學 而 第一
Learn|and|Chapter One
learning first
Estudia primero
Studia prima
Учение первым
1\\. 子 曰 : 「 學 而 時 習 之 , 不 亦 說 乎 ?
Master|says|Learn|and|regular intervals|practice|"it"|"not"|"also" or "is it not"|pleased|Isn't it
1\\\\\\\\. The Master said: "Study and learn from time to time, don't you just say it?
1\. Il maestro disse: "Studiare e ripassare periodicamente, non è anche una gioia?"
1. 子曰く:「学びて時に之を習う、また喜びではないか?」
1\\ sa: "Er det ikke sant at man bør lære og øve fra tid til annen?"
1\. Сын сказал: «Учиться и периодически практиковать - разве это не радость?»
有 朋 自 遠方 來 , 不亦樂乎 ?
||откуда|далека|приходит|не ли радость
|friend(s)|from afar|distant place||Isn't it delightful?
Have friends come from afar?
Avere amici che vengono da lontano, non è anche una felicità?"
Har venner kommet langveisfra?
Есть друг, пришедший издалека, разве это не счастье?
人 不 知 而 不 慍 , 不 亦 君子 乎 ?
one|not|know|but||resentful||also|gentleman|question particle
People don't know but don't feel stunned, aren't they also a gentleman?
Se le persone non sanno, eppure non si arrabbiano, non è anche questo un comportamento da gentiluomo?"
2\\\. 有 子 曰 : 「 其 為 人 也 孝 弟 , 而 好 犯上 者 , 鮮 矣 ; 不 好 犯上 , 而 好 作亂 者 , 未 之 有 也 。
|||he|as|||Filial piety|respect for elders|||Defy authority|"person who"|rarely|"矣" in this context can be translated as "indeed" or "certainly."||||||create chaos||not yet|"it"||
|||||||||||||få sjeldne|har vært|||å utfordre overordnede|men||lage opprør|||||
2\\\\\\\\. Youzi said: "He is a man who is filial to his younger brother, but those who like to offend his superiors are rare; those who are not easy to offend his superiors, but are fond of making troubles are rare.
2. Confucio disse: «Tra le persone, quelle che sono filiali e fraterne e amano trasgredire non sono molte; quelle che non amano trasgredire e amano creare disordini, non esistono affatto.»
2\\\\\\\\. Youzi sa: "Han er en mann som er søtlig mot sin yngre bror, men de som liker å fornærme sine overordnede er sjeldne; de som ikke har lett for å fornærme sine overordnede, men som liker å lage problemer, er sjelden.
君子 務 本 , 本 立 而 道 生 。
gentleman|"focus on"|||established||way|arises
A gentleman is committed to his roots, and the Tao is born from his roots.
Il signore si dedica alle fondamenta; quando le fondamenta sono solide, la via si sviluppa.
孝弟 也 者 , 其 為 仁 之 本 與 !
Filial piety|||it|is|benevolence|||is
Being a filial brother is the foundation of benevolence!
Essere filiali e fraterni è la base della benevolenza!
3\\\. 子 曰 : 「 巧言 、 令色 , 鮮 矣 仁 !
||Clever words|insincere appearance|seldom|indeed|
3\\\. Confucius said: "Knowing words, commanding colors, fresh benevolence!
Il Maestro disse: 'Le parole astute e i volti affettati, raramente portano alla benevolenza!'
4\\\. 曾子 曰 : 「 吾 日 三 省 吾 身 , 為 人 謀 而 不 忠 乎 ?
Zengzi||"I"|day|three|examine||self|||plan|||Loyal or faithful|
4\\\. Zengzi said: "I examine myself three times every day. Am I being unfaithful in my plans for others?"
4\\\. Zengzi disse: "Ogni giorno mi esamino tre volte, ho cospirato per gli altri senza essere leale?"
與 朋友 交 而 不 信 乎 ?
with||make friends with|||trust|
Make friends but don’t believe it?
Ho interagito con gli amici senza essere sincero?"
傳 不 習乎 ?
Pass down||practice
Are you not used to it?
Non ho trasmesso ciò che ho imparato?"
5\\\. 子 曰 : 「 道 千 乘 之 國 , 敬事 而 信 , 節用 而 愛 人 , 使 民 以 時 。 」
|||thousand|carriages or states|||Respect duties|||Economize resources||||govern the|people||time
5\\\. Confucius said: "A country with a thousand chariots of Tao will respect things and be trustworthy, be frugal and love others, so that the people will be in good time. "
6\\\. 子 曰 : 「 弟子 入 則 孝 , 出 則 弟 , 謹 而 信 , 汎 愛 眾 , 而 親 仁 。
||Disciple|"at home"|then|filial piety|||brother|Respectful|||broadly love all|broadly love|the masses||cherish virtue|
6\\\. Confucius said: "When a disciple enters, he will be filial, and when he leaves, he will be a younger brother. He will be sincere and trustworthy, love everyone universally, and be kind and benevolent."
行有餘力 , 則 以 學 文 。 」
spare energy||||literature
If you have enough energy to do, study literature. "
7\\\. 子 夏 曰 : 「 賢賢 易 色 , 事 父母 能 竭 其 力 , 事 君 能 致 其 身 , 與 朋友 交言 而 有 信 , 雖 曰 未 學 , 吾 必 謂 之 學 矣 。 」
Master|Xia||"Respect the virtuous"|easy|appearance||||exhaust||||ruler||devote|||with||exchange words||||although|said|not||I|must|considered as|||
7\\\. Zi Xia said: "The virtuous person changes his appearance. He can serve his parents to the best of his ability. He can serve his ruler to the best of his ability. He can be trustworthy when communicating with friends. Even if he says he has not learned it, I will definitely call it learning. "
7\\\\\\\\. Zixia sa: "De dydige og dydige endrer utseende, de kan gjøre sitt beste for å tjene foreldrene sine, de kan gjøre sitt beste for å tjene kongen, og de er pålitelige i sine ord med venner. Selv om de si at de ikke har lært, jeg må kalle dem lærde."
8\\\. 子 曰 : 「 君子 不 重 , 則 不 威 , 學 則 不 固 。
||||value|then||awe-inspiring presence||||firmly established
8\\\. Confucius said: "If a gentleman is not serious, he will not have authority, and his learning will not be solid."
主 忠信 , 無 友 不如 己 者 , 過 則 勿 憚 改 。 」
Lord|loyalty and trust|no|friend|"Not as good"|oneself||exceed|then|do not|dread|correct
The Lord is faithful and has no friends who are worse than himself. Don't be afraid to correct your mistakes. "
9\\\. 曾子 曰 : 「 慎終追遠 , 民德 歸 厚 矣 。 」
||Revere ancestors|"virtue of people"|return to|profound|
9\\\. Zengzi said: "If you are careful to pursue your goals, the people's virtue will be strong. "
10\\\. 子禽 問 於 子貢 曰 : 「 夫子 至於是 邦 也 , 必 聞 其 政 , 求 之 與 ?
Ziqin|ask|to|Zigong||Master or Teacher|"reaches this"|state or country|||hear about||government affairs|ask about||with
10\\\. Zi Qin asked Yu Zigong: "Master, as for being a state, you must hear about its politics and ask for its support?"
抑與 之 與 ?
"Or with"||
Withhold and with?
子貢 曰 : 「 夫子 溫 良恭儉讓 以 得 之 , 夫子 之 求 之 也 , 其 諸 異乎 人 之 求 之 與 ?
|||gentle|kind, respectful, humble||||||||||perhaps|different from|||||
Zigong said: "Master is gentle, courteous, thrifty and gives way to get it. Master seeks for it. Is it different from what others seek for?"
11\\\. 子 曰 : 「 父 在 觀 其 志 , 父 沒 觀 其 行 , 三 年 無 改 於 父 之 道 , 可謂 孝 矣 。 」
||Father|at|observe||aspirations||not|observe|||||without||in||||can be called|filial piety|
11\\\. The Master said: "My father was observing his ambitions, but my father was not observing his actions. If he has not changed his ways for three years, he can be called filial."
12\\\. 有 子 曰 : 「 禮 之 用 , 和 為 貴 。
12\\\. Youzi said: "As for the purpose of etiquette, harmony is the most precious thing.
先王 之 道 , 斯 為 美 , 小大 由 之 , 有所 不行 , 知 和 而 和 , 不 以 禮節 之 , 亦 不 可行 也 。 」
Former kings|||this||beauty|small and large|by||"something"|not feasible||||||with|ritual propriety||also||feasible|
The way of the former kings is beautiful. It can be practiced in small and large ways. If there are certain things that cannot be done, if one knows how to be harmonious, it cannot be done without etiquette. "
13\\\. 有 子 曰 : 「 信 近於 義 , 言 可 復 也 。
||||close to|righteousness|words or speech||fulfilled|
13\\\. Youzi said: "Faith is close to righteousness, and words can be restored."
恭 近於 禮 , 遠 恥辱 也 。
Respectful|close to|propriety|distant from|shame|
Respect is closer to etiquette than shame.
因 不失 其 親 , 亦 可 宗 也 。 」
|"not lose"||parents|also||ancestor|
Because they don't lose their relatives, they can also be members of the clan. "
14 \\\. 子 曰 : 「 君子 食 無 求 飽 , 居 無 求 安 , 敏於 事 而 慎於 言 , 就 有道 而 正 焉 , 可謂 好學 也 已 。 」
Confucius||||without|seek|satisfaction|live|without||comfort|"Diligent in"|||cautious in|||"righteous path"|||therein|can be called|eager to learn||final particle
14 \\\. Confucius said: "The gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to live in, and he has nothing to seek for peace of mind. He is sensitive to things and careful in his words. He has the Way and is right. He can be said to be eager to learn."
15 \\. 子貢 曰 : 「 貧 而 無 諂 , 富而無驕 , 何如 ?
Zi Gong||Poor||without|flattery|"Rich without arrogance"|How about
15 \\. Zigong said: "How about being poor without flattery, being rich without arrogance?
」 子 曰 : 「 可 也 , 未 若 貧 而 樂 , 富 而 好 禮 者 也 。 」
Confucius said: "Yes, it is better to be poor and happy than to be rich and courteous."
子貢 曰 : 「 詩 云 : 『 如 切 如 磋 , 如 琢 如 磨 』 , 其斯 之 謂 與 ?
||"the Odes"|The Odes||polish||polish||polish||polish|"this is"||is called|question particle
Zigong said: "The poem goes: "It is like cutting, like brushing, like plowing, like grinding." What do you mean by this?
」 子 曰 : 「 賜 也 , 始 可 與 言詩 已 矣 , 告 諸 往 而 知 來 者 。 」
||"Shih" (a name)||beginning|||poetry|||inform|to|the past||||
” Confucius said: “If you give it to me, you can just write a poem about it, and tell everyone who has gone by to know what is coming.”
16 \\\. 子 曰 : 「 不 患 人 之 不 己 知 , 患 不 知 人 也 。 」
|||worry about||||self||worry||||
16 \\\. Confucius said: "If you don't worry about others, you don't know yourself; if you worry about others, you don't know others. "