제 16강 정치범수용소의 참상을 고발한다
the|16th|political prison camp|atrocities|exposes
I denounce the atrocities of political prison camps.
조선동포 여러분 안녕하십니까?
Korean compatriots|everyone|how are you
Hello, fellow Koreans.
I am Kim Ho-cheol
This is Kim Ho-cheol.
오늘은 ‘정치범수용소의 참상을 고발한다'라는 주제로 이야기 나누고자 합니다.
today|of the political prison camp|suffering||topic|conversation|I want to have|
Today, I would like to talk about the topic 'I denounce the atrocities of political prison camps'.
정치범 수용소, 말만 들어도 끔찍하고 몸서리 쳐지는 곳이지만 조선인민들도 정치범수용소가 어떤 곳인지 정확하게 알지 못합니다.
political prisoner|concentration camp|just by|hearing|horrific|shudder|inducing|place|Korean people|political prisoner camp|what|place|accurately|know|cannot
Political prison camps, just hearing the name is horrifying and sends shivers down the spine, yet the Korean people do not fully understand what these camps are like.
정치범 수용소는 상상을 초월하는 독재정권의 악날한 폭압기구로서 그야말로 생지옥이라고 할 수 있습니다.
political prisoner|camp|imagination|transcending|of the dictatorship|brutal|oppressive apparatus|truly|living hell|can|be|is
Political prison camps can be described as a hell on earth, being an unimaginable oppressive apparatus of a dictatorial regime.
정치범수용소가 처음 등장한 것은 김일성이 수상이 되고 나서 독재체제의 기반을 다지기 위해서 만들었습니다.
political prison camp|first|appeared|thing|Kim Il-sung||becoming|after|of the dictatorship|foundation|solidifying|in order to|was created
The first appearance of political prison camps was after Kim Il-sung became Prime Minister, created to solidify the foundation of the dictatorship.
이것이 김정일 시대에 와서는 더욱 악날하고 폭압적인 기구로 변했는데요.
this|Kim Jong Il|era|in|more|cruel|oppressive|organization|became
During the Kim Jong-il era, these camps became even more brutal and oppressive.
조선형법 제 59조에서 제72조에 따르면 반국가 및 반민족 범죄를 저지를 경우 반사회주의적 정치범으로 몰려 정치범수용소에 수감됩니다.
Korean Criminal Law|Article|Article 59|||according to|anti-state|and|anti-national|crime|committing|case|anti-socialist|as a political prisoner|being labeled|in a political prison camp|is imprisoned
According to Articles 59 to 72 of the Korean Penal Code, those who commit anti-state and anti-national crimes are labeled as anti-socialist political prisoners and are imprisoned in political prison camps.
그러나 이러한 형법위에 최고의 법이 존재하게 되는데 그것은 다름아닌 당의 유일사상 체계 확립을 위한 10대원칙이라고 할 수 있습니다.
however|this|above the criminal law|highest|law|exists|is|that|nothing other than|party's|single ideology|system|establishment|for|10 principles|can|be|is
However, above this penal code exists the highest law, which can be described as the 10 principles for establishing the party's unique ideological system.
여러분도 다 아시다시피 10대원칙은 1974년에 만들어져서 김일성을 위해 목숨을 바쳐 투쟁해야 하고, 충성으로 높이 우러러 모시고, 권위를 절대화하고 교시를 신조화해야 한다는 내용으로 작성되어 있습니다.
you all|all|as you know|10 principles|in 1974|was created|Kim Il-sung|for|life|sacrificing|must struggle|and|with loyalty|highly|respecting|serving|authority|absolutizing|teachings|must be made into a creed|that|content|written|is
As you all know, the Ten Principles were created in 1974, stating that one must dedicate their life to the struggle for Kim Il-sung, hold him in high loyalty, absolutize authority, and make the teachings a creed.
이10대원칙이 조선에서는 헌법과 법률보다 높고 조선주민들에게 있어서는 절대적인 법으로 작용하고 있습니다.
||in Joseon|constitution|than laws|is higher|to the Joseon people|in terms of|absolute|as a law|functioning|is
These Ten Principles operate as a law that is higher than the constitution and laws in North Korea, and for the North Korean people, it is an absolute law.
여기서 문제가 되는 것은 10대원칙이 제멋대로 해석할 수 있어서 정치적으로 불만을 가진사람이라면 여지없이 걸려들 수 밖에 없는 특징이 있습니다.
here|problem|is|thing|10 principles|arbitrarily|interpreted|possibility|being|politically|dissatisfaction|person who has|inevitably|caught|possibility|outside|not|characteristic|exists
The problem here is that the Ten Principles can be interpreted arbitrarily, which means that anyone with political dissatisfaction can easily fall into trouble.
김일성 김정일 사진이 있는 노동신문을 도배지로 사용해서 가족전원이 행방불명된 것도 바로 10대원칙 때문입니다.
Kim Il-sung|Kim Jong-il|photo|that is|of the Rodong Sinmun|as wallpaper|using|entire family|went missing|also|precisely|10 Principles|is due to
The fact that the entire family went missing is directly due to the Ten Principles, as they used newspapers featuring the portraits of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il as wallpaper.
독재정권은 10대원칙에 따라 김일성, 김정일의 초상화를 구하기위해서는 목숨도 바치도록 강요하고 있습니다.
the dictatorship|10 principles|according to|Kim Il-sung|Kim Jong-il's|portrait|in order to obtain|even one's life|to sacrifice|is being forced|is
The dictatorship forces people to dedicate their lives to obtaining the portraits of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il according to the Ten Principles.
원래 조선형법과 조선의 형사소송법에 따르면 정치범죄는 수사와 예심, 기소, 재판절차를 거치도록 규정하고 있습니다.
originally|Joseon criminal law|of Joseon|criminal procedure law|according to|political crimes|investigation|preliminary examination|prosecution|trial procedure|to go through|is regulated|is
According to the original Joseon Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure Law of Joseon, political crimes are supposed to go through investigation, preliminary examination, prosecution, and trial procedures.
그러나 이러한 법률은 전혀 지켜지지 않고 정치사상범에 대해서는 사법기관인 검찰소나 재판소의 재판과정 없이 보위부가 비공개, 단심제로 형벌을 결정할 수 있습니다.
however|these|laws|at all|being observed|not|political thought criminals|regarding|judicial institution|prosecutor's office|court|trial process|without|security agency|non-public|single-instance|punishment|deciding|possibility|exists
However, these laws are not followed at all, and for political thought crimes, the Ministry of State Security can determine punishment in a non-public, single-instance manner without the judicial process of the prosecution or court.
또한 정치범 수용소의 수용과정도 주민들이 알 수 없게 비공개로 진행되고 있구요.
also|political prisoner|of the concentration camp|process of detention|residents|know|can|without|in secret|is being conducted|is
Additionally, the process of detaining political prisoners is conducted in a non-public manner so that residents cannot know about it.
정치범수용소에는 최소 15만명 이상이 수감되어 있습니다.
in the political prison camp|at least|150000 people||are imprisoned|exist
There are at least over 150,000 people detained in political prisoner camps.
정치범수용소는 개천에 있는 14호, 북창에 있는18호, 요덕에 있는 15호, 화성에 있는 16호, 청진에 있는 25호, 회령에 있는 22호 등이 존재합니다.
political prison camps|in Kaechon|located|No 14|in Bukchang|located|No 15||located|No 16||located|No 25||located|No 22||||etc|exist
Political prisoner camps exist in locations such as Camp 14 in Kaechon, Camp 18 in Bukchang, Camp 15 in Yodok, Camp 16 in Hwasong, Camp 25 in Chongjin, and Camp 22 in Hyesan.
정치범수용소는 두가지 부류로 분류할 수 있는데요.
political prison camps|two|categories|classify|can|be
Political prison camps can be classified into two categories.
하나는 완전통제구역이고, 하나는 혁명화구역입니다.
one|is a completely controlled area|one|is a revolutionary area
One is a complete control zone, and the other is a revolutionary zone.
완전통제구역은 한번 들어가면 영원히 나올 수 없는 곳으로, 탈출도 불가능 합니다.
the completely controlled area|once|you enter|forever|out|possibility|not|place|escape|impossible|is
The complete control zone is a place from which one can never escape once entered, and escape is impossible.
수용자들은 사상교육도 받지 않고 그저 채광기술, 농사기술 같은 필요한 지식만 간단히 교육받고 광산, 벌목장에서 처참한 강제노동에 시달리다 수용소에서 죽게 됩니다.
the prisoners|ideological education|receive|not|merely|mining technology|agricultural technology|like|necessary|knowledge only|briefly|receive education|mine|logging site|horrific|forced labor|suffer|in the camp|die|becomes
Inmates do not receive ideological education; they only receive brief training in necessary skills like mining and farming, and they suffer from brutal forced labor in mines and logging camps until they die in the camp.
일만 하다가 죽는곳이 바로 완전통제구역입니다.
working|while|place where (someone) dies|right|is a completely controlled area
The complete control zone is a place where one works until death.
혁명화구역은 가족구역과 독신자구역으로 나누어지는데 몇 년정도 지나면 심사결과에 따라서 출소도 가능합니다.
the revolutionary zone|family zone|single person's zone|is divided into|how many|years|after|based on the review results|therefore|release also|is possible
The revolutionary zone is divided into family zones and single zones, and after a few years, it is possible to be released depending on the results of the review.
출소할 경우 안에서의 비밀을 누설하지 않을 것을 서약하게 되는데 발설하면 재수감되고 영원히 나오지 못하게 됩니다.
upon release|case|inside|secret|disclose|not|thing|make an oath|is|if disclosed|re-incarcerated|forever|released|unable|will be
In case of release, one must pledge not to disclose any secrets from inside, and if they do, they will be re-imprisoned and will never be able to come out again.
이러한 수용소 출신들은 적대계층이라고 불리워져서 전쟁이 나면 바로 총살부터 시키는 부류에 속하고 직업과 여행은 고사하고 모든 활동에서 감시받으며 살아가게 됩니다.
these|concentration camp|from|hostile class|being called|war|if|immediately|execution|being subjected to|category|belonging to|jobs|travel|aside from|all|activities|being monitored|living|
Those from such concentration camps are referred to as hostile classes, and in the event of war, they are among those who are immediately executed, and they are monitored in all activities, not to mention jobs and travel.
정치범수용소는 보위부에서 관리하고 있는데요.
the political prison camp|by the security agency|is managed|is
Political prisoner camps are managed by the Security Department.
수용소에 들어가면 외부와 철저히 차단되고 면회나 서신교환도 없으며 평생 갇혀서 노력에 동원되어 노예 같은 삶을 살다가 죽게 됩니다.
in the concentration camp|if you enter|from the outside|thoroughly|is blocked|visits|correspondence|is not allowed|for life|being imprisoned|for labor|being mobilized|slave|like|life|living|die|becomes
Once you enter the camp, you are completely isolated from the outside, with no visits or letter exchanges, and you live a slave-like life, mobilized for labor until you die.
정상적인 배급도 없고 의료혜택도 없고 결혼이나 출산도 금지되어 흙이나 판자, 거적을 이용해서 자체적으로 막사를 지어서 살게됩니다.작업은 5인1조로 나뉘어 일하게 되고 하루하루 할당목표에 맞게 일을 해야 하며 미달될 경우 작업연장을 하게 됩니다.
normal|distribution|not|medical benefits||marriage or|childbirth|prohibited|dirt|boards|mats|using|independently|barracks|building|will live|work|||divided|working|and|day by day|assigned goals|according to|work|must|and|falling short|case|work extension|will be|will be
There is no normal distribution or medical benefits, and marriage or childbirth is prohibited, so people have to build their own shelters using dirt, boards, or mats. Work is divided into teams of five, and they must work according to daily assigned goals, and if they fall short, they will have to extend their work hours.
이처럼 환경도 열악한데다 영양실조, 심한 육체노동에 시달려 폐렴, 결핵, 영양실조로 인해 죽어가는 사람도 작업장에 동원되고 있습니다.
like this|environment|is poor|malnutrition|severe|physical labor|suffering from|pneumonia|tuberculosis|||dying|people|to the workplace|being mobilized|are
In such a harsh environment, people suffering from malnutrition and severe physical labor are being mobilized to the workplace, dying from pneumonia, tuberculosis, and malnutrition.
김씨세습독재정권이 정치범들을 처형하지 않고 수용소를 운영하는 이유는 첫째, 수십만명의 사람들을 일일이 처형하면 인민들의 반발이 있을 수 있다는 것.
the Kim hereditary dictatorship|political prisoners|does not execute|and|concentration camps|operates|reason|first|hundreds of thousands of|people|individually|if executed|of the people|backlash|possible|possibility|that|thing
The reason the Kim family hereditary dictatorship operates concentration camps without executing political prisoners is first, that executing hundreds of thousands of people could provoke backlash from the people.
둘째, 수용자들의 노동력을 착취해서 생산된 물품을 독재정권이 모두 독차지할 수 있다는 것.
second|of the inmates|labor|by exploiting|produced|goods|the dictatorship|all|monopolize|possibility|that|
Second, the dictatorship can monopolize the goods produced by exploiting the labor of the inmates.
셋째, 수용소가 있기 때문에 광범위한 반대세력을 관리할 수 있다는 이유입니다.
third|concentration camp|exists|because|extensive|opposition forces|manage|ability|to be|reason
Third, the existence of concentration camps allows for the management of a wide-ranging opposition.
청취자 여러분
Dear listeners
3대세습 독재정권이 체제유지에 방해가 되는 자들 뿐만 아니라 정치범이 아닌 경우에도 10대원칙에 위배된다고 하며 일반 평백성까지 잡아가두고 있는 현실입니다.
three generations of hereditary succession|dictatorship|in maintaining the regime|hindrance|to|people|only|not|political prisoners|not|in cases|to the ten principles|violating|and|ordinary|even common citizens|being imprisoned|in|reality
The reality is that the three-generation hereditary dictatorship is not only imprisoning those who are seen as obstacles to maintaining the regime, but also ordinary citizens who are not political prisoners, claiming they violate the ten principles.
조선사회를 정치범수용소와 다를 바 없이 잘못된 정치를 하는 독재정권을 끝장내야만 조선사회에 미래가 있습니다.
the Joseon society|political prison camp|different|way|without|wrong|politics|doing|dictatorship|must be ended|in the Joseon society|future|exists
Only by ending the dictatorship that governs the Korean society with politics as wrong as that of a political prison camp can there be a future for Korean society.
오늘 강의를 마치겠습니다.
today|lecture|I will finish
I will conclude today's lecture.
청취자 여러분, 감사합니다.
listeners|everyone|thank you
Thank you, dear listeners.
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