여기도 많이 변했어요. 10년 전만 해도 이렇게 큰 건물이 없었는데.here||has changed|years|just|even|such|big|building|there wasn't
This place has changed a lot. There weren't any high-rise buildings here even 10 years ago.
10년 전에는 어땠는데요?||was it like
What was it like 10 years ago?
길 양쪽에 극장이 있었는데, 모두 단층 건물이었지요.street|on both sides||||one-story|buildings
There were many movie theaters on both sides of the street, but they were all only one-story buildings.
그때보다 많이 발전되었다는 말인가요?that time||has developed|
You mean that it has developed a lot more than before?
조금 더 화려해지고 커졌다고 할 수 있지요.||becoming more glamorous|has grown|||
You can say it has become bigger and fancier.
시간이 흐르면 모든 것은 변하니까요.time|flows|||changes
As time passes by everything changes.