014 De vita rustica
||rustic life
014 Vom Landleben
014 On country life
014 Sobre la vida en el campo
014 Sur la vie à la campagne
014 Sulla vita di campagna
014 Over het plattelandsleven
014 Sobre a vida no campo
014 О деревенской жизни
014 Про сільське життя
014 论农村生活
Agricolae non in oppidis habitant, sed in vicis.
Farmers|||towns||||villages or hamlets
The farmers do not dwell in the cities, but in the villages.
Circa aedificia agricolarum horti et agri sunt et campi et prata viridia.
Around|buildings|"of the farmers"|gardens||fields|||fields||green meadows|green fields
With regard to the buildings, and the plain of the valley and the meadows, they are the owners of the garden, and the fields are green.
Quam laeta est vere, aestate, autumno vita rustica!
how|joyful||in springtime|"in summer"|in autumn||rural life
Stains in the spring, summer, autumn rural life!
Natura magistra agricolarum est.
Nature teacher dresser.
Fundamentum salutis agricolarum industriorum fertilitas soli est.
Foundation|"of well-being"||industrious farmers|fertility|soil's fertility|is
The fertility of the soil is the basis of agricultural industries.
Sed agricolis non mediocris industria et parsimonia necessaria est.
|"to farmers"||moderate|diligence||thriftiness|necessary|
But farmers are not the thrift industry average requirement.
Nam vita rustica operosa et plena gravium operum et ingentium curarum est.
||rural|laborious|and|full of|heavy burdens|"of works"||vast|"of cares"|
For rural life is busy and full of serious attention and excessive worries it.
Fortuna est domina cum omnium rerum humanarum, tum rei rusticae.
Fortune||mistress|||things|human affairs|then|thing|rustic
Of all Fortune is the mistress of human affairs, when, as well as on agriculture.
Quam fluxae res rusticae sunt, quam fallaces spes agricolarum!
how such|fluid|things|rural things||how|deceptive|hopes of farmers|of the farmers
How are shifting the business of agriculture, which caused the elusive hope!
Quam saepe acre frigus hiemis, diuturnus aestus aestatis, nimiae pluviae et ingentes procellae agros et fructus arborum vastant!
||sharp|cold|winter|long-lasting|heat|of summer|excessive|rains||huge|storms|fields||fruits|of the trees|devastate
How many times had the air of the cold of winter, a lasting hot weather of the summer, a vast force of the storm in the field, and the fruit of the trees was also too much rain, and we are destroying!
Socii laborum agricolae equus et taurus sunt; etiam greges armentorum et ovium, gallinae, columbae, apes sedulae agricolae utiles sunt.
companions|of labor||||bull||also|herds|herds of cattle||of sheep|chickens|doves|bees|diligent||useful to the farmer|
Individual members of the farmer's horse and the bull; Even cattle, sheep, chickens, pigeons, bees are useful to alert farmers.
Equus autem et taurus agricolis ad varios labores plane necessarii sunt; nam agros et campos aratro arant.
The horse and bull farmers to several labor entirely necessary; For plow to plow the fields and woods.
Vita rustica robora corporis et vires animi firmat.
life|rural|strength|||strength|of the mind|strengthens
Rustic life strengthens the powers of the body and the strength of the spirit.
Itaque laetam et simplicem vitam agricolarum, industriam, pietatem, fidem multi poetae omnium gentium laudant celebrantque.Et est apud omnes nationes et populos in magna laude et in magnis honoribus ordo agricolarum.
therefore|joyful||simple|||industry|piety|faith|many|poets|of all|of all nations|praise and celebrate|and celebrate|||||nations||peoples|||praise|||great honors|honors|order|
Therefore, many poets of all nations celebrate and praise the joyful and simple life of farmers, their industry, piety, and faith. And there is among all nations and peoples a great esteem and great honors for the order of farmers.
Nam agricultura firmum fundamentum roboris et salutis rei publicae est.
|agriculture|strong foundation|foundation|strength||safety|of the state|of the state|
For agriculture is a strong foundation of strength and the welfare of the state.
Navita de ventis, de tauris narrat arator,
Navigator|of|the winds||bulls||plowman
A sailor from the winds, the Bulls tells the farmer,
enumerat miles vulnera, pastor oves.
counts out|the soldier|wounds|shepherd|the sheep
the soldier counts the wounds, the shepherd the sheep.
(Propertius, Elegiae)
(Propertius, Elegies)