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De Imitatione Christi, De Imitatione Christi: Liber Tertius 1-6

De Imitatione Christi: Liber Tertius 1-6


Liber Tertius De interna consolatine.

Cap. I. Incipit liber de interna consolatine.

1. Audiam quid loquatur in me Dominus meus. Beata anima quæ Dominum in se loquentem audit et de ore ejus verbum consolationis accipit. Beatæ aures quæ divini susurri venas suscipiunt et de mundi hujus susurrationibus nihil advertunt. Beatæ plane aures quæ non vocem foris sonantem, sed interius auscultant veritatem loquentem et docentem. Beati oculi qui exterioribus clausi sunt, interioribus autem intenti. Beati qui interna penetrant, et ad capienda arcana cælestia magis ac magis per quotidiana exercitia se student præparare. Beati qui Deo vacare gestiunt et ab omni impedimento sæculi se excutiunt.

2. Animadverte hoc, o anima mea, et claude sensualitatis tuæ ostia, ut possis audire quid loquatur Deus Dominus in te. Hæc dicit dilectus tuus. Salus tua ego sum, pax tua, et vita tua. Serva te apud me, et pacem invenies. Dimitte omnia transitoria, et quære æterna. Quid sunt omnia temporalia, nisi seductoria et quid juvant omnes creaturæ, si fueris a Creatore deserta? Omnibus ergo abdicatis Creatori tuo te redde placitam et fidelem, ut veram valeas apprehendere beatitudinem.

Cap. 2. Quod veritas intus loquitur sine strepitu.

1. Loquere Domine, quia audit servus tuus. Servus tuus ego sum, da mihi intellectum, ut sciam testimonia tua. Inclina cor meum in verba oris mei. Fluat ut ros eloquium tuum, dicebant olim filii Israel ad Moysen. Loquere nobis tu, et audiemus; non loquatur Dominus nobis, ne forte moriamur. Non sic, Domine, non sic oro, sed magis cum Samuele popheta humiliter ad disideranter obsecro. Loquere Domine, quia audit servus suus. Non loquatur Moyses mihi, aut aliquis ex Prophetis, sed otius tu loquere, Domine Deus, inspirator et illuminator omnium. Prophetarum, quia tu solus sine eis potes me perfecte imbuere, illi autem sine te nihil proficient.

2. Possunt quidem verba sonare, sed spiritum non conferunt. Pulcherrime dicunt, sed te tacente cor non accedunt. Litteras tradunt, sed tu sensum aperis. Mysteria referunt, sed tu referas intellectum signatorum. Mandata edunt, sed tu juvas ad perficiendum. Viam ostendunt, sed tu confortas ad ambulandum. Illi foris tantum agunt, sed tu corda instruis, et illuminas. Illi exterius rigant, sed tu fecunditatem donas. Illi clamant verbis, sed tu auditui intelligentiam tribuis.

3. Non ergo mihi loquatur Moyses, sed tu, Domine Deus meus, æterna veritas, ne forte moriar, et sine fructu efficiar, si fuero tantum foris admonitus, et intus non accensus, ne sit mihi ad judicium verbum auditum, et non factum cognitum nec amatum creditum, et non servatum. Loquere igitur, Domine, quia audit servus tuus: verba enim vitæ æternæ habes. Loquere mihi ad qualemcumque animæ meæ consolationem, et ad totius vitæ meæ emendationem, tibi autem ad gloriam et perpetuum honorem.

Cap. 3. Quod verba Dei sunt audienda cum humilitate.

1. Audi, fili mi, verba mea. Verba mea suavissima sunt, Philosophorum et Sapientum hujus mundi scientam excedentia. Verba mea spiritus et vita sunt, nec humano sunsu pensanda; non sunt ad vanam complacentiam trahenda, sed in silentio audienda, et cum omni humilitate, atque affectu magno suscipienda. Et dixi: Beatus quem tu erudieris, Domine, et de lege tua docueris eum, ut mitiges ei a diebus malis et desoletur in terra.

2. Ego, inquit Dominus, docui Prophetas ab initio, et usque nunc non cesso omnibus loqui. Sed multi ad vocem meam surdi sunt, et muti et duri. Plures mundum libentius audiunt quam Deum, facilius sequuntur carnis suæ appetitum, quam dei beneplacitum. Promittit temporalia, et parva mundus, et servitur ei aviditate magna. Ego promitto summa, et æterna, et torpescunt mortalium corda. Quis tanta cura in omnibus mihi servit et obedit, sicut mundo et dominis ejus servitur? Erubesce, Sidon, ait mare. Et si causam quæris audi, quare. Pro modica præbenda longa via curritur, pro vita æterna vix a multis pes a terra semel movetur et levatur. Vile prætium quæritur, pro uno numismate interdum turpiter litigatur, pro vana re et parva promissione die noctuque fatigari non timetur.

3. Sed, proh dolor, pro bono incommutabili, pro prætio inæstimabili, pro summo honore et gloria interminabili vel ad modicum fatigari pigritatur. Erubesce ergo, serve piger et querulose, quod illi paratiores inveniuntur ad perditionem, quam te ad vitam; gaudent illi amplius ad vanitatem, quam tu ad veritatem. Equidem a spe sua nonnunquam frustrantur, sed promissio mea neminem fallit, nec confitentem mihi dimittit inanem. Quod promisi dabo, quod dix implebo, si tamen usque ad finem fidelis in dilectione mea quis permanserit. Ego remunerator sum omnium bonorum, et fortis probator omnium devotorum.

4. Scribe verba mea in corde tuo, et pertracta diligenter: erunt enim in tempore tentationis valde necessaria. Quod non intelligis, cum legis, cognosces in die visitationis. Dupliciter soleo electos meos visitare, tentatione scilicet et consolatione: et duas lectiones eis quotidie lego, unam increpando eorum vittia, alteram exhortando ad virtutum incrementa. Qui habet verba mea et spernit ea, habet qui judicet eum in novissimo die.

Oratio ad imporandum devotionis gratiam.

5. Domine Deus meus, tu es omnia bona mea. Et quis ego sum, ut audeam ad te loqui? Ego sum pauperrimus servulus tuus, et abjectus vermiculus tuus, multo pauperior et contemptibilior, quam scio et dicere audeo. Memento tamen, Domine, quia nihil sum, nihil valeo, nihilque habeo. Tu solus bonus justus et sanctus; tu omnia potes, omnia præstas, omnia imples, solum peccatorem inanem relinquens. Reminiscere miserationum tuarum, Domine, et imple gratia tua cor ceum, qui non vis vacua esse opera tua.

6. Quomodo possum me tolerare in hac misera vita, nisi me confortaveris misericordia tua et gratia tua. Noli avertere faciem tuam a me, noli visitationem tuam prolongare, noli consolationem tuam prolongare, noli consolationem tuam abstrahere, ne fiat anima mea sicut terra sine aqua tibi. Doce me, Domine, facere voluntatem tuam. Doce me coram te digne et humiliter conversari, quia sapientia mea tu es, qui in veritate me cognoscis, et cognovisti antequam fieret mundus, et antequam natus essem in mundo.

Cap. 4. Quod in humilitate et veritate coram Deo est conversandum.

1. Fili, ambula coram me in veritate et in simplicitate cordis tui quære me semper. Qui ambulat coram me in veritate, tutabitur ab incursibus vanis et veritas liberabit eum a seductoribus et detractionibus iniquorum. Si veritas te liberaverit, vere liber eris et non curabis de vanis hominum verbis. Domine verum est ut dicis, ita quæso mecum fiat. Veritas tua ipsa me doceat, ipsa me custodiat, et usque ad salutarem finem me conservet; ipsa me liberet ab omni affectione mala et inordinata at ambulabo tecum in magna cordis libertate.

2. Ego te docebo, ait Veritas, quæ recta sunt et placita coram me. Cogita peccata tua cum displicentia magna et memorare, et nuquam reputes te aliquid esse propter opera bona. Revera peccator es, et multis passionibus obnoxius, et implicatus. Ex te semper ad nihil tendis, cito laberis, cito turbaris, cito dissolveris. Non habes quidquam, unde possis gloriari. Sed multa habes unde te debes vilificare, quia multo infirmior es quam vales comprehendere.

3. Nihil ergo tibi magnum videatur ex omnibus, quæ agis. Nihil grande, nihil prætiosum et admirabile, nil reputatione appareat dignum, nil altum, nil vere laudabile, et desiderabile, nisi quod æternum. Placeat tibi super omnia æterna veritas, displiceat tibi super omnia vilitas maxima tua. Nil sic temeas et fugias, sicut vitia, et peccata tua, quæ magis displicere debent, quam quælibet rerum damna. Quidam non sincere coram me ambulant, sed quadam curiositte et arrogania ducti volunt secreta mea scire, et alta Dei intelligere, se et suam salutem negligentes. Hi sæpe in magnas tentationes, et peccata, propter suam jactantiam, superbiam et curiositatem, labuntur me eis adversante. Time judicia Dei, expavesce iram Omnipotentis.

4. Noli autem discutere opera Altissimi, sed tuas iniquitates perscrutare, in quantis dereliquisti, et quam multa bona neglexisti. Quidam portant solum suam devotionem in libris, quidam in imaginibus; quidam autem in signis exterioribus et figuris. Quidam habent me in ore, sed modicum in corde. Sunt alii qui intellectu illuminati et affectu purgati ad æterna sempe anhelant, de terrenis graviter audiunt, necessitatibus naturæ dolenter inserviunt, et hi sentiunt, quid veritatis spiritus loquitur in eis. Quia docet eos terrena despicere, et amare cælestia, mundum negligere, et cælum tota die et nocte desiderare.

Cap. 5. De mirabili affectu divini amoris.

1. Benedico te, Pater cælestis, Pater Domini mei Jesu Christi, qui mei pauperis dignatus es recordari. O, Pater misericordiarum, et Deus totius consolationis, gratias tibi ago, qui me indignum omni consolatione quandoque tua recreas consolatione. Benedico te semper et glorifico cum unigenito Filio tuo, et Spiritu Sancto paracleto in sæcula sæculorum, amen. Eia, Domine Deus, meus amator sancte, cum tu veneris in cor meum, exultabunt omnia interiora mea. Tu es gloria mea et exultatio cordis mei, tu spes mea et refugium in die tribulationis meæ.

2. Sed quia adhuc debilis sum in amore et impefectus in virtute, ideo necesse habeo confortari et consolari. Propterea visita me sæpius, et instrue disciplinis tuis. Libera me a passionibus pravis et malis, et sana cor meum ab omnibus affectionibus inordinatis, ut intus sanatus et bene purgatus aptus efficiar ad amandum, fortis ad patiendum, stabilis ad perseverandum.

3. Magna res est amor, magnum omnino bonum quod solum leve facit esse onerosum, et fert æqualiter omne inæquale: nam onus sine onere portat, et omne amarum dulce ac sapidum efficit. Amor Jesu nobilis ad magna operanda impellit, et desideranda semper perfectiora excitat. Amor vult esse sursum, nec ullis infimis rebus retineri. Amor vult esse liber, et ab omni mundana affectione alienus, ne internus ejus impediatur aspectus; ne per aliquod commodum temporale implicationes sustineat, aut per incommodum succumbat. Nil dulcius est amore, nil fortius, nil altius, nil latius, nil jucundius, nil plenius, nil melius in cælo et in terra, quia amor a Deo natus est, nec potest nisi in Deo super omnia creata quiescere.

4. Amans volat, currit, lætatur, liber est, et non tenetur. Dat omnia pro omnibus, et habet omnia in omnibus, quia in uno summo super omnia quiescit, ex quo omne bonum fluit et procedit. Non respicit ad dona, sed ad donantem se convertit super omnia bona. Amor sæpe modum nescit, sed super omne bonum fervescit. Amor onus non sentit, labores non reputat, plus affectat, quam valet, de impossibilitate non causatur, quia cuncta sibi licere posse arbitratur. Valet igitur ad omnia, et multa implet, et effectui mancipat. Ubi vero amans deficit et jacet, amor vigilat, et dormiens dormitat, fatigatus non laxatur, arctatus non arctatur, territus non conturbatur, sed, sicut vivax flamma et ardens favilla, sursum erumpit secureque pertransit.

5. Si quis amat, novit quid hæc vox clamat. Magnus clamor in auribus Dei est ardens affectus animæ, quæ dicit. Deus, Deus meus, amor meus, tu totus meus, et ego tuus.

6. Dilata me in amore, ut discam interiori cordis ore degustare, quam suave sit amare et in amore liquefieri et natare. Tenear amore vadens supra me præ nimio fervore et stupore. Cantem amoris canticum; sequar te dilectum meum in altum. Deficit in laude tua anima mea, jubilans ex amore. Amem te plus quam me, nec me nisi propter te, et omnes in te, qui vere amant te, sicut jubet lex amoris, lucens ex te.

7. Est amor velox, sincerus, pius, prudens, longanimis, virilis, et seipsum nunquam quærens. Ubi enim seipsum aliquis quærit, ibi ab amore cadit. Est amor circumspectus, humilis et rectus, non mollis, non levis nec vanis intendens rebus, sobrius, stabilis, castus, quietus, et in cunctis sensibus custoditus. Est amor subjectus et obediens Prælatis, sibi vilis et despectus, Deo devotus et gratificus fidens, et semper sperans in eo, etiam cum sibi non sapit Deus, quia sine dolore non vivitur in amore.

8. Qui non est paratus omnia pati, et ad voluntatem stare dilecti, non est dignus amator appellari. Oportet amantem omnia dura et amara propter dilectum libenter amplecti, nec ob contraria accidentia ab eo deflecti.

Cap. 6. De probatione veri amatoris.

1. Fili, non es adhuc fortis et prudens amator. Quare, Domine? Quia modicam propter contrarietatem deficis, accipis et nimis avide consolationem quæris. Fortis amator stat in tentationibus, nec callidis credit persuasionibus inimici. Sicut in prosperis ei placeo, ita nec in adversis displiceo.

2. Prudens amator non tam donum amantis, quam dantis considerat amorem. Affectum potius attendit, quam censum, et infra dilectum omnia data ponit. Nobilis amator non quiescit in dono, sed in me super omne donum. Non ideo perditum totum, si quandoque minus bene de me, vel de sanctis meis sentis, quam velles. Affectus ille bonus et dulcis, quem interdum percipis, effectus gratiæ præsentis est, et quidam prægustus patriæ cælestis, super quo non nimium innitendum est, quia vadit et venit.

3. Certare autem adversus incidentes malos motus animi, suggestionemque spernere diaboli, insigne est virtutis et magni meriti. Non ergo te conturbent alienæ phantasiæ de quacumque materia ingestæ. Forte serva propositum, et intentionem rectam ad Deum. Non est illusio, quod aliquando in excessum subito raperis et statim ad ineptias solitas cordis reverteris. Illas enim magis invite pateris quam agis, et quamdiu displicent, et reniteris, meritum est et non perditio.

4. Scito, quod antiquus hostis omnino nititur impedire desiderium tuum in bono, et ab omni devoto exercitio evacuare, a Sanctorum cultu, a pia passionis meæ memoria, a peccatorum utili recordatione, a proprii cordis custodia, et a firmo proposito proficiendi in virtute. Multas malas cogitationes ingerit, ut tædium tibi faciat et horrorem, et ab oratione revocet et sacra lectione. Displicet sibi humilis confessio et, si posset, a sacra communione cessare faceret. Nec credas ei neque cures illum, licet tibi sæpius deceptionis tenderit laqueos. Sibi imputa, cum mala ingerit et immunda. Dicito illi: Vade, immunde spiritus, erubesce miser; vade immundus es tu, qui talia infers auribus meis. Discede a me, seductor pessime; non habebis in me partem ullam, sed Jesus mecum erit, tanquam bellator fortis, et tu stabilis confusus. Malo mori, et omnem pœnam subire, quam tibi consentire. Tace, et obmutesce; non audiam te amplius, licet mihi plures moliaris molestias. Dominus illuminatio mea, et salus mea: quem timebo? Si consistant adversum me castra, non timebit cor meum. Dominus adjutor meus et redemptor meus.

5. Certa tanquam miles bonus; et si interdum ex fragilitate corruis, resume vires fortiores prioribus, confidens de ampliori gratia mea, et multum præcave a vana complacentia et superbia. Propter hoc multi in errorem ducuntur, et in cecitatem pæne incurabilem quandoque labuntur. Sit tibi in cautelam et perpetuam humilitatem ruina hæc superborum et de se stulte præsumentium.

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De Imitatione Christi: Liber Tertius 1-6 Of|Imitation|Christ|Book|Third Über die Nachahmung Christi: Buch Tertius 1-6 Sur l'imitation du Christ : Livre Tertius 1-6 On the Imitation of Christ: Book Three 1-6


Liber Tertius De interna consolatine. Book|Third|Of|internal|consolation Book Three On Internal Consolation.

Cap. Chapter Chapter. I. Incipit liber de interna consolatine. It|begins|book|of|internal|consolation I. The book on internal consolation begins.

1\\. 1\. Audiam quid loquatur in me Dominus meus. I will hear|what|speaks|in|me|Lord|my I will hear what my Lord speaks in me. Beata anima quæ Dominum in se loquentem audit et de ore ejus verbum consolationis accipit. Blessed|soul|who|Lord|in|herself|speaking|hears|and|from|mouth|his|word|of consolation|receives Blessed is the soul that hears the Lord speaking within and receives a word of consolation from His mouth. Beatæ aures quæ divini susurri venas suscipiunt et de mundi hujus susurrationibus nihil advertunt. Blessed|ears|which|divine|whisper|veins|receive|and|from|world|this|whispers|nothing|notice Blessed are the ears that receive the whispers of the divine and pay no attention to the whispers of this world. Beatæ plane aures quæ non vocem foris sonantem, sed interius auscultant veritatem loquentem et docentem. Blessed|clearly|ears|who|not|voice|outside|sounding|but|inwardly|listen|truth|speaking|and|teaching Blessed are the ears that do not listen to the voice sounding outside, but instead listen to the truth speaking and teaching within. Beati oculi qui exterioribus clausi sunt, interioribus autem intenti. Blessed|eyes|who|external|closed|are|internal|however|focused Blessed are the eyes that are closed to external things, but focused on internal matters. Beati qui interna penetrant, et ad capienda arcana cælestia magis ac magis per quotidiana exercitia se student præparare. Blessed|those who|internal|penetrate|and|for|capturing|secrets|heavenly|more|and|more|through|daily|exercises|themselves|strive|to prepare Blessed are those who penetrate the inner depths, and strive more and more to prepare themselves for receiving the heavenly secrets through daily exercises. Beati qui Deo vacare gestiunt et ab omni impedimento sæculi se excutiunt. Blessed|those who|to God|to be free|desire|and|from|all|impediment|of the world|themselves|shake off Blessed are those who long to devote themselves to God and shake off all the distractions of the world.

2\\. 2\. Animadverte hoc, o anima mea, et claude sensualitatis tuæ ostia, ut possis audire quid loquatur Deus Dominus in te. notice|this|oh|soul|my|and|close|sensuality|your|gates|so that||to hear|what|speaks|God|Lord|in|you Take note of this, O my soul, and close the doors of your sensuality, so that you may hear what the Lord God speaks within you. Hæc dicit dilectus tuus. This|says|beloved|your This is what your beloved says. Salus tua ego sum, pax tua, et vita tua. health|your|I|am|peace|your|and|life|your I am your salvation, your peace, and your life. Serva te apud me, et pacem invenies. Keep|yourself|near|me|and|peace|you will find Stay with me, and you will find peace. Dimitte omnia transitoria, et quære æterna. Let go of|all|transient things|and|seek|eternal things Leave behind all that is temporary, and seek the eternal. Quid sunt omnia temporalia, nisi seductoria et quid juvant omnes creaturæ, si fueris a Creatore deserta? What|are|all|temporary|except|seductive|and|what|help|all|creatures|if|you will have been|by|Creator|deserted What are all temporary things, but deceivers, and what do all creatures benefit you, if you are forsaken by the Creator? Omnibus ergo abdicatis Creatori tuo te redde placitam et fidelem, ut veram valeas apprehendere beatitudinem. all|therefore|having abdicated|Creator|your|yourself|render|pleasing|and|faithful|so that|true||to grasp|happiness Therefore, with all things renounced, render yourself pleasing and faithful to your Creator, so that you may truly grasp happiness.

Cap. Chapter Chapter. 2. 2. Quod veritas intus loquitur sine strepitu. That|truth|within|speaks|without|noise That truth speaks within without noise.

1\\. 1. Loquere Domine, quia audit servus tuus. Speak|Lord|because|hears|servant|your Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. Servus tuus ego sum, da mihi intellectum, ut sciam testimonia tua. servant|your|I|am|give|me|understanding|so that|I may know|testimonies|your I am your servant; give me understanding, that I may know your testimonies. Inclina cor meum in verba oris mei. Incline|heart|my|to|words|of mouth|my Incline my heart to the words of your mouth. Fluat ut ros eloquium tuum, dicebant olim filii Israel ad Moysen. |as|dew|speech|your|they said|once|sons|of Israel|to|Moses Let your speech flow like dew, as the children of Israel once said to Moses. Loquere nobis tu, et audiemus; non loquatur Dominus nobis, ne forte moriamur. Speak|to us|you|and|we will hear|not|may speak|the Lord|to us|lest|perhaps| Speak to us, and we will listen; do not let the Lord speak to us, lest we die. Non sic, Domine, non sic oro, sed magis cum Samuele popheta humiliter ad disideranter obsecro. Not|thus|Lord|||I pray|but|more|with|Samuel|prophet|humbly|to|desire|I beseech Not so, Lord, not so do I pray, but rather humbly I beseech with the prophet Samuel. Loquere Domine, quia audit servus suus. Speak|Lord|because|hears|servant|his Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. Non loquatur Moyses mihi, aut aliquis ex Prophetis, sed otius tu loquere, Domine Deus, inspirator et illuminator omnium. Not|may speak|Moses|to me|or|someone|from|the Prophets|but||you|speak|Lord|God|inspirer|and|illuminator|of all Let not Moses speak to me, nor any of the Prophets, but rather you speak, Lord God, inspirer and illuminator of all. Prophetarum, quia tu solus sine eis potes me perfecte imbuere, illi autem sine te nihil proficient. of the prophets|because|you|alone|without|them|can|me|perfectly|to imbue|they|however|without|you|nothing|will profit Of the prophets, for you alone can perfectly imbue me without them, but they can achieve nothing without you.

2\\. 2\. Possunt quidem verba sonare, sed spiritum non conferunt. They can|indeed|words|to sound|but|spirit|not|they confer Words can indeed sound, but they do not convey spirit. Pulcherrime dicunt, sed te tacente cor non accedunt. Most beautifully|they say|but|you|being silent|heart|not|they approach They speak beautifully, but when you are silent, the heart does not approach. Litteras tradunt, sed tu sensum aperis. The letters|they convey|but|you|meaning|reveal They convey letters, but you reveal the meaning. Mysteria referunt, sed tu referas intellectum signatorum. The mysteries|refer|but|you|refer|understanding|of the signs They recount mysteries, but you bring forth the understanding of the signs. Mandata edunt, sed tu juvas ad perficiendum. The orders|they eat|but|you|help|to|complete They issue commands, but you help to accomplish. Viam ostendunt, sed tu confortas ad ambulandum. The way|they show|but|you|strengthen|for|walking They show the way, but you strengthen to walk. Illi foris tantum agunt, sed tu corda instruis, et illuminas. They|outside|only|act|but|you|hearts|instruct|and|enlighten They act only outwardly, but you instruct the hearts and illuminate. Illi exterius rigant, sed tu fecunditatem donas. They|externally|water|but|you|fertility|give They water externally, but you grant fertility. Illi clamant verbis, sed tu auditui intelligentiam tribuis. They|shout|with words|but|you|hearing|understanding|you grant They shout with words, but you grant understanding to the hearing.

3\\. 3\. Non ergo mihi loquatur Moyses, sed tu, Domine Deus meus, æterna veritas, ne forte moriar, et sine fructu efficiar, si fuero tantum foris admonitus, et intus non accensus, ne sit mihi ad judicium verbum auditum, et non factum cognitum nec amatum creditum, et non servatum. Not|therefore|to me|may speak|Moses|but|you|Lord|God|my|eternal|truth|lest|perhaps|I die|and|without|fruit|I become|if|I shall be|only|externally|admonished|and|internally|not|ignited|lest|it be|to me|for|judgment|word|heard|and|not|deed|known|nor|loved|believed|and|not|kept Therefore, let not Moses speak to me, but you, Lord my God, eternal truth, lest perhaps I die, and become without fruit, if I am only admonished from the outside, and not kindled within, so that the word heard may not be to my judgment, and the deed known and loved, and not kept. Loquere igitur, Domine, quia audit servus tuus: verba enim vitæ æternæ habes. Speak|therefore|Lord|because|hears|servant|your|words|for|of life|eternal|you have Speak, therefore, Lord, for your servant is listening: for you have the words of eternal life. Loquere mihi ad qualemcumque animæ meæ consolationem, et ad totius vitæ meæ emendationem, tibi autem ad gloriam et perpetuum honorem. Speak|to me|to|whatever|of my soul|my|consolation|and|to|of all|life|my|improvement|to you|however|to|glory|and|perpetual|honor Speak to me for whatever consolation of my soul, and for the amendment of my whole life, but to you for glory and perpetual honor.

Cap. Chapter Chapter 3. 3. Quod verba Dei sunt audienda cum humilitate. That|words|of God|are|to be heard|with|humility For the words of God must be heard with humility.

1\\. 1. Audi, fili mi, verba mea. Listen|son|my|words|my Listen, my son, to my words. Verba mea suavissima sunt, Philosophorum et Sapientum hujus mundi scientam excedentia. My words|are|very sweet|are|of the philosophers|and|of the wise|of this|world|knowledge|exceeding My words are most sweet, surpassing the knowledge of the philosophers and wise men of this world. Verba mea spiritus et vita sunt, nec humano sunsu pensanda; non sunt ad vanam complacentiam trahenda, sed in silentio audienda, et cum omni humilitate, atque affectu magno suscipienda. Words|my|spirit|and|life|are|nor|human|sense|to be weighed|not|are|for|vain|complacency|to be drawn|but|in|silence|to be heard|and|with|all|humility|and|affection|great|to be received My words are spirit and life, and should not be weighed by human sense; they should not be drawn to vain complacency, but should be heard in silence, and received with all humility and great affection. Et dixi: Beatus quem tu erudieris, Domine, et de lege tua docueris eum, ut mitiges ei a diebus malis et desoletur in terra. And|I said|Blessed|whom|you|will have educated|Lord|and|from|law|your|you will have taught|him|so that|you may mitigate|to him|from|days|evil|and|he may be desolate|in|earth And I said: Blessed is the one whom you teach, Lord, and whom you instruct from your law, that you may deliver him from the days of evil and desolate him in the land.

2\\. 2. Ego, inquit Dominus, docui Prophetas ab initio, et usque nunc non cesso omnibus loqui. I|said|the Lord|taught|the Prophets|from|the beginning|and|until|now|not|cease|to all|to speak I, says the Lord, have taught the Prophets from the beginning, and until now I do not cease to speak to all. Sed multi ad vocem meam surdi sunt, et muti et duri. But|many|to|voice|my|deaf|are|and|mute|and|hard (of hearing) But many are deaf to my voice, and mute and hard. Plures mundum libentius audiunt quam Deum, facilius sequuntur carnis suæ appetitum, quam dei beneplacitum. More people|the world|more willingly|hear|than|God|more easily|follow|of the flesh|their|desires|than|of God|good pleasure More willingly do many listen to the world than to God, and they more easily follow the desires of their flesh than the will of God. Promittit temporalia, et parva mundus, et servitur ei aviditate magna. He promises|temporary things|and|small|world|and|is enslaved|to it|by greed|great It promises temporary things, and a small world, and it is served by great greed. Ego promitto summa, et æterna, et torpescunt mortalium corda. I|promise|highest|and|eternal|and|become numb|of mortals|hearts I promise the highest, and eternal, and the hearts of mortals grow numb. Quis tanta cura in omnibus mihi servit et obedit, sicut mundo et dominis ejus servitur? Who|such great|care|in|all|to me|serves|and|obeys|just as|to the world|and||their|is served Who serves and obeys me with such great care in all things, as the world and its masters are served? Erubesce, Sidon, ait mare. Blush|Sidon|said|sea Be ashamed, Sidon, says the sea. Et si causam quæris audi, quare. And|if|cause|you ask|hear|why And if you seek the reason, listen, why. Pro modica præbenda longa via curritur, pro vita æterna vix a multis pes a terra semel movetur et levatur. For|modest|stipend|long|road|is run|for|life|eternal|hardly|by|many|foot|from|ground|once||and|is lifted For a small stipend, a long way is run; for eternal life, hardly a foot is moved and lifted from the ground by many. Vile prætium quæritur, pro uno numismate interdum turpiter litigatur, pro vana re et parva promissione die noctuque fatigari non timetur. vile|price|is sought|for|one|coin|sometimes|shamefully|is litigated|for|vain|thing|and|small|promise|by day||to be fatigued|not|is feared A cheap price is sought; for a single coin, sometimes disgracefully, there is litigation; for a vain thing and a small promise, one is not afraid to be worn out day and night.

3\\. 3\. Sed, proh dolor, pro bono incommutabili, pro prætio inæstimabili, pro summo honore et gloria interminabili vel ad modicum fatigari pigritatur. But|alas|sorrow|for|good|unchangeable|for|price|inestimable|for|highest|honor|and|glory|unending|even|to|a little|be fatigued|is reluctant But, alas, for the unchangeable good, for the inestimable price, for the highest honor and endless glory, one is reluctant to be worn out even a little. Erubesce ergo, serve piger et querulose, quod illi paratiores inveniuntur ad perditionem, quam te ad vitam; gaudent illi amplius ad vanitatem, quam tu ad veritatem. Be ashamed|therefore|servant|lazy|and|complaining|because|they|more prepared|are found|for|destruction|than|you|for|life|rejoice|they|more|in|vanity|than|you|in|truth Therefore, be ashamed, lazy and complaining servant, that they are found more ready for destruction than you are for life; they rejoice more in vanity than you do in truth. Equidem a spe sua nonnunquam frustrantur, sed promissio mea neminem fallit, nec confitentem mihi dimittit inanem. indeed|from|hope|their|sometimes|are frustrated|but|promise|my|no one|deceives|nor|confessing|to me|sends away|empty Indeed, they are sometimes disappointed by their hope, but my promise does not deceive anyone, nor does it leave the one confessing to me empty. Quod promisi dabo, quod dix implebo, si tamen usque ad finem fidelis in dilectione mea quis permanserit. What|I promised|I will give|what|I said|I will fulfill|if|however|until|to|end|faithful|in|love|my|whoever|will have remained What I promised I will give, what I said I will fulfill, if however anyone remains faithful in my love until the end. Ego remunerator sum omnium bonorum, et fortis probator omnium devotorum. I|rewarder|am|of all|goods|and|strong|tester|of all|devotees I am the rewarder of all good things, and a strong tester of all devoted ones.

4\\. 4\. Scribe verba mea in corde tuo, et pertracta diligenter: erunt enim in tempore tentationis valde necessaria. Write|words|my|in|heart|your|and|ponder|diligently|they will be|for|in|time|of temptation|very|necessary Write my words in your heart, and ponder them carefully: for they will be very necessary in the time of temptation. Quod non intelligis, cum legis, cognosces in die visitationis. What|not|you understand|when|you read|you will recognize|in|day|of visitation What you do not understand, when you read, you will know on the day of visitation. Dupliciter soleo electos meos visitare, tentatione scilicet et consolatione: et duas lectiones eis quotidie lego, unam increpando eorum vittia, alteram exhortando ad virtutum incrementa. twice|I am accustomed|chosen|my|to visit|with temptation|namely|and|with consolation|and|two|readings|to them|daily|I read|one|reproving|their|vices|the other|encouraging|to|virtues|increases I usually visit my chosen ones in two ways, namely through temptation and consolation: and I read to them two lessons daily, one rebuking their vices, the other encouraging the growth of virtues. Qui habet verba mea et spernit ea, habet qui judicet eum in novissimo die. He who|has|words|my|and|despises|them|has|who|judges|him|on|last|day He who has my words and despises them, has one who will judge him on the last day.

Oratio ad imporandum devotionis gratiam. Prayer|for|imparting|of devotion|grace A prayer to impart the grace of devotion.

5\\. 5\. Domine Deus meus, tu es omnia bona mea. Lord|God|my|you|are|all|good|my Lord my God, you are all my good. Et quis ego sum, ut audeam ad te loqui? And|who|I|am|so that|I may dare|to|you|speak And who am I, that I dare to speak to you? Ego sum pauperrimus servulus tuus, et abjectus vermiculus tuus, multo pauperior et contemptibilior, quam scio et dicere audeo. I|am|very poor|little servant|your|and|cast out|little worm|your|much|poorer|and|more contemptible|than|I know|and|to say|I dare I am your very poor servant, and your despised worm, much poorer and more contemptible than I know and dare to say. Memento tamen, Domine, quia nihil sum, nihil valeo, nihilque habeo. Remember|however|Lord|because|nothing|I am|nothing|I am worth|and nothing|I have Remember, however, Lord, that I am nothing, I am worth nothing, and I have nothing. Tu solus bonus justus et sanctus; tu omnia potes, omnia præstas, omnia imples, solum peccatorem inanem relinquens. You|alone|good|just|and|holy|you|all things|are able|all things|provide|all things|fulfill|only|sinner|empty|leaving You alone are good, just, and holy; you can do all things, provide all things, fulfill all things, leaving only the empty sinner. Reminiscere miserationum tuarum, Domine, et imple gratia tua cor ceum, qui non vis vacua esse opera tua. Remember|of your mercies|your|Lord|and|fill|grace|your|heart|of him|who|not|wants|empty|to be|works|your Remember your mercies, Lord, and fill my heart with your grace, so that your works may not be empty.

6\\. 6. Quomodo possum me tolerare in hac misera vita, nisi me confortaveris misericordia tua et gratia tua. How|can I|myself|endure|in|this|miserable|life|unless|me|comforted|mercy|your|and|grace|your How can I endure in this miserable life, unless you strengthen me with your mercy and your grace? Noli avertere faciem tuam a me, noli visitationem tuam prolongare, noli consolationem tuam prolongare, noli consolationem tuam abstrahere, ne fiat anima mea sicut terra sine aqua tibi. Do not||face|your|from|me|Do not|visit|your|prolong|Do not|consolation|your|prolong|Do not|consolation|your|take away|lest|become|soul|my|like|earth|without|water|to you Do not turn your face away from me, do not prolong your visitation, do not prolong your comfort, do not withdraw your comfort, lest my soul become like the earth without water to you. Doce me, Domine, facere voluntatem tuam. Teach|me|Lord|to do|will|your Teach me, Lord, to do your will. Doce me coram te digne et humiliter conversari, quia sapientia mea tu es, qui in veritate me cognoscis, et cognovisti antequam fieret mundus, et antequam natus essem in mundo. Teach|me|before|you|worthily|and|humbly|to live|because|wisdom|my|you|are|who|in|truth|me|know|and|you knew|before|was made|world|and|before|born|I was|in|world Teach me to walk before you worthily and humbly, for you are my wisdom, who knows me in truth, and you knew me before the world was made, and before I was born into the world.

Cap. Chapter Chapter. 4. 4. Quod in humilitate et veritate coram Deo est conversandum. That|in|humility|and|truth|before|God|is|to be conversed That one should walk in humility and truth before God.

1\\. 1. Fili, ambula coram me in veritate et in simplicitate cordis tui quære me semper. Son|walk|before|me|in|truth|and|in|simplicity|heart|your|seek|me|always Son, walk before me in truth and in the simplicity of your heart, seek me always. Qui ambulat coram me in veritate, tutabitur ab incursibus vanis et veritas liberabit eum a seductoribus et detractionibus iniquorum. He who||before|me|in|truth|will be protected|from|attacks|vain|and|truth|will free|him|from|seducers|and|slanders|of the wicked He who walks before me in truth will be protected from vain attacks, and the truth will free him from the seductions and slanders of the wicked. Si veritas te liberaverit, vere liber eris et non curabis de vanis hominum verbis. If|truth|you|shall set free|truly|free|you will be|and|not|will care|about|vain|of men|words If the truth has set you free, you will truly be free and will not care about the vain words of men. Domine verum est ut dicis, ita quæso mecum fiat. Lord|true|it is|as|you say|so|I ask|with me|let it be done Lord, it is true as you say, so I ask that it be done with me. Veritas tua ipsa me doceat, ipsa me custodiat, et usque ad salutarem finem me conservet; ipsa me liberet ab omni affectione mala et inordinata at ambulabo tecum in magna cordis libertate. Truth|your|it|me|may teach|it|me||and|||||||||||||||disordered|but|I will walk|with you|in|great|heart|freedom May your truth itself teach me, may it guard me, and may it preserve me until the saving end; may it free me from all evil and disordered affections, and I will walk with you in great freedom of heart.

2\\. 2\. Ego te docebo, ait Veritas, quæ recta sunt et placita coram me. I|you|will teach|said|Truth|which|right|are|and|pleasing|before|me I will teach you, says Truth, what is right and pleasing before me. Cogita peccata tua cum displicentia magna et memorare, et nuquam reputes te aliquid esse propter opera bona. Think|sins|your|with|great displeasure|great|and|remember|and|never|consider|yourself|something|to be|because of|good|works Consider your sins with great displeasure and remember, and never think of yourself as something because of good works. Revera peccator es, et multis passionibus obnoxius, et implicatus. truly|sinner|you are|and|many|passions|subject|and|entangled Indeed, you are a sinner, subject to many passions, and entangled. Ex te semper ad nihil tendis, cito laberis, cito turbaris, cito dissolveris. From|you|always|to|nothing|tend|quickly|you are burdened|quickly|you are disturbed|quickly|you are dissolved From you, you always tend towards nothing, you quickly fall, you quickly become troubled, you quickly dissolve. Non habes quidquam, unde possis gloriari. You do not|have|anything|from where||to boast You have nothing to boast about. Sed multa habes unde te debes vilificare, quia multo infirmior es quam vales comprehendere. But|many things|you have|from which|yourself|you should|vilify|because|much|weaker|you are|than|you are able|to understand But you have many reasons to humble yourself, because you are much weaker than you can understand.

3\\. 3\. Nihil ergo tibi magnum videatur ex omnibus, quæ agis. Nothing|therefore|to you|great|may be seen|from|all|which|you do Therefore, nothing should seem great to you from all that you do. Nihil grande, nihil prætiosum et admirabile, nil reputatione appareat dignum, nil altum, nil vere laudabile, et desiderabile, nisi quod æternum. Nothing|great|nothing|precious|and|admirable|nothing|reputation|appears|worthy|nothing|high|nothing|truly|praiseworthy|and|desirable|except|what|eternal Nothing great, nothing precious and admirable, nothing worthy of reputation, nothing high, nothing truly praiseworthy, and desirable, except what is eternal. Placeat tibi super omnia æterna veritas, displiceat tibi super omnia vilitas maxima tua. may it please|you|above|all|eternal|truth|may it displease|you|above|all|worthlessness|greatest|yours Let eternal truth be above all to you, let your greatest vileness be displeasing to you. Nil sic temeas et fugias, sicut vitia, et peccata tua, quæ magis displicere debent, quam quælibet rerum damna. Nothing|thus|you should fear|and|you should flee|like|vices|and|sins|your|which|more|to displease|should|than|any|of things|losses Fear and flee nothing as much as your vices and sins, which ought to displease you more than any loss of things. Quidam non sincere coram me ambulant, sed quadam curiositte et arrogania ducti volunt secreta mea scire, et alta Dei intelligere, se et suam salutem negligentes. Some|not|sincerely|before|me|walk|but|by a certain|curiosity|and|arrogance|led|they want|secrets|my|to know|and|deep|of God|to understand|themselves|and|their|salvation|neglectful Some do not walk sincerely before me, but led by a certain curiosity and arrogance, they wish to know my secrets and understand the heights of God, neglecting themselves and their salvation. Hi sæpe in magnas tentationes, et peccata, propter suam jactantiam, superbiam et curiositatem, labuntur me eis adversante. I|often|in|great|temptations|and|sins|because of|his|arrogance|pride|and|curiosity|slip|me|them|opposing They often slip into great temptations and sins, because of their boasting, pride, and curiosity, with me opposing them. Time judicia Dei, expavesce iram Omnipotentis. The time|judgments|of God|fear|wrath|of the Omnipotent Fear the judgments of God, tremble at the wrath of the Almighty.

4\\. 4\. Noli autem discutere opera Altissimi, sed tuas iniquitates perscrutare, in quantis dereliquisti, et quam multa bona neglexisti. Do not|however|question|works|of the Most High|but|your|iniquities|examine|in|how many|you have forsaken|and|how much|many|good things|you have neglected Do not, however, discuss the works of the Most High, but examine your own iniquities, in how many you have forsaken, and how many good things you have neglected. Quidam portant solum suam devotionem in libris, quidam in imaginibus; quidam autem in signis exterioribus et figuris. Some|carry|only|their|devotion|in|books|some|in|images|some|however|in|signs|external|and| Some carry their devotion only in books, some in images; others, however, in external signs and figures. Quidam habent me in ore, sed modicum in corde. Some|have|me|in|mouth|but|little|in|heart Some have me in their mouths, but little in their hearts. Sunt alii qui intellectu illuminati et affectu purgati ad æterna sempe anhelant, de terrenis graviter audiunt, necessitatibus naturæ dolenter inserviunt, et hi sentiunt, quid veritatis spiritus loquitur in eis. There are|others|who|by intellect|enlightened|and|by affection|purified|towards|eternal|always|yearn|from|earthly things|heavily|hear|necessities|of nature|sadly|serve|and|they|feel|what|of truth|spirit|speaks|in|them There are others who, enlightened in understanding and purified in affection, always long for eternal things, hear heavily about earthly matters, serve painfully the necessities of nature, and these feel what the spirit of truth speaks in them. Quia docet eos terrena despicere, et amare cælestia, mundum negligere, et cælum tota die et nocte desiderare. Because|teaches|them|earthly|to despise|and|to love|heavenly|world|to neglect|and|heaven|all|day|and|night|to desire Because it teaches them to despise earthly things, to love heavenly things, to neglect the world, and to desire heaven all day and night.

Cap. Chapter Chapter. 5. 5. De mirabili affectu divini amoris. Of|wonderful|affection|divine|love On the wonderful affection of divine love.

1\\. 1. Benedico te, Pater cælestis, Pater Domini mei Jesu Christi, qui mei pauperis dignatus es recordari. I bless|you|Father|heavenly|Father|of the Lord|my|Jesus|Christ|who|my|poor|deigned|you were|to remember I bless you, heavenly Father, Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, who has deigned to remember me, a poor one. O, Pater misericordiarum, et Deus totius consolationis, gratias tibi ago, qui me indignum omni consolatione quandoque tua recreas consolatione. O|Father|of mercies|and|God|of all|consolation|thanks|to you|I give|who|me|unworthy|of all|consolation|at any time|your|refresh|consolation O, Father of mercies, and God of all consolation, I give you thanks, who sometimes refresh me, unworthy as I am, with all your consolation. Benedico te semper et glorifico cum unigenito Filio tuo, et Spiritu Sancto paracleto in sæcula sæculorum, amen. I bless|you|always|and|I glorify|with|only-begotten|Son|your|and|Spirit|Holy|Comforter|in|ages|of ages|amen I bless you always and glorify you with your only-begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit the Comforter, forever and ever, amen. Eia, Domine Deus, meus amator sancte, cum tu veneris in cor meum, exultabunt omnia interiora mea. Behold|Lord|God|my|lover|holy|when|you|come|into|heart|my|will rejoice|all|innermost parts|my Behold, Lord God, my holy lover, when you come into my heart, all my innermost being will rejoice. Tu es gloria mea et exultatio cordis mei, tu spes mea et refugium in die tribulationis meæ. You|are|glory|my|and|rejoicing|of heart|my|You|hope|my|and|refuge|in|day|of tribulation|my You are my glory and the exultation of my heart, you are my hope and refuge in the day of my tribulation.

2\\. 2\. Sed quia adhuc debilis sum in amore et impefectus in virtute, ideo necesse habeo confortari et consolari. But|because|still|weak|I am|in|love|and||in|virtue|therefore|necessary|I have|to be strengthened|and|to be consoled But because I am still weak in love and imperfect in virtue, I therefore need to be strengthened and consoled. Propterea visita me sæpius, et instrue disciplinis tuis. Therefore|visit|me|often|and|instruct|your studies|your For this reason, visit me often, and instruct me in your teachings. Libera me a passionibus pravis et malis, et sana cor meum ab omnibus affectionibus inordinatis, ut intus sanatus et bene purgatus aptus efficiar ad amandum, fortis ad patiendum, stabilis ad perseverandum. Free|me|from|passions|wicked|and|evil|and|heal|heart|my|from|all|affections|disordered|that|within|healed|and|well|purified|fit|I may become|for|loving|strong|for|enduring|stable|for|persevering Free me from wicked and evil passions, and heal my heart from all disordered affections, so that, healed within and well purified, I may become fit for loving, strong for enduring, and stable for persevering.

3\\. 3\. Magna res est amor, magnum omnino bonum quod solum leve facit esse onerosum, et fert æqualiter omne inæquale: nam onus sine onere portat, et omne amarum dulce ac sapidum efficit. Great|thing|is|love|great|altogether|good|which|only|light|makes|to be||and|carries|equally|every|unequal|for|burden|without|burden|carries|and|every|bitter|sweet|and|savory|makes Love is a great thing, a truly great good that makes only light burdens feel heavy, and equally carries all that is unequal: for it carries a burden without a burden, and makes all bitter sweet and flavorful. Amor Jesu nobilis ad magna operanda impellit, et desideranda semper perfectiora excitat. Love|of Jesus|noble|to|great|works|drives|and|desirable|always|more perfect|excites The love of Jesus drives noble actions, and always stirs up a desire for greater perfection. Amor vult esse sursum, nec ullis infimis rebus retineri. Love|wants|to be|upward|nor|any|low||to be held back Love wishes to be above, and not to be held back by any lowly things. Amor vult esse liber, et ab omni mundana affectione alienus, ne internus ejus impediatur aspectus; ne per aliquod commodum temporale implicationes sustineat, aut per incommodum succumbat. Love|wishes|to be|free|and|from|all|worldly|affection|alien|lest|internal|its|be impeded|sight|lest|by|any|advantage|temporal|implications|endure|or|by|disadvantage|succumb Love wishes to be free, and alien to all worldly affections, so that its inner vision is not hindered; lest it endure entanglements for some temporary gain, or succumb to some inconvenience. Nil dulcius est amore, nil fortius, nil altius, nil latius, nil jucundius, nil plenius, nil melius in cælo et in terra, quia amor a Deo natus est, nec potest nisi in Deo super omnia creata quiescere. Nothing|sweeter|is|than love|nothing|stronger|nothing|higher|nothing|wider|nothing|more pleasant|nothing|fuller|nothing|better|in|heaven|and|in|earth|because|love|from|God|born|is|nor|can|except|in|God|above|all|created|to rest Nothing is sweeter than love, nothing stronger, nothing higher, nothing broader, nothing more pleasant, nothing fuller, nothing better in heaven and on earth, because love is born of God, and can only find rest in God above all created things.

4\\. 4\. Amans volat, currit, lætatur, liber est, et non tenetur. The lover|flies|runs|rejoices|free|is|and|not|held The lover flies, runs, rejoices, is free, and is not held. Dat omnia pro omnibus, et habet omnia in omnibus, quia in uno summo super omnia quiescit, ex quo omne bonum fluit et procedit. He gives|all things|for|all|and|He has|all things|in|all|because|in|one|highest|above|all|rests|from|which|every|good|flows|and|proceeds He gives everything for everyone, and has everything in everyone, because in the one highest being above all, from which all good flows and proceeds, he rests. Non respicit ad dona, sed ad donantem se convertit super omnia bona. Not|he/she/it looks back|at|gifts|but|at|giver|himself/herself|turns|above|all|goods He does not look at the gifts, but turns to the giver above all good. Amor sæpe modum nescit, sed super omne bonum fervescit. Love|often|moderation|does not know|but|above|all|good|burns Love often knows no measure, but burns above all good. Amor onus non sentit, labores non reputat, plus affectat, quam valet, de impossibilitate non causatur, quia cuncta sibi licere posse arbitratur. Love|burden|not||labors|not|counts|more|affects|than|is able|about|impossibility|not|caused|because|all things|to itself|to be allowed|to be able|thinks Love does not feel burden, does not count labors, desires more than it is able, does not arise from impossibility, because it believes that everything is possible for it. Valet igitur ad omnia, et multa implet, et effectui mancipat. He is worth|therefore|to|all things|and|many things|he fills|and|to the effect|he entrusts Therefore, it is capable of all things, and fulfills many, and commits to effect. Ubi vero amans deficit et jacet, amor vigilat, et dormiens dormitat, fatigatus non laxatur, arctatus non arctatur, territus non conturbatur, sed, sicut vivax flamma et ardens favilla, sursum erumpit secureque pertransit. Where|truly|loving|fails|and|lies|love|watches|and|sleeping|sleeps|fatigued|not|relaxed|pressed|not|pressed|frightened|not|disturbed|but|like|lively|flame|and|burning|spark|upward|bursts forth|securely|passes through But when the lover fails and lies down, love watches, and the sleeping one dozes, fatigued it does not relax, constrained it is not constrained, terrified it is not disturbed, but, like a lively flame and burning ember, it bursts forth and passes through securely.

5\\. 5\. Si quis amat, novit quid hæc vox clamat. If|anyone|loves|knows|what|this|voice|shouts If anyone loves, they know what this voice cries out. Magnus clamor in auribus Dei est ardens affectus animæ, quæ dicit. Great|cry|in|ears|of God|is|burning|affection|soul|which|speaks A great cry in the ears of God is the burning affection of the soul, which says. Deus, Deus meus, amor meus, tu totus meus, et ego tuus. God|God|my|love|my|you|whole|mine|and|I|yours God, my God, my love, you are all mine, and I am yours.

6\\. 6\. Dilata me in amore, ut discam interiori cordis ore degustare, quam suave sit amare et in amore liquefieri et natare. Expand|me|in|love|so that|I may learn|inner|heart|mouth|to taste|how|sweet|it is|to love|and|in|love|to be melted|and|to swim Expand me in love, so that I may learn to taste with the inner mouth of the heart how sweet it is to love and to melt and swim in love. Tenear amore vadens supra me præ nimio fervore et stupore. I may be held|by love|going|above|me|by|excessive|passion|and|astonishment I am held by love, going above me through excessive fervor and wonder. Cantem amoris canticum; sequar te dilectum meum in altum. Let us sing|of love|song||you|beloved|my|in|high Let us sing a song of love; I will follow you, my beloved, to the heights. Deficit in laude tua anima mea, jubilans ex amore. Lacks|in|praise|your|soul|my|rejoicing|from|love My soul fails in your praise, rejoicing out of love. Amem te plus quam me, nec me nisi propter te, et omnes in te, qui vere amant te, sicut jubet lex amoris, lucens ex te. I love|you|more|than|myself|nor|me|except|for the sake of|you|and|all|in|you|who|truly|love|you|as|commands|law||shining|from|you I love you more than myself, and not for myself except for you, and all in you, who truly love you, as the law of love commands, shining from you.

7\\. 7\. Est amor velox, sincerus, pius, prudens, longanimis, virilis, et seipsum nunquam quærens. It is|love|swift|sincere|pious|prudent|patient|manly|and|himself|never|seeking Love is swift, sincere, pious, wise, patient, manly, and never seeks itself. Ubi enim seipsum aliquis quærit, ibi ab amore cadit. Where|for|himself|someone|seeks|there|from|love|falls For where someone seeks themselves, there they fall from love. Est amor circumspectus, humilis et rectus, non mollis, non levis nec vanis intendens rebus, sobrius, stabilis, castus, quietus, et in cunctis sensibus custoditus. It is|love|circumspect|humble|and|upright|not|soft|not|light|nor|vain|intending|things|sober|stable|pure|quiet|and|in|all|senses|guarded Love is circumspect, humble and upright, not soft, not light, nor aiming at vain things, sober, stable, chaste, quiet, and guarded in all senses. Est amor subjectus et obediens Prælatis, sibi vilis et despectus, Deo devotus et gratificus fidens, et semper sperans in eo, etiam cum sibi non sapit Deus, quia sine dolore non vivitur in amore. It is|love|subject|and|obedient|to the superiors|to himself|worthless|and|despised|to God|devoted|and|pleasing|trusting|and|always|hoping|in|him|even|when|to himself|not|understands|God|because|without|pain|not|is lived|in|love Love is subject and obedient to superiors, humble and despised in itself, devoted to God and pleasing to Him, trusting, and always hoping in Him, even when God does not seem good to them, for one does not live in love without pain.

8\\. 8\. Qui non est paratus omnia pati, et ad voluntatem stare dilecti, non est dignus amator appellari. He who|not|is|prepared|all|to suffer|and|to|will|to stand|of the beloved|not|is|worthy|lover|to be called He who is not prepared to endure all things, and to stand according to the will of the beloved, is not worthy to be called a lover. Oportet amantem omnia dura et amara propter dilectum libenter amplecti, nec ob contraria accidentia ab eo deflecti. It is necessary|lover|all|harsh|and|bitter|for the sake of|beloved|willingly|to embrace|nor|because of|contrary|events|from|him|to be deflected The lover must willingly embrace all hardships and bitter things for the sake of the beloved, nor should they be swayed by contrary events.

Cap. Chapter Chapter. 6. 6. De probatione veri amatoris. Of|the proof|true|lover On the proof of a true lover.

1\\. 1. Fili, non es adhuc fortis et prudens amator. Son|not|you are|yet|strong|and|wise|lover Son, you are not yet a strong and wise lover. Quare, Domine? Why|Lord Why, Lord? Quia modicam propter contrarietatem deficis, accipis et nimis avide consolationem quæris. Because|slight|due to|contradiction|you fail|you receive|and|too|eagerly|consolation|you seek Because you falter slightly due to opposition, you receive and too eagerly seek consolation. Fortis amator stat in tentationibus, nec callidis credit persuasionibus inimici. The strong|lover|stands|in|temptations|nor|cunning|believes|persuasions|of the enemy A strong lover stands in temptations, nor does he believe the cunning persuasions of the enemy. Sicut in prosperis ei placeo, ita nec in adversis displiceo. As|in|prosperous times|to him|I please|so|nor|in|adverse times|I displease As I please him in prosperity, so I do not displease him in adversity.

2\\. 2\. Prudens amator non tam donum amantis, quam dantis considerat amorem. Prudent|lover|not|so much|gift|of the loving|as|of the giving|considers|love A wise lover considers not so much the gift of the beloved, but the love of the giver. Affectum potius attendit, quam censum, et infra dilectum omnia data ponit. Emotion|rather|attends to|than|census|and|below|beloved|all|given|places He pays more attention to the affection than to the value, and places all gifts beneath his beloved. Nobilis amator non quiescit in dono, sed in me super omne donum. Noble|lover|not|rests|in|gift|but|in|me|above|every|gift A noble lover does not rest in the gift, but in me above every gift. Non ideo perditum totum, si quandoque minus bene de me, vel de sanctis meis sentis, quam velles. Not|therefore|lost|whole|if|ever|less|well|about|me|or|about|saints|my|you think|than|you would wish It is not entirely lost if at some time you think less well of me, or of my saints, than you would like. Affectus ille bonus et dulcis, quem interdum percipis, effectus gratiæ præsentis est, et quidam prægustus patriæ cælestis, super quo non nimium innitendum est, quia vadit et venit. Emotion|that|good|and|sweet|whom|sometimes|you perceive|effect|grace|present|is|and|a certain|foretaste|homeland|heavenly|upon|which|not|too much|to be relied upon|is|because|goes|and|comes That good and sweet affection, which you sometimes perceive, is the effect of present grace, and a certain foretaste of the heavenly homeland, over which one should not lean too much, because it comes and goes.

3\\. 3\. Certare autem adversus incidentes malos motus animi, suggestionemque spernere diaboli, insigne est virtutis et magni meriti. To strive|however|against|arising|evil|movements|of the mind|and suggestion|to reject|of the devil|sign|is|of virtue|and|great|merit To strive against the incipient bad movements of the mind, and to reject the suggestions of the devil, is a sign of virtue and great merit. Non ergo te conturbent alienæ phantasiæ de quacumque materia ingestæ. Not|therefore|you|disturb|foreign|imaginations|about|whatever|matter|ingested Therefore, do not be disturbed by the foreign fantasies introduced from any matter. Forte serva propositum, et intentionem rectam ad Deum. Strongly|keep|purpose|and|intention|right|towards|God Perhaps keep the purpose, and the right intention towards God. Non est illusio, quod aliquando in excessum subito raperis et statim ad ineptias solitas cordis reverteris. It is not|is|an illusion|that|sometimes|into|excess|suddenly|you are seized|and|immediately|to|foolishness|usual|of the heart|you return It is not an illusion that sometimes you are suddenly seized by excess and immediately return to the usual foolishness of the heart. Illas enim magis invite pateris quam agis, et quamdiu displicent, et reniteris, meritum est et non perditio. them|for|more|unwillingly|you endure|than|you act|and|as long as|they displease|and|you resist|merit|is|and|not|destruction For you endure those things more reluctantly than you act, and as long as they displease you, and you resist, it is merit and not destruction.

4\\. 4\. Scito, quod antiquus hostis omnino nititur impedire desiderium tuum in bono, et ab omni devoto exercitio evacuare, a Sanctorum cultu, a pia passionis meæ memoria, a peccatorum utili recordatione, a proprii cordis custodia, et a firmo proposito proficiendi in virtute. Know|that|ancient|enemy|completely|strives|to hinder|desire|your|in|good|and|from|all|devout|exercise|to remove|from|Saints|worship|from|pious|passion||memory|from|sins|useful|remembrance|from|one's own|heart|guard|and|from|firm|purpose|progressing|in|virtue Know that the ancient enemy strives entirely to hinder your desire for good, and to empty you of all devoted exercise, from the worship of the Saints, from the pious memory of my passion, from the useful remembrance of sins, from the guarding of your own heart, and from the firm purpose of progressing in virtue. Multas malas cogitationes ingerit, ut tædium tibi faciat et horrorem, et ab oratione revocet et sacra lectione. Many|bad|thoughts|injects|so that|boredom|to you|may cause|and|horror|and|from|prayer|may recall|and|sacred|reading He injects many evil thoughts, so as to make you weary and horrified, and to draw you away from prayer and sacred reading. Displicet sibi humilis confessio et, si posset, a sacra communione cessare faceret. displeases|to him|humble|confession|and|if|he could|from|sacred|communion|to cease|he would do He dislikes humble confession and, if he could, he would cease from sacred communion. Nec credas ei neque cures illum, licet tibi sæpius deceptionis tenderit laqueos. Nor|you should believe|him|nor|you should care about|him|although|to you|often|of deception|tends|traps Do not believe him nor care for him, although he often lays traps of deception for you. Sibi imputa, cum mala ingerit et immunda. to himself|he/she/it imputes|when|evils|he/she/it brings in|and|unclean things Blame yourself when you bring evil and unclean things. Dicito illi: Vade, immunde spiritus, erubesce miser; vade immundus es tu, qui talia infers auribus meis. Say|to him|Go|unclean|spirit|be ashamed|wretched one|go|unclean|you are|you|who|such things|brings|ears|my Say to him: Go away, unclean spirit, be ashamed, wretched one; you are the unclean one who brings such things to my ears. Discede a me, seductor pessime; non habebis in me partem ullam, sed Jesus mecum erit, tanquam bellator fortis, et tu stabilis confusus. Depart|from|me|seducer|worst|not|you will have|in|me|part|any|but|Jesus|with me|will be|like|warrior|strong|and|you|stable|confused Depart from me, most wicked seducer; you will have no part in me, but Jesus will be with me, like a strong warrior, and you will be left confused. Malo mori, et omnem pœnam subire, quam tibi consentire. I prefer|to die|and|all||to endure|than|to you|to agree I would rather die and endure all punishment than agree with you. Tace, et obmutesce; non audiam te amplius, licet mihi plures moliaris molestias. Be silent|and|be quiet|not|I will hear|you|anymore|although|to me|more|you may cause|troubles Be silent and be quiet; I will not hear you anymore, even if you cause me more troubles. Dominus illuminatio mea, et salus mea: quem timebo? The Lord|light|my|and|salvation|my|whom|shall I fear The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? Si consistant adversum me castra, non timebit cor meum. If|they should stand|against|me|camps|not|will fear|heart|my If an army encamps against me, my heart will not fear. Dominus adjutor meus et redemptor meus. The Lord|my helper|my|and|redeemer|my The Lord is my helper and my redeemer.

5\\. 5. Certa tanquam miles bonus; et si interdum ex fragilitate corruis, resume vires fortiores prioribus, confidens de ampliori gratia mea, et multum præcave a vana complacentia et superbia. Be certain|as|good soldier|good|and|if|sometimes|from|weakness|you fall|regain|strength|stronger|previous|confident|in|greater|grace|my|and|much|beware|of|vain|complacency|and|pride Be certain like a good soldier; and if sometimes you fall due to weakness, regain stronger strength than before, confident in my greater grace, and be very cautious of vain complacency and pride. Propter hoc multi in errorem ducuntur, et in cecitatem pæne incurabilem quandoque labuntur. Because of|this|many|into|error|are led|and|into|blindness|almost|incurable|sometimes|slip Because of this, many are led into error, and sometimes they slip into a blindness that is nearly incurable. Sit tibi in cautelam et perpetuam humilitatem ruina hæc superborum et de se stulte præsumentium. Let it be|to you|in|caution|and|perpetual|humility|ruin|this|of the proud|and|of|themselves|foolishly|presuming Let this ruin of the proud and those who foolishly presume upon themselves be a warning and a perpetual reminder of humility for you.

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