jeden zubereitete, zogen sie ihre Mäntel an und Mrs. Weasley nahm einen Topf vom Kamin und spähte hinein. After she quickly made half a dozen bacon sandwiches for everyone, they put on their coats, and Mrs. Wisley took a pot from the fireplace and peered inside. – Ponestaje nam, Arture – uzdahnu ona. we are running out|to us|Arthur|she sighed|she "We're running out, Arthur," she sighed. – Moraćemo danas da dokupimo još... pa dobro, gosti imaju prednost! we will have to|today|to|buy more|more|well|okay|guests|they have|priority - Wir müssen heute mehr kaufen ... na ja, die Gäste haben den Vorteil! "We'll have to buy more today... well, the guests have priority!" Posle tebe, Hari dušo! after|you|Harry|darling "After you, dear Harry!" I s tim rečima, ona ga ponudi saksijom. and|with|those|words|she|him|offered|pot And with those words, she offered him the pot. Hari je zurio u sve njih, a oni su ga zauzvrat pomno posmatrali. Harry|he|stared|at|all|them|and|they|they|him|in return|closely|observed Harry starrte sie alle an und sie wiederum beobachteten ihn genau. Harry stared at all of them, and they, in turn, observed him closely. – Š-šta treba da radim? ||should|to|I do - W-what should I do? – promuca on – Nikada nije putovao pomoću flu-praška – iznenada reče Ron. he mumbled|he|never|he not|traveled|by means of|||suddenly|he said|Ron „Er stammelte.“ „Er ist nie mit Grippepulver gereist“, sagte Ron plötzlich. - he mumbled - He has never traveled using flu powder - Ron suddenly said. – Izvini, Hari, zaboravio sam. sorry|Harry|I forgot|I am – Sorry, Harry, I forgot. – Nikada? never – Never? – upita gospodin Vizli. he asked|Mr|Wizzley – Mr. Weasley asked. – Ali kako si prošle godine stigao u Dijagonaleju da kupiš stvari za školu? but|how|you|last|year|you arrived|in|Diagon Alley|to|you buy|things|for|school – But how did you get to Diagon Alley last year to buy school supplies? – Išao sam metroom... – Stvarno? I went|I have|by subway|Really - Ich bin mit der U-Bahn gefahren ... - Wirklich? – I took the subway... – Really? – upita gospodin Vizli radoznalo. he asked|Mr|Vizli|curiously – asked Mr. Wisley curiously. – Ima li tamo okretnih stepenica? there is|question particle|there|escalators|stairs – Are there escalators there? Kako, zapravo... – Ne sada, Arture – reče gospođa Vizli. how|actually|not|now|Arthur|she said|Mrs|Vizli Wie eigentlich … „Nicht jetzt, Arthur“, sagte Mrs. Weasley. How, actually... – Not now, Arthur – said Mrs. Wisley. – Flu-prašak je mnogo brži, dušo, ali zaboga, ako ga nikada nisi koristio... – Biće on dobro, mama – reče Fred. ||is|much|faster|darling|but|for heaven's sake|if|it|never|you haven't|used|it will be|he|fine|mom|he said|Fred – Flu powder is much faster, dear, but for heaven's sake, if you've never used it... – He'll be fine, mom – said Fred. – Hari, gledaj prvo nas. Harry|look|first|at us – Harry, look at us first. On uze prstohvat svetlucave prašine iz saksije, priđe vatri i baci prašak u plamen. he|he took|a pinch|sparkling|dust|from|pot|he approached|the fire|and|he threw|powder|into|the flame He took a pinch of shimmering powder from the pot, approached the fire, and threw the powder into the flames. Uz tutanj, vatra postade smaragdnozelena i podiže se iznad Freda, koji uđe u nju, povika: – Dijagon-aleja! with|a roar|the fire|it became|emerald green|and|it rose|itself|above|Fred|who|he entered|into|it|he shouted|| Mit einem Gebrüll wurde das Feuer smaragdgrün und erhob sich über Fred, der es betrat und rief: - Winkelgasse! With a roar, the fire turned emerald green and rose above Fred, who stepped into it and shouted: – Diagon Alley! – i nestade. and|he/she/it disappeared – and he disappeared. – Moraš da govoriš razgovetno, dušo – reče gospođa Vizli Hariju, dok je Džordž uvlačio ruku u saksiju. you must|to|you speak|clearly|darling|she said|Mrs|Vizli|to Harry|while|he was|George|he was pulling|hand|into|pot – You have to speak clearly, darling – Mrs. Wisley told Harry, while George was reaching his hand into the pot. – I pazi da izađeš kroz pravu rešetku... – Pravu... šta? and|watch out|to|you exit|through|right|grate|right|what - Und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie durch das richtige Gitter kommen ... - Das richtige ... was? – And make sure you go out through the right grate... – The right... what? – upita Hari nervozno, dok je vatra tutnjala i odnosila Džordža s vidika. he asked|Harry|nervously|while|it was|fire|it was rumbling|and|it was carrying|George|from|sight – Harry asked nervously, as the fire roared and took George out of sight. – Pa, imaš da biraš između mnogih čarobnjačkih ognjišta, znaš, ali sve dok budeš razgovetno govorio... – Biće sve u redu s njim, Moli, ne paniči – reče gospodin Vizli, te se i sâm posluži flu-praškom. well|you have|to|you choose|between|many|magical|hearths|you know|but|all|while|you will be|clearly|you spoke|it will be|all|in|order|with|him|Moli|not|panic|he said|Mr|Weasley|and|himself|also|alone|help yourself|| „Nun, du musst aus vielen Zaubererherden wählen, weißt du, aber solange du deutlich sprichst …“ „Er wird es schaffen, Molly, keine Panik“, sagte Mr. Weasley und benutzte Grippe -Pulver selbst. – Well, you have to choose from many magical hearths, you know, but as long as you speak clearly... – Everything will be fine with him, Molly, don't panic – Mr. Weasley said, and he himself took some flu powder. – Ali, dragi, ako se izgubi, kako ćemo to objasniti njegovim tetki i teči? but|dear|if|it|he gets lost|how|we will|that|explain|his|aunt|and|uncle – But, dear, if he gets lost, how will we explain that to his aunt and uncle? – Neće im smetati – uveravao ju je Hari. they will not|to them|bother|he assured|her|he| „Sie werden nichts dagegen haben“, versicherte Harry ihr. "Ze zullen het niet erg vinden," verzekerde Harry haar. – They won't mind – Harry assured her. – Dadli će misliti da je to sjajan štos, to što sam nestao u dimnjaku, ne brinite zbog toga. they will|will|think|that|it is|that|great|trick|that|that|I|I disappeared|in|chimney|not|worry|about|that - Dudley wird denken, dass es ein toller Stunt ist, dass ich im Schornstein verschwunden bin, keine Sorge. – Dudley zal het een geweldige stunt vinden, dat ik door de schoorsteen ben verdwenen, maak je daar maar geen zorgen over. – They will think it's a great trick that I disappeared in the chimney, don't worry about that. – Pa... dobro... ti ćeš posle Artura – reče gospođa Vizli. well|good|you|will|after|Arthur|she said|Mrs|Weasley 'Nou... nou... jij gaat achter Arthur aan,' zei mevrouw Wemel. – Well... okay... you will go after Arthur – said Mrs. Weasley. – E sad, kad uđeš u vatru, reci kuda hoćeš da ideš... – I privij laktove uz telo – posavetova ga Ron. well|now|when|you enter|into|fire|say|where|you want|to|you go|and|press|elbows|against|body|he advised|him|Ron „Nun, wenn du ins Feuer gehst, sag mir, wohin du gehen willst …“ „Und leg deine Ellbogen eng an deinen Körper“, riet Ron. - Als je nu het vuur ingaat, zeg dan waar je heen wilt... - En houd je ellebogen dicht bij je lichaam - adviseerde Ron hem. – And now, when you enter the fire, say where you want to go... – And tuck your elbows to your body – advised Ron. – I drži oči zatvorene – dodade gospođa Vizli. and|keep|eyes|closed|she added|Mrs|Weasley – And keep your eyes closed – added Mrs. Weasley. – Čađ... – Ne vrpolji se – reče Ron – inače lako možeš da ispadneš kroz pogrešan kamin... – Ali nemoj da se uspaničiš i prerano izađeš, čekaj dok ne vidiš Freda i Džordža. soot|not|fidget|yourself|he said|Ron|otherwise|easily|you can|to|you fall out|through|wrong|chimney|but|don't|to|yourself|you panic|and|too early|you exit|wait|until|not|you see|Fred|and|George „Rauch …“ „Zappel nicht“, sagte Ron, „sonst könntest du leicht aus dem falschen Kamin fallen …“ „Aber keine Panik und verschwinde zu früh, warte, bis du Fred und George siehst ." - Roet... - Niet friemelen - zei Ron - anders val je gemakkelijk door de verkeerde haard... - Maar raak niet in paniek en vertrek te vroeg, wacht tot je Fred en George ziet. – Soot... – Don't fidget – said Ron – otherwise you might easily fall out through the wrong chimney... – But don't panic and leave too early, wait until you see Fred and George. Trudeći se da zapamti sve ovo, Hari uze flu-praška među prste i priđe ivici kamina. trying|himself|to|remember|all|this|Harry|he took|||among|fingers|and|he approached|edge|fireplace Harry versuchte sich an all das zu erinnern, nahm das Grippepulver zwischen seine Finger und näherte sich dem Rand des Kamins. Harry probeerde zich dit allemaal te herinneren, nam het grieppoeder tussen zijn vingers en liep naar de rand van de open haard. Trying to remember all this, Harry took the flu powder between his fingers and approached the edge of the fireplace. Duboko udahnu, rasu prašak po vatri i zakorači napred; vatra mu se činila kao topli povetarac; otvorio je usta i odmah progutao oblak vrelog pepela. deeply|he inhaled|he scattered|powder|on|fire|and|he stepped|forward|fire|to him|it|it seemed|like|warm|breeze|he opened|he|mouth|and|immediately|he swallowed|cloud|hot|ash Er holte tief Luft, streute das Pulver auf das Feuer und trat vor; das Feuer erschien ihm wie eine warme Brise; Er öffnete seinen Mund und schluckte sofort eine Wolke heißer Asche. Ze haalden diep adem, sprenkelden het poeder op het vuur en stapten naar voren; het vuur leek hem een warme bries; hij deed zijn mond open en slikte onmiddellijk een wolk hete as in. He took a deep breath, sprinkled the powder on the fire, and stepped forward; the fire felt like a warm breeze to him; he opened his mouth and immediately swallowed a cloud of hot ash. – D-Dijagon-aleja – zakašlja se. |||he coughed|himself – D-Diagon Alley – hij hoestte. – D-Diagon-Alley – he coughed. Osećao se kao da je usisan u nekakav veliki odvod. he felt|himself|like|that|he|sucked|into|some|big|drain Es fühlte sich an, als wäre es in einen großen Abfluss gesaugt worden. Hij had het gevoel alsof hij in een soort grote afvoer was gezogen. He felt as if he was being sucked into some large drain. Činilo mu se da se kovitla vrlo brzo... tutnjanje u njegovim ušima bilo je zaglušujuće... pokušao je da drži oči otvorene, ali mu je bilo muka od vrtloga zelenih plamenova... nešto tvrdo ga udari u lakat i on privuče ruku čvrsto uza se, još uvek se kovitlajući i kovitlajući... a sada se osećao kao da ga hladne ruke šamaraju po licu...žmirkajući kroz svoje naočare, video je zamagljenu reku kamina, kroz koje bi tek letimično uspeo da ugleda sobe iza njih... sendviči sa slaninom su mu se komešali u stomaku... ponovo je zatvorio oči, poželevši da stane, a onda je pao, licem napred, na hladan kamen i osetio kako mu se naočare lome. it seemed|to him|reflexive pronoun|that|reflexive pronoun|he was swirling|very|fast|rumbling|in|his|ears|it was|auxiliary verb|deafening|he tried|auxiliary verb|to|he holds|eyes|open|but|to him|auxiliary verb|it was|nausea|from|whirl|green|flames|something|hard|it|it hit|in|elbow|and|he|he pulled|arm|tightly|to|reflexive pronoun|still|yet|reflexive pronoun|swirling|and|swirling|but|now|reflexive pronoun|he felt|like|that|him|cold|hands|they slap|on|face|squinting|through|his|glasses|he saw|auxiliary verb|foggy|river|fireplace|through|which|he would|just|fleetingly|he managed|to|he glimpsed|rooms|behind|them|sandwiches|with|bacon|they were|to him|reflexive pronoun|they were churning|in|stomach|again|auxiliary verb|he closed|eyes|wishing|to|he stops|and|then|auxiliary verb|he fell|face|forward|on|cold|stone|and|he felt|how|to him|reflexive pronoun|glasses|they break Es schien sehr schnell zu wirbeln ... das Grollen in seinen Ohren war ohrenbetäubend ... er versuchte, die Augen offen zu halten, aber er hatte den Wirbelwind grüner Flammen satt ... etwas Hartes traf ihn am Ellbogen und er zog seine Hand klammerte sich an ihn, immer noch wirbelnd und wirbelnd ... und jetzt fühlte er sich, als würden ihm kalte Hände ins Gesicht schlagen ... er blinzelte durch seine Brille und sah einen nebligen Strom von Kaminen, durch die er nur spähen konnte die Zimmer hinter ihnen … Specksandwiches regten sich in seinem Magen … er schloss wieder die Augen, wollte aufhören, und dann fiel er mit dem Gesicht nach vorn auf einen kalten Stein und spürte, wie seine Brille zerbrach. Het leek heel snel te wervelen... het gebrul in zijn oren was oorverdovend... hij probeerde zijn ogen open te houden, maar werd misselijk van de werveling van groene vlammen... iets hards raakte zijn elleboog en hij trok zijn hand terug hij klampte zich stevig vast, nog steeds kolkend en kolkend... en nu had hij het gevoel alsof koude handen hem in het gezicht sloegen... door zijn bril dichtgeknepen, zag hij een wazige rivier van open haarden, waardoor hij slechts een glimp kon opvangen van de kamers erachter ... de boterhammen met spek kolkten in zijn maag ... hij sloot zijn ogen weer en dwong zichzelf te stoppen, en toen viel hij met zijn gezicht voorover op de koude steen en voelde zijn bril verbrijzelen. It seemed to him that it was swirling very fast... the rumbling in his ears was deafening... he tried to keep his eyes open, but he felt nauseous from the whirl of green flames... something hard hit him in the elbow and he pulled his arm tightly to himself, still swirling and swirling... and now he felt as if cold hands were slapping him in the face... squinting through his glasses, he saw the foggy river of the fireplace, through which he could barely glimpse the rooms behind them... bacon sandwiches were churning in his stomach... he closed his eyes again, wishing to stop, and then he fell, face forward, onto the cold stone and felt his glasses break. Ošamućen, izubijan i čađav, oprezno se pridiže na noge, pridržavajući polomljene naočare pred očima. dazed|beaten|and|covered in soot|cautiously|reflexive pronoun|he rises|on|feet|holding|broken|glasses|in front of|eyes Verdoofd, gehavend en roetachtig staat hij behoedzaam op, zijn gebroken bril voor zijn ogen houdend. Dazed, bruised, and sooty, he cautiously got to his feet, holding the broken glasses in front of his eyes. Bio je sasvim sam, ali nije imao pojma gde se nalazi. he was|auxiliary verb|completely|alone|but|he did not|he had|idea|where|reflexive pronoun|he is located Hij was helemaal alleen, maar hij had geen idee waar hij was. He was completely alone, but he had no idea where he was. Jedino je uspeo da razluči da stoji u kamenom kaminu nečega što je ličilo na veliku, zadimljenu čarobnjačku radnju – ali teško da je išta unutra moglo da bude na spisku hogvortskih školskih potrepština. only|auxiliary verb|he managed|to|he discerned|that|he stands|in|stone|fireplace|something|that|auxiliary verb|it resembled|to|large|smoky|wizarding|shop|but|hardly|that|auxiliary verb|anything|inside|it could|to|be|on|list|hogwarts|school|supplies Er schaffte es nur zu erkennen, dass sich in dem steinernen Kamin etwas befand, das wie ein großer, verrauchter Zaubererladen aussah – aber kaum etwas darin konnte auf Hogwarts' Schulbedarfsliste stehen. Hij kon alleen maar zien dat hij in de stenen open haard stond van wat leek op een grote, rokerige tovenaarswinkel, maar er stond nauwelijks iets op de lijst met voorraden van Zweinstein. He could only make out that he was standing in the stone fireplace of something that resembled a large, smoky wizarding shop – but it was hard to believe that anything inside could be on the list of Hogwarts school supplies. U staklenoj vitrini u blizini nalazili su se sasušena ruka na jastuku, krvav špil karata i zureće stakleno oko. in|glass|showcase|in|vicinity|they found|they|themselves|dried|hand|on|pillow|bloody|deck|of cards|and|staring|glass|eye In a glass display case nearby, there was a dried hand on a pillow, a bloody deck of cards, and a staring glass eye. Sa zida su se cerile zlokobne maske, na tezgi behu sortirane ljudske kosti, a s tavanice su visili zarđali šiljati instrumenti. from|wall|they|themselves|they grinned|sinister|masks|on|counter|they were|sorted|human|bones|and|from|ceiling|they|they hung|rusty|pointed|instruments Von der Wand grinsten bedrohliche Masken, auf dem Tresen lagen Menschenknochen sortiert, und von der Decke hingen rostige spitze Instrumente. Onheilspellende maskers grijnsden vanaf de muur, menselijke botten werden gesorteerd op de toonbank en roestige puntige instrumenten hingen aan het plafond. From the wall, sinister masks grinned, on the counter were sorted human bones, and rusty pointed instruments hung from the ceiling. Što je najgore, uska tamna ulica koju je Hari opazio kroz prašnjavi prozor radnje svakako nije bila Dijagon-aleja. what|is|worst|narrow|dark|street|that|is|Harry|he noticed|through|dusty|window|shop|certainly|not|it was|| Het ergste van alles was dat de smalle donkere straat die Harry door het stoffige raam van de winkel kon zien, zeker niet de Wegisweg was. What was worst, the narrow dark street that Harry noticed through the dusty shop window was certainly not Diagon Alley. Što pre ode odavde, to bolje. the|sooner|he leaves|from here|that|better Hoe sneller hij hier weg is, hoe beter. The sooner he leaves here, the better. Nos ga je još uvek boleo na mestu kojim je udario o zemlju. nose|it|he|still|yet|hurt|at|place|which|he|hit|on|ground Zijn neus deed nog pijn waar hij de grond raakte. His nose still hurt at the spot where it had hit the ground. Hari brzo i nečujno pođe ka vratima, ali nije stigao ni do pola puta kada se s druge strane izloga pojaviše dve osobe – a jedna od njih je bila osoba koju je Hari najmanje želeo da vidi sada, kada je bio izgubljen, čađav i nosio polomljene naočare – Drako Melfoj. Harry|quickly|and|silently|he went|towards|doors|but|he did not|he reached|not even|to|half|way|when|himself|from|other|side|window|they appeared|two|people|and|one|of|them|she|she was|person|that|she|Harry|least|he wanted|to|see|now|when|he|he was|lost|dirty|and|he wore|broken|glasses|Draco|Malfoy Harry liep snel en geruisloos naar de deur, maar hij was nog niet eens halverwege toen er twee mensen aan de andere kant van het raam verschenen – en een van hen was de persoon die Harry het minst wilde zien nu hij verdwaald, roetachtig en gekleed was. gebroken bril – Draco Malfidus. Harry quickly and silently headed for the door, but he hadn't even made it halfway when two people appeared on the other side of the display – and one of them was the person Harry least wanted to see right now, when he was lost, dirty, and wearing broken glasses – Draco Malfoy. Hari se brzo osvrnu i primeti veliku crnu vitrinu s leve strane; on uđe unutra i zatvori vrata za sobom, ostavivši mali otvor da bi mogao da viri kroz njega. Harry|himself|quickly|he looked around|and|he noticed|large|black|showcase|with|left|side|he|he entered|inside|and|he closed|door|behind|him|leaving|small|gap|to|in order to|he could|to|peek|through|it Harry sah sich schnell um und bemerkte eine große schwarze Vitrine zu seiner Linken; Er ging hinein und schloss die Tür hinter sich, wobei er eine kleine Öffnung ließ, durch die er hindurchsehen konnte. Harry keek snel om zich heen en zag links een grote zwarte vitrine; hij stapte naar binnen en deed de deur achter zich dicht, waardoor er een kleine opening overbleef waar hij doorheen kon kijken. Harry quickly glanced around and noticed a large black display case on the left; he stepped inside and closed the door behind him, leaving a small crack to peek through. Trenutak kasnije oglasi se zvono i Melfoj uđe u radnju. moment|later|it rang|itself|bell|and|Malfoy|he entered|into|store A moment later, the bell rang and Malfoy entered the shop. Čovek koji ga je pratio mogao je biti samo njegov otac. man|who|him|he|followed|could|he|to be|only|his|father De man die hem volgde kon alleen maar zijn vader zijn. The man who followed him could only be his father. Imao je isto bledo šiljasto lice i identične hladne sive oči. he had|he|same|pale|pointed|face|and|identical|cold|gray|eyes He had the same pale pointed face and identical cold gray eyes. Gospodin Melfoj pređe preko sobe, nezainteresovano razgledajući izloženu robu, a onda pritisnu zvonce na tezgi pre nego što se okrenu ka sinu i reče mu: – Drako, ništa ne diraj. Mr|Melfoy|he crosses|across|room|disinterestedly|looking at|displayed|goods|and|then|he presses|bell|on|counter|before|than|that|he|he turns|towards|son|and|he says|to him|Drako|nothing|not|touch Mr. Melfoy durchquerte den Raum, betrachtete desinteressiert die ausgestellten Waren, drückte dann die Klingel auf der Theke, bevor er sich zu seinem Sohn umdrehte und sagte: „Draco, fass nichts an.“ Meneer Malfidus liep door de kamer, keek ongeïnteresseerd naar de uitgestalde goederen, drukte toen op de bel op de toonbank voordat hij zich tot zijn zoon wendde en zei: “Draco, raak niets aan. Mr. Melfoy walked across the room, disinterestedly looking at the displayed goods, and then pressed the bell on the counter before turning to his son and saying: – Drako, don't touch anything.

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