بلغت سمعي ذاتَ صباح
Reached|my ears|one morning|morning
chegou|ouviu|em um determinado|
بلغت سمعي ذاتَ صباح
Ich habe es eines Morgens gehört
I heard one morning
je l'ai entendu un matin
Bir sabah duydum
خطواتٌ و كلامٌ عذبُ
Steps|and|sweet words|Sweet
Süße Schritte und Worte
the sound steps and sweet words
Des pas et des mots doux
Tatlı adımlar ve sözler
أهلاً, دمتم بالأفراح
Welcome|Stay blessed|with joy
|fiquem|nas alegrias
Hallo, du sollst immer glücklich sein.
Welcome, stay happy forever
Merhaba mutlu evlilikler
حيّاكم ربّي يا صحبُ
"Welcome"|My Lord|O|friends
Gott segne Dich, meine Freundin
God bless you, my friends
Tanrı seni kutsasın arkadaşım
ناسٌ خرجوا قبل الطير
People|went out|before|The birds
Die Leute kamen vor dem Vogel heraus
People who came out before the birds
İnsanlar kuştan önce ortaya çıktı
حيّاهم ربي بالخير
Bless them|my Lord|with goodness
Möge mein Herr sie segnen
May God bless them
فأزحتُ ستائرَ نافذتي
I moved|curtains of my window|my window
então eu afastei|as cortinas|
Ich zog meine Fenstervorhänge zurück
So, I pulled back my window curtains
و إذا بهمُ مثلُ النحلِ
and suddenly||they|like|of the bees
And there they are, like bees
جاري وأبي و أساتذتي
my neighbor|and my father||my teachers
meu vizinho|||
My neighbor, my father and my teachers
و رجالٌ تمضي للشغلِ
|men|go|to work
And men making their ways to work
ناسٌ خرجوا قبل الطير
|they left||
People who went out before the birds
حياهم ربي بالخير
may He greet them||
May God bless them
فاحفظهم دوماً يا ربّي
so keep them|||
então os preserve|sempre||
So keep them safe always, Lord
يسعون إلى خيرِ الناس
they strive||the good of|
They seek the good of people
و امنحهم ياربّي حُبّي
|give them|O my Lord|my love
|dê-lhes||meu amor
And give them, Lord, my love
منحوني أحلى إحساس
they gave me|best|feeling
me deram||sensação
They gave me the sweetest feeling
ناسٌ خرجوا قبل الطير
People who came out before the birds
حياهم ربي بالخير
may He greet them|my Lord|with goodness
May God bless them